Grace Ambassadors
Grace Ambassadors
Grace Ambassadors
Grace Ambassadors provides Biblical answers to denominational confusion, church-hype, and empty religious tradition.
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Proof We Are All Sinners
8 часов назад
Hosea 3 - The Love of the Lord
14 дней назад
12 Proofs The Bible Is The Word Of God
14 дней назад
Hosea 2:14-23
21 день назад
The Archaic Words of God
21 день назад
Hosea 2:1-13 - Pleading and Punishment
28 дней назад
Responding To Church History
Месяц назад
Hosea 1:6-11 - Not My People
Месяц назад
Our Common Fellowship
Месяц назад
The Fall of Israel
Месяц назад
Knowing Why Paul At All
Месяц назад
Hosea 1:1-5 - A Wife of Whoredoms
Месяц назад
Hosea - Introduction
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Grace Ambassadors Visiting You Soon!
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Forbidden Words Under Grace - Part Two
2 месяца назад
Forbidden Words Under Grace - Part 1
2 месяца назад
Romans 8:35-39 - Inseparable from God’s Love
2 месяца назад
Romans 8:31-34 - Who Can Be Against Us
2 месяца назад
Prayer Perspective (2 of 7 in the series)
2 месяца назад
Romans 8:29-30 - Conformed to Christ
3 месяца назад
Teach Me To Pray (1 of 7 in the series)
3 месяца назад
Romans 8:26-28 - The Spirit's Help
3 месяца назад
@oralialandreth6136 9 часов назад
❤ AMEN ❤
@sarasotafl 11 часов назад
This guy is the best❤
@faithhopelovegreatestuncon8994 11 часов назад
@aphiwembali9676 День назад
Lord I thank you,God bless you man of God,I've learned a lot from Grace Ambassadors
@ravindraisaacs6280 День назад
Thank you brother Justin ❤
@I_belong_to_Jesus_Christ День назад
Thank you ❤
@nqx День назад
Hello brother. I've used to Scripture to define what a sinner is. The apostle Paul says, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." So, after we’re saved in Jesus Christ, we're no longer sinners. This is the reason Jesus died for us, so we’ll not be sinners. A sinner is someone who continues to deliberately sin. Let’s look at this scripture from James, the brother of the Lord: Consider this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (James 5:20) From this scripture, we know that a sinner is someone in “the error of his way.” Let’s listen to Jesus: In the same way, I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who do not need to repent. (Luke 15:7) From this scripture, we know that a "sinner" is someone in need of repentance and “righteous ones” do not need to repent. So, we have sinners, and we have righteous ones. We can’t be both. Let's listen to Jesus again: I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Luke 5:32) There are many more scriptures that say similar things. When we're saved in Christ, we turn from wrongdoing and do the right thing in life, obeying God's commandments. If we sin from human weakness, we go to Jesus to ask for forgiveness as it says in 1 John 2:1-2, and we should never deliberately sin. Continuing to willfully sin may lead to eternal judgment, as it says in Hebrews 10:26-27. In these last days, so close to the end of time, let's be preachers of righteousness, telling people to stop sinning and practice righteousness. Peace to you, and please ask anything.
@sarasotafl День назад
I love this man
@johnyang1420 День назад
@turkwelsch 2 дня назад
The Bible teaches that nobody is without excuse (this includes babies and Pacific Islanders). That means God gets the message to everybody. Otherwise, he’s an unjust God, which he is not. Therefore, your pacific islanders and babies must have some way of finding out the gospel. How God does that I do not know yet, but I do know this God doesn’t lie. Therefore, they must have some way of knowing the gospel !
@thomasn3882 День назад
Thank you.
