
9 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 

Sam Ovens
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9 сен 2024




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@samovenstv 5 лет назад
Were these 9 lessons helpful? Let me know what you think here in the comments...?
@seanbenson6943 5 лет назад
Sam Lannister
@masternobody1896 5 лет назад
After seeing your details and I am kind the confused should be doctor or entrepreneurs
@hashishmat 5 лет назад
Sam Ovens how should we pay our bills if quite or 9-5 until we succeed?
@hamzahakim9777 5 лет назад
Thank you so much! You dropped some good value
@DonaldBrown255 5 лет назад
Hey Sam I'm really glad you touched upon having a job and a business. Wouldn't this vary on the individual as some of your students started their business while working full-time jobs?
@ProjectHighestSelf 7 месяцев назад
I'll add to the point of going all in your business. Realize that once you start seeing some real success in your own business, other's will reach out to you for help. You'll have friends & family members that see you as their only source of success. And expect you to help them all throughout the way to reach the same level of success as you or higher. Nothing inherently wrong with that. But they'll do so expecting to do the minimal amount of work and waiting for your to tell them some 'Secret' that'll instantly skyrocket them to success. The only solution you'll have at that point is accepting them for who they're and setting up clear boundaries on what you will or will not do. Believe when a lot of people say success doesn't come easy. It really doesn't. You'll have to cut out a lot of people who were close to you, or you're better of not falling for status signaling like Sam talks about in this video with the examples of billionaires in their chevy.
@MrAstrojensen 5 лет назад
What I like most about these videos is their honesty. There is no fancy intro or outtro, no fancy music, no fancy editing, no ads, no bullshit. But there is CONTENT.
@MakeBanco 5 лет назад
Haha I hate when they have these dumb intros with their lifestyle and other crap. i’m just get to the point maaaan haha nobody cares lol
@cpmvmaker1 4 года назад
MrAstrojensen that’s good old Sammy Ovens for ya!
@jhgkget 2 года назад
How to beast does that a lot :/
@precisionsoundworksstudio Год назад
Hear, Hear!
@FamilyReunionPhotography 8 месяцев назад
I just learned of you today. Wow, I’ve been listening to the wrong people. I got more from this one video than 2 years of “guru” courses that always say, “Don’t worry about the ‘how’ just start.” Well, I always knew 02/24 was when I’d be ready, and I am. All I’m saying is I had 2 years to put good stuff in my brain while I needed to wait. I heard a lot of good things during that time, but this video is gold.
@jesmat2006 5 лет назад
1. You are where you are because of you. You are responsible for you. 2. Business is about Solving Problems. Its not about some bright new idea. Find out pain points in your industry & pick one & that becomes your niche 3. If Entrepreneurship is your goal, you don’t need formal college degrees. An abstraction can never be as good as simulating reality like Reality can 4. Go all in or go all out. Real good progress requires your full attention. Quit your Day Job if you need to. 5. Lions don’t care about sheep’s opinions. Take advice only from doers, not talkers. 6. Cashflow first, Long term Thinking next. 7. When lost or confused, focus on the customer & what’s best for them. 8. Stay lean & frugal. Invest back into the business to run the machine better. 9. Focus is a superpower. Double down on it. Focus & constantly improve your business
@bossgd100 2 года назад
Thank you
@mufaddalsjr Год назад
Thank you@@bossgd100
@igor-fekete 7 месяцев назад
Thank you ✌️
@Wealthward 5 месяцев назад
Not all heroes wear capes
@cracklingsoda 28 дней назад
Thanks a bunch
@gravitydisc 7 месяцев назад
January 26, 2024 and this is still just absolute gold. The truth never goes out of style. Thanks Sam!
