@sirpotty 11 часов назад
Just leaving a comment because you asked nicely to help out and the videos are pretty damn nice to listen to before bed. You got that ASMR kinda voice.
@jeffdroog 2 дня назад
I know the video is much older,bu even 7 years ago,it was pretty messed up to gender someone based on their exterior.These whispmothers could very well identity as a different gender than their appearance would suggest.Be more sensitive!
@batmorrigan7616 3 дня назад
subterrain oceans are usually attached to massive cave systems, so they could have water and land
@batmorrigan7616 3 дня назад
i think they work like bees, the small winged ones are males, the large wingless one are immature females, while the mother is queen, the only mature female in the colony (an immature one matures when the mother dies)
@manofwarb 3 дня назад
"Being able to concisely state your requirements will make the whole process easier." As a systems engineer, I agree 100% But what actually happens isn't too different from what happened in this fictional company! Marketing shoves vague and sometimes nonsensical requirements down on us, based on the half-baked idea of the day. And multiple meetings are wasted before marketing understands why 90% of their half-baked ideas cannot even be physically done!!
@kevincho1187 5 дней назад
Nthapple > Oxhorn
@maxgoss5653 6 дней назад
They dug too greedily and too deep. I’ve been watching this channel for over a decade now and this really took me back to the OG fallout videos 🔥 hopefully you do more Starfield videos but I’ll never turn down a fallout video either
@whocares6689 7 дней назад
About the comment made at 32:45, the cynical take is completely accurate. The story doesn’t make sense. He claims to have saved a tribe in the Congo, which is in Africa, from a “man-eating tiger”. Tigers are not native to Africa. The plaque’s recollection of events is either inaccurate or a total fabrication.
@Jack_Mercer 8 дней назад
Alabama DLC
@Squigga2 9 дней назад
@davidglenn6219 10 дней назад
I read Gods Debri multible times in the past years.
@CallofFreaky 11 дней назад
11:32 I think it’s both. In fallout lore ghouls need to eat, and Zao does say they won’t hurt him so he’s probably been in the rest of the sub. Idk how they had enough food for 200 years and enough for Zao to survive 12:30 maybe not all of the chinse were communists
@CallofFreaky 11 дней назад
For some reason I always thought the Yangtze was a Russian submarine. Tho I’m usually watching videos on my other monitor while I play video games so I don’t always pay attention. After meeting Zao in game I’ve come to love him. He’s one of my favourite characters. I tried my best to make my character the ideal version of myself but he still calls me a capitalist 😔 I was expecting a lot more, and wa honestly a little underwhelmed by I loved Zao and his accent, and random Chinese thrown in. I’ve seen Chinese people agree with me, some point out that it’s clear the VA is Chinese-American. I don’t care either way. It’s the most convincing chinse accent I’ve heard in media and his Chinese is very soothing. I have a chinse friend, she doesn’t speak Chinese living in a Nordic country but she was born there and her mom speaks Chinese. Speaking a Nordic language, her mom obviously doesn’t sound like Zao but I can tell the similarities. Though for an American the way he leaves out words is universal for every language. The way he leaves out words just enough to understand him is the same as my friend’s mom. Great performance all around.
@Vekuyo 11 дней назад
My one and only reason for not blanket hating all vault-tec employees is FO4’s vault rep. He didn’t know the nature of the vault and even wanted in himself. Didn’t know the time of the bombs dropping (if you believe VT is involved). Didn’t know about the experiments. He even maintained a positive impression of the company and his role in it until the sole survivor shows up and tells him the truth. So it leads me to believe that they definitely do have employees who are kept in the dark and genuinely think they are doing good work. The basic sales reps and more customer-facing roles may be intentionally kept more blind so they can upsell without any guilt. Obviously management and higher ups would know, but the basic staff may not all be in on it.
@dogsaregodsprovemewrong9157 12 дней назад
there’s a way to get both rewards but she turns hostile
@thatoneguy7119 16 дней назад
When I first encountered the swellings and the swarm mother. I thought spiders and shrimps
@michaeltheundeadmariachi4494 16 дней назад
Damn, it should've been Vim that had their own giant amusement park, not Nuka Cola.
@gtbsaraiva 16 дней назад
Impossibile to solve this last two by myself
@the_abyss_hunter 16 дней назад
i was watching this and i went to the moon and landed right beside this place and went ok looks like i dont have to search for it later
@garru556 16 дней назад
12 to 2 shift??? Sign me tf up
@h.r.hufnstuf4171 17 дней назад
Age restriction on fallout lore honestly shouldn't matter, I don't see anyone born after like 2005 even knowing what fallout is
@antlionworkerfan2007 18 дней назад
Fun Fact: Pearl DOES actually know about the outside world. I found her outside the gate of Far Harbor where she assumed I was the police and lead me to Vault 118 and talked to the Mr Handy at the door of the vault letting him know that I was the detective
@jeffdroog 18 дней назад
Noy theayts ahy greayt veedeyo maeyte!
@captainhydrodus4616 18 дней назад
The shadow goes hard though.
@jonnyengman6820 18 дней назад
Great video as always.
@chrisallen8405 18 дней назад
Miss you big guy
@josephrobinson7317 20 дней назад
Please continue these cause I've been watching since before fallout 4 and it's just quality content
@michaelmacdonell4834 20 дней назад
I saw "Hubology" and thought of L. Ron HUBbard
@jeffdroog 21 день назад
Why does this guy just casually ask for someone to donate him an ENTIRE pond at the end of his videos? Thays quite the ask.
@SunnyDeLite 22 дня назад
wow nothing like people tossing around dumb ass meninist talking points. Came for a fallout video, not your political opinion
@davidcrocker846 2 дня назад