Midnight's Edge
Midnight's Edge
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@miguelh4750 22 часа назад
Hugh Jackman' was awesome he makes the movie great. Many useless scenes but good action. A nostalgia fest 7/10 for me.
@liquidocelot4885 22 часа назад
I won't be seeing it in theaters but best believe I'm buying that 4k the moment pre orders go up. This is it for marvel. Their last hoorah and even though it's disney and they're trash, these 2 characters together are too good to pass up. This is my Endgame
@brianjordan3841 22 часа назад
Sorry but Jar Jar Binks deserves to b in Star Wars far more then the characters in the sequel trilogy, n the Solo movie as well as the shows Book Of Boba Fett, Obi Wan Kenobi, Andor, Ahsoka, n The Acolyte
@KardboardKenny 22 часа назад
so you want me to spend cash on a company that openly h8s my White azz? get the fux outta here w/that sheit.
@nifftbatuff676 22 часа назад
Consumers are so stupid.
@Kitzzy155 23 часа назад
Because it’s a Ryan Reynolds production, I’m going to see it. No MESSAGE, just a real entertaining movie like we used it go see….
@marcomarterer7232 23 часа назад
This movie gave me some goodbye funeral vibes for it reminds at the Fox Aera of Superheromovies since Blade, the golden Age of the MCU while adressing that the multiverse is shit.
@marcomarterer7232 23 часа назад
The mockery of Disney and Marvel is a releave. Selfironic and satiricaly brutal as expected this movie is not about story but having fun.
@Gnostic88 23 часа назад
This is it boys. The last good marvel movie. 🍾 After this, there is nought but a vast desert of nothing. Enjoy it. After this there will be nothing left.
@External2737 23 часа назад
I see what is coming and I decline to fund hate against people like me. They hate straights at Disney. They hate men. God do they hate whites. I used to be a huge Disney fan. As long as Iger and KK rule, no.
@Posttrip 23 часа назад
I’ll go see it to support Reynolds and to let this movie light up like a flare in the dark. And, I know what’s going to follow from Marvel will bomb. Yup. Let the contrast stand out. Marvel won’t change but I’ll help keep piling up the evidence for when a rescue comes for Marvel.
@majorgear1021 23 часа назад
Disney isn’t get another cent from me! The last Disney content that I watched was Avengers Infinity War, and I’m keeping it that way!
@Nonamearisto 23 часа назад
If this movie, it will do two seemingly-contradictory things: 1. It will show that red pills pay bills and that people will watch movies meant for normal people, that is, not movies made for the woke crowd. 2. It will subsidize woke movies by covering for some of their losses and give Disney the cash to keep making woke box office bombs for at least a bit longer. For the first point to work, Disney will need to draw the correct lesson from this movie's (probable) success. White men aren't stale; just look at Oppenheimer, Mario, Avatar 2, Top Gun: Maverick, or Spider-Man: No Way Home.
@ShadowWingTronix 23 часа назад
I think Hollywood has had it in for Republicans and conservatives since the McCarthy hearings against them as he tried to expose communists. Throw in the Hayes Code, and their testifying before Congress to end the family hour on television, and it's just been passed down in the system to oppose McCarthy's party even if they don't share McCarthy's extremism, with only a few going against the Hollywood system.
@Nonamearisto 23 часа назад
Two of the three good post-Endgame MCU movies aren't really MCU at all. Spider-Man is a Sony movie which just happens to be IN the MCU, and Deadpool 3 was a pre-MCU movie in the older X-Men continuity bought up by Disney and inserted into the MCU. Only GoTG 3 was truly an MCU movie, and the only reason it was good was that its script was written before wokeness took over.
@warsword4 День назад
Glad to know it’s a good movie. I won’t be seeing it in theaters though since I don’t want to give them my money. They won’t learn anything, they’ll probably take the wrong lessons from this, if it does well anyway.
@Mr_Flerb День назад
They changed Girlpool to “Ladypool.” I don’t believe you.
@dbiedler День назад
Thank you.
@mikeward9870 День назад
Nope. The only super hero movies I'll see: Batman, Spiderman, Ironman. I'm pretty selective about those too. Perhaps a superman movie. No superhero teem/war movies. (Of course my favorite superhero movies are Kick Ass and Mystery Men. ;^)
@NemoIncognito День назад
Kevin Feige tried to stop Deadpool 3? That man truly is a Grade A idiot
@grillodofus День назад
Fucking masterpiece, 11/10 just because of the Fox reel on the credits!
@Garthantula День назад
I have a meta question that you didn’t address: How much of the R rating was due to gore and violence, and how much was due to nudity and sexual themes?
@TheGreatYoRpFiSh День назад
I'll wait for 5 weeks after release and then buy the movie on Fandango for 15$
@MrGanomede День назад
Andre -- You sound pretty uplifting in this video. Glad to see hear you upbeat again.
@tek_soup День назад
ill sail the high seas, and send ryan reynolds a venmo.
@dudepool7530 День назад
Okay Andre, you've convinced me to "vote with my dollar". They keep calling us a "Vocal Minority". The Phandom Menace needs to show up for this. Yeah, youre giving them your money, but you're also showing Ryan Reynolds, and the crew, that the uphill battle to make this film series was worth it. How much shit has Ryan Waded through, even for the first film, to be made? We need to support our homies! He might not be a person friend of ours, by Ryan Reynolds is a friend to the fans!!!!!
