This is a channel for various video game videos, usually of the playthrough/walkthrough variety or multiplayer games with my friends.
Pizza Tower: All P Ranks
Год назад
LTTPR #2 - The Most Open Mode Seed Ever
3 года назад
Blue Fire (Beta Testing Demo)
3 года назад
The Great Flower War (AC: New Horizons)
4 года назад
Super PKR World (Release Trailer)
4 года назад
@Melbourne86 13 часов назад
Thanks for the help!
@ShinMajin 15 часов назад
Eddie's truck brought me joy.
@ShinMajin 21 час назад
Make Two or Three Good Mega Man Levels Contest
@pongmai201203 День назад
0:14 Wily Fortress Final Stage! Fly to space! 0:28 Wily's Final Stage! 1:29 Final Boss! Find out the Real Wily and watch out the Fake Wily!
@ShadowWolfTJC День назад
Dear PinkKittyRose: Did you know that you can swap the order of where your weapons are located? For example, here's how I ordered mine: 1. Mega Buster (Placed here as the obvious default infinite-ammo weapon with which to go through levels with.) 2. Water Shield (Placed here for high-priority quick access to a fairly cost-effective defensive weapon in a pinch for dealing with enemy swarms that don't know a thing about personal space.) 3. Magnetic Shockwave (Placed here for medium-high-priority quick access to a fairly ammo-hungry weapon in a pinch for quickly smashing apart bulky enemies like Big Eyes, along with large amounts of enemies, such as hordes of Tellies or Lyrics, without being as ammo-consuming as a screen-clearing weapon.) 4. Spark Chaser (Placed here for medium-priority quick access to a cost-effective weapon that could easily and efficiently deal with individual enemies in awkward hard-to-reach areas.) 5. Laser Trident (Placed here for medium-low-priority quick access to a weapon that, while doing surprisingly little damage compared to the buster, can cost-effectively pierce through shields and rows of enemies alike.) 6. Thunder Beam (Placed here for low-priority access to a spread-shot-type weapon that, IMO, is actually a bit worse at dealing with clumps of enemies than Magnetic Shockwave, yet can destroy some normally-invulnerable floor-crawling Spine-type enemies.) 7. Tornado Blow (Placed here for low-priority access to an ammo-hungry screen-clearing weapon with additional utility as a jump-height-booster.) 8. Break Dash (Placed here for low-priority access to a fairly cost-effective utility weapon that allows the player to perform regular buster shots as needed, which don't consume ammo, and when charged up, allows the player to dash through enemies, including the ability to destroy most terrain-hugging enemies that are normally invulnerable to damage, such as Spines, and also grants the player temporary invulnerability to damage and instadeath hazards such as spikes.) 9. Rush Bike (Placed here for low-priority access to a utility that could allow for fast travel across flat spaces, as well as allowing the player to drive and jump across spikes, albeit at a hefty ammo cost, all while still allowing buster use, all of which, when put together, Ice Wall could never hope to accomplish.) 10. Rush Jet (Placed here for medium-low-priority quick access to a fairly cost-effective utility that could allow players to slowly fly over obstacles whilst still allowing for buster usage, which Magnet Beam cannot.) 11. Rush Coil (Placed here for medium-priority quick access to a fairly cost-effective utility that could grant the user a much-needed boost in height.) 12. Ice Wall (Placed here for medium-high-priority quick access to a fairly cost-effective utility weapon that could help with creating 2-block-tall blocks of ice to stand on, that could be used for traversing across spikes in a safer manner than Rush Bike, or could be used to block off lasers or approaching hordes of weak ground enemies.) 13. Magnet Beam (Placed here for high-priority quick access to a cost-effective utility that could help with quickly creating platforms to stand on for extra altitude.)
@Cr102y День назад
Found your channel while looking for the oldest Sonic videos,it’s pretty cool to see that you’re still making vids!
