Icebergs, video games and whatever. The lord of all that is cringe
@vadimuha День назад
You don't have to rewrite the entire game to use multi threading. You can just implement it on the most demanding features
@vadimuha День назад
Non euclidean geometry is not "what exist beyond our understanding of 3 dimensional space". It's literally just a curved space. You know, like on Earth
@Dashgames-gameing 6 дней назад
I'm surprised he didn't include New madness Mario
@Icouldeat100burgers 6 дней назад
I know this came out a year ago, but I may have an answer for the dots at 47:45. On the Bay12 forums there was a user called 9Dot I believe who's user name was literally ".........". He was well known for doing super stylized dwarf fortress fan art and iirc basically never actually posted anything but his art. Like he wouldn't add text to any of his posts or respond to anyone elses.
@PingerSurprise 10 дней назад
I'm gonna post this here as well for other people to see. Hi! I'm the one formely known as GaelikTheWarrior (the same name still redirects to my YT channel though). To explain, I wasn't familiar with JoJo at all at the time, heck I didn't even play the Capcom game until after I've made the Joseph palette swap. I just saw Joseph's sprites, was like "I could just make him a ginger and cheap as fuck" and boom, Chuck Norris lol I was always too ambitious at the time and ended up making only shitty characters, but this one is still my favorite for having the most fun making it. But yeah, he was quickly dethroned by cheaper characters as I quickly moved on to other projects. Thank you for featuring him! It's nice to look back at my old creations. I've left MUGEN a long time ago and now I'm mostly making Blender stuff. Could be interesting to come back and make a completely original character now that I have all the tools and knowledge to do so.
@sungazercyan 9 дней назад
That’s incredible thank you for making such an important piece of history
@farty555 13 дней назад
Dwarf fortress has so much where I'm like "at first you had my curiosity" but then when you get to the 'you are armok' and it's like "but NOW you have my attention"
@Tostbrot00 13 дней назад
Great video ! <3
@degurkin 15 дней назад
The adventurers are asexual thing goes deeper If you retire and adventurer to populate a fort you unretire with adventurers they will never have children. This is important because some players like to make their epic hero who saved the land king. Which means they will never have a bloodline.
@Gafif150230 16 дней назад
Coming from a country that has Keas (New Zealand ) I think you had it right the first time. Key a (ke-a) Kay ah is just wrong to my ears.
@alexp3180 16 дней назад
Maan, hope your channel is still active. Your iceberg videos, especially the MUGEN ones are really fun explanation as someone who wants to get into it in the near future 😆
@magmacube8689 18 дней назад
Very late, but on ''Ice oceans are hostile''... This entry most likely refers to a bug that happens at polar oceans. Specfically on top of oceanic ice sheets. It might still happen, but I haven't checked. Here is how it works. The presence of ice on top of the water doesn't prevents the game from generating waves. This creates water mist. Due to the way these generate and how wonky old DF code tends to work, some of it spontaneously appears on top of the ice. This causes it to instantly freeze due to the extreme low tempature, instantly forming massive walls of ice when you don't look at their direction. These walls gradually close in on you and then entomb you as you walk around there in adventure mode. It is akin to a creepypasta if you ask me. Imagine walking around on an empty plain of ice, then you look back to see a wall of ice that wasn't there... And another when you look forward again. Left, right, same. And suddenly, you are encased in ice...
@sungazercyan 18 дней назад
That’s actually so sick like yeah the ocean itself seems malevolent at that point
@marv7184 20 дней назад
Regarding ... ... ... (nine dots): this almost definitely refers to the legendary surreal artist of the same name on the Bay 12 forums, who posts intricate depictions/gifs of dwarf fortress shenanigans. Their art style is best described as "high effort MS paint" which is why their work is so distinctive and memorable (at least to my younger self).
