
Animated videos covering Finnish mythology and history. Legends, gods, and trolls. Monsters, beliefs, and magic.

Illustrated in detail by the World's sixth most feared animator Antti Palosaari.

From the bloodied ice of Köyliönjärvi to ancient Midsummer traditions and wars, this channel covers some of the most and least famous Finnish myths of the past.

#finnishmythology #finnishhistory
Rings of Power Character Design FIXED
2 года назад
@Pugetwitch День назад
Thanks, my grandparents are Norwegian Saami and it's somewhat difficult here in the USA to find much information on our ancestor's prechristian beliefs. In fact, it wasn't until just about 15 years ago that we discovered my grandma was actually indigenous Scandinavian and not simply "from an island in northern Norway".
@Anttimation День назад
It's a bit difficult to find GOOD info on Sami mythology here as well! Which is why I haven't made a specific video about it yet. Thank you for watching and I hope you'll enjoy the other videos too!
@pexrinne5144 2 дня назад
The Swedes are/were kinda stupid as there is no word such as "Pelliitta" in their own language so I don´t know what kind of delusional hearing they have as they got "Hakkapelliitta" from "Hakkaa päälle". Ps : They also use the same alphabet as finns.
@pexrinne5144 2 дня назад
The eagles were actually Manwë´s servants (as he is god of winds, airs and birds and king of the world) so he might have something to do with the eagles saving heroic people.
@Anttimation День назад
@@pexrinne5144 ah! Good point. I didn't know/remember that. Should read the Silmarillion again soon.
@abelangjq 3 дня назад
I love the history. I love the snarky narration even more. 😆
@Anttimation 3 дня назад
@@abelangjq haha great to hear! A new episode is in the works...
@HenryKuura-w2m 5 дней назад
@phoenixknight8837 5 дней назад
Waiting for the next episode.
@Anttimation 5 дней назад
I'll start working on it tomorrow!
@phoenixknight8837 5 дней назад
I feel bad for the victims of foreign aggression.
@Anttimation 5 дней назад
That is most of human history, unfortunately.
@phoenixknight8837 5 дней назад
Appreciate the humour!
@Anttimation 5 дней назад
@@phoenixknight8837 haha awesome, thanks!
@phoenixknight8837 7 дней назад
G.O.A.T animation!
@Anttimation 7 дней назад
@@phoenixknight8837 🐐🐐🐐
@Dal-user 7 дней назад
Wouldn't surprise if he was the inspiration for Cthulhu and other H.P Lovecraft monsters even the name looks so lovecraftian
@Anttimation 7 дней назад
@@Dal-user I'm not aware of him being aware of Finnic lore, but it is a fun thought
@phoenixknight8837 8 дней назад
I liked the video.
@Anttimation 7 дней назад
@@phoenixknight8837 good thing there's more of these then 😁
@fallenknight3016 9 дней назад
finnish laungage being spoken me: i don speak elvish
@Heidelager 12 дней назад
The work that has gone into this animation, and the detailed objective narrative (plus humour) deserves far far more credit than that reflected in the number of views. Thank you for your awesome video's (and animation).
@Anttimation 12 дней назад
@@Heidelager thank you! very happy to hear!
@ShiningNoctowls 12 дней назад
@Melanie_M01 13 дней назад
Cant think what my family was like at that time😂
@RoniiNN 14 дней назад
It was Swedish national cavalry.
@vonborgah 15 дней назад
2024, No väinämöinen yet
@Anttimation 15 дней назад
@@vonborgah still waiting...
@caroldelosangeles3621 15 дней назад
🧝🏻‍♀️Finnish lenguaje is music for my ears”I said this everyday to every person who ask me what I think about !I was living in Finland and now I just passing by as a visitor and I’m very aware about this and as a fan of professor Tolkien this helped me to “survive”the cold winter and have massive respect for this beautiful heart people who has been well kept their folklore and sharing with the world.Suomi people I love u and admire you so much!🇫🇮🧝🏻‍♀️🙏🏾❤️
@Anttimation 13 дней назад
Thanks for watching!
@Samu-mm4ts 15 дней назад
This is a sigma video🕵🏿👎🏻
@Samu-mm4ts 15 дней назад
@Dal-user 7 дней назад
Bruh wtf
@Markhoff 15 дней назад
The cross isn't just a roman execution device bro it's a symbol of Christianity, and the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. Finland was a very christian country, before secularism arose so prominently in the modern age. If we change our flag every time our country's attitudes to religion change we will be forever changing it. At least show some respect for Finland's christian past man, don't call it ffing stupid.
