
Abortion Supporter Disgusted By Christian 

Apologia Studios
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This is actual footage outside of an abortion clinic in Arizona. Planned Parenthood supporters grabbed their signs and posted themselves within the view of our cameras. Jeff Durbin began to engage with the message on their signs. While attempting to speak with one of the supporters they responded with disgust.
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4 авг 2017




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@BoriPR82 6 лет назад
The true bullies of our nation, the ones who find victory in slaughtering the the defenseless
@CH-kr2df 3 года назад
@@mamajedijaws4938 Finding decent women is difficult too. The worst are always making nasty, bitter, and condescending comments about men. Then they lecture the men about empathy.
@buttebears6108 3 года назад
Truth is in You Both..💯💥💥
@typeaboutit 7 лет назад
"More empathy, less judgement. " Couldn't agree more, empathy for the murder little ones, and less judgement of the ones trying to prevent such murders!
@gabrielponce7728 6 лет назад
@philldclarke 5 лет назад
Gabriel Ponce please sin. Have you eaten a hamburger? Cut your hair or shaved? Tasted shellfish? Worn mixed fabrics? Then you are a bigger sinner for you should know all that is a sin in the bible. Personally I enjoy life find these anti women people hypocrites. Sexual education is the best and only way to end abortion. But all they want to teach is their bullshit
@barrybaker9173 5 лет назад
@@philldclarke haha. Stupidity stupidity stupidity. Do you know why it was considered a sin to eat those foods??? Probably not. Those foods had no nutritional values. They weren't good for your body. You should actually learn what your talking about before talking otherwise you make a fool out of yourself.
@nomrs5942 5 лет назад
Dustin Numbers 5:11-31 New International Version (NIV) The Test for an Unfaithful Wife 11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure-or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure- 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah[a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing. 16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”- 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse-“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” 23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[c] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. 29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”
@nomrs5942 5 лет назад
family lowe what about Hosea? All that proves is there is a contradiction in your holy book.
@MrVocalist567 7 лет назад
She wanted to give him that high five for a second there
@TheMe0wsCat 7 лет назад
Yeah, but then she got all judgementa... I mean empathetic and emapthizedalized to determine he was not worth her high five... but she DEFINITELY didn't judge him or anything.
@simeon2851 6 лет назад
Mendoza Juan True to form😊
@henrymichaeldooley8483 5 лет назад
@@TheMe0wsCat Yes it does
@TheMe0wsCat 5 лет назад
@@henrymichaeldooley8483 Yes what did huh?
@buttebears6108 3 года назад
Demo of Lack of Freedom ..looks like BORG..👊 MUST OBEY THE COLLECTIVE 💥
@christophercoughlin2886 4 года назад
They have no argument, that's why they can't respond. They are supporting the killing of innocent life and they know it but will never admit it.
@piijay14 3 года назад
We pray that they'll one day see the light and repent before it's too late!
@beda3623 3 года назад
I think this is their policy now, the same as PP, those women are used to keep silent, while behind them chaos is rolling and behind fences babies are dying.
@wylier 3 года назад
if they 'wouldn't admit it', then why are they are the holding signs clearly identifying their pro-choice beliefs? Just curious.
@christophercoughlin2886 3 года назад
@@wylier Because they are believing a lie to be truth, that killing innocent life is okay. Otherwise they would have to admit they're wrong
@halffull5384 3 года назад
@@christophercoughlin2886 its amazing what we can justify in our heads. Even after were saved . Hopefully God opens their eyes and they turn to him in repentance.
@erocklledo3314 7 лет назад
Lol jeff cracks me up. He is good at getting people to engage with him even when they dont want to.
@NextLevelTruth 3 года назад
I agree
@Richard-hn8ex 3 года назад
Well... these people went out to protest... which is synonymous with engagement...
@shaallen8412 3 года назад
No he’s not good at getting people to willingly engage with him. He is good at crossing personal boundaries. One day someone is going to kick his ass.
@erocklledo3314 3 года назад
@@shaallen8412 yeah, Saint Paul was stoned by the people of a certain city for preaching Christ. Physical backlash is part of the Christian experience. They literally crucified Jesus- our savior. It’s to be expected
@rikardotsamsiyu 3 года назад
@@shaallen8412 Jeff knows martial arts; he was the actor for Johnny cage in Mortal Kombat (1996). No one is going to kick his ass, sweetie.
