Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald
System Update is a LIVE prime-time news show hosted by award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. Join us on Rumble, weeknights at 7pm ET, for unencumbered analysis and investigative reporting, captive to no dogma or faction.
Julian Assange's Plea Deal: EXPLAINED
19 часов назад
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@jasonstearns2666 9 секунд назад
Let's not forget that young Democratic worker, Seth Rich, who was assassinated for alerting Wikileaks about the DNC rigging everything to favor HRC.
@david_davidson 25 минут назад
I love that NetanyahuTube cites "wikipedia" as a legitimate source! 🤣 That's how you know they are shoveling a heaping pile of 💩 at you in the hope you'll swallow it. 😏
@steveheck4348 26 минут назад
Democracy is Mob Rule!
@tigrecito48 29 минут назад
they would have gotten away with it, if it werent for those pesky kids!
@artlopes9463 40 минут назад
Idiotocracy more like it.
@dixztube 40 минут назад
Man I’m a democrat but I wish trump would arrest them all 😂
@kmaidotia 52 минуты назад
The dems are so short sighted and dumb not knowing thier golden boy Obama needs this more than all the living presidents
@paigefoster8396 53 минуты назад
Thank you.
@NicholasWongCQ 56 минут назад
Sotomayor is a sorry excuse for a "judge"
@jayceegenocide4402 56 минут назад
Glenn is sad because Biden is an easy Win for Trump. Now a DarkHorse will WRECK Trump. They rigged their 2016-2024 Primaries for their WORST Candidate.
@steveheck4348 23 минуты назад
Who is that?
@saysayeed Час назад
What a deservedly ignominious exit for genocide Joe.
@johnnations5932 Час назад
Only Bernice Sanders can fix the federal government, if anyone can. But the presidency is a sick anachronism that must be abolished. No empire can survive forever, but this one is racing off the cliff by doggedly pursuing the idea of president as "leader" and savior.
@sanjaybhatikar Час назад
The Emperor has no clothes :))
@sanjaybhatikar Час назад
The oligarchy giveth, and the oligarchy taketh away :))
@SuperJohn12354 Час назад
Joes already won the nomination, to take it away now would show that, that process is rigged and that a small rich and powerful group decide who’s the DNC president
@winterbird4447 Час назад
Should have been Bernie instead of both Clinton and Biden.
@paconner27 Час назад
Yeah Glenn. This SCOTUS is pristine.
@bruceclark4754 Час назад
You're wasting your time on this insignificant issue Glenn. We know that US politics is beyond redemption but trying to get a demented old man removed makes sense on every level. It has nothing to do with democracy. Not to remove him is elder abuse. Find an issue worthy of your intellugence. The US is already a laughing stock. To stick with Biden is patently ridiculous
@vgernyc Час назад
So this is Qualified Immunity that cops enjoy and abuse extended to the POTUS
@nidsam5113 Час назад
Why would donors control, who is president or candidate. Should be the people.
@mactek6033 Час назад
Greenwald is an idealist moron. President's should have absolute immunity for fulfilling their core constitutional duties for just the reason he gave. Which is to keep current presidents from enacting revenge on former presidents. Only banana republics do that.
@mpetrison3799 Час назад
The "Revolution of Dignity," which involved a Right Sector Insurrection overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine, was about democracy, according to Cookies Nuland. The Kyiv government has also been supporting freedom and democracy when appointing neo-Nazi Svoboda ministers, or banning extremely popular parties, or sending the neo-Nazi Azov battalion to "kill their own people" in the Donbas, etc. This neocon is a monster, whether working directly under Republicans like Bush and Dick Cheney, or Democrats like Hillary, Biden and Obama. God help the future of our Galaxy, if AI is not taught to understand the Evil emanating from such humans (and there are no gods or aliens out there to correct what will either be the Singularity, or the Extinction of Advanced Terrestrial Intelligence.)
@drcornelius8275 2 часа назад
This might be the best show you've ever done! Great work!
@allanboysen8967 2 часа назад
How this DNC playbook manifest will be chess gambit manoeuvring only some very dark character's can pull off, and fortunately for Maga Blue Their Are Plenty that fit that bill. Namely the guy who pontificated the 2020 primary, the architect and project manager in the arrangement of scaffold to further buttress the plot. Pulling Bernie aside in order to galvanize the party, it was a second time from two campaign's, a quickly spoken word to capitulateing "for the team" speech. And with that, the other's followed suit. This inner circle had expended Biden in the same as winds change their direction. The villain's.... like in any horror movie, return. Barrack Obama and his ilk have the most appalling record of devastation when looking in your rear vision mirror, the carnage, and what's ahead is no different. They want to float two scenario #01 Michelle Obama/Hillary Clinton #02 Kamala/Hillary Clinton This toe dipping feedback will manifest in fake polls on Michelle, for over- riding popularty. With- holding the -surprise running mate. While secretly getting people off the scent via the big fundraiser monies left on the table held by Kamala(should Biden take the L) #02 They take their chances with 'broken record Kamala' and hold their noses til the very last, to drop the Hillary name(wont be popular just sneaky) All together 11.6years Obama has been ruling including auxiliary by Biden proxy too. Do we want to see another 4 more, this time in Michelle 's ear? "Hell No!!? If that's not a rigged system, what is? We are on the brink of WW3 and it's all on a whim for controll purposes. They may have no intention to launch, but we don't know that. Just 101 politics, I guess, to keep us in fear, awaiting a savior. A solution to end the pain. Our taxpaying dollar's playing to enervate over a tinder box apocalypse. Atrocious. I'm sure some people will think, even currently, that-- Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama II-- and his ilk were nice people, but take a closer look , and you might just of witnessedwhat power and wealth does,...... not to all,....you be the judge.