@diegorocha6931 День назад
1:02 faz o L
@EvilMariobot День назад
If I had a Rainbow Coin for every Kong that could potentially buy themself this seed, I'd have two Rainbow Coins, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
@phibbykaden День назад
1:05:10 I'm getting severe raocow flashbacks here. 😅
@antonioespinosa270 День назад
Is there a relationship between drill man and tunnel rhino,or not?
@DullBones День назад
@VioletaVolnutt День назад
Do you have a Business Email? I would like to offer you a free Key to play our indie game on Stream if that's okay with you
@Techhunter_Talon День назад
You know what make's Hunter Tower worse? The fact that you can actually enable and disable weapons midstage. They person could have legitimately had it where a weapon, or some weapons, were unlocked over the course of the stage. Only bring that up because I've played a stage in Tier 15 that disabled weapons when you entered a certain secret and re-enabled them when you left.
@amorasilverspark 2 дня назад
That ff14 joke indeed did hurt. Edit: Was just watching one of Pink's VODs on her VOD channel (part 119 of the SMZ3), and the tracker did same exact joke happened at the same location, the Kakariko maze. Pink's reaction was almost the same as well.~
@ShinMajin 2 дня назад
3:18:16 Is that...They Might be Giants!?
@jaimegutierrez5520 3 дня назад
Contra cowboy
@ryandiggs750 3 дня назад
This song was ok
@cftug 3 дня назад
"Welcome to the stage where you use Laser Trident." Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
@bigrockerending7711 4 дня назад
Something worth noting about the Tier 6 Boss. While the tier boss obviously has a big Mythbusters reference going on, the Ice Buster itself originally comes from the fangame Quint's Revenge, where it was one of the fortress bosses. As for the robot that was supposed to be the boss before they were frozen, it's Ignorance from Mega Man's Christmas Carol 2
4 дня назад
40:32 I’m glad you explained that because I had no idea what was happening on screen sometimes facing through walls and sometimes not… 😂
@NurseValentineSG 4 дня назад
That Solar Inferno stage really gets worse the longer it goes on. The beginning was actually kinda neat, minus the flashbangs. But then the self-destructing flashbangs happen alongside sheepblock platforms and that's basically when my entire goodwill for this stage is gone.
@tb3411 2 дня назад
I have no idea how something that bad made it to the Top 100. I would have scored it in the 20s had I been judge.
@NurseValentineSG 5 дней назад
That Sans Undertale Level just made me groan. And I love Undertale! But this is just the worst representation of it.
@BigKlingy 5 дней назад
I love how your tracker understands "where's the red shit" as "tell me the location of the red boomerang".
@ShadowWolfTJC 5 дней назад
Wow! While I did find the entries for MAGMML2 to be, on average, an improvement over the ones found in MAGMML1, I didn't expect to find the entries within MAGMML3 to be, on average, this big of an improvement over MAGMML2. With how fierce the competition was, methinks not only would I fear that my old Mega Man Maker, Platforming Pandemonium, would've probably ended up in one of these bottom tiers if it were to have been submitted to this contest, but I doubt that even the top performers from MAGMML1, like Neon Gravity or Glass Man, would've placed any higher than Tier 5. The submissions in MAGMML3 were just THAT good IMO. For starters, not only am I already finding levels within Tiers 2 and 3 that I'd consider to be of at least professional quality (though not yet of masterful, or even necessarily of expert, quality) that, based on fun factor alone, I at least find to be a calmingly-pleasant experience to go through (and have only found 1 that I find unbearably loathsome to play, and it's in Tier 3), it's personally been hard for me to believe that, even at Tier 1, I'd manage to find a level that I, personally, wouldn't have, overall, even disliked in the slightest, and that'd be the level at 167th place: The Level Equivalent to an Old Man Ranting at You. Score: - Fun Factor: 15/25 It managed to amuse me with its dialogue, yet annoy me with its double Hornet Man boss fight (especially if attempted buster-only without using E-Tanks), but overall, the entire level was a calmingly-pleasant experience for me, since I was an experienced enough veteran of the game that nothing within the level could've made me panic in a sweat (except for the double-Hornet-Man boss fight, if attempted buster-only). - For reference, here are my benchmarks for various fun factor scores: --- 0/25 would've indicated that I had gotten so frustrated, and so offended, with the level that I couldn't bear it any longer, and had decided to rage quit over it, such as one where I'm physically unable to complete the level. --- 3/25 would've indicated that I had gotten frustrated and offended enough with the level that I came close to rage quitting on it, but ultimately persevered until the end, such as a Kaizo-esque level with stupidly-tight platforming and shooting requirements. --- 6/25 would've indicated that I had gotten annoyed enough at the level to dislike it, but not enough to make me even consider