Shelley Walsh
Shelley Walsh
Shelley Walsh
I'm Shelley Walsh.
I love to have conversations with influencers and instigators.
I work in the US & UK in SEO
IMHO: AI Overviews with Pedro Dias
3 месяца назад
Dixon Jones - SEO Pioneers (The History of SEO)
11 месяцев назад
@HammyDribbler Час назад
Great video Shelley (and Jono). I still see a lot of brands cranking the text based content handle based on a desire to rank for various keywords or gain favour in the people also asked questions, rather than actually creating content that aims to assist their users and keep them within the brands ecosystem for longer and deeper within the conversion funnel. The growth of both organic and paid shopping results within certain niches has been nothing short of staggering and the need to understand feeds and schema should be on every SEOs urgent list or skills to acquire.
@ktoday3219 3 дня назад
Nice short interview. Thanks for sharing
@NinaGreaves 2 месяца назад
Thank you I’ve been following the rise and rise of video marketing since 2009, and wrote a blog about it in 2011 after I’d learned easy SEO methods that were being ignored by others. I agree with Greg, you have to write in a whole new way for video marketing especially with the rise in consumption of RU-vid videos being cast to TV’s. Now it’s baked in to many platforms without the need to hook up.
@ShaneGraffiti 2 месяца назад
Since you're into the history of data retrieval I think this interview will fascinate you if you haven't seen it already... historian Mark Humphries later goes on to revolutionize the documentation of historical archives using chatgpt. This interview is around when it all started. Skip to 15 minutes in to get to the good stuff. www.google.com/search?q=what+episode+of+cognitiverevolution+had+the+history+archival+expert+on+it+mark+humphries+part+1+and+2&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS946US946&oq=what+episode+of+cognitiverevolution+had+the+history+archival+expert+on+it+mark+humphries+part+1+and+2&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDgyNjFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:05ad9e68,vid:IcIRbEXBjcQ,st:0
@ShaneGraffiti 2 месяца назад
This is one of my favorite podcasts. Thank you for making such high quality content with top notch subject matter.
@ShaneGraffiti 2 месяца назад
Her insights about AI are spot on. Especially regarding prompt engineering. Your show is brilliant. Thank you for making this content
@unmiss-com 2 месяца назад
What a helpful talk on SEO and brand marketing! Here is why you should watch: -Mordy Oberstein explains SEO in a way that's easy to follow. -Learn how to make your brand more visible online. -Start improving your marketing strategy today! Thanks Shelley Walsh for sharing such useful info!
@TechOutAdam 2 месяца назад
I so love how she said she's a geek and that's why she loves the path she went on.
@BarrySchwartz 9 месяцев назад
This is great - love these interviews!
@DixonJonesDotCom 10 месяцев назад
Loved the memory lane, a as usual!
@garrymcdonald5456 10 месяцев назад
Alway remember in 1999/2000 when Brett Tabke logfile spammed, remember mentioning it on WMW and he had a breakdown trying to claim it wasn't true. You know why he never sold his forum software? Because it is discus (spelling) which was cgi forum software from the late 90's early 2000's, he just heavily modified it, he never created it. The guy is full of shit with a big head.
@danatodd8975 Год назад
Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Heather is definitely an OG and remains a top expert in the world of search marketing. Shelly, I hope you'll talk with Barbara Coll from Webmama about the birth of SEMPO and its role in building the industry. And Jessie Stricchiola about the many lawsuits as the industry grew (she's an expert witness). Rebecca Lieb who wrote one of the first SEO books and was the top editor of Clickz. Cindy Krum, who was the first to do mobile device SEO. And me. 😊 So many women who were pioneers and builders.
@democratizingseo Год назад
These interviews are indeed a gift, Shelley. Please keep them coming. 👍🏾
@dewanbageradorsho Год назад
@Ammonjohns Год назад
#awesome 😁
@donnathecoach Год назад
I remember starting out and using bulletin boards to sell machinery - I heard about Jill back in those days because we started out at the same time and she was a pioneer for coaching in the field. there was nobody who didn't learn a thing or two from Jill :-) It's so good to see her!
@onreact Год назад
I didn't even realize Barry was younger than me. It always seemed like he was there before me and way longer haha.
@BarrySchwartz Год назад
I am so old.
@rustybrick Год назад
Thanks so much for having me - it was fun chatting. Keep up the great work!
