
11 "unanswerable" questions for atheists - answered 

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Answering a surprisingly thoughtless post from a Christian apologist.
• 11 Questions that Athe...
I don't normally do these type of rebuttal videos, but in this case, I just couldn't help myself. Because she imagined these questions to be unanswerable the same way some cult leaders say their "evidence" of God is irrefutable.
The music in the credits was written for me by Monster On Sunday, an atheist hard rock band with the podcast Godless Rockers.
You can find more music by Monster on Sunday here
Downloadable full length version of "RaZilla" coming soon!
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/ aronra



11 июл 2024




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Комментарии : 10 тыс.   
@red2theelectricboogaloo961 3 года назад
11 questions atheists cant answer >disables comments well they did say we couldn't answer them
@kathryngeeslin9509 3 года назад
I love this.
@pauljimerson8218 3 года назад
Not only couldn't, but can't.
@ohmygoodsnes9879 3 года назад
I'm not an Atheist, but that's really funny.
@ohmygoodsnes9879 3 года назад
@Hugh Surname_Xx420xX Does she say that it's virtuous or are you making that up to help your argument? Edit:. Also, whether she is hypocritical or not doesn't automatically make abortion right or wrong, either.
@Error403HRD 3 года назад
@@ohmygoodsnes9879 Oh wow, I really want to know what went down for that reply lol. Then again, I reported someone for harassment earlier because they've been insulting me for the past six days, so I understand why it's gone.
@mrloop1530 3 года назад
Religion: We don't know, therefore God. Science: We don't know, let's go explore and investigate.
@spybird5870 3 года назад
@Ree 12 what knowledge has your god given you or humanity? it wasn't your belief in god that made humans question and experiment - unless you count 1500s+ creationists trying to prove the bable right, only to discover fields of study that disprove the world being 6k years old, among thousands of more claims made by people who were more scientifically literate and honest than you. all you do is wait for scientists to discover more and then you read stupidity in the bable and interpret the scientific discoveries to already be in the bable, despite the goat herders not knowing more than raccoons. talk about shooting yourself in the foot - or irony of what a smooth brain you are.
@spybird5870 3 года назад
@Ree 12 bones don't turn to dust, quit reading shit on answers in genesis, smooth brain. if italian and french came from latin, why's there still latin? the earliest trees were tree ferns, horsetails and lycophytes that grew in the carboniferous period - the first tree might've been wattieza, which dates back to the middle devonian (385m years ago). now tell us all how experts are wrong and why you're right by saying "it was god and i will never be convinced otherwise, athiest lier".
@spybird5870 3 года назад
@Ree 12 prove it, smooth brain. "you just want to disagree with me". edit; you seem to be a troll acc that has 6 comments. well played, I'll just block you. do the same, hello.
@Tony_Regime 3 года назад
@Ree 12 " it takes less than 500 years for a corpse to turn into complete dust " that's rubbish. my father was an archaeologist and my mother was an amateur archaeologist and they found remains that were thousands of years old. if all that evidence is false then it was falsified by god as some kind of joke when he created the world. if he's going to play that kind of joke, what makes you think he won't be standing at the pearly gates saying "psyche" and laughing at the faithful believers?
@Tony_Regime 3 года назад
@Ree 12 go on treat it as a 1 on 1 and leave. I won't hold it against you and I don't care if you go to your echo chamber of like minded people and claim that you won the debate. although if you care to explain what it was I did that was stupid or dumb then I'm happy to listen to what you have to say, but I will then explain why it isn't dumb or stupid
@xpavpushka 4 года назад
"When you talk to god it's called prayer. When god talks to you it's called schizophrenia"
@janwelcastro250 4 года назад
Too glad this never happened to me. Though I pray to God. I don't know what I'll do if I started hearing voices. 😂
@jonathangresham1459 3 года назад
Schizophrenia is much more complicated than that.
@trubberdox3089 3 года назад
@@jonathangresham1459 it's a joke
@jonathangresham1459 3 года назад
@Omni Almighty thats not funny at all, quite sad.
@metalhead0274 3 года назад
Talking to someone or something that is not present in reality has a few diagnoses. It can in a broad sense be a form of schizophrenia. But it is typically more narrowed down to an area of schizotypal personality disorder. Which in itself is kinda still a broad term in itslef. Examples of why these religious experiences and processes are often easily and readily diagnosed as schizophrenia or schizophrenoform disorders is that they oft have the following symptoms. Delusions (false beliefs that the person refuses to give up, even after they get the facts) Hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that aren’t real) Disorganized speech, such as not making sense, using nonsense words, and skipping from one topic to another All of these are areas anyone ever debating a religious faith believing individual have encountered. But hearing voices or the voice of god or an angel or whatever is a form of schizophrenia..but it is referred to as a psychotic episode. It is a verbal auditory hallucination. What most people do not understand that most religious individuals who experience this effect are actual suffering from some sort of temporal lobe injury or atrophy and damages. And yes not properly exercising and healthily exercising parts of your brain can result in brain atrophy. So it becomes damaged. And thus this portion of the frontal lobe that was not used correctly caused damage and that damage is the source of the auditory hallucinations they suffer. Don't mean to get on a correction trip on anyone or a teaching podium..but I have dealt with individuals who suffer this in dual diagnosis counseling as a drug and alcohol counselor. And those individuals ate more prone to such due to the previous damages done due to drug and alcohol abuses. They often cling to religion as it is an easy replacement for the addictions and helps cope with the symp5they already suffer..now it is applied to god and is okay...like their god ideologicalisms justify the symptoms or make them any different. My father was also a person that suffered these symptoms..he went from talking to and hearing from god and angels or messengers and recieving revelations to hearing and talking and seeing demons amd and the worse and knowing it was not real..yet experiencing it none the less.. and that only convinced him more that they are real like the bible and scripture tells and confirmed his faith in god. Not all of these cases are mental illnesses or mental disorders. Some are just temporary. That is what schizophrenoform is..a more temporary form usually less than 6 months ..then goes away..but can also reoccur.. Sorry but I tend to find the human brain and religion a fascinating subject to study..we have located the various portions of the right brain hemisphere that are mostly responsible for all god belief, faith, thought, experiences and such. And we know we can directly stimulate and effect those portions of the brain and wether make a brain have specific god thoughts or experiences or stop them completely. We can even remove portions to stop most of it to stop completely and go away. We have pati5 we suffered serious brain trauma or injury who had portions removed of their brain to save their lives and they were highly religious faith filled individuals..after recovery from the removal of that injured portion of the brain. .all acknowledgment of god and most thoughts and the belief and faith was gone entirely ..they could not compreh6 the concept of god at all. This god thing is explicitly a brain process in some people. ...it is defective and not properly functional brain functions and processes and areas of the brain.
@rftutd9409 4 года назад
Looks like a death metal singer, sounds like a scientist.
@miskelproducts41 4 года назад
Yeah, I'm like "Why the fuck is this trying to explain himself in front of the backdrop of a condemned insane asylum??"... I can't really hear what you're saying cause you look creepy.
@RetroBackslash 4 года назад
@@miskelproducts41 Maybe listen and not watch... you might learn something
@miskelproducts41 4 года назад
@@RetroBackslash Hahahahaha! Son if YOU are "learning" something from this guy you got a looong way to go. But, good luck!
@RetroBackslash 4 года назад
@@miskelproducts41 Great response. You criticise someone based on their looks rather than the intellectual content of what they're saying, and when called out respond in a patronising manner without addressing anything.
@miskelproducts41 4 года назад
@@RetroBackslash I like you! So let me respond in a non-patronizing manner and address everything... Okay so, first of all, I did listen to what this guy has to say. He is intelligent, however, his narrative is finite. He has made it up in his mind that he is correct and cannot be told otherwise. I cannot learn ANYTHING from someone who has stopped learning themselves or is simply looking to fuel their own agenda. It is my prayer that one day you will learn that learning about the existence or non-existence of God is a journey, not something you know in a day. I may, however, still check out some of his videos because he is clearly passionate about what he says. Which brings us back to square one. He looks like Rob Zombie's little brother, and why in the fuck am I looking at backgrounds of condemned insane asylums and bombed-out churches? Can you answer that??
@Roadstar1602 5 лет назад
It's hilarious that they ask 11 questions then disable their comment section.
@Roadstar1602 5 лет назад
@A Light in the Dark Obviously not. It's pretty ridiculous to ask a bunch of questions, then forbid anyone from answering. It just demonstrates that she has no desire to know the actual answers.
@patrickkilduff5272 5 лет назад
@trebb9639 4 года назад
I've noticed this with several christian videos on debates such as one where they claim the christian won against the atheist. I like reading the comment sections to get others perspective in case I missed anything or just see other's opinions. But nope. Comments disabled on all of them.
