Dylan O'Donnell
Dylan O'Donnell
Dylan O'Donnell
Learn Astrophotography from Australia's loosest astrophotographer.

Bad Influencer. Space stuff and Astrophotography from Byron Bay Observatory. Team Celestron. Everything Public Domain! 🔭🍻

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Why are Telescopes so Expensive?
День назад
How often do you think about SPACE?
28 дней назад
Is Active Optics worth it in 2024?
28 дней назад
Should you buy Hyperstar or RASA?
Месяц назад
ZWO is on fire
Месяц назад
Star Stuff LIVE in Byron Bay, Australia
5 месяцев назад
YOU can take this photo of the Sun. (Full Demo)
6 месяцев назад
Backyard Astronomers - we need YOUR data!
6 месяцев назад
The BEST Astrophotos from New Zealand! (INSANE)
7 месяцев назад
No Telescope, No Guiding, From AUSTRALIA
8 месяцев назад
I Took a Photo of Saturn with Good Seeing!
9 месяцев назад
Diffraction Spikes in Astronomy
9 месяцев назад
Please stop asking me about UFOs
10 месяцев назад
SCT Telescope Collimation (With NO fancy tools)
11 месяцев назад
Photographing the Rarest Star in the Milky Way
11 месяцев назад
@AstroSea4 5 часов назад
I wonder the actual price it takes to make the telescopes vs what they sell for.
@jackfrost4033 16 часов назад
I didn’t understand the allusion at « bad sex »
@scottrk4930 17 часов назад
Hi Dylan , well , it might not be Jazz but it is great music and this piece has an Astronomy connection in both Lyrics and Video . Please have a look and listen to Nightwish's "Shoemaker" , the Official Lyric Version . I think you will be surprised . Cheers .
@astroazores 22 часа назад
Just to make sure, you did it to convert to visual astronomy, didn't you?? 😐
@CMOS-Astrophoto День назад
Thank God, I’m not Christian! What? wait a minute..
@fluphybunny930 День назад
Just bought one for my Skywatcher Explorer 150PL. At F8 hoping this is a nice cheap combo (715 was £135)
@TheWonkyAstronomer День назад
Interesting story. At least it was easier than getting uncircumcised.
@dumpydalekobservatory День назад
I'll never make any money as I shoot colour so I'm not a proper astronomer ha ha ha
@astrogirlau День назад
When I saw this title I thought it was going to be a little mock video about Hayley Vernon being recently baptised hahahaha!! I don't even know why, she has nothing to do with space.
@SKYST0RY День назад
Does this mount have exposed gears?
@scottcurenton8920 День назад
I love your channel! And I fully support your decision my son! 😆 So, I have a thought for content- It’s cost me thousands for my current Astro gear. It would cost me a couple hundred to package it all up and send it to you. You could then make an entire video showing me how to use it correctly! From setup to final image processing. I would be willing to pay you for it. I mean, if I owned $8000 in astrophotography gear and paid $1000 to someone like you to show me how to use it correctly, it would be worth every penny. You then post it on your channel for others to learn. You could explain what things might be needed to complete my rig, and if you have these things, use them during the video to show its proper use. Anyway, love what you do. Thanks for putting in the time and effort to enhance our lives. 😊
@GeneoftheWorld День назад
p.s. you were not a dork as a kid, but a cute kid. Lets leave it, not elaborate any more, given the nature of this video.
@GeneoftheWorld День назад
Great video, Dylan. Islam may be fastest growing religion, but nonreligion is growing far faster than any religion, cuz nobody can see any stars anymore due to light pollution, and its just so effortless to see the stars on youtube. Schrödinger's religion, Schrödinger's stars 😂
@archivemanager2734 2 дня назад
I am not sure of the technically correct names used in this so here goes... After a quick think, The "freedom of movement" required to fully automate a large telescope along multiple independent axis involves. 1- Equator, (planetary surface angle, latitude-longitude). 2- Azimuth (clock-anticlock around the base of the tripod or support pillar) 3- Altitude (vertical, ground to sky angle) 4- Declination (is this the northpole southpole swing) 5- Ascension ( track a star across its east-west path ?) can anyone tell me if I am correct so far ?. I did a quick google on telescopes and mounting systems I just used a broomstick and stepped myself through how to find and point at the moon in the sky.