@1nemind 7 лет назад
It's so sad to see how easily and how vastly the "god of this age" has blinded so many that Isaiah 5:20 speaks of them so clearly: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" God bless you guys for your efforts and for not just speaking against the evils of abortion but for preaching the gospel which is what they need most! - Loris
@ZacSladePants 7 лет назад
Steve True Come on, man. You've gotta take a moment and consider why you are willing to reuse that argument when you have already read the Christian response to it. At least explain what is wrong with the Christian response, or you're not helping anyone understand your position. If you cannot refute the Christian response to it, then you are using an argument which you know to be indefensible. That behavior is counterproductive to learning, and is frankly dishonest. In case you want to explain yourself, here is the response from a Christian: 1. The passage (Numbers 5.11-31) is about jealousy (5.14) on unconfirmable suspicion (5.13) of marital unfaithfulness. Since the suspicion is unconfirmed, punishment is left to God's discretion. The bitter water is harmless, except by supernatural intervention. (5.17-22) 2. God is allowed to give or take life at will (1 Sam 2.6). If God were not allowed to kill people, nobody would ever die (Psa 139.16, James 4.13-15, Isa 46.10). Humans are not allowed to cause death to other humans except in circumstances explicitly defined by the law (Ex 20.13) (e.g. executioner executing a murderer: Num 35.16-29) 3. In an abortion, death is the direct result of human actions, and those human actions are intended by the actors to cause death. C. God may take life at will, man may not. In an abortion, man takes a life without explicit scriptural justification. The passage does not mention the death of a baby directly, so the above response addresses your hypothetical circumstance where a baby's death actually happens as a result of the Numbers 5 test. It's noteworthy that, since this circumstance is not mentioned directly, your entire argument is based on something you've assumed must be in the text. It's an argument based on a hypothetical scenario which might not even exist. That is to say, "If you are going to make your entire argument by imagining an unwritten detail where the woman is pregnant, then I can just as easily imagine an unwritten detail where the God who sent that spirit of jealousy does not allow her to become pregnant for this very reason." Or, in other words, "If you actually want to make an argument using scripture, you should stick to what it actually says in context, and not add things to it in order to make it mean something convenient for your argument."
@ZacSladePants 7 лет назад
nickj14711 I know you were addressing 1nemind, but I'm terribly curious: First, are you Christian? And second, can you give me an example of what you mean about Jeff calling evil good?
@ZacSladePants 7 лет назад
nickj14711 Oh I see. I am a Christian. If you don't mind me asking further, by what standard are you saying those things are evil? That is, from where do you draw your definition of evil in order to compare God's actions against it?
@ZacSladePants 7 лет назад
nickj14711 Interesting. For reference, I looked up the word "evil" in a dictionary, and the definition was "immoral and malevolent". It didn't mention that killing babies is immoral, so I suspect that the dictionary isn't actually the standard you're referencing. You also mentioned "our society". Clearly our society is not 100% in agreement about what is moral and immoral. Could you be more specific? You said that the Christian God was wrong to kill people in the flood, but you haven't told me why it was wrong yet. By what standard? As for being ashamed of my God, I might be inclined to consider the notion if you'll explain to me what is shameful and why. Give me a standard to measure things against. If you don't, you are only declaring your own preferences... and, frankly, your preferences hold no weight.
@ZacSladePants 7 лет назад
nickj14711 Hi again. It's been a couple of days and I don't see a reply from you. Maybe you replied but youtube censored it; maybe you thought my question wasn't worth answering. I want to address what you said about the flood, so that nobody says "he didn't even talk about her actual argument". At the bottom, you're saying that God is morally bad. But think about who you're talking to. I believe that God is the standard of good, and His teachings are the measuring stick for good and evil. If you don't give me an alternative, there's no way for me to look at what you're writing and say "oh, God doesn't measure up to that standard of goodness". You seem to be saying that God killed people, but then God told us not to kill people (an apparent inconsistency on God's part). The issue with that is that God actually says that we can issue the death penalty under certain circumstances, establishing that death may be a punishment (Gen 9.6, Ex 21.12-14, Lev 24.17-21). But that pertains to the *civil* law (man's authority to punish the body of another man). God has reserved authority for himself to punish the body and spirit for crimes against the *moral* law. (Mat 10.28) The Bible teaches that when a person commits a moral crime, they deserve eternal death as punishment. God demonstrated the seriousness of sin by means of the flood and the introduction of death and suffering to our existence, and so death reigned from adam to Christ. When you ask, "how could God punish people who He knew would sin", your question attmepts to make God equal with us in authority and privilege, when in fact we are far below God in every way. That great difference is the reason why it's startling that Jesus chose to show us mercy by becoming human (more precisely "taking on humanity") in order to absorb the punishment due to humans. The only condition for your salvation is that you repent and believe that Christ Jesus is Lord.
@PracticalBibleStudies 3 года назад
The sign that says "More Empathy" is crazy. Where is the empathy for the unborn being slaughtered?
@eddieroman5967 7 лет назад
your microphone is really good, that place must be an audio zoo.
@rexdipietro116 7 лет назад
Who wouldn't give Jeff a high five?!?!?!
@genemyers834 6 лет назад
@nickj14711 how so?
@livewireOrourke 6 лет назад
Do you mean at 6:26 where he says that he does in fact condone it?
@thisisourlifewith3kids 5 лет назад
I would!! :)
I would give him a hug and thank him😃
@Nick Jones Because he stands for what I support❤️ choose life🤰❤️
@drewswan695 7 лет назад
It sadden's me deeply to see the disrespect and lack of care that the plan he parenthood supporters have. So brainwashed. Thank god for the ministries like Apologia, spreading gods light in a dark world. Pray for these individuals and stay strong in Christ y'all! It's only going to get crazier!
@philldclarke 5 лет назад
Drew Swan funny you would talk about brainwashed individuals and be for the ones who want to brainwash people.
@Sam-pu7xc 5 лет назад
The holy spirit forgives sins by the will of God the father by lord Jesus Christ I am an ex Norse pagan I have a testimony I went to hell for 15 minutes and Jesus pulled me out with the holy ghost who is the brainwashed ? Jesus= truth, ask him yourself makes you choose with or against so brainwashing you say... Ignorant hypocrite
@samanimations2002 4 года назад
SC3 B7 Now you gotta tell me this.. What was it like there man? Usually from what I’ve seen in videos it’s either blazing hot or extremely dark. So dark you can’t see a centimeter in front of your face kind of dark.