@KimKrauseBerg Год назад
Some of my favorite memories of the old days include Jill. Great interview.
@JillWhalen Год назад
Thanks, Kim! We did have a lot of fun back in the old days. And you always created great usabiity reports for my clients.
@BarrySchwartz Год назад
Thanks Jill for all you have done for the industry!
@JillWhalen Год назад
You're welcome!
@AndySimpson1969 Год назад
I have so much to thank Jill for, thank you for shaping my career! Wishing you all the very best, fantastic interview Shelley.
@shelleywalsh Год назад
Thanks Andy
@JillWhalen Год назад
So nice of you to say so, Andy. Glad I was able to be an inspiration to you!
@nikkipilkington Год назад
A true SEO hero.
@JillWhalen Год назад
Thank you!
@HasanMia_bd Год назад
Nice content, Shelley❤❤❤
@democratizingseo Год назад
I've said a number of times now that the next few years in search will be very exciting. It's nice to hear a pioneer echo this sentiment. AI will change the behaviour and expectations of SEs, marketers (specifically SEOs) and search users. Keep the interviews coming, Shelley!
@dancovrboski9135 Год назад
Vo genera ia sm neti kazyvam znaew
@dancovrboski9135 Год назад
Tə barav date vidam mise ipolni srcetomama sə ipravi cepi drva gotvi na 93godini a so mojot izym za bitonot I lokymot prevodot bewe tvoj kako wti objasnyvav. Jazik neznam
@BarrySchwartz Год назад
You guys rock! Thanks for posting this!
@Ammonjohns Год назад
This one stood out a bit. For one thing, Dave just motored out so much, so fast, that this was the first one I had to consume over multiple sessions. 😁 That's a good thing though. Action packed. Had me laughing out loud several times, even on one or two of the stories I knew. Wonderful interview. Dave, Greg Boser, and Todd Friesen were the 'SEO Rockstars' for me - loud, incredibly entertaining, and if there was a Rolls Royce in the swimming pool you knew it was their doing... 🤣 Well done Shelley, I know that getting Dave to talk is hard work, and you have to pry out every syllable... 😂
@shelleywalsh Год назад
A dream to interview as I just sat there and listened to the pure gold.
@dougscott3720 Год назад
ha ha I miss those days:):) ?I remember that conference where you outed in public what I was doing:):)Long time sexy, when we having lunch?
@AnnaCrowe Год назад
Great work on this Shelley! This is much needed :)
@Chase1735 Год назад
Wow you mentioned me! I feel like a legend now! I really enjoyed this and you have some real good memory of the history.... I didnt recall all those details. I had only one DMOZ category...damn you...probably were the one declining bunch of my submissions...lol
@Ammonjohns Год назад
I was with AOL once - for all of 15 minutes. And 12 of those minutes were spent working out how to cancel. No kidding.
@seopros762 Год назад
Fortran isn't a language that can be used on the web. Early on it was C+ then came PERL ASP and PHP
@seopros762 Год назад
Webcrawler was the SE that used links before Google. It wasn't a huge factor but was a piece of the puzzle.
@Ammonjohns Год назад
Webmaster World came from Search Engine _World_ but that was just a change of domain name - they were both Brett Tabke's forum, and essentially the exact same one, and were opened in rivalry (friendly or not) to JimWorld's properties, specifically Search Engine _Forums_ or SEF. Probably the similarity of SEW vs SEF that has become confused a little all these years and years later. JimWorld comprised several sites, and some newsletters, and three main forums - Search Engine Forums, VirtualPromote, and GetHigh.
@DixonJonesDotCom Год назад
Lots of fun listening to this. :)
@DixonJonesDotCom Год назад
GoTo Changed their name to Overture... THEN sold to Yahoo, I think.
@Ammonjohns Год назад
@@DixonJonesDotCom they did indeed. A lot of their former employees went from Game Keeper to Poacher though, and went into the client side. XD
@BarrySchwartz Год назад
Great interview. Just going on the record, I was not that blogger in case anyone was wondering. I only cover stuff that is publicly available on the web or with permission. This was a fun interview, like the others you posted, to listen to.
