I talk about things that interest me

0 subscribers - 07/09/21
1,000 subscribers- 14/05/22
10,000 subscribers - 20/06/22
He Thought We're All Perverts. He Was Right*
5 месяцев назад
We live in a "Data Dictatorship"
7 месяцев назад
You Are A Toxic Perfectionist
Год назад
Can Anxiety Be An Advantage?
Год назад
The Meaning Of Life (in two words)
2 года назад
nobody cares about you, okay
2 года назад
2 года назад
@yourstrulyOceano 19 минут назад
Your energy and voice makes me so happy thank you for this video
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 4 часа назад
Rotting flat.
@lourobin2728 7 часов назад
The power we have over our lives does not come from external sources. The power comes from within. Outside influences do their damnedest to try to take it away from us by molding the way we think.
@Carrarvella 17 часов назад
Just turned 20, its been 1.5 years since i finished high school. Tried suicide 3 times. i have now to listen to people say s*** like "you are now a man, pull ur self", easy to say when i dont have a fuking car, I dont live in a city and the so great uni was a clown fiesta... I have to listen to people of age 50+ talking like they fought in ww2, "be gratefull for what you have", "i strated working at 16". but hey at least in 3 years corpos will monitor how many times i'll go to the bathroom
@Arnoud-nf6iz День назад
WHY IS THERE NEWS??????????? because they need to make money THATS ALL
@brothersamuelrogers8138 День назад
This is something to meditate on. ‭1 Timothy 6:6-8 KJV‬ [6] But godliness with contentment is great gain. [7] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. [8] And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. All.fashions of this life, creature comforts, etc are all vanity. And the will wax old and fade away to nothing. We are at the end folks. I beleive the end of time and also the end of our nation. Be content with what you have. ‭Luke 12:15 KJV‬ [15] And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. Don t worry about retirerment, its vanity. Dont even worry about what you will eat or drink tomorrow. Seek Jesus while he is able to be found call upon him while he is near. Confess and FORSAKE all sin and have faith in God.
@AnnaC130 День назад
I feel like my Boomer parents are a Doomer and a Millenial who have given and who haven't given up, depending on their intrestes , developed in youth. And one wonders why I was born with depressive tendencies?
@Spencer-vq7se День назад
I feel like Gen Z is stuck with the leftover crumbs of Boomers and generations before them. Boomers were given everything from their elders, but instead of carrying the legacy they took everything and ran.
@Spencer-vq7se День назад
Our country has hit the "saturation point". prosperity is dead. All the big fast money that could be made has already been made. We have been left with crumbs.
@sevendeuceuk День назад
Advertising is on and also a paid advertisement for a 10 minute video. Unwatchable
@yourdailyrandom5434 День назад
As a nihilist I could easily say nothing matter which in the end is true but I still would like to live my life to the fullest even if it doesn't do a big impact on the world because I'd die happy knowing that I lived my best with my short life
@No1orNoOne 2 дня назад
“Good things come to those who wait.”
@No1orNoOne 2 дня назад
So, the solution is not to deprive ourselves of what we cling to but rather to change our standards (i.e. expectations)?
@biropgrules 2 дня назад
this generation has been raised believing they have to save the world and the realization that 1. they cant. or 2. everything they believed to be so important was all bullshit and theyre not a special generation at all broke them. Every other generation has understood that they were just one, single generation amongst countless others, sure they were special in the sense that they felt themselves the most enlightened, but nobody ever thought, holy shit we are the single, most important one that ever existed and will ever exist and the world is going to fucking end unless we act now, now! only to now be told, you arent special at all, and if you think you are, you are a fucking moron. thats a harsh truth, and one withouth a specific way out.
@Blockheadfun 2 дня назад
If you’re only surviving… What’s the point? You aren’t enjoying anything. With no enjoyment? Why bother?