@8430mzepeda 7 лет назад
I love you Jeff Durbin. you're a real man with the fear of God. Your boldness encouraged me.
@philldclarke 5 лет назад
Moises Zepeda you fear god. Lol wow loser.
@philldclarke 4 года назад
Jennifer Allen hey what are you smoking? Listening too religious people makes me laugh
@philldclarke 4 года назад
Jennifer Allen ok if you want an answer it’s simple. The world is older then the bible says. I have heard of more gods and deities than the one you worship. Hey in the bible you do realize that you don’t have any rights. Tell me how does one become a pillar of salt ? Why is it that people have always found the ark but never seem to show it. And it’s always in different parts of the world. How is it that more people have been killed in the name of Jesus who is a loving and kind god figure then any of those kick ass war gods like Aries or because of any religion? Oh I also stopped believing in a fat guy bringing presents to good little boys and girls. It’s ok young lady you keep believing in fairytales and I will live my life laughing at people like you.
@philldclarke 4 года назад
Jennifer Allen oh and fear of a myth is just stupidity in its self.
@philldclarke 4 года назад
@Jennifer Allen whats the matter pumpkin
@___bigmike___1785 7 лет назад
My prayers are with you as you spread the truth
@nomrs5942 5 лет назад
JEDI MASTER BIGMIKE21 here’s some truth Numbers 5:11-31 New International Version (NIV) The Test for an Unfaithful Wife 11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure-or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure- 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah[a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing. 16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”- 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse-“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” 23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[c] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. 29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”
@taylortripp8598 4 года назад
@nickj14711 Explain to us what is the truth.
@taylortripp8598 4 года назад
@nickj14711 I don't know man don't ask me
@taylortripp8598 4 года назад
@nickj14711 I was waiting for you to tell me, you were the one that was saying Christian's don't know truth like you have everything figured out, but you can't even tell me.
@lalolitasola 7 лет назад
those women will remember this day in eternity ****If they do not accept Jesus
@nomrs5942 5 лет назад
Roselinda I’ll remember this for eternity Numbers 5:11-31 New International Version (NIV) The Test for an Unfaithful Wife 11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure-or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure- 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah[a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing. 16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”- 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse-“may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” 23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial[c] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. 29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”
@SuperReallyNice 5 лет назад
But... will they show it to their grandkids?
@nomrs5942 5 лет назад
Draxler your comment doesn’t make sense
@henrymichaeldooley8483 5 лет назад
@@nomrs5942 I agree with everything that this man says but when anybody says they will remember this for eternity you are becoming a judge God will decide not you
@nomrs5942 5 лет назад
Henry Michael Dooley you are aware that abortion is not outlawed in the Bible. In numbers, abortions are sanctioned when a man suspects his wife has cheated on him. She is forced to drink bitter water that causes a miscarriage. Read my above comment for the specific verse.
@LuisLopez-zg4ln 7 лет назад
Amen brother awsome. Honor and Glory forever to the only God Jesus Christ
@Growingwiser550 7 лет назад
Luis Lopez Couldn't have said ot better myself. Amen brother.
@minipoopuu12340 6 лет назад
Luis Lopez amen brother!
@piijay14 3 года назад
@CarlLemings 7 лет назад
These pro-choices, if they would take a moment of self-awareness, should realize that blaring loud music and refusing to have reasoned conversation only hurts their movement and continues to show the wisdom of those willing to discourse.
@joshualuntsford 7 лет назад
It's like Jeff talking to a wall. They don't care.
@jojoerasquin4197 7 лет назад
FALCONPUNCH and here i thought these progressives hate walls
@belmum1689 6 лет назад
They just want to kill, so of cause there is no reasoning.
@donttreadonrick9981 6 лет назад
Seeds! Planting seeds! The WORD of God is the seed, people are the different kinds of soil. Some are hardhearted, some are halfhearted, some are wholehearted! You can see sometimes the seed gets through and then they harden their hearts again. Pray for the workers of this harvest! I ❤ this ministry!!
@genemyers834 6 лет назад
But he is talking to others who may tune in. God's word never comes back void
@mikegipson847 5 лет назад
They are silently convicted in Gods Truth. They are hearing the message loud and clear that is why they are so quiet. Yes, they are feeling anger and malice...but it is the truth of these words that are causing those emotions. The truth is like a seed that will grow on them with more observation and time for God to work in their lives. This message may not get them to change now but another sign, trigger, or message may bring it back up and be the change they so desperately need.
@ben-si3dk 4 года назад
They get to blast music and stand there and hold signs because their mothers chose life!
@Bythegraceofgod1646 3 года назад
I used to be “pro-choice” (aka pro-murder), but by the grace of God, I am what I am. “What I am” includes a mother to a four-year-old little girl, but not because I wanted children or knew anything of a moral life when I got pregnant. My baby was not in my plans nor expectations for the future. I wasn’t married nor engaged. I didn’t have any desire to be a mother. But God. He removed my heart of stone and gave me a new heart of flesh just in time to hold me back from even considering the convenience offered by abortion clinics. By His grace alone, my pregnancy drove me to my knees in despair of where my life suddenly was, and I cried out to God I wasn’t sure I believed existed. I nearly burst into tears everytime I think of how gracious and good our God is. I’m thankful for our brothers at apologia who share the Gospel and confront these atrocities in our country. I’m so thankful, now that God opened my eyes to truth, that He protected my baby before I was able. Praise be to God for His grace and His grace in His people who speak truth and preach His Word. Faith comes through hearing. May many hear the message of these faithful servants and be saved. May God bless their efforts with abounding joy & fruitfulness as they hold others back from the firey pits of Hell.
