Scott & Kelli
Scott & Kelli
Scott & Kelli
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Answering Your Questions on Life in South Africa
5 месяцев назад
Flying To South Africa
5 месяцев назад
How & Where To Find a Trad Wife?
6 месяцев назад
How to Find a Church
6 месяцев назад
Explaining the Home Economy
7 месяцев назад
What To Do When You're Not Hearing From God
8 месяцев назад
When to "Settle" ...Christian Dating Advice
9 месяцев назад
Why I'm Not Libertarian Anymore
10 месяцев назад
Christian Dating Advice: How to Stand out
10 месяцев назад
Christian Dating Advice: Age Gap Relationships
10 месяцев назад
How My Wife Quit Her Job
10 месяцев назад
Have We Changed Our Mind on Submission?
10 месяцев назад
Practical ways of honoring your people
11 месяцев назад
Our Love Story. How We Met & Married in 6 Months.
11 месяцев назад
Egalitarian World View vs. Patriarchal World View
11 месяцев назад
@EriPages 11 часов назад
Very good observational point.
@EriPages 15 часов назад
I'm broke, but at least Debt-Free...and 36. My fiance is 22. We're marrying later this year. Because of her marrying me knowing full-well that I'm broke, I will never abandon her once my business soon makes BIG money...and that will actually happen within a year. LOL. And she has no idea I'm doing business deals on the side to become financially secured for life. IF she knew this, I'd reassess accepting her as wife because I'd question her motives, but because she truly has NO idea, I genuinely feel her desire for me is pure & Godly.
@henrikabuchel9869 2 дня назад
@maureenpaulette2051 2 дня назад
You are on the right track! Homemaker here, married 41 years. My husband and I were on the same page, both wanting a stay at home mom for our kids. I could never figure out why anyone would want to work outside the home by choice. I love “home stuff” and have always been an excellent money manager. My grown sons tell me that whenever they think of buying something I’m in their head! Haha. I taught them about money management when they were little and wanted a popsicle from the musical truck driving through the neighborhood. They had a choice of one popsicle from the truck or a a dozen from the store. Worked like a charm! Even though we don’t have to, we still live pretty simply, buying used, driving older cars, etc. What a lot of people don’t understand is that you are exchanging money for time. Rather than using money to outsource our lives, we use the time to do it ourselves. The biggest blessing has been to witness my children growing up and to have the time to do things for both my grandmother and mother while other family members worked and had no time. Your message gives me hope for the future and I wish you all the best! ❤️. Edited to add that stay at home mom’s at that time we’re also very much looked down upon by career women who were doing it all.
@Gentleheart22 6 дней назад
my boyfriend is 28 years older than me but he is poor. My opportunity to get married has already passed. Ill never have my dream
@nicoledennis-lawrence-lg6lc 6 дней назад
Am devastated!!! Am 51 almost and waiting....so much confusion about doing family and Christ correctly, in Christian circles, for so many women ......and men too....who desperately want to please the Lord....so much time lost!!!!!! Indeed there are many churches that do not have building Christian family as a major priority....
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
I think feminism started because of narcissism
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
My mother was very contentious, my poor dad suffered depression
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
Bad tempered men is also a huge turn off
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
Thank goodness I’m naturally cheerful and disciplined
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
Yes I was in hurry to leave my home so I got pregnant at 16 to start my own family
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
I’ve proven I can fend better than most men but I didn’t want to have to id much rather have the man be that responsible
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
All I ever wanted to be is wife and mom but I was surrounded by working women and became a working independent single mom
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
What was glorified was both working parents or a good single one
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
My mother was definitely masculine and my father emasculated, not good healthy role models
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
I love my children not other people’s
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
To me tech school is better
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
“Their passions” if they were anything like me was marriage and family
@jenniferperez1944 6 дней назад
I wish I was raised in and raised my kids in this environment, I always knew it was my ideal but not my reality..