@ekaterinasergeyeva453 3 дня назад
That's a great video, very well researched and thought through. Thank you for all the quotes and especially for Hannah Arendt. Her words are so up-to-date, it's creepy. You're definitely of service to the youtube community in posting this video. I hope you'll find good friends in the place where you've moved and I wish you all the best in life
@0gfjvih5 3 дня назад
we will get better, we will come together, and collectively we will make change
@Acid_Ash 4 дня назад
As a gen z I'm pretty far from giving up. Quite the opposite. If they tell me I'll own nothing a be happy. Then I will take the steps to own everything I buy and if I can't I pirate. If jobs show me they don't respect me with promotions and pay increases then I work a different job. If consumerism is ruining my chance to build my wealth I stop consuming what drains my wallet. I'm more hopeful then ever but at the same time I find it incredibly sad millennials, gen z and Gen alpha have to play a "rigged against them" game of life. If life is rigged then I'll rig it back in my favor. The reason I'm more hopeful then ever is because people are waking up to the BS. Now more then ever I see the collective making waves with the voices we have. If enough of us refuse to lay down and take it then that creates change. Not only for gen z but also gen alpha
@Grilledcheesecake 4 дня назад
Did we give up?? Uh,yea seems like it -
@MaxDunk 5 дней назад
4:32 Older Millennial here, I don't feel like my contract with society is broken; I was forced to sign that contract by virtue of being born. My existence since around 13 years old has been a living protest. The horrifying systems we're all forced to fund, at the end of government guns, is devastating to the psyche. I can't even buy a cheeseburger at a fast food place without being reminded that those pennies in taxes will eventually fund something god awful. So I've spent almost 2 decades being taxed as little as possible. Anything I can make, I make, I try not to buy anything at all unless it's absolutely needed. I don't vote, I refuse jury duty, If I was old enough to draft you wouldn't take me without a gunfight. I will not participate in the system, because it is the only option that keeps me guilt free enough to live; I would have left a long time ago if not. Happiness is a place far away from the brutal systems created by people, but there's nowhere to go anymore.
@jasonreimer4742 5 дней назад
The real man is gone We "men " like u now 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@johnarc3856 5 дней назад
the young need their land back. that's where they belong. -Lori
@spytechchronicles 5 дней назад
It is a different world out there. There are huge conflicts brewing all over the place. No room for any relationship now.
@spytechchronicles 5 дней назад
Many people in gen x also gave up quietly and no one noticed till it was too late. No big deal. Most people want a quiet existence and peaceful death. This is a different world.
@codyalexander3290 5 дней назад
Idk what it is but even if I have to disregard a good nights rest to have 2 hours to vedge I’ll do it. Idk if it’s some form of entitlement I have or why I have the constant demand to have a daily reward.
@ChickpeatheTortie 6 дней назад
Its always been a bit poophole for the average worker. There have been 80 good years - and they are now coming to an end
@_Cassette 6 дней назад
We mean cringe like: guy: I broke my skin, Then i went for the win, im a stuupid iiiiii *diot* and im a p-
@_Cassette 6 дней назад
Nursing home rhymes
@rag5av 7 дней назад
Great vid wow till now i though it was like a drug
@sennemaa5976 7 дней назад
Its the same since decades.
@fereshassineLoki 7 дней назад
I’m 29, have one son and feel lucky to have him. A lot of my family are LGBT+ and don’t choose to have kids. I respect that. I also believe I will be the only person in my family from my generation to have a kid.
@MidaMulti-Tool-iv3lr 7 дней назад
what do you mean nobody noticed xd
@megag52 7 дней назад
Why would anybody want to be a coward and choose mediocrity? Fuck that shit. Get after it
@OfficialNo44 7 дней назад
i know it's not Dopamine, it the toxic work environment people work in that drags people down to the point where all they think they can do is watch pointless content on shit like tiktok. i have recently left a toxic work place that was hold me down, leaving me with no energy to do the things i love to do like working on music, its only been about 2 weeks and i've feel so much better about myself and what i can do, there isnt a cant do any more, on top of that i feel and have been telling myself I Can Do Anything.