@StrikaAmaru 20 дней назад
11:10 The funniest bit is that any normal in-game theory about the creation of the first anvil has holes in it; eventually, you're left with 'gift from Armok' because that's the only one not directly contradicted by some bit of lore: - strange mood. While it is possible to get a metal anvil as a result of a strange mood (I personally got an artifact adamantine anvil in 2023), completing that strange mood requires the existence of a forge in the first place. And, if an artifact anvil were created in the history of the world, then that anvil would be found in Legends mode. No such luck. - made from a more primitive precursor. Ok, so where is the recipe for that precursor? There is no other instance of dwarves forgetting a crafting recipe, and even worse, all dwarves come equipped with full knowledge of every recipe in existence; they can do everything, their experience just dictates how fast they do so, or how much the end product sucks. - gift from gods. Gods do gift physical objects at times, but only in highly specific circumstances, and only slabs: death gods create slabs with the secrets of life and death for their necromancers, and demons who pact with gods get bound via a slab with their True Name written on it. It's not completely unrealistic that the god of mountains/ores/metals/smithing/whatever did craft an anvil... but again: this is an artifact; where is it in Legends? - gift from Armok. By simple process of elimination, this is the only remaining option. Yeah, sure, when Armok built this world, He also built a 'standard issue' fortress, which contained at least one anvil. This anvil is not an artifact, it's just a shitty no-quality anvil, so it's not in Legends. (and the 'standard issue' fort also might explain why all auto-generated forts are so similar, too). 22:10 Also worth mentioning that it's possible to become a were-wagon; though I recall the user who did the experiments used DfHack to turn his/her adventurer into a were-creature in the first place. It wasn't a particularly exciting adventurer; any attempt to move resulted in the 'wagon' getting scuttled.
@sungazercyan 20 дней назад
I remember that exact were-wagon post actually, down to the part about being violently scuttled any time they attempted to move. Funny stuff. About the first point though there is a reasonable amount of gameplay-story segregation we can do to make assumptions about things like “dwarves not remembering pre-metal anvils” or “gods gifting anvils to a long forgotten civ” in the same way that we just normally don’t think about how anvils came into existence in the first place. I think the only real answer is “anvils have always existed because the game wouldn’t work without them” but everyone can make up their own fun headcanons for themselves.
@erie3936 20 дней назад
Why is Obok Meatgod the lowest one? Isn't it like kinda-popular but forbidden to mention? I've even read the original.
@sungazercyan 20 дней назад
Yeah I think it was there for the offence and shock factor of it, it’s probably more well known than most things on this iceberg tbh
@erie3936 20 дней назад
It's somewhere on we archive BTW
@erie3936 20 дней назад
@@sungazercyan Also regarding the Magical item improvement attribute. It's implemented to a working degree in the game. It's just impossible to achieve in vanilla DF. If you use DFHack and manually add magical attributes it should work.
@sechmascm 20 дней назад
My Count took care of himself in my current fortress. He got into a religious strange mood and couldn't complete it because he didn't find something. I wanted to cast golden altars, but I was using the wrong ore (woops). So, he grew despondent and died after refusing to eat or drink for an extended period of time. This was cool for the mayor, which got his quarters, extra rooms and even tomb. Dwarves just put the Count into the corpse stockpile instead of his already assigned tomb, so I didn't bother building another for the next guy.
@somezombie9275 20 дней назад
So, meat alcohol. There is meat Honey so following that you would be able to ferment some Meat Mead and have your, probably disgusting, alcoholic drink.
@sungazercyan 20 дней назад
Thanks, I really hate that. I’d imagine that it would probably taste like the mead-equivalent of those “meat flavoured” gag sodas, and unfortunately I would be sick enough to try that at least once.
@franciasii2435 21 день назад
7:35 It's pronouced kia, like the car company. U were correct and some drongo lied to u. It's a māori word. Dunno why the hell some bird from NZ is in DF, but i'm stoked.
