Welcome To The Channel That Is All Me! I Have Made Many Channels Before, And I Have Tried To Fit Into Manny Typed Of Niches. I Have Made A Channel That Had A Character Behind It (ItzMeOrange) But That Did Not Feel Like Me. I Have Made A Channel That Focused On A Niche Of Game (ItsMeOrange) And That Did Not Feel Like Me. I Have Made Channels Everywhere in Between, But Not No More.

My Name Is Adam And I Want To Make Content Of All Styles. From Vlogging To Gaming I Want To Do It All. I Am Tired Of Trying To Make Others Happy And I Want To Make Something That I Am Happy With. To Be Fair I Have A Podcast That I Love, And That What Made ME Feel Like I Need To Focus On More Of What I Love Rather The What I Think Others Will Love.

Get Ready For Vlogging, Gaming And Streaming All Here On The Shorty Index Channel!

Oh BTW I Am Missing Half A Finger!
Should We Switch Up Our Content!
День назад
It Is Always A Skill Issue!!!!
День назад
What's With All The Lag?!?!?!
День назад
14 дней назад
People Are Weird. There is no GREY area.
14 дней назад
Is Call Of Duty Fun Again???
14 дней назад
This Entire Situation Is Disgusting
14 дней назад
Critiquing XDefiant IS OKAY!
Месяц назад
Gears Of War E Day ( I'm Excited )
Месяц назад
@RhythmmmOnTap 18 часов назад
Played HC kill confirmed today. Some dude had 42 kills with 1 friggen tag. You have to AVOID tags to do that. We won by two, 104-102. I had 82 kills with 58 tags. Insane some of these players
@RhythmmmOnTap 19 часов назад
Late to the party but this is awesome. I’ve been a HC player (mainly HQ) for years. The satisfaction is incredible.
@leifwulffstephan3725 20 часов назад
WTF is that synth-vector-tron ahh map💀
@camerons6466 23 часа назад
CHALLENGE MODE get your camo get your skins get your unlocks I told them make challenge mode they said no let’s do pay wall like tinder
@Simplyeffinastounding День назад
Cheats. When a large population of cheaters is present in a given server it will often cause lag as all the extra data that is being scraped and fed to cheaters and rewritten to the server by their injection systems congest the normally streamlined services. When I was a moderator some years ago and we policed servers in real time, we would often be able to find the largest groups of cheaters simply by watching feedback in real time from players complaining about extreme lag in their matches. It will likely continue to be like this until the next major ban wave cleans up the traffic for a few days, then as everyone begins jumping on their new accounts and slowly funneling the cheats back in, it will happen all over again.
@revotivo44 День назад
This was funny to listen to.
@mitchfishes День назад
1000% agree and subscribed 👍
@ArinTv999 2 дня назад
Into is exactly me 😂
@gel87Kjetil 3 дня назад
The «skill issue» guys are just bad players boosted by eomm and they still suck lol xD
@lafromla1 3 дня назад
How do I upvote this vid more than once.
@gavinrhodes7645 3 дня назад
As a cheater i CAN confirm in many games if you buy skins , battle passes, microtransactions ect many devs ignore you or give easy lobbies.
@lafromla1 3 дня назад
Dude, I’ve decided that if I start 0-fer due to shitty freaking lag, I’m quitting the game. It’s not about KD, it’s about game enjoyment. I can enjoy going 10-30 on an OBJ map especially if we win, but starting off with nothing but hit markers in hardcore or worse, no hit markers on dead center hits, fuck them and fuck EOMM.
@salvyballacc 3 дня назад
Its Called Lag Switching Blame. There doing it again. Blame Cross Play. Not buying another game with PC cross play ever in my life. Screw BO6 if it comes with mandatory PC cross play
@slaylanguage1 3 дня назад
you goated bro <3
@AnimeGamer114 3 дня назад
You know what's funny? There is people who do got that cod syndrome in overwatch too. It's really annoying tbh if you have one of those people in your team it's a gg
@IndieGamerMonkey 3 дня назад
Love you shorty! lmfao. I'd like to point out I'm not THAT nasally. 100% I don't select OBJ based game modes because I don't have the patience to sit and PTFO. I don't want to be a selfish asshat and inconvenience my team, so I stick to TDM where I belong. Great video; keep it up
@brangomez1466 3 дня назад
I used to play search and destroy bc I liked the competition but now it turned into hard scoopers camping and riot shields no one wants to have a gun fight anymore so now I play free for all at lest winning and losing it’s on my hands
@dmac6190 3 дня назад
Microsoft and Call of Duty has got to stop protecting these 😼🤬❄️. Give the game an extreme "Rated R" rating with 25+ or put a sensitivity warning on the cover 😂
@dmac6190 3 дня назад
Snowflake community I called someone a 😼 butt witch (fill in the blanks) in game chat and received a 14-day communication ban.
