The Book & Movie Guy
The Book & Movie Guy
The Book & Movie Guy
Howdy Sailors.

I'm just a feller making video essays about books and movies. I talk mainly about writing and how it applies to both mediums, but I'll probably make up some other things along the way. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm trying really hard to do it. Please support my ostentatious odyssey and watch some of my videos. But if you don't, it's okay.

What Makes a Movie Look "Good"
Месяц назад
The Use of Snow in Movies
7 месяцев назад
Why The Dark Tower has a Good Ending, Actually
9 месяцев назад
Why Greta Gerwig is Perfect for Narnia
9 месяцев назад
Blood Meridian: Or, What Makes a Book Unadaptable
10 месяцев назад
Wizard and Glass: A Perfect Prequel
11 месяцев назад
The Wastelands: Effective Worldbuilding
11 месяцев назад
Oppenheimer: What Makes a Three Hour Movie Work
11 месяцев назад
My Problem With Multiverse Movies
11 месяцев назад
Are Westerns Making a Comeback?
Год назад
A look back at Narnia
Год назад
Blonde: Is Film Criticism DEAD?!!
Год назад
Movies that Make You Cry
3 года назад
The Four Methods of Idea
3 года назад
Every Character Deserves a Funeral
4 года назад
What Makes a Book Bad?
4 года назад
About Farm Scenes (Video Essay)
4 года назад
What Makes "The Road" Terrifying
4 года назад
How to Write Female Characters
4 года назад
@ontologicalCleansing 3 часа назад
bro doesnt know the difference between fascism and authoritarianism
@emanate0 7 часов назад
so, basically war 40k. yes
@oddiocurtiss 7 часов назад
Oh fudge. How'd I miss this one?
@Ian64 10 часов назад
Please vote in this next election.
@AndDiracisHisProphet 15 часов назад
3:24 also; there is no glory in prevention
@tomtinley3262 2 дня назад
The dedication is so beautiful
@gg_sam7847 2 дня назад
17:24 First he calls Soviet Russia Fascist and then he cuts out the "First they came for the Communists+Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist+Socialist" part of of the poem Does sound like someone who's only read Fascist history/politics
@thebookmovieguy День назад
Addressed this elsewhere, but the communist socialist part isn't cut on purpose. Just a quirk of text/audio timing.
@gg_sam7847 День назад
@@thebookmovieguy oh nah I'm mostly just making a quick jab lol, it's all good
@maidende8280 2 дня назад
Why are you conflating fascism with other forms of totalitarianism? Why not just use that, far more accurate term?
@chriswardwell5170 3 дня назад
Dude if all those books behind you are real than damn dude you are a fan of Stephen King and I can say he is one of my favorite authors ever .. To think he use to work at new Franklin laundry and was a writing professor at UMO. I had a teacher that took one of his classes and my mother worked with him at new Franklin
@biilybob8533 3 дня назад
For the movie theater patrons responding poorly to seeing a book with a swastika on they are 100% in the right and your head is up your own ass. The average joe is not going to know that it’s a history book about nazism. Instead they’re going to make the reasonable assumption that something displaying a Nazi symbol with no other context is pro Nazi. Other than that good video but come on give your average person some grace instead of assuming the worst.
@altheamaeve 3 дня назад
I hadn't had the chance to read comics because barely anyone sells them in my country let alone the province I live in. Why must newer fans be ostracized for this?
@picardcook7569 3 дня назад
um, no
@toxicman9128 4 дня назад
The problem with trying to define what fascism “is” is that most people, even political scientists, try to lump 4 or 5 different sub-ideologies into the definition. They try to define Fascism while including the definitions and aspects of Falangism, Rexism, generalized ultra-nationalism, national socialism (yes, it is a separate ideology), syndicalism (which is more or less left wing), and an even more generalized oligarchy. I’ve even seen people try to define monarchy as fascism.
