
Carol Vorderman on how voters can "stop the tories" at the next election 

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Legend broadcaster and STEM ambassador Carol Vorderman has joined the fight for tactical voting.
Here she outlines how polling from Best for Britain shows it's "all to play for" in the next election - and a Labour landslide should not be assumed.
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7 июн 2023




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@theshadowdirector Год назад
After this election, I hope she will campaign for a better voting system. We need louder and more prominent voices to speak out for it.
@seasons7510 Год назад
We had a referendum to change the voting system and it was rejected given that in 1997 Tony Blair had a landslide victory and did not do anything to change the voting system why ? Because it would favour both labour liberals and smaller parties did he think p r would split labour vote in a general election?
@Glasgow_kiss Год назад
@@seasons7510 2 + 2 = 5
@theshadowdirector Год назад
@@seasons7510 that doesn't mean you just give up. I voted in that referendum and I remember the turnout was very low. I think more people have become aware in the years since.
@matticulas Год назад
​@@MrPetesimethe option put forward was crap and the press gaslit the public against it. I voted for it as it was progress even though it wasn't great progress. We should try again with better options. With better campaigning then hopefully it'll go through - I don't think we should give up. It'd be good if labour would just make it part of their manifesto.
@christophermacleod3726 Год назад
@@seasons7510 Yes, almost certainly, and although Starmer now says he will bring about electoral reform, I regret that I will not believe it until I see it. Never trust a politician, especially if he/she has a landslide majority!
@YllaStar95970 Год назад
Going up against the establishment. We should look after our Carol, they will try to pull her down. Above and beyond everything else, she has been a lioness for her own children, and as a mother in the fullest sense of that word..... She has my full support, for what may lay ahead.👍
@garriejackson9551 Год назад
As they did with Jeremy Corbyn
@luminousfractal420 Год назад
They layed into her pretty badly a couple of years ago. Mistake.
@silversurfermusicco5263 Год назад
Creeps dislike strong women
@carnmarth334 Год назад
Senile crap. Vorderman loudly supported David Cameron. She's as Tory as they get. The only reason that she's attacking them now is that there's a rabid Tory in charge of Labour, so her ilk can vote for them, just as they voted for Tory Blair.
@vapofusion Год назад
She has my vote!
@DJWESG1 Год назад
Exactly the sort of conversations we should having.. and not caught up discussing what the torys want us to discuss. Our focus needs to be set clearly on the tory party and its removal, not the constant bs they present us with. Get them gone.
@benedictcowell6547 Год назад
The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things, of shoes, ad ships, and sealing wax, and cabbages ad kings and whether pigs could fly. This was the agenda the Walrus proposed to the Oysters and whilst they were discussing this non Oyster agenda, he and the carpenter were eating them up, but they shed tears afterwards for the fate of the Oysters. The Walrus, rumour has it was called Rupert
@Andrew-rc3vh Год назад
You mean like Blair did with Saddam Hussain? Starmer will just do the same as the Tories and take US orders. The Labour Party is not even democratic now. It has been taken over by a dodgy group of totally unaccountable criminals. See the Labour Files. The stupid cow seems to have a mental block there.
@Andrew-rc3vh Год назад
You mean like Blair did with SSaddam HHussain? Starmer will just do the same as the Tories and take UUS orders. The LLabour Party is not even ddemocratic now. It has been taken over by a ddodgy group of totally unaccountable cccriminals. See the LLabour FFiles.
@DW-indeed Год назад
But! But! The small boats! They occupy my every waking moment!! /s
@bungobear5733 Год назад
​@@benedictcowell6547 The carpenter didn't get any oysters cause the walrus ate them all so the carpenter went after him with his hammer.
@Ayeright. Год назад
The Tories stole from the public purse during the pandemic to line their own pockets and those of their cronies and Tory donors and partied like there was no tomorrow whilst doing so.
@234cheech Год назад
its what thay have done for as long as thare party has been around fact
@chrisdevine4848 Год назад
@@234cheech - they just used to be more subtle about it!
@AntonyClayton-eq1ul Год назад
But the public carries on voting for them to continue their corruption, and malfeasances. Doing the same thing over and over with the expectation of a different outcome is a sign of insanity. As said Albert Einstein.