rage-quitting, such as one full of cheap gotcha moments and instant death for example. --- 9/25 would've indicated that I had found the level to be largely boring, with some annoying parts thrown in, but not annoying enough for me to actually dislike the level (nor would I have liked it either). --- 12/25 would've indicated either that I had also found the level to be largely boring, only without any annoying parts to make me dislike the level, or that I had found the level to be a mix of pleasant and annoying parts that cancel each other out. --- 15/25 would've indicated that while I had found the level to be largely boring, or to have contained some annoying parts to it, I also found some pleasantly-engaging parts to it, making for an, overall, meditatively calming and/or pleasant experience. --- 18/25 would've indicated that I had found the level to be genuinely likeable, though not enough to even be considered for becoming as a favorite. --- 21/25 would've indicated that I had found the level to be quite enjoyable, though it would've just fallen short of becoming a personal favorite of mine. --- Finally, 24/25 would've indicated that I had found the level to be so enjoyable to play, that it would've easily become a favorite of mine. - Other modifiers: --- An extra point would've been added if the level was something novel and fresh that I hadn't experienced before. --- A point would've been taken away if the level would've dragged on for too long (or 2 if it would've dragged on for WAY too long). - Oh, and personally, I find fun factor to be difficult to work beyond getting past a 15/25, yet also easy to accidentally or thoughtlessly slip as far all the way down to a 0/25. - Functionality: 10/10 The level had chosen to stick with stock development assets for the most part, all of which seem to work without any issues, while the few custom assets worked perfectly fine, such as the bee eggs, the functionally-unchanged palette-swapped Hornet Man, and the Old Man, who despite having only 1 HP, not moving at all, and instantly killing the player on touch, which I'd presume were deliberate design choices. Therefore, I couldn't, in good faith, dock any points in functionality at all. - Personally, I find that perfect 10/10 functionality scores are easy enough low-hanging fruits to accomplish, especially when sticking with tried-and-tested devkit assets and sound, thoughtful level design tools, with the possibility of lower functionality scores coming about as a result of using undertested custom assets (especially those that are complex in nature). - Aesthetics: 6/15 The level name didn't give any hints as to what kinds of aesthetics to expect, but it did at least have SOME generic baseline graphics and music to help set the theme (in this case, Napalm Man's jungle and cave tilesets), with no use of clashing or garish colors, ugly tilesets, tile cutoffness, or other graphical issues that could've dampened the whole experience. The dialogue helped to bump the score up by a couple points from the standard 4/15 that I would've given for standard baseline aesthetics as was found within this level (which would've been typical of Wily level), and I would've bumped the score up by a 3rd point if the dialogue wasn't riddled with typos. - Personally, I find aesthetics to be a fairly low-hanging fruit that could easily be scored as high as a 9/15, simply by picking a distinctly non-generic title theme that could suggest a certain theme to focus in on throughout the level, working to adhere to said theme through the use (or respriting) of various enemies, gimmicks, and tilesets that would fit right into the theme, and even a little bit of text to add more to the history of the level. A perfect score of 15/15 would've implied that the level creator had gone above and beyond by incorporating some flashy detailing throughout the level (such as in the background), supplemented with a wealth of grammatically-correct and typo-free text to read through. - Creativity: 5/15 The level DID present some varied and intricate level design and iterations on enemy and gimmick encounters that I had found to be interesting (most of which also helped with bringing the fun factor up from boring to pleasant), such as the spike maze, the Cannon Met Miniboss with the Sniper Joes, the secret passages, the walking grenades that chase the player up the steps, and yes, even the bee room. However, methinks it could've done more on this front. MUCH MORE! - Personally, I find creativity scores as high as 15/15 to be easy to accomplish, yet very, VERY difficult to do so in a way that wouldn't have detracted from the design, fun factor, and even functionality scores of the level. (After all, I find it to be not very difficult to be creative with means of tormenting your players.) However, for those designers that would've wanted to play it safe with their level design, I doubt that it shouldn't be all that hard to achieve a score of 5/15, or even 10/15 if the level designer was thoughtful of how their enemies and gimmicks could interact with eachother in various ways, and only cherry-picked those combinations that would've made for interesting yet non-frustrating, situations. (continued in reply...)
