
11. My Bible Finally Got Married! 

David Alexander
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11. My Bible Finally Got Married! I Love that my Bible finally found it's Wife!....And Apostles to sort it out for me and lead me! The fruit of so-called "Scriptura Sola"...the "Bible Only" as the "Only Rule of Faith and Practice"....is a disaster....bringing forth the exact opposite of a "People who are One..just as Jesus Christ and His Father are One"....and inspiring contempt and unbelief throughout the earth...rather than true faith...
But the Latter Day Saints...are actually fulfilling Christ's High Priestly prayer in John 17:20-23, and I am SO GLAD to be able to be a part of that...finally!



10 сен 2024




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@watersa77 Год назад
Man… I am so humbled by your testimony. Your well-deserved chastisement of us LDS keeping our lights hidden under a bushel really struck me to my very core. Because you are 100% correct. I think many of us are often scared to shout from the rooftops because of the amount of vitriol and hate that you experienced for 47 years. But we shouldn’t let that deter us! Imagine how many more stories like yours there would be if every LDS did what you wished one of us would have done to you?? Imagine if there were 17 million RU-vid channels out there with LDSs just doing what you’re doing…sharing their testimonies of the restored gospel. Man…imagine how amazing that would be and the impact it would have on the world!! Please keep sharing your testimony and your insights and never stop learning and growing!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Adamoji...thanks so much for your inspirational post! And do what is on your heart to do! Heavenly Father will bless it...and you will have "beautiful feet"!
@kellherman Год назад
I’ve been feeling like I want to start a RU-vid channel sharing my testimony of the restored gospel, but I find myself paralyzed with fear at times and coming up with excuses. What would I say? I don’t have a grand conversion story. Plus, there are already others who do it so much better than I would. But your comment really touched me. What if there were 17 million RU-vid channels all doing the same thing? It wouldn’t matter who’s was “best”. It would matter to the one who happened to come across one video. Maybe that’s all it would take for them. Thank you for your optimism!!
@sarahbean6170 Год назад
This is unreal! I’ve been watching your videos today!! Hoorah for Israel!
@nonrepublicrat Год назад
Thanks again, Brother David
@sealfamily1 Год назад
David, I don’t personally know you, but I love you! You are such a good man. Your words are so sincere and so encouraging. May God bless you on the covenant path. You’re just getting started. I am so excited for what He has in store for you!
@alenewalker1188 Год назад
We love you David. I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all my life and have been kind of intimidated by other Christians because of the anti dialogue. You are a shot in the arm and a blessing to us to help us see what has been revealed and restored. I too love the Bible and the Book of Mormon and love memorizing scripture. Your advice to us is golden and priceless!!
@teresawoodside4051 Год назад
Dear Brother David, thank you so much for your inspiring videos. In a previous video you mentioned that you are from WA. You talked about how evangelical churches spend so much time bashing and preaching against the LDS church and people. Many years ago, 2011 to be exact, we were out there for our oldest sons Temple wedding in the Columbia River Temple. My parents came out as well because my father’s adopted son was living out there in WA with his wife and children and my father and mother planned to spend time with my step brother while out there for their grandson’s temple wedding. My parents by the way are very active LDS, served a mission the Tokyo Japan, and my dad has been a bishop as well. Very good people. His son however is evangelical. So my parents went and spent a weekend with my dad’s son and his family. On Sunday of that weekend my parents went to church with my dad’s son and his family. My parents related to me later that they sat in the congregation of hundreds of people, the only LDS persons there, while the preacher spent the entire meeting bashing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and it’s people. My father’s son knew that his father is a baptized member of the LDS church and yet he sat there and allowed my parent to endure the vile things that pastor was saying and never apologized. After the meeting my parents made their way to the front of the church and introduced themselves to the pastor. They never said anything to that pastor to embarrass him. They just kindly met him and left. My step brother never apologized. How sad. This evil preacher could have had an opportunity to teach his congregation to follow the two great commandments, love God with all their soul, might, mind and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves but instead he taught them to hate. My parents are saints indeed for having endured that without embarrassing my stepbrother or the preacher. They truly are examples of the two great commandments! Welcome home!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
What a testimony! the meek...will inherit the earth!