@TheWolfe83 Год назад
And now the public are becoming more aware of what they really are. Time to go Tories!!!
@luminousfractal420 Год назад
@peterdollins3610 Год назад
The Great Carol Vorderman using her wonderful math & reasoning gifts to talk great sense on politics. More power to all her campaigns.
@tomtheeagle1 Год назад
The same woman who used her communication skills to smear Jeremy Corbyn and spread lies about him and his party on programmes like Question Time, spouting the lies and right wing talking points easily picked up from the right wing press. That is the "independent thinking woman" she claims to be. I doubt she made that much difference though and she'll make little difference this time either.
@marksykes1191 Год назад
Maths !
@timcomley5948 Год назад
@bigbinji6145 Год назад
Close the OXFAM charity , home of perverts and fascists
@ianwatson5605 Год назад
Maths....not math
@TuntunGamer Год назад
I wish people like Carol would put themselves forward as an MP. So much life experience, knowledge, wisdom, connection to people and above all else, a desire to see real change in politics. She is absolutely right to use her platform to shine a light on our political system being outdated. Proportional Representation would absolutely change our country for the better. The dispensation of power and funding to local council would also make drastic diffferences to communities.
@keithpanton7486 Год назад
Can you imagine the horseshit they'd print about her?
@trevorberridge6079 Год назад
John Cleese once studied the idea of moral politics with the help of doctor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Robin Skinner. They concluded that the people with the drive to become leaders at Prime Minister level are by default unsuitable to do the job. The reason people like Jeremy Corbyn were hampered in becoming Prime Minister came down in great part to them sticking to a moral position as opposed to merely doing whatever was required to gain power. If Carol wanted to become an MP she would quickly find herself hamstrung when trying to call out the matters of importance. To get any traction and move beyond the back benches she would have to "play the game" and risk being consumed by it. She is far more valuable outside the reach of the inherrant corrupting influence of politics observing from a safe distance. One of the big issues she highlights with the mainstream media is that they are too close to the people they are supposed to be holding to account.
@yorkiegilly4355 Год назад
We have enough present politicians playing at it some as a second job ,some as a hobby such as Rees - Mogg ,Nigel Farage and Starmer who could be anything - Tory ,Labour ,Green Lib/Dem ,he"s going anywhere and everywhere to try & attract some delusional Brexit voters on the lead - up to the next election .And you would be saying give more power and funding to the local council if you had ours in South Yorkshire ,we are the biggest county so we should be one of the wealthiest ,but they spend taxpayers money like drunken sailors on shore leave ! .
@dreddj Год назад
I understand your sentiment. As we all know, Carol is an intelligent woman. She knows that she doesn't need the magnifying glass & associated rhetoric she'd face as an MP.
@28fungirl Год назад
She would be great I could happen it is the rise of women.
@Andy-qe6kk Год назад
I can't wait for the 2024 election, BYE BYE Tories. 👋
@banditalley9592 Год назад
You say that, but never underestimate the stupidity and gullibility of the British public. There will be bribes sold in the newspapers just before election time and many will go for it!
@tonycowin Год назад
It may be a 2023 one. 🤞
@FUT-Franklin Год назад
I hope labour reverse privatisation of most of the services whilst fixing the NHS back to its rightful functional state. And I also hope they cater for the public and not the corporate crowd through austerity which has seen a 4 pint of milk go from £1 to £1.60 in the space of 2 years..... Which is a 60% increase. Rents need capping especially in England as you's lot are getting robbed and are essentially modern slaves as your working to live opposed to living to work which should be the status quo as it was prior to COVID
@anpj2006 Год назад
@bigpants6121 Год назад
sooner the better!
@normanchristie4524 Год назад
The Good Law Project is still fighting sleaze. Support them!
@Aiden.Stinkhorn Год назад
STOP THE TORIES! The message couldn't be clearer.
@47redtop Год назад
Stand as an independent Carol. Really super to hear you speak so eloquently. I must admit I wasn't aware of all you have done, what an amazing woman. Best wishes to you (and all who read this). Thank you
@phlegmony Год назад
so u want labour who will just crash the economy and give more money to benefit scroungers?
@paul8161 Год назад
Thanks Carol anything you can do to stop people voting tory I whole heartily agree with ,Keep it up.