@archivemanager2734 2 дня назад
I was not aware that mounts wern't already fully automated, I had assumed they would be... interesting... Sounds like a good project to undertake.
@newcastledesigns9273 2 дня назад
Richard Dawkins
@GaryMCurran 2 дня назад
Dylan, I wanted to reply to all of this. I am a believing Christian. But, what does that mean? Christianity and Religion are like the differences between Astronomy and Astrology, they often are not in the least bit related. Christianity is simply the relationship between a Father and His Children, the Father being God, and the Children, starting with Jesus Christ, and anyone else who is born again. Oh, there's another one of those 'religious phrases', born again. What does that mean? Romans 10:9, 10 states that if a person confesses with their mouth Jesus as Lord, and believes in their heart that God raised him from the dead, they will be saved, born again. So, confess with your mouth means not necessarily out loud, but you make a conscious decision to put Jesus first in your life, to live a life that he set the example for. Also, you have to believe in your heart, the innermost part of your being, that God raised Jesus from the dead after the three days in the ground. Now, if you do that, God gives you 'holy spirit.' God is Holy, God is Spirit and He can only give what he is. Spirit can not be discerned by the five senses. You get holy spirit, but your mind doesn't instantly change, you don't walk around with some halo over your head, you don't automatically do great and wonderful things. If you were an asshole before you got born again, good possibility you're going to be an asshole afterwards, too. At least until you 'renew your mind', or change your mind. In the Old Testament, there were 900 or so laws that were given to the Judeans. Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law. That's a whole different discussion, but today, we live under a new set of laws, something that most religions don't teach. Simply put, when asked what the greatest laws were, Jesus answered 'Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and then love your neighbor as yourself.' He went on to say that all of the Old Testament laws hang on that. How much easier than remembering 900 laws is it to just love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself? Now, here's something else. Water baptism went out in the Gospels. Today, after Acts 2:2 when the day of Pentecost fully came, we are baptised with holy spirit. That same holy spirit I mentioned before. One day, about nine months before you were born, your father 'planted seed' in your mother. He fertilized her egg and nine months later, you were born. That's basic science. Your father's and your mother's DNA mixed together and is in every cell in your body. You can not, under any circumstances, no matter what you've done, how badly you've upset your parents (not just you, any person walking the face of this planet), you can not NOT be your parents child. They can 'disown you', give you up for adoption, etc. How many times might you have heard as a child from one of your parents 'You're not my child!' Well, unless it was a step parent, yes, you are their child, nothing can change that, no matter how angry they might be at you. God is no different. Once you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe God raised him from the dead, you meet the requirements to be God's son or daughter, in your case, His son. IF you EVER, at ANY TIME in your life, met that requirement. If you've never met that requirement, then you're not God's child. It's as simple as that. If you DO meet the requirement, you are now baptized with holy spirit, and you can never undo that. You can't go to God and say 'I don't want to be your kid any more, I don't believe you any more, I don't believe IN you any more, you're nothing but a figment of my imagination.' Oh, you can say that, but God will kind of just look at you, smile and go 'You're my kid, sorry, but not sorry, you'll always be my kid, and there's a time coming when you'll understand.' Religions don't teach this. Religions say you need water baptism, some say that you can be 'born again' one second, but not the next, other say to get into Heaven you need to do certain works. None of that is what God says. God says believe and meet the requirements of Romans 10:9, 10 and you're Heaven-bound and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop you. Right now, Jesus Christ is the only man who ever walked the face of this planet who is in Heaven. Everyone else before Acts 2:2 who believed is dead and is awaiting the resurrection of the dead. Those of us who after Acts 2:2 who believed and meets the requirements of Romans 10:9, 10 and have died are awaiting the "Gathering Together". Two completely different things at two completely different times. The Bible says that one day, Christ will appear in the air, in the clouds, and the dead in Christ (those who are born again) will get up from the dead and those of us (Believers) who remain alive will be caught up. We'll be given new bodies and we'll be GONE! It will all happen in the blink of an eye. Those who aren't born again will still be here, still be alive, and will continue on, but it will no longer