5-Minute Catholic Apologetics & Living
5-Minute Catholic Apologetics & Living
5-Minute Catholic Apologetics & Living
Gregory, a lay Catholic, offers succinct tips on effective apologetic strategies as well as rudimentary defenses of common misrepresentations and misconceptions of Holy Mother Church. The intention of this channel is NOT to convert Protestants or atheists, but rather to inoculate Catholics from specious theology so we don't continue losing the war of attrition. As 1 Peter 3 states, we all must be ready to make a defense of the faith and answer earnest questions from non-Catholics...in charity.
Let’s Be Grateful For Bad Clerics
14 дней назад
Are We Just “Saving The Saved?!”
14 дней назад
@philipschaffer9414 22 минуты назад
Chaldean Catholic women wear chapel veils
@allenscovil1317 Час назад
My adult daughter started attending the TLM a year or so ago, and she was attracted to the idea of the chapel veil. But the veil itself seemed to be a challenge to keep in place, so she opted for a shawl.
@5MinuteCatholicApologetics Час назад
Like the video and post a comment. What’s your take?
@carlospadron488 6 часов назад
So you friends think Mary is the mother of God?
@5MinuteCatholicApologetics Час назад
Yes, it was formally declared in 433 AD at council of Ephesus. Jesus is God. She’s his mother
@TeamistressTX 14 часов назад
St. Paul. C’mon people!
@Chris82151 День назад
I've done it ever since visiting the ordinariate parish near me. As well, I now cross myself at the end of the creed. I think it is a nice touch.
@thecopticmonk9423 День назад
@Slaughter013 День назад
Your position is alarmist and false: You imply that the gates of hell would have prevailed against Christ’s Church, were the seat of Peter to be vacant. But the gates of hell do not prevail against Holy Mother Church if the seat of Peter is vacant. There have been many moments throughout history when the seat has been vacant, but Holy Mother Church is still just as alive as ever. How is this? Because Holy Mother Church always retains real Life, oneness, and unity through the one saving Sacrifice: our Lord’s singular self-offering on Golgotha, re-presented through Holy Mass. Furthermore, Holy Mother Church always retains Life, oneness, and unity through Her perennial teaching-the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Faith.
@sapenelopelarsipan2915 День назад
I totally agree. If protestants really read the apostolic fathers, they couldn’t go back, but they don’t wanna read them partly because they don’t know about them. Lol.
@rodrigosalazar426 День назад
No doubt. Christ says in Matthew 18 the steps to disciplining someone...he says take it to the church
@goeffreylundun8113 День назад
Yeah, I’ve never understood the argument against it. It’s in the Bible. First Timothy!
@alonzodejalisco1440 День назад
All truths. Orthodox and Catholics know this.
@RylanStarr День назад
Hey I found your channel I am not an official Catholic but. I am very interested in the Catholic Church and do the rosary sometimes, just out out curiosity what is that Latin prayer you say at the beginning? I’m really interested in carholocism
@5MinuteCatholicApologetics День назад
Hi! It is the "Glory Be..." If you are interested in joining, go to the most traditional catholic parish in your town and ask about Adult Inquiry aka OCIA
@RylanStarr День назад
@@5MinuteCatholicApologetics there’s few Catholic Churches where I am but there is one that’s kind of close I’d like to check out, can you type out the Glory Be in Latin? I really admire like the prayer it sounded cool
@RylanStarr День назад
Hey I found your channel I am not an official Catholic but. I am very interested in the Catholic Church and do the rosary sometimes, just out out curiosity what is that Latin prayer you say
@Slaughter013 День назад
It does not follow that because we recognize Bergoglio is a heretic by his own public statements, we therefore "want" to leave Holy Mother Church or be in schism. Neither do we want to, nor have we. The point is that the man Bergoglio, who either did or never did validly sit upon the Seat of Peter, seems at this point not to be Pope. "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema." --Galatians 1:8 How else are we supposed to take this? Pray for him--of course. But call him pope? You would have us be in schism with the Church of Ages, in order to be in union with the man Bergoglio. Obedience is a high virtue, but it is not higher than Faith.
@paulcapaccio9905 2 дня назад
When confronted with this evidence Protestants still refuse to enter holy mother church. They could not claim invincible ignorance and would remain in formal heresy
@5MinuteCatholicApologetics 2 дня назад
Like the video and post a comment. I would love to hear from you
@wms72 2 дня назад
It's ODD that anyone would think there's "something wrong" with showing reverence
@wms72 2 дня назад
As a Byzantine Catholic, we ALWAYS bow to the priest, the Crucifix, the Sacred Elements in procession. When I go to the Latin or Novus Ordo holy Mass, I am just as respectful.
@teddyc2012 2 дня назад
Helpful reflection ~ thanks
@maureen348 2 дня назад
The church of England for sure but not most of the others as they do not know what format they use
@paulac5588 2 дня назад
After my reversion, I felt it was right to do it, so I do. I think there is a handful of people that do it as well at my church. It just feels right to give that sign of reverence.