@ShadowWolfTJC 5 дней назад
(...continued from original post.) - Design: 19/35 This was probably the level's biggest shortcoming. Now to its credit, it's decently short, it has a Mega-Man-like linear structure that branches midway into 2 energy elements (with one branch giving several opportunities to go back to the other branch), it's got some nice token challenges, checkpoint placement, and non-instakill spikes for level progression challenges, and while it did introduce most of its enemies in safe non-annoying ways (such as the Suzies, Sniper Joes, and Bees), it didn't introduce the walking grenades in a way that wouldn't be annoying (though at least you are still able to get past them with just the buster without taking damage). Perhaps most damningly, however, was its decision to focus on telling a story over designing even an expert-quality level to play through (kind of like A Mega Man for All Seasons from MAGMML2) without seemingly bothering to work in such fundamental design elements as a difficulty curve, or heck, whether or not the double Hornet Man boss fight could feasibly be beaten with just the buster without needing to chug down on any E-Tanks. At least it had a satisfying climax in both branches (even though one of them was a double-miniboss fight, followed immediately afterwards by an annoyingly-difficult boss fight). - For reference, I start with a score of around 5/10 as a baseline for an average level, go through a checklist of design elements, adding or subtracting points as deemed fit, and multiply the result by 3.5 to fit in with MAGMML3's judging system. --- Positives (Add up to 1 point for meeting each of these criteria, depending on severity): - Does the level have many varied and memorable moments that I enjoyed? (0.5) - Is the level creative or innovative in some enjoyable way? (0.5) - Does the level have any notable bosses or minibosses? (1) - Does the level have any gimmicks or themes that it focuses on? (0) - Does the level have any goodies, secrets, or optional paths that reward exploration, or high-risk-high-reward gameplay? (1) Negatives (Subtract up to 1 point for meeting each of these criteria, depending on severity): - Is the level too easy overall? (-0) - Does the level have any challenging moments that are also too unforgiving or punishing of mistakes? (-0) - Does the level use/have any glitchy mechanics or gimmicks that mar the level's enjoyability? (-0) - Is the contrast between the level's background and foreground too low? (-0) - Is the level's graphics too irritating to look at? (-0) - Is the level's music too irritating to listen to? (-0) - Does the level have no music at all? (-0) - Does the level have any memorable moments that I disliked? (-0.5) - Is the level too long to be easily-digestable? (-0) - Is the level too short to be satisfying? (-0) - Does the level have too few breathers in-between difficult sections? (-0.5) - Does the level space its encounters with too little regard for maintaining a gradually-increasing difficulty curve from beginning to end? (-1) - Does the level fail to introduce its gimmicks and enemies in situations that are safe instead of annoying or frustrating? (-0.5) Final score: (5.5 x 3.5)/(10 x 3.5) = 19.25/35 For this contest, I would've strongly considered giving the level a design score of 0 if it was designed in such a non-traditional Mega-Man-esque way as to be against the spirit of what a Mega Man level is supposed to be, such as a non-linear open-exploration Metroidvania or Legend-of-Zelda-esque level for example, thus effectively disqualifying it in my eyes. - Difficulty: 3.5/5 For a veteran Mega Man player like me, this level didn't feel like a struggle, but I see that it's hazardous enough to give beginners major issues. Overall Score: 55/100 Although I might've seemed generous with this score compared to PinkKittyRose or the judges, I do wonder if they all were being too harsh in terms of their own scores, especially with regards to design, fun factor, and even functionality, since I had been working with baseline scores that would've changed based on how I would've experienced the level firsthand. Personally, I'd rather be bored playing through a level than be frustrated out of my mind, and my personal scoring methods would've been designed with that in mind.