@AbcdEf-lz6oe 3 дня назад
Ah, but have you considered, my KD is acktually more important than your objective. Checkmate /s
@exiteternium 3 дня назад
holy fuck dude, around the 7:20 mark pretty sure shit-stain who insta-hit you the second your head peeked is running either aimbot or walls cause he hammers you when you went other way the second your hit box came into FoV. also what is all this screen vomit in this map?
@jesterofthetrade1220 3 дня назад
I think people just need to shut up and experience Old MW2 lobbys. You just play the game. Did you buy it? Yes. Can you choose how to play the game? Yes. People just need to shut up and play.
@jesterofthetrade1220 3 дня назад
And honestly I'm sick of every game needing esports bull just make a game with soul.
@robertbaldwin298 3 дня назад
What a rant!!..I needed a glass of water and a smoke after that. .shew! Shorty keeping us satisfied 😂
@ShortyIndexOfficial 3 дня назад
You know it!
@micosworld 3 дня назад
I play rank, because people play the objective, but I'm not a fan of 4 v4.
@jacobharper531 4 дня назад
If you want people to watch your videos, don’t start by shaking around like that. Pretty sure I’m having a seizure
@clarencetafoya7936 4 дня назад
Maybe some kind of penalty for not playing the obj??
@clarencetafoya7936 4 дня назад
Dude when and what time do you play i need good teammates that that think like you...I love playing the obj base modes but 90% of the time it seems like I'm the only one that cares or wants to play the obj and then I get really good team that knows or understands the mode we're playing....love to have you on our team only thing I play core tho..
@Lee-rn5wl 4 дня назад
this was a great rant dude !!!!!!!!!
@Lee-rn5wl 4 дня назад
why would u choose a game mode u have no intension of playing where's the logic there all f n losers
@Lee-rn5wl 4 дня назад
dudes funny the game gives him eye aids 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Lee-rn5wl 4 дня назад
@wrecklesschic23 4 дня назад
man my boy Taru got you heated so heated you went on a 5 min rant, dont like how people play dont play it, and ya I agree play ranked or stfu
@jrutman4441 4 дня назад
You hit the nail on the fuckin head with two things you said. #1 if you have 2 objectives do whatever the fuck you want! And#2 sbmm is fucked because of campers. They get easier lobbies which means since I actually okay the objective I get harder lobbies because of the gap of objective captures
@caseycameron5370 4 дня назад
The one match where ya team mate actually plays obj thats hilarious 😆
@frankdudleyjr6003 4 дня назад
Only Play Small Map Mosh Pit and free for all in small mosh pit. I'll be honest I don't play the objective. I Used to when MW3 first launched but i realized no one seems to care so Its where I grind challengers that are harder to get in free for all Free for all if I win or lose thats on me not someone else
@SIXSENSE25. 4 дня назад
And this is why I'm not buying the next cod, tired of the sweats and tryhards, tired of gamemodes not being played. Worse is that im tired of sbmm and eomm, tired of everything being political, and I'm especially tired of gay shit being shoved in my face, it's been fun when they actually put time and effort in, and was fun before youtubers made it a sweat fest, but it's time to close, if i want to play a cod game for now on, ill just play the old one's, im not supporting this garbage anymore. Especially due to the fact their adding omnimovement, so you think it's bad now, oh just you wait to see how worse it gets with that, it will basically be the equivalent of fortnite sweats, ya, didn't care for those people, not going to care for thos shit either. Don't get me wrong, i know how jumping, sliding, now even omnimovement can be fun, (WHEN USED STRATEGICALLY) but when you get people who spam it every chance they get, your not good, because that's just you spamming the same thing over and over in hopes it works out. I've had a couple of guys in different games do this, they seemed good, (keyword seemed) but the moment I started spamming like they did, oh my god did they miss their shots, when they're put up against people who act just like them they panic, miss shots, and then they just look stupid.
@aaronburnett2261 4 дня назад
You are my therapist.. And my Preacher! Testify my brother! ... Jimmy Neutron!😂 Also i think my Positive comment became Colateral damge in Delete Bombing run. 💣 if you still have it, there was good stuff in it. Also about new content...play what you enjoy. If your having fun, it will show in your content therefore so will we. Id Recommend some helldivers 2 if you haven't already. Love ya bro!