@byereality7492 4 дня назад
My college did a production of Cabaret last year and I remember getting to the scene where the friend takes off his coat to reveal the armband. He was helpful to the main character. He was invited to a party because they were friendly. And underneath that, there was fascism. Hatred. Because it lurks. And more damningly, it causes paralysis in other characters. The marriage is called off, there is no drive to fight, only tuck their head down and wait for it to blow over
@tilltronje1623 4 дня назад
Hate to tell you this but Panem is not fascist. Maybe learn what political terms mean before making a video about it
@bestwitch2931 4 дня назад
No actually if you watch the whole Star Wars series and the tv show you get a very accurate portrayal of how a democracy slowly falls into fascism especially with clone wars. The politics of clone wars are excellently written and they actually portray how militarism and corruption can lead to failing institutions that make democratic societies ripe for fascist take over
@Sujad 5 дней назад
You know what's funny? The oppressive governments in dystopian novels are always left wing governments. Funny that, isn't it
@EbbaStigart 7 дней назад
Jokes on yall i'm a balck metal fan, getting harrashed and parents calling me satan worshiper
@EbbaStigart 7 дней назад
I'm a literally me character
@iateyursandwiches 9 дней назад
26:27 i find it funny all these men identity with patrick batemen when he's supposed to be quite well off. Of course hes a fucking serial killer, against a margianlized group no less but we all know why the latter part sticks with a lot of these men... Just not sure how they can relate to a guy who has literally the things/ and wealth they are barred from in the first place. I guess its always been thay way for men(and some women, maknly upper class) for the longest time. They cling to the rewards of a "traditional" house and sex slav- i mean wife, rather than pushing against gender norms and society inequalities that make them all in boxes and is exploitative. Rather than stand up to the few men in power who largely benefit from this unjust division of labor where they do most of the back breaking work with minimal reward, they rather uphold the system as it is as long as that reward includes a wife they can do whatever they want with. Pretty crazy and sad. At the end of the day, I guess its a lot harder to fight against a system that keeps you down than it is to being to push for a a wife who cant talk back to you.
@operaguy1 9 дней назад
Do those who fear fascism have an alternative? Wait ...... without citing any form of Marxism. You can't do it.
@jumpupdown2556 13 часов назад
Lmaoo yep, their clear hyperpartisan favoritism towards "da means da pwoduckshin!!!" always proves their accusations of being FaShIsS as typical left wing lies.
@MarcCastellsBallesta Час назад
Democracy. But an actual one, not the corporativism behind many democratic countries.
@barbaraeslick558 11 дней назад
Agreed, our young men are EXTREMELY vulnerable
@thelordofgifts5343 12 дней назад
In your pseudo intellectual midwit logo centrism you completely don’t understand what’s going on. It’s a revolt against you
@thelordofgifts5343 12 дней назад
You wouldn’t get it.
@iateyursandwiches 9 дней назад
Bro, literally don't get half the movies he is talking about. Like that is part of the problem. The authors of those works would sigh at you and you shallow underatanding.
@heartsofiron4ever 2 дня назад
sigh sigh, another one
@Soldred 12 дней назад
I swear when you talked about Black Panther it's like you were describing my exact feelings back then. I had such a mean, kneejerk reaction to new fans claiming to be the biggest fans when they couldn't be bothered to pick a comic book for the decades that character existed. (That also ties in to some thoughts I have about MCU fans refusing to read the comics even though they're obsessed with the films, but that probably too off topic to eleborate on.) I do think we all could benefit if we brought back the Old Internet™ rule of 'lurk more' and just hang out, get the vibes and such of a community before we waltz in with all of our posts and opinions.
@athenaryals3273 12 дней назад
Wow that section around 8:10 was excruciating and perfectly captured how it feels to have a conversation with gatekeepers. Good job on the accuracy 😂
@jonathonlong5796 12 дней назад
@christiancountryboyilovejesus 12 дней назад
Who were you quoting in the prolong of this video?
