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Let's Talk About the Fallout TV Show
2 месяца назад
The Main Characters of the Fallout TV Show
3 месяца назад
The Fallout TV Show Probably Isn't Made For You
5 месяцев назад
The Conquered Tribes of Caesar's Legion
7 месяцев назад
The NCR-Legion War: A Full History
9 месяцев назад
Are There Other Dimensions in Fallout?
9 месяцев назад
Human & Non-Human Relationships in Fallout
11 месяцев назад
Did Ghouls Exist Pre-War?
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The Currencies of Fallout
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What's in Space in Fallout?
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The Hierarchy of the NCR Military
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@EonEsper-Kriz 17 часов назад
What is Canon and what is not Canon, I believe, is up to each individual Person. Who is gonna stop you for believing it was this way or the other way?? Not me... not me, lol.
@grayearly3116 21 час назад
Cannon doesnt matter if they dont bother following it. Why be "beholden to something written 20 years ago" am i right?
@phoenixmilburn6598 День назад
Ngl being able to just be a leader of a Mercenary army and turn them into a true military force that doesn't actually raid people and become a reliable Mercenary army that is affordable and can effectively take down raiders super mutants ghoul and combat the Institute and Brotherhood of Steel if need he would be the best storyline I'm the game but no there just a nuisance........
@Max.Hartmann День назад
All this doesn't explain why bicycles don't exist in Fallout
@Truman5555 День назад
Incorrect. Bethesda just released a full Fallout Collection on a Mini Nuke and Tactics is in it!
@unnamedchannel1237 День назад
I wish I didn’t have ear wax
@Finn-FrenchGaming День назад
Why do so many men have a romantic interest to that Howard guy in videos? Not healthy.
@TDAbiber День назад
Lol Brasil small Also great video! I'm fantasizing about a Amazonian fallout now
@Anthony-fi8sz День назад
How does some chumps in the desert defeat loads of dudes in power armour 😂
@NeonDemon88 День назад
It literally makes no logical sense that a bottle cap would be currency in a world with no standardized economy or government systems. Barter economy would be the only reasonable form of exchanging goods.
@twistedshadowsaf День назад
I pretty much envision south africa being no different than today, just maybe some extra large birds or 2 headed hippos n elephant's which.. is kinda terrifying 😅
@Dextermorga День назад
So much moaning 👎
@somnvm37 День назад
what if it's defined by random factors from the moment the person was turned int a ghoul? and with some less fortunate transformations they're kind of destaned to go ferral.
@MorganNull-uj6uu День назад
Cool now try figuring out what’s canon in elder scrolls
@jiffypoo5029 День назад
Minutemen ending makes the most sense as canon for Fallout 4. Maxson completely abandoning the east coast makes no sense. Kells and Maxson both see the Minutemen ending as a BOS Victory. Prydwyn can leave because Minutemen are led by a BOS Paladin meaning BOS isn't giving up territory.
@ALEXD4WN День назад
1:50 the cropping on maximus made me laugh so hard 💀
@noddy1973 День назад
Lore sloptubers still using same pre FO3 release gaming article shit for Tactics to this day holy fuck
@solitudeguard5688 День назад
Does anyone else find the music in the COA harbour freaky?
@nUmBskulLL 2 дня назад
Its not fixed. Loose canons all round
@_MythicalWolf 2 дня назад
The obsession with lore in games always fascinates me. Fans being obsessed with games all connecting to each other in long running series is what brought on the multiple timelines of Legend of Zelda. Its like people can't fathom the idea that a few games that were made as one off games weren't made with the intention of canon lore. Unless you build off a steady base with the intention to expand you will always end up with parts that don't fit. Which will then either causes the need to hold back fun mechanics and ideas to fit in the restricted shaky lore that was established, causes retcons to the 'canon timeline', creates the need for multiple 'timelines' to explain it away, or just has plain plotholes. Especially when the games in questions have a whole swath of different endings depending on player choices, even seemingly unimportant ones. Why can't people figure out that game is game. It doesn't need to have 'canon lore' that extends through decades worth of games. If a few games directly are continuations of each other or something? Awesome. Cool. But otherwise? Just enjoy the lore established in each game itself. Fallout is so expansive with its lore in each game, it ends up restricting it deeply to expect it to not step on its own toes. Just leave lore per game. Have a general idea, and make each game its own stand alone thing. Like there are a lot of things that could be really fun to do in a fallout game but either can't because it already has preestablished lore that would make it 'not fit the canon' or would potentially mess up the canon of future games, like for instance a game set in the weeks/months immediately after the war that would be awesome but there would be such a wild risk of making earlier titles set later in the timeline potentially 'wrong' then.