@muhammadsaiful8014 5 лет назад
1. Where you are in life right now is nobodies doing but your own. You are solely responsible. 2. Business is all about solving problems. Don’t come up with ideas, look for problems. 3. If you want to start a business you don’t need to go to university. 4. Starting a business while working a 9-5 job is near impossible. Go all in or get all out. 5. Lions don’t care about the opinions of sheep. Popularity and opinions are false positives/negatives. Ignore them. 6. When you first start in business, cashflow should be your #1 goal. When you have cashflow, start thinking long-term. 7. When you’re lost and confused, focus on the customer and what’s best for them, everything else will follow. 8. Stay lean and frugal: If you buy things you don’t need, soon you will have to sell things you do need. Be an emperor with clothes. 9. Focus is a superpower: Keep the main thing the main thing. If you don’t sacrifice for your goal, your goal will become the sacrifice.
@cynthiayeboah-addo4434 4 года назад
@DanDasilvaToday 5 лет назад
If you look closely at the reflection of Sam Ovens back of head, you can see his control panel with the on and off switch.
@RafaelCintron 5 лет назад
@bastianrivero 5 лет назад
But you can never turn it off
@lemonangelsNZ 5 лет назад
LOL - nice one :)
@basselmatta6888 5 лет назад
Wtf dan 😅 funny but disrespectful
@KittenestCupcakes 5 лет назад
You see a robot. I see a woke man
@djtuzilo 5 лет назад
This Video needs to be framed on the wall.
@sammmmmyyyyy Год назад
The 9 things- 1 Wherever you are in life right now, it’s all your responsibility. You have control over your fate. 2 Business is all about solving problems. You don’t need ideas, you need problems. 3 You don’t need to go university, if you want to be an entrepreneur. 4 You need to be All-in your business. Stop managing jobs, biz, etc 5 Stop giving a f of other people’s opinions. Non entrepreneur advice is useless. You are not a civilian anymore. 6 In start,cash flow is the number 1 priority. Cash flow is your oxygen. 7 When you’re lost and confused, focus on customer satisfaction and what’s best for them. 8 Stay lean and frugal. Don’t fall for lifestyle creep. 9 Keep your main thing the main thing. Keep making your product better. Focus.
@jonanthony2432 4 года назад
"If you don't sacrifice for your goal, your goal will become the sacrifice." Woah.
@Blackpilld 5 лет назад
You should teach at university and kick those crooks out
@lasthhh7804 5 лет назад
I really love how you are giving advices for free, when others are selling it. keep the hard work 💙
@ryanhastings1229 5 лет назад
Selling* (;
@fitnesspoint2006 5 лет назад
Nothing is for free. You will pay for it one way or another. Law of the universe.
@NEO_FromTheMatrix Год назад
That's what people with actual businesses & know how to get money do! The others are grifters.
@jundeleon8704 4 года назад
im 27 years old man and i come back to this video when i feel lost with my business. lol
@j.n.agoston436 5 лет назад
I'm 20. Thanks for this video.
@lovelycourses5503 2 года назад
Don't be a victim. Invest in yourself this is the leason for 20's.
@sahilagrawal922 3 года назад
I am a 21 years entrpreneur and glad I know these things at 21, already following some of those but got lots of new wisdom to implement. LOVE YOU SAM...CHANGED MY MINDSET.
@tylertimelord 2 года назад
Same here man! How’s the progress?
@victorianoroque4983 5 лет назад
I'm 21 and this is the most valuable video I've ever seen
@tenpastpete-fruitopian423 5 лет назад
Agree with all those Sam. I would add one extra......the importance on health, wellness and fitness. You could have all the money and success in the world but if you don't have these........what is the point?!?!?!?!
@sandercohen3309 5 лет назад
Many people say that they’ll “sleep when they’re dead”, but with that mentality you might not have to wait that long. Eat healthy, sleep properly and be a little active each day. Doing these three simple things will drastically improve quality and length of life. The longer you live and the less issues you have to deal with, the more opportunity for success you’ll get.
@topdog5252 2 года назад
I completely agree
@aslanmadeniyatov 7 месяцев назад
I agree 👍🏻
@monkmodementor 5 лет назад
Can't wait to hear Sam's advice on how to max out your 20s.