@froschberg05 13 дней назад
This guy just called the USSR fascist, funniest shit I've ever seen
@DesertIslandDisk 13 дней назад
13:19 I had such a viceral reaction when you said “because women are in them now.” There’s this new guy in training at my job, and, to pass time, we were watching a twitch streamer play “Control.” He suddenly says, “what is it with so many games having female leads?” There was no reason for bringing it up, but his reasoning behind the statement was because, even though he knows a woman that’s a highly decorated military officer, he said he’s “beaten her in a fight,” therefore he thinks women are less capable of being…leads in video games? He also almost slipped in saying “men are superior” but quickly said “stronger” instead. The inability to see anything wrong with that and where that line of thinking leads is incredibly concerning.
@Jay-fs2nw 13 дней назад
These 3 goated films brought together under a critique of social systems is not what i was expecting today
@EzaleaGraves 14 дней назад
Gosh I'm so glad I found this channel while it's young so I can mock anyone else who finds it after me and thinks they can simply enjoy something
@EzaleaGraves 14 дней назад
I'm just pumped when someone wants to talk about movies, I really don't care what kind of movies
@samsveryniceaccount9258 14 дней назад
RU-vid recomended section cooked giving me this one.
@deathroman13 14 дней назад
I try to be nice to new fans of my fandoms and show them stuff but at the same time it does feel like your safe haven is being invaded. I am part of an incredibly small fandom, like you can count them with your hands I guess so if that fandom would blow up, I am afraid I will also turn into a gatekeeper because it would feel as if my personal safe space is being invaded and taken over. I fully understand why gatekeeping exists and that it can be very toxic.
@ShaneStapler 14 дней назад
u kinda look like asmongold but if he took showers and made good videos
@Testraloss 14 дней назад
Like I understand being interested in and learning more about a generally controversial topic like the nazi regime. But choosing to blame the negative reactions to a very visible hate symbol on people being ignorant or stupid rather than recognizing you could have very easily just covered the book cover or the hate symbol specifically just really paints the image that you think highly over yourself and low of others. Would someone who is curious and interested in the topic feel the need to advertise that? No. Would someone trying to illicit a reaction do that? Absolutely. You put yourself above people for judging you without knowing the truth, when you are doing the same, judging their reactions as ignorance, when in reality the feelings they have could potentially be justified. TL:DR - you aren’t cool and smart, people are allowed to have opinions too.
@aubrey6538 15 дней назад
Oh my God, you just said verbatim how I have felt for quite a while about this wonderful and amazing author. I was raised in high demand religion, where I was not allowed as a child to read anything by Stephen King. I finally left the religion at 37 years and devoured everything I could find by him, but you’re right some of his last books have really fallen flat and I am so hurt and disappointed by this. Thank you so much for this video, and looking forward to more.
@BlissBee 15 дней назад
@Definite_Dave 14 дней назад
@EzaleaGraves 14 дней назад
@ihavenoideawhatgoeso 15 дней назад
Catch me gatekeeping this channel when it gets popular.
@Definite_Dave 15 дней назад
I will happily join you in this
@mirragedmoon 14 дней назад
@Definite_Dave 15 дней назад
Playing D&D makes me an Alpha 🐺 and everyone else Betas 🐑 I only talk to people who roll Nat 20 Charizzma checks. #proudgatekeeper
@oddiocurtiss 15 дней назад
Funny how we love people who love the same things as us unless they love it the "wrong" way. I'm not sure if anyone saw the recent In Praise of Shadows controversy, but this really reminds me of that. Basically, he was gatekeeping the whole horror genre and getting mad that Wendigoon was allowed in that genre. It kind of hurt me to hear IPOS rail against him because I'm a fan of both of them. It pained me that IPOS would probably hate my writing because of my background and beliefs. Like said in this video, it is fine to try and correct people, but just downright excluding someone because of their beliefs is heartbreaking. One of the wonders of books and movies is their ability to influence where traditional educational means fail. I believe that you should want people from different backgrounds and faiths to love the same things that you do. It can open their minds to new ways of thinking and is much less jarring than presenting the ideas without the benefit of a good story to ease them into those themes.