be available to be born again. That door will have closed for ever. At that instant in time, the book of Revelations begins, not before. No Christian will ever go through what will happen in Revelations, we'll all be in Heaven getting our rewards. So, if at any time in your time in the Catholic Church, you told Jesus he was Lord of your life, even if you don't believe it now, and you believed in your inner most being that God raised him from the dead, guess what. You ARE a Christian, and you can't change that. But, if you never did, then you aren't. You could be the most giving person, a philanthropist, Mother Teresa, and if you don't meet the requirements, you're not going to Heaven. God is not a respector of persons, but of conditions. Meet the conditions, the requirements, and things happen. Go flip a light switch. If there is power to the circuit, if there is a working lamp plugged in, you'll get light. You've closed the circuit. If there are any condition that isn't met, no light. God works the same way. You wouldn't look up some astrologist to tell you about nebulae, galaxies, star clusters and expect them to teach you anything scientific based, because they don't know it. Religions who don't teach you God's Word, the Bible, are no better than those astrologers. Finally, Eccleisastes 1 in the King James Version talks about "vanities" Verse 2 is a Figure of Speech, Epanadiplosis, and is used where the first and last word are the same to bring the greatest emphasis. However, Vanities is used of that which soon vanishes. It is something transitory and unsatisfactory. So, yes, without God, which is what Ecclesiastes is talking about, life is meaningless, transitory and unsatisfactory. But, with God, it is something totally different. Finally, 'we're all going to die?' No, some will not die. As I said, when Christ returns to gather together his church, there will be believers who will still be alive, who will be 'caught up' into the clouds, and transformed. There will also be the believers who between Acts 2:2, the day of Pentecost, and that moment Christ returns who have died, and they will get up from the dead and be given new bodies. In fact, they will get up before those who are alive will be caught up, but as I said, it all happens in the blink of an eye, a 'twinkling of an eye' in the King James version. So, we're not all going to die, although if the Gathering Together is far enough in the future, yes, all of us who are on the planet will be dead when that happens. But, no one, not one person, not one angel, not even Jesus Christ, knows the day or the hour when God will say to him "Go bring the family home." So, did you ever believe, even for a short period of time, did you ever confess Jesus as Lord, and believed God raised him from the dead?
@Jason_AstroNovice 2 дня назад
Fantastic Story! I’m an even bigger fan now!
@DylanODonnell 2 дня назад
Hey thanks Jase!
@wodclerc 2 дня назад
Lol, lovely! Actually made me and the missus lookup how we could do that over here too. Didn't even consider for a second to baptize our kids. However we're in the same boat as you. Hope the family is doing ok! All the best!
@paskoh 3 дня назад
This just made my day 😂
@mycarolinaskies 3 дня назад
As a believer in Jesus Christ I understand the frustrations of man-made dogmatic religion. Jesus himself was irritated by the formalist self-righteous state of Judaism. I have no doubt the audacity of the Roman Catholic church in its formulaic practices as well as other 'christian' religions have strayed toward that same dogmatism. Baptism of children is somehow thought as a stop-gap pre-saving device as if Jesus is going to look up in heavens database and reject anyone including children who die. When Christ went to John the Baptist he was an adult and made the choice of freewill acknowledging the significance. Baptism should be a choice in your heart between you and Jesus, not between you and some religion as a gateway to services from the religion. Following Christ isn't some club membership to pull out when convenient either. If we're not in a mental place to want a relationship with Christ no amount of baptism as a child is going to cover our asses. If you need proof like Thomas required, it's between Christ and you, not between some religion's dogma and you. Having attended and been a member of various churches I understand your desire to distance yourself from what you perceive is their benefitting from your inclusion in the rolls. I still love a lot of people who I attended with, and we share belief in Christ, but I see modern churched religions as very different from faith in Christ which is a personal decision. I see the glory of the creator when I look up and away from the man-made world that resides on top of the creation below my feet. We may send satellites up into the space, and temporarily blind seeing the skies with light pollution, but a simple trip to a dark site and can look up in awe and know life is meaningless in the scheme of the creators plan. We all are star stuff into which God breathed his spirit, so we can look up with more than just logic. I'm no Vulcan, I'm human with the emotions given to mankind, to be amazed and to have wonder to explore and glorify the creator in his creation.
