Wandering William
Wandering William
Wandering William
London - Hyde park to L'pool street
9 часов назад
Britain's most Easterly point, Lowestoft
12 часов назад
Thrapston viaduct, Northamptonshire
14 часов назад
Borrowash,  Derby
21 час назад
East Anglian transport museum.
14 дней назад
Coventry wander.
14 дней назад
Coventry armed forces day 2024
14 дней назад
Dunchurch, Warwickshire
14 дней назад
Lowestoft town wander, Suffolk
14 дней назад
Lowestoft, Kensington gardens
21 день назад
River Lark, Mildenhall, Suffolk
21 день назад
Mildenhall, Suffolk
21 день назад
Bit of Braintree, Essex
21 день назад
Little Clacton - Bladerunner book
21 день назад
Gloucester park and Cromwell street
28 дней назад
Gloucester Cathedral market
28 дней назад
@FireBlade9773 День назад
Damn. I thought you meant the green computer game character of the late '80s.
@Clive697 День назад
That looks like a load of fun. I was a pikeman in the Sealed Knot for a couple of years way back but this looks even better. Wonder how they transport all those axes and swords around without getting nicked? Even a too-long penknife blade can get someone into trouble.
@coastliner5848 День назад
Weren't there any bla ck ones? The BBC says there were some at the Battle of Hastings.....
@wanderingwilliam5031 День назад
@Clive697 День назад
Those Northmen should have a black female Jarl leading them into battle like the one in Vikings too!
@100Bcats 2 дня назад
What a joke 🙄 it makes no sense... 🤡 world 💯
@FireBlade9773 2 дня назад
Lol @ sign something. Papieren bitte!
@wanderingwilliam5031 2 дня назад
The guy on the sax is called "Jackson on the Sax"
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 2 дня назад
Sick of these jobsworths .Soon we wont be able to do anything without their permission.Authoritarian ,makes her feel useful 🙄
@wanderingwilliam5031 2 дня назад
Well they can't enforce facemasks or social distancing anymore so got to find some way of dominating people.
@carolebarker2195 День назад
I know, it always seems to be women they give these "jobs" to. With irritating voices. We're not all like that !!
@sammyj3048 2 дня назад
Good for you! These do gooders get my back up. On a brighter note, my boy got a first class pass with honours today. Not bad for someone who wouldn’t achieve anything academic in life! I’m so chuffed. x
@wanderingwilliam5031 2 дня назад
Well done St George, hope you enjoy a meal or drink for a celebration. It's a pain, I had the same hassle last time I went to Newmarket, will be the last time...happy to take your money but don't like you taking photos x
@MrDirkles 2 дня назад
Imagine that being your job 🤣.
@wanderingwilliam5031 2 дня назад
@PrincipalAudio 2 дня назад
Камера слишком большая! В Гулаг! 😂 (Camera is too big! To the Gulag!) Crazy world. Policies based upon presumption without any logic applied to them. _"Big camera! Sign papers, enforce additional rules, potentially extract money, etc."_ I can guarantee, as soon as you sign something and give your details, you're now registered and new rules will apply to you that don't apply to other people. It's how it always works.
@wanderingwilliam5031 2 дня назад
I wasn't giving my details to them no chance, they wouldn't give me their home address or signature would they?
@PrincipalAudio 2 дня назад
@@wanderingwilliam5031 Spot on. Why should they have your info if you can't have theirs in return. 👌
@NintenDan.2005 2 дня назад
I watched Braveheart for the first time recently. It is a good film from a filmaking standpoint, but not topnotch when it comes to historical accuracy.
@NintenDan.2005 3 дня назад
6:04 Do you reckon that name combined with the poster is a subliminal wake up call to travelling Britons?
@wanderingwilliam5031 3 дня назад
Absolutely, the playwriter must know the truth.
@NintenDan.2005 3 дня назад
0:22 When the G0y!m know and you've gotta shut it down!
@Clive697 2 дня назад
Are Jewish stereotype jokes still allowed? So much humour is verboten in the 'free west' lately.
@sammyj3048 4 дня назад
The money spent on this crap! Have you noticed any pride traffic lights yet! No more little green man!
@wanderingwilliam5031 3 дня назад
I did actually at Trafalgar square but have already mentioned it before, total freak show.
@user-mc1yd9bp5x 4 дня назад
Soon the British English army will be wearing pink and I'm not even joking
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 4 дня назад
What has Khan done, Multiculturism ,diversity will be the end of US .Small minorities,ie lgbt xyz,just sto oil idiots bringing our beautiful country down .BREAKS MY HEART .😪
@wanderingwilliam5031 4 дня назад
On a positive, this video shows it's not all over despite how hard they are trying to bring it down. London still carries on in it's all traditions.
