Josh Brett
Josh Brett
Josh Brett
🎯Fitness Documentary Style Videos:

- Larger than life: Inspiring stories of your favourite fitness icons.

- Gym Noir: Shining a light on the darker side of the fitness industry.

- What I’ve Learned: Making sense of the fitness world.

The Rise of "Toxic Gym Culture"
Месяц назад
The Rise and Fall of Bruce Lee
3 месяца назад
The Disturbing Rise of Diet Zealots
8 месяцев назад
How Elite Athletes ACTUALLY Sleep
Год назад
Jared's Eye Opening Transformation
2 года назад
Why Everyone Hates CrossFit
2 года назад
I Trained Neck Everyday for 100 Days
2 года назад
The Legend of ZYZZ
2 года назад
The Problem With TikTok Fitness
2 года назад
When 'Clean Eating' Becomes Unhealthy
2 года назад
Why This Teenager Is Stronger Than You
2 года назад
The Problem With Gymshark
3 года назад
Bang Energy: The Fitness Meme
3 года назад
We Need to Stop V Shred
3 года назад
@connorkick7397 17 часов назад
Guys, remember the grass is NOT ALWAYS GREENER! yes, they're fit, but there is always a hidden cost. If you simply work hard, train till failure, eat right, and rest, you can make impressive improvements as a natrual like I did. But comparing yourself really is the thief to joy. It's you v you
@kvazimedvedababl 17 часов назад
"Elite genetics" means a shit ton of steroids, since they were invented there are hundreds of thousands of people with "elite genetics" all of a sudden weird right ?
@traxxas544 17 часов назад
What an a-hole!
@mariuszkoch3891 18 часов назад
10:51 is Simonster, not Fitness FAQs :D
@user-zr5ev8nj3d 18 часов назад
اژدها وارد میشود دومیلیارد فروش داشته وای
@kingj521 18 часов назад
If its created and not from nature stay TF away. IDC if I pass my window of getting big.
@DadBodFit 19 часов назад
🍗 🥦 🍚=💉
@rishabhsharma5350 19 часов назад
Top notch content as always! 👌😊
@williamdieffenbach3264 20 часов назад
Social media messed up women, big time.
@Captianmex1C0 20 часов назад
My first time in a gym and this giant jacked dude was making fun of me for curling 20s, I startes going at 11 at night to avoid him and bought weights to workout at home as much as possible
@jayboy2kay7 20 часов назад
Mate I made this YT account in 2007. Went through all this as well. We all do. You’re very mature for your age, I'm 32 this September and honestly once your hit your late twenties, you’ll have even more realistic expectations of what meaning can be gained from life and lifting. I wish I knew what you do at 22 lol, 18-29 I went from skinny fat to ripped, to fat and big, then eventually big and ripped, and staying that way is literally impossible for normal life, I eventually got ripped with less muscle and now I’m bigger but skinny fat at the same time lol, it’s a never ending journey. I’m so glad you’re getting the exposure you deserve. Take care. From Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@rigbygaming8296 20 часов назад
Easy solution: get out of the gym. The basics still work. Do push ups. Squats, lunges, or split squats with just body weight are still damn effective. Boring, but effective. Find a park, do chin ups or dips on a bar you can find there. Gyms are toxic? Ok… don’t pretend there aren’t other solutions.
@jayboy2kay7 20 часов назад
The blind guy one REALLY gets on my pecs. Really.
@josephduffy2599 21 час назад
"Constantly changing workouts". So in other words there's no periodization, no mesocycles, and no progression of any kind.
@anabolic_red 21 час назад
I've seen Simeon Panda multiple times at his home gym in south London. Arrogant prick is a gross understatement.
@agafonovoff 21 час назад
Bro, u make me so inspired. Wish u good health!
@hobotify 21 час назад
Comparison is the thief of joy, but sometimes it´s unavoidable. Not necessarily on social media, everyone knows that those posts are fake. Let´s say you start going to the gym with your bro. You do the same program, have the same basic diet, take the same supplements. You keep each other accountable. You can barely see any change in your strength or body, meanwhile your bro gets fucking jacked and benches 225 after 6 months. It´s hard not to get discouraged and not to blame your genetics.
@ODIN_xx 21 час назад
High quality video.
@masonbronson3194 22 часа назад
yall hate on the steroids but follow and sub to their channels giving them more reasons to continue .
@masonbronson3194 22 часа назад
diabetes is wrecking people
@clvtch444 22 часа назад
Here in South Africa we have an act (or a law), called the POPI Act (Protection Of Personal Information), the act states that you may not take a picture of someone or film someone without their permission, if you do, you have committed an offence A 3rd world country can have measures like this put in place, but 1st world countries can't? Shameful