@fizzynizzle 2 дня назад
A disney coke hybrid for sure.
@zachattack5742 2 дня назад
And now the NCR loses its capital to the Brotherhood in the show.
@syndicalistcat3138 2 дня назад
Canon: Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, NV Bethesda fanfiction series: 3, 4, 76, Fallout shitshow. Lore wise the series is completely retcons the original two game out and thus its incompatible with what the original creators made!
@AlexRoivas 2 дня назад
With Caesar dead will the Legions lands be divided by the high ranking officers of the Legion sort of like how when Alexander died his generals carved up his massive Empire
@BoneGoddess 2 дня назад
Mirelurk queens always remind me of sand fleas
@nikoladedic6623 2 дня назад
Why did Ethopia annexed Somalia?
@laf1993 2 дня назад
If the deranged ramblings of an incompetent middle-aged "writer" on twitter are considered canon then anything might as well be.
@gabm.3270 2 дня назад
I'm now on Day 35. Marko died on Day 25 from gunshot while infiltrating the warehouse full of armed men. Bruno died on Day 30 from sickness never making out of winter. Katia ran away on Day 33 due to depression. Damn I started out steamrolling this after trying a few of the builds and what I could construct from them but when Marko died, it slowly took everything away from me. Still surviving though as a sick, depressed and tired Pavle. I never robbed the old people's home yet but it no longer matters because I'm doing good on food and supplies. My real problem is his depression and if I rob the old people who knows, he might unalive himself.
@boxfoxscoot1614 2 дня назад
the show killed any sense of "cannon" when it took a fat steaming dump on literally every game
@CursedInEternity92 2 дня назад
Anything fallout 4 I could care less about, and also if lore isn't playable in a game it's meaningless. Debating over stories of gameplay that could be is just depressing. Make a game and I'll care about the story of a fake time and place for a bit maybe. They could have released 7 games by now with fallout/elders scrolls gameplay, they haven't, why? Because you will buy fallout 4 over and over again and play fallout 76. If those games were dead as a doornail. They would make more. The fans are now more to blame then shitty developers
@seantaylor424 2 дня назад
I don't think that a series that leans so heavily on storytelling should be so cavalier with dismissing and admitting things. The games HAVE always given players multiple choices to resolve things, but The Master is still The Master, the Enclave is still the Enclave, etc, which makes it easier to guess what you can/can't do with a sequel and make adaptations down the road (which I thought the Amazon show was until this video). If Fallout had stronger gameplay, I could see them taking a "do whatever you want" approach to storytelling, but it was reportedly not very gameplay focused as early as FO1. As a Batman fan, I'm tired of seeing stories always go back to his first year, his first meeting with Gordon, first run-in with crime, etc and I think the reason they keep doing that is because they'd rather stick with a "make up what we want" approach and only use Bruce's origin as their framework. Similarly, Fallout is now 200+ years removed from The Great War, but there's still skeletons everywhere and nobody seems to be trying to make any big settlements outside of the NCR; it was kinda cool how FO2 showed that some parts of the world were rebuilding and making progress, but it seems like the series would rather stick with everything being dead and there only being sparse settlements. As cool as a dead world is, it's not the only cool option and the Enclave wouldn't have been a thing if not for stories building up on one another rather than always resetting back to Day 1. This isn't to say that the series sold out or lost its way or anything, I just don't like the idea of "whatever you want" in concept and I do think it's having some negative effects on FO the way Perpetual Year One is having a negative effect on Batman (his adaptations, anyway). Wearing whatever you want because you bought it is fine and dandy, but don't throw out the idea of keeping track of your stories just because it's easier or the initial premise of your franchise is so appealing; people study binge shows anymore to see where things are going and how they got to where they are, so I don't think that keeping track of continuity would hurt FO, even if they still want to experiment in their comics and novels and not get married to every word they write outside of their games.
@tornicade 2 дня назад
Most of these Canon discussions are just a reach. You already had multiple ghoul origin stories . Different types of ghouls. Experiments that began before the war . And vault tech saying theu would initiate a nuclear war if they needed to doesnt mean they controlled when it did launch. Multiple things can be true at once.
