Monica Hernandez
Monica Hernandez
Monica Hernandez
The price of fame: Gypsy Rose Blanchard
8 месяцев назад
everything is political
2 года назад
monica VS mis0gyn!st
2 года назад
Self Doubt: my brain can fight
2 года назад
@erikahazy6369 14 дней назад
This couldn't have come at a better time. Currently stopping the ganja. Only thing that is hard for me to stop. I went one week without smoking and then yesterday I smoked and made me realize that this no longer have a hold on me anymore. congratulations on doing some self-reflection and most importantly sharing your journey
@Surphnxplorer 20 дней назад
Thank you!
@lacetalong7699 21 день назад
You got it all wrong. From the 1st sentance.
@Donnaqhalil-es8pl 21 день назад
All of what you are saying is untrue.. you definitely need to go and watch some of Fancy's videos so you can go get the real facts of what really happened.. because all of your content is wrong..
@SmilingCrane-wo1os 21 день назад
hit the nail on the head with what i’ve been trying to examine and move through in my own life
@emilymengel 29 дней назад
I’m so glad I’m not the only one grossed out by this. Yes legally an 18 year old is an adult, but coming from an 18 year old I really don’t feel any different than 17 :/
@getme7917 29 дней назад
You are working off the assumption that older men have naturally had s*x with tons of women, which is statistically not true for most men. And you're also ignoring that women usually get pregnant in their 20's and early 30's, which is a period most men are only starting to find stability in their careers. I understand the manipulative/ predatory nature of dating younger, but the mental and financial baggage of dating a single mother that comes with dating older women is far too dangerous to really make it a viable option. I also love intelligence and maturity in a woman, but they're very few and far in between, especially that understand the nuance of being a strong woman and can put it to practice without seeming bitter and hurt.
@rebeccaridgway3005 29 дней назад
Thank you for raising awareness about body positivity, I think it would be really good if this was taught in schools, it’s also interesting to listen to the point of view from a person of colour.
@fairuzmaileen5691 Месяц назад
Weed is to be consumed responsibly and is deffinately not everyone's "cup of tea". I consume it, but is because it helps me with ptsd, depression, anxiety... society makes me too nervous and weed helps me blend somehow also. Creativity is there, with or without weed, but not enough time for art /being busy with different things don't allow me to fully concentrate in my art at the moment. We all have different paths... I'm 40 y/o btw, and come from a country where "success" in art is reserved to people in higher economic circles, regardless of talent. Your art is beautiful btw💖congratulations 🎊
@fairuzmaileen5691 Месяц назад
I love that women now are more and more embracing being natural, after all these decades with fake beauty standards. I stop shaving occasionally, but since I reside in a tropical country all the sweating that comes with it makes me feel uncomfortable... or maybe is trauma? 😅even so, I respect and applaud women who decide not doing it
@MochiBun333 Месяц назад
Hair is natural. Yes I like the look of my shaved legs and arm pits but it’s unhygienic. When you shave you do stink more and you are supposed to have it as protection. And yes tmi I have gotten less utis or yeast infections when I don’t shave or trim too much down there. Honestly it’s weird if a guy wants you to shave it’s like ew.
@echoparke9714 Месяц назад
You’re someone I could listen to all day. Always give me such great perspective. Thank you!!
@raandnut Месяц назад
Monica, I woke up thinking of you, and this video. I pray that you’re doing well, and that you know that despite your pain, your light still shines so bright. I see you!
@ravioli1381 Месяц назад
Oh my god this made me cry. It feels like nobody understands, you hit the nail on the head with so much. I’m so tired of being both academically scrutinized on one side and objectified on the other (really both sides lol). I also feel that people get angry at YOU for “playing into sexualization” like what. How am I alone supposed to destroy the patriarchy. Have YALL done that?? Clearly not. So much judgement. Feeling so alone at this time. Nice to see this kind of video- I relate so hard even two years after the upload.
