Paper Mario Specialist
Can Mario Beat Every Boss at Level 1?
4 года назад
Basic Battle Mechanics are Broken
4 года назад
Paper Mario is Surprisingly Technical
4 года назад
Standing Still Crashes Paper Mario
4 года назад
Top 10 Mistakes in Paper Mario
5 лет назад
Happy Lucky Lottery is a Scam
5 лет назад
Kooper is Broken
6 лет назад
Ghost Glitches (Halloween 2017!)
6 лет назад
@MysticalMystery144 5 часов назад
5:55 For those who wonder what this translates to, it’s Slovak for “Enemy assault forces fell.”
@Kykai3212 15 часов назад
So....this aged well
@KeinNiemand День назад
I wonser how it will work in the remake
@vortexluigi День назад
Carbon Gameplay: Carbon Lore:
@snowmaske 2 дня назад
I don't play this game but i love it!
@parksyist 3 дня назад
Who doesn't keep a tape behind their chair
@FunkyGhost37 3 дня назад
We know from previews that the Lottery is back. I'm owndering they'll keep it rigged for make it truly random. But....that might go against current game gambling laws.
@MysticalMystery144 4 дня назад
6:30 A bomb is about to go off. Mario: 😱 Vivian: 🙂
@xavierfarmer-tz2dc 4 дня назад
Can you re-fight tubba blubba?🤔
@SkrapzDead 6 дней назад
Miss you man, Enjoy next weeks TTYD remake release bro, God bless 🖤
@3x_rage877 6 дней назад
I hope you are doing ok ❤️❤️
@Waaaaawo8-crew 6 дней назад
9:43 true information about mario
@thegrishplays3356 7 дней назад
For the matter, i think for the "COPROCESSOR UNUSABLE" error, he didn't let it turn off for enough time to clear the memory.
@Waaaaawo8-crew 7 дней назад
7:45 WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT QUESTION 💀😭 7:58 Goomba:We have sex or anything of that? Player:😳
@Waaaaawo8-crew 7 дней назад
8:40 black pig - it has a lot of sex
@Waaaaawo8-crew 7 дней назад
@ABUltra64 9 дней назад
Hope ypu enjoy the TTYD remake
@super-tian 9 дней назад
i did this and it crashed lol
@UltimateOatesVideos 9 дней назад
No matter what happens, I hope that you enjoy the TTYD remake just like the rest of us in your own personal time <3
@patrykbogusz840 10 дней назад
that ending with the boo was perfect and deserves a sub
@Tael98 10 дней назад
11:04 Hotline Miami?
@salmuttotabreabittlecochicarac 11 дней назад
also, I'm pretty sure I know the pattern in the dark first strike thing first off for two enemies, it targets the 2nd enemy, offset by 1 (or 2? if mario is the "2nd target" in the code) from normal, then for 3 enemies, it's offset by 2 from that, hitting the 4th enemy of that battle, but since there's 3 enemies, it probably targets the coded last target: your partner. and then for 4, it probably goes for the 6th or 7th enemy in the line, which since mario is probably not listed as a target or is listed as a lower target, it has no target and breaks.
@slavicsandvich5967 11 дней назад
Still miss ya man😔
@CharmCityGamer 11 дней назад
4 years now, just another 6 months and that cake will be done baking! Miss you Stryder 💜💜💜
@Piano_Board 11 дней назад
Nintendo switch reference
@FewVidsJustComments 12 дней назад
One way you could do this is if you have an N64 on Proxima b, and an infinitely long controller cord, and put the cake in the oven like you would normally. By the time the game receives the signal telling it you did anything, the overflow will of most likely occured. (I know this because Proxima b is 4 and a quarter light years away, so it would take 4.25 years for the signal to get there)
@nicolasn12 12 дней назад
-0 Ah yes, those are some nice mathematics.
@Piano_Board 12 дней назад
"You have a disease!" The next year after this was uploaded: 💀
@Piano_Board 13 дней назад
8:02 that scared the LIVING SHIT outta me then 💀
@giantclaw138 13 дней назад
7:25 That sounds fucking scary, like Mario getting eaten by eldritch horrors
@Dovah_Slayer 13 дней назад
This is my 6th time binging the playlist im now going to pirate..... i mean emulate Paper Mario on my PC (fuck paying 70 bucks a month for a virtual console just to play a few n64 games on my switch)
@nicolasn12 13 дней назад
I know I am late for commenting this but it makes me wonder, if Peach's hp is tied to Mario's, does this mean that badges do too? Well if the cannons are the problem I kinda have a plan, if badges (in theory) work on Peach we could do some stuff about it we could make Peach's defense high to the point where She would not take damage(probably impossible since there aren't that many badges that increase defense, but the ones I remember are D-up P-down, last stand, and another one that I forgot the name) so what if we tried The Lucky badges?(The badges that make an enemy sometimes miss) well there is close call, Pretty Lucky and Lucky day, but I remember Mario does a small animation when the enemy misses which would probably crash with peach(in theory), but what if we tried the damage badges? I don't remember if those apply to partners(like Twink) but we could use the Danger and Peril increasing badges since Peach's and Mario's hp are tied we could do a little more damage, the point is we need to make peach avoid changing animations somehow, I know this is video is old, but do y'all have any plans folks? I kinda feel like trying those out someday.
@k1ngsw0lf41 14 дней назад
I do not remember needing a calculus degree when playing this game😂
@chris-kg8sn 15 дней назад
Good speed run bro i love this game this was my childhood game of all time
@undoneonion90 15 дней назад
You think the remake's going to do something similar with the lottery?
@gabrieldossantosscheffer870 15 дней назад
Best glitch ever
@Lum2022 15 дней назад
I just knew that that bob omb was full of shit. The eyes, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
@GingerLee1 16 дней назад
An empty mario question block can weight from 14.7 to 74 pounds
@Starboundstreams 17 дней назад
I miss Stryder :c
@cake4919 17 дней назад
Stryders voice is really satisfying to me, so I still rewatch all his videos that has him speaking in it. I really wish there were new videos to watch... We all miss you stryder ❤❤
@rabbidguarddog 18 дней назад
Tattle ability is just called blah 😂
@JonathanQShrimpling 18 дней назад
Sad we never got to see Stryder do vids on Black Pit, Dark Star or TTYD64, but i do love coming back to these videos, some of the best paper mario content out there <3
@xetaxero 22 дня назад
Can I change the date on dolphin to win 1st place prize?
@videogamingstuffguy2044 22 дня назад
14:55 this pretty much explains old european history
@Katie-hj5eb 22 дня назад
Wondering if they plan to change this for the switch remake.
@MultiWolfLink 22 дня назад
I miss you and your channel 💕🙏 this was a wonderful escape
@huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhn 23 дня назад
Just spitballin here but I dont think the sewer crashes are rng it feels like these happen whenever you reach a point where your partner would be set into a neutral position and not in their walk animation, maybe it is trying to set the animation but crashes since it cant find their model or whatever (just some ideas). Perhaps you jumping and moving around in the last attempt never gave the game the chance to reset your partner to a neutral position since you jumped before going into the pipe aswell. I cannot tell why it only happens in the sewer tho... perhaps this is the case for a lot of parts where it would move your partner somewhere like the quizmo thing
@charismaentertainer1657 23 дня назад
Not sure if you’ll ever return, so I’ll just leave this here to say you’re dearly missed. Hope you’re doing well.
@beaubrians8914 25 дней назад
This content is better than any Disney Star Wars movie
@supersebbl2259 26 дней назад
I beat this shit 2 years ago and I don't know how. I don't think I can do it again.