@100Bcats 4 дня назад
Sick of the demented rainbow! 🙄 great videos telling it like it is 💯💯👌👏😊
@Clive697 2 дня назад
The secondary schools near me fly the P-ride flags -- and not just during alphabet-promotion month -- no doubt to the approval of the staff (can you imagine a based teacher daring to speak out?) Gotta catch 'em young.
@100Bcats День назад
@Clive697 it's disgusting! Pushing it down our throats and our children for such a small minority?? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 🤡 world... at it's finest ! 🙈
@jameswade4097 4 дня назад
A beautiful place, and monument to British engineering. I wonder how many kids in school now will have heard of. James Watt, Thomas Telford, Robert Stevenson, I K Brunel, John Boyd Dunlop, Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Fleming. Bit of Scots bias there.
@ChrisFEJackson 4 дня назад
You might want to look at the history of piers at these seaside towns & how many caught fire etc and not rebuilt. My feelings are that they were a construct for power of a differing generation type, which is now hidden.
@coastliner5848 4 дня назад
Grey squirrel is exactly the right analogy for what's happened/happening to the UK.
@sammyj3048 5 дней назад
There’s a street in Folkestone near the harbour with enlarged old photos of the local fisherman. You’d like it there.
@wanderingwilliam5031 4 дня назад
I loved Folkestone when I visited, that funny little house in the harbour.
@sammyj3048 3 дня назад
There’s a few of those houses around the place. Apparently it’s to do with the housing crisis. I paid £15 for fish and chips. A seagull swooped down and stole my fish before I’d even had a bite. Then it shat on me! Apparently it’s lucky according to a passer-by!
@angr3819 5 дней назад
I only went there for a few days back in the early 80's to stay with friends who moved there. The husband had a job with GEC, I think it was, and they lived in a house tied to the job. It was during the miners strike. Although I was in great sympathy with the miners (surprising how many yuppies also were) it shocked me how extremely left the couple really were. I had known they were a bit but didn't know how much. They were vicious in their verbal attack on her 11 year old son because he did something "capatalist". I was a bit of a keen Christian then and said I would go to church Sunday. Her son said he would like to come. I didn't mind and they said he could. I didn't know that the church took the kids into a different room or on the green at the back for fun activities during the sermon to save them being bored during the reading. I let him go as I could see they were going through the back not the front, and there were a number of children although younger than him. When they returned after not long, he was thrilled he had won 2p in a race. Of course he told my friend and her husband, and they looked enraged as they promptly blew up at him. Shouting and berating him. Poor little lad. After I caught my breath back I told them if the wanted to blame anyone then to blame me and not be angry at him. My (now ex) friend said two or three cross words to me but didn't shout at me. Instead she went back to bawling at her humiliated and terrified young son. I had never imagined they could have been so cruel and fanatical about "capatalism" to a child and I could only then see them as nasty ugly people. I had know her for years off and on, then him with her for a couple of years. Couldn't wait to leave the next day and that was that. As for Coventry itself, saw the new cathedral but didn't think much of it. Too modern. Apart from that, only houses, shops and a drink inside their working mens club. Better places than Coventry, imo.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
I remembered a school visit to the one in London. The disappointments was not being allowed on at least some of the exhibits.
@steveharding643 5 дней назад
My grandfather would be turning in his grave right now
@angr3819 5 дней назад
I along with many others thoughts that "Robinson Hood" didn't even exist. I shall have to read about the Earl of Huntingdon. Another one for my history playlist. There is an eleventh century church somewhat near Bramley in Surrey. Not been there myself although I always meant to. i shan't be able to now so can't say if it is worth a visit. Cheers.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
The Dunmow Fitch 😂 Actually valuable and would cost enough now. They had various ways of preserving meats and other foods. Methods we have forgotten through lack of need. Let's hope we don't need again. I wonder if the fitch tradition is still going on? Best wishes.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
Thank you. Not even safe enough now for a strong younger man to walk about in the day and have to keep an eye out 😢
@angr3819 5 дней назад
Thank you. No sound?
@wanderingwilliam5031 5 дней назад
Nah it was just the photos I took I only uploaded for Rumdo as they wanted to try and read them.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
Really interesting history from the old boy. I wonder what they would think of Charles the Tird. I know what I think of him. I am going to need to listen to him again, I think. He has really studied this, clearly. I hated the film Braveheart. My ex wanted it on the box. Typical American, portraying Longshanks as a weak pansy (apparently a man's man but not at all effeminate) and Eleanor as a slapper who betrayed her husband by going with William Wallace, who was also of high enough birth and didn't live in a small village of the time.... but I am sure you know that. Saving this one to my history playlist. Best wishes.