@zecuse 4 года назад
The illusion can't fade if they maintain the lies. It's all about the presentation. "DO NOT AROUSE THE WRATH OF THE GREAT AND POWERFUL!"
@NikkiDocherty74 4 года назад
Lol. Seen it 1000 times. Im not even atheist.
@iloveplasticbottles 4 года назад
As an atheist, I’m generally proud to admit when I don’t know something.
@the_last_slice9041 4 года назад
Yep. It's not that I'm happy to not know something per se, but I am happy I don't have to pretend I know something when I really don't.
@budgates3509 4 года назад
Do you know the difference between right an wrong do you believe there is good an evil I don't know for sure what a atheist is but I know who an what God is
@hammerhead300 4 года назад
@@budgates3509 Your statement implies that belief in a higher power is required to know the difference between right and wrong, which is pretty clearly not true. If you don't know what an atheist is, perhaps you should do some research, because unlike proof that a higher power exists, that's easily-obtained knowledge. How do you know who and what God is? Have you met God? Have you seen God in person? Could it be that you've crafted your own image of who and what God is and, because you've convinced yourself that your version is the correct one, you expect everyone else to only know your version of God?
@budgates3509 4 года назад
@@hammerhead300 what I mean is I don't know what an atheist is that they don't believe in a god or I should say the God I cannot believe we came for nothing I believe in the word of the bible the best/most selling book of all time which for thousands of yrs men/Satan has been trying to destroy an delete but they can't an won't an what do I have to loose by believing in the bible sure there is a lot I don't understand or can't explain but I learn more everyday have I ever seen God no an most people never have but I believe he exist as I look out my window an see the tree leaves be blown around by the wind I can't see the wind but I know it exists but what if it is true that God is
@SynphamyMusic 4 года назад
@@budgates3509 The difference between Wind and God is that wind is an observable, measurable force that we know is there. Nature is incredible, countless people work at understanding the universe and how it all works so that we CAN explain it. If you don't believe something can come from nothing, then that must apply to God too, surely. I don't consider myself an atheist btw, i hate the term personally, i find religion interesting even if i disagree with it.
@barofsoap7542 4 года назад
We're going to present to you 11 questions atheists cannot answer. * turns off comment section * No no, theyve got a point.
@somedude4968 4 года назад
Oh man, thank you for making me laugh this hard. I needed that.
@guidovanloo6029 4 года назад
Cognetive dissonance
@bloodmooneddotavi 4 года назад
@noo.baystrash3196 3 года назад
You made me spit out my coffee dickhead, now my keyboard is fucked. Take my like and buzz off.
@pauls.6360 3 года назад
@@guidovanloo6029 Wait, you edited this reply and STILL?
@Stalicone 4 года назад
Notice the original poster’s video has comments turned off. Why? I guess she really doesn’t want to hear the answers for her “unanswerable” questions. Typical theistic sophistry, fallacious reasoning, outright dishonesty and intellectual cowardice.
@PASTA_ANDBACON123_PANTS 3 года назад
Its a false ministry
@ataho2000 3 года назад
She is someone that believes that the Israelites didn't kill the canaanite babies, they simply changed their location from earth to heaven, but at the same time she hates Hitler for doing the same thing to the Jews. I guess she is saying, "do what the Jews tell you to do but dont do what the Jews do." After all, the jews have the okay from god when it comes to massacres and you dont, so you better behave or ales God will send you to hell for not believing his twisted logic and his f..ked up morality.
@Stalicone 3 года назад
@@ataho2000 Really? You are comparing the contents of a book of myths to documented and verifiable history? You are equating tales of what may or may not have happened 2700 years ago to the supposed “civilized” world of the 20th century? Go fuck yourself you idiot. Extending your stupidity, you have no reason to object to paying reparations to every black person on earth.
@ataho2000 3 года назад
@@Stalicone I only stated what came out of her mouth on a live debate with Skylar Fiction and compared her excuse with real historical events in order to expose her broken logic, so I don't know what the fuck you're getting worked out about. And what is this thing about the black people cause I never mentioned anything about them. Are behaving like this because I sad some bad things about the sky daddy, or are you implying that what Hitler did to the Jews was morally incorrect but what the Israelite's did was okay?????????????????????? I'm not saying that what is written on the bible is true. I am using her logic and moral standards in order to make an internal critique of her world-view. State your disagreement cause if you stick with your personal insult, than I can do that too. Below is the link the debate between her and Skylar with a timestamp: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-mw8EyQsSj6U.html
@truman5838 3 года назад
Religion is a fascist cult
@gerardgauthier4876 6 лет назад
I'm an atheist because "I don't know" is an acceptable answer.
@WhatsTheTakeaway 6 лет назад
Gerard Gauthier Then you are necessarily prohibited from saying "you're wrong".
@gerardgauthier4876 6 лет назад
What's The Takeaway?: And what's wrong with not being able to say "you're wrong"? I'm OK with saying "I'm not convinced by your claim".
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+What's The Takeaway? There is no correlation there at all, so your post makes no sense. Besides, I'm sure Gerard Gauthier is saying "You're wrong" as we speak...
@josuad6890 5 лет назад
What's the takeaway? mind explaining why am I necessarily prohibited from saying "you're wrong". when I accept "I don't know" for an answer? I can say any claim is wrong if that claim violates an empirically tested evidence, for example, if you say gravity on earth is 1m/s2, then i can say with utmost certainty that "you're wrong".
@Omega0850 5 лет назад
Question: What is the birthday of Jack the Ripper? Person A: I don´t know. Person B: 30. February 1820. Person A: You are wrong. Person B: But i know that for a fact. Person A: You are wrong again.
@einzeller85 5 лет назад
the sad thing about this kind of video is that it's only watched entirely by those that don't need to watch it. those that would need to watch it, clicked off in the first minute.
@dcfromthev 5 лет назад
@havinfunfallin9458 5 лет назад
@steve1189 5 лет назад
thats because they can't handle the truth. Just like AronRa said. lol.
@walkerflocker7811 5 лет назад
Sad but true.
@ThePeej75 5 лет назад
I am a Christian and watched it out of curiosity.
@jonesaleroy 4 года назад
These are questions I figured out as A child, when I stopped going to church!
@ConservativeVanguard 4 года назад
Do you know how fucking stupid you have to be to believe you're not fucking stupid? Now apply that to the logic of a child and that's how fucking dumb you STILL are. You think you were smart as a child.
@thanaspapa3136 4 года назад
@@ConservativeVanguard he is saying that he was smarter than this women when he was a child.
@ConservativeVanguard 4 года назад
@@thanaspapa3136 Anyone that thinks they are smart are dumb. It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. These atheists are so fucking retarded they think theists think God is some white guy in the sky. They are borderline neanderthals at best. Simple life forms, and usually physically ugly and mutant like in appearance.
@thanaspapa3136 4 года назад
@@ConservativeVanguard you clearly don't understand the dunning Kruger effect. Also I could say the same thing for theists These theists are so fucking retarded yatayatayata.
@thanaspapa3136 4 года назад
@@ConservativeVanguard even if athiesm is wrong it still wouldn't mean this person is wrong. He is simply saying that they were smarter than the women Aron ra is talking about. Being smarter than someone stupid doesn't make you smart it makes you normal.
@llongone2 4 года назад
I like AronRa's lectures. I like AronRa's debates. But, I absolutely love AronRa when he systematically annihilates a RU-vid apologist. Another ass-kicking administered.
@danielowsley1506 Год назад
He will never debate me
@danielowsley1506 Год назад
Debating me he would be crushed and made to look a fool
@urfeeandfriends 9 месяцев назад
Except this ass-kicking is usually never actually watched by the apologist Aron defeats
@urfeeandfriends 9 месяцев назад
​@@danielowsley1506Then debate him already. I don't know everything of course, but I do know that Aron isn't scared to debate you.
@urfeeandfriends 9 месяцев назад
​@@danielowsley1506I'm certainly not as wise as Aron but I'll listen to what you have to say
@devrimsarigul8387 4 года назад
Christian: “I‘ll prove that the Bible is the truth” Also Christian: takes the Bible to prove his/her point This applies to all religions.
@thedisciple9333 4 года назад
Devrim Sarigül I mean what else would you use?
@Nils-km4wc 4 года назад
When the first part of the bible is proven to be wrong so why believe it?
@s3ntin3l60 4 года назад
@@Nils-km4wc What do you mean?
@223antemerediem2 4 года назад
@@s3ntin3l60 Probably the one that says God created the Earth first before everything/the sun which is wrong since we know the Sun is older than Earth
@s3ntin3l60 4 года назад
@@223antemerediem2 Let there be light is the first thing that's written......