@Generalfussi 5 лет назад
Though I like Sam and his advice, "maxing out your 20s" in the style of him or Gary Vee will for most people, you very probably included, result in severely bad thoughts in old age. In his video on discipline he basically gives the advice to sacrifice everything for the cause and well, it sounds good. But for what purpose will you have that business then? Maxing out your 20s is total efficiency in Sams sense in these videos, which in general might not be a "maxing out" for you. Sadly.
@rustyray420 5 лет назад
@@Generalfussi it is what it is though. To be successful in anything not just entrepreneurship, you have to sacrifice a lot to get to the top.
@fonprojekti4975 3 года назад
Your channel is great!
@asieralonso2800 5 лет назад
There's no anyone doing it more real than you, thats why you have success. Get money helping people for real, no bs, and realising high quality free content.
@mariozapata7573 Год назад
This is a helpful video. Thank Sam, from a guy under 20.
@legendarycreatormindset 5 лет назад
@ToughLovePapi 5 лет назад
Don’t look for ideas, look for problems. Fuck, incredible insight!
@TheJroddude 5 лет назад
Unfortunately I was out on my own since I was 14. Now I’m 22 and something changed when I was 20. I stopped dating and I moved into my parents house. I haven’t had motivation to work. And overall it seems depressing from the outside. But I’ve never been happier. I don’t hangout with friends. I just spend time at home and with the family. Every few months something intriguing happens. But for the most part you’d see no reason for my happiness to get better. However; here’s the change Being isolated has taught me a lot. It’s given me a sense of independence, as silly as that sounds. It’s taught me to educate on my own, think on my own, progress on my own. And MOST importantly, it’s shown me how to not care what people think about me. It feels like a blessing in disguise having “hit rock bottom”. My biggest issue growing up was other people’s opinions of me. I’ve always prided myself on my intelligence and kindness. And as nice as that sounds, I still struggled with people perception and opinions. I tried the “fake it til you make it” approach. And failed, partially. But learned in the process. What I learned is that; the REAL you is who you want to be. Even if you don’t see value in yourself. The most progress I’ve seen this past year and a half was my personal interests. I’ve invested money into music equipment. I’ve researched everyday different “Wantrepreneur” methods of creating income flow. (As of now I haven’t jumped on any of them) but I have created at least a low-quality foundation for my future. I now know who I am I know who I care about I know who I want to help with my success Identifying who you are and what will make you happy is the biggest step. I’m starting to think this is a needless description of my mediocre life. But hopefully some people can relate with my point in life. Hateful comments appreciated Helpful comments always welcomed Much love guys, And credits to Sam Ovens for making me want to write this out Enjoy your time on your own guys Don’t lose focus by not knowing what to focus on Figure out yourself slowly but surely , and solidify your core moral principles Good luck guys
@tjking44 5 лет назад
Glad to hear that you are growing in thought and coming to these realizations. I can relate with your situation and my only words of encouragement to you are to "do" just as much as you "think". It's easy to get caught in analysis paralysis and, as Sam mentions, there is no teacher like real life experience. Pursue everything you are passionate about and fail often. Failure is the best teacher.
@MikeBarron1 2 года назад
Found myself going back to your old vids man! Looking forward for updated ones!
@cpmvmaker1 4 года назад
As a 20 year old consultant, I appreciate this content. Thanks Sam.
@fix098 3 года назад
Haha. I see what you did here
@MariaMilenovasArt Год назад
This really helped. I am attempting to make a living from my Art & Writing. My goal definitely isn't being a millionaire. I am thinking something small scale just to escape the 9-5 box, but those videos definitely help keep me on track each time I forget how to focus. Thanks Sam! Best wishes to you and your family.