@ShadowWolfTJC 5 дней назад
Oh, and as for the level creator, Zunzet, I sense potential as a professional level designer. Despite the level appearing all the way down in Tier 1, I personally found it more enjoyable than all the other levels within Tier 1, some within Tier 2, and even one within Tier 3 of MAGMML3, and even all of Tier 1 of both MAGMML1 and MAGMML2. With practice and a willingness to learn from your mistakes, and accept the advice of others who are more experienced in level design, methinks you could even become a level-designing pro of your own! :)
@Techhunter_Talon 3 дня назад
@@ShadowWolfTJC Funny thing is that I agree, to an extent, that are some levels in Tiers 1 and 2 that I like more than levels that appear in later tiers. I think this can chalked up to me much preferring simplicity over eye candy. I'd take a simple level that plays well over a well detailed level that either plays bad or just is overly difficult. Also, sometimes playable jank is just fun to laugh at.
@BigKlingy 5 дней назад
2:53:11 Okay to be fair, Regina is VASTLY better in Investigations 2. And for those who don't like her, she ends that game horribly traumatized.
@koppatrick26 5 дней назад
Sen-do miiimis, sen-do miiimis, sen-do miimis ahhh haaaaa! Ha ha ha haaaaaa
@reptilrrudy2389 5 дней назад
My favorite robot master in Mega Man 5
@AtlasBlizzard 5 дней назад
The three Robot Masters who have their own closed boss weakness wheel. Unique for the series.
@BJWanlund 5 дней назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing these. Now when I go through the fan game myself, I can SHAMELESSLY exploit those skip teleports because oh my god that’s BRUTAL.
@EMAngel2718 6 дней назад
No I also prefer to have games (and video stuff in general) on my non-primary monitor so I can fullscreen it and still be able to do things like change system volume
@DullBones 6 дней назад
When are you gonna LP Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge?
@Lightgod87 6 дней назад
Maybe you should check her VOD channel. She already streamed the game, once upon release, once more after the DLC released.
@aceflare2431 6 дней назад
Missed the stream, but I will say that Pink would absolutely be a killer judge for MaGMML 4 if it ever goes into production.
@Metalcorpse28 6 дней назад
lol I’m playing same game you are
@Lee-zq4sg 7 дней назад
4:54 the smile is so creepy
@slateoffate9812 7 дней назад
Is there a Part 4
@DullBones 7 дней назад
@DullBones 7 дней назад
2:43:20 But what if they DID playtest the level and decided it wasn't hard enough? Didn't think of that, did ya!
@EMAngel2718 8 дней назад
Never would I have ever expected to hear Fake Orchestra from OFF in a fight against Master Hand in a Megaman game
@Blackbeltsam5610 8 дней назад
Metal Sonic came down and I just went "ugh" out loud and got some weird looks from some coworkers in the break room.
@BigKlingy 9 дней назад
"7 items left in that place where your uncle's body is still decomposing". lol
@EMAngel2718 9 дней назад
You can single-wall-wall-jump in Zero Mission; it's just a much faster process than in Super so it's not as easy
@mia1shooter 9 дней назад
The Storm Eagle is a narcissist!
@revv-channel 10 дней назад
@revv-channel 10 дней назад
@revv-channel 10 дней назад
@revv-channel 10 дней назад
@revv-channel 10 дней назад
@revv-channel 10 дней назад
@geraxtedestroza 10 дней назад
Take your medal for those who passed the level without using Quickman's ability and defeat him only with Buster (I'm one of them)
@DullBones 10 дней назад
2:36:25 AGAIN!! UNACCEPTABLE!! Why do they keep on making it so the boss can kill you AFTER you kill it, robbing you of the victory you've earned fair and square?!