A Brit, curious about everything around him, lives in Germany and has a video camera. Here are his videos about the life and the culture of this country.

Letters and postcards can be sent to this address:

Andrew Bossom
Postfach 10 06 29
63704 Aschaffenburg
Germany does these things well
14 дней назад
The rude fountains of Miltenberg
Месяц назад
This town was built for refugees
Месяц назад
Quirks of the Frankfurt U-Bahn
Месяц назад
This city square is lying to you
2 месяца назад
Should Germany get tough on strikes?
3 месяца назад
Why a fence brought people to the streets
3 месяца назад
The little monster in my home
4 месяца назад
Why are German farmers revolting?
5 месяцев назад
So, that was 2023
5 месяцев назад
Getting a pet in Germany (in memory of Lilli)
6 месяцев назад
Proverbial faraway places in German
6 месяцев назад
Should Germany ban fireworks?
6 месяцев назад
German police raid Reichsbürger group
7 месяцев назад
Why do I keep saying "Hämburg"?
7 месяцев назад
@sohailb108 16 часов назад
Would be great learning material if you added German subtitles
@LiftandCoa 17 часов назад
No, no we really shouldnt get tough on strikes. They are the only reason why we even have something of a living standard and liveable hours. And giving law makers ANY ideas to restict workers rights is never a good idea. - Signed, a daily public transport commuter.
@LiftandCoa 17 часов назад
2:43 "When it matter so much to you, at least cheer the players on!" Is such a great take! But honestly, while i agree that our pub culture has become agregious and unbearable especially since most "Kneipen" were outcompeted by "Bars" I really cant relate to the "everyone is staring at the screen"-thing. That would be WEIRD. At least here in the Ruhrgebiet pubs are pretty lively with conversation, jokes and, yes, cheers when the football is on. But as i said, the culture has basically died out and the one that survived (the bavarian one) has sold its soul to cost 20 bucks per beer. "German shows are strangely dull and a bit lacking" Well! Das gibt ne 1+ mit Sternchen!
@MariaKrawieczek-ex9rk 17 часов назад
Useful info
@LiftandCoa 17 часов назад
1:58 "The product is too damn successful" is the last compaint i would have expected!
@pjhgerlach 18 часов назад
So who are confused? Ah only those who still use miles, feet, pounds, Fahrenheit etc...
@cannaroe1213 18 часов назад
Its also possible for there to be a red circle prohibiting something, with a time period below it. There is then a 50:50 chance you either don't do the thing at those times or only do those things at those times. I racked up 5 tickets in a month guessing wrong. Don't be like me.
@monsterfurby 19 часов назад
Honestly, this is a great video to show to non-German speakers in order to understand some of Germans' linguistic oddities when speaking English.
@wihatmi5510 19 часов назад
Many schools in Germany are named after Liebig.
@maclafm1252 19 часов назад
Hannover represent! Woop woop!😅
@a.akacic 22 часа назад
euro signs are the worst.
@StefandeJong1 16 часов назад
Found the American ☝️
@TrueSeed-ft1jn День назад
You look like a old-time English shopkeeper or maybe fishmonger. I think you would also look great in a 'tricorn' hat, portraying Ichabod Crane. I think you represent a phenotype of Englishman who are now less common and less-recognized.
@SpencerLupul День назад
consequence of poor digitalization 🤷🏼‍♂️
@user-oq7db6eg4o День назад
wow.... Love & Regards from Pakistan
@soanyway6746 День назад
Jesus it’s more confusing than Dutch literally translated. MY GOD.
@HolyHeinz День назад
Personally know ppl who speaks English in that way… As a second language…
@Adlerjunges83 День назад
@TrueSeed-ft1jn День назад
Being polite isn't "Pretending" anything - it's just being respectful of another person's presence. In post-soviet dictatorial countries that were destroyed by war and never fully restored - people don't care about respecting each other because the local commissioner or some other official will keep society in order. In situations where people want to live and work collaboratively to build the society and economy, people are incentivized to treat each other politely.
@rarbiart День назад
strong Dieter Zetsche vibes.
@rarbiart День назад
i break together!
@danielc6106 День назад
Walmart had a much better range of food than the German supermarkets. Of course they couldn't compete with the streamlined business model, poor quality, cheap products in aldi and lidl. In Germany, a low price is king, except when they spend more money on cars. Different priorities.
@99solutionsit10 День назад
Now I know how Yoda character's bumpy speaking was created.
@blablagame3914 День назад
One of my parents works in public service and they always complain how stupid all the people that don't directly apply through them are
@andrewcox6863 День назад
I reported this and another ad to Google citing Google's Government Services Policy. Both my reports were turned down, but searching today I only see the official site. Have the ads been taken down?