@edenhackett3766 7 дней назад
I’m so happy this guy is popping off. Such wholesome and informative content.
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 7 дней назад
Well they fucked up so how can we also not be fucked up,
@flyingfeathers_ 8 дней назад
@TayoEXE 8 дней назад
I think this resonates a lot with me or others who don't feel like they "fit in" with the world at times. Authenticity is something I really valued and felt I could even detect when I was younger, and I understand why people would have issues with some forms of expression, etc., but I do agree that we could all try to be a little more empathetic. I'm a highly thoughtful and emotive person. I think a lot about what matters to me, and I tend to write essays, and well, on the internet, people don't seem to like to read, even a few paragraphs. I get it. I shouldn't be as wordy, and that's something I acknowledge I can work on, but that's more of a skill issue and less of a personality issue I'd say. In other words, it hurts when I write something that sounds highly emotive or personal to me and someone calls it "cringe" or simply chooses to think I'm being unauthentic or get likes or something. What lead to people just assuming the worst in others, especially those they don't know? People do things for a reason, and I don't think it's fair to assume they do it from any intentionally negative place right off the bat. Authenticity for me is just being able to step aside from what others think or even re-evaluating your own perspectives and biases and getting to your core values, needs, desires, and goals. When that comes out as expression, some may judge, even if it's perfectly okay, ethically and lawfully. It's one reason why people are afraid to dance in front of others but may love to do a funny dance at home when no one is around. It really doesn't hurt anyone, just presents itself as a target for someone to reaffirm their own ego.
@kusharha532 8 дней назад
What does it mean when i feel numb,as if my mind has stopped working and i hv to make effort in doing even tiniest thing?
@Anonym-yr4qn 9 дней назад
I've had a similar insight just recently. My life is based on dopamine, i only realized days ago and i really struggle to connect it to the right things. This is really messing with me, because i have an "avoidant attachment style", which means basically just what i've described with my first sentence. Dopamine is the only thing i "bond" over and i really struggle with emotions, as well as communicating them. I also find it incredibly hard to find my way. Just like seemingly everyone.
@codyalexander3290 5 дней назад
Exactly my life
@_no.one.is.always.right_ 9 дней назад
The reason is lack of trustworthiness. I don't give false hope or false promises to people especially friends because only one person can be a priority ultimately and it's always a family member. I let people know where they stand in my life and i ask them the same instead of pretending to have deep and personal connection with every friend and deceiving people or telling them "i love you the most" when i have other priorities. Don't pretend, don't lie and don't show more than you actually care. Diplomacy is not the same as Hypocrisy. Be honest also. I've realised that _only i am_ the one who's _responsible for myself_ and the same is for every other adult. No one else is responsible for anyone. I try to embody first; whatever i hope from the world. I never expect, get attached or act entitled. Expectations entitlements attachments cannot control life or people. They don't change a thing anyway! They only control our mood. We don't and we cannot have any right over life or people. We only have right over our actions, intentions, mentality, choices but the good thing is only these things define us; not life, people or anything else. The problem is we humans are delusional and we plan to settle in this mortal world where we aren't even meant to stay forever. Change is life's nature. The moment i understood this; i was able to let go. It is possible to care for people but with detachment. I find 'give and receive' mindset better than 'give and take' entitled mindset. Always remember one thing that each time you expect; you are taking a risk. It doesn't guarantee anything. I always do my best, hope, stay prepared and observe. If things don't go my way then i won't get resentful unlike 'give and take', entitled mindset. I confront calmly and leave if the friendship or relationship is one-sided, or if people are dishonest, deceptive, covertly or overtly abusive, passive-aggressive or give silent treatment instead of being genuine and communicating honestly. Give and receive mindset won't make us a doormat if we know how to be