@tevya017 Год назад
Speaking on the level of the average working person is what is really needed and it's unfortunate that there is no one in parliament on the same wavelength as Carol to represent us.
@stevecollins4567 Год назад
They are all getting kicked out.
@franhan3019 Год назад
Except Andrew Brigden - now with the Respect Party as he was forced out by the Tories for telling the TRUTH!
@terrygrady8413 Год назад
The problem is when the Tories know they are going to loose, they line their pockets at our expense, and leave as big a mess to clear up as possible. Then blame Labour, this has been their way historically.
@davidpearn2484 Год назад
My thoughts exactly Terry.
@folaflakes7111 Год назад
You are very correct.... 💯
@anthonymcguire3618 Год назад
@@folaflakes7111 And when Labour were ousted there was a note in the Treasury saying "sorry, all the money has gone.
@timwoodger7896 Год назад
@@anthonymcguire3618 that was a joke as there never was any money!! The country has been running a deficit ever since the 70s and the creation of fiat currencies! Both parties are neoliberal in economics and produce a boom bust situation between them, it’s all a pantomime!!
@hickorywind7859 Год назад
@@anthonymcguire3618 The note was a joke and Brown dealt with the global financial crisis pretty well as far as I'm aware.
@teeg80 Год назад
We all need to write to our MPs asking them to change the voting systrm
@parslowpongbert1566 Год назад
I don’t see first past the post as a form of democracy, rather an unnerving path to dictatorship.
@robtyman4281 Год назад
It is exactly that! 👏
@seasons7510 Год назад
And yet in 1997 with a landslide victory Tony Blair did nothing
@robtyman4281 Год назад
@@seasons7510 ... Yea, back then Labour had the chance to change the electoral system in the UK for good as the Tories were very much on the backfoot and in decline. But he chose to not make these necessary changes. Perhaps he was under pressure from other influential Labour figures at the time, not to change the electoral system? I don't know..... we'll never know. But it was an epic missed opportunity, because the Tories would NOT have been able to change it back to FPTP upon return. We may even have had a different coalition government in 2010 instead! - Lab/Lib, rather than Con/Lib. I understand that Labour today are still opposed to changing to PR - but why? As FPTP clearly only really benefits the Tories. And that is a great pity. Because it means we are probably forever stuck with an archaic electoral system that was designed back in the 19th century. It doesn't really fit in with a 21st century world, yet here it still is, and is likely to be for a long time yet. It perfectly suits a country obsessed with looking back, rather than looking ahead.
@seasons7510 Год назад
@@robtyman4281 my belief is that Tony Blair was open to p /r before the election but when he got the landslide he didn’t think labour would need it for a long time he got seduced by the big majority and he thought labour could continue to win with first past the post if he went to p/r he risked the Labour Party splitting left and right not as big a risk for the tories I would like to see more truly independent mps I think that would benefit us all
@scooby1992 Год назад
I hope Labour dont make the same mistake again . Most party members back PR .
@Firkinnel Год назад
Thankfully Scotland is more or less a Tory free zone.
@dondoodat Год назад
Not whilst they run the UK.
@wendykinnear9151 Год назад
Well vote them out England and whoever votes for them in Scotland!
@tonycowin Год назад
Liverpool too.
@DrSpooglemon Год назад
@@tonycowin You guys should try to break away from the UK too. Then we can form a new union. The People's Republic of Britania or something. Then we can just build a wall around the south east and rejoin Europe.
@mattstevenson5849 Год назад
Unfortunately, it isn't SNP free.
@colinnewmarch1106 Год назад
The whole system is rotten to the core ,total shake up needed
@arleneevans6342 Год назад
Getting the tories is not enough. We need to get all the main parties out. Parliment is totally corrupt
@michaelg6815 Год назад
Perfectly put
@matthewbanton7077 Год назад
yes, we do, but for the next election we just need to focus on getting the Tories out, they're the worst of a bad bunch. the idea that Labour are just as bad is hysterically untrue and dangerous. Labour are terrible, but they're not Tory abhorrent.
@coppershark1973 Год назад
Oh Carol, what a woman! So much to like and I'm loving this new and important role she has adopted, I hope she is able to reach people and change minds.
@phlegmony Год назад
so u want labour who will just crash the economy and give more money to benefit scroungers?
@thefastandthedead1769 Год назад
Scotland learnt this along time ago and has not voted the Tories in as a majority there since 1955!
