Ocean Keltoi
Ocean Keltoi
Ocean Keltoi
Omnipotent Beard, #Polytheist, #Heathen, Reconstructionist. Professional Wizard with a Barbarian soul. patreon.com/OceanKeltoi
Baldur Is (not) the Norse Jesus
10 месяцев назад
Jörmungandr | Nature's Wrath
Год назад
Which Pantheon is the Real One?
Год назад
A Pagan Response to Atheism
2 года назад
A Pagan Response to Monotheism
2 года назад
Can We KNOW the Gods Exist?
2 года назад
How Does Worshipping The Gods Work?
2 года назад
Valhalla is (not) the Viking Heaven
2 года назад
The Five Gods of Yule
2 года назад
@PsychicMikeTarot 10 часов назад
So why such concern over white people wanting to worship their ancestral gods with other white people? Blacks and Asians also are very exclusionary in their traditional religions. You don't see any white Shinto Priests in Japan, nor any white practitioners of Candomblé in West Africa. So why the timidness around white people worshiping our traditional gods, and keeping our traditional beliefs. Are whites not allowed to be proud of our heritage? Its like saying Hassidic Jews are being homophobic by not allowing homosexual behavior in their religion. You can prefer your own culture without being racist or hateful and when you are talking about something as intimate and personal as religious beliefs, I think you should always err on the side of letting people be free to believe what they wish. As long as those beliefs don't cross over to violating the rights of others (natural rights not laws, golden rule etc.) then we should just leave people alone to worship as they wish with whomever they wish. Everyday I see non-white youtubers saying that basically Straight White Men need to die. That the white race needs to be destroyed. I have kids and they are of mixed heritage (mexican and european) but look white, should I not fear for them when I hear such things? Why does anti-white rhetoric get a pass all the time, even from those who should be the most strident in the defense of white people and european culture? I have nothing against other races or cultures, I think they all have things to teach us, but that doesn't mean I have to follow their beliefs or dictates. Nor does it mean that I MUST associate with them if I prefer not too. That doesn't make me racist, it makes me selective. I am PROUD to be a WHITE HEATHEN can any of you guys say the same in public or are you too afraid?
@bullvinetheband7260 17 часов назад
So the best answer is that non of the myths are supposed to be literally interpreted.
@VasiliosBakagias 18 часов назад
Hail the Aesir and the Vanir!
@Macovic 20 часов назад
Thank you. Any other religion especially christianity seem weird for me. The latter was a religion of an oppressor. Christianization was the arrival and forced acceptance of a false god so the king could get papal recognition and support and to have fewer foes. But religion always is a little unnecessary to me. It is power tool for kings and rulers, for geopolitics and to control people. Folk traditions (like nordic) feel more right for me, still. Heritage and more respect for people and the world.
@screamingoctopus7204 22 часа назад
This entire debate felt like ocean not being able to understand how religious thinking poisons your mind while understanding that endless religious thinking on politics just fries your brain
@universallove7517 День назад
Just remember, everything is biological/ cells within cells/ bacteria/ the VYRM
@leedutch5155 День назад
Paganism is ancestor worship many anglo saxon kings claimed descent from woden. Germanic paganism is only for Germanic peoples
@leedutch5155 День назад
This is cope you’re a larper
@aaronmiller5344 День назад
Hail Loki and his kin.. Rokkatru
@derrickpelke7893 2 дня назад
Norse atheists seem to be non religious
@shhhh7023 2 дня назад
Only thing i learned is i got a bigger pecker than Thor yo
@mglenn7092 2 дня назад
I was a pagan/polytheist for a long time after I left christianity, then something of a deist/pantheist.... now an atheist (agnostic as far as what I think can be proved), but I still have a lot more sympathy and affinity for the pagan/heathen POV than for any other theistic religious belief (I have a lot of interest in Buddhism and even follow some of its philosophy, but I don't put faith in its beliefs about the supernatural). On the problem of evil though... I find the polytheist's answers to that ought to completely nullify the argument, at least the way I understood things: The Gods/Goddesses may be very very powerful, but they are not omnipotent, AND some of the Gods/Goddesses/Beings in that class even if not called Gods/Goddesses are indifferent to humankind or not necessarily evil (philosophically) but are adversaries to humankind or really are downright evil. Yes, we know there's evil in the universe, it's not just your imagination - that's not some crazy problem that challenges polytheistic faith at all. Also, *IF* Judeo-Christian-Islamic Monotheism is true... the simple and as far as I can tell correct answer is that god is an evil genocidal maniac who likes playing mind games with his toys (creations). Fortunately, I don't believe that view of god is true, I don't believe that god exists, and therefore I'm able to live my life free of spending every freakin' waking moment in existential dread and terror. The problem of evil doesn't actually prove or disprove god's existence - it just clearly demonstrates that their god might not be good.