@thomasn3882 2 дня назад
Then what do we do about "innocent babies" who die? Same for the mentally disabled. I ask because too often these two cases are used by scoffers to deny the fact that all men are sinners. These cases are also used by nonbelievers to caricaturize Christians as being "really mean" for wanting to send babies to hell. No, I don't "want to" send babies to hell, but the fact remains that babies are descendants of Adam just like anyone else is; and therefore need salvation just like everyone else does. Once the scoffer succeeds in doing away with the need for babies to have faith in the Gospel of Christ, then it is subverted completely; and then nobody at all needs to believe in order to be saved. I have even heard of Pacific Islanders being trotted out by "grace" preachers as being an exception to the rule which says that faith is needed for salvation - claiming that it isn't fair to send people to hell who never heard of Jesus Christ because they lived on an island their entire life. The bottom line is that too many scoffers want to use these cases to overthrow the Gospel; and too many ignorant Christians seem only too happy to help them by supporting their arguments for them. The cross of Jesus Christ is either necessary for salvation or it isn't. This "age of accountability" notion is bad doctrine that I don't see anywhere in the Bible; and it is a blank check for denying the Gospel of Christ.
@CarolynCampbell-eg8ze 2 дня назад
I have learned so much from Grace Ambassadors! Thanks and God bless you all !!
@oralialandreth6136 2 дня назад
❤ AMEN ❤
@sarasotafl 2 дня назад
Thank You! The niv is demonic
@dennisespinosa3539 2 дня назад
Neal ave. grace church Salina Kansas. Thank you Grace Ambassdors
@brendast.pierre9290 2 дня назад
Surfiting in scripture is sin…over eating…anybody do that…i have…
@sarasotafl 2 дня назад
Hi, How can the NIV say Israel in Ephesians 3:6?
@4DFISHERSOFMEN 2 дня назад
@4DFISHERSOFMEN 2 дня назад
@heavens-and-earth 2 дня назад
i wanted to study Isaiah so looked on youtube and found this which going by this first video is excellent.
@danagarza4474 3 дня назад
I'm a litle bit confused. So then, is there a promise for us as gentils to pray and God will listen?
@sarasotafl 3 дня назад
u da best
@Corinna_Schuett_GER 3 дня назад
2Cor 11:2 "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: *for I have espoused you to ONE HUSBAND, that I may present you as a CHASTE VIRGIN TO CHRIST."* VIRGIN BRIDE, BODY OF CHRIST. 🙏❤️ And it is PAUL who wrote this.
@Corinna_Schuett_GER 3 дня назад
Revelation 12:6 "And the woman fled INTO THE WILDERNESS, where she hath a place PREPARED OF GOD, that they should FEED her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days." That's the future situation during "Jacobs Trouble". 🙏❤️ MARANATHA!
@julieandpinky 4 дня назад
Excellent!!!! Thank you!!!
@sarasotafl 4 дня назад
@I_belong_to_Jesus_Christ 4 дня назад
This was awesome ❤
@matthewhamilton4963 4 дня назад
Romans 14
@watchingpilgrim8851 5 дней назад
You teach something that I think is wrong. That the nation of Israel that is in the land today is not pertinent to the bible and/or prophecy. I beg to differ. The remainder of prophecy can't be complete without unbelieving Israel in the land first. Who flees from Judea at the abomination of desolation and why are they there before they flee to begin with? Who are the 2 witnesses preaching to? the Irish? Where are they preaching? Dublin? When it is said, a remnant shall be saved and 1/3 shall be left there in...a remnant and 1/3 are saved out of what? Does not Ezekiel's prophecy of the dry bones, having 2 parts, not show this plainly? God raises up the whole house of Israel from dry bones FIRST and THEN prophecies again to GIVE THEM His Spirit? Unbelieving Israel MUST be in the land BEFORE prophecy can be completed. The Lord Jesus, at His coming, which is AFTER the rapture, will have Jews that were once UNBELIEVING but after the rapture and before the 2nd coming, who come to faith. I don't understand how you don't understand that. You teach it like "One minute, there are no Jews in the land and then POOF, Jesus comes back and sets up the kingdom with Peter and the little flock as if the previous 7 years of Daniel's 70th week/Jacob's trouble didn't just have an unbelieving Jewish population the world and the devil just tried to annihilate at Armageddon". smh...