@laurajarrell6187 6 лет назад
I hope she listens to some of the answers, but I doubt it. She's pretty smug sounding and just preaching to the choir. Great, Aron. As always! Love and Peace
@mytmouse57 6 лет назад
Ummm... hate to break it to you, but he’s smug sounding and preaching to his choir too,
@laurajarrell6187 6 лет назад
mytmouse57 I think he's more angry and exasperated. His wife teaches in public schools, theists get her fired for teaching science, though she never tells kids their bible is wrong. Aron is tired of theists lying, not even knowing their stupid texts they revere. I don't blame him, they constantly go against our constitution, chipping away our freedom, then call him and his family, evil. Love and Peace
@mytmouse57 6 лет назад
I can understand where he's coming from... having been raised Catholic, and then later involved with Evangelical groups, I recoiled angrily from religion as a young man too. Many people do, for very good reason. But that's no reason to slap everything with a broad brush.. which I see Aron doing constantly. As far as "god-fearing" people being anti-science and bigoted toward atheists, that's evil and intolerable. And the text "stupid?" Depends on how you look at them. Atheists and intolerant fundamentalists seem to both look only at literal meanings of Scriptural passages. The two mindsets have a lot in common.
@SnafuYuri 6 лет назад
Laura Jarrell I never knew there were women on the internet. :0
@laurajarrell6187 6 лет назад
mytmouse57 OK, I can except that. Yes, I had to read the bible, more than one translation, 5 times in theology/bible study when I was joining a church. Out of that, it became clearer and clearer that the majority of it is, stupid. Inane, only believable if you know nothing else. Then, realizing how they were cobbled together, and just copied from bits of other religions, codified, then used to condemn, control, and raise wealth of only the top men, it can cause a lot of anger to have it thrown at you, often incorrectly. I found much more insight, beauty, even spirituality(not magical, just numinous) in many other, also humanmade literature. So..., hard not to feel the bite sometimes. Love and Peace
@MrHenhen5 3 года назад
Christians : what was that noise? Must have been a ghost. Atheists: what was that noise? Let's go have a look. Oh the picture fell down. I thought of that in like 2 seconds and it's better than any of their points
@coreycleven8414 3 года назад
I have an older cousin who in her teens was very heavy into gothic satanism, doing silly spells, melting candle wax on stuff, painting everything black. While in a boot camp after the third time she ran away, she claims she was visited by Jesus Christ. While I think it's great that she's turned her life around, she's still as much a fool for supernatural mumbo jumbo as when she was a teen. She just changed teams.
@TypographyGuru 5 лет назад
>>> 11 questions that Atheists Cannot Answer >>> Comments are disabled for this video. Clever. Really clever.
@akus8844 4 года назад
Typography.Guru r/technicallythetruth
@georgeforeman9666 4 года назад
Aubrey Boehrs He watched it with Christian ears (only hear what I want to, and disregard anything else)
@Steven-wv3qm 4 года назад
@Gods Servant Brainwashed.
@Steven-wv3qm 4 года назад
@Gods Servant How is someone who doesn't hold a belief brainwashed?
@Steven-wv3qm 4 года назад
@Gods Servant You're already backtracking. You stated "You can't see that atheism has brainwashed you!". You realized that was dumb, so then you reverted to: "Everyone believes something! Even atheists!". No, you proved my point. Do yourself a favor and look up logical fallacies and then think long and hard about your religion.
@stevenaustin8274 6 лет назад
‘The eye of the needle is somewhat big enough to allow a rich evangelist to fly his private jet plane through ‘ brilliant comment
@itswhatever2383 6 лет назад
Moment of Faith how are you a christian? im curious to know...
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+Moment Of Faith I'm calling bullshit on this comment. Look at the obscene amounts of money made by the biggest evangelists. Mother Teresa had access to over $130 million, whilst her hospitals mirrored poverty stricken slums, there was no pain relief and bandages were washed in cold water, when she died, much of the money was unaccounted for. Not only that, the Catholic Church owns over $11,000,000,000 (billion) worth of Art alone, then there is their real estate holdings, and substantial investments the share market, and cash holdings. Religion is a business.
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+Urrcreavesh I would say he Never intervened anywhere. What is immoral and intolerable today should also have been so then. A god would have known that, but bigoted goat herders would not. Just as they would not have known about the non earth centric solar system.
@0x777 6 лет назад
Nev Anderson Religion is not a business, religion is a con job. It's a clever ploy by people who want to avoid all work and have others work for them and sustain them. Basically a priest is an unemployed lazy fuck who found a way to make you not look down at him when you hand him your money so he can continue his useless existence.
@3cfamilylife 6 лет назад
Yes, there are obviously bad apples among the priesthood and the faith....but yea, MOSTLY those guys who do things like visit the sick, feed the hungry, free the slaves (more prevalent than ever before) help people die with dignity and hope, get drinkable water to those with little/no access to it, we kinda came up with the ideas of things like hospitals, schools, we help addicts, do what we can to repair and reconcile marriages....but yes less than a fraction of 1% who make the news for violating kids (which they deserve ANY AND ALL punishment and so do any who cover it up) and the FEW pastors who have sold some books and have a mega church make up MAYBE .01% of pastors probably closer to .0001%. Being a "rich" pastor isn't a bad thing. Rick Warren gives/gave away 90% of his income/wealth and paid back his salary to his church. Pretty cool to have him have made that money to help combat things like AIDs and Mental Health struggles that he cares about...BUT that doesn't make the news.
@fitzofrage5292 4 года назад
Dude, not even a minute in and got a new subscriber.
@211pirate6 4 года назад
The difference between theists and atheists is that atheists keep their dislike/like ratio and comments section open
@edwardfeldman3533 4 года назад
211 pirate too true
@drewhour 4 года назад
Anyone who believes in God in 2020 is an imbecile.
@PaleoTheExaminer 4 года назад
@@drewhour your statement gives us atheist a bad name
@drewhour 4 года назад
@@PaleoTheExaminer Go fuck yourself. No ones ever happy on here
@GameStrikerX2 4 года назад
@@drewhour not with people like you making comments like these around... people can make a change if you put in the effort... or would you rather Atheists and Theists keep arguing like god damn children all the time instead of having actually thought out debate and discussion
@scottplumer3668 6 лет назад
Brutal! Love the abandoned church photos, too.
@queenfanpiper6299 6 лет назад
I think he was inside the old eye sore! Hopefully it will never be used for that horse shit again. Turn it into a Parkour gym. More good would come of it.
@queenfanpiper6299 6 лет назад
Ah! Too much restaurant food. My kid does Parkour. I would rather have him there than at his moms Kingdom Hall. At a restaurant he would get too fat. At a night club he would get too drunk and some one pregnant at 19. Not good. I am an atheist. But I am still strict with him. He does good with his astronomy, school, work, Parkour and his business. No broads for now! Too young!!!
@scottplumer3668 6 лет назад
As an urban explorer, I like to see them abandoned. The only abandonment that has really made me sad is the abandoned observatory in Cleveland, OH.
@remandstimpy 5 лет назад
Not quite Parkour, but there's a former church in my neighborhood that's been converted to a rock climbing center
@j0hncon5tantine 5 лет назад
@Scott Plumer So, why did you become or decide to call yourself an atheist? What kind of atheist are you exactly? What really sells you on that?
@whitegoose2017 6 лет назад
An atheist can't answer any of these questions, if the person who gives the question won't accept the answer. Dishonesty? Ignorance? Or maybe, just maybe the person asking the question is not knowledgeable enough to even understand the answer. Who knows? It's odd that we live in the age of information and then we come ACROSS THESE PEOPLE that lack something important...... BASIC CRITICAL THINKING is an INVALUABLE SKILL.. I wish some people exercised it.
@user-pb1cf4lr2s 6 лет назад
They can be answered. Whether the person hearing it accepts it is separate from the answering.
@whitegoose2017 6 лет назад
The word "unanswerable" in the title just spews out a certain mood that I can only interpret as "I pretty much don't care what you have to say." It claims the opposition does not have an answer. The next logical step (in their view) is to deliberately misunderstand or to not accept the answer as correct. Of course this is all hypothetical, and will still most undoubtedly happen in many discussions with a lot of believers, so that's how I feel about it. Maybe this is why Aron made this rebuttal video in the first place. I don't know.