@KevinKamto 11 месяцев назад
if you want to escape the 9-5 box, you should aim to become at least a millionaire. on this side of the economic system, making a million dollars is relatively normal. From what I've seen, most people work a job, of those people, most people that go into business for themselves don't make it beyond $100k. Then from those, most people that do make it past $100k are millionaires (at least)
@ryanhartigan 5 лет назад
Oh man that part about people criticizing and having so much shit to say to anybody who becomes an entrepreneur - damn that fucking resonates
@andreabolanos7524 5 лет назад
I like your sense of humour and by the way I bought the course.excited to start
@tagritel 5 лет назад
You are the most honest and transparent person talking about business in the entire RU-vid. Kudos to you Sam.
@thrubelseyes2750 5 лет назад
WOW This video is AWESOME, I truly love content that help you learn, this video is SO valuable. thank you, thank you, thank you
@jamileclerc3573 5 лет назад
Hey Sam, I have been feeling overwhelmed by all the different information available (Free and paid) and honestly a lot of great advice out there is focused on building the long term business but that can't happen if you don't get the short term (The main thing) going smoothly. Here I was sacrificing client work to write content or learn how to film youtube videos or build a new lead gen funnel, when in the end it all comes down to helping your customers in the best way you can. Thanks for bringing me back to the basics!
@CrowPlaysHD 4 года назад
NO ONE, not a single person was able to explain Entrepreneurship so clearly. Fucking Amazing, thank you! You helped me out of a snowstorm.
@rahulgarakoti8223 3 года назад
being simple is always better than anything
@Smmasfinest 5 лет назад
Glad I’m learning this at 14
@HitHitex 4 года назад
Are you focusing on your business or your goals? Have you been taking action in those 10 months after you saw this video ? I'm just a reminder to NOT GIVE UP and achieve your goals.
@Smmasfinest 4 года назад
HitHitex hey man, I am! I’ve been working in the digital marketing space and I need to work on my sales as I have gotten many meeting with zero sales that’s my focus at he moment. But yes I’m still working towards my goals
@Dave610Jones 2 года назад
Got about half way through this video and hit pause. I have, or should say had, 4 piles and large storage bins of notes and pads of paper and DVDs and CDs dating back to 2005 when I started marketing online. I went through them and threw out about 97% of it. Kept what I could use moving forward and filed it accordingly. On my way to bringing my product to the market with focus. Thanks Sam!
@jstoehner4769 5 лет назад
Sam ovens showing that the only way to get people to truly trust you and buy your program is through truthful and actually helpful information. Love it, but shows that it isn't as easy to get people's trust as it used to be.
@BramLagrou 2 года назад
If you don't sacrifice for your goal, your goal will be sacrificed. -- love that saying!
@PsilocybeTeachers Год назад
thank you, friend 😎👌
@tralvisbellamy5875 5 лет назад
This is the best video, that I’ve seen !!
@athmunrajkumar1877 5 лет назад
THANK YOU. You are the personification of a better, successful version of myself because some of the ideas you so succinctly crystallized have been bouncing around my head for years but have never really manifested into words till I watched you say them. The rest are brand new ideas that only true experience brings. So thank you. Today I have found not just a mentor, but my mentor, I have found a great light, a massive beacon of hope (one that radiates the way for me and more than that you communicate knowledge that is framed in a way that resonates with me) . Thank you
@Gulfraz. Год назад
Reading your comment was so poetic and inspiring. Hope things are going well for you brother
@predator1820 Год назад
Man you just hit all my business lesson / mistakes
@heimes7625 5 лет назад
Sam Ovens is Nr 1 guy in consulting business and truth telling about the value of creating products and doing business. I am 42 and I wished I would have heard all this stuff earlier in my life. Triple AAA, still enjoying - great job Sam
@ezelkaraelmas282 5 лет назад
110% agree with you Sam, Great useful stuff
@Jerry.Luna63 2 года назад
Thanks Sam 🙏
@S_ei_S 2 года назад
Thank you so much. Youre helping me a lot.
@5P4C3V01D Год назад
This video saved my life. Honestly.