@michaelpeters4387 5 дней назад
Thank you!
@Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 дней назад
@min39:00 just saying that clothing is the result of the SIN in the garden of Eden because SHAME for nakedness was the direct consequence of it. Genesis 3:7 "And the eyes of them both were opened, and THEY KNEW THAT THEY WERE NAKED (= SHAME WAS BORN!); and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." SHAME came from SIN and the clothing industry is clothing sinful people. Just FYI 🙏❤️
@PatriciaPerez-xn9yi 6 дней назад
Why did i come upon this chapter and verse
@PatriciaPerez-xn9yi 6 дней назад
Amen tired of wickedness God i pray for deliverness please
@matthewhamilton4963 6 дней назад
Living truth of life ❣️
@matthewhamilton4963 6 дней назад
Holy Spirit
@oralialandreth6136 6 дней назад
@oralialandreth6136 6 дней назад
@oralialandreth6136 6 дней назад
@oralialandreth6136 6 дней назад
❤ AMEN ❤
@kenricgarrison5046 6 дней назад
@kyel8978 6 дней назад
Great teachings for most understand but great explanation for those who don’t quite get the moments when the Mystery was revealed but I would bet 70% of the world does understand Jesus came back to include all in his teachings. including Gentiles & that is why Jewish don’t believe he is son of God. But we do. I still don’t think its WISE behavior for yr follower JJ Steward to go around Facebook in condemning anyone who doesn’t believe just to introduce yr channel. Including attacking language to Christ believers who also preach God’s goodness on Facebook everyday. You MAY want to REEL him IN ! Attacking fellow Christ followers is not WHat Christ IntenDeD !!! Thank you JJ Steward for yr Believership but NoT for unkind “You aren’t a REaL eliever if you do ‘t follow Pauline teachings…. Most people follow Pauline teachings, just believing that gentiles are accepted into the teachings of Jesus Christ and the blessings of God! Stop acting like others don’t know. We know ⛪️⛪️ Whether it’s non-denominational or Catholics.. Pentecostal or Episcopal… You shouldn’t try to shame people into turning away from their belief system at the moment ! Each moment peoples believer ship is between them and God! You can push this channel without attacking people. God bless you to have better intelligence!
@Corinna_Schuett_GER 6 дней назад
If Justin denies (valid!) theories about WHO the Northern tribes are today and WHERE they migrated to then he should be able to give a proper answer!
@cleretfernandes5972 6 дней назад
Great to learn the truth..these churches hide the actual
@eddyswiderczuk7340 7 дней назад
Thank you Pastor Justin. Jesus is The Son Of David ? Psalm 110: ff Amen . The lord has Sworn and will not change his Mind " You are a Priest Forever , In The oder of MELCHIZEDEK! Praise an Glory to the LORD ALMIGHTY. Amen .
@eddyswiderczuk7340 7 дней назад
Thank you Pastor Justin. They Stumbled Because they Disobey the Message ! 1Peter: 2 : 4-12 Amen
@eddyswiderczuk7340 7 дней назад
Thank you Pastor Justin. Jesus is The Rock , The Stone the Builders Reject! Psalm 118:22-26 As Jesus said; Matthew 22:42-46 ! Amen.
@cleretfernandes5972 7 дней назад
Is the devil silent in this despensation???
@Corinna_Schuett_GER 7 дней назад
I don't think Hosea would choose a 'Jezebel' type of woman because this one would have been of very EVIL and destructive character. I am rather thinking of the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) or a Rahab type. There are indeed "women of whoredom" who have a sweet loving character but still they cannot be FAITHFUL and trustworthy in a relationship.
@sarasotafl 7 дней назад
You are right the corrupt niv adds to to book what they want
@christianuniversalist 8 дней назад
Wow. So many errors in this series. Do not waste your time listening to this guy, he has no idea about the subject matter he is speaking on.