@robw2327 6 лет назад
Theism is an addiction of thoughts. Theists mistake attention getting motivational reward neurochemicals (evolved for energy gathering for the perpetuation of the species) as a paranormal event/contact (Holy Dopamine Ghost). These neurochemical processes reinforce neural pathways in the brain in order to repeat thoughts, and behaviours. Dopamine in varying levels is also related to creativity, patternicity, making nonsense make sense, and hallucinations (Involuntary movements, and speaking in tongues are forms of hallucinations. Also see Dopamine Hypothesis). What would the average person experience if they believed they won a million dollar scratch-off ticket? That same feeling through thoughts is achieved by drugs like alcohol, nicotine, and cocaine (Dopamergic release). Now imagine that same person refusing to look at the back of the ticket that reads "Redeem at 123 fake st Anywhere USA". Now apply this analogy to someone believing John 3:16. Note that emotional, and, or physical stresses release the Holy Dopamine Ghost (fervent prayer, intense rituals, tragic loss). I had an experience after 48 hours of sleep deprivation. Long story short I thought a divine presence interacted with me. Everything good/bad in the world made sense, and served a purpose (patternicity from flooded learning/reward centers). Everything had an aura like sheen around things when I went outside (The sun's light saturated my sense of sight that was dealing with a traffic jam of neurochemicals trying to find the right place to go hence the hallucination). Luckily for me being critical made me realise it was internally induced which led me to research what happened, and answer a lot of questions I had for holders of irrational beliefs. Check out the science with history in the playlist, and description area. If you find it sound, and worth spreading? Please do so, and help educate people not yet in this cognitive pitfall inherent in our evolution. I see very very few people making this connection. Help fight addiction. Thanks! The Holy Dopamine Ghost & The Jesus Myth: ru-vid.com/group/PLQATeZAnm87BaJjBtM1vMIq_gHRmBq3ie
@bunzeebear2973 6 лет назад
They can be answered. Just Google it.
@whitegoose2017 6 лет назад
Uhh... I'm sorry you must have misunderstood what I said? Did you read past the first comma?
@allangow4746 2 года назад
Theists would love to have a giant like AroRa, the most articulate speaker on the net.
@helleborechigurh2158 4 года назад
I recently started watching your videos, starting with the Systematic Classification of Life series. I love your channel. Last year I finally gave up trying to believe in something and accepted that I am an atheist. As someone who experienced religious programming throughout my childhood, I agree with you about how dangerous religion is, especially Christianity. Thank you for what you do.
@vjara94 8 месяцев назад
Hi, I know it has been 3 years since you posted this comment, but would be glad to hear where are your standings now. I'm an atheist myself since I was like 14 or 16.
@helleborechigurh2158 8 месяцев назад
@@vjara94 hi there! Wow I forgot I posted this comment but hey, still an atheist and it's going great! Still love Aron Ra too!
@lynxafrica3677 6 месяцев назад
May I ask how it’s dangerous?
@Toasted_Buttons 4 месяца назад
People are dangerous, not religion. Religion like science doesnt do anything on its own therefore not dangerous. People make it dangerous, people poison religion. Not the other way around.
@SmackontheWeb 6 лет назад
"I don't know" does not equal "goddidit", so you can come up with a list of a million questions atheists can't answer and you wouldn't have taken a single step towards proving the validity of any of religion's magical claims.
@User-jr7vf 5 лет назад
That's right. The name for it is fallacy, in this case appeal to ignorance.
@User-jr7vf 5 лет назад
It's also called god of the gaps.
@Kevin.berger 4 года назад
@@User-jr7vf You are correct. "I don't know, therefore, god" is an appeal to ignorance fallacy. So is, "I don't know, but definitely *not* god."
@barringtonwomble4713 4 года назад
@@Kevin.berger Or as a famous atheist prefers to say "scientists are working on it" Translated - i don't know, but god had nothing to do with it.
@1urie1 5 лет назад
"Rich evangelist flying on their private jet through the eye of the needle." I think I have a new favorite sentence.
@1urie1 5 лет назад
@Jubei Yang Yeah because they want to be the biggest ones around.
@xPumaFangx 4 года назад
Life; "Oo I don't know. What I am doing. I am going to the bathroom."-charles bukowski
@robertcartier5088 4 года назад
@Jubei Yang Yeah, isn't that a quote from one of the ones who bought a jet with his donations? He's such a pussy! (Saw it in a Creaky Blinder video.)
@BappO-is-me 4 года назад
Mine is "lemme phone my mother at 5 AM to figure out what the black stuff is"
@Rkenton48 4 года назад
love mixed paraphrased metaphors. Look, if you're rich, you can afford to breed a really small camel and purchase a really big needle.
@gscurd75 4 года назад
I would love to see a Christian video answering some basic questions that many Atheists have. Simple stuff like how can a "loving God" create people, knowing exactly what they will do before they are even created, and then punish them for all eternity when they behave in the way that he knew they would?
@cerealdude890 3 года назад
Look up 78 questions for Christians, it’s exactly that. Though I haven’t seen one where they don’t avoid answering every single difficult question.
@Tony_Regime 3 года назад
or how could an omniscient and omnipotent god cause his son to be born in circumstances that would lead to the Slaughter of the Innocents?
@Matthew-xh2po 3 года назад
Not to sound rude, but why don't you look for the answers yourself? I hear people ask questions for Christians, make fun of them when they give them answers they don't like or make sense, but then they never search for the answer themself. Everyone has access to the Bible and all the time in the world, there's basically no excuse for not reading it for yourself. Again not to be rude just being real here.
@gscurd75 3 года назад
@@Matthew-xh2po You failed at not sounding rude. I grew up in a religious household and know more about the bible than many who claim to be religious. I have found nothing that answers the question I asked.
@Matthew-xh2po 3 года назад
@@gscurd75 Actually if you knew about the Bible you wouldn't be and unbeliever. Sounds like it doesn't make sense to you so you stopped searching.
@hello-bw9xd 2 года назад
"Truth matters more than what I want to believe" - Aron Ra Bloody correct sir
@xkillerghost4649 Год назад
if the truth is what matters, and you want to believe the truth... then does it really matter more than what you want to believe if they are one and the same?
@TheWhimsicalMimzy 10 месяцев назад
An ugly truth is preferable to a pretty lie imho.
@masongalioth4110 6 лет назад
How exhausting it is to sit in the 21st century and know that our descendants will look back to this time period and wonder why we are so medieval in our beliefs and contradictory in our intuitive cognition because of Christians (religion in general). “Why were they so...ignorant? With all their findings, how did they maintain such an intellectual stagnancy?” I only hope they de-gum history from the Christian’s re-telling, who lie and rewrite history, attempt to seize credit for the same findings and discoveries that they themselves persecuted. They’ve already destroyed this world so much, and who’s to know what’s next. Lucky you Aron, that our descendants, when they look back they will see you standing up with the few, against this absolute madness.
@jackmack1061 6 лет назад
hear hear
@TheSpeep 6 лет назад
who says theyll still use the term "medieval" like that? for all we know that term may just be replaced by something like "21st centurist" or "Republican"... maybe even "Trumpian", "Barbaric" or just the good plain old "wrong"
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+Lasnight We still do. Also why would they compare us to ourselves. The point is to draw a comparison with something else isn't it?
@0x777 6 лет назад
Looking at it from over here in Europe, it's not going to be your descendants looking back at this time period. It's more us over here in Europe looking over at the country we admired as the pinnacle of technological and social development in the past and wonder where the fuck you took a wrong turn to essentially go down a road towards religious fundamentalism unparalleled outside the Middle East. Seriously, until about 20 years ago, the USA were the role model for, well, everything. There were whole think tanks dedicated to finding out what you did and how you did it so we can mimic it. Today, the US is more or less seen as the international schoolyard bully, where you don't really want to be the friend of the stupid fuck, you just suck up to him so he beats up some other kids and you might get some of the spoils.
@beyondprogressive370 6 лет назад
It’s really sad that RU-vid has never recommended this channel to me. 11 years of making content that I would have loved to see but it feels censored. I really can’t believe this was just recently put in my home feed. Should have been there years ago.
@nagmerrie4600 5 лет назад
Same here
@TheEyez187 5 лет назад
@@nagmerrie4600 Means you've both got loads of awesome content to catch up on.
@calvinroyal8376 5 лет назад
Witchescalling Astra ,See; Christopher Hitchens... Unapologetic Atheist Intellectual!...If you haven't!
@calvinroyal8376 5 лет назад
TheEyez187 ,See; Christopher Hitchens, Unapologetic Atheist Intellectual!
@thomasgallipoli8376 3 года назад
“Atheists can’t answer these questions...” Aron Ra: “Hold my beer...” Well done, good sir.
@saintlywig5123 3 года назад
they are true believers. this is all mental masturbation.
@mikehill1114 3 года назад
Aron doesn't drink beer! He drinks the tears of creationists.
@Antis14CZ 2 года назад
@@mikehill1114 Blech, no thanks, too salty.
@MrFeupinha 4 года назад
I love how this guy doesn't talk like a youtuber.
@heraldofoblivion499 4 года назад
He's actually been around since very very early RU-vid. Before the psuedo celebrities.
@LadyOfTheEdits 3 года назад
So awesome
@bigtimber 3 года назад
Hey guys, AronRa here! If you enjoy my channel, feel free to like and subscribe!