@kevinpastian2703 2 года назад
Thank you Jesus for changing her heart.
@arctain1 5 месяцев назад
What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish. Praise God!
@LemireCassie 5 лет назад
A poem I wrote long ago.. The Silent Scream I felt the probe invade my secret place, my little heart began to race. I cried to you, you did not hear, my silent scream filled with fear. I tried so hard to win the fight, my body fought with all it's might. I know this was not God's will, my limbs grew stiff my body still. I know you did not feel my pain, my life is over gone in vain. I went to heaven to be with Yahshua today, my tears and pain HE took away.
@lelu1687 3 года назад
Wow! This should be on a huge placard at said places! Bless you🙏💕
@bt9704 2 года назад
Was this written by one of the countless babies that your God murdered during the flood?
@903Skooba 2 года назад
@@bt9704 He flooded the world cause people were wicked, doing these very things, and worse. I’d rather the world flood and destroy the people doing these things than them get away with murdering 50mil babies every year. Not much would be changing, the babies are already being murdered at a unprecedented rate. So good comment mush brain, no point was made.
@GodSoLoved.Yeshua 2 года назад
Deep, sad. Jesus is Lord.
@redman3583 3 года назад
It was my second day at my new job, and somehow my boss and I are on the subject of abortion. My belief was that it is mostly wrong, but a case could be made for an abortion in a tragic circumstance. I asked if he agreed. He said," No, I believe in the sovereignty of God." THat was the end of the conversation. I got out of the car my beliefs unchanged from his profound statement. As time goes on that statement rolled around in my head. Then you look at the kids around you, in the store, playing outside, etc. Regardless of their financial situation, or their parental situation, they are so happy. Children are the most perfect example of being an image of God. Every child that is created is supposed to be here. It took a while to set in, but it did. " I believe in the sovereignty of God." You may feel that your work tht day went unnoticed, but sometimes a message so profound takes a little time to work.
@joshualuntsford 7 лет назад
Legend has it. Jeff has the Holy Spirit inside his beard. 10 stars bro
@joelancon7231 4 года назад
I buy that
@bt9704 2 года назад
Legend has it that Jeff is a horrible person
@jammin6816 6 лет назад
I’m seriously going to study hard so I can join Pastor Jeff in a few years. I’m completely inspired! He’s one of the best examples of a Christian I’ve seen.
@cheerfulmouse Год назад
Do you go to his church?
@gregcarlson8438 5 лет назад
This guy is intense. I feel more spiritual just from having watched this video. I know I don’t do enough for God.
@micaelagrant9240 3 года назад
We will never do enough that's the point, all of our calling are different. Your ministry could be prayer or spreading the gospel.to.someone in the store or a homeless person! The simple things done in Jesus name is also very important stay encouraged and pray hard for your calling to be revealed to you
@rere8635 3 года назад
@@micaelagrant9240 Amen so true 🙏🏾
@meganmozart 7 лет назад
Lord, have mercy on these women.
@hamster4618 3 года назад
Apparently they will need it, as your God want them to be stoned to death for having sex out of wedlock, right?
@donquihote6023 3 года назад
Nah! To hell with them.
@seti6272 2 года назад
@@hamster4618 If God wanted them stoned to death, He wouldn't have sent Jesus to save us from our horrible sins and all us people would have been extinct thousands of years ago. If you don't think that's proof that God loves us and is long-suffering with us, I don't know what is. And you know well that every one of us is deserving of death and punishment for all the evil things we do.
@hamster4618 2 года назад
@@seti6272 seriously? According to the bible God was the ordering people to be murdered sto.ned to death for having sx without being married, and because he changed his views after 2000 years of having people killed over sx we are supposed to see the love in that? Are you crazy? I do well know that having sx is a natural thing to do and the person killing over it a fcking insane, harmful, and highly immoral person. At least in my book. If you believe you "deserve" to die over having sx or stealing a Mars bar, check yourself in in the nearest institution, because your not doing well.
@sandrosilva2515 7 лет назад
I would want to go with you and preach about the Gospel of Christ and just the truth
@pistolpete5805 5 лет назад
Sandro Silva do it....with jesus Behind you what could possibly go wrong?????? Nothing. Strength coming from the almighty GOD
@DangSensei77 4 года назад
Logan Kendall lol there is plenty of proof. Look at the archeological digs (over 20,000) proving the Bible and it’s credentials. Look at the historical evidence since the Bible is a history book. Even esteemed historians admit that. Or you could get real with yourself since you know you are a sinner deep down in your troubled soul. You want hope and you want peace. No the best way to prove it is real is preaching the gospel (good news) about Christ and his death and resurrection. Jesus who was fully God and fully man came to earth and paid the price for our sins. He who knew no sin, died on a cross to become sin so that we might become the righteousness of God through Jesus. His resurrection was proof that he was a worthy sacrifice for sin once and for all! You must put your trust in him for your salvation! It is by grace that we have been saved, through faith. Repent (turn) from your sins and put your faith in Jesus instead of the world and yourself! This is good news!! We all deserve to be punished for our crimes against the sovereign Lord of the universe. But out of his kindness and mercy he gave us hope, and that hope is Jesus.
