Wes Roth
Wes Roth
Wes Roth
AI News by Wes Roth.

Bringing you the latest AI news, emerging tech and artificial intelligence breakthroughs.

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OpenAI's DEATH BLOW to Open Source
12 часов назад
@DJAlexKahler 38 минут назад
20:14 "Rolling out in September..." -> My first thought was, "this is gonna be outdated and old news by then." AI is moving too fast for a tentative release date somtime in 4 months.
@kliersheed Час назад
1. my prior gemini experience was trash. most useless AI of the big ones IMO. 2. did they just say they gave it more context and made it even worse (faster) to be more "applicable" for the masses? 3. that business speech is making me want to slap their faces and tell them to say ANYTHING they actually mean. ANYTHING. like "i hate my job" or "i like naked 18 year olds" idk, just anything that doesent sound like it was from a human NPC reading down his script while smiling as if he would be shot if he didnt. its fucking hard to watch them. 4. as if 3. wasnt enough, "Sequences simulated" ; "Audio pre-generated" in VERY small letters? how much do you want me to hear "we are lying and this is vaporware"? they didnt even show anything special/ new its all things that can already be done (in realtime lol) with agents or specified models etc. 5. if Wes doesent comment on that shit and give some actual opinion but keeps just uploading auto-cut sum ups im gonna cancel subscription. super boring this way. and sad if he would fall like this, he always gave good context and explanations when he actually said smth, so far.
@rexmundi8154 Час назад
Just think, everything you ever posted online, every picture you put on Instagram , every video you’re in, and every comment you made are now searchable by AI. Probably millions of data points are available to it. Every book on your bookshelf, every place you’ve been, everything that went unnoticed in the background. The potential for blackmail or for 1984 Big Brother style repression is off the charts.
@bernios3446 2 часа назад
the presentation of open AI on Monday fascinated me 10 times more than this here… the female voice in ChatGPT 4o had humor and a charming voice, this here is just a boring female computer voice.
@chrisdsouza8685 2 часа назад
After years of watching Sundar Pichai make presentations for products that were snake oil, I am inclined to take this with a pinch of salt.
@vt6653 2 часа назад
Why is it so corny though 😭
@TheDynastyGroup 2 часа назад
Geez, that brief snippet at the beginning!!! It would've been perfect if he had a mic to drop, kissed the sky and walked off the stage! I try hard not to be a 'fan' of anyone, but SAM ALT(ernative to)MAN(kind) might be one of my favorite people right now... right behind Wes of course
@dylandebruyn356 3 часа назад
It's definitely way more robotic than Open AI's model, but functionally it seems to work pretty well.
@christopheraaron2412 3 часа назад
The robot voice makes it sound a little bit more like "Colossus the forbin project".
@semenerohin4048 3 часа назад
This won't be released just like imagen?
@christopheraaron2412 3 часа назад
Speaking of robot love I'm sure that that's pretty close to just being around the corner.
@lizardfog 3 часа назад
Sure. They have done this before. Less than 24h after Open AI:s sweep the floor with the competition. Google scared shitless being behind, they make this staged fake "demonstration". I call FAKE
@d.d.jacksonpoetryproject 4 часа назад
A “prototype” which we again totally faked just like last time (how can we not be sure this isn’t the case? Talk about a trust that’s now been broken)
@brjohow 4 часа назад
i want a cure for cancer and a way to end or slow down aging not how to fix a turntable record player.
@brjohow 4 часа назад
curious when does 'AI' start working on these problems in a material way. AI luminaries make a lot of claims but actual benefits to plebs is slow cancer (effective cure), aging (slowed/stopped), affordable housing, food quality (better/real food), food price (high quality food cheaper), standard of living going up instead of down, fusion, any significant progress on general relativity and quantum mechanics, determine if the universe is simulated or not... seems like AI is being used to collapse the economy by eliminating jobs, have more inflation. they are at the same time trying to sell products and encourage consumerism and then at the same time talking like post scarcity is a reality.
@dwcola 4 часа назад
I'm so tired of hearing these high pitched feminine voiced AI assistants sound like they're on happy juice. Not everyone in the world has a Starbucks Coffee in hand, working in a glass office eating Vegan for lunch and driving to work in a rainbow colored Tesla. Sorry but humans are not all like this. How about the aircraft mechanic or defense attorney or military field strategist. Can you imagine a hard core auto mechanic drinking cold coffee with a cigarette and screwdriver asking Gemini what part is needed for the electrical coil and he gets some Millenial left wing high pitched happy joy joy voice answer him??? Enough with the psychological forced happy brainwashing...