@saintlywig5123 3 года назад
@maxgonzalez214 3 года назад
I was pleasantly surprised by how articulate and well informed he is.
@kosys5338 6 лет назад
A person can never answer a question that another person doesn't want to hear or accept. thus is the game theist like to play, its all they have left.
@Pie3.1 5 лет назад
When you say it is all they have left... what does that mean?
@ClassicGameHacking 6 лет назад
I love your style, the way you talk and explain things.
@steevrawjers 5 лет назад
Yes very clear and thorough #i would love to interview on #Thepleasecast
@moeg.3735 3 года назад
As a non native english speaker, it always boggled my mind that there are theists actively calling themselves "apologists" and don't find that odd in any way.
@ElizabethPayet 2 года назад
Does apologist mean something else in a different language? I’ve only ever heard it used in one way. Or are you saying it’s odd for theists to have to argue when they could just present evidence? Am I missing something totally obvious?
@diggie9598 7 месяцев назад
@willschrank That's interesting. I am German and was wondering about that as well.
@vladimpaler3498 3 года назад
In college I took philosophy classes on all the religions of the world. Gave up all religions. Got a degree in engineering and everything makes sense now. I told my son he could believe whatever he wanted. Now he is an atheist. I have been religion free for four happy decades and might have spared my son the twenty years I lost believing. Seems like a person can have a pretty great life without worrying about "a purpose" or "free will".
@xkillerghost4649 Год назад
The Devil will work hard to ensure people like you live comfortable lives.If you're having a pretty great life without belief then you wouldnt need to give God the credit he deserves. The devil isn't against good morals or outstanding behavior. He's against God and wants everyone to deny Jesus. anything beyond that is besides his main goal. To be a Christian is to be against the world. It's upside down. You will suffer and be looked down on, mocked, ridiculed. Jesus never said you'd have a " pretty great life ". The fact you are having 40 years of "pretty great life" should actually scare you.
@Lauriestrode1978 10 месяцев назад
@@xkillerghost4649living a great life should actually scare you? That’s bizarre you say that, because of course, you try using fear to get people to fall in love with Jesus! There is no love in fear, God doesn’t deserve any credit for this life he gives us if he wants that to be a miserable life for us, the very fact your trying to make people scared to live there life makes you a fool, you should be the scared one for living in paranoia and giving credit and love to a God simply because your scared of him, that’s a sad life nobody wants to join you in.
@Shhehwhsi24 5 месяцев назад
@@xkillerghost4649 This is brain on Christcuckery. I don't worship Yahweh or your Circumcised Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef, the dead zombie Jewish carpenter.
@JeevesAnthrozaurUS 6 лет назад
What theists gotta understand: Strength of conviction is NOT strength of evidence. Hell, theists ain't the only people who ought to learn that
@mariocasallas 5 лет назад
So How many gods there are Sakon? But most important, How many Devils? ;P
@mariocasallas 5 лет назад
And a thousand different interpretations?
@seaglider844 5 лет назад
Sakon - Taking a Psilocybin trip is not scientific proof of anything except that the drug is an hallucinogenic.
@dionysusi7941 5 лет назад
@robholmes3675 5 лет назад
Someone's but hurt because there religion can stand on its own without taking advantage of broken people.
@KeithCooper-Albuquerque 6 лет назад
Outstanding Aron! Keep exposing these apologists for the liars that they are!
@dylankapa 6 лет назад
Keith Cooper how tf is ur comment from more than 1hr ago?
@KeithCooper-Albuquerque 6 лет назад
@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster 6 лет назад
Keith Cooper Triggered?
@KeithCooper-Albuquerque 6 лет назад
What does Roy Roger's horse have to do with anything?
@thedarkmasterthedarkmaster 6 лет назад
Keith Cooper you are
@angel77503 4 года назад
Atheist level 10. With a part time as a wizard of the dark realm
@janwelcastro250 4 года назад
Sh*t that's ironic. 😂 He debunks the supernatural for it's lack of proof. While being a living proof of the supernatural himself.
@autobotstarscream765 3 года назад
"Wizard" means "wise man" (the old-timey term for "scientist" which means "one who knows") and the "forbidden arts" of "magic" were science and questioning religious dogma.
@ea6442 4 года назад
When I first saw his hair I thought to myself “he HAS to listen to metal” and as soon as the outro rolled out a big ass smile covered my face
@donskii-sx9hw 4 года назад
@WmG2004 4 года назад
I thought that too the first time I saw him. Then later on in that first video I saw he said something like “metal is the best kind of rock” while he was talking about some geography stuff. That really confirmed it for me haha. Awesome wordplay.
@MrBofinn 4 года назад
Aron is an old-school Klingon, from before they had the forehead-things. The metal is incidental.
@chaddoom7993 4 года назад
@proculusjulius7035 4 года назад
@Fat Daddy his name is booty eater 😂😂😂😂 that has just struck me
@arsimckhoi 4 года назад
Claim: atheists cant answer these questions.. *disabled comments section* This is the problem we face in our country...
@GameStrikerX2 4 года назад
Why? Idk about you, but disabling a comment section so that Christian Bigots and Egotistical Atheists don't get into internet debates and start insulting one another seems like the smart choice to me. But I guess to the egotistical atheist it just looks like an attempt to avoid what you guys would consider the "truth" right? Regardless of if it's a joke or not it is *not* funny
@arsimckhoi 4 года назад
@@GameStrikerX2 there is an answer to all of these. Supported with demonstrative evidence. But the theist has already shut their ears and chosen ignorance. Because God... Or some stupid reason
@aim-9sidewinder550 4 года назад
@@GameStrikerX2 lol who gives a shit if people are insulting each other, just sharing each other minds and none wins.
@GameStrikerX2 4 года назад
@@arsimckhoi Demonstrative Evidence is a bit of a stretch, I'd say there's a lot of good theories however. But tell me, how can we be certain of things like how old the universe is when the machines that let us determine how old things are, are MAN MADE. On top of that the big bang theory was suggested after running multiple CGI tests on computers, same thing with the earth and moon formation, all of which are *human made* theories There is no hard evidence for questions like those, but there are things which suggest it, and while these theories do make sense on paper, we can't be certain, and the only thing which does not make sense is the dates. Take the moon for example, if it's been slowly moving away wouldn't it have been touching earth at some point? *pretty damn close* Idk if there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's someone who says "I'm right because I have evidence" when literally all the evidence is a whole bunch of scientific man made theory and nothing more The way I see it, people should be able to believe what they want and the egotistical people who think they're right above others and have a right to say so should go fuck themselves. Don't worry, that goes both ways, but that problem has been leading more towards atheism recently
@arsimckhoi 4 года назад
@@GameStrikerX2 No hard evidence? What are you looking at to suggest evidence isn't credible? Based on your usage of theory you don't know what a scientific theory is. The moon likely came from the earth after a collision with a large body, that's what the current evidence suggests. The confusion comes from the fact that everyone thinks words mean whatever they want as long as they give a good analogy. Light years is a measurement of distance not time. Theory doesn't mean the same thing across all professions. Music Theory is not the same as Economic Theory is not the same as Big Bang theory. Words change meaning based on context. That's why most of the discussion about God is usually spent trying to define and understand what the hell people mean when they say words. Like when you say 'egotistical'... you mean they are self centered or do you mean that they have an ego (we all do) or do you mean that they always think they are always right? See how context is important?
@god-emperorofmankind5860 6 лет назад
11:50 "I am atheist because truth matters more than whatever I want to believe, because only accurate information has practical application." - AronRa I think very few people could have said it better than you. This is it. This is what I will refer to as "The Argument" in all future debates.
@martianemperor5137 6 лет назад
God-Emperor of Mankind Were coming over guys! Please prepare your people. We come in peace.
@god-emperorofmankind5860 6 лет назад
We will not allow Xeno scum in our Galaxy. Prepare for Exterminatus.
@iamthatiamiamthatiam2942 5 лет назад
God-Emperor of Mankind. what do want to believe.
@SpaceOrbisGaming 5 лет назад
I'm with him 100% truth is what matters no matter what it ends up being. If god exists i'll deal with it somehow if not I have lost nothing of note.
God-Emperor of Mankind I thought truth was relative!
@donkmeister 4 года назад
Questions that theists cannot answer: 1) What makes your religion the correct one when it is contradicted by other religions that also teach their adherents that theirs is the correct religion. 2) Why is it acceptable to use the term "myth" when referring to the stories told in the religions of ancient Rome, South America, Greece, Egypt, Vikings etc but you find it offensive when modern people use the term "myth" to refer to stories told in your religion? 3) Why do you think that your religion improves upon the truths of the religions that went before it, yet you don't think that the religions that built upon your religion are better than the one you've stuck with? In fact, why do some religionists punish, in some cases killing, those who claim that they have some new information? 4) Gulliblepersonsaywhat? 5) Which god is the absolute best one of all? My favourite god is Priapus, god of motorcycle kick-stands; anyone who's visited that house in Pompeii will know what I'm talking about...