@hansf2281 3 дня назад
Thank goodness we live in a more enlightened age in which we can safely (mostly) air our views on such matters. After all, "blasphemy is a victimless crime".
@G4L4CTICR4DIO 3 дня назад
Have been listening to Dr Ammon Hillman who studies Greek. I no longer believe Jesus was the son of god. Won’t be “unbaptized” because IMO the baptism I underwent was meaningless but it wasn’t as official as yours and I doubt my name was even written down lol.
@achebwahs1111 3 дня назад
They do have a kick ass telescope though. Named LUCIFER. Seriously WTF? Yeah I got dunked as well.
@jongroubert4203 3 дня назад
I was the valedictorian of my Hebrew School. But even then, I knew it was all steaming piles of bullshit. I was just a very good student. What tipped me off was Genesis 18:20-33. This is the story of Abraham bargaining with god. It goes something like this: G: I'm gonna destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. A: But would you really destroy the good with the wicked? What if there are 50 good people there? (A really has to remind G that this is bad?) G: Nah, bruh. If there are 50, I won't destroy them. And A proceeds to haggle with G over the number. A gets G all the way down to 10. Why not push G down to 4, or, if you don't count Lot's Wife as good, then 3? I'm sorry, but when G says a thing, that is the thing. You either accept this or go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200, not even $200AUD. The terms are non-negotiable. You don't haggle with god. And, after further contemplation, I rejected the whole thing. Glad I did.
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
That’s such a funny story that really exposes the creativity of the human authors.. so many stories like that throughout that books from so many different human perspectives. The whole Ecclesiastes chapter is beautiful but there are these odd out of place additions from holy people who had to transcribe it and make it sound less like an atheist treaty heh
@WilliamSmith-gf3nt 3 дня назад
Every once in a while I will find a video that provides really good information that is presented slow enough to understand. This video is just one of the very few that do that. I received my ASI220MM-Mini 18-days ago. In the past 18-days, tonight will be the second night without clouds, rain, etc. Setting up PHD2 has been quite a problem for me; but, your video is extremely helpful. I was very weary over what to do with that ST4 cable. Now, I must tell you that I will not torch it, but I will put it back in the box and leave it. Thank you for a very clear and informative video presented at an appropriate pace for mortals to understand.
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
Thx Will!
@keeplookingup911 3 дня назад
Whether you are a science guy or spiritual, one can just browse through history and figure out that Catholic = Satanic. They abolished Passover and Sabbath which even Jesus kept as his custom. Getting out of Babylon church is the best decision. However just to let you know, second coming Christ had already come. Christ Ahnsahnghong is our heavenly father and Our heavenly mother is "Mother Jerusalem". In this last age of holy Spirit we must follow Elohim God (God the Father and God the Mother) and celebrate "Feasts Of God" rather than man-made festivals such as "Christmas", Easter, Good Friday, thanks giving.... If everything is meaningless and we all are going to die then Why do we do Astronomy??? The answer is - We do Astronomy because it gets you closer to the universe and closer to the maker of the universe. God bless you Thanks to Elohim God
@humphrysr 3 дня назад
Volunteering to read fairy tales in catechism class is an excellent way to get uninvited.
@ryanmichaelhaley 3 дня назад
And you're still a dork, but that's why we love you Dylan!
@stevenholt824 4 дня назад
I have to agree about your sign off ,after id watched my first video of yours and the sign off i was hooked.
@eplacentia 4 дня назад
“Unbaptised” lol
@outdegree 4 дня назад
Raised atheist. Have no middle name. Discovered progressive metal and free improvisation then later astronomy.
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
Haha nice
@blythewarland6688 4 дня назад
fortunately I was never baptised
@AlanHowellphotovideo 4 дня назад
Well done Sir. Total space hero move. Bronze Age beliefs need to stay in the Bronze Age if humans are to move forward.
@Q_Bits 4 дня назад
I had no idea this was possible. I guess I’m going to get unbaptized too. Thank you for sharing this!