@algeone 4 дня назад
The games not real … leakers are cod employees, games barley playable , pointless cash grab you guys ready for bo6 lol
@rudeboy8g7 4 дня назад
Just played 3 games like this its very frustrating
@dannylion69xxx97 4 дня назад
🫡 one eyed call of duty guy
@cydonhicks2703 4 дня назад
Man i feel that same pain i only one doing the objective,meanwhile my teammates are camping or trying to shoot the others while the enemy camping or actually doing the adjective, why can't I have a team who wants to play the game
@feeterican 4 дня назад
You know, I will have to admit that sometimes it looks like I'm not playing the objective. It's just sometimes it takes some time to get there and trying to take out people on the way or learning where the people are makes it look like I'm just ignoring the objective. All I can say is I'm trying but failing hard to get there. Plus, I'm like the unlucky ass hat that get shot every time I try to cap an objective. I get to 90% cap and then someone comes around the corner or behind me and takes me out.... right before I cap. Kind of frustrating but part of the game.
@ramino47 4 дня назад
@@feeterican I get it. Sometimes it's just naturally happens that you just happen to kill people and not get any objectives but sometimes you realize that you're actually defending the objectives instead of capturing it. Let's look at the bright side of it. Let's Pretend We're in a domination match and we have one base. While you are trying to get to the second base, you're also Defending Your Own base as well so you are getting kills without capturing other bases it happens.
@PurpleWolfy 4 дня назад
I guess it’s time to start producing your own music, so you can be sure that they can’t copyright strike content creators
@iFlow420 4 дня назад
All love brother, this was entertaining and heart warming for me to see. I am glad that all this ‘fun’ was had and I was here to see it. ❤
@ForceSabersUK 4 дня назад
i think it would sort so many issues out if they just increased the TDM game time to around 15 mins. that way everyone want to unlock stuff would just be in that game mode. problem solved
@Wyoutside 4 дня назад
@@ForceSabersUK probably not a bad idea. If I was grinding I’d be stoked for that.
@codishotwell150 4 дня назад
Video is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% FACTS
@RandomloserDK 4 дня назад
I just lost a TDM game, where I had more kills, than my team combined.
@IndieGamerMonkey 3 дня назад
Welcome to the club. Just lost a game after going 47/5 in TDM
@brangomez1466 3 дня назад
Broooo there was one time were I had to go pee we was winning with my 25 kills vs there 10 so I said let me go pee since we have a good lead I came back we was losing 45 to 28 no fucking way they only had 3 kills the whole time I was in the restroom then when I was about to catch up most of them left 😡😡🤣🤣🤣
@IndieGamerMonkey 3 дня назад
@@brangomez1466 Yeah, there have been times where I had more kills than everyone on both my and the enemies' team combined. No camping either; 99.98% time spent moving. Typically, I'll check the score after 3-5 minutes and I'll have 20-30 kills and the next closest teammate will have 6-8. it's sad. This is a brain-off/flow state game for me so it's massively disappointing when I can't win a game unless I sweat my nards off. I have no idea where the game finds these thumbless dipshits to put on my team, but for the love of god, it needs to stop, they don't deserve to be put in my lobbies just to anchor me down lol
@Wyoutside 4 дня назад
I like hard point and domination the most. It’s so satisfying to get top kill and time/captures. I don’t get it all the time but maybe 1/3 of the time and I find that real fun. For hard point I’ve been… and I know how this is gonna sound… I’ve been trying the shield! I know I know. Been hating on it since I picked the game up but holy shit it’s fun to use now. Shock sticks, throwing knives, and the sword is my jam! Yes I’m that guy suddenly. 3+min in the hard point is my goal with this damn thing. I got the hard point and my sweaty teammates can run and gun. It’s actually a decent mashup. Keep up the good commentary and good job on the chassis on the truck. That’s a load of work! I think you’ll be happy with POR15.
@no-capping 4 дня назад
@WeShallC 4 дня назад
You never mentioned talking to your teammate and telling them to hop in the flags/OBJ here’s some of my personal responses -hop on B “Hop on this D!c” “Shut up N*****”
@MarkSpann-ss7qj 4 дня назад
My neighbors hear “WHERE ARE MY TEAMMATES AT!?” every game session of MW3
@no-capping 4 дня назад