Ashley Embers
Ashley Embers
Ashley Embers
Over here we dive deep into cultural topics surrounding parenthood! Stick around to learn something or give your own input!



Gifts You SHOULD & SHOULDN'T Buy For Kids
6 месяцев назад
What do stay-at-home moms even do all day?
7 месяцев назад
How I broke out of overstimulation in motherhood
8 месяцев назад
@vila777_ 2 часа назад
feels like you’re shifting the blame. underpaid and overworked teachers aren’t there to teach your kid how to read from scratch, they’re there to build upon skills taught by parents. you can’t outsource raising your own child. my parents read to me since i was born, by age 10 i hit a college reading level because reading came naturally to me. it wasn’t forced on me by a stranger.
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
You can own your home and still be in retirement paying for it
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
There is countless homeless people with parents so that podcaster makes no sense
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
18:18 foreign Asians literally get HANDED loans in the US I’m tired of them saying how they came with nothing
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
17:16 I mean why don’t she tell her parents that
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
That’s based on race cause I know many people how have rented the same place for years and are better parents than those suffocating parents who “own” their mortgage set homes
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
As long as you’re paying amperage you are NOT a home owner you’re a home owner when it’s paid OFF and most mortgages are 30k plus years once it’s paid off your life is over
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
It’s funny the most people who claim it’s a privilege to live in a country that system is in favor of whites are always only white people lol
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
7:03 honey yall came and invaded this country. WHITE people are privileged he’s to live here but poc didn’t ask to be here and we damn sure don’t feel privileged to live here and deal with racism everyday
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
I mean no you think we are lucky cause you’re WHITE honey. MANY CANT GROW their salary and haven’t for years. Being a state at home mom is definitely a privilege 7:00
@nwalden5744 4 часа назад
5:32 in already bored
@MamiesMarketplace 5 часов назад
And the economy was great until BIDEN. 2020.
@MamiesMarketplace 5 часов назад
My children have always been three to a bedroom!
@sedwards6337 7 часов назад
LOVE LOVE LOVE how nonjudgemental and how info/fact-based you are. I agree with your stance, but also support how you unbiasedly provided facts from both sides. Great job!
@Smile.BeHappy.1939 7 часов назад
They can’t read due to phonics being taken away. Phonics literally is proven to help with learning to read.
@cheese7119 18 часов назад
The problem isn't gentle parenting, it's that it is not performed the right way. Gentle parenting isn't to let your kids do anything without consequences, but to give them the resources and teach them on how to grow up to be a considerate, kind and good person. The idea is to not teach them to associate bad behavior with physical pain but to make them understand that everyone must be treated with the same care and kindness they are being treated with. Gentle parenting shouldn't be the absence of punishment but the existance of a punishment that's meant to teach not teach through pain and trauma. For example, one instance of gentle vs non gentle parenting would be... let's say your child doesn't want to stop making noise by banging toys together. While non gentle parenting would be the parent screams at their child louder than them or hits them or takes away their toy with no explanation, gentle parenting would be like giving an explanation and warning "Please could you be a little quieter? We aren't in a place where we can be loud at the moment, although I understand that you want to express yourself and play, I will have to take away your toy temporarily if you keep making noise. :(" And if they do not listen you actually go forth with the punishment because if you don't then they won't understand there's consequences. "I will now have to temporarily take away the toy from you, because as I said before, we aren't in a place where it's appropriate to make lots of noise :( but if you promise to be quiet and gentle with the toy you might get it back faster :) *boops nose and gives hug for emotional support*"
@Anonymous-jk5uu 19 часов назад
these younger people on TikTok expecting to have input on how the rest of society is supposed to live is beyond insufferable. Whenever I hear that kind of thing I picture someone who had all their needs looked after their entire lives and have never had to experience reality other than how they were raised. It just seems immature and childish somehow.
@specialtwice4975 21 час назад
I just wanna say, people are having kids...it's just not the economic background you expect, and who the rich want... Single mothers on welfare. I saw a lady on welfare the other day, she had 4 kids (1 child, 2 toddlers, and 1 baby) and was doing very well for herself on government assistance. She had nice clothes, hair done, nails done, sephora makeup on point. She looked stress free and happy despite this sad economy. The kids were well fed. They looked like a happy family too. So yeah, there is enough kids in the world, it's just not the middle class who is having kids. People on assistance are still having 4 to 5 kids and are doing fine.
@ajah13 День назад
Haven't watched the full video yet but based on the title yeah it's wild. My sisters all have kids and they have housing and food taken care of with the help of the govt. And me, childless, is struggling, about to be homeless and they're fine. It honestly p*sses me off that since I don't have kids I have to be on the streets. But the women who have kids and they're not married they get taken care of. It's bullshit. I live in Ohio and that's what it's like here. I don't want kids but if I had some I wouldn't be worrying about housing and food.
