I'm Nate, I upload a variety of videos ranging from reviews, discussions, to speculation, generally centered upon gaming. My channel maintains a bit of a Bethesda focus, and as a result, content produced by the studio is the most heavily covered on my channel, however titles such as CoD, Battlefield and others are also consistently featured.
The Fallout Mysteries Iceberg (Part 3)
28 дней назад
RobCo’s Secret
6 месяцев назад
Fallout's Mysterious Stranger Keeps Getting Weirder
7 месяцев назад
The Mysteries of Starfield (light spoilers)
8 месяцев назад
The Fallout Mysteries Iceberg (Part 2)
9 месяцев назад
The Fallout Mysteries Iceberg (Part 1)
10 месяцев назад
Fallout 4's New Lovecraftian Prequel
11 месяцев назад
The Greybeard's Secret
2 года назад
Fallout's Mysterious Strangers
3 года назад
Chiliad - Gaming's Greatest Mystery
3 года назад
Fallout 4's Missing Villain
3 года назад
Skyrim's Missing Villain
3 года назад
Somebody Was Watching You in Fallout 4
3 года назад
Turns Out The Dwemer Are Still Alive
3 года назад
@TheBreadPirate 11 часов назад
I love this indepth look into the prewar government! This is crazy lore!
@ricefry 12 часов назад
hey nate. hows shaun.
@hypnobraicracksalesman3028 12 часов назад
I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light.
@hypnobraicracksalesman3028 12 часов назад
I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light. I’m safe in the light.
@korstmahler 12 часов назад
Adam Whately was from the 'Capital Wasteland', had an ancestor high up in the military who was also part of the same cult? Dude was an Enclave Remnant.
@art-o-cart5166 13 часов назад
Normally find them in Cambridge but once found them at the wreaked plane
@Patrony762 13 часов назад
Ahhhh, it was them from the start...
@deathtaped 13 часов назад
12:20 the rogue knight for me is glitched and I can’t hurt/pickpocket them all I can do is talk to them. Does anyone know how to fix this (and no reloading a save wont work as this happened a while ago). If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me because I really want aternus
@fileuserm93 13 часов назад
Did anyone else’s scribe change his clothes to actual scribe uniform? Mine did.
@fileuserm93 13 часов назад
1st Bethesda game for me. What a beautiful buggy slop of immersive greatness
@IZAN_OFF 14 часов назад
its not vide stop lie
@defender2222 14 часов назад
As others have state the Kellogg thing was Nick messing with you
@user-xt7eo5sf4b 14 часов назад
szdlowski is from poland for you it wil be shydlowsky
@konradsproductionservices 14 часов назад
I think that vault tec leaked the FEV info to the Chinese, I always thought that vault tech wanted the war to happen because then they could experiment and do anything not just FeV. The show even depicts all the companies working together w vault tec. They all did the most to provoke war.. kind of what’s going on right now. Biden is enclave lol
@leemarcusgrove2459 15 часов назад
Daedric or Dragon armor makes a easy win 😊
@Emanuelgamer1313_BACKUP 15 часов назад
About the changed American flag, I could almost instantly guess that the thirteen stars refered to the thirteen commonwealths.
@billfoster5257 15 часов назад
Time Enough At Last.... Dude you get everything wrong...
@bigE8889 15 часов назад
I had the bad luck to run into 2 legendary mirelurk kings at one time.
@thomasator1139 15 часов назад
I’m convinced the talon company is funded by the institute. They consistently tried to destabilize the commonwealth so why not the capital wasteland as well? It’s not too far and there are already institute people in the capital for other reason
@milenaavila1603 15 часов назад
About West End... considering that there is a skeleton guarding some ghouls, you could say that these ghouls are probably the skeleton's family. They were infected with radiation, and the skeleton decided to keep them alive, despite the fact that they became monsters. Heartbreaking. (Just saw that there is another comment here saying the exact same thing)
@Emanuelgamer1313_BACKUP 15 часов назад
I am in total shock and awe of just how horrifyingly dark Fallout is, and I love it.
@dustinglover2743 15 часов назад
Maybe thomas ran away and started a cult
@nuyabuisness7526 15 часов назад
55:45 Couple of things. The kind of radiation that counts as 1 rad per second would still be an insanely high dosage. It can kill you in minutes. It quickly drops off with distance, but extended time around that obelisk could still heavily irradiate a person. Plus the picometers isn't a reference to strength of dosage, just the wavelength of the EMF in question. Specifically gamma radiation around that wavelength.
@Gyrfalcon312 16 часов назад
That part covering the extension on the Brown House is holy-moly hilarious! The resourcefulness of glitchers never ceases to amaze me, and Bethesda's coverup had me LOLing for a minute.
@zeroknight1311 16 часов назад
Hey Nate, I had realized something quite interesting about Fallout 76's Mothman. Namely why the variants of the Mothman exists and how both the Visitor Corpe and the Interloper are connected. Prior to The Wild Wastelanders update, you can find more than one of the Wise variant of the Mothman. However, when the update went live, there is now only one of them. But what's more interesting is that the update is also what the deceased creature which we know as the Visitor was also added. Implying that the Wise Mothmen are connected to the Visitor prior to its death. Maybe the wisdom which they had were given to them by the Visitor. And with how the Mothman Cult based in the Lucky Hole Mine is hositle towards those who follows the Wise Mothman... It's possible that the Interloper is controlling the Red Eye Mothmen. This is due to how there are four colors which the eyes of the Mothmen can have. Each of which repersents something different. Orange for the Hatchlings, Green is obviously Radiation, Purple for the Wise Mothman whose aligned with the late Visitor, and Red is most definately the Interloper's minions. So this just begs the question about why the Interloper is against the Visitor. Since that should be what needs to be asked
@richardarriaga6271 16 часов назад
So you're saying it's all Ugg'Qualoth. I wonder if the Flame Mother worshippers in Vault 4 will turn out that way.