@sideshow5X 3 дня назад
what is the set of figures in the thumbnail?
@Fatty4president 3 дня назад
Why should Fenrir be considered bad or evil. Yes he starts Ragnarok and thats the end of the world. But like when our lives end we are reborn in whatever hall we may end up in. So shall the world end and from that destruction the world will be reborn anew. In the saga’s the end is never the end. So endings are not that bad
@sushimidget840 3 дня назад
Please organize a meeting with Cosmic Skeptic!
@CelestialForceDigital-ud6sq 3 дня назад
If someone buys something random for someone else randomly esp if it is to someone they don't know well I see it as a red flag... no problem in saying 'I didn't ask for that". On a different note, after making offerings to Hecate I can literally feel an energy shift. Same when dispose of it ritually... I look to the Greek perception of 'daemon' (I guess a friendly 'piece' of the Diety) taking energy of the gifts given and enjoying them. Just my perception :).
@integrationalpolytheism 4 дня назад
17:00 have you ever read The Last Days of the Justice Society of America (published in 1986)? It isn't a deep theological treatise, but it does contain one possible solution to this dilemma, and it uses the Norse gods and the scenario or Ragnarok to do so. Essentially, foreknowledge without omnipotence isn't enough to stave off the inevitable
@crobledo89 4 дня назад
We don't believe in Ragnarok right ok but I like dragons when it comes to Norse Paganism there is no good or evil that's a Christian thing but I still need info on nidhogg plz
@seanconnolly5968 4 дня назад
Loki’s humor is not very low key at all.
@ros8986 4 дня назад
I I love yt video: "Bill Maher : the hypocrisy of evangelical christians" - or maybe just ask them how many coats they have and jsut say "Luke 3:11"
@ros8986 4 дня назад
(as a quite dedicated christian) I am continually horrified by the carnage done in the name of jesus.
@ros8986 4 дня назад
Greetings Mr Keltoi - several years ago wrote two invocations (I used to drop in to a Heathen group for a couple years). (Of course) I felt very proud of them, but am wondering your reaction and ways they can be improved (but of course perhaps they can't be saved). Secrets thine, hearts entwine honeyed hair and amber wine mirrors all upon a wall from high seat chair to Hella's hall to Sessrumnir I fly this night raven flight to inner sight Vanadis, golden queen, seer of all the worlds unseen in radience and ecstacy I fly to thee please fly to me From Midgard plane, roots of the Tree past well so deep in memory. Onward to that ancient land, hallowed hall where Old Ones stand. Onward, upward, on we wend where all the myths come alive again. And old is new And legends True. thank you for your time.
@CMTsimons13 4 дня назад
I do talk to my friend that says that he's not religious or a Christian but he is he just doesn't like to admit it. Anyways, he's the only one that I can talk to about my heathen believes. But I live in California and where I live within California you are either a Christian or Catholic or Atheist. So if I do say what I do believe in then I get looked down upon. So I do understand the "Closet".
@ros8986 4 дня назад
thank you for the LOL "norse codes"
@darthchiaki 4 дня назад
Loki has always been so underrated
@tristanhenderson6707 4 дня назад
I had a Catholic tell me the other day that Norse paganism was wrong because I perform rituals, have an altar, give offerings and light candles / have statues for when I speak to my gods, and they said all those things make me wrong and make it "witchcraft". However as an Ex-cat I seem to remember every Sunday going to a big group ritual, where a leader stand behind an altar, with lit candles, and a giant crucifix statue hanging behind the altar, with a basket of money offerings being passed around, it was a full hour of incantations and speaking to the Christian God. Hmm🤨 she did NOT like my rebuttal lol. Apparently it's "different" 🤣
@floridaman318 4 дня назад
Pelagius isnt a church father.