@ecombdarija6669 2 года назад
video with 30 min better than 5 year in university
@POPNOVA12 2 года назад
i honestly from bottom of my heart can't stop watching this guys videos
@abdeljalil6642 6 месяцев назад
This was refreshing thank you
@FamilyReunionPhotography 8 месяцев назад
I just learned of you today. Wow, I’ve been listening to the wrong people. I got more from this one video than 2 years of “guru” courses that always say, “Don’t worry about the ‘how’ just start.” Well, I always knew 02/24 was when I’d be ready, and I am. All I’m saying is I had 2 years to put good stuff in my brain while I needed to wait. I heard a lot of good things during that time, but this video is gold.
@inthedms82 5 лет назад
Sam you are a 100% right I’m Nigerian we’re no where near the poorest but with a population of over 200 million people are very religious but I’m grateful I live a bit above average life and yeah many people believe they must suffer on earth and I just wish they would Change their mindset. I’m 16 rn and I believe no I know I am destined to change as many lives as I can in Africa. Please remember he name John Gbenga Babington. I will break the odds
@lextor4712 5 лет назад
I will remember you - now go for your dreams and make daily progress.
@inthedms82 5 лет назад
@@lextor4712 thank you so much
@RT-. 7 месяцев назад
How's it going?
@abdulhafeez6527 Год назад
All IN or All OUT ! hits me differently
@gerasp8407 5 лет назад
I can't grasp the idea off all the college debt out there, and here we have this for FREE! Thank you Sam.
@Katriyayirasa Год назад
1. “look around you, you’re responsible for the life you have” I look around and see beautiful mountain on one side of my beautiful apartment in phuket, on the other side is the ocean and the view of my man on the couch. Damn we built this and it certainly feels good.
@eliakaiser1290 5 лет назад
Every Video is just so valuable! Especially sharing failures of yours so others can learn from it and prevent them. Thanks!
@realMartinHamilton 5 лет назад
Great info! Love your metaphors because it makes your points so crystal clear. You just keep on giving Sam! You're way wiser than any 29 year old I've ever seen. Thanks!
@xile2092 5 лет назад
Yes, thank you.... You got me at the beginning though.... Thank you Sam.
@GameSmarttHD 4 года назад
One of the most valuable and insightful videos I've watched in a while (and trust me I've watched a LOT of useless crap). Definitely going to rewatch this and take notes, I'm an 18 year old entrepreneur and I've noticed a lot of these thinking patterns and problems appear in my own life. Will definitely try and curb them early!
@user6p0 9 месяцев назад
how is it going for you?
@rockathon33 5 лет назад
So far you're The most intelligent person I've ever learned from in life because of your comprehensive, accurate understanding of how reality & business works. You know it very well. I've been researching this sort of stuff over the last 5 years and haven't really came across another video as truthful as this one is; other people's videos on these types of subjects are so fraught with woo I can hardly stand it and I think a lot of people could attest to that lol.. Anyhow, I'm 20 years old right now and find your videos extremely helpful, so thanks @Sam Ovens for giving away such crucial information!
@liamc1102 4 года назад
@moonjoo9263 5 лет назад
Best entrepreneurial content. No background music, no fluff, no gimmicks. Just good content.
@santimerino 5 лет назад
Thank you so much, Sam, you just gave me time.
@ItzJackYe 3 года назад
Sam does not even have adds on his vids what a boss !
@LS-wg1vp 4 месяца назад
Brilliant 🙏Thanks for sharing.
@DoubleMyIncomeSociety 2 года назад
Good stuff as always!
@techsalesprophet 5 лет назад
You've got a wonderful way of simplifying success. I've made a RU-vid folder of your videos just to show my future kids when the time is right.
@thrylos32 Год назад
This video has 150k views and should have millions. Perfect lessons whatever age you might be 🤯🙏 Thank you sir!