@themrperson007 2 дня назад
Fallout 1 and everything else is fan fiction
@Afghanisstan 2 дня назад
6:58 💀💀💀
@Chottlytte 2 дня назад
I love this video
@zegermanscientist2667 2 дня назад
Joined the Railroad on my first playthrough. Pushing that button in the end and nuking half the city left me deeply unsatisfied.
@Kaytsakyanstudio 2 дня назад
What happened with Vault 101 after ten years ?
@markdicristofaro904 2 дня назад
Think about how stupid the Railroad is? They want to liberate the synths, right? But, the Institute creates the synths. But the Railroad wants to destroy the Institute. They want to put themselves out of business? The people who created these stories must have been on drugs and alcohol or they had no real life experiences to draw upon. Or did they do it on purpose to see how stupid gamers are? Or maybe they were pointing out how stupid the human race is? Because, I've seen stupid things that the human race has done in human history. I've seen governments do things that harm the very thing that they are trying to protect. Major LOL! OMG!
@markdicristofaro904 2 дня назад
I've never finished the whole game. But, from what I saw. Fallout 4 was created by people who were talented when creating games but had no common sense as to real-life situations. There are numerous things that make no sense. Garvey admits that he should listen to Mama Murphy more often. He sees that her ability is very useful. But, when the player gives more drugs to Mama Murphy, he dislikes it. So, what is it? He agrees or disagrees? Make up your mind, please. I can see the instability in the thinking of the game's creators in everything. I need to rebuild the common wealth, but I can't remove dead bodies from the settlement. I destroy buildings and rebuild. I can't repair the buildings because the parts don't mesh into the existing buildings. In general, Fallout 4 is a very badly thought-out game. I really liked the characters. They could be funny at times. But, instability riddles the game in every aspect. The story makes little sense. Stealth exists in the game, but it fails 90 percent of the time regardless of the stealth perks or level. The creators were ambitious, but they ruined it with things that only clog up the gaming systems. Rules that break the game play and are unnecessary, story aspects that make no sense. Controls that only the creators know about or hackers who can break into the code. Fallout 4 is just one big jumbled up mess. Major LOL.
@timwinterhalter5233 2 дня назад
Its whatever Todd Howard considers canon at the moment, nothing more and nothing less
@samjohnston7742 2 дня назад
The ending of fnv is prob going to be a 'dragon break' A way to end a story that has more than 1 ending by saying that all endings happened
@EvilParagon4 День назад
Not needed tbh. So long as there's an event that invalidates any ending after the ending, then that'll work just fine. For instance Elder Scrolls 6 will likely just say the Thalmor invaded a post-war Skyrim. Whoever won the war doesn't matter. In NV's case it'll probably be the Tunnellers.
@nathanjehoma9094 2 дня назад
if you still care canon, you need to grow up
@neilsonhans4763 2 дня назад
The Railroad's mission is definitely the noblest of all four major factions since they only for work the release of synths that wanted freedom and a life of their own. It will take a sole survivor player that does not lust for power of position or recognition to support them to the end. Despite being the smallest faction and they are literally outgunned and outnumbered they utilized covert and guerilla warfare with innovative ideas to even the odds against their enemies.
@mr.randomluck8949 2 дня назад
The only thing I claim is cannon is the Gary vault
@DuckAvenger 2 дня назад
In fallout shelter synths could have kids since harkness does
@farcy3insanitymeme 3 дня назад
Anything Emil says on twitter I will disregard, most all of the things he says probably isn't proofread and is something from his headcannon he decided to try to shove in there without consulting anybody. Good example of this, Nate the Rake.
@Hamdog74 17 часов назад
Doesn’t help that Emil is a pompous asshole about it and thinks people are too dumb for a complex story with choices. Him trying to shove absurd shit like that into cannon, despite its not represented in fallout 4 at all through the mc’s choices and actions is hilarious and really shows how much of a clown Emil is lol
@user-qr3so8yz4c 3 дня назад
Maybe one day we will explore ronto
@socialaccount0000 3 дня назад
4:46 I see this as an absolute win! Glory to the NCR
@stardust9164 2 дня назад
Hell yeah
@KeinNiemand 3 дня назад
Why not just use coins
@user10572 3 дня назад
You guys think we’re ever going to actually get a fallout 5 game?
@laf1993 2 дня назад
If it's made by Bethesda, I certainly hope not.
@EvilParagon4 День назад
Most definitely. The word "ever" is too indefinite to say no, Fallout 5 won't happen. The real question is within the decade. Can Fallout 5 release before 2030? Can it release before 2034?