@ilai7893 День назад
How is the first girl qualified to say anything? She's probably still in her twenties and not even experienced much in the world; in where I live, couples spent a big chunk of their money on housing, let alone have 11 kids. She should learn what a budget is first
@stephanieangela4407 День назад
They may have cited student behavior being the reason they left, but as someone who left the field, it is because administration has taken away our ability to manage behaviors. Kids are allowed to do whatever they please with very little repercussions for their actions. There is also insanely little support from the parents when we do contact them about behaviors. Some going as far to outright deny their child could ever do anything wrong.
@Bonserak23 2 дня назад
A starter home? My Gen Z niece can't even get a starter apartment, you literally need to make 60k a year just for that. LoL
@SharayaMW 2 дня назад
It's the nerve of these people for me 🙄 Who is this Emma or anyone else to make such a suggest and place judgment on the average Americans priorities, based on whatever her parents did? I'd be damned if I considered her ignorance in my own decisions. She's got some nerve. Smh
@jikookpm 2 дня назад
I understand that low income homes struggle but it is definitely not impossible. Most women who are stay at home moms on a low income household where the husband pays everything are still living well. They may want stuff, and desire stuff but choosing to have kids changes your life. I have a 1 year old and a baby on the way. We are low income but my husband pays everything and I like to work part time and enjoy my simple life with friends, family and work. Now, not everyone wants to live the life of partying, getting drunk, having one night stands, drugs, etc. Some of us women want to have kids and build a family with the love we want to give. So even if it’s not affordable to have children I still think it’s not impossible to have them. We gotta stop crying about “this is why we don’t want kids” because tbh I have heard from people that they don’t want kids because they can’t give up their lifestyles, the partying, the going out, the luxurious trips, etc. You just have to make a plan with the man that you love and see what’s best for you and your future family. But apparently that’s not even good anymore? Damn. Nah, I’m happy being a stay at home mom.
@britneybij3997 2 дня назад
I don't want to hear shit from any politicians of any kind about the "loneliness epidemic" when they have no intention to make life more affordable, sustainable, and good quality for most of the population. How the hell do they expect most of us to have lives of good quality when we have to spend most of it working just to make sure we can eat something today? It's all just Virtue Signaling
@n0426 2 дня назад
Just be true to yourself and accept your feminine nature and REFUSE to deal with feminine men. Lost weak unambitious men !! Refuse to be in your masculine! That is a boundary to yourself and your health and peace! You can live and enjoy your life and make good use of your youth by continuing your studies and getting a degree is something that will serve you a lifetime!! You don’t need to jump into work immediately. Just get that degree.
@Randorubbish1531 3 дня назад
No one thrives off a stressful work environment. I mean maybe the number isn’t actually 0 but that’s not a real thing.
@WolfGan0178 3 дня назад
The ditching of phonics makes no sense. My 4 year old can already read 3/4 word sentences because I taught her phonics. I also go through a list of sight words, words that you can't apply phonics to. You need to do both for the best results.
@florangelibarravelasquez9497 3 дня назад
9:22 Is it just me and my cultural background? but I perceive no authoritative parenting. I feel it pretty reasonable and gentle. 😕
@sentientbeingslove 3 дня назад
How has no one talked about the environmental impact of overpopulation, and how choosing not to further overpopulation is THE MOST SELFLESS CHOICE in terms of increasing the chances that Earth might actually be habitable for future generations. By not having children ourselves, we are protecting the planet for everyone else's children. On a side note, making life choices that improve your quality of living is the right kind of selfish. We should strive to be generous and giving, but not to deprioritize our own value, needs or desires. It's your life and no one else's. You don't owe your life to hypothetical future children. Do what makes you happy, heals your suffering, and enriches your daily existence. ✌️
@margaretkremer8546 3 дня назад
Taking several minutes to sweetly explain to a sick child why they can’t snuggle with the baby is ridiculous. Tell them once and if that doesn’t do it, pick them up and put them in their room for a time out. The parent might have the time and patience for those shenanigans, but society does not. You’re setting your child up for failure with that type of parenting.
@shaniceb7855 3 дня назад
Good one !!! 🎉
@janissevalenzuela 3 дня назад
are you on IG? Want to follow you on IG
@AshleyEmbers 3 дня назад
Yes! It’s Ashley_embers_
@thesomewhathandyman9400 4 дня назад
Glad I grew up in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s. Ever since I’d say around the 08 crash, society has just seemed to be so disconnected. I’m so sorry for the youth that will never get to know how free and easy my generation and the ones before me had it.