@jdsmokes5442 16 часов назад
No kidding Sherlock
@davidbonin8012 17 часов назад
“Saw-Gus”- guy born and raised in Massachusetts. Fun video!
@gatsu8634 17 часов назад
Ya boi is juicin', how do you think he stays so big while standing around on an observation deck 24/7?
@steven_gt1178 17 часов назад
9:03 wait, so the regular ending is not them daying? i got that ending but i dont even know how, but i even got the weapon, the leader just gave it to me
@connorrasmussen2698 17 часов назад
I immediate downloaded the economy one, im on legendary edition and using legacy of the dragonborn, and only sell enchanted weapons and armor, so getting more money from some of them would be nice, and a plus is potentially getting them back
@itsio7188 17 часов назад
I'm sure the blindness happened simply from never seeing the light of day. A choice was made then for this to happen. As well as needing to shed wjat they see as their reality. A metaphor given by the Dwemer. And the rest, well, I agree with you of the experiments. What exactly the experiment really was, we may never know
@blacktemplar2377 18 часов назад
30 minutes of maybes, jesus christ
@thomasator1139 19 часов назад
I’m not a huge fan of all this eldritch stuff in fallout. It’s interesting but fallout is one of the few major fantasy rpg franchises that isn’t based on magic and similar things and is completely sci fi based. I kinda wish it stayed like that
@bladegolden7730 19 часов назад
Now that the fallout TV show has come out, I think dogmeat is one of the same dogs that was being experimented on but somehow escaped. Also, if you listen to Mama Murphy she tells you that they sent dogmeat out to find help. So it wasn't really a random encounter dogmeat just could sense you were a good person and would help them. At least that's what's going on in my head. Canon
@alexisdominey6487 19 часов назад
If only the real Preston could interact with him, also missed opportunity for a minutemen quest. Say you come across a settler whos pissed at the faction because of this guy, kickstarting the quest. There's also other people working eith his scheme posing as minutemen including the player.
@PAllen74 19 часов назад
You think raiders have scaffolding training, or would actually paint an interior? It's clearly pre-war.
@matteofazio7845 19 часов назад
The mysterious stranger reminds me of the G-man from half life. They act and dress in a similar way
@thomashulshof6880 19 часов назад
Here is my take. I believe the ebony warrior is actually the Redguard deity. However, after having served whatever purpose he was brought to earth for, he started roaming the earth, as he could not simply die being some version of immortal. During these travels he happened to stumble upon Umra and even though he is some sort of deity, his power cannot compare to that of a deadra which resulted in him being temporarily possessed. However, being no ordinary human, after some time he got control of the situation, he dropped the sword near the last vigil (her the other guy found it; explaining the placement). Being done with living after being the puppet of a deadra he seeks death and only the dragonborn can give him that, being some type of deity-ish yourself. However, after death, he plans on going to sovengarde instead of the Redguard place, because being puppeted by a deadra made him realize, his entire existence he has been a puppet of something larger, as his rest is always stopped when the Redguards need him. He hopes that in Sovengarde he can finally rest forever ending his journey for good. Also, he is mentioned in the khajiit book, since in one of his times walking the earth, he dealt with some khajiit stuff, ending up in their books.
@pixel6964 19 часов назад
Yeah so your wrong about Harrold "turning" into a tree, what happens in the lore is a tree seed makes its way in his head. He calls the tree Bob because why not name the tree growing out of your head. I feel like it is highly unlikely that there is a link between the two. As a help go play fallout 1 and 2 and Harrold tells you the story. Beats skimming the wiki for the info.
@McMahonHater 19 часов назад
54:34 Just like a real government conspiracy.
@user-cp6fn9zq8c 20 часов назад
nate Ilove u
@martydom666 20 часов назад
It's also wild to think how it's only been like 10 minutes for your characters perspective. So in ten minutes you go into said vault see neighbors and friends outside come back up in 5 minutes and they're feral and the world's shot. 😅
@gc31 20 часов назад
“Mike pence”
@TheDovensian 20 часов назад
Nate the Rake
@biosynproductions8569 20 часов назад
Once thing I noticed recently in my last playthrough of FO4, only one person seems to have a pipboy
@user-lu9ju7yq5c 20 часов назад
I feel like the first one is a reference to solider from tf2
@z0mbieland956 20 часов назад
This was a thing back in 3 as well. You could carry metro tickets and pacify all the robots in the tunnels that were a metro protectron
@LuciusFaith 20 часов назад
just ignore armour with 15 bleed on a minigun. gives it 30 seconds to live!
@anon123214 21 час назад
Welp, this proves it. Giants don't use their overwhelming strength when sending you into the stratosphere, their intention is to make you 'go away', and their innate gravity magic sends you flying.