@wanderingwilliam5031 5 дней назад
Part of the reason I uploaded it as Braveheart was a lot of rubbish although a great movie. The American was met entirely by chance and I think he was enjoying the camera time as it broadcasts his obvious knowledge.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
@@wanderingwilliam5031 I hadn't known the old boy was American. I was referring to the makers of the Braveheart film. They are woke types who misleed about history anywhere. Not all Americans are at all like them. I have only met maybe two handfuls of Americans throughout my life and wasn't keen on only two of them. So most I have come across have ranged from ok to nice and intelligent. Not like Hollyweird types or those most shown on social media (the clickbait videos where they make fun of the young for not knowing things they simply weren't taught). The old gentleman could write a book or make videos if he wanted. He clearly knows enough. Very polite and helpful, too.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
Maybe a bridge further one way or the other.
@carolebarker2195 5 дней назад
Lovely countryside, lush and green. The councils are not pruning anything back as they've run out of money anyway. Those white roses you say, I think they're called hedge bindweed. A lot of them up here too. Convolvulus is another name for them. Sick of seeing chemtrails every bloody day. I've had a sore throat for a while, wonder if it's to do with them. That green fly was weird. Wonder what that bird was, looks like some kind of hawk.
@wanderingwilliam5031 5 дней назад
I think it was a Buzzard although not making any noise like they normally do, I'd been waiting for a day like that as the reflections with the viaduct would look great. Yes the councils who take lots of tax have gone bankrupt so they say.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
​@@wanderingwilliam5031 Britain has been bankrupt since 1916. That is how it's all controlled. A bankers business model again.
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 6 дней назад
Your a good egg William ,im sure your mam and are proud of you .I also try to inform people about whats going on ,they think im weird .Were on the right side ,they will eventually wake up,but i might be too late .Im passiionate about our history and they are erasing it .Two ships my dad was on ww2 torpedoed,sunk .He was machine gunned getting into life boat ,he was 18 yrs old .Im not giving my country up ,not on my watch .I am fiercly going to fight for it,i love it and we have no where else to go ❤
@angr3819 5 дней назад
Who would give us asylum? Even our young, let alone those of us who are old.
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 6 дней назад
Just to add ,40 thousand care workers did lose their jobs .My house was paid for,i had no debt ,it was a no brainer i loved my people id cared for ,for more than 10yrs .I never left them .
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
Loyalty, can only respect that. Personally I was prepared to lose my job and make a go of living in the woods if need be but everyone had a different story. It's done now no matter what the outcome.
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 6 дней назад
I was a carer,support worker throughout this .We were threatend to comply ,or would have lost our jobs .But most important of all we would have had to abandon our service users when they had no one else .Now we have to live with that ,it feels like been on death row .We couldnt leave them🥰 .
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
I wouldn't worry to much, I just like to remind the people that threatened people with the sack or social segregation how they behaved.
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 6 дней назад
We used to play in places like this in the 60,s.Take our dog Whisky with us ,long summer days ,no seeding or chemtrail back then, .Probably just starting though .🇬🇧
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
Just really obvious these days, a silvery sky.
@sammyj3048 6 дней назад
You follow Bjorn! He puts out some good content.
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
I've listened to him since 2020. Bit of a doomsday kind of guy, but hard not to be these days.
@sammyj3048 6 дней назад
I agree but he does have some wise words occasionally! I like his bushcraft content from his other channel. He still believes a lot of things that I believe are just crap.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
​@@sammyj3048I listened to a couple of his but am not into bushcraft, being an old girl. Nothing against him, I didn't gel so well with his way of chatting. Maybe men do so more though. I find William easy to listen to and seeing places now, many place I have never seen, is interesting. These videos aren't too long nor boring. I also like to add to the algorithms. I like he is making a record for future generations to see and know this era of what will be their history. Best wishes.
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 6 дней назад
I think your an old head on young shoulder .Well done William ,we need more of you .I grew up with a back yard and tin bath early 60,s .I love my garden and nature .My garden is overgrown shrubs ,tree,s .Plant it the they will come .Your a good caring lad ,wish more thought like you ,we would live in paradise .I cant believe you dont have more followers .🥰
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
Thankyou for your kind words, an old soul perhaps. Personally I feel like a John Connor made for this time to record our history as it gets eaten away at and altered. Sounds a lovely garden, we need to share nature and be a part of it as you are doing. Ah well, quality over quantity ay ;).
@lemdixon01 6 дней назад
There's nice countryside round Northampton. I used to walk around a lake just on the outskirts of the town when I lived there. I didnt care much for the town Northampton itself.
