Evelyn Tribole, MS RDN
Evelyn Tribole, MS RDN
Evelyn Tribole, MS RDN
@SusieB-44 Месяц назад
Just to play devil's advocate, what about those with Prader-Willi Syndrome? Or, for a more common example, those experiencing cannabis-induced "munchies"?
@joanlantis4497 3 месяца назад
What areyourthoughtson drugs like ozempic?
@joanlantis4497 3 месяца назад
I'm 62 yrs old and have successfully starved myself since I was 13 yrs old. I was never fat but wanted to be skinny. I am that person who just cannot face another diet. I don't overeat but I have hypothyroidism and am on 2 medications that cause weight gain. Without starving my self like 500 calories a day and tons of walking I cannot even maintain my weight anymore. Do you have any advice for someone like me? I am very obese now😢.
@benh2678 3 месяца назад
The solution that worked for me : ask them to increase the vebtilation, breath and chill down. Air is important
@AlinaTowers 4 месяца назад
I don’t think I’ve been influenced so much by “diet culture”. I grew up in a family that was happy and healthy and I can’t remember my mom ever having any robotu about her body or dieting. When I got married my husband unintentionally made me feel unattractive, and years later when I actually got into a fitness regimen, I felt amazing! I know what kind of eating makes me feel good physically. But emotions drive me to foods that don’t make me feel good physically. And it’s just a cycle I can’t seem to break.😢
@AlinaTowers 4 месяца назад
I really love so much of what you’re saying but this constant obsession with racism is such a turn off. Can I not evaluate and pursue a healthier relationship with my body and food without being confronted with this need to make everything about race? There is so mic research outlining the harms of being overweight, we don’t need to fear any race to know it’s not healthy.
@AlinaTowers 4 месяца назад
Not sure if anyone is monitoring these comments anymore, but I came here after someone recommended your book. I only started specific diet restrictions after dealing with glucose intolerance in pregnancy. After I gave birth I got more athletic and really enjoyed feeling lean and strong. I’ve tried to keep it up more or less for the past ten years, but with my last pregnancy 5 years ago I practiced the most restriction with carbs for the sake of my baby. Since then I’ve been up and down with greater extremes until I feel like my relationship with food and my body are out of control! At the core I know I’m spiritually and emotionally imbalanced, and I’m trying endlessly to find healing for that. I’ve tried so hard to make peace with my body, and be relaxed about my diet, but for the last several months I’ve enjoyed eating everything I wanted, and I really am overeating u til I feel awful. It’s not good! Of course I miss being slim, I miss wearing my favorite clothes, feeling confident. I can’t see how not having rules or restrictions will help me!
@mamamomomomomo 24 дня назад
I am new to this too. I've had my own food rules and restrictions for along time. I hope to find peace with food once and for all. I truly hope you do too.
@Looloowa74 7 месяцев назад
I started regular exercise a few years ago but I started very very slowly. I only did what I wanted/ felt/ liked/ enjoyed even if it was nothing like walking or stretching, and only did 5 minutes a day. I eventually discovered my body actually likes movement and some days actually needs it. I was surprised how easy it was to gradually increase the time and vary the workout. It truly is wonderful.
@CRAZYHORSE19682003 7 месяцев назад
I have a sleep mask I wear, it makes having an MRI pretty easy.
@AnaK-kx4lr 8 месяцев назад
Definitely buying your book. Thanks
@pegahmotaleb4586 Год назад
Such an amazing book! Thank you for reminding me to love myself
@tanksspace Год назад
This is a fantastic idea. I absolutely lost it when I was trying to go have an MRI and I want to do this.
@janeupdyke2558 Год назад
I can't say I used diets but it was more of the conscious eating path. so every meal is a decision.. which can be tiring as well. Thank you for sharing this new way of thinking. I am curious to learn more.
@tmayor1949 Год назад
You are not teaching Intuitive eating Just talking about it This a pity
@christopher3386 2 года назад
Evelyn Tribole! I bought your cookbook "Healthy Homestyle Cooking" sometime in the 90's and have used it many times. The Southwest Chicken Lasagne is a favourite. And all these years, in my mind I was pronouncing your name "TriBOle" (accent on the second syllable), now that I can hear you pronounce it I realise I was wrong 😆
@heatherrains2048 2 года назад
@heatherrains2048 2 года назад
I loved that you said rest too. It's so true, some of us who have been on the hampster wheel have to learn to rest and what that looks like intuitively. I'm am just now at the point in my health that I can excersise again and I feel like it's speeding up my healing. Thank you for these videos and your book! I love learning and growing its helping me identify my struggles with food! I've been inthe duet culture too long, didn't know any different..❤️
@tinabennett7824 2 года назад
It hurts me that all these crazy diets have put so much weight on me through the years that i have 2 knees that may have to be replaced...sleep apnea that i had for a very long time and never knew it...taking 2 powerful high blood pressure meds that i am sure have lots of side effects and neuropathy in both feet and nerve pain in my legs etc....so i do have very high expectations and i am ready to get free of all these rules and treat myself with lots of respect and love...its time and i am so ready!