@janissevalenzuela 4 дня назад
You overlooked the topic of healthcare in America. My husband and I got married in 2019, aiming to start a family soon. We purchased a four-bedroom house in Texas for $180K, and we were both earning $35K salaries working in non-profit ministry, given our backgrounds in Theology. We realized that our income, not our lifestyle, was the issue. Despite having an affordable mortgage, the low pay and insufficient benefits in the non-profit sector were stressing us. This prompted us to consider a career change. We are now both transitioning into the tech space, seeking higher-paying jobs with better benefits. A significant challenge we face in starting a family is infertility, but the primary barrier has been the high cost of healthcare. This has been our biggest roadblock.
@emno5056 4 дня назад
giving a grace period is a good thing. but i think professionals need to challenge kids' ideas rather than right off accepting those ideas. kids are neurotic and they need some softness, but do try to question their ideas. how else will those kids learn to self-examine?
@useyourmindnow 5 дней назад
So you are wrong on several things. Prove me wrong…, ok… 1. This absolutely is the parents fault! Yes, I completely agree that teaching words like a hieroglyph is a huge problem with reading proficiency! You are right there! But, if the children can’t even be miss educated (non-phonetically), because one or two kids are making it impossible with their behaviors…, Then that’s a parenting problem…, If the schools cannot receive adequate parental; expectations, and discipline to allow the child to behave appropriately in a public setting, and not make learning impossible for others, and won’t enforce teachers rules and expectations adequately. Then how do we expect for child’s educational achievements to be on time… and by that I mean proficiency at grade level and schedules! Then how is it not the parents fault. Furthermore, parents should hold other parents accountable for the abusive environments that young kids are forced to endure, in the name of education. 2. If parents are doing enough with their kids, they would know if their child was literate… Should they not know or only was shown during Covid…, well then they are bad parents, because educational declines started way before Covid they just were bad parents asleep at the wheel. Would be interested in your response. Love the video! Thanks
@armeen5743 5 дней назад
In NYC, a studio is $3000 in Brooklyn, and a 2 bedroom is hitting $4000. I literally don't want to be alive anymore.
@Rsysas 5 дней назад
Interesting. Thx
@s.b.2363 5 дней назад
Look up EBLI (evidence-based literacy instruction)! It’s an incredible reading program with an amazing origin story.
@whenimmanicimgodly4228 5 дней назад
Also, alternative perspective here: but when I was homeless this wasn't a problem. No one cared, we stuck up for each other we helped each other out we worked together. We socialized together even if none of us had money, and if one of us did we would treat everyone as we work together more... Just like, it seems like this is only more of an issue with privledged people to begin with. It's crazy how you can have a more honest open conversation with some homeless guy on a walk than with some people you've known for years and years and years. Idk what it is, but having the privilege and ability to pay rent and have walls and make money flips something in people's brain.
@whenimmanicimgodly4228 5 дней назад
I think life has always has a pay 2 play aspect to socialization, however it think digital life has changed how much that is because of microtransactions in every corner of life already, he'll even most games if you want to just PLAY with your friends youre looking at at least 500$ to spend just to log on
@andrelockridge9109 5 дней назад
$100,000 is not a Livable Wage!!!😂😂😂😂😂 As Mike would say "STOP IT"!!!😂😂😂😂😂
@andrelockridge9109 5 дней назад
Home schooling if vastly superior.public school teachers don't educate they Indoctrinate!!!
@Bree-fz4gy 5 дней назад
My mom was a permissive parent and she was a single mom going to nursing school. I think she was just exhausted and trying not to lose her mind imo. I wasn’t the greatest in school. But was life of the party. I wasn’t good academically, but went on to do engineering. My peers assumed I was an idiot so yeah, that was my fuel. I’ve traveled the world. I’m into learning about others motivations and learning about everyone around me. I was very self centered as a little kid, and yes I had to learn boundaries. But I’m very confident, I really love who I am.
@andrelockridge9109 5 дней назад
Capitalism didn't destroy community! Feminism.No fault Divorce,Corrupt Family Courts, Single Motherhood
@oraoraora1649 5 дней назад
neoliberals be neolibbing
@RobDeity 5 дней назад
wait, so you still support capitalism???
@YUGOPNIK 5 дней назад
How did you make this whole great video and then make that reductive ass conclusion in the end? I'm baffled
@oraoraora1649 5 дней назад
“we can keep the benefits of capitalism” like WHAT BENEFITS
@TheSovietOwl. 5 дней назад
@hannahs765 5 дней назад
here from yugo twitch stream reacting to your vids :) cant wait to watch more from you~