@TzarTVR 4 года назад
underrated comment all hail priapus
@donkmeister 4 года назад
@@TzarTVR Priapus - the only god who stands to attention when you salute him.
@TzarTVR 4 года назад
@@donkmeister Priapus - the only god.
@t.c.g.thecentregod2809 3 года назад
Their answer to the first question would be Satan or emo Jesus (antichrist)
@ApolloThyrteen Год назад
@@olab9300 that question is literally answered in Romans 2:15 & 15.
@ZakkWasNotAvailable 4 года назад
After being defeated by Pocahontas, Governor Ratcliffe has dedicated his time to debunking religion
@toxxik4933 4 года назад
it kinda debunks itself to be fair
@janwelcastro250 4 года назад
Everybody needs a hobby to steer away from depression. 😂
@toxxik4933 4 года назад
@@janwelcastro250 idk about that, there was once a depressed boy named adolf who found a hobby that id argue was unneeded
@anemu3819 4 года назад
@@toxxik4933 he found a hobby that was needed, but when he tried to go professional, he was rejected
@gageblackwood8832 6 лет назад
11 questions Christians can't answer: 1) Who was Cain's wife? 2)In the week of creation, how was there an "evening and a morning" for three days when the sun wasn't made until the fourth day? 3) Why is there no evidence for Noah's flood and history continuing uninterrupted around the world at this time? 4)How could people in the bible live 500- 1000 years when lifespans only reached 70 in the 20th century? 5)Why were they already speaking and writing Chinese in China and Sanskrit in India long before god "mixed up languages" at the Tower of Babel? Why don't all cultures around the world trace their origins to the exact same spot in a Babylonia? 6)Why is there no evidence at all for the presence of millions of Israelite slaves in Egypt and a miraculous "Exodus." Why didn't neighboring empires even notice such a major blow to the area's superpower and loss of its army? 7)Why is the Ark of the Covenant missing? How do you know it even existed? 8) How could Jesus claim descent from the royal line of King David if Joseph was not his biological father? 9) Why is there not a single contemporary eyewitness to Jesus' ministry OUTSIDE the bible? 10)Why do good people and innocent children suffer terribly while evil rotten people often live long healthy lives? 11)Why did god himself in the bible commit or order the murder of millions of innocent people - especially children. How can you worship such a genocidal monster?
@eddominates 6 лет назад
oh! oh! I know! pick me! pick me! I know the answer! - ahem - *IT'S ALL ONE HUNDRED PERCENT BULLSHIT* ..oh wait was this just for christians?
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+Gage Blackwood Great list. The religitards would claim Josephus Flavius wrote about Jesus. BUT, those passages were forged by Eusebius of Caesaria. The change in style and content type is glaringly obvious. Plus the passages use christian labels not even conceived of while Josephus was alive.
@Johnsmith-bf6yg 6 лет назад
Gage Blackwood 👏🏻
@gageblackwood8832 6 лет назад
Goaty McGoatface You got it! Nev Anderson & Jon Davy - Thank you!
@josuad6890 5 лет назад
i'll answer that for ya. 1.) His right hand I presume. 2.) Because God said so. 3.) Because it isn't real. 4.) They would argue that environment back then is better than now. But eh, back then they didn't have modern medicine and knowledge, so I'd argue that their life expectancy is even lower than now. 5.)"the world" according to bible, is just a very small portion of the actual world. I forgot where, but probably somewhere in middle east? So yeah, it would kinda make sense if a certain small area is speaking the same language. But why did they decided to split up their language? Godidit. 6.) Egypt was practically a superpower nation back then i suppose. even if it lost a portion of it's elite army and had a huge blow in it's capital, attacking a superpower nation who still have army garrisoned in it's other cities and forts would be stupid. beside, national power consist not only of a nation's military strength, but also their economy, political influence, etc. And regarding the evidence, well, let's just say "because the bible said so". 7.) It isn't even fucking real. and even if it is, it would be a terrifying source of "objective morality" as the christians claims it to be 8.) asking the real question here lol. never thought of that myself tbh. 9.) christians claims that the romans do indeed have a record of a man named jesus that was crucified, so they argue that jesus christ is an actual human being. But whether he's a god or even sinless is something only the bible said. 10.) freewillfreewillfreewillfreewillfreewillfreewillfreewillfreewill. yep. fucking free will. that's what they'd answer all day long, somehow forgetting that they claim god is omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient, aaand natural evil exists. Oh, and they'd claim that everyone willl be judged later in heaven by god so it'd balance out in the end. But then what? good people sent to heaven to become mindless "things" whose existence meant to worship god for all eternity? no thanks, I'll pass. 11.) They'd worship even your dick if it promises heaven and eternal happiness after they're dead. Just put your stick and carrot correctly, build an organization large enough to decieve people, hire lots and lots of apologist, and you're good.
@ninjafaceify 6 лет назад
Your voice, even when tearing someone a new one, has the amazing ability to calm me down and is like auditory caramel.
@brianreed1859 5 лет назад
No kidding. So calm and yet so direct and articulate. Really respect this guy.
@soaringeagle95 2 года назад
I recently started questioning the faith in question (that im currently in) more heavily since getting out of a cult in the faith. So far: AaronRA made more sense and give more straightforward answers than those in the faith who only can give the bible answers. Why is it that i ask questions that most avoid and yet they cannot give a non bible answer? I always wondered this. Thanks for listening to anyone who cares to.
@pythondrink Год назад
Lemme guess: the faith in question is Christianity and the cult is either LDS Church, Seventh-day Adventists or Jehovah's Witnesses.
@brotherga977 3 года назад
Aron Ra looks like the Undertaker retired from WWE and became an Atheist..aside from that joke this man has really helped me during my liberation from religious indoctrination. Thanks for this Aron
@crispymidget8531 6 лет назад
Can you imagine Aron cutting through all the political BS at a presidential debate in front of the nation? I would pay to see that!
@xz2487 5 лет назад
@notaurusexcretus938 5 лет назад
Cody Hald me to
@627mojo 5 лет назад
He would sell out faster than you could say Russian Collusion.
@cjermevpg6372 5 лет назад
I'm curious. Are you envisioning him as a candidate or as the moderator. I mean, either one would be awesome, but I'd just like to know.
@adamzaidi1748 5 лет назад
We already have someone for that and he is President Trump. The most successful president of modern times.
@Jason918114 5 лет назад
"... as if the eye of the needle is somehow big enough for rich evangelists to fly their private jets through..." What a great line.
@andrewjones9547 5 лет назад
they are hypocrites
@spacemint7881 5 лет назад
@marcdecock7946 4 года назад
I caught an infection in the digestive tract once in Italy. This thought me some things 1. people who consider our anatomy so great have never drunk water and both vomited and had diarrhea at the same time... 2. luckily some other person put his faith in science and drove me to the hospital 3. just a stupidly simple infusion of some kind of lemonade in the veins miraculously took me out of this probably deadly condition...
@smashexentertainment676 2 года назад
You're lucky that people didn't just prayed for you, but actually did something about it.
@tonyduncan9852 8 месяцев назад
Number 1 is very VERY true.
@diggie9598 7 месяцев назад
Lemonade 😂
@deanmoncaster 4 года назад
"what is our greater purpose" as a species...... To never cease to be. Nothing else
@M0rtanius 6 лет назад
All of those "questions" are nothing more than arguments from ignorance.
@veganatheistandmore 6 лет назад
M0rtanius I agree
@amindlost 6 лет назад
That's Lead's modus operandi. She doesn't understand what fallacies are, doesn't care that it's all she's got, and in her misunderstanding of what they are fails miserably at accusing others of doing exactly what she is guilty of. She is not reasonable, nor is she rational.
@kristinareeves612 6 лет назад
That why god fits for an answer as god stands for "I don't know"
@CyberChrist 6 лет назад
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+Kristina Reeves "I don't know" so ...therefore god
@sagaciousling5583 6 лет назад
I'm 99.9% certain this same chick called in to the Atheist Experience and got embarrassed by Matt Dillahunty with regard to that first "unanswerable" question.
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 5 лет назад
Omnorimli Thanks for that link. I remember watching awhile ago. She’s a hot mess. 🤣
@edwinicogo5022 5 лет назад
Not embarrassed but pummeled.