@tinabennett7824 2 года назад
This just seems so easy for a change compared what i have been used to for the last 46 yrs....i get to eat when i am hungry...stop when i am satisfied....eat what i like or feel like my body needs...and be kind to myself and patient with the process....oh i am so ready for this!
@tinabennett7824 2 года назад
Wow at 65 i can finally eat whatever i want 😋 and not feel bad about it....its high time and i feel sooooo darn good about it!! No more wasted time and years....living FREE
@tinabennett7824 2 года назад
After 46 yrs of every diet known to man and doing nothing but going up on the scale! On Easter Sunday 🐣 i arose out of the ashes and started this new venture! So today is my 5th day....i just can't tell you the extreme freedom i am having...not thinking about food and not weighing, measuring, calculating and writing down everything i put in my mouth...it just goes on and on...46 yrs of absolutely wasted time and money.....i am 65 and i am having the time of my life already ...i am trusting my God given signals and I know that my body will turn loose this extra 80 plus lbs if i just follow my hunger and feeling satisfied signals! Just so 😊 happy and feeling so relaxed about just everything...i am over the top completely amazed...it just feels natural! Thank you for putting this all together ❤️ i got the book and will start reading it soon!
@suemartini4587 2 года назад
Thank you Evelyn for your work research and time to share your ES&H ( experience strength and hope)...I'm a 40+ yr binge/ restricter... and I'm a hot mess psychologically with food body image worth bad food good food bad girl good girl...and I'm near 60....yikes the dang hold food has had on me!! Im scared to death but also feel great hope with this concept...I've let go completely the last three weeks and a feel like I let a ferocious hyena out of a cage...I'm a good size for last 7yrs doing OA ( which is no flour sugar processed foods but every time I back slide the binge is intense and days and then the guilt and shame keeps bringing me lower ( scarey)...I know this is not as good as it gets...I know I can be free.but scared of the weight gain that may come...but mb not!!! FEAR is a liar....I'm going to press on and continue to learn more about IE...God help us all who are prisoners to the world of eating disorders.
@juanitab7076 2 года назад
if someone was interested in studying nutrition and possibly certifying in some way, is there a program or school that you would recommend?
@frenchiegirlintheusa 2 года назад
I have a question if an idea comes across my mind does that mean it’s intuitive eating.
@frenchiegirlintheusa 2 года назад
I'm excited about leaving my old life behind and embracing a new way of getting in touch w/ my body. Finding out what are my ques in letting me know when it's hungry.
@belindas.5288 2 года назад
Excellent demo! I shared this with my professional OCD and Anxiety group!!
@chayakh488 2 года назад
Hi, I love the intuitive eating book. I had a question about intuitive eating, is there any way to contact you?
@keithk2879 2 года назад
I'm a year into my IE journey. I used to buy snacks for at home (cookies, biscuits etc) and have them at home because I felt if I rejected buying them, I wasn't following IE. I learned choosing other snacks, knowing I can go to the corner store and buy a cookie, choc bar etc whenever I really want one, and enjoy it, but I don't have to have them always available to me in my home as I know other foods honor my health and hunger in a more efficient way. I still eat chocolate, cookies etc but I don't have them always available to me as I know there are better options for me; but they're not banned and always there if I want them.
@keithk2879 2 года назад
My point being it took me a year to learn this, which I think is principle 10. I used to think I had to have access to "play foods" always to be a true IE eater, lol.
@aprilhassell1747 2 года назад
That gets expensive too. Lol food is expensive.
@aprilhassell1747 2 года назад
Theres always a bday and so many holiday celebrations... its endless ...times to allow yourself something that looks yummy.
@aprilhassell1747 2 года назад
I shouldn't say "allow" I mean just have what sounds good at that time. Sayi g allow seems like a diet culture word.
@aguy559 2 года назад
I’ve come to the realization that I’ve “failed” on so many diets because they were not inline with, on an intuitive level, my vision of what a healthy diet would look like for me. That is, what my body told me it needed to be healthy. So as of today, I’m taking the time to stop and think about what nutrient rich, whole foods my body tells me it needs, and eating those.