@sarahbean6170 Год назад
I have sent your videos to several friends! We need you! This is beautiful! Your heart is pure ❤️
@sharonhigby7114 Год назад
If you are like this even before you are baptized. I can't imagine what a powerhouse you will be with the constant companion of the Holy Ghost and experience at the temple and perhaps a mission down the road. Been in the church 30+ years and your striving for truth puts my striving to shame. You inspire me to try harder to bring people to the Lord! Love you. Wish we could meet some day.
@CraigNewsome. Год назад
I just finished ALL your videos. Just amazing. Congratulations on your baptism on Sunday. Very exciting. I have a complicated story. Including met Jesus in a Pentecostal church when I was 21. I converted to the church or Jesus Christ of Latter Saints 5 and a half years ago. And I'm sooooo grateful to the Lord. Alot of your stuff really resonated with me. And I just love your love for the scripture s. I'm a big fan boy of the Gospel of John as well. !. So a couple of things clued me in, that i think you're in Australia?. Is that right?. Im in New Zealand. Anyway I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ and the restored Gospel. People really need to hear these talks. All the best for Sunday. 😊😊
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Craig, thanks so much for your encouragement. I am so glad that what's in my heart is also encouraging to you! I am in Australia...in Shellharbour, NSW...but I am a dual citizen....and can legally live in Australia, NZ or the USA. I don't think it is any accident....that I spent my entire life fighting my way through the confusing thickets of apostate "Christendom" before being led to the Latter Day Saints...I think our Heavenly Father will make good use of every bit of it...and even lengthen my days and restore what the locusts have eaten of my life...and give me many decades of fruitful service in the Latter Day Saints...meeting certain needs, that I am equipped to meet, in a way the perhaps not many Latter Day Saints are. So I am super-encouraged that all my experience...can most certainly be of use to who knows?...how many people...if I just pour out what is in my heart...and get it all "out there". So thanks much for your comment and encouragement....and please keep in touch! If you ever get over here to Oz...it would be great to meet you and swap stories and build each other up faith wise. And as you are able...please do what you can to share these videos with others that you think might be benefitted thereby! Much love in Christ, sincerely, David
@maryfletcher9905 Год назад
@monemakamaka8617 Год назад
This took me back to a story that I had read in the bible of when a prophet of God lead a group of believers into the wilderness for so many years until they were bless. Your a inspiration to my story brother. I believe that their is a gospel for each and every person in this world. I’m so happy that you have found something that can add to your existing testimony.
@mikeallen8329 Год назад
You inspire me to be more bold in sharing the truth that we have in the church. Thank you!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
You are welcome Mike!
@robastle7112 Год назад
Yes! Stick of Judah and stick of Joseph will come together as one. It was prophesied in the Bible and has been fulfilled and is moving forth “boldly, nobly and independent” till every ear will hear the word of Christ! Go brother!
@saspen3 Год назад
You are amazing! Thank you for being an added witness to me that my impressions to open my mouth in the comment section of Apologia was warranted! I caught abit of flack from a sibling who completely disagreed with my decision but I know the Lord was helping me to respond with relevant points and evidence in scripture, many of which you have also shared! Another witness for me that the Lord was inspiring me because my knowledge of scripture and church doctrine is by no means expert! I love your testimony and you are one of the servants who has come in the latter part of the harvest just before the Lord of vineyard returns, who receives the same wages as those who have been laboring in it since the beginning! Welcome home brother!! ❤
@TheDovesNest Год назад
A woman mentioned your channel yesterday in Sacrament meeting, and then I saw your episode on the True Millennial. You are a true inspiration, I think I commented a modern-day Paul! I spent last night and today binging your videos. Welcome welcome, it's so good to have you! As a life-long member your zeal has absolutely inspired me to memorize scripture! Thank you!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
You are very welcome! So glad to have you with us! Much love, David
@joes6525 Год назад
Thank You David. We'll pray that your message reaches millions of Evangelical Christians and struggling Latter Day Saints who are being influenced by the adversary in these Last Days.
@sarahbennett1904 Год назад
I'm new here you just popped up and I felt prompted to watch you I was curious. I'm so glad I did i can't stop listening to you. I've been a member for 10 years and I can tell you it's the best decision I've ever made. I'm so happy for you that now you're going to be one of us. Congratulations on your baptism. I'm already on my 3rd video! I love listening to you. Stay strong brother and keep sharing Christ and His truth with the world. We are nothing without Him. ❤
@Total_Freedom Год назад
Your faith is beautiful brother! Thank you for blowing the fog of lies surrounding the Church to Kingdom come. You’re doing an incredible job at it and always inspire me to read my scriptures more! Thank you.