@jcjcviews Месяц назад
Men are attracted to women, if anyone wants to accept the truth, based on their appearance. It would be nice if men and women were more alike..., but they're not. Women, compared to men, in general, have a limited time to have children because of their different biologies. For me, it's not complicated. Now, if you believe that people have more value in their brains, men wouldn't be as interested in women's brains, as women would be. The body of women are more valued than that of men. Muscles are not as much required as they once were, but still, men do the dirty work. Women tend to search for "soft" work because of their value based on the body, and nurturing predispositions based on childbirth. Hence, attractive women, are rivals of women who are not as much so. This attractiveness invites others to care more for her even if because of her "brains" she doesn't deserve it. She can pretend that it doesn't matter, but, we are social animals. Our importance of ourselves as an individual is just a trick. Finally, people are not monogamous. And never forget, people are mainly here to reproduce themselves so they'll have something to live for beyond themselves. In my middle years, having had my children stolen from me as a man, which apparently women have a right to, I realized that a few men (and "their women") control us all. Most people can't afford children. Please let the world for what it actually is, which is cruel and indifferent to people's interpersonal life struggles. By the way, what makes women apparently less deadly if need be or if desired to me can be as effective as no one would suspect it. So, this idea that women are oppressed by men equally is laughable to me. A woman took my life and my family's law through the practice of family life even before I could have a life. Which to me means that women are manipulated and controlled by money and the need for protection. After all this being said, I would never want to be a woman because of these reasons.
@cianajames55 Месяц назад
Your spirit is spot on. Exactly what I've been through.
@cianajames55 Месяц назад
And we have the same b-day!
@Mossy_FieldStone Месяц назад
1:05:08 Powerful and cathartic. Thank you.
@Mossy_FieldStone Месяц назад
I’ve been looking for a video like this for a while now. Intelligent, thought-provoking, perspective driven. We need more of this in the world. 🙏🏼🔥
@xoPurpleKissesx3 2 месяца назад
Loll this def made me cry a lil everything you said was 100% true
@xoPurpleKissesx3 2 месяца назад
.. literally shook my head throughout the entire video & the fact that you articulated everything so well
@sheilabeila744 2 месяца назад
Being a woman is exhausting.. being a black woman is excruciating
@fatimahanwaar306 Месяц назад
being a woman of any race is excruciating
@FollowerofDuck 2 месяца назад
i remember that i used to feel disgusted when dudes wore shorts that showed their hairy legs. now i realise that that was entirely as a result of me feeling like i could never do what they do confidently. as im typing this, i havent shaved anything in the past 2 months and i feel so happy!
@jeremydiaz5172 2 месяца назад
Itt's so sad that you judge men so harshly for wanting a younger woman. It is a biological trait. Now watch all of you hate me and think I am trying to abduct children. It is wild. We are so divided and it makes me cry sometimes. I don't mind older women but usually you all dontwant me cuz I don't make as much money as you or some other shit. I can admit that I am an emotional man. Yall hate that too. I have the right to express my views. So comment and tellme how fucked up I am, or better yet ignore me. Don't worry I am used to it lmaoo into the void I goo
@therussiancomicbookgeek 2 месяца назад
Haven’t listened to anything you said all I know is that you’re hot
@BeyNextDoor 2 месяца назад
am from the Caribbean and i know more grown women that like lil boys than men like girls
@dollarwil1234 2 месяца назад
An older man dating a younger woman is NOT endangering the youth. Feminist propaganda is endangering the youth by telling young women they get to hide their accountability behind a youth status no adult is allowed to claim. Go forward. Make choices and decisions and accept your contribution to the outcome.
@fatimahanwaar306 Месяц назад
typical misogynist
@dollarwil1234 2 месяца назад
At 60, I doubt that I could stay psychologically engaged with a woman half my age. The best I could be to her on a long-term basis is her Sugar Daddy. Such an arrangement does not rob her of her youth and it won't imprison me in her youth either. Still, I support the right of people to relate across adult age divides as they choose.
@fatimahanwaar306 15 дней назад
even adults need to have their limits when it comes to their relationships!
@dollarwil1234 15 дней назад
@@fatimahanwaar306 However, the only limits and boundaries that matter are the ones established by the parties in the relationship, assuming all involved are consenting adults No one else has to like it.
@fatimahanwaar306 15 дней назад
@@dollarwil1234 "consenting adults" doesn't mean anything if they have an age gap you're being delusional!
@dollarwil1234 15 дней назад
@@fatimahanwaar306 No, you're being delusional manipulative, and promoting female irresponsibility. You can't enjoy adult freedom and privileges and retreat to childhood when the outcome doesn't suit you. That woman in an age-gap relationship knew the man was much older from the beginning.
