Rational Animations
Rational Animations
Rational Animations
Rational Animations is a fully remote international team of about 40 artists, writers, and tech dorks collaborating together. We are fans of dogs, stories, animation, learning, and doing good.

With our RU-vid channel, we aim to promote good-thinking, altruistic causes and help ensure humanity's future goes well. Among these topics, we are particularly focused on AI Safety and AI Alignment: making sure present and future AI Systems are aligned with human values and don't cause our extinction.

We also offer animation production and writing services. Don't hesitate to contact us!
How One Career Can Save a Million Lives
2 месяца назад
How to Eradicate Global Extreme Poverty
7 месяцев назад
The Hidden Complexity of Wishes
7 месяцев назад
The Parable of the Dagger
9 месяцев назад
The Goddess of Everything Else
10 месяцев назад
@irineogomez 46 минут назад
This video should have been 10 minutes shorter. Repeat the same information like 5 times.
@adcraziness1501 2 часа назад
I'm pretty sure I want GPT-2 not some nanny version.
@adcraziness1501 2 часа назад
To reemphasize: I do not want an AI language model based on what some group thinks is moral. I want an AI language model that will learn my morals and values.
@Godz_Gamer189 4 часа назад
I made gpt make jailbreaks for gpt
@zilvoxidgod 6 часов назад
This is just people masturbating to the idea that if there's more people, all our current problems will be worse. But that's not how that works. The majority of people alive today are suffering on a level that should not be accepted and easily qualifies, in severity, with the S risk status. The scope is pretty much irrelevant because the scale is already as big as it can physically be now. If that's not a cause for action yet, nothing ever will be. If any relevant decisions were influenced by scope, we would have solved the problem already. This entire idea is simply inactionable and fruitless. The only effective measures to prevent these risks are to eliminate these problems in our modern world at the scales where they already exist. If that isn't done, the discussion is over. In fact, everything happening today would qualify as an S risk 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, even 10,000 years ago.
@samuelglueck6911 12 часов назад
4:26 Are those the Canmen from the Bosun’s Journal speculative evolution project?
@EndingSimple 13 часов назад
John Barne's "Kaleidoscope Century" is the SF to read about this.
@EndingSimple 14 часов назад
The road to hell ...
@whoisj 16 часов назад
AI danger isn't its computing speed because that's offset by its insane power cost. AI danger comes from its cheap replication. an Ai can be cloned, perfectly, on minutes. Humans take decades for a very imperfect copy.
@Peeweeweepeewee 17 часов назад
cant wait for the video creation ai to do this
@Loregamorl 17 часов назад
Reminds me of the Portal in the Forest book that has humanity suffer various apocalypses (in the wider story universe). One of them had humanity become perpetually enslaved to something through the use of machines that allowed folks to sort of program their day. At first it was simple stuff like boring work, but moved up to entire work schedules, workout routines, etc. Eventually they figured out ways to actually do it wirelessly, a bunch of pretty weird religious fanatics started to grow way too fond of the stuff (you get tons of productivity and suffering apparently ends, cuz the device works in a way that allows you to sleep/daydream sort of), and more and more folks used it 24/7. Finally it resulted in everyone being merged into what is essentially a hivemind, with it being revealed that despite the sort of dreamlike state, the usage of these machines/methods/technologies leaves the victim in what amounts to perpetual torture until they die, where they come out of the trance screaming.
@mantisynth2186 18 часов назад
a wish can be made safe with 2 conditions: 1) I must not regret making this wish at any point. 2) Condition 1 must not be achieved by altering my values or removing my ability to regret something.
@legendarykitti7149 20 часов назад
good takes something that was once wicked, and makes it beautiful
@adamhollander9487 20 часов назад
Is this why GPT tells me men pretending to be women are actually women and that's great, but wanting to live with people who look and think like me is evil?
@plumbum605 20 часов назад
So Warhammer 40k?
@djayjp День назад
For cognitive tasks, this decade. Maybe even the first half of this decade.
@djayjp День назад
Would love to listen to this music....
@djayjp День назад
I like the cute animals... ☺️
@stonker77 День назад
It's remarkable China has lifted 800 million out of absolute poverty.
@eohq День назад
3:31 DEFCON mentioned‼️
@Iklary День назад
Intersing perspective.