@hochfeldjessie85 День назад
the mouse milking. seems like a weird metaphor, until you imagine how small a mouse's t!ts must be
@ewerybody День назад
I was pretty baffled when I learned that "How goes it?" is actually something some americans might say! ... well, Admittedly they might have been ffing with me 🤷‍♀️
@chilly243 День назад
Sprache der Denker und Dichter
@mikethespike7579 День назад
Great video, I agree with all three points. I'm really, really proud of being a modest German. That said, the Berlin underground, tram system and S-Bahn system are phenomenal. The Berlin buses not so much.
@verlatenn День назад
Germanic vs Latin
@TheSandkastenverbot День назад
Now compare that with Switzerland's Andreas Glarner who actually had an existing house in his home village demolished just to keep this village refugee-free. And the party he's a member of, the SVP, is far from being as horrible as the AfD.
@mikethespike7579 День назад
For all those down below grumbling about the use of the word "soccer". Up north, where I come from, we say "soccer" just as much as we say "football". The terms are interchangeable. The Americans rather say "soccer" because "football" is a different sport for them. That said, I gave up on German TV years ago and don't understand why I'm paying a monthly fee for a third rate service that I don't use. I would also like to add a gripe to this list. German supermarket cashiers' habit of mixing my shopping together with the customer's before me. I've seen better arrangements in other countries.
@pqlasmdhryeiw8 День назад
QR code?! In Germany? You mean Faxabrufnummer...
@terry2295 День назад
Hah your comedy called Dinner for one isn’t popular over there but here in Germany it’s a tradition to watch it on New Year’s Eve.
@ricksimon9867 День назад
Im Fachbegriff nennt sich sowas "Interferenzfehler".
@dreasbn День назад
Mouse milking 😂 das ist was schönes zum wörtlich übersetzen
@whanowa День назад
I recently went to Spain, coming from Germany. And I was instantly able to understand all the road signs over there because they are very similar and have very little text.
@tirirana4732 День назад
You speak the English very well. I see you are a runaway!
@Fidd88-mc4sz День назад
There was a superbly - and rather darkly - named British tank in WWI, which was named by it's crew "Fray Bentos" (purveyor of canned-meat)!
@eugenkeller День назад
Could you explain next what letters and digits mean? They're so confusing.
@user-ph3jn6kn8t День назад
I definetely see your point and to a large amount share your viewpoint. However, I cannot ignore any longer all the stuff that seriously goes wrong on the other end of society. We're confronted with news of stabbings, honour killings, sexual violence, antisemitism on a daily basis and for the most part the muslim community accounts for these atrocities. I'm not xenophobic, heck, not even patriotic, but I can't help but wanting the people who commit these crimes just gone from my country. And I can't ignore that among all the migrant communities that manage to live peacefully in Germany the muslim community sticks out like a sore thumb. In one way or another we have to deal with that problem, or else we can decide between Nazis or muslim gangs roaming our streets and commiting atrocities on totally uninvolved people in the near future. I want neither of them. Guess I'm a soy fash now 🤷‍♂️
@user-ph3jn6kn8t 2 дня назад
Maybe it's just me being notoriously german, bit I actually think that 'Stromberg' actually has been a worthy adaptation of 'The Office'. I know it's outdated, but I'm afraid we owe that to the fact that German TV mostly is horrible. Another outdated gem would be Die Harald Schmidt Show, that's as evil as German TV ever got.
@user-ph3jn6kn8t 2 дня назад
The thing about Sundays, though: you kind of need a pretty strong excuse to not visit your family. Might not be that much of a problem for most people. For me it is, more often than not.
@theod0r 2 дня назад
and then he makes himself me nothing you nothing out of the dust
@knispelwedges427 2 дня назад
Goes though clear. Know nothing what you have.
@bobschneider5475 2 дня назад
My English is not the yellow from the egg
@AgeCobra 2 дня назад
It would never have happed as it would coasts lots of money all those library books and the blacks would of resisted it .It does hav an official language English ad its legal system in English common law .I wouldn't want to get arrested in Germany and they have more right under the common law .It wa an English colony and what about Canada there best Nighbour .
@MariaKrawieczek-ex9rk 2 дня назад
@archivist17 2 дня назад
Verbs in the wrong place!
@bluebadger8811 2 дня назад
Sounds like a lost Shakespeare play rewritten by ai. It's interesting how shifting the dialogue to its order and having direct cultural references, rather than paraphrasing, makes it so different and also better to hear...
@user-tn4nr5hm6u 2 дня назад
How about Dutch?😂