@WineSippingCowboy 2 дня назад
Sun Yat Sen. The only Christian ✝️ leader in China 🇨🇳. He was a Methodist. Facts ✅
@Happy_HIbiscus 3 дня назад
dude, you remind me of an irishman🌺
@lisasaims3007 3 дня назад
Never seen it done or do it! We absolutely should, over 40+years
@thecopticmonk9423 3 дня назад
please make it the norm!
@GregorM-rp6pv 3 дня назад
Love the range of topics on your channel
@GregorM-rp6pv 3 дня назад
Love your range of topics on your channel
@hhsquizbowl 3 дня назад
@TeamistressTX 3 дня назад
Couldn’t we argue that Francis has abandoned all aspects of Catholicism? Lol.
@sapenelopelarsipan2915 3 дня назад
They know it cant
@sapenelopelarsipan2915 3 дня назад
It’s a tough diplomatic situation to be in. If you completely denounce communism than the Catholics in the country could be persecuted even more. It’ll be interesting to see how the next pope handles China.
@WT-Sherman 3 дня назад
Let’s cut a deal with Atheistic Communists - What could go wrong ?
@kennywong489 3 дня назад
I had a chance years ago of meeting a Catholic from china. He was generally cheerful even though he had a terrible skin disease. He typically thought the chinese government was all good. Back then after all China was doing pretty good. But surprisingly, he expressed his loyalty for the pope, and he even kept a video of the pope presiding over an italian mass. Many Catholics in china are like him: brainwashed to be loyal and patriotic, but nonetheless love the pope. Even though they are without much knowledge and are much more simple minded. Here in Malaysia pilgrims from China regularly visit our churches. We even organised trips to their churches. Now that we are in the internet age, most priests must have known better. We must pray for them because they are trapped in the system, as many do since they live in countries of other religions. Feelings and sentiments pass away, but the Word of God will remain. Trust God's plan for them. As for underground churches, we firmly believe that their own prayers will help them. For there's no such thing as selling out. God gives different challenges to different people and also provided different graces. The underground churches will be rewarded by God for their determination in the face of persecution, but not of their own work, "lest we should boast". Now the old generations have passed away. Now the underground and the controlled shall again be united, and also all Christians of all denominations shall come together again. The time is coming fast, even the chastisement is near. There will be no time for any christian group to quarrel.
@paulmurray3671 3 дня назад
Why are you such a nitpicker? Your use of a language for your opening prayer that no one understands shows that you have too much time on your hands, you are an uncharitable nitpicker trying to destroy a beautiful new tradition. Where are your priorities? Long live holding hands during Mass!! You need to examine why you feel a need to nitpick such minutiae?
@goeffreylundun8113 3 дня назад
We are too American and European centric to know the persecution that’s going on in Africa and Asia. I think most American Catholics don’t care.
@5MinuteCatholicApologetics 4 дня назад
Like the video and post a comment . I would love to hear from you
@anthonysalomone3698 4 дня назад
Which videos address that Pope Francis is a userpeer? Thank you!
@gdgggggg 4 дня назад
@GrueneTeaHaus 4 дня назад
Ad orientum is amazing
@charlesmartel3995 4 дня назад
The Vatican will never approve of these messages because the Pope and the Vatican are the subject matter. It's like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank. There are many prophecies about how the Vatican will be corrupted in the end times. The pope just said that there are many paths to salvation. Have you made a video on that heresy yet? Nope. Not one word. Bergoglio the Usuper is preaching full-blown indifferentism. The Mission of Divine Mercy looks more authentic by the day. The time of choosing is coming.
@uncatila 5 дней назад
Jamnia 100 years after Christ doesn't cut it. They were no longer the Church.jrsus had already established it.
@ellieplantagenet9121 5 дней назад
We used to do this on the Episcopalian churches I attended before converting. After converting, I was surprised and puzzled as to why I didn't see Catholics doing it. Is it a California thing not to?
@WT-Sherman 5 дней назад
If the Bishops are serious about a Eucharistic Revival, this should be implemented immediately. Unfortunately - there exists today too many bishops and cardinals who would look at this as a rejection of Vatican II. The Council did not address ad Orientem, but it did address “active participation “. The same reason for the squashing of the Traditional Latin Mass. Not sure what empty pews do to help participation, but they are determined to stick to their guns even with the resultant closure of thousands of parishes.
@familysmith3820 5 дней назад
I completely agree ad orientum and altar rails. The spiritual fruits in my life since changing parish’s are incredible
@jesuschristreigns 5 дней назад
the Catholic Church is NOT the one true faith,m contrary to your narrow minded opinion. Jesus Christ is the only one true faith to be followed !!!!
@treenie4821 5 дней назад
@GrislyAtoms12 5 дней назад
You work hard so I don't have to. Really appreciate the info!
@philipschaffer9414 5 дней назад
I can't betray St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
@philipschaffer9414 5 дней назад
Thank You I will stay Catholic