@farmin-fan Год назад
I love your videos and I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have never understood why people would think that God only loved one people in this world enough to call prophets and for them to write down their revelations - giving us the Bible and totally disregarding everyone else in the world. I am so grateful he called prophets in the Americas as well and that we have their record that shows how God is the same and teaches the same doctrine to all people. The similarities taught in the Book of Mormon and the Bible are amazing and how by using the voice of the two scriptoral witnesses, the truth is made so clear to understand.
@Celestian329 Год назад
Congratulations and welcome Brother David to a more beautiful and wonderful life of being a Latter-day Saint. I was studying to be a Catholic Priest and converted to LDS Church because of the same reason as yours. Keep up this vlog!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Ranzel, that is so wonderful! Thanks for the encouragement!
@binmyrtmind Год назад
Your story must be interesting. Maybe in one of these podcasts you could elaborate in the comment section!
@magnashield8604 Год назад
Thank you for your encouragement! Yes, we must go out and preach to the world the news of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
@bonniehowell4760 Год назад
I'm watching all your videos - I love your testimony! Your story is so close to my own. 32 years a member now in the Lord's true church. I thank God every day for those young elders who prayed to find someone who was prepared. I thank God every day for answering my prayer as to where was the true church so I would know what to teach my children - then they knocked on my door the following day. My story has a few more twists and turns, but suffice it to say that I have never ever doubted or questioned my faith.
@Jan-wd1is Год назад
You are right that we should be more outspoken and not be cowed by the antis. Bc people are kept from the truth bc they know not where to find it. My first time every hearing of the Church was in a college cafeteria. Someone asked if anyone knew if there was a church who had 12 apostles! He refered me to the Missionaries, My mother then sent me to Louisiana Baptist College thinking I was safe from them, but they found me there!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
That's wonderful! Great Testimony!
@dayanekendrick254 Год назад
Brother David! You are such a force of encouragement for us to stand for what we believe! Thank you for what you are doing!! I don’t think that if 30 years ago a Mormon had invited you for dinner you have accepted the gospel then. Your journey was necessary to bring you to where you could not only accept the message but also have this amazing testimony and be this force of encouragement for members and non members. Btw, I don’t know if you’ll ever get to see this comment but I wanted to mention a talk I think goes very well with the theme of this video. It’s called Scriptural Witnesses by our beloved Russel M. Nelson when he was still of the twelve. And another that goes well together is The Book Mormon, a book from God by Tad R. Callister. Hope you get a chance to check out these talks and enjoy them as much as I do.
@ScottC23 Год назад
Congratulations on your baptism tomorrow! And welcome to the true church of Jesus Christ. The fulness of the gospel is here! I love your testimony! Keep bearing it! I have loved listening to you. Your perspective as a convert is unique and highly refreshing. Let your light so shine that others may see your good works and glorify God!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Thanks so much Scott! So glad to come into Christ and onto the Covenant Path with you all tomorrow! And I have to let my light shine...I have so much in me about this stuff...that after 47 years...it is finally time to let it all loose...so... if I didn't...it would be sin to me...and also...my head and heart would most likely explode...so I can't help it. The Love of Christ compels me! All the best in Christ, David
@laloifilealofi9628 Год назад
Sweet honest Pure testimony, Thank you for sharing brother, David Alexander 🙏 ❤️
@brigibb Год назад
I’m a lifelong member and I’m so incredibly grateful for your testimony. It is a great strength to me. Thank you Brother Alexander ❤
@khalt478 Год назад
Thank you so much, as a young missionary I felt bold and could talk to strangers all the time about the gospel, but now living at home, married, raised my children, working, I just get caught up in my own life and don’t want to be ridiculed by my neighbors, so I tend to keep my love for God and Jesus to myself. I need to be brave, I have loved watching your videos!
@BYUCougarFan31 Год назад
Welcome brother!!! I love this
@nathanshaw6303 Год назад
I love your excitement for the gospel. It is truly refreshing.
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Thanks Nathan!
@gatherin_in_podcast Год назад
I'm a missionary in the Australia Brisbane Mission. I've just started watching your videos. It's great to have someone like you, with your in-depth knowledge of the Bible, be able to explain so well why they have seen the truth in the Restored Gospel. Keep up the great work.