@heavybar3850 5 дней назад
This argument is weak for many reasons. Firstly, premise one can be granted given that there is someone who is capable of interpreting Gods message. Premise two cannot be shown be true because it assumes everyone has the capability of interpreting Gods message, which is absurd. For example a man who is blind and deaf would most likely never be able to interpret any part of scripture correctly without assistance. So Premise two could also state that God knows it might be logically impossible for every message to be interpreted properly by everyone. In order for the argument to stand you would have to show that everyone at every point in all of history is capable of interpreting messages correctly. Since thats obviously not true premise two fails miserably. Conclusion, not everyone has the intelect to interpret Gods special revelation perfectly which is why the Pope and the magesterium of the Catholic Church have the sole authority of interprating scripture. Therefore the argument only demonstrates that the Catholic Church is the true church because there is only one infalliable interpretation of scripture and protestantism is false because of its 40thousand plus denominations in scriptural interpretations. However for the Apostolic Catholic Church there is only one infallable interpretationn which was granted by Chirst. No other Church has the gift of infalibility. *And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it* *But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you*
@rainer1980 5 дней назад
I am glad you tackled this subject of hard polytheism versus soft polytheism. I don't take issue with the soft polytheism getting hung up on an interpretation of the gods just being Jungian archetypes that are products of the mind to represent similar manifestations across multiple cultures even though that's not what I believe personally. There's a under-current of Cultural Marxism in that polytheistic atheism that falls under the perrenialism category. Some may see the merits in the idea that all religions have some truths that are universal, and stop there. However, I remember I was attending a history class, and this professor said the verb "Ir" in Ireland a.k.a. "Ere" must be derived in the Indo -European language group from the Ayrans in India (it's a huge erroneous jump to make linguistically), Thor, and Indra are the same etc. The Cultural Marxists in academia don't want to give credit to any spirituality evolving independently. To them all religions regardless of whether they're monotheistic or polytheistic must be discredited because it gets in the way of their agenda. A lot of self-described Folkish Asatru are soft, Atheistic polytheists, and some of them have never had a spiritual experience ever, and for them it's simply a cultural roots affiliation, politics aside. Some Universalists may qualify as hard polytheists, while others may just be there as posers. But, both camps often miss the point because they don't always have a cosmological worldview of heathen spirituality in an animistic fashion. Some don't know what animism is, others know what it is, and choose to be closed off to it. Also, there's some truth to the merits of self-actualization, and "the law of attraction" in acting as if something has already been successful rather than sowing doubt by looking for signs of success afterwards. I would qualify as a hard polytheist because I would do rituals, and sometimes without expecting anything there would be certain moments of synchronicity that would follow. Once I had to do well on a history exam, I had some friends that knew about my faith on a hike. One was an agnostic Ex-Catholic, the other was this very ecclectic Wiccan. We reach a tree where there's moss growing on the left side because that's where I was taught where the gnissen ("gnomes") live. I pour some mead out to HeimdallR, and a huge raven immediately flies in front of us. My friends got nervous like, Hmm? Maybe he wasn't bullsh*tting us about his gods. We hike a little more, I find the same kind of tree, pour out some mead to the Landvaettir. Another raven immediately flies in front of us, and my friends turned pale white. Later, I did very well on that exam. I think the divide over different names, and functions between Odin in Scandinavia versus Wotan in Germany or Thor (Scandinavia), Donnar (Germany) aren't mutually exclusive. It just adds more nuances to appreciate the diversity of their abilities. In the oldest version of the story of Snow White (Germany), a queen lets 3 drops of blood fall on the snow, asking for a daughter with black hair, and skin as white as snow. The details of why is lost to time, but between the lines that means in Germany they probably believed Dame Holda (Hel) could bestow fertility upon women for a small sacrifice. I don't think the gods all add up to one like the Greeks or Hindus thought, but maybe they are subordinate to some higher laws than them in the universe like orlog. But, none of the ancients were arrogant enough to say they completely understood what those higher laws were.
@rainer1980 5 дней назад
I knew Celtic Christianity was considered heretically, and that Pelgianism was influenced by some Pagan wisdom, especially in Ireland. In Scandinavia it less of a syncretism through the priests, and more practiced by the lower ranking nobility. A friend who was the head of a very old Norse Heathen sect in Denmark had a grandmother from one of the lower houses, with the title of dame. Even though she was outwardly Lutheran she would give Thor's hammers to the sick. Watching the video, I was reminded of something Gandhi said, "I like your Christ, but not your Christians because so many of them do not act Christ-like."
@CelestialForceDigital-ud6sq 5 дней назад
That kid was cringey af.