@MomirsLabTech 15 дней назад
Those who gatekeep are simply suffering from an incredibly large ego. They behave as if simply because they found a piece of media before someone else that makes them superior, and as a result others dont have the right to engage with that piece of media. Its absurd, childish, and behavior that should absolutely not be supported. Like if half your "fandom" is built on the premise of denying access to it for those who havent been around for the last x years, then its probably not worth being a part of anyway.
@jakedefusco8373 15 дней назад
When you feel rejected by society but find acceptance and comfort in a formerly obscure and niche community, it makes sense why you would want to protect and hog that community when it finds mainstream acceptance
@oddiocurtiss 15 дней назад
It's probably a natural response to try and protect things that you have a personal attachment to, but how can society change to be more accepting of you without your community becoming mainstream? I guess what I'm trying to say is that mainstream acceptance should be seen as an opportunity to teach and exchange ideas. It can be a good way to explain why you feel rejected by society and how this community brings you comfort. The only risk is your community being coopted and warped into meaning something it didn't. Or even just being watered down. You will still have your core community. The only thing that will change is that a new, different community will have sprung up around what you love. Yeah, it often sucks. It can even change the future of what you love. But you still have what originally brought you into the community. That will never change. It's difficult to learn that you have no ownership over the things that you love. I don't like what they've done to Star Trek. I don't like what they've done to Star Wars. I'm even hesitant about the new Dune movies. But they're not mine and I have almost no say over how they will shape up in the future. But at least I have the originals and I'll be happy with that even if no one hears and agrees with my criticisms of these new versions.
@jakedefusco8373 15 дней назад
@@oddiocurtiss dont get me wrong, im not promoting gatekeeping, i acknowledge that it is one of my own most toxic tendencies and this video actually sums up my more recent approach to fandom. "Dont ask the person wearing the nirvana shirt to name 5 songs, but recommend 5 songs instead" is a great philosophy that actually teaches newcomers the value of the art that they are tangentially consuming
@Aeonicentity 15 дней назад
Part of the issue with discussing the origins of facism is we're not allowed to say it's because of socialism.
@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. 9 дней назад
Not only it is because of socialism, but also Fascism is a socialist variant, based on National Syndicalism which they adapted from a French Marxist known as Georges Sorel.
@MarcCastellsBallesta 34 минуты назад
​@@Historia.Magistra.Vitae.It took me only 2 Wikipedia articles to see beyond the bullshit you've been posting everywhere in this comments section. Sorel abandoned Marxism after gaining interest in the French right movement. Then Sorelianism happened, which is not a branch of Marxism, and later on italian fascism took part of Sorelianism, made it into Sindicalist fascism, and then it became what we know as italian fascism. What you want to call the roots of fascism comes from someone who opposed Marxism and embraced right French politics. I knew fascism is not a form of socialism before coming here. I just wanted to have fun with your persistent attempts to link both of them. And, as expected, your attempts are lies and biased interpretations of a timeline of events that you chopped off to make your own story. Nice try, though. You entertained me for a while.
@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. 13 минут назад
@@MarcCastellsBallesta _"Sorel abandoned Marxism after gaining interest in the French right movement. "_ While he did abandon Marxism for brief time in favor of National Syndicalism and the ideology of Charles Maurras (Maurrassisme), he did return to Marxism, as stated by Wiki itself. None of that had anything to do with Right wing of any kind though. All of them were just different socialist variations (akin to "Yellow socialism"). _"After a long silence during the war, Sorel came out in favour of Lenin and moved towards Bolshevist positions until his death in 1922. "_
@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. 12 минут назад
@@MarcCastellsBallesta _"Then Sorelianism happened, which is not a branch of Marxism, "_ Nobody said it was. It was a "revisionist interpretation of Marxism", as stated by Wiki itself.