@DangSensei77 4 года назад
Logan Kendall I didn’t say it proved it at all lol, that’s just one aspect that proves he is real. But hey I’m not going to talk with an angry person who already has a vendetta over the internet. Have a good day!
@austinpresley6187 4 года назад
@@DangSensei77 We must remember this: 1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the men of old gained approval. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. Hebrews 11:1-3, NASB If we're faithful to preach it, the Lord's faithful to save His elect.
@BillMorganChannel 4 года назад
"Judgment" not "Judgement". Sign carriers with spelling errors should get two minutes in the spelling penalty box.
@robertlavrakas7442 4 года назад
The spelling of a word,so much more important than the message?
@onekittyhawk63 3 года назад
It can be spelled either way. Look at a dictionary. Webster Dict. "Judgment can also be spelled "judgement," and usage experts have long disagreed over which spelling is the preferred one. Henry Fowler asserted, "The OED [Oxford English Dictionary] prefers the older and more reasonable spelling. 'Judgement' is therefore here recommended." William Safire held an opposite opinion, writing, "My judgment is that Fowler is not to be followed." "Judgement" is in fact the older spelling, but it dropped from favor and for centuries "judgment" was the only spelling to appear in dictionaries. That changed when the OED (Fowler's source) was published showing "judgement" as an equal variant. Today, "judgment" is more popular in the U.S., whereas both spellings make a good showing in Britain."
@BillMorganChannel 3 года назад
@@onekittyhawk63 Wow, I wish we were next door neighbors. We would be best friends. I like people interested in historical details that many think are minutia. God Bless You and I wish you all the best on Judgment Day! I love you! How do you think it will go (2 Corinthians 5:10).
@Klyce 7 лет назад
1:25 the moment it dawns on her that her sign is talking about herself.
@adam68157 6 лет назад
Really!?!?!? Listening to “Pony” by Genuine outside of an abortion clinic.......Keep it classy America!
@jessica214972 6 лет назад
Adam Holubar the dancing is the icing on the cake.
@Carriedmusic 3 года назад
Yea that was just sickening
@lildoll4284 5 лет назад
I never thought that the world would become so vile and perverted for people to think the murdering of the most innocent of a human being, babies is considered birth control 💔
@Webmasters-Desktop 7 лет назад
Jeff, I do not know how you do it - I avoid walmart to not run into these types - and you jump in the thick of it
@joshcruise2657 5 лет назад
Way to malign poor people dude.
@joegeorge9869 3 года назад
If nothing else, he is owed a high five for that dank beard!
@jwrsob 5 лет назад
Oh the IRONY with people who question Jeff's noise level, and bring a louder and more annoying noise level.
@tracealyea5841 4 года назад
“I realize that everyone that’s for abortion has already been born” -Ronald Reagan
@tracealyea5841 3 года назад
@Warren Higgins you don’t understand but that’s fine. By the way, everyone who’s against abortion hasn’t already been born. Maybe the unborn babies would love to survive. BLM- Babies Lives Matter
@tracealyea5841 3 года назад
@Warren Higgins holy shit are you a child. Your logic is weird. I’m not talking about if the unborn baby would grow up to be anti abortion. I’m talking about them probably not wanting to get their brain sucked out of their head. Death. They probably don’t want to die. And if you don’t agree with that you’re a funny guy.
@tracealyea5841 3 года назад
@Warren Higgins and for you to even say that “based on the numbers” most of those babies would become pro choice is just ludicrous. I’m not saying that at all. In fact I have no fucking clue what the unborn child would be because people keep killing them. Everyone has the right to live. Your mom chose life, why can’t you???
@tracealyea5841 3 года назад
@Warren Higgins I’m just glad you’re alive man and everyone else who could’ve easily been aborted. I just don’t understand you saying that most aborted children would grow up and support abortion. The world would be so much better if every single child was given life. Having a baby isn’t decided in the doctors office, it’s decided in the bedroom. And by the way I don’t know if you know Gianna Jessen but she’s an anti-abortion activist and she’s an abortion survivor. Wow!! Isn’t that crazy? A woman who was originally supposed to be aborted survived it and grew up to despise abortion.
@tracealyea5841 3 года назад
@Warren Higgins damn it took you a whole week to write that.
@UnCustomMary_Luke10 4 года назад
Being one of the adopted orphans these people don't think had a right to live....ummm, sorry can't empathize with that. They'd of had me murdered me and millions like me, but they want me to be less judgmental? I ended up being pretty useful being a crisis intervention worker. a mom, grandma, and great grand mom. God bless my birth mother who was unselfish enough in 1952 to let me have my life. She also had my sister by a different father who was born and allowed to live in a wonderful life in an adoptive family, Life is not perfect and everyone becomes unable to sustain themselves throughout their lives due to accidents, injuries, sickness etc. That's why we have hospitals, doctors and even long care facilities for the infirm. We don't just murder people when they need us the most!
@savedby_grace6110 7 лет назад
Thank you for preaching the gospel..Christians, we should all learn and be encouraged to do the same.
@keithgood7181 4 года назад
*_That is by far one of the BEST videos on RU-vid!!!!!!!!_* *Slaughtering babies has got to be one of the WORST things ever done on this planet since DAY ONE!!!!!* *CASE CLOSED*
@Jarhead6 7 лет назад
Thanks for your work!