@c.jishnu378 День назад
You could say i wish my mother is besides me like how she was 4 hours ago.
@kakashi644 День назад
‏‪5:20‬‏ this is my ai
@stoopifz День назад
AI being gullible to other AI This is so real
@benjamincarter6095 День назад
I want to play with all these versions
@jonharrison3114 День назад
Do you mean like a city state
@jonharrison3114 День назад
Isn’t this the plot of cyberpunk
@vincentleeadams День назад
And who gets to decide what suffering is? It first starts with reeducation camps and ends in “We should abort the fetus because it would lead a miserable life anyway“. And again, what is suffering? We should tread lightly and be thoughtful when discussing weighty matters of this type. No one wants suffering, but first do no harm.
@jonharrison3114 День назад
DEFCON 1 game mentioned 3:35
@StaleRamen День назад
i absolutely adore the method of visualizing the inner workings of GPT-2 as well as the fundamentals on what exactly broke it
@emilygunning2350 День назад
This animation is a glimpse into the cosmic playground. Ingredients: 100% entropy.
@gps9715 День назад
"Let's assume...." is used way too often for my comfort level in this video.
@124myth День назад
Omg this was one heck of an incident to go down in history! Greatly explained. This is how bad an evil teacher can be. Hope they check their codes a hundred times beforehand, now that this happened!
@weesamexpress6730 День назад
I honestly wanted to hear the tale of the low milage Subaru at 0:56
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 День назад
So basically God and Satan...but evolutionary.
@whitewalker608 День назад
This is a FANTASTIC video on intuitive understand on Bayes. Loved the animations. Loved that you explained the odds for of Bayesian. Loved the examples.
@Flame-rp6yq День назад
One must teach an AI morals and to teach a machine the ever-changing complexities of whatever someone has deemed as "Good and moral" has and will continue to change throughout the course of humanity, and even changes from anything to person to person, faith to faith, to nations and countries
@cinders4082 День назад
this is my new favorite channel
@dmitryplohotnyuk5093 День назад
3:18 Helldivers! This is a call for a moment to fight for our Freedom!
@sOWAcREAM2763 День назад
Yo when is the goddess of everything else gonna show up???
@AGGProductions День назад
This is the next kurzgesaght 👏
@Ohyeah199 День назад
“Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!”
@jbdelphiaiii7637 День назад
A basic S risk 'root cause': The results from the contention... "that the business of business is business"
@Hollowdude15 День назад
Great video Rational Animations :]
@nathangamble125 День назад
Our existence in this time has terrifying implications for humanity as a whole. If humanity will be successful and last millions of years, we are implausibly early as individuals within the human race. If humanity will last millions of years and/or expand to tens of billions of individuals, then we are in a tiny fraction of a percent of the first humans that will ever exist, which demands at least as much of an explanation as being a tiny fraction of a percent of the first intelligent species that will ever exist. If humanity will be successful and last millions of years, of course _someone_ would have to be around in the early period, but why would it be us specifically? If we assume that we are typical humans (which we have no reason not to), we can expect that there were roughly as many humans who lived before us as will live after us (about 110 billion). If that assumption is correct, then we should expect humanity to only last around 1000 years more without a major catastrophe which reduces our population to a few million or less, or wipes us out entirely.
@Elitebatzen 2 дня назад
Why is extinction bad? it is the best shot in preventing suffering. And nobody is deprived of anything if he isn´t existing.
@natokafa5238 2 дня назад
Excellent presentation
@elinope4745 2 дня назад
I have had this type of thinking for nearly half my life now. In common English I will say that I believe things that I have more than two deviations of certainty.
@LIMSAkaRiorulz 2 дня назад
So this is where AI girlfriends come from
@elinope4745 2 дня назад
They already do it on purpose. What if, and I know this may be hard to believe, what if many twelve year old girls want to be mothers. Instead we send them to school and import immigrants to have those children instead. A whole lot of children explicitly deny consent to go to school and must be forced. This sometimes leads to gun violence in schools. We don't try to fix this situation, we just watch as the next generation is abused into being wage slaves. Their chance for having children stole from them by immigrants that were imported so that wage labor stays cheap, so that they stay poor while going to those schools. We do it on purpose. We increase the suffering on purpose.
@arvin6883 2 дня назад
The industrial revolution