@2ears1mouth786 5 лет назад
Okay here are my excessive notes. I haven't read over them so please excuse mistakes. I find them useful in this longer format sometimes, maybe you do too? 1. Where you are in life right now is nobodies doing but your own. You are solely responsible. - Look at where you are in life right now and understand that it’s solely YOU who did it. Not anybody else, you. Your fault. - Until you understand that you will never be able to take control. If you think life happens to you, you won’t be able to make a change. - Correlation between poorest countries and religion. Religion makes them think they’re here to suffer and have little control and they’ll have a good life when they die. That belief will have you eternally screwed. - In your life you have the steering wheel, control of your fate. It’s all you’re doing. 2. Business is all about solving problems. Don’t come up with ideas, look for problems. - It’s not at all about ideas. Not even breakthrough ideas. Go to a group of people you’re interested in and ask them what the most painful part of their day is, what keeps them up at night, what are you really stressed about… etc. Really understand them. Get out of your own mind, stop thinking about you!! Then once you’ve found this problem you try to find a solution, and that is your idea. Once you have a solution value is created and then people pay money. The richest people in the world solve the biggest problems. They’re not the best at applying Porter’s 5 forces… or any other Uni BS. - FORGET WHAT MAKES BUSINESS COMPLEX. IT’S JUST ABOUT SOLVING PROBLEMS. SO FIND A BIG PROBLEM AND SOLVE IT!! 3. If you want to start a business you don’t need to go to university. - Sam did go to Uni because he didn’t know what to do. It’s better to go there than sitting at home doing nothing if you don’t know what to do. - If you know you want to be an entrepreneur then you don’t need university. Starting your business in the real world is a better learning experience than any university can be. Because University is trying to abstract/simulate reality and that cannot be as effective as reality! Go and play in the main (real) thing. 4. Starting a business while working a 9-5 job is near impossible. Go all in or get all out. - No matter how much you try!!! Your body will be at the job but your mind in your business. And you won’t be able to do either well. - When you quit the job you will be worried but everything gets better. Apply your full conscious attention. 5. Lions don’t care about the opinions of sheep. Popularity and opinions are false positives/negatives. Ignore them. - (Me) IT REALLY HELPS TO KNOW HOW PEOPLE AND CROWDS WORK. If you can justify to yourself and others why you don’t care, then you will be able to do your thing much more easily!!! - You’ve got all these years of conditioning. And when you’re talking to someone you’re looking in there eyes, looking at their facial reactions etc etc and you learn to optimise based on other people’s reactions based on what you’re doing. And that’s how you’re learning what is acceptable and what’s not and this happens during your entire life. - But when you start a business it’s like you suddenly become a black sheep. Suddenly everyone’s looking at you, criticising you, thinking you’re doing weird stuff… and they say you’ve changed, different, etc. Everyone tells you it’s not going to work and you should stay at uni or work and get a house etc. - The moment you become an entrepreneur non-entrepreneur advice is no longer valuable. A lion doesn’t care about the opinions of sheep!!! - Ignore these opinions. It’s easier said than done, sure. You have to learn to put up with them over time. Don’t ask for people’s opinions - never! But people will still force them on to you, and when they do just say “okay whatever” and do not try to defend yourself because you will just look weak! If you have to defend yourself to some civilian’s opinion it just means you’re unsure yourself. - THE BEST REVENGE / FUCK YOU I WAS RIGHT IS TO WIN!!!!!!!! - Stop trying to win little verbal arguments with civilians, focus on work, don’t say anything!!! Stay quiet, smash your goals and clap for your damn self!!!!!!!!!!! Say things with your results. Just make it work and focus solely on that!!! Don’t care about criticism just win. 6. When you first start in business, cashflow should be your #1 goal. When you have cashflow, start thinking long-term. - Don’t make the inverse mistake either! - Once you have cashflow you should solve big problem. 