@ianbaez1998 5 дней назад
Vaush holds empiricism (science) as the only legitimate avenue of knowledge. This is ironic, considering the fact that he also seems deeply committed to the empirically unverifiable belief that objective ethical values exist (as implied by his moralistic problematization of "irrational" beliefs). Vaush's scientism is the same sort of sophistry seen among the New Atheists.
@ez_bz_lemonsqueezy7069 5 дней назад
I really enjoyed this video. I've felt called to venerate Jormungandr for a while but have considered Thor my patron deity but this has made a lot of sense as to why I've felt the draw towards Jormungandr. Thank you!
@BjornThorvald 6 дней назад
Aye. In this way, Jormungandr is Thor's rival, not his enemy. Skål! 🍻
@OXSkuldream 7 дней назад
How to know they're listening
@Generation_Odysseus 7 дней назад
I always understood the difference in the reference to Loki and Thor in the story from a completely different perspective. Thor is very clearly described as disguised with the aid of magic, while Loki is well-established as a shapeshifter. So, I've always considered it a focus on accuracy and not a commentary on sexuality.
@mahdij1 7 дней назад
I love your content and cant wait for you to give us more.
@Wib0 7 дней назад
But... are these feasts for the heathens themselves or for the gods? There has to be a belief in the gods when practicing these feasts, right? Isn't it just fancy roleplay otherwise?
@erikrohr4396 7 дней назад
"Morally right according to me" is a deceptive and self contradictory phrase.
@Nonameisback999 7 дней назад
The only thing in this movie i had some complaints about (light spoilers) is the fact the Gythi of Freyr when talking about sacrifice to him to stave off the main characters attacks she went to sacrifice a human. Historically, humans were only really sacrificed to Odin and Tyr, Theres not, to my knowledge at least historical evidence of Freyr receiving human sacrifice especially due to his offense to blood being spilt in his temples. Other than that though, this was a great movie.
@metismaster4281 7 дней назад
The first RU-vid video I ever saw on Norse Paganism/Asatru was actually a brief Steven mcnaden introduction video, which actually made it very attractive to me, ironically particularly as a mixed race person where a lot of my non-Christian spiritual teaching & understanding was Anishinaabe indigenous spirituality, and in that video he likened Asatru to how indigenous people in North America started returning to their roots & traditional spiritualities. VERY glad I didn’t just watch more of Steven & his ilk’s videos and coincidentally ended up finding stuff elsewhere lol. You can really see how new people can get tied up in that stuff when it seems like the racists are the default, the mainstream of the spirituality or all there is
@stephen4253 7 дней назад
Oh btw there are only two genders 🎉
@stephen4253 7 дней назад
It is sad that you attack people who don’t side with you in your woke ideology and you attempt to pass spirituality off as a form of alt Christianity religion. I’m glad that you have shown your colors. May Thor strike you. No one cares about what or who you are just what’s within.
@adventussaxonum448 8 дней назад
It is Gallic War, not Gaelic. Caesar was fighting Gauls, not Irish.
@collo121 8 дней назад
I have a thought on this topic. More than likely one that will get everyone mad with me. And now have a reason to express it. But it is for sure video worthy not just a comment. So maybe I'll begin that project now.
@3chmidt 8 дней назад
It's even worse for Germans, nearly all that is known about Germanic religion and beliefs comes from the Norse, while the Germans that defeated the Romans were nearly entirely forgotten. They had different names for gods, perhaps entirely different gods, different traditions, I myself was shocked that not even Asgard existed Germany, and all that just because of 200-300 years difference of Christianisation. The only thing I can find about the German beliefs are the Merseburg charms
@Saturn_Drawz 8 дней назад
Can confirm, Pascal’s wager kept me in Christianity for way longer than i should have. I still have moments when I question leaving and I’m like “I’m totally goin’ to hell” and it’s been a little over 2 years.
@autisticnation7140 8 дней назад
I am a Lokean and I call myself a devotee to Loki. Because I know many use Lokean just to mean they include Loki in their craft. Whereas I have referred to myself at times as Loki's property. Loki is the god that teaches us to take whatever chaos is thrown at us and turn it around to be in our favor. He is the god of survival, adaptability and quick thinking. He teaches me how to dance among the flames I have found myself in without getting burned. Whether I find myself in a wildfire or committing arson. For the sake of my fbi agent I'll clarify this is a metaphor
@andreasjohansson2284 9 дней назад
This is the most important video I have ever seen. It brought me home, to the believes of my ancestors.