@BazyliPL 7 дней назад
26:38 "you can go to your father" Why? In the patriarchy a woman passes from the authority of her father under the authority of her husband, so her father shouldn't interfere, he even have no right to do this as her husband isn't under authority of his father-in-law! Such a thinking leads only to a patology, where husband is restricted by his father-in-law who wants to control him, because he thinks he know what is better for his daughter. The only way her father-in-law can step in, is as brother in Christ or if he is unbeliever simply as a elderly man, and try to correct him (but not by enforcing him, because, as I said he has no authority upon his son-in-law). If it doesn't work, he can go to talk to him with other men and so on, as the Lord Jesus advice on how to deal with ungodly behaving brother. NONETHELESS I don't say that wife cannot do nothing with a abuse. She should try to talk to husband respectfully, and if it doesn't help she should apply to higher authorities like priests, father of her husband, local authorities eventually, but she shouldn't talk badly about her husband to others or showing a hate when she asking for a help with the ungodly behaving husband. She should pray for him, hoping that he'll understand his bad. Maybe I pick on words, but it is really crucial to understand, that when a woman marries a man, she not only submits to her husband, but she also enters a new family and assimiliates with her, and that is why she also takes her husband's surname. She has a new alliegance, so she must only be loyal to her husband and his (after wedding also her) family. That's how the patriarchy worked for ages.
@BazyliPL 7 дней назад
I suggests not to use "partnership" word to describe a marriage relation. It is a part of the modern feminists culture and suggests equality, where in the Bible there us no equality in that matter, but explicit hierarchy. I know what you mean, but better word to use is cooperation. Cooperation, where man and woman cooperate to a good of themselves and children, fulfilling their gender roles. As to the wife disagreeing, it depends. If she is fully respectful and expressing her opinion calmly then it is right. And a wise man surely will take her view into decision, if she is right. But if she raise her voice, yelling on her husband or even saying bad words, then this is a great disrespect. I don't understand why people treat quarrel as something normal in the marriage, under conditions that they finally end up positively. A wife must submit to a husband like to the Lord Jesus, and respect him, so a wife initiating quarrel is a patology. If woman doesn't know how to express her view to a husband, then the best advice for her is to think how she would behave standing before Lord Jesus and apply accordingly when discussing with own husband.
@BazyliPL 7 дней назад
I don't agree that submission and patriarchy doesn't apply to others, who are not christian. It does, as the patriarchy is the best social and compatible with the human nature system, and which was present in all developing and great civilizations around the world. The fact that the Bible is patriarchal from the first to the last page only confirms, like many other evidences, that it is the true Word of God. :)
@Adventuresawait68 8 дней назад
Hi Kelli is there a reason why you don’t useMountain Rose anymore?
@lovedlavender3266 8 дней назад
Hi, I don't know if your channel is active. You had a video about how it's not ideal for women to have jobs such as nursing, midwives, teaching, and other female careers because of the Rockefeller agenda. What is your viewpoint of Lydia and other single women in the bible who worked outside the home? I'm not against homemaking, however not every lady will get married nor have children. Again, your channel is targeted towards homemaking, and biblically centered. There is also nothing wrong with having a career either.
@mrsdow9447 9 дней назад
God bless you both.
@silentautisticdragon-kp9sw 12 дней назад
I'm a 3rd generation Arizonan, spent all 13 years of school in the heart of Arizona. In all those years we were not taught anything about Arizonan history. The state's government just doesn't care; we learned about the civil war just about 50 times and not once was confederate Arizona even mentioned! Towards the end of my senior year I started reading about Arizona's history, my history in specific, the history of the pioneers. I'm so glad I know about my past and culture, and I absolutely love your quoting Jeremiah. I will certainly multiply in the land God placed me, and my children and their children and so on will be Arizonan.
@silentautisticdragon-kp9sw 12 дней назад
Could y'all do a video on homosexuality? I'm an ex-gay Christian and I very rarely see Christian content-creators touch up on this subject; I think y'all would do a really great job at tackling it.
@jewelse1975 12 дней назад
Have you seen women all over social media declaring they don’t want children? It’s so sad. Some say it’s because the world is so messed up and there’s already too many people on the planet. It’s completely nuts!
@thefightingwife 14 дней назад
the man initiates and the woman responds, WOW, that is such a great way of saying it! I've never heard it put that way! I have come to believe in my journey of seeking how to be a godly wife that the wife's role is a flexible one..we are called to be the helper. but what is good for your husband might not be good for mine. We come around them..wives submit to your OWN husbands. I fought so much with my husband early on in our marriage, but better for a man to live alone than to live with a quarreling wife. I have found that submission to God had to come first..we submit to our husbands as unto God :) I love talking about this. A married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife..1 corinthians 7:33. So grateful for your boldness! Thank you!