@Gafif150230 16 дней назад
Mountain parrot, makes sense to me! They are just as mischievous in RL as in DF
@jamespfp 23 дня назад
45:17 -- RE: Tarn turned down a job at Mojang; Sideways note for the Iceberg here, when I actually start considering the larger "real world" impact that Bay12's brain-trust have had upon the Earth that there is probably at least 1 artifact that this Iceberg has missed. It's a novel written by Neal Stephenson (who is sometimes referred to as a cyberpunk writer) called "REAMDE" published in 2011. I shouldn't spoil the novel but hey, if it had appeared on something like this Iceberg explaining its presence would require at least some synopsis of the plot and/or characters. Suffice it to say one of the protagonists is a software developer who has created an MMORPG that mashes up World of Warcraft (for the MMO part) with Dwarf Fortress for the insanely detailed procedural world generation, way more detailed than anything Mojang / Notch ever did. Stephenson, in my opinion, was using Dwarf Fortress for a very specific reason.
@jamespfp 23 дня назад
^^ And a side note for the side note, ever since I read the novel I have been waiting for some kind of announcement that some entertainment company or another had gotten the rights to make a miniseries or a movie with it, *but* the other part of the plot which I've opted not to spoil is *So Real-World Impact* any such group would still find themselves practically unable to talk about it even if it was in fiction. What is it? Cryptocurrency. "Ready Player One" was therefore a likely attempt to "scoop" anyone who has the rights to "REAMDE", and was actively trying to draw attention away from the obvious crossover point between the virtual MMO world and the real world.
@jamespfp 23 дня назад
34:38 -- RE: If Meat Alcohol Is Real, please don't tell me....; A: *LMAO* too late pal. *No,* to my knowledge "meat alcohol" which you'd get in a bottle or a tankard is not something which humans are particularly drawn to, *BUT* nonetheless using fermentation as a method of preparing, curing and even cooking meat *IS* common. It is not uncommon for many types of sea creatures to be quite literally cooked by burying them for a period of time and allowing the process of rotting to ferment the meat. Three cultures as convenient examples: Arctic dwelling cultures like the Inuit, also the Norwegians, and the Japanese all have types of fermented fish, sea mammals, and sea birds. Another example from antiquity which is much closer to "meat alcohol" though is a fish sauce from Roman times called "Garum" which, to the best of my knowledge wasn't consumed as a liquor on its own but was used as a method of flavoring other foods.
@jamespfp 23 дня назад
^^ There is, of course, another "special case" and that would be Star Trek's "Blood Wine", which is specifically linked to the Klingons in that narrative universe but which certainly has had at least some adherents among human cultures especially as a form of ritual or ceremony observed at the end of a successful hunt. Human consumption of blood rarely involves a fermentation process, though. Milk, on the other hand, certain can and has been fermented.
@jamespfp 23 дня назад
27:57 -- RE: "So maybe you have heard of the Taxi Cab distance in NYC...."; See also The Manhatten Distance. What is intriguing here is that he's using "simplified" terms which others don't use. Anyhow, mathematically speaking the Manhatten distance is a trivially simple kind of calculation because ( a ) it will be correlated strongly with the Pythagorean theorem, because ( b ) Diagonal "straight line" distance doesn't work on a grid. Lucky for us though, we don't even need to work out what C is when squared since we only need to know how many blocks Forward/Back and how many Left/Right. In other words, -if- When the Hypotenuse is 5 the Manhatten distance is 7 (A + B).
@jamespfp 23 дня назад
^^ It also bears mentioning that while the "Simple" example will be a grid with square tiles, there is no reason why the tiles must be square with 90 degree angles. A grid with hexagonal tiles will also have a formula for working out Manhatten distance, usually by figuring out the absolute distance between the co-ordinates of Tile A and Tile B, and adding them in exactly the same fashion.