@Omnorimli 5 лет назад
@@edwinicogo5022 too stupid to realize what happened. "I KNOW WHAT A WIKI IS"
@rhysjones81 4 года назад
I like that line. "Only accurate information has practical application." Whenever I get involved in a dispute between someone I know and someone I don't, despite my inclination to preference my friend, I always hear out the other side. You never know when you're buddy has made a massive error in judgement and you're joining them in their burning building. The difference is, you walk off with your friend and buy them a beer so they don't feel so bad afterwards.
@occamtherazor3201 4 года назад
You look like you should be sitting in front of a 7-11 doing scratch-offs while nursing a bottle of Sisco.... But you sound like you should be teaching classes at Stanford. A very endearing mix.
@tsopmocful1958 3 года назад
They said much the same thing about Socrates and Diogenes. People who are into metal are often very intelligent indeed, so we should be careful about making assumptions based upon someone's superficial appearance or their choice of style.
@Steelmage99 3 года назад
@@tsopmocful1958 While I have yet to see anything that correlates music taste to intelligence, I certainly agree with you on being careful about assumptions.
@maxgonzalez214 3 года назад
What is Sisco?
@Paulogia 6 лет назад
Wow! Talk about using a tank (Aron's mind) to swat a fly (SJ's questions).
@phileas007 6 лет назад
hi Paul. Nice to see you here :)
@laurajarrell6187 6 лет назад
Suris You guys did just fine! I liked all the responses. And, I think it takes hearing a lot of differing views to help open an eye, or at least raise questions. With the evangelical right getting drumf to put in the judges,(146! so far!) they want, the constitution could be in the toilet as far as our rights. School prayer, no science, murica the chrishtun nashun, all that an more. Makes me glad I'm old! Well...., kinda! Love and Peace
@laurajarrell6187 6 лет назад
Paulogia I loved your comment! Aron is great. Damn, I wish he could be our president. He understands all that Americans really need. And, wouldn't suck up to dictators! Lucky Canadian you! Well, not sure trudeau is great. But not as bad. Love andcPeace
@Paulogia 6 лет назад
Thanks, Laura. Peace.
@THOMSY01 6 лет назад
You do great work too Paul.
@hellohello9769 6 лет назад
I love your work Aron Ra, too bad you are not the president of the United State.
@nevanderson1164 6 лет назад
+hello hello America seems to be adverse to intelligence in office. Obama is being painted as the worst president in history. From the outside looking in, it seems to be opposite. The only presidents not being slandered are the imbeciles, like George DubbleYah.
@xz2487 5 лет назад
@@nevanderson1164 He sure liked those drones though. 🙄
@tardigrade8019 3 года назад
where did consciousness come from, *gets a beer add* Good enough for me
@connorirons4542 3 года назад
Still a better answer than religion. I'll drink to that.
@jeffscholl6734 3 года назад
One time I was showing a friend a fossil (from Texas) and said it was probably millions of years old, a Christian overheard me and said he knew that was not possible since according to his bible earth was only 6000 years old. Of course their was no argument, I was at work, outnumbered, an over educated free thinker ( probably only one within miles of the place in Wichita Kansas) had long since learned nothing I would say would make them think.
@jbarn49 3 года назад
Not all Christians believe in a "Young Earth". Check out the videos of astrophysicist Hugh Ross and mathematician John Lennox. And BTW not all believe that there are questions atheists cannot answer. We may not agree, but we all have "answers". Even "I don't know" or "I'm not sure" are answers!
@jilliansmith7123 5 лет назад
How can you be so fierce and gentle at the same time, AronRa? I marvel at your abilities!
@furiousfemmeyazeth3362 5 лет назад
Right? His videos, I just find strangely alluring. His tone is both defiant, but also not over zealous. It's quite enjoyable to listen to.
@jilliansmith7123 5 лет назад
Rei of the Amaryllis: I love his voice. It's deep, it's soothing, it sounds like he really knows what he's talking about and wouldn't mislead us for anything. He even did a "mistakes" video pointing out the times he's misspoken or been wrong. It was very honest and I felt good about him that he did it.
@Puchuchi747 5 лет назад
That's a mane well groomed. He is a sophisticated lion.
@Vyral714 5 лет назад
@@Puchuchi747 what a badass way to put that. Bravo dude
@Puchuchi747 5 лет назад
@@Vyral714 thank you!
@shmick6079 5 лет назад
Bang. Spot on. It really is concerning how so many otherwise intelligent people can be so completely blinded by religious indoctrination.
@f4ptr989 4 года назад
You can’t know whether or not god exists, but you can know whether or not the christian god exists; any specific god really.
@cadependleton6384 4 года назад
I very much do appreciate your message and content. This is also the first of many videos I intend to watch. But your hair looks flawless and I love it
@lewisner 6 лет назад
Theists have been providing free entertainment for atheists since the dawn of mankind. We owe them thanks for that.
@christophersorensen6522 5 лет назад
Yes entertaining... but I'd give up that entertainment in a heartbeat if the atrocities in the name of these fools never happened.
@dolnick7 5 лет назад
Given that theists vote, I'd hardly call such entertainment free.
@richdandanell2911 5 лет назад
The harm Christianity does far out weighs the entertainment they provide .
@metatron478 5 лет назад
Not just entertaining but psychopathic and murderous.
@steve1189 5 лет назад
lol till the idiots kill in the name of their fairy tales.
@pablo30744 6 лет назад
Hitch: Is it not the case, that the spread of Christianity, about which you spoke so warmly and affectingly, in your opening remarks: attributing it to the innate truth of the Bible story, was it spread by that means, or because the emperor Constantine decided to make Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire? Which, in your view, contributed more to the spread of the faith? Turek: The Holy Spirit Hitch: I rest my case...
@michaeljames4509 Год назад
They can't really think these are unanswerable. 😳
@mezahatred 4 года назад
Must admit, i subbed after the 1st question was answered. Great video, looking forward to watch more.
@DiamondHobbit 6 лет назад
You and Hitchens are the best
@Engineer_Heathen 6 лет назад
Alisa SHAKTI I miss hitch, he was a great man.
@richardholmes7199 6 лет назад
@ayahuasca I chew up all atheists, atheists cannot refute me.
@HappyHeathen-JD 6 лет назад
Richard Holmes LMAO. Wow, fantasize much?? 😂😂
@richardholmes7199 6 лет назад
No, actually I could not be.
@richardholmes7199 6 лет назад
I do not lose debates to atheists on what I can present, in other words.
@mueezadam8438 4 года назад
More like _“11 questions that the atheists I debate in my head can’t answer”_
@CyberdyneSystems435 3 года назад
@kamion53 2 года назад
@Nehemiah Scudder and that was because he probably just hated the answers as coming too close to call.
@TheWombat2012 3 года назад
I’m sorry but I don’t get my history and scientific knowledge from a book written by Bronze Age desert tribesmen who didn’t know where the sun went at night...
@princessolmeca2933 3 года назад
What if someone potentially doesn't know what the answer is to one of these eleven questions? Does that prove Christianity is true? No, it doesn't.
@3gunslingers 6 лет назад
OF COURSE I as an atheist can't answer those questions! Because they don't concern atheism at all. But as a half ass educated person I can...
@AnthonyJones_Linuxson 6 лет назад
Loving your videos, smooth tone and respectful manner in which you handle all these arguments. Can honestly say I had my first "fingers-in-ears-na-na-na" experience today with a believer who just kept on and on, until he finally commented that no matter what evidence I brought or arguments I made, nothing would deter him from his faith. Keep up the good work, and love your videos
@michelemcdaniel6032 5 лет назад
Screw respecting delusions
@theitineranthistorian2024 3 года назад
fantastic aron. keep it moving along. I'm still living deep in the caliphate, in rural az.
@nathanielbarton8488 4 года назад
Evangelists: Why do I hear boss music?
@level97atheist4 6 лет назад
"Why are humans spiritual?" "We're not." LOL! Thanks for integrity, Aron! You're the closest thing to a prophet we got!
@tracyhaynes5404 5 лет назад
@M H you're not clair anything
@graham1158 5 лет назад
@M H M H You got that backwards. It's you that is the guy claiming to know everything. Unless you provide some evidence, your baseless claim remains to be a baseless claim. It is YOU that is making the positive claim, so the burden of proof lies upon you. And a claim without evidence can and should be disregarded. You made the positive claim that we are 'spirits' having a human experience. Where is your evidence for such an extraordinary claim? Where is your proof that spirits even exists? That is something that has never been evidently observed or in any way testified. I'm certainly not the guy pretending to know it all... That would be you.
@DutchJoan 6 лет назад
After all the rebuttals I've read and listened to and admired here is Yet Another OUTSTANDING one. What is there not to like about science?
@Dude4786EyeHaveAutism 4 года назад
Between 4:01 - 4:29 hit the nail right on the head
@davepavey2737 4 года назад
Wow. What a Knowledgeable speaker, I could not stop watching this. subscribed.