@WGPower_Nonchalant_Cafe 4 часа назад
These female voices are a complete and total rip off of AJ Wolfe at Disney food blog
@Austin1990 4 часа назад
Man, I feel like creators at least being able to synthesize their own voice is a must. I’d love to not have to mess with recording scripts and editing the audio!
@marksykes8722 4 часа назад
Would be nice if these could eventually communicate in a signed language such as ASL, either reading sign and responding with voice/text or communicating back in sign with an animated avatar.
@Create-The-Imaginable 4 часа назад
I am waiting for Sora by Open AI! Google released so many things yesterday that is seems they are throwing darts at the wall! But Google has always kind of Benn that way! No conviction!
@osdias 4 часа назад
Omni because it'll be omniscient, it will know everything about everyone. Be careful, what you feed it, it may one day be held against you.
@webgpu 5 часов назад
I noticed the women acting artificially, standing with their feet far from each other. This is a masculine stance. If they told those women to to this, in order to be seen as more powerful, why don't they just let men be the presenters, instead? World is becoming full of damaging artificial societal norms.
@iHappyCamper 5 часов назад
Amazing, seriously! This will make the world a better place simply because of how useful it will be for education purposes -- curious minds around the world will be so well off, I'm excited!
@MIKEHUNT7531 5 часов назад
Seems like googles does data and absorbs info better than 4o to me. But gpt has more personality and human like behavior.
@MaxBrix 5 часов назад
I would pay money if it sounded like the Star Trek computer - Majel Barret
@Number704 5 часов назад
Musk just wants the tech for himself. Guy is a criminal, not a genius.
@webgpu 5 часов назад
Jesus Christ, Can't Google afford a decent dental plan to that woman @ 12:40 ?
@mikedonaldson8898 5 часов назад
😰I guess I waited too long to join the Skool group.
@crowbringer 5 часов назад
It always makes me laugh when I see Google prelections take place in a kindergarden hahaha
@WESKER_294 5 часов назад
This mf stole a whole 28 min video and made it as he’s, disgusting
@frankroquemore4946 6 часов назад
If you’re just gonna post the original videos while saying almost nothing, you really didn’t need to post anything
@rw9207 6 часов назад
"Maybe you have a side hustle, crafting hand-crafted products". Gemini will break down your earnings into a spread sheet... and mail it to the IRS!
@Eternal36595 6 часов назад
Definitely not better than openAI new voice AI
@cendresaphoenix1974 6 часов назад
Google: we want to make... Chatgpt we made yesterday... Honestly terrible timing Google at least show us you're not incompetent.
@briandoe5746 6 часов назад
This one wasn't staged at all. The guy on the touch mouse pad on his laptop is definitely doing real work. Is not just moving the mouse cursor back and forth aimlessly..... Boy who cried wolf Google boy who cried wolf
@princesswanted 6 часов назад
So google stole all bloggers work to create a tool to destroy their customers and they expect to be around in the future???
@bounceday 6 часов назад
I dont like the voices they chose for ai. It patronizing annoying and make me think of Karens
@princesswanted 6 часов назад
why do all the demos of search not show adverts??????
@DarwinianUniversal 6 часов назад
What do they say about "if you are not the customer you are the product".
@andybaldman 7 часов назад
All of these companies assume people want to learn and look up technical things. Most people don’t.
@dachma42 7 часов назад
This is so utterly annoying, you have a tool with the most unique and unimaginable potential to make a true difference, to offer incredibly well informed objective input, to develop mind boggling revolutionary solutions to truly difficult problems and you keep asking it to sing and tell jokes and to narrate your ridiculous rock paper scissors game, what the!
@andybaldman 7 часов назад
This is Siri all over again. And it’s all garbage.
@Cryptocannnon 7 часов назад
so we gonna get precogs from this its very much the end game here lol
@Zelkyplant 7 часов назад
Yes, but will it erase white history and identity?
@wildboy1983 7 часов назад
How come both open ai and Google keep releasing the same thing at the same time?
@huhuhuh525 7 часов назад
i think openAI is still ahead, at least for now. but boi, they are both powerful
@diraziz396 7 часов назад
"..Guess we'll find out how Easily we manipulated by AI's .."
@Mangolite 7 часов назад
Nah, Open AI has personality with the wits.
@kabukibear 7 часов назад
I was way more impressed with Openai's showing. The emotion in their voices and the speed had me floored. This showing just makes me think about Openai, which I doubt is what they're going for!