@dollarwil1234 2 месяца назад
Don't conflate the modern female mission with the traditional male prerogative. Gender equality in relationships is a female objective. Giving women money turned them into men. Modern Women are extremely competitive with men 24 hours a day and it is a huge turnoff. Secure men hate competing against women in personal relationships. A Man's opponent is his enemy. We are programmed to destroy our enemy. We are programmed to protect women. Responding to aggression and competitiveness from women places men in a psychological dilemma. We need the women in our personal lives to be our retreat from the competitive world. The problem is less apparent when there is an appreciable age difference. The younger woman is not competing against her older man but the older females will encourage her to do so.
@dollarwil1234 2 месяца назад
In history, age-gap relationships are the rule more than the exception. Modern feminism made it creepy to reduce competition from younger women. Men dating younger, poorer, less educated, less skilled, less experienced, less mature women is the rule more than the exception. Women date up in status, height, and income. Men date down in age, height, maturity, and finances. Men are natural providers and protectors. Young women make men feel more useful and needed. Nothing makes a man feel more validated than helping an attractive woman who respects and appreciates him. Usually, that woman is younger.
@dollarwil1234 2 месяца назад
Wow, modern feminism really has you twisted inside out. Remember, those older women never thought they would be alone in old age. If you listen only to them you will end up like them. You should listen to older men, as well. Then choose the outcome each path produces.
@AlliePiccalo 2 месяца назад
Monica this is so good. I had to rewind and relisten to some parts. You could write a book on this. Looking forward to your next post. Also I work with kids too and I couldn’t agree more on what you said about working with them. It’s so healing to like care for them and not be so focused on yourself. It really breaks you apart from your ego to pour into younger ones especially because like you said it impacts more than just them. It’s fulfilling to know that. Edit : damn that part about showing up for some living being at the end got me EMOTIONAL. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like putting into others(like mentioned whether it be animals or plants or people,) it can feel so meaningless in the moment. It’s such a game changer to remind yourself that it’s truly meaningful
@nicholasofficial4141 2 месяца назад
Whenever I don’t feel like going to the gym, I just tell myself that it’s fine if I go for ten bad minutes and then leave. But I always end up staying longer
@arner.kornfeil6304 2 месяца назад
A very insightful, level-headed, and reasonable take on so much more than just body hair 😊👍🏻 The only people who should shave are the ones who want to. Nobody should be ridiculed for their body hair, neither for shaving it, nor for growing it.
@MISAO_SAO 3 месяца назад
LMAO - They'll NEVER know how much worse it is for black women; even non-black women objectify black women. And white women objectify and sexualize black men so when it comes to the, so called, feminism of white women who is the perpetrator; the black man or the white woman? Because we all know a white woman are protected by and weaponize the patriarchy and could have a black man killed simply by crying wolf.
@zariahsilva 3 месяца назад
thank you for this
@12312007whitney 3 месяца назад
@RedRose-fn7nh 3 месяца назад
I don't understand this whole concept of romanticizing old men, they literally disgust me
@daniellestrautmanis5172 3 месяца назад
i watch this video every time i start lying to myself about the usefulness of my consumption. like the guilt i feel when people ask me about where i am in my album process… let me get myself together
@belledear54 3 месяца назад
They want a housewife but have no house...
@maxitaxiish 3 месяца назад
What a beautiful, open soul 🙏🏼
@taylorkash713 3 месяца назад
How is that Saturn return going for you 2024 I am August 31 1994 so I am going through it girl and at the same time you where recording this I was starting a relationship with a much older man I am suffering the consequences of right now wish I would have seen this then 💯
@babyboo906 3 месяца назад
@david662211 3 месяца назад
@UlisesAlzogaray 4 месяца назад
Qué quemada que tiene la cabeza esta gente, por el amor de dios.
@Golem339 4 месяца назад
i like unshaved, it's naturally.
@ΜΙΛΤΙΑΔΗΣΠΑΪΖΗΣ 4 месяца назад
Good morning all day my dear super beautiful amazing sexy gorgeous goddess Monica I love you!❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹💋💋💋💕🥰😘💪👍
@xoxo_00__00 4 месяца назад
lmao the confusion ... SO FUCKING VALID
@Jen.NewYork 4 месяца назад
30 year old who struggled with this my entire life, thank you <3
@rafaelesquivel3156 4 месяца назад
Enjoy being a cat lady in your old age😄
@rafaelesquivel3156 4 месяца назад
Enjoy being alone with cats in your old age😄
@Cagon415 4 месяца назад
Maybe the reason men treat women the way that they do is because they know women are performing. Why bother putting forth the effort for people you know are pretending to like you?