@Andrew-ri5qo Год назад
Er, SNP are destroying Scotland. No Tories required 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@thefastandthedead1769 Год назад
@@Andrew-ri5qo Why would that be? They don't have control of 70+% of the taxation. Scotland receives a stipend from WM out of its own finances.
@Andrew-ri5qo Год назад
Sturgeon has been arrested. I suppose that it's WM's fault too 😉
@thefastandthedead1769 Год назад
@@Andrew-ri5qo Difficult to comment on given the contempt of court situation.
@denzel270 Год назад
What a wonderful party you have in the SNP!
@daveenglish5026 Год назад
Respect and all the best Carol 😊.
@TheSynthnut Год назад
It's so refreshing to hear Carol speaking truth to power.
@ibtunesoriginals2629 Год назад
@JD-eq4dp Год назад
Oh dear another one uses that cretinous expression.
@DrMontague Год назад
However she claims she has no affiliation to any political party!
@OldGreyMulletTest Год назад
@@DrMontague So? She's speaking out about what she feels is wrong with the people currently in power. That's very different from expressing an affiliation to any political party.
@Phil.mingue Год назад
She's trying her best to stay relevant and in the limelight now that she's over the hill aesthetically imo
@Bev2603 Год назад
We definitely need PR.. As a non Tory voter in a traditionally Tory county, I leave the polling stations at every election, knowing my vote doesn't count... It's a horrid feeling reflecting a horrid situation! That said, loving seeing these videos and your ambassadorship of Best for Britain at least discussing options and alternatives, signposting websites etc and attempting to get our useless, dishonest, biased and trivial mainstream media to step up and get reporting!!! Thank you all xxx
@lloydnaylor6113 Год назад
The first past the post system works. It got rid of a failed Labour government in 1979 a failed Tory government in 1997 and a failed Labour government in 2010. It's possible it'll remove this lot in 2024. PR could leave the UK under a permanent centre left coalition. It could lead to election chaos as in Italy or Germany which took months to stitch a government together.
@italianstallion9170 Год назад
labour need more than public relations they need a total c change on what they stand for..
@Bertrum123 Год назад
Your vote may count this time
@Bertrum123 Год назад
​@@lloydnaylor6113how were they a failed guv i remember being able to get proper treatment under labour .i think you are a delusional if you think the torys are better look what thatcher did decimated our manufacturing industry and just left the banking and service industry and now we are paying the price for her police's are still causing problems now .she allowed building sociatys to become banks now theres hardly any so no competition and the banks are terrible for morgages .you may remember thousnds being made homeless every week when she jacked up interest rates .didnt she have a mass murder Pinochet as a chum then camoren who gave us all those years of austerity that he admitted didnt work then truss who trashed the economy in a few weeks .then borise get brexit done well he certainly did it .sunack the cowerd .goodness you must be one of them or ill informed 😮
@Bertrum123 Год назад
Lets hope there all kicked out tice another tory .
@doctorfunkshock Год назад
Carol is a wonderful blend of intelligence and emotion and harnesses eloquently all her talents towards correcting the outrageously corrupt Conservative spivs. An inspirational woman.
@gregc2467 Год назад
Plus she is a qualified pilot, and owns her own little plane, what a treasure.
@alleadmin3294 Год назад
And a massive slapper. 😂 Saw her in a hotel bar in Cardiff with four men, one had his dick out in the bar, she never batted an eyelid. 😉
@howardskeivys4184 Год назад
“I’m 62. I’m an older woman”. Yes Carol, you are older, but that doesn’t detract from your stunning body, looks, mind and brain. What differentiates you, is that you use your intellect, drawn on your life’s experience to help improve the lives of the many, not further line the pockets of the ultra rich and elite. You’re an amazing woman and have my admiration and respect. 👍😁
@rmyronovich4382 Год назад
Carol - a breath of fresh air in the UK political arena. Now that is someone I would love to see actually leading this country. Intelligent, fair-minded, honest, respectful and possessing integrity. I am sure she would select a proper team to advise her and then go on to make the best decisions FOR THIS COUNTRY unlike the shower of sh*t we have had for the past few years at least.
@carolwaller9605 Год назад
@xp5197 11 месяцев назад
She is not part of politics though. if she actually runs for office i would respect her more but she is just trying to be relevant again talking about stuff she has no idea about from her social media sidelines.