@shelleywalsh Год назад
Thanks Barry, appreciate that from yourself. No one thought you were *that* blogger. 😄
@Ammonjohns Год назад
34:42 Affiliate sites and client approval often overlapped. Basically, if a given tactic or technique carried a risk, a client might 'create' an affiliate site for themselves that then gave them plausible deniability, plus the 'affiliate' could be sacrificed easily if it got caught. Obviously, we didn't identify clients that did this, but I think it was a fairly well-known practice. Even so, there were a *lot* of very big brands, very well known, that used cloaking on their own domains, often shockingly badly, as if daring the engines to ban them. The 'Which?' magazine group had thousands of very poor JavaScript redirecting pages well into the Noughties - very poor SEO work in how easily it could be spotted, but they got away with it for many, many long months.
@shelleywalsh Год назад
Cloaking is actually a very useful tool when used the right way - as Greg said. I think Michael Bonfils also discusses cloaking in his interview. But, like everything - it's not the tool - it's the user that can employ it for good or bad. 😀
@StanleyOppenheimerToronto Год назад
I found out today 5 months - he will be missed - brilliant articles.
@dancovrboski9135 Год назад
Ytre heti napiwam. Dryga prikaska
@Ammonjohns 2 года назад
36:04 Who says I'm not a comic character? I can be pretty damn amusing when the mood takes me.
@jamesscott1711 Год назад
Are you the infamous Bl4ck Kn1ght?
@Ammonjohns Год назад
@@jamesscott1711 I'm not sure I'd call myself 'infamous', but I am the 'Black_Knight' of Cre8asite (and other forums) that John was referring to.
@adwebllc 2 года назад
Nice interview good to see John the person, very interesting.
@webdev.vidyutpal 2 года назад
Great insights!
@Ammonjohns 2 года назад
Jill's HighRankings Forum opened sometime around 2005 I think, after Jill and Scottie Clayborn had first worked together at Cre8asite Forums. Jill had been active as a moderator on the IHY Forum prior to her involvement with Cre8asite. Mike and I first really connected thanks to Peter Da Vanzo, another Moderator at Cre8asite who, rather like Jill, had come to us after first being involved with the IHY (IHelpYou) forums. Peter had just started Search Engine Blog, and was interviewing various folks he liked, and Mike and I were kind of in back-to-back interviews. It gave me an ice-breaker to bring up and introduce myself to Mike in person at SES in London. My recollection of the times is that the vast majority of early SEOs were webmasters and web designers, often for their own projects or hobby sites, and not previously involved in Marketing of any kind. Thus people like Mike and Peter Da Vanzo really stood out for me as fellows interested (and experienced) in that side of the equation, the more persuasion and human focused side, rather than coming at everything as a coding problem to solve.
@designhub360customapparel 2 года назад
I just found out..rip Bill. 😢
@tylerthompson2294 2 года назад
RIP Bill 🙏
@ranjithsavarakodi 2 года назад
Miss you Bill ❤
@Ammonjohns 2 года назад
So incredibly good to get to spend one more evening in the company of my dear friend Bill Slawski. The part that brings a lump to my throat is that I know he was as much looking forward to more episodes of this series as I am, and I'm so sad that he missed this being released. He'd have loved it, I think.
@simonmcox 2 года назад
Great session you two! Early days - trying to rank any business based in Scunthorpe was absolutely not going to happen! And I agree with Ammon - the community is what has put this industry together.
@Ammonjohns 2 года назад
I had a total brain-fart at the 01:46 mark, right at the start, where I said 2007-2008 when I meant '97-'98... Other than that one thing, I adore everything about this conversation - even (if not especially) the palpable struggle to try to keep the conversation on track where it so easily meanders into scores of side-tracks.
@simonmcox 2 года назад
I did wonder but considering your age its a small forgivable mistake ;)
@adwebllc 2 года назад
but did you get first page results for the KW "sex"? I would love to compare wayback results for $$$
@hyperlinkguerrilla Год назад
Relived to hear you clarify the dates. I was doubting my own memory. ;-)
@Ammonjohns Год назад
@@adwebllc only accidentally, as a by-product of going for longer, more specific and thus massively better converting phrases. That was, of course, always one of the risks in the pre-Google days, and indeed persisted to quite some degree until the relatively recent (12ish years or so) levels of better semantic search. There were some (many early webmasters, and a few more naïve clients) who thought that getting such accidental but lousy converting rankings was a good thing, and that traffic was more important than conversions. The truth though is that when you are only converting maybe 1 in a thousand, what impression and brand experience are the other 999 taking away and telling others about? Being a bad search result has a cost.