@pbw8384 Год назад
Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm... us life-long members need the infusion of new-convert passion!!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Thanks much, Paul!
@vannersp 10 месяцев назад
Your videos are helping me to be grateful for what we have in The Church of Jesus Christ. I'm afraid I've been taking it for granted, forgetting the singular blessings that come with membership. We have truly been given so much.
@TheYgds Год назад
I wish I had thought of that analogy for the Book of Mormon when I was serving in the Macon Georgia mission. It makes clear exactly why both records are necessary in a world of fractured and apostate Christendom. Thank you for that.
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
You are so welcome! So glad to be here with you!
@melcooks7457 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for your wonderful videos ❤
@burlingtonbill1 11 месяцев назад
I am finally caught up with all of these and am now going back a 2nd time thru some of these earliest videos. Thanks for your dedication, David!
@pbw8384 Год назад
"Accusatory fog from the Evil One" great imagery for how Satan deceives and clouds and obscures.
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Thanks Paul....we all need to turn on our Fog Lights and snow blowers....and open our mouths and shine our LIGHT and blow away this accusatory fog! Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Romans 14:19
@Empisee Год назад
Absolutely love this, brother! So happy to have you in the kingdom at last. I often, when talking to "sola scriptura" types, will ask them if they would be satisfied with seeing through just one eye. God gave us two eyes so we could see in 3-d, and He has given us the witness of the "other sheep" so that we can see Jesus Christ in stereoscopic vision. They never seem to have a rebuttal when I say it like that. 😅
@joshgardner5887 Год назад
I’m enjoying your videos so much! I love “Scriptura Dula”! I think with four it would be something like “Scriptura Tetra.”
@supertal244 Год назад
I really enjoy your vids brother - we are all happy for you!
@BillPowers-qy8bp 8 месяцев назад
I love president Nelson as well. What a wonderful, kind, loving man. He so has the Spirit to be with him, indeed he does.
@BillPowers-qy8bp 8 месяцев назад
And doesn't it say a house divided against itself cannot stand?!
@wandaowens4722 Год назад
You are an amazing instrument in God's hands. You are shaany truths I want to put on the internet too. Welcome to the Lord's family. We love you.
@Jan-wd1is Год назад
I received the Missionaries at Louisana Baptist College. After I was Baptized I felt my head just open and truth just poured in! I love to say The Church of Jesus Christ! The best kept secret! So glad it is coming out of obscurity and you are helping that happen!
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Amen...we all are....many hands make light work!
@tammyvancleve Год назад
David. that is what my Mom, Winona Ray Millet used to always say….and never heard it from anyone else….”Many hands make light work.” I love it!
@crisantocabrerajr.3508 7 месяцев назад
America's best kept secret....i like that....its hidden in plain sight.
@ellisyli3253 Год назад
I love your video. It is so honest and the way you speak just made the point very clear. The Book of Mormon is true. I have a testimony of it. You will love 2 Nephi chapter 28-30. It prophesied how Christian are these days on this book. Ellis
@EMonzon Год назад
You are a great inspiration and energy ball for me! Many times I feel like Antipus, in the last chapters of the book of Alma in the BoM, tired and without resources to start and keep doing my part, but I repent of that. Thank you for sharing your joy in finding the Gospel, my friend. All old soldiers like me need to see that from time to time.
@tylerstrazzo5078 Год назад
I completely agree with your closing remarks and feel your testimony is real and true. The burden should not fall on the full-time missionaries, we as members need to put our necks out there and let what ever consequence follow for our Saviors sake, in hopes of finding those whose hearts are ready!
@bobettepage4440 Год назад
My son sent me a video of an interview you did. I was very moved by it. The world is trying to destroy marriage and child birth, Truth and Light. Thank you for being willing to share your testimony and encouraging us to be missionaries. I get so intimidated by the evangelical attacks. I follow several evangelical pastors and all of them have attacked the “Mormon” church. I want to shout to them Ezekiel 37:19 from the rooftops, but I get afraid. Thank you for calling me to repentance! God Bless You and welcome ❤
@gatherin_in_podcast Год назад
I am your age David. When you were joining the Evangelicals I joined the Church, so I've been a member now for over 40 years. What you say here is so true. I'm watching your videos at 1.5 times normal speed to try to get through them all, before I interview you on my channel😂
@TheBibeba Год назад
Amen !!