@Vadjong 6 лет назад
These apologists come straight out of their sunday school brain(?) storming sessions to just smack the hornet's nest and then run, run, run hard. Fingers in ears, feeling all righteous. Still, all these rational reactions they provoke are seen by many and will sting them in the back soon enough.
@Roxor128 6 лет назад
More like Sunday "school" brain-draining sessions.
@Ravenoustoxic 5 лет назад
Apologist: sixth sense? AronRa: Balance not psionic BURN!
@rubba6818 3 года назад
Aron Ra blows me away. Thank you indeed good sir, you are doing great things here, these videos will have repercussions possibly unimaginable to the future of human perception of concurrent reality. I find your videos deeply refreshing, like having a drink of cold ice tea after thirsting for decades. Thank you again.
@noahmcconnell5560 Год назад
"Gullibility is the soul criteria for redemption" 😆 agreed
@PaulTheSkeptic 6 лет назад
That's what I keep saying about these. They don't seem like questions atheists aren't supposed to be able to answer. They're more like some vague reasons to kind of believe in a basically supernatural aspect to reality with a bias toward Christianity. As if she's saying "Ah ha! Here are some vague reasons I sort of accept some vague supernatural aspects of reality. Explain that, Atheists!"
@dazhatz 6 лет назад
This is beautiful, truly beautiful. Thank you Aron.
@JariSatta 3 года назад
5:21 Pareidolia (wikipedia) is the tendency for incorrect perception of a stimulus as an object, pattern or meaning known to the observer, such as seeing shapes in clouds, seeing faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or hearing hidden messages in music.
@Brandovichie 2 года назад
understood, i will be there shortly
@aidanpeet2128 2 года назад
In my 12th year of Christian schooling. Cant believe it’s taken me this long to seriously question things
@mwfmtnman 2 года назад
Hey, good on you for starting too.
@tonyduncan9852 8 месяцев назад
That is what Christian schooling does for you. See the Dark Ages for the complete thing.
@dugganclhallrentals2089 6 месяцев назад
Good for you. Follow the facts wherever they lead. And ask questions.
@dudeist_priest 6 лет назад
You're the first one to bring up our other "senses" and I appreciate that.
@lewistaylor1965 6 лет назад
Checkout Stephen Fry on 'QI' here for 'How many senses are there?'ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CUn7zy8Ya20.html
@andyt1313 6 лет назад
Dudist Priest Fascinating. I never made the connection that those other sensations were actual distinct senses in and of themselves.
@HTYM 6 лет назад
11 "unanswerable" questions for atheists - utterly destroyed*
@Scroteydada 6 лет назад
What is the biggest question of all.
@ricksmith3442 6 лет назад
+Rob T OK......here's your chance to display your 2+ brain cells and demonstrate intelligent design. Evidence only.....not logical fallacies and assertions. .....hop to it
@ricksmith3442 6 лет назад
+Rob T Nobody knows how the universe came into being.....at this time. Not science and certainly not bible thumping dunces whose source is a collection of bronze age goat herder myths. If you have actual verifiable evidence for this "god" of yours, present it...but you won't because you know there is no verifiable evidence for the supernatural.....idiot. lol Want proof you are an idiot? You spout logical fallacy and then commit one with this bullshit: "through energies and powers we do not understand." I.E. God." Not understood processes does not equal God. It does equal not understood. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
@ricksmith3442 6 лет назад
+ Rob T "a bunch of educated idiots that call themselves scientists who can't agree on why the sky is blue" Provide primary sources for this "bunch of educated idiots who call themselves scientists" where they address the color of the sky, what Pluto is, and how the Big Bang happened. .....or are you simply pulling bullshit out of your ass? "millions of examples of intelligent design." Repeating a logical fallacy won't change the fact your assertion is a logical fallacy.....idiot. BTW, nobody gives a rat's ass what you *believe* .....but what can you demonstrate to be true. .....hop to it or STFU. lol
@ricksmith3442 6 лет назад
+Rob T I'm making this a separate thread in this discussion so everyone can be sure and read your answer. You said: "see millions of examples of intelligent design" Let's take just one example from this super duper all powerful god designer of yours.....where he/she/it created humans with an orifice for *BOTH* breathing and eating....which has caused the deaths of millions over the course of human existence. What kind of fuckwit designer does that which you call "intelligent"? BWAHAHAHAHA
@CC-wq8yz 3 года назад
I find your videos persuasive and satisfying and wish I was as eloquent as you are. I do have trouble understanding why so many other people out there hang onto their unfounded delusional beliefs in an invisible old man in the sky. Keep up the great service you’re providing to those who might doubt their brainwashed beliefs.
@schrisdellopoulos9244 3 года назад
Pattern recognition is so simple and obvious, therefore so ignored by apologists. One of our favorites games as kids was to lie on our backs and find images in the clouds. Quite certain this is played in all cultures and throughout history.
@mediathenetrunner1674 5 лет назад
Damn dude you do not hold back! I get the impression that you are tired of answering the same questions over and over again. Props to you for being able to stay relatively sane for so long
@darrylelam256 6 лет назад
Not only did she not change the name of her video after many atheists answered her 'unanswerable' questions. She put out another video of five more questions that we can't answer... Its like she can't learn from her own mistakes.
@devilsadvocate701 6 лет назад
Darryl Elam she knows what she's doing. It's all about the clicks
@darrylelam256 6 лет назад
RU-vid Epistemologist Yea its click bait and nothing more. However while it may help her views, it only hurts her religion.
@eugenecoleman8525 3 года назад
@ 9:50 I don't understand why it is so miraculous to some people that we happen to exist in a location/environment that allows us to lol
@noneofyourbusiness7965 4 года назад
I enjoy occasionally coming to this channel to watch the entertaining content put out by this charismatic preacher and then reading the comments from his emotionally invested followers.
@steveswangler6373 4 года назад
NoneOfYourBusiness are you disappointed you didnt get ANY responses to your loaded comment? LOL apparently we are more emotionally stable than you expected
@noneofyourbusiness7965 4 года назад
@@steveswangler6373 I never got a response? You didnt just respond to me? I don't really care actually. I never said anyone was emotionally unstable. Have a great day.
@gavsmith1980 6 лет назад
The astounding part of this is, she thinks her video is useful for Christian apologetics rather than the complete embarrassment it really is.
@fredriksundberg4624 5 лет назад
gavsmith1980 : And she has also invited Sye Ten Bruggencate to her podcast, and she has also invited an atheist to her podcast to have an '' debate with?''. And yes you've guessed it right. A trainwreck of dumpsterfires, but fun/amusing to watch though, i got several good laughs from it, so watch enjoy and laugh. Have fun.
@timq6224 5 лет назад
therein lies the entertainment value
@miskatonic_alumni 5 лет назад
Apologetics has been nothing but a joke for 2,000 years. There is a reason why Christians were staunch enemies of free speech for most of their history.
@JoaquinArguelles 5 лет назад
When I freed myself from Christianity some 25 years ago, I remember still being scared of "WHAT IF God and hell and the devil actually do exist?" NOW I see that that's like asking if the Easter Bunny exists. That fear has long subsided. Thank you very very much for this very clear and well thought out presentation. It is dense with high quality information and wisdom (real wisdom).
@IIrandhandleII 5 лет назад
Yep exactly...i always think of leprechauns not existing either.
@uncommonsense7471 4 года назад
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.
@cpunykurde 4 года назад
I had the same reaction for years! As a teenager, after leaving religion, I came up with Pascal's wager myself... I was considering living my life according to catholic religion just in case I ever come back to it. Now that I think about it, I guess I can credit this: - bible quote about only fools not believing + my parents telling me "who do you think you are to go against God? you will become humble one day and see how foolish you are now" - my father telling me that all the greatest scientists first go atheist, but as their knowledge increases, they become believers - my whole country (Poland) having no religious diversity, having catholic religion classes by default at every school, and society never even coming up with a thought that some other (or no) religion might be true. Catholicism was taught to me and other children as a fact, not as a belief. This can really screw up our minds.
@josephjustice4553 4 года назад
I still worry about that. I mean, if the God we don t like does exist, then we are screwed anyway.
@uncommonsense7471 4 года назад
@@josephjustice4553 You are only screwed in your mind. God sent his son as a symbol of his love. Why reject it? The Lord Jesus Christ doesn't leave you to doubt when you admit who you truly are and accept and trust him as your savior. He gives you the Holy Spirit as a comforter and assurance of your salivation.
@dogwalker666 2 года назад
Even Neanderthals had compassion for each other, 40,0000 years before christianity.
@dogwalker666 2 года назад
Indeed I have made that point too.
@metalhead0274 3 года назад
You definitely have the best intro and ending music of all the RU-vidrs I follow or watch..that is for sure.. Adding in the great content of course
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