@TBiscuit1 24 дня назад
I know this video is old, but about the meat alcohol While alcohol made from straight meat is impossible, here is something even more weird! Meat Honey! Yup, that's a thing, made from vulture bees, they use rotten meat in order to create a honey like substance The best (or worst) part is that it's edible! Apparently it's sweet smelling and pleasant tasting, tho I personally would not try it lol
@TBiscuit1 24 дня назад
Now that I'm deeper into the video, here is another fun fact, people have actually achieved multi-threading in minecraft! Tho it often causes a "ConcurentModification" error when playing with mods as minecraft was only ment to be single threaded
@DianaTaffie 24 дня назад
@andrewearl8926 24 дня назад
If your avatar wasnt so cringe I would have watched more
@firstnamelastname1515 25 дней назад
Dwarf Fortress my favorite game to learn about but no play
@ianlewis5385 25 дней назад
There is a CCA promo of parents arguing in their kitchen as their daughter sits with her back to them. As the camera slowly pulls back, the kitchen becomes a school classroom and a narrator states that children take their problems with them in public. The dad somewhat resembles Patrick McKenna of The Red Green Show and Traders fame, which wouldn't be surprising if it is him, as he is Canadian. According to Wikipedia, it's called "Mental Wellness" and aired in 2012 (two years after Media Monkey), so I'm certain this is your elusive missing PSA from Concerned Children's Advertisers. Plus, I do recall the seizure one that someone messaged you about in the middle of your video. I don't remember if it was a part of Concerned Children's Advertisers, though, but I do remember the kid having a seizure at a playground as his friends demonstrate to themselves (and the audience) the do's and don'ts if they experience this. It was the first time I heard of seizures, so that's why it stuck with me.
@snuffcassette7555 26 дней назад
youtuber make a video without doing the "oughh i dont wanna do thiisss" bit: IMPOSSIBLE!
@try2bchilledout417 27 дней назад
Oh my God, I kept mentally correcting to k-ee-a every time you said it… IT’S K-AY-A?
@drago939393 27 дней назад
Gotta hate the YT algorithm bullshit. Also, I WILL download a tentacle demon mod for degenerate hentai. Checkmate, kinkshamers.
@quentinbonafede4237 28 дней назад
"Just add the multi-threading." Bro why don't you put a computer into a steam engine
@TheSpookiestSkeleton 28 дней назад
You can JUST add multithreading to dwarf fortress, it'll be the only thing that happens for the next 10 years or more, but eventually you'd have it
@sungazercyan 28 дней назад
So that one entry aged like whole milk as one of the Kitfox devs made it their entire mission to add that and managed to do it for the steam release. It’s still an “experimental” feature so there’s allegedly some bugs but I’ve noticed it at LEAST doubled my fps
@TheSpookiestSkeleton 28 дней назад
@@sungazercyan Well something that hasn't aged is now that I know dorf used to just be one level and you'd carve deeper into a hillside, I kinda wanna see that put back in as an option, just bunker mode
@TriggerStudios Месяц назад
Algorithm fuel
@FalconsFex Месяц назад
Your old pronunciation of Kea was right. NZ guy here and they are a menace in our mountains, funny tho
@frickysuavve247 Месяц назад
how tf so I dl smash box ultimate
@gharju Месяц назад
if you get rock dust in your eyes it does stain, but i wouldn't say it is the worst thing in the world. your eyes tear up which removes the dust. however repeatedly getting rock dust in lungs is very not good. the small particles get stuck in your lungs and they are too small to cough out. this eventually leads to a disease called stone lung
@Enclave99 Месяц назад
@sam5345 Месяц назад
... what the fuck is that weird doll supposed to be?
@frickysuavve247 Месяц назад
how tf so I dl mogen I tried yesterday and was having a hard time bunch of errors all types of stuff I want the ultimate edition
@dragnus12 Месяц назад
Dwarf Therapist hidden message could be referring to how the folder appears on desktop after unpacking at standard text settings. The folder would have a title such as "DWARFTHERAPISTv1.0.3" or whatever. But because of text wrapping, it would appear as DWARFTHE and the rest of the name on this line that ill let uou fill in on your own since i dont want to get banned by youtube. Once you see it it sticks with you for the rest of time.
@MouldMadeMind Месяц назад
I think scapped DF2014 features refers to features like adventure mode, which were in DF2014 but not the premium version initially.