7. When you’re lost and confused, focus on the customer and what’s best for them, everything else will follow. - As an entrepreneur you can get surrounded by an overwhelming amount of information and differing opinions. When you find yourself in that situation. You need to focus on the customer and what’s best for them! This can get you out of a blizzard. - Note: the amount of clarity Sam has is astounding!!!! - What is my niche, who are the humans in my niche, what’s their problem, what’s it like, what solution am I offering to them, how does it create value, and how can I make that better? How can I understand their problem better and make my solution better? How can I add more value to them… - It’s easy when you’re in a blizzard to think you need ads or marketing or you need to be an influencer, need to write book, need to be on Oprah, need to be in NYT… you don’t need any of that! 8. Stay lean and frugal: If you buy things you don’t need, soon you will have to sell things you do need. Be an emperor with clothes. - Don’t start buying things as soon as you make money. Don’t get into the whole lifestyle thing. You get something called lifestyle creep, and it’s silent and begins to suffer you like boa constrictor. And you’ll start pulling the chain on your business and it will become a slave animal whenever you need money to get the massive boa constrictor off your back. This only ends one way - in failure. - KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STAY IN CONTROL. Keep the main thing the main thing. - Stay focused on the game, not the rewards of it and the damn toys! It only ends one way! It’s like a mind trick… and to overcome it you need to focus on the game - solving the problem for your customers better than anybody else. - Keep your lifestyle lean and simple. It’s so much more freeing and nice when it doesn’t cost that much money for your to live month after month and you’re not trying to look like you’re successful. If you’re successful you don’t need to look like it, you just know. Often the people trying to look it aren’t it. 9. Focus is a superpower: Keep the main thing the main thing. If you don’t sacrifice for your goal, your goal will become the sacrifice. - The no 1 thing Sam’s learned in business. Once you know your niche and problem and solution. Just never forget after that! Remember it and keep making it better. The only way to mess this up is if you forget or don’t make it better! Latter someone will make it better and take it away from you. - Everyone’s forgotten how to focus! You have to sacrifice. Give up hobbies, weekends, etc. If you don’t sacrifice for your goal, your goal will become the sacrifice. Sam doesn’t do parties, alcohol, TV entertainment, etc etc. You will constantly have to sacrifice. You can’t keep it all. Clear out the trophies of your past. The only way to keep climbing is to drop baggage, get a lighter pack to keep climbing. Thanks Sam!!!!
@emmvee2932 2 года назад
Thanks a lot for your notes!!
@BunchofStyles 3 года назад
I told my therapist how helpful you been in my entrepreneurial journey
@eamonshields2754 4 года назад
Thank you Sam. Just thank you
@FaithQuest_ 2 месяца назад
20 right now, about to start my entrepreneurial (hardest word ever) journey I'll keep updating this every year to mark my progress as well as mark important milestones i reach, hopefully tis video and/or youtube stay around for me to get back to it 2024: No money, literally just me at home watching this right now, lots of dreams i wanna reach but i'm just starting out. I don't know much but i'm willing to learn.
@masteryourfat7893 5 лет назад
Unadulterated, no fluff, straight to the point. I resonate with your content as it is clear with no gimmicks. I also appreciate that you refer to existing billionaires in regards to your concepts. Keep it coming!
@seemeseeyou456 4 года назад
The last one hits home
@EmeryDee 5 лет назад
I really appreciate the information you disseminate. Thank you, Sam.
@CryptoWizards 5 лет назад
So much wisdom here. Really glad I’m watching this.
@rogerherbert58 2 года назад
Great advice , as always Sam. Please keep up the with sharing this life changing advice
@TheGoodLifeStarterPack 7 месяцев назад
New subscriber here. Love your content! The Jeff Bezos Method: customer-centric and everything else, literally, falls into place 🙌🏾
@jordanstorey5321 5 лет назад
So much truth. This knowledge will go over most people’s heads. These are things that are best experienced to fully understand. Being an entrepreneur requires a totally different mindset then what you’ve been conditioned to know.
@JoshuaOAdesiyan 5 лет назад
It's Low cost video production, High Value content. Sam is a master gradually becoming a Legend.