@RustyRing Год назад
Carol run for election, you are a highly educated person and from what I see and read more aligned to the people.. my vote would be yours
@Knappa22 Год назад
She is, in two different arenas, a national treasure.
@ferraridinoman Год назад
A National treasure at WHAT!!!?
@edwardbernthal160 Год назад
@@ferraridinoman there is not National Treasure of WHAT!!!? a national treasure is a Nanional Treasure. Comments like yours make me suspect you are either a Tory or a leave voter, or both.
@ferraridinoman Год назад
@@edwardbernthal160 Sorry my friend nice insult, but wrong on both counts! x
@edwardbernthal160 Год назад
@@ferraridinoman I am trying to find out what a Nanional is. Have a happy evening.xx
@gerryquinn5224 Год назад
@FG77- Год назад
Carol is the voice of the people at the moment.
@DavoInMelbourne Год назад
Agreed. Fabulous and tragic at the same time and the only reason I say this is because there should be a lot more high profile people speaking up against the corruption in government too.
@jonsmith5058 Год назад
@@DavoInMelbourne fabulous and tragic indeed that we are so poorly represented by Labour also that the main reason to vote them is to stop the Tories. People like Mick Lynch or Carol do a better job representing us that our elected representatives.
@remedy5k915 Год назад
is she hell! Richard Tice
@Lynnefromlyn Год назад
@@remedy5k915”of the people’,not ‘of the deranged right wing Brexit loving morons. ‘ They can exclude themselves from any mention of “the people”.
@sidonthebank Год назад
She doesn't speak for the majority in this country, so woke
@traptor3426 Год назад
Carol for pities sake please bring this tory government down for the sake of the British people
@Andrew-ri5qo Год назад
Who will replace them? Meet the new boss, same as the new boss, etc etc
@timbobill7279 Год назад
Since Carol's GCSE maths books and her time on Countdown I will always appreciate her. She comes across as genuine and someone with integrity. All the best to Carol now and in future.
@JohnCrook-nf8wy Год назад
Carol speaks the truth. Like Caroline Lucas but are we ready to listen.
Gawd I love this woman’s mind. She’s a real person something you don’t see much in today gaspy infantile society.
@marksykes1191 Год назад
We’ll said Carole speaking for honesty integrity & compassion , three things alien to the tories & she’s not advocating Labour she is advocating PR which will ensure that the tories will never ever hold the reigns of power again & that has got to be good !
@davewright9312 Год назад
Unfortunately PR means that there is almost always a hung and therefore impotent parliament. Let's not forget that under your wonderful idea of PR parties like ukip would have taken large proportion of the vote and therefore a large proportion of the seats...is that what you want??? You may think it's a good idea if you support one of the parties that is never ever likely to be in power such as the greens or the lib Dems but be careful what you wish for...as for vorderman and her labour leaning tendencies let's have a look at how wonderful Wales is being run
@marksykes1191 Год назад
@@davewright9312 UKIP are no more xx
@marksykes1191 Год назад
@@davewright9312 You can’t make a comparison because all regions are allocated funds from central government & taxation is from central government , it’s this kind of misinformation that you believe in that got us brexit , knowing part of the story is worse than knowing none of the story , jeez !
@marksykes1191 Год назад
@@davewright9312 If it keeps the filthy tories out then it’s a yes from Len !
@explained2434 4 месяца назад
I love Carol, what a lady. Intelligent, Stunning and brave.
@cjh0751 Год назад
That's a space 1999 suit. She does speak the truth.
@DeeDee-mf3jt Год назад
Carol your a wonderful sprint and honourable ❤❤
@SilverHunterN Год назад
She has a wonderful spirit, yes. She's the voice of the country at this point.
@ianclarke3627 Год назад
How are the Tory press going to smear her ?
@David-le7jy Год назад
There's going to be a lot of confused male Gammons out there. Go Carol!!
@user-qn6yt3zx3w Год назад
Out with one Tory government and IN with the next! Starmer has demonstrated (throughout his career) that he will do the bidding of the very same monied interests (look at his current donors) and the very same establishment figures as Johnson/Truss/Sunak.