@Historia.Magistra.Vitae. 9 минут назад
@@MarcCastellsBallesta _"and later on italian fascism took part of Sorelianism, made it into Sindicalist fascism, and then it became what we know as italian fascism."_ That is correct, and the process is detailed in "the Philosophy of Fascism" by Mario Palmieri (1936). _"... Fascism decrees that the productive forces of the nation cannot be any longer at the mercy of the individual’s selfishness and greed, but must be brought, instead, under the supreme discipline of the State._ _By delimiting thus the field of action of capital and labor, by harmonizing production and distribution to the actual needs of the nation, the legislation of Fascism has accomplished in the realm of Economics what no legislation of any other political system has ever been able to accomplish; namely, a co-ordination of all the economic forces of the nation so that the material life of the people may be free of struggles, strikes, unemployment, class war, concentrated wealth and widespread misery._ _To bring about such a magic transformation of the economic life of the nation, Fascism has made use of the most characteristic phenomenon of the modern era: the syndicalist phenomenon. Originated as an instrument of the war of classes, syndicalism attempted to organize the various categories of workers in syndical organizations having no other goal than the protection of the material welfare of their own members. These organizations were devoted thus to the furthering of supremely particularized interests, ready to set themselves against each other and against the State itself, whenever those interests were menaced or conflicted with others._ _The problem which presented itself as an ominous menace upon the horizon of Fascism at the outset of its very life in Italy was, therefore, to bring at once the phenomenon of syndicalism under the authority of the State, and, successively, to transform its original aim of protecting the interests of the proletariat into protecting the interests of the whole nation._ _This could be accomplished only by enlarging the narrow form of the original syndicalist organizations into larger forms which would include all the citizens of the nation into an all-comprehensive national manifestation. This manifestation of the Italians of all classes, all professions, all trades and all creeds into the framework of one enormous and far-reaching organization, which has for its end the material welfare of the whole, is called National Syndicalism._ _This National Syndicalism represents the first attempt made to bring the egotistic claims of the individual under the discipline of the Sovereign State; for the realization of an aim which transcends the welfare of the individual and identifies itself with the prosperity of the whole nation._ _To make this discipline possible, and the sovereignty effective in practice as well as in theory, Fascism has devised the “Corporazione,” an instrument of social life destined to exercise the most far-reaching influence upon the economic development of Fascist States. (The Italian word “Corporazione” which is currently translated into English by the apparently analogous word “Corporation,” means, more exactly in the Italian language, what the word “Guild” means in English; that is: associations of persons engaged in kindred pursuits. We shall nevertheless follow the general usage to obviate the danger of misunderstandings.)_ _Within the Corporations the interests of producers and consumers, employers and employees, individuals and associations are interlocked and integrated in a unique and univocal way, while all types of interests are brought under the aegis of the State._ _Finally, through these corporations the State may at any time that it deems fit, or that the need requires, intervene within the economic life of the individual to let the supreme interests of the nation have precedence over his private, particular interests, even to the point where his work, his savings, his whole fortune may be pledged, and if absolutely necessary, sacrificed."_
@zzodysseuszz 15 дней назад
The lack of gatekeeping is actually what ruins fandoms. The same way illegal immigration ruins economies.
@oddiocurtiss 15 дней назад
... huh?
@Definite_Dave 15 дней назад
wowwowwow...wow.. wow
@ihavenoideawhatgoeso 15 дней назад
@missldumplings 15 дней назад
Great video, good points and nice editing! Unfortunate that what happened on Reddit :( . Glad you got something out of it though haha. One gripe i have with the video - maybe try looking straight into the camera on future ones? It's kind of distracting when you're looking a bit to the side. Cheers!
@Definite_Dave 15 дней назад
He gets nervous 🥺
@dinosaurkin5093 15 дней назад
I have standards.
@jpickens189 15 дней назад
Watchmen isn't bad because of the giant squid, its bad because how it is filmed does not show any understanding of the central project of the original work.
@TrystynAlxander_PoI 16 дней назад
"People want the trains running on time" Jesus Christ that is a brutal reference.