@shavingwithrich1846 Год назад
Thank you for sharing
@Alipotamus Год назад
I wish people knew that we have an unpaid ministry. Only the small percentage who work full time for the church are paid. These apostles and prophets had successful careers which they gave up, in virtually every case dropping salaries considerably. I am related to Russell Nelson. His life story is amazing. He’s always been righteous and incredibly kind. He was a world renowned heart surgeon.
@davidmalvinalexander Год назад
Amen..I address that in one of the videos...a lot. This one...let me know what you think... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-6ETSsbJi5VA.html
@Tahimate Год назад
Right on brother
@AnaliliB Год назад
That's a great way to put it! The Bible needs a wife like a man needs a wife to run stuff through and not getting in trouble. ❤😊
@SimonDaumMusic Год назад
To believe in Sola Scriptura is like believing that a true and living relationship can evolve out of one written letter. In my view, every true relationship lives from direct interaction, from conversing with one another, and from repeating things that are dear to us in all it's shapes, forms and varieties. And thats also where I see that all scriptures and Prophets given, have been given so that we, ourselves, can, and finally will, besome living scriptures and Prophets ourselves, meaning to be inspired by the Holy Ghost, and mayby above all, mean to converse with the Lord directly. So yes, I agree that no one should add or take away from anyone being able to enter a true relationship with the WORD, which is the living christ.
@laloifilealofi9628 Год назад
Is this can be also meaning, baby can receive revelations, newborn in Jesus Christ's Church but the spirit of missionary work is so so wonderful, confirming the Lord's love way revealed truth through the Holy Chost, (Moroni 10:3-5,John 14:26)alofaga ma tatalo, for you my brother ❤and 🙏
@kevinferrin5695 Год назад
I see that you enjoy songs that express gospel themes. You are going to love our hymns.
@tamaraclark9618 9 месяцев назад
Hoorah for Israel!!
@emillumacad9880 Год назад
I know and believed that lds are always on the right path, because we always do it in the Lord's way ( meek and lowly heart, with patience and long suffering ). We don't get ahead of ourselves We trust God in His purpose, in His own time, and way. We know God is fully aware of what's happening. Thanks so much brother David for your love We love you too!
@janh1399 Год назад
David, I put one of your videos on my facebook page. I almost didn't because most of my friends on fb are LDS, but kept feeling I should. Praise be to God that you are sharing! A friend messaged me that your story is almost her husband's story and your video lifted her spirits. I plan on watching every one of your videos.
@evaruiz9871 Год назад
Look at your amazing fruits! You have soooooo many subscribers and you have moved and inspired so many people. Your path has been led, you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for all you are doing!
@saraburga4221 Год назад
Lo necesitamos doblado al Español también. no sabe cómo me ha ayudado su testimonio hermano me levanto de todo lo que yo sentí que había perdido y que quisiera transmitirlo pero también el traductor no traduce correctamente y algunas cosas me es difícil comprender solo leyendo al traductor 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@knaupp Год назад
No truer words are spoken than when you describe the experience of "wandering in the wilderness" of modern Christianity, and why it makes more atheists. Every person who I have seen leave the church of Jesus Christ ends up either an angry atheist, or wandering from church to church without finding God's kingdom. Some few realize their mistake and return to the church. Most don't; they end up losing every shred of faith and belief they once had.
@GlenLawlor Год назад
18.22 watch David explain how the book of Mormon is the way of the Bible…
@darlenemartim9972 Год назад
I don’t say anything to my born again friends, as soon as they find out I’m a Mormon Christian it goes south
@GlenLawlor 11 месяцев назад
Why not ask them if they are on RU-vid? Then refer them to David ‘s channel .
@kevinferrin5695 Год назад
The Book of Mormon provides triangulation with the Bible, so to speak.
@emelesheppard1223 7 месяцев назад
Thinking CELESTIAL all day happy day 😅😮😂🎉🎉😊
@tamaraclark9618 9 месяцев назад
Are you married David? I hope you have an eternal marriage.
@davidmalvinalexander 9 месяцев назад
I hope to have one. I have to have one. I can't attain my potential apart from that. I am looking for one. It is not easy to find the "right Sister"...especially when one lives in Australia.
@heatherluna5075 Год назад
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