@baymeosplit8537 7 лет назад
EXPOSED Thank you, Holy Spirit Good work, Jeff
@apilkey 4 года назад
baymeo split I thought Jeff Durbin is a Calvinist and believes everything is decreed by God both good and evil. So if God has decreed the slaughter of these babies then why is he protesting this? If he’s true and honest and genuine in his belief then he’s actually protesting against God. Hmm 🤔
@apilkey 3 года назад
@Somebody I don’t think you quite understand my comment or what Jeff Durbin actually believes. Jeff does not believe mankind has freewill to choose between good and evil which is why I was pointing this out. Jeff’s Calvinist beliefs actually believes God ordains whatsoever comes to pass. This includes abortion. He doesn’t believe these women have a free choice.
@ahryan8557 4 года назад
Legend has it the lady on the left is still standing there like a statue
@wolffbark 7 лет назад
To think killing the most innocent life of all living forms is disgustingly evil!
@moonlightorchid5612 7 лет назад
David Wolff What about all the actually living children that are being murdered in other countries by American bombs that we pay for? Oh wait that's so we can drive our fancy cars and not have to use gross public transportation. So that's ok.
@kadiefaye4764 7 лет назад
David Wolff It's the woman's body and her decision..
@jakemiller9315 7 лет назад
Party Poison What is the Woman's body? The child inside? The Body (the physical structure of a person or an animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs.) Should not include the Bones, Flesh, and Organs, of a different living organism that is inside. Why does a mother have more rights and value then a child? Where did this value come from?
@kadiefaye4764 7 лет назад
Jake Miller The baby is inside her body and in most cases isn't even nearly developed, it's the woman's right to do that to her body if she pleases..
@christophekeating21 7 лет назад
Do you believe in the right to suicide? That would be her body. In any case having another body inside of your body does not make that part of your body. Location does not determine identity, value, or rights.
@oneminutetomidnight 7 лет назад
Jeff Durbin speaking TRUTH!
@bamaboy2536 7 лет назад
Great stuff once again from apologia
@bamaboy2536 7 лет назад
nickj14711 define "soft in the head" and I'll answer that question
@forgivenbecauseofgrace2544 6 лет назад
nickj14711 think it through . The bible had all the evidence you need and more! I would advise th to start in the new estimate with Matthew or John
@forgivenbecauseofgrace2544 6 лет назад
nickj14711 once you get through the gospels you'll start to understand more . God Bless
@jackthebassman1 6 лет назад
Forgiven Because Of Grace This imaginary "god" has a record on mass murder, hate crime, infanticide, abortion that makes Mao, Hitler, pol pots Kim Il sung, stalin etc look like kindergarten teachers.
@randyperez2283 7 лет назад
They are making themselves look bad by not engaging with Jeff.
@U_Hit_Like_A_Girl 4 года назад
They're not engaging bc the have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
@johnconnors1112 5 лет назад
One Thing that stops Abortion..Morals.
@BTBFBG 3 года назад
Logic doesn't support their argument, therefore the closed mouths
@andremaccarini1656 5 лет назад
I'm a pro-life atheist. I don't think it's necessary to get bogged down in religion in order to stand for the right to life, but this guy just owned them while being super calm and friendly. Good job.
@Mojojojo335 2 года назад
True… I think a lot of leftists think you have to be Christian to Not support skittering of children lol
@bigdunks4eva 7 лет назад
lol they get shut down so much that they simply decided not to dialogue. lol
@gabesmith9171 2 года назад
I like how no police are intervening with the music blasting from them…but they will stop Jeff when he has a moderate voice amplifier, not even exceeding the legal Dcb limits 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
@0h2ezy 4 года назад
They don’t reject Jeff, but Jesus.
@davidhayden5469 7 лет назад
May God continue to bless your ministry
@kyahvaughn 5 лет назад
Yeah, I wouldn't have guessed she was in her 30's. I thought she was mid fifties. Her anger and bitterness have aged her beyond her years.
@BasedZoomer 3 года назад
I think she said she was in her 40s
@patrickc3419 Год назад
Such vile Jezebels. Thank you for your ministry (and extreme patience), Jeff Durbin.
@ben-si3dk 4 года назад
Let’s pray for those mothers living in deep regret who have had abortions and later wished they hadn’t. May they find the peace and forgiveness that only Christ can give.
@cheerfulmouse Год назад
And 🙏 for the Fathers, and other family 🙏
@michaelmccaffrey2731 3 года назад
Being against the genocide / slaughter of innocent babies is the right thing to do. It's sad to see women fighting for the right to murder their babies.
@piijay14 3 года назад
To say to one: "Don't judge me" that in itself is judgment! People need to get over judgement cuz as long as you're alive you're gonna be judged!! Doesn't your credit score follow you everywhere you go? Aren't you judged on your job performance @ work? Back in grade school weren't you judged by your academic scores? You have been & will be judged all your life. Get over it already!
@LokiOwl 7 лет назад
People can always tell that I'm on the winning side when the only time I speak up is to correctly identify the singer performing the song that's currently blasting... Those high-minded ladies sure showed you, Jeff.
@lizicadumitru9683 6 лет назад
How is contraception abortion? Come on Jeff
@GulpurEel 5 лет назад
Exactly what I just said in a comment. If this guy is going to try to convince people of his opinion, he needs to know what he is talking about. Contraception is NOT abortion, this man has no idea what he is saying. Contraception (especially birth control pills) have been statistically proven to be the #1 way to prevent unwanted pregnancies other than abstinence. Seems to me TRULY pro-life people (like myself who want babies to live and thrive!) would be pushing contraception on everyone they could in order to prevent these unwanted pregnancies from resulting in the first place.