@Bloomies65 2 года назад
This is so helpful
@cvholm5904 2 года назад
wow... you offer guidance that is truly life changing for me.
@blueskygal255 2 года назад
Miss Evelyn I really enjoy your sense of humor. "You're not a bad person because you ate a piece of cake." LOL!
@blueskygal255 2 года назад
So grateful to have found this. I've been on many diets and am overweight/obese. it's kind of scary not to have rules and i don't trust myself yet. I had been suppressing those natural eating impulses for years - i'd see fresh green beans in the grocery store and crave them but not buy them! i need to get the weight off as i feel it is really a drag on my health. recently my youngest cat died quiet unexpectedly and i lost my appetite. It's not good not to eat so i started to buy prepared food - not the best but still food. i bought a roasted chicken at the grocery store and i wolfed it down - didn't even bother to sit down for dinner! so no more diets - this time doing strength exercise and acv and trying intuitive eating. today i ate an omlette for the first time in weeks as i wanted high quality protein and i've been enjoying it and thinking about it all day - how good it was and yes was satisfying. And I'm not a huge "egg person."
@erikandrus4387 2 года назад
I feel mega-body issues being part of the gay community.
@erikandrus4387 2 года назад
Right while I was watching this, my stomach started to grumble. I opened up a container of mango, as I allowed to savor that treat - and with each bite, as you have counseled in the past I said to myself "I've got you...".
@gienekekramer439 2 года назад
Hello there! Thanks for these 10 days! I have just discovered the book and this will be am added value, I hope. It seems that Day 1 is missing on RU-vid, is that correct? If not, can someone tell me where tot find it? Thanks and have a nice day! 🙋🏼‍♀️
@snaphappiness317 2 года назад
10-Days of Intuitive Eating with Evelyn Tribole, Cofounder of Intuitive Eating (rid yourself of the diet mentality)
@bluebonnet1014 2 года назад
I found steady breathing really helped me. 🙂
@tonyp8159 2 года назад
Wow exposure therapy is tough stuff! When I had claustrophobia I used to imagine a door. Somehow it always helped. Hope everything goes well!
@xy1741 3 года назад
Thank you for referencing Sabrina String’s book. Tracing fat phobia to racial oppression makes sense, as well as to gender-based violence and oppression.
@blueskygal255 3 года назад
the last supper - LOL! and so TRUE!
@blueskygal255 3 года назад
i started getting aneorexic with food - i could feel hungry but could override it and feel weak and that was ok. not! boy it makes me mad! it's so true - i've been dieting since my 30s am now 67 and just cannot do "another diet.." and it's true i started regaining more and more weight.
@laurajroot 16 дней назад
I feel you! I'm 65 and am finally done!
@santievandermerwe 3 года назад
I have been trying to loose weight for years, and I never dropped more than a few kilo's. But every time I started to eat 'normally' I would gain what I lost and more. (You have seen this movie, you know how it ends.) This year I started on a love myself unconditionally journey, and decided not to try to loose weight, but to make peace and rather try not gaining any. I did one of the online calculations of how many calories my middle aged body need, but I was horrified how little it was. I absolutely love food, and the thought of restricting forever was like a death sentence. An intuitive eating video made its way into my awareness, and I decided to educated myself, which led me here. And I am all in. I will not deprive myself again, and decided to trust my body from now on. I cant even remember for how long I lived with the next diet hanging over my head and now it is gone, and I feel like a new woman. It is going to take a while to silence the little voice in my head though. Thank you so much, Evelyn.
@leandracb 3 года назад
you lost me at "fat phobia is rooted in racism"
@4jillie53 3 года назад
Thank you for this series!
@MA-mc7vq 3 года назад
So good, thank you Evelyn
@kathryncolemanstudio1658 3 года назад
Wonderful 💖
@tamrawear5583 3 года назад
The first time I heard "you have unconditional permission to eat" I literally felt a weight lift off my shoulders that I hadn't even realized had been there.
@kpgirl1 3 года назад
Same here! It was such a relief!!!
@4jillie53 3 года назад
Thank you for this series- very engaging.
@moakley67 3 года назад
Does it need to be January 1st to start using/reading?
@juliepowell8494 3 года назад
I am a psychotherapist and have been working with a fantastic Health Coach who specializes in intuitive eating, Jennifer Bravo in Maine. It is life changing and thousands of mic drops!! Thank you for your work, passion and generosity in sharing this information. I’m getting your books and workbook today and I’m stalking my UPS driver for them! Breaking up with diet culture feels so empowering! Blessings- Julie