@joshow926 14 дней назад
Some great points here! A few months ago I really felt that my church (very small, local) should start having women's meetings so that the younger women could learn about living a life of faith from the older ones. The men could have theirs, too. It's yet to be put into place, but this video has given me the nudge to really pursue it. I also addressed the lack of specific and topical teaching (dating, practical Christian living, etc), so we'll have more of that going forward, God-willing. I desire to be married and have taken some good advice from what you've said. (Watched a few videos so not sure if this is the one it was mentioned in, but) for practical and personal reasons, my hair is kept short. I've thought about how I can elevate my femininity with short hair, and realise that I can use accessories and other things. Then again, my future husband may see my short hair as part of my specific beauty! Anyway, really enjoying listening to you both and believe there's a lot of wisdom here. God bless you!
@lovelifementoring5399 14 дней назад
I have 5 amazing children now adults and my father said to me, “only unintelligent women have a lot of children” thanks dad!! 😮 However he gave me much wisdom too. Parents don’t realise the damage they do with words.
@jasonwilliams8321 15 дней назад
60% of women in church are overweight. 40% have at least one kid. 100% are feminists. It ain't rocket science.
@lovelifementoring5399 16 дней назад
Thank you ❤
@lovelifementoring5399 16 дней назад
Extremely helpful. Thank you and bless you. ❤
@carlenerosinski5095 17 дней назад
The wood thing is used to push sauerkraut down into jars.
@carlenerosinski5095 17 дней назад
Love Miranda Christine's videos...just watched her most recent one.
@carlenerosinski5095 17 дней назад
Great finds!!!
@nicoledennis-lawrence-lg6lc 17 дней назад
This is treasured wisdom provided.❤
@JKNitro-vt5qs 18 дней назад
my dad was 21 and my mom was 16 when they married. both were virgins and they've been happily married for over 60 years now. that was completely normal back then and they are proof it works.
@jjeennnnnn 19 дней назад
I'm a kept woman 😉
@kellyTaylor-uv3co 21 день назад
I knew a woman who was German but adopted out if that country and taken to Thailand . She was made to sleep with many Asian men in her teens. Actuality starting at 11! She looked part Asian even though she was born German !! DNA ! This is so freaky! I don’t know is much about this ! But want to see more about this !
@LeGrandeCappucinna 21 день назад
I do love the idea and I want to be a trad wife, however, the danger of a man wanting to take advantage of these women is very real. So she has to be very careful who she chooses.
@LizaBertha-bs7yz 22 дня назад
Facts!! I’ve been listening to you Kellie for a while and this is the first time listening to Scott - he’s spot on and extremely understanding to women’s issues - well done!! I’m from the Academic world and my father was absent so I felt stuck in the corporate world. But finally I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and my life has changed and called me to be a homemaker so I’m waiting to be a loving wife and mother and your videos have helped me a lot! Blessings to you two 💛💛💛 Liza
@nicoledennis-lawrence-lg6lc 22 дня назад
@Pilgrim_2014 22 дня назад
this was so interested and fun i could feel the feeling of kelli😂 hy guys kindly request please remember me in your prayer for my future man too ❤❤
@user-cj9ej5wy7t 24 дня назад
Hey Guys . Thank you for the encouragement. I got married 3 years ago. Leaning as well now. For how long you have been married guys? For how long did it take to balance the roles?
@nicoledennis-lawrence-lg6lc 24 дня назад
My eyes are beimg opened.
@nicoledennis-lawrence-lg6lc 24 дня назад
Please keep sharing your Christian ideals with the world!!!!
@carlenerosinski5095 27 дней назад
I sat under a woman pastor for many years, her husband passed away from leukemia and she & her young sons were voted in to continue in that position. While she was a wonderful woman, we were constantly having to deal with her emotions, insecurities & many other issues. I speak from personal experience when I say, women do not belong in a leadership position over men...period.
@razzendahcuben 28 дней назад
Pair-bonding and microchemerism as they relate to sexuality is largely pseudoscience created by people butthurt that they can't marry virgins. These topics really should have no place in a Christian discourse on sexuality. As for the value of age gaps: I agree. The leader/follower roles are more obvious.