@allenalmasi9990 5 лет назад
GulpurEel As long as the contraception doesn’t prevent the progress of a fertilized egg, I think it is moral contraception. The only type of contraception I think is questionable in terms of morality is birth control pills since an egg still would be able to be fertilized and drop down into the uterus but not survive? If I am wrong please correct me as I’m not sure that’s how all the pills work, thanks!
@erinholmes4676 5 лет назад
Birth control pills can act as abortifacient because they thin the endometrial lining AND they do not always prevent the release of an egg. Case in point- my sister in law and another friend both got pregnant on the pill. Anyway, the thinning of the endometrial lining doesn’t allow the fertilizer egg to implant. But that lady’s sign saying contraception lowers abortion...yeah, don’t think so.
@THXx1138 5 лет назад
@ricky roach - that spirit can be defeated as well. It isn't an easy battle but you can certainly get out from under that. There is freedom in obedience.
@Alnivol666 5 лет назад
@RetroMan There is no general accepted atheist position on sex. Because atheism is a negative value. You want to know what somebody believes in, not in what they don't. There are atheist pro-life groups by the way. Also, abortion is not done mainly by atheist. Mostly by selfish or self-interested people regardless of what their faith or lack of faith is.
@theclassic6198 4 года назад
Look how happy that “women” holding the sign is.
@meachelruiz6566 7 лет назад
What's disgusting is their lack of respect .
@troywoods1146 5 лет назад
Meachel Ruiz no one is entitled to respect. Nobody is forcing him to be up in their faces and on top of that, their is some jerk on a bullhorn!
@mikegipson847 5 лет назад
Because of an over abundance of HATE.
@derrickburch2077 3 года назад
They have no response, when hit with that kind of truth!
@tristantan1805 Месяц назад
Contraception is not abortion.
@russellmccollum1117 6 лет назад
I love the way he sounds like hes narrating a wild animal planet show.
@somerandomzguy9217 7 лет назад
The new tactic is to blast copy written music in order for you not to be able to post videos. Just a heads up i guess.
@Righteouness 6 лет назад
Sad hey:/
@BenjaminWirtz 6 лет назад
I didn't think of that angle. I always thought in terms of just drowning them out but this makes sense.
@solarjudgement4575 6 лет назад
Outta spill water on their music device lol
@Michael_Chandler_Keaton 6 лет назад
Won't work though it's in the background of a public place totally unrelated to his content, and he has no control over it.
@THXx1138 5 лет назад
@Chandler Keaton - it actually has "worked". Many people have had their videos removed because RU-vid claims copyright infringement. RU-vid is certainly pro-murder.
@JakeBor 3 года назад
When someone is not able to engage in a reasonable discussion, that tells you everything you need to know about their position.
@ICU2B4UDO 5 лет назад
These 3 will find out one day, the hard way and on the last day that their days are...OVER...FOREVER...
@TheMe0wsCat 7 лет назад
I wonder if that sign is borne out of the "approach" some take while attacking Christians. "'Judge not!' Yeah that'll make a good attack and teach those silly Christians." "Hey, I've heard that Christians are rightfully attacked for judging others because the Bible says not to. I bet if I make this sign about more empathy less judgement, then they'll listen." I wonder how far the inanity will go and where it will lead them down this inane path. P.S. If you're reading this comment and don't understand why "The Bible says 'Judge not'!" is not actually a good attack on Christianity, then you should read what the Bible actually says in that passage (Matthew 7) and what it says about judging with righteous judgement (for a very specific example John 7:24). Hint: the Matthew 7 bit is about not being a hypocrite and isn't about the misleading quote mining of "judge not."
@moonlightorchid5612 7 лет назад
TheMe0wsCat So you are saying we got it wrong this whole time...slap on the forehead...and Jesus saying he who is without sin cast the first stone and the one about removing the beam from your own eye before trying to remove the speck from your brothers eye were all bull and it's actually ok to play god and judge other people based on your own personal interpretations of the Bible?
@TheMe0wsCat 7 лет назад
Moonlight Orchid LOL Where did you get that from my comment? I said context matters (via "[reading] what the Bible actually says in that passage"). Are you really going to tell me that Matthew 7 is talking about not judging others at all? It has nothing to do with hypocrisy? Hmm... Guess we have to ignore the verse you tried to cite, as it begins "Thou hypocrite" (or "Hypocrite" or "You hypocrite" etc.) and ends with the person being able to see clearly enough to remove the "speck." (interesting how directly after this discussion, Jesus goes right into the golden rule) Oh, but I guess we'll really have to ignore the verses that tell us to judge with righteous judgment. But, yeah... why would I want people to come to me and point out when I'm sinning, in order to help me grow in the Lord? Yeah... that would be _AWFUL..._ and I wouldn't want someone who has worked through his or her own sin, which used to be a plank in his or her eye, to help me get past the exact same or similar sin in my life. Yeah, discipleship and mentoring is for the birds. :-\ My own personal interpretation of the Bible is different than a correctly exegeted view of it through proper biblical hermeneutics. I even pointed out one of those things necessary for doing such: context. P.S. I particularly find the conundrum we would find ourselves in by having Jesus contradict Himself from what He said in John 7 and Matthew 7, if you're right, to be worrying. It's much better to have a self-contradictory Savior and God than a consistent one, right? :-\
@TheMe0wsCat 7 лет назад
1kparmar Indeed. Sometimes I wish I was better with brevity. I guess, I have this nasty habit of thinking people won't use their brains to analyze what I've said and go on for to long.