@soundsurgen3293 День назад
@swoopes7777 День назад
@soundsurgen3293 День назад
Saw it and in my opinion is it's okay, but it has it's moments; but in order to understand the plot, people would have to go through the DISNEY PLUS BULLSHITERY subscription just to understand and it was a fun ride like a roller coaster but it's a 6-7 again in my humble opinion so not too many will get it or the understanding behind the the main protagonist so... I don't believe that this can save DISNEY, this is just the peak bump up on the stock exchange ticker tape read out! So this was a fun ride but, it had a lot of great introducing some different takes on the main characters! But this is not the holy grail DISNEY saviour like Wade Wilson keeps saying in the movie! But that introduction to the grave was very..., ...., ...., ..., necrophiliac necromancer and was interesting to say the least. At least when this finally makes it to a physical copy then the Deadpool trilogy will be set; until D.E.I. GETS INVOLVED AND FUCKS EVERYTHING UP ONCE AGAIN!!!! But I digress..., so ugh, it was a fun ride but I don't think even the holiest of holies can save DISNEY from it's own BULLSHITERY down fall!
@1NotDan1 День назад
Ryan reynolds fought with disney to make this movie good. He defied them. Show disney ryan was right and they are wrong. Support the movie
@Tyler_W День назад
This was actually really fun. I agree that the plot is a bit of a thin vehicle for the fun and games. The plot isn't very sophisticated, nor is it trying to be, but it's held together very well with a surprising bit of heart (much like the previous Deadpool movies) and clearly defined and endearing motivations for the main duo that do a good job of driving the story forward. Unlike in Dr. Strange 2, the cameos here aren't actually throwaways. They actually serve a narrative, thematic, and metatextual purpose, and they even have their own little character arc. If anyone is of the mind to incentivize more good behavior from the Mouse, I'd say this is well worth seeing if you want a good dose of simple, badass fun, especially if you enjoyed the previous Deadpool movies. Considering this script was even accepted, you can definitely tell that this could be their own little way of acknowledging that they've been off their game these past few years. If they do continue pivot in a positive direction, I don't foresee it fully taking hold for a little bit since change takes time, but this does give me a grain of hope that Marvel as a whole could actually be good again.
@ARMAR19 День назад
i laughed every other min... 👍🏻
@majorgear1021 23 часа назад
that bad, huh?
@GokuMcDuck День назад
Nice movie. Not perfect. Lots of head scratchers but seeing Wesley as Blade again was worth it.
@Omnivolv День назад
@MKivz День назад
I felt like this movie is a farewell to Fox Marvel movies than Deadpool saving Disney MCU.
@sigmar4564 День назад
If you like Ryan Reynolds, this movie is for you. If you don't like him, this movie is very much not for you
@whybother757 День назад
I won't see it because a) Disney sucks ass, b) I hated Deadpool 2, and c) I loved Logan.
@trevorgale1176 День назад
I saw the movie yesterday, it's a Frankenstein of a movie, it's like a Deadpool movie grafted onto a episode of Loki with Mad Max. The opening is a hoot, but for the rest it stops and starts. The whole TVA is a hard slog and the TVA boss was just a dick. Lucky the Cass Nova lass saved the movie from the villain side. I think it should of been a bit smoother watch. I would give it a 6.5/10 . The whole TVA thing spoilt the movie. But the scenes with Deadpool and Wolverine were fantastic.
@alexvernelli6512 День назад
Its a good movie. but it's not the Marvel Savior movie. More like a fox salute/send-off movie. Marvel will claim it as a success they will say it will financially right the ship. However it doesn't This movie has virtually zero impact on the main marvel storyline.
@RealtyWebDesigners День назад
Disney can partner with Bud Light and be the brand for the lGBTQIA community
@dcb_75 День назад
Haven't seen it yet but intend to as truth is this is the last Fox Marvel film - Disney may be releasing it but these characters and franchises were not Disney's so all those execs can say whatever rhey want, they have nothing to do with why people are seeing it. Having said that, the Disney Marvel films hold 0 interest for me so unless there are some massive changes at Disney, I won't be supporting their versions of X-men or Deadpool(even if Renolds continues) in the future.
@whitemagus2000 День назад
I've seen Loki season 2 and know that the TVA no longer has a reason to exist, since Loki is maintaining the timelines himself. But like any ultra authoritarian organization, they eventually exist only to keep themselves in power.
@jasonsantos3037 День назад
Well this is a Ryan rental movie more than a Disney film.
@Valehass День назад
If you wan to know here you're going turn around and see where you came from. Most people don't change, most people are incapable of retrospection and true change. Bob Iger Is human last time I checked and his history as a manager is all you need to predict Disney's future.
@Tallacus День назад
Meh it was alright
@asantiago704 День назад
Just saw the film! It's awesome! Though not perfect, its tons of fun. Nothing woke in it, on the contrary, they basically make fun of it.
@Fluxion77 День назад
I get feeling like you don't want to give a penny to Disney anymore (I feel the same), but supporting good movies is JUST AS IMPORTANT as boycotting the bad ones. If you don't support a good/non-woke movie, then they have NO INCENTIVE to change course, which justifies their decisions to the shareholders. Also, OTHER studios and producers of entertainment are watching. If the good ones fail also, then no reason to change what they're doing. This goes beyond just Disney.
@jadapandy День назад
Nothing but Negative Nancy's here. Never positive. Negativity drives this channel. Tired of it. I'm out!
@jsto2466 День назад
Just saw Deadpool & Wolverine for the first time. Ryan Reynolds can *SHUT* *UP* *AND* *TAKE* *MY* *MONEY!!!*
@duncanidaho4565 День назад
Lesbian Wars could be good if properly executed I think anyways but as it's own thing / not sure why they feel the need to take away Star Wars from its natural constituency of King Arthur-esque fantasy Joeseph Campbell people.