@Anttimation 15 дней назад
@@Markhoff it seems the tone of the video has somewhat escaped you. You did realise I suggest a Moomin and seal for national symbols?
@tuppe5944 16 дней назад
Finland is composed of people that came from now Russian uralic mountains long before russia had its current slavic population . The Finnic people used to be part of multiple iron age tribes. Thats why some of the people look kinda asian but now look like mix of nordic. They mixed with swedish ( on west ) Finlands Coast. and some on Karelia ( East ) They didnt mix alot thats why the genes show the proof. Lets not get into tribes because it gets confusing because theres multiple.
@oddis188 19 дней назад
En tiedä miks jätin kesken videon pari kk. Sitten. Mutta... Juhannusyön taikoja. Kun 3‰ hiprakassa nouset veneessä järvellä/merellä seisomaan niin voit nähdä tulevan leskesi rannalla vilkuttamassa sinulle
@Anttimation 13 дней назад
Kuulostaa äärimmäisen toimivalta... En ehkä uskalla testata
@lihamuuri8697 21 день назад
Kuin aluksi että "Pädätystä", ja koitin miettiä että onko tuo yhdistelmä sanoista "pälätys" eli höpöttää turhia ja "Vedätys" eli huijaus. Mikä olisi toiminut myös kohtuu hyvin tuon Persus kanssa :D Poliittiset vitsit näyttää menevän ihon alle joillakin. Itse kannatan sitä että kaikelle voi nauraa, huumorin tehtävä on tuoda esille yhteiskunnan kipupisteitä, mitä voi parantaa vain keskustelemalla enemmän. Hyvin osuttu!
@Anttimation 13 дней назад
Kaikista kanavan vitseistä vain tämä ja jotkut kristinuskovitsit on menneet porukalla ihon alle. Tämä ei edes ollut mikään erityisen tarkkaan suunniteltu juttu. Kunhan tuli mieleen videota kirjoittaessa. Tämä on siis pätkäisty pidemmästä videosta.
@not-a-theist8251 21 день назад
Damit I was kind of interested in buying an accountant from you
@Anttimation 21 день назад
@@not-a-theist8251 some people have expressed similar interest... Maybe there's some potential for business
@sfinski 24 дня назад
As an addition; in both stories they fought battles by singing! In Kalevala the most famous one being obviously the one between Väinämöinen and Joukahainen, where Joukahainen gets sung into a swamp. In Silmarillion the counterparthner could be the one battle between Sauron and Finrod Felagund.
@Anttimation 24 дня назад
@@sfinski good addition. Thanks!
@worldtraveler930 24 дня назад
Most of the Finns were Viking so Vikings don't attack themselves!!! 🤠
@Anttimation 24 дня назад
Well that would not be very wise, would it
@xandrecarnes9888 26 дней назад
Fun fact The Finnish Air Force the last country that use the swastika.
@Anttimation 25 дней назад
It does raise some (understandable) confusion abroad every now and then
@xandrecarnes9888 27 дней назад
A question how big is a uralic people in finland survive the proto-indo-european evasions horse riding Giant indo-europeans?
@Anttimation 26 дней назад
Sorry mate. I didn't understand the question 😅
@xandrecarnes9888 26 дней назад
They also known as Aryans and introduce the swastika
@roni3973 Месяц назад
Martti Haavion Suomalainen Mytologia ei oikein anna vastausta Turisaan, sodanjumalan alkuperään, tai muutenkaan siihen miten kyseistä jumalaa olis palvottu, millainen jumala se oli tai muutakaan, tuntuu olevan vaan spekulaatiota nimen alkuperästä. Ikävää sinänsä että tietoa ei ole jäljellä tarpeeksi jotta olisi mahdollista uudelleenrakentaa mytologiaan perustuvaa uskontoa, ei ainakaan sodanjumalan osalta. Vai mitä tuumaat? Oma mielipide on että suomalainen sodanjumala on sama kuin skandinaaveilla Ja / tai sama kuin virolaisten Taara. Muuten, tosi hyviä videoita, olis kiva jos tekisit suomeksikin :)
@Anttimation 28 дней назад
Mielestäni vastasin tähän aiemmin oikein pitkällä tekstillä, mutta se näyttää kadonneen johonkin alkumerten syövereihin... Joo. Muistelisin että sodanjumala-Tursaasta on muutama muukin maininta, mutten muista ovatko vain Agricolan tekstin referaatteja... Mitä tulee jumaliin yleensä, kannatan mm. Tursiannotkon kaivauksia esittelevässä kirjassa esitettyä ajatusta, että entisaikoina jumala on saattanut mikä tahansa henki/olento/tietäjä, joka on pystynyt vaikuttamaan ns. luonnollisen maailman kulkuun. Tällöin ikiaikainen Turso sopisi hyvin kuvaukseen. Nykyaikaista, post-kristillisen sekulaariyhteiskunnan jumalkäsitystä vastaa paremmin Ukot, Tapiot ym. Kiitos! On mietinnässä ainakin yksi suomenkielinen video...