@dariecosma-rapa7724 22 часа назад
You don't bump into these fad diest problems if you have at least a partially functioning consciousness to tell you not to eat raw food. I myslef tried a combination of many unconvencional diets, but nothing bad happened only good, ya' wanna know why? Because I don't listen to a guy that's telling me to eat raw plants while having only two remaining theet in his mouth😅
@masonbronson3194 23 часа назад
Eggs - some meat - milk - beef tallow as oil if needed. Thats all
@dariecosma-rapa7724 23 часа назад
I never had this problem with "They are so big and I'm so small, how do they do it?" I've always had a eye wich helped me in knowing if someone is natural or not, and you can have these eyes to, if you take your's out out from that phone and look at some normal long time gym members
@masonbronson3194 23 часа назад
hot take - working out actually damages your body long term than help it.
@nwcigotbetter2001 23 часа назад
The truth is 💉💉💉💉💉💉
@christophermclaren9983 23 часа назад
NOT TRUE STOP LYING!💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾💩💩
@whitebelt2905 23 часа назад
I’m a lifelong natty and I wish roids never existed. I want to know how strong I am compared to the general population but I will never know.
@artkidolee2162 23 часа назад
I even bought his exercise program! Fooled by his good looks!
@MaxS.- День назад
What an absolutely stellar fucking person. ❤
@josemama1 День назад
Gear Gear Gear
@EtienneLeBoeuf День назад
Steroids will kill your masculinity. I went from 334 to 960 in around 3 months all natural no TRT. This book should be essential reading for all men. Written by a 50s guy with natural T levels of a 20s guy Complete guide to testosterone by james Francis
@GreenTigerCA День назад
Yeah….. but have you seen those leaked X videos & photos?? Let just say he could make WAY more on only fans than he will peddling fitness pills. 🍆 💦 😛
@fwer1-mw5hf День назад
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)
@brianhamilton3582 День назад
*Average person applauds - what a fantastic caption! lmao
@jin394 День назад
This was refreshing! I'm also someone who has love handles like you did so it's nice to see some pics of what might happen if I buckle down and stick with things. I'm not going for fast, never have. 3 years ago I was the same weight as I am now but 7-10% higher BF and I used to be even bigger so I am still proud of the progress I've made recomping and enjoying the sport I did for it. I look kind of like your day ~66. I recently started an actual progressive overload program and I am still doing sport and cutting slowly counting calories and protein. Thanks for the inspo!
@thedude8526 День назад
Gear and genetics. I dont ever compare myself to any of these folks. It's unhealthy.
@mintywebb День назад
Natural... LOL
@michaeltagor4238 День назад
Mike mentz on the end made me tear up bro, that line by him is unfathomably hard and obnoxiously beautiful
@gogopowerrangers-gogo День назад
Vitamin S, that is all
@imaginezzz2922 День назад
The guy who’s workout you make fun of in the intro is Chris Carson. An nfl player who’s probably being trained by the best trainers in the world
@tsmatthx2 День назад
@josheakins5137 День назад
Rise? Dude this rise happened almost a decade ago talk about late to the party
@dbion1 День назад
This sounds like a lot of hate if you ask me. But as a nutritionist, I wouldn’t recommend it because the days you’re eating a bunch of carbs can spike up your insulin levels like crazy. Obviously would do not recommend this for diabetics…
@alttab3566 День назад
Easiest Thing i started training for is arm-wrestling, I beat almost all my friend B) (Im feeling big proud)
@deeznutz862 День назад
I’m about to unsub and I think a lot of ppl are gonna because you keep making the same video
@archangel_josh День назад
Try to be the BEST version of yourself. It's a cliche, but if you eat right, work out, get enough rest then be happy with your results! There's an alternate universe version of you that would KILL to look like how you look now.
@BaconManBruh День назад
Gear gives you the opposite now that i give it a big think. Gear causes you to be more overactive mentally and the mental gymnastics is rough i heard so if it affects you mentally that's like a BIG NOPE.
@whimsy0451 День назад
Goddamn inspirational. Solid as adamant, Josh. Brilliant.
@DavidBruceChadington День назад
Their story is just sad to witness. Very well illustrated how many circumstances drag on their willpower. 61$ for a watermelon is insane It has many different factors and I truly hope they can fix that problem somehow, someday.
@Pannicusthethird День назад
Protein powder and creatine are the only things worth having