@ConnorFlavell 5 лет назад
Thank you Sam for taking the time for making this free video - appreciate the wisdom
@Leah-mf8ef 3 года назад
I always come back to your videos when I feel lost. Thank you Sam!
@mirandasummer 4 года назад
BEST single Piece of frecken advice I could have gotten this year of 2019!!. That's it , I'm quitting uni.. I hate every min of it , and just went thru it bc of my parents.
@jirehtay6092 5 лет назад
Holy shit. He's only 29? I thought he's in his mid 30s based on his success, experience and of course facial hair
@erxfav3197 5 лет назад
stress will do a lot to you... Sam lives a life without God, as "successful" as he may seem financially or on paper.. what does it mean (in the end) Is it worth it, is what you have to decide...
@sandercohen3309 5 лет назад
Facial hair? Are we watching the same guy?
@FranklinLive 5 лет назад
@@erxfav3197 Trust me, you don't stress when you have money lol. Last thing on our mind.
@erxfav3197 5 лет назад
Franklin Hatchett stress comes in many forms.. You could be stressed and not even know it... There is a lot of pressure for keeping up the lifestyle you’ve had Why do you think so many rich people are unhappy or commit suicide? Money isn’t everything And the fruits of it are often short lived Everyone has their own opinion but I think if your focus is on getting money you will lose in the end I think the people who are really successful are there because they focused more on the thing Whatever that was for them The vehicle which helped cultivate the finances Nevertheless Sam looks and sounds stressed or not well I could be wrong and it could also be diet but he doesn’t look like a happy person.. like ever.. And you only have one life to live you don’t know what day it will be up Regardless my focus is not on “living a happy life” in this life either But knowing God
@erxfav3197 5 лет назад
Franklin Hatchett and yes that stress will prematurely age you as the original poster said.. and Sam looks older than he is
@jorgedias5679 5 лет назад
Amazing Sam! Top quality tips!
@inthedms82 5 лет назад
Thank you so much Sam I’m 16 right now
@admininfostdr 5 лет назад
no comment , no words, Thanks Sam for posted video!
@cameronlimitless 5 лет назад
Thanks for the Video on Track Man coming 24 been doing this for a Year and what got me in this was being unsure about getting a Job again I left uni when I knew I could build a business online, and TBA I always did want too... The Most valuable part of this for me was to Focus on Short Term instead of the Long term and Get the Cash Flow Going! I was fully committed but playing long-term I going out of the house and down the town to solve some Fast Problems! :) PEACE!
@TommyTech 5 лет назад
@s1eepr709 4 года назад
bro, you're a genius. i go through all of this. thank you
@ericavenarius5370 5 лет назад
Thanks Sam! A lot you said hit home here. Waiting for the next video! Eric
@theuchenick 4 года назад
The honesty in this video is brutal✅
@santimerino 5 лет назад
Watching this before 20 is a gift.
@neoocm 5 лет назад
So true! Every bit of it. This guy know what he talks about, he's been there so pay attention
@misterhairy8447 5 лет назад
I really love this Sam, just had to say that one more time. So much excellent advice. Sacrifice, focus and commitment. Words rarely heard or acted upon nowadays.
@Magicguy13 5 лет назад
Sam, thanks for this great video. All the points are helpful but the one that really stands out for me is that Business is solving problems. I also like the basic formula that you shares around this main point. Thanks
@2367J 5 лет назад
Was in one of those thought "blizzards". It's so clarifying to go back and focus on solving the problem for the customer :)
@GhostSamaritan 2 года назад
You can not control everything in your life, like where your born or what genetics you were born with. Focus on the variables you can control!
@Blackpilld 5 лет назад
You struck a personal chord with number 4. I'm doing the half in but I'm married with a kid and my business isn't paying yet!
@lextor4712 5 лет назад
feel you man
@lorenzocardenas5071 4 года назад
The last one really got me. Any people out here that are willing to bounce ideas back and fourth with?
@sergiospada781 5 лет назад
Yes Sam! Thank You! Thumb UP!
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