@juliegoldsmith5257 6 лет назад
Moonlight Orchid, how about reading the entire part about casting stones. You are correct that you got it all wrong since those who were stoning the woman who was caught in adultery were guilty of not following the law. They were only stoning the woman, yet, they were giving the man a free pass. That is what Christ was referring to since the law decreed that both man and woman if caught in adultery were both to be stoned.
@TheMe0wsCat 6 лет назад
+Julie Goldsmith And the real kicker is that the Pericope Adulterae (the passage Moonlight Orchid brought up) is a textual variant. It isn't present in earlier manuscripts and floats around the Gospels in some cases. Not sure why Moonlight Orchid wouldn't just address what I brought up (in either comment)... P.S. I think the Pericope Adulterae still holds some value, but I wouldn't necessarily treat it as canon.
@paranomalycreaxionz 2 года назад
It's just crazy how Jeff is talking like he's on "Animal Planet" Engaging and Informing the viewers what's going on with the "animals".🤣🤣🤣
@cheerfulmouse Год назад
@calistadale8183 6 лет назад
i just see all these adults acting like children. i literally did this as a kid. silent judgment. Jeff is so great!
@macbeth8393 2 года назад
Does anybody know the name of the song that began to play right at they end of the video? It’s hard to make it out but it sounded nice
@sjfarish 7 лет назад
@moonlightorchid5612 7 лет назад
Samuel Farish And I pray that you receive Satan and accept Satan as your lord and savior. Just kidding I'm not a Satanist. Just pointing out how insulting it is to be forced to believe in a god by a stranger.
@TKK0812 7 лет назад
Where did Samuel mention "force"? I think he used the words "find and receive". Sounds like it would be an action on their part. Also, if Jesus is who He said He is, why is it insulting?
@chrisdc1689 7 лет назад
Isn't that the vice guy that interviewed yall in the background?
@crazydays4444 7 лет назад
chrisdcurby yep'
@williamwarren5269 4 года назад
Murder should never be used for contraception.
@nosman069 3 года назад
Thing that can lower abortion rates is not have sex out of wedlock
@Cosigner22 4 года назад
1:25... Man, she's got a face you could love to come home to.
@scottharris9060 7 лет назад
Two thumbs up
@CSAccetura 3 года назад
Even in a moment of lightheartedness and commonality This Woman's serpent-like nature Shone through
@stevedoetsch 3 года назад
Title should be "Murders disgusted by anti-murderers."
@oldeddychannel 7 лет назад
Jeff is so cool
@TheUnicornbutterfly 7 лет назад
stay safe guys
@divyaprasannaraj56 5 лет назад
Killing a voice less is murder.
@crooked-halo 3 года назад
1:40 - What the heck kind of camera is that?!? Looks like their budget is bigger than most news stations!
@WandamianCrucifixplate 6 лет назад
I want to help with this. Like I am seriously considering driving down there from Bay area to help or at least witness this in person and possibly shake Jeff's hand. He is really amazing
@TLifeDailyVlogs 5 лет назад
Those immature girls are just pathetic. Come on...engage a dialogue and learn. That's how you win!
@leadersuccess3761 5 лет назад
Hi you mind me asking where was this at city and state please thank you.
@stacefaceee9976 3 года назад
Being empathetic doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to murder
@Medacapop 4 года назад
It really breaks my heart because it is such a flawed position placed on pile of silt, leading straight to hell with a cost of millions of babies lives and the destruction of societies.
@WhyCatholicdotCom 4 года назад
"More empathy less judgement" If there is nothing wrong with having an abortion why do you need empathy?
@mojofriday5365 2 года назад
Initiating the conversation is half the battle.
@somebody71172 3 года назад
They don’t know that they are talking to a Ninja Turtle! Lol.
@Thetruthhassetmefree 3 года назад
This is gold! The church needs more articulate, courageous men of God like this!!! 😎🙏🙏
@hamster4618 3 года назад
Using contraception is NOT abortion.
@PsychoBible 4 года назад
Would it be petty to point out she misspelled judgment?
@graemejenkinson6486 3 года назад
It amazes me how they always there trying to defend this disgusting practice of murdering the innocent 🤮🤮🤮
@garethsmith6896 Год назад
I love how you are so Christ centered and not just pro-life
@armandoc.3150 4 года назад
"They should be able to pay an assassin" 1:42 Hahahaha xD
@josheichmiller 11 месяцев назад
Lmfao birth control is not abortion 🤣🤣🤣
@AkaRuby 4 года назад
Wow when I saw this I thought Why did it not occur to those women that they are being hypocritical. "More empathy less judgement" while they stand there with pride judging the ones who are trying to save babies. One more thing.. Pride is the ugliest thing in the world..
@pamburtness6635 5 лет назад
They have no intelligent thing to say!
@silvermune7069 5 лет назад
Great video! Wish I'd have ran into your channel when you first set it up.
@prestontaulbee1715 3 года назад
What does he mean by "contraception is abortion?" I'm genuinely, humbly asking. I feel like I'm missing something
@Bythegraceofgod1646 3 года назад
I think Pastor Jeff was referring to the “morning after” pill, as that is after conception occurs, when God has already created life in the womb.
@melissahunnybee2you 4 года назад
I’d rather hold my views, be wrong, and lose nothing than hold their views, have blood on my hands, and lose everything.
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