@patrickuotinen Месяц назад
I wish we wouldn't make so much noice about the hakkapeliittas. As we were a part of Sweden, then, many people in the Central Europe think that the hakkapeliittas were Swedes. And I think it's good like that. ;-)
@jonsson7184 Месяц назад
There have bee n swedish settlers in south of Finland coast areas maybe 6th century.
@Anttimation Месяц назад
Yes and most importantly there were no modern nation states with clearly defined borders
@xandrecarnes9888 Месяц назад
It's remind me of the Ainu some pet bears what part of the is their religion 2 years a sacrifice pet bear score of the bear to tell The Great Bear spirit.
@mrshreker3135 Месяц назад
They did
@wayneshipp9128 Месяц назад
@sirkaapo2178 Месяц назад
Interesting that there were so many swords found as this would indicate a much more stratified society with a rich warrior aristocracy than is often associated with a "wild and free" Finland. Maybe more swords have survived in Finland than in Sweden for some environmental reason, or maybe the swords were property of the trolls :DD
@Anttimation Месяц назад
Trolls have an aversion to iron as iron objects were used to keep them off property so I think it would have to be another reason! :D Of course we can't fully extrapolate the number of swords back then from what's been unearthed and documented, but their strong presence here does suggest something beyond mud-dwelling savages which I find interesting
@sirkaapo2178 Месяц назад
I was a bit harsh in my previous comment, these were harsh and complicated times indeed.
@Anttimation Месяц назад
Harsh or soft, comments with a point are always welcome. Thanks for watching!
@jaime8318 Месяц назад
That Tolkien wrote his tales of Middle Earth inspired by European cultures is apparently racist and not fair to Black people.
@Anttimation Месяц назад
How so? I hope that's not something anyone's actually claimed lol
@jaime8318 Месяц назад
@@Anttimation I was being sarcastic. It's a talking point of some the the actors on Rings of Fan Fiction.
@Anttimation Месяц назад
@@jaime8318 I'm glad to have missed it then. I watched the first season out of curiosity despite not liking the first episode. That wasted time I will never get back so I'll only see trailers of upcoming seasons.
@jaime8318 Месяц назад
@@Anttimation the actors act as if casting people of color in a Tolkien literary work is somehow ground breaking. They speak as though Tolkien's work cannot speak to any person of color. there are MANY reaction videos to Peter Jackson's movies who are Black or other people of color. Their visceral reactions to the movies demonstrates that the Rings of Bad Fan Fiction actors are full of shyt. If they want to see Black Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits portrayed no one is complaining that they have the freedom to do so. But leave Tolkien's literary master works ALONE and unmolested by their low minded inartistic meddling.. Btw, I'm a person of color and I approve this message.
@Anttimation Месяц назад
@@jaime8318 I see. I find it disturbingly narcissistic if one can't enjoy a movie without the characters being physical reflections of themselves. Thankfully I can enjoy e.g. an Indian or Japanese film without a 29-year-old Finnish animator character 🤣 While there may have been good intentions with RoP casting, it did seems odd how there was just one elf in the entire Middle Earth who'd develop a darker pigment. Not a group of elves living on a much sunnier region, just one.
@benwinter2420 Месяц назад
Rat of a Swede
@obstinatejar7652 Месяц назад
Reading the Kalevala at the same time I am watching your videos ! They are really well done and help me better understand the story. Please continue making videos
@Anttimation Месяц назад
Thank you! That is so great to hear!
@JohnDove-d8d Месяц назад
The Native Forest Finns of Varmland and Native Saami of Lappland are considered Northern Europe's last Indigenous. Because of the language.
@Anttimation Месяц назад
I've often been asked to do a video on especially the latter but my knowledge is very limited without extensive research
@zeroiceflaem Месяц назад
@Anttimation Месяц назад
@@zeroiceflaem 👨‍🚒🚒🚨🧯
@guckfoogle3930 Месяц назад
A comment for the algorithm
@Anttimation Месяц назад
@@guckfoogle3930 thanks on behalf of the algorithm! 🙌
@relacionomia Месяц назад
Sampo + Nibelung = The One Ring Well... It's hard to create, so one better just use parts of what already is there
@Anttimation Месяц назад
@@relacionomia I think it also resonates well with a reader from a similar cultural background, having some common ground