@jakenorth4811 Месяц назад
“One of my favorite pieces of media of all time” Heck yeah dude. Agreed. We are out here. 👏🙏
@ANunes06 Месяц назад
My very poor understanding of his Thesis is that he proves that there must exist a unique, optimized solution to the "shortest distance" in n-dimensional space. This is ... probably kind of obvious? But having it proven means you can just whip it out of your tool belt as a mathematician and be confident you're not doing something goofy.
@darekwroblewski1090 Месяц назад
About his dissertation, from my understanding he basically proved that there are "ranges" for minimal distances in larger dimensions and he mixed it with the taxi problem. Like imagine you have 2D, you have 2 points on a graph, the shortest line between those two points would be the "minimal distance" it would have "minimal parameters" to get from points a to b. Imagine you added an obstacle in the middle of those 2 points, now you can't go from a to b in a straight line, so now the minimal distance is higher and so are the minimal parameters. The taxi problem is something that stems from US cities being built on a grid system. So if you imagine a 4x4 grid. You can't go from the top left to bottom right corner in a straight line anymore. You need to go down, right, down, right, down right, etc. From the sounds of it, he took that principle and just applied it to higher dimensions I'm guessing the main thing is he created a generalisation for it mathematically that you can get from point a to b with "obstacles" (this is a guess but I'm working off of this since he mentioned the nyc taxi cab problem) in like a 50 dimensional system (once your beyond 3 dimensions don't even try to visualise it, it's just maths and mathematical principles at play) the "minimal surface" is often used in linear algebra as a way of denoting a plane. Imagine you have a cube. You slice that cube diagonally so that it goes perfectly through 2 top corners and 2 bottom corners on the opposite end, and that "slice" , namely, the shape you would draw from that "slice" would be the surface (also called a plain) from the opposing diagonal corners. I imagine he created minimal plains from point a to b bascially or at least showed there is always a lower bound for the existence of one. So returning to our 4x4 grid example, you can think of it in x,y terms. You need to go from (0,0) to lets say (4,-4) 1 across, -1, down, 1 across, -1 down etc, and then you can draw the space for example (1,0) to (3,-4) between these two points can be a representation of the range of solutions of getting from a to b in a straight line. There's a lot of guess work from me here just to fill in the gaps of what he mentioned. I am by no means a mathematician but I do computer science and had to do a bunch of these things. I'm possibly even better suited to talk about this than a mathematician would be.
@darekwroblewski1090 Месяц назад
The night troll thing sounds to me like Tarn took inspiration from Berserk. Where a similar thing happens. The creatures that do this in Berserk are also trolls.
@ValdVincent Месяц назад
That multi-threading one aged poorly. Cus it wasn't rewritten from ground up, and now has multi-threading.
@ValdVincent Месяц назад
Meat Alcohol isn't real, however that sorta is what Mead is. There are chemical ways to turn fat into sugar which could then be brewed but that's not really a thing done. You also have Fermented Milk.
@Madistellaboo Месяц назад
@Madistellaboo Месяц назад
@ErnestAutist Месяц назад
The King of the mountain home in my current fortress met with an unfortunate accident just last week, RIP Urist SomethingOrOther: lover of bins : he really didn't need to defend the fortress himself against an ancient evil alone behind that locked door...
@TheSuperappelflap Месяц назад
My nobles absolutely love maces, and funny enough, hatch covers. The first item I made in my fort was a rock hatch cover to seal the door. My dwarves have made 2 or 3 legendary hatch covers in strange moods, and the nobles occasionally demand the production of a few hatch covers. I put the first legendary hatch cover on the original entrance. They seem very proud of it.
@sentimentalmariner590 Месяц назад
on 9 dots search this in google should bring up bay12. "Do you guys know where I can find .........'s (Nine Dots') paintings?" The thread leads directly to his work.
@Katelyn.shitposts Месяц назад
Who else up wagon they wood
@sungazercyan Месяц назад
A million +2s for you
@MedievalFantasyTV Месяц назад
27:10 This is what kobolds looked like before D&D 3e. And as far as I am concerned, they still look like this, because I hate dragon-kobolds.