@Rd-bi7vr 2 часа назад
As long as it is Joe and Biden you can choose whoever you want : democracy at work in todays Dem party.
@c.6452 2 часа назад
Glen has the receipts!
@monte68x 2 часа назад
Fire up the Clinton Foundation and install the Hilldog.
@willlovendahl2309 2 часа назад
Not the best take. I’m far more outraged that these elites hid Biden’s mental issues from the general public than I am that they are forcing him out. The fact is, they wouldn’t be able to force him out if Biden simply showed that he’s cognitively fit. He could do the All-In Podcast, Ezra Klein, or even a softball from Pod Save America. Just jump out and do some interviews, and Biden would put the whole issue to bed. The fact is though that Biden can’t do it, so the elites should do what they can to remove him. They just should have done that more than a year ago… maybe 2… maybe 5
@drcornelius8275 2 часа назад
Yes, 2016 proved that the DNC is run by oligarchs and Bernie, the most popular candidate, was forced to kiss Hillary's ring and back out. It's so laughable when Democrats talk about saving Democracy lol.
@tellmelullabies5552 2 часа назад
“Dems allowed for a true primary in 2016” Two words for you Glen: Super Delegates
@junacebedo888 2 часа назад
LEFTISTS progressive brain are weird Example Snakes in Zoo talks according to atheist Bill Maher. Because the bible said a snake tempted Eve
@randychurchill201 2 часа назад
All politicians in the United States have immunity as long as they compromise with the liberal agenda. Saying that the president has immunity is no different than saying a King is above the normal scope of the law. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a hierarchical slave plantation.
@at8630 3 часа назад
We save democracy by denying a primary to challenge the dementia patient, preventing a viable third-party candidate from the debate, attempting to imprison the opposition which is leading in every pole and promoting and funding the 'democracy' in Ukraine where elections have been cancelled.
@charliecrowley1070 3 часа назад
Joe is going to have taped an edited interview🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@anthonysimon4991 3 часа назад
The Blob is not our friend.
@wealthychef 3 часа назад
Just more undemocratic shenanigans by your favorite political corporation.
@sstansm7f 3 часа назад
Oligarchs are also ageing and getting senile and incapable to use grey cells.
@suigeneris2663 3 часа назад
I just love that for 99% of the lawyers choosing to talk about this shit - the three dissenting opinions are almost certainly the first time those lawyers have read like, any dissenting opinion like, ever…and yet, strangely, those dissenting opinions became the focus of their collective hysterical online analyses. Trump and Obama loathed each other. Trump threatened to prosecute Hillary. She funded the Steele dossier. Nothing. But suddenly Trump’s gonna take out his enemies with SEAL Team Six and make himself President for Life. Yeah, sure. Democrats and their empty promises. And of course I’m totally, absolutely not joking about that one iota…because if there’s one thing that conservatives are known for, it’s their fondness for big government. Long live God-Emperor Trump or whatever, yeah baby!
@CraikenGames 3 часа назад
I miss the old Glenn Greenwald. This one sounds more upset that democrats are late to agree with him than that the Supreme Court made a ruling enshrining the theory he's been adamantly against for decades.
@ryerye9019 3 часа назад
Remember when Obama drone striked US citizens without any due process? That would be at the top of list of things you could/should criminally prosecute.
@williamking7800 3 часа назад
Who else here remembers when Harry Truman was convicted of the war crime of ordering the torturous killing over 100,000 Japanese noncombatants?
@SclountDraxxer 4 часа назад
"Anti-Elite" journalists cosigning the Elite's push to make the President above the law. It was already a near impossible task, but good luck holding American war criminals accountable now. Just file it under "official" Presidential business.
@toms1875 4 часа назад
2016 and now 2024. I'm thinking the LIberal Elite don't actually want a Democrat to win the White House.
@bettysteve322716 4 часа назад
now you all know who is REALLY running America
@khernandez46 4 часа назад
Most of those donors like Emmanuel, are Zionist Jews. Color me shocked. Harris is married to a Zionist Jew. Hunter Biden is married to a Zionist Jew. I stopped voting in 2016 as I REFUSE to participate in RIGGED elections. So until Americans wake up, nothing is going to change. BTW, Trump's biggest donor in 2016 was Sheldon Adelson, a mega Zionist Jew. Trump's Son in law is a Chabbadist and Zionist Jew. So it doesn't matter who you choose ( doesn't count), you'll get love for AIPAC,'GENOCIDE and serving only Zionist Jew/MIC/WAR donors interests.
@user-bf6gi4kt4w 4 часа назад
They hate us for our freedoms
@honahwikeepa2115 4 часа назад
Follow the Money 😁💰
@jemzargo 4 часа назад
I'd be interested to know what the government's argument was in this case. Did they deny there was any immunity? To what extent are the courts rulings and the government submissions in this case similar?. After all Trump's was arguing for absolute immunity. He didn't get it in this case.
@Mikey-mike 4 часа назад
Thank you, Glenn.
@dondobbs9302 4 часа назад
Donor class; "eat this turd sandwich for the third time or you'll get 'you-know-who!' " Also, donor class; "No! Wait! Wait! DON'T eat THAT turd sandwich!!"