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
There is a lot of rolling countryside in the area, some nice buildings to.
@JeanetteWoods-v6c 7 дней назад
William you put alot of effort into your videos .Much app very informative and nice to see all the places you go .Love how you notice the flowers and tree,s .Thankyou .❤
@wanderingwilliam5031 6 дней назад
Thankyou, the information on this one was by luck. I do appreciate nature. Glad you enjoy.
@sergeantdoomkin8873 7 дней назад
Why not vote reform? Because the Rwanda plan ain't gonna work. It requires giving up our own rights. Screw that! They also want to privatise the NHS and switch to an insurance based model like France. 1. Many people won't be able to afford it. So if you're poor, you can forget having healthcare. 2. The whole thing is just a scheme for Arron Banks to make more money. I'm sure Nigel doesn't have a job lined up with him.
@rumdo5617 7 дней назад
Thank you 🙏 😊
@rumdo5617 7 дней назад
William - just to remind you if you could please upload photos of the historical boards in the church at Mildenhall, Suffolk as promised. I remembered! Thanks
@wanderingwilliam5031 7 дней назад
Doing it now.
@phantomstrangermedia 8 дней назад
The British People were stripped of their identity, separated from their own culture & trained (in their schools) to feel guilty about being immensely successful for Centuries. The UK Media promotes gender confusion; effeminacy in men & masculine traits in women…do any of these ‘positive changes’ sound like healthy, naturally emerging changes in our society? Whom do they benefit?
@Clive697 8 дней назад
Sorry to bring it up, but Derby was described as 'rundown and a dump' and voted the worst place to visit out of 62 cities according to the Metro. This part of the city was OK to look at though, and the rural canal area was attractive. Even if it isn't a great city any more for 'diverse reasons' at least it's got the Peak District nearby. Wonder if Spondon station's still staffed by 'tached white working-class blokes in dapper uniforms?
@wanderingwilliam5031 8 дней назад
It's ok, it has it's problems like anywhere. There are a lot of nice suburbs and rural villages near by but the City centre isn't great. Mainly due to the Intu shopping centre which sucked all the business of the high street along with the closure of the eagle market.
@Clive697 8 дней назад
@@wanderingwilliam5031 Yes, even in terrible London districts there can be attractive pre-modern quality architecture and the parks and gardens. Increasing populations of larger towns/cities and importing cultures rarely makes them better places for white British folk to live. I used to enjoy bus trips to Croydon as a kid (was a great record shop there) and it has beautiful historic buildings, trams and beautiful countryside around. Now it's far noisier, busier and no longer a mainly-white working class town. Not nice to visit recently -- I was relieved to leave.
@hogwash9140 9 дней назад
Look at the chemtrails!
@angr3819 5 дней назад
@josephjohnston8184 9 дней назад
Have to take that flag down. And replace with whatever flag. Diversity will change your area. But not in a good way.
@sammyj3048 9 дней назад
I went to St Margaret’s Bay for a few days. Lovely place. Right up your street. Lots of history and an old phone box! It hadn’t been turned into a defibrillator either! It was a local library!
@wanderingwilliam5031 9 дней назад
You seem to be travelling around a lot these days, good for you. Hope all is well.
@wanderingwilliam5031 9 дней назад
Thing is with Kent it's all out the way, I like areas that are part of my commute back home. Maybe next year...presuming things haven't got sour by next year.
@sammyj3048 8 дней назад
Trying to do as much as possible whilst I still can plus it was my son’s birthday. Also takes my mind off all this crap!
@zed316 12 дней назад
Lol, sucks for you.
@angr3819 5 дней назад
It will suck for you too in the not so distant future. Deagel Population Forecast 2025 is only the first major step to depopulation down to five hundred million slaves. That was the target set in the 80's. Now they have bots and transhumanism, so probably far fewer still. How many in control? I seem to remember that five million would give them 60 slaves each to keep them in luxury. So you can do the maths. Don't worry too much about being a slave though. You probably won't make it to then. Yes, it will suck for you also if they pull it off. Enjoy that knowledge. See if you still lol.
@carolebarker2195 12 дней назад
That was interesting. So, the King was "cunning and sly"? Sounds like a bit of an understatement. He relied on the Divine Right of Kings to not be overthrown then, the line of succession. Fitch just means a side of pork or bacon.
@edlewkowicz 13 дней назад
That Has To Be The Very Badly Edited Video Ever Up Your Game Or Go Home
@wanderingwilliam5031 13 дней назад
And that has to be the most badly articulated comment I've received. You know you don't have to put a capital letter at the start of every word?. The video is difficult to create due to the fact I am taking photos as well.