@MrRickJose 4 дня назад
And just when I think that there surely can’t be anything else to admire about you, this… love it.
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
Haha thanks Rick!
@gsevere2073 4 дня назад
Love the video, love the sentiment 😅
@randyjackson6745 4 дня назад
telescopes and accessories are a complete ripoff like everything else but to the the extreme in this market. top dollar for chinese trash! my telescope inventory is complete and hopefully i will no longer have to pay another dime into this racket. try and defend these prices all you want but their is no justification for the prices in this hobby. its a ripoff period! it has been and always will be an overpriced market and one i dont wish to spend another dime to support.
@astrochristie 4 дня назад
Thank you for the inspiration! I have just reached out to the church that baptized me to do the very same. I hope they make it a little easier for me, but I'm willing to jump through hoops to make this happen!
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
Hey congrats ! I hope it works out!
@Starman1959 4 дня назад
Dylan I am impressed that you took the time to read the Bible and even know the stories!
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
Oh yeh it’s full of weird stuff .. my main copy has the apocrypha too which is even funnier. It’s not a “good” book though .. in the sense that if it wasn’t special and you just made someone read it .. they wouldn’t make it through numbers.
@MatthieusStuff 4 дня назад
Turns out I had a very similar upbringing to you. I’ve never bothered with annulling my baptism as I’m agnostic. Plus in my case, catholicism has had as much impact on my personality as science and history. Anyways, it doesn’t really matter as long as I can remain unaffiliated during census.
@falklumo 4 дня назад
A telescope isn‘t just some simple mechanics. It contains optics like a large mirror which can be expensive to make in an excellent quality. Some schools offer DIY projects though …
@clarencemumphrey 4 дня назад
Hi, Dylan. I am Catholic and I have no ill will toward you for your decision to unenroll from the Catholic Church. Everyone is given free will as a birthright. I just wanted to let you know there is a need for clarification. Baptism is considered a sacrament no matter what Christian faith you espouse. You are disenrolled from the Catholic faith, but you are not unbaptized. Even now, you have the power to baptize. Every baptized Christian has this power. The need for Catholic baptism close to birth was started to ensure the child's soul could enter heaven in case of a premature death. The documentation is held within the parish to assure you have the right to the other sacraments of the church. When I was married, I had to request a copy of my baptism records from my old parish. Someone stated that you cannot get married in the Catholic Church if you marry a non-Catholic. This is not true. You can have a marriage ceremony in the church. You cannot have the marriage in the context of the Mass. My sister is a testament to that. This is out of respect for the non-Catholic family, not as a slight to them. At any rate, I love your channel. I will continue to watch your great (and entertaining) content. I wish you and your family all the best. Please continue to live a good life. Your friend, Clarence from Louisiana, USA🖖
@blobrana8515 4 дня назад
Happy solstice 🎉
@textandtelescope8199 4 дня назад
Odd that you care that you are on a database. Don't buy into it? Then why waste time on it?
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад
Because it’s funny :)
@textandtelescope8199 2 дня назад
@@DylanODonnell Being of a humorous bent meownself, can't argue with that!
@nicklloyd9165 4 дня назад
I don’t tell god what to do, god doesn’t tell me what to do, and we get along just fine.
@Freethink761 4 дня назад
Check out oddtv space is fake
@SuperBoatdoc 4 дня назад
The apostle Thomas went on to become one of the most widely traveled of the Apostles, and a powerful evangelizer- to this day, there are Christians in India with the surname Thomas. He was said to be martyred (driven through with spears or swords, something like that) in India. There are even accounts in the Jesuit missionaries(The Paraguay Reductions) of South America of hearing from the native tribes an old tale of a man named Tome who crossed the continent carrying a cross, who was beaten and had multiple attempts on his life, performing miracles to include raising people from the dead. “Doubting Thomas” was apparently only a temporary phase in his life.
@yzfr1grl 4 дня назад
One more reason to love your channel even more. Now I need to see if I can have my Mormon baptism annulled.
@davidletz9123 4 дня назад
Since it is all meaningless, and we're all going to die, please send me your best scope and mount. You won't miss it. Amen!
@DylanODonnell 3 дня назад