authentic, honest, communicate clearly and say no. And never have unspoken or hidden expectations because this means you are deceptive and lying to yourself and others. If you do people a favour or help them and then secretly expect them to return it then it's not genuine help or selflessness. It's manipulation. It's a tactic that manipulators use to guilt-trip and control others later. _Don't_ help and _pretend_ to be selfless _if you don't want_ to help selflessly or if you have hidden expectations. Be who you actually are. Don't be a people pleaser. If you expect; then tell people in advance before you help them. Be honest and authentic. Communicate with clarity. Never lie to yourself or others. Just a perspective. 😊
@Sylvi_Sendero77 9 дней назад
I just can subscribe to this mentality. If I give up then I let others down too. Even if I don’t live for myself I have to live for other. If I give up what will stop what’s happened and happening to me for happening to the next generation. I’ve been through hardship. Not as bad as some but more than most my age. I’ve nearly committed suicide and an entire half of my family hates me for who I am. But if I give up. What will stop this from happening to others. If WE give up the NOTHING will change. Don’t fight by their rules. Make your own. Fight for what is right for the next generation. Make them happier than we are because if we don’t. What makes us different than those who abuse us.
@mistirion4929 10 дней назад
I'm probably at the same age as that fella (I'm 23 and live in Europe) sure I can survive perfectly here but quite frankly that's about it, at least it feels like is. The biggest problem I have with that statement is that I agree with this Reddit post so much. Like seriously, what's the point of just surviving. And don't get me wrong, clean flowing water, a roof above my head and plenty of food is an absolute privilege that I'm still greatful for. But aside from that, well, yeah it has already been said. Kind of astonishing reading my own comment here as I was and still am to a degree am an absolute optimist
@cameronthomas8455 10 дней назад
I recently had a session with my therapist, where my therapist essentially told me that I frame things negatively, subconsciously. At first, I wasn't willing to accept what I had heard, then it hit me all at once. Your mindset is your outlook and susequently, your life. Once I started realizing that I was reacting out of negativity to my emotions, then I could work on reframing them to be more positive.
@igydkygs00kwhi 10 дней назад
3:40 and same on the other end, a video game is never going to compete with a book if a book is YOUR standard of what a good experience is, its all personal.
@martinyong2806 11 дней назад
Bring back the era of religion! This is what missing now
@thurrallt5044 12 дней назад
I just found your channel. Your content in amazing.
@JoseEncarnacao 12 дней назад
Amazing insight. Shared on Asmongold reddit. Cheers
@JoseEncarnacao 12 дней назад
Came from Asmongold. Very good piece. Cheers from Portugal.
@JellyfishOnMushroom 13 дней назад
Oh god low child mortality rates being a good thing sounds like a relic from the past. Nowadays i wonder what kind of psychopaths even have children, why would you condemn a child to this dystopia ;-; i wish there were no children around to have to live through this
@Beau.00 13 дней назад
What I miss is genuine human connection. When I try to move conversations from superficial talk and try to aim at something deeper it’s like people pull away to guard themselves. Either they try to steer the conversation back on «safe topics» or pull out their phone to «show me something» in an effort to prevent building any type of closer connection. My parents nag at me for not having any ambition, or any plan for my life, but they forget that they lived in a time where they could just go out of their house one summer day and meet up with their neighbour friend and give each other their full attention. Human connection, friendships, love, is what keeps life meaningful. Today we have to compete for each others attention, we can easily filter out boredom by just looking at our phone. Accepting the human faults of the person you are dating is not neccesary when you have other alternatives waiting for you at a dating app you can download on you phone. I don’t know about what other’s think, but what I observe around me is young people just begging to be loved, and to give love, but they are just met with a wall of apathy. It doesn’t help that SO expands the room of evil people targeting children, exposing them to exploition, shame and betrayal at such an early age. It makes it difficult for them to be able to trust people and open up afterwards.