@trevorberridge6079 Год назад
In which case the voters should have ignored career liars poisoning them against Corbyn and voted in a Labour party that didn't kowtow to privilege when they had a chance. As painful as it is the best option is to get the Tories out and Labour in. Then make sure Starmer hits the road ASAP. Tactical voting will work on a Labour government too. If we can get the Tories to resign at every level we can surely get the cowardly Starmerites out of the Commons before they get too settled.
@user-qn6yt3zx3w Год назад
@@trevorberridge6079 “get Labour in and then get Starmer to hit the road ASAP”? That’s like the rich guys ordering dinner at a restaurant, and you expecting them to leave before they eat it, while they still pay for it.
@carolwaller9605 Год назад
Starmer is a Tory in disguise, exact same ilk as current government 😮
@kaywider7883 Год назад
@@trevorberridge6079 His own MP's got rid of him, he was standing alone. That is the corrupt government on all sides.
@Maisy1000 Год назад
We need to look at party funding and FPTP, politicians are not delivering, short of martial law, we need to sort the megalomaniacs out. The get rich crowd have no place in a caring society.
@traindriver35 Год назад
This is very interesting and I will follow with interest. I live in die hard tory constituency (Reigate) hell would have to freeze over before there was anything else so I will make use of the tactical voting advise. The tory corruption is sickening. Never wanted them gone so much in my life. Problem is .... Starmer!! 'My dad was milkman my wife's a nurse' '13 years of sticking plaster politics' blah blah.... Always looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights on telly. And he was quite happy to claim £250k on chauffeur driven cars when he was at the CPS. Rather likes the 'Sir" from what I hear!
@trevorberridge6079 Год назад
Starmer is the most dishonest man in parliament. But he might be a bitter pill we have to swallow for now. If only JC would form a new party for us to invest in.
@surveysmr1790 Год назад
If Starmer only gets a coalition, proportional representation could be actually pushed through by SNP or LibDems or Green. It's the only thing giving me hope atm
@davidlukey5189 Год назад
There hasn't been a party worth voting for in my lifetime.
@vodaredhill1704 Год назад
Monster raving looney party.
@davidlukey5189 Год назад
@vodaredhill1704 sorry, there has been one party worth voting for.
@trevorberridge6079 Год назад
There have been you just allowed a heavily biased press to convince you they didn't exist.
@keithpanton7486 Год назад
All that matters really is there's always been one party worth voting against. Until the voting system is changed, that's the way it is, we have to vote to remove the most toxic option.
@jackmason4374 Год назад
If she ran for pm I would vote for her 💯
@danfallon1247 Год назад
Definitely, got mine.
@shakhan1848 Год назад
Really hope she does.
@mufccharliemufcglazersout Год назад
@alansdorsetfossils4028 Год назад
How interesting that main stream media chose not to publicise the tactical voting website.
@chrissmith8526 Год назад
I never really paid much attention to her but I’m starting to think this woman speaks for so many of us she’s on the right side of things
@mikejones-tf6zo 11 месяцев назад
i agree with you, i never have paid much attention to her either
@terrymoney9718 Год назад
She's for us.bless her
@phlegmony Год назад
so u want labour who will just crash the economy and give more money to benefit scroungers?
@terrymoney9718 Год назад
@@phlegmony no not labour. There as bad as each other. Lynch dempsey hislop Lewis even Clarkson would do for me
@kevingiblin4122 Год назад
She is so right 😅😊
@davidpearn2484 Год назад
God we need more people like carol 🙏.
@Sabraque Год назад
No we don't. Another champagne socialist who does not in any shape or form represent the traditional working class person. Open your eyes, utilise your brain cells and tell me what you really see😮.
@sidonthebank Год назад
Potty mouth Raynor ?
@nicholasgerrish6022 Год назад
Yes, she’s certainly “Very up front”…….
@gerryquinn5224 Год назад
Just the one would do for me! 😅
@nicholasgerrish6022 Год назад
@@gerryquinn5224 A nice pair is better than one!
@The_Truth_Is_Stranger Год назад
Anyone going against the establishment at this point in time is a hero in my mind!
@MineshShah Год назад
Anything to get the Tories out, I'm in!
@yogixxx4275 Год назад
Keep going Carol You’re doing a great job. Bye Bye Torie thieves.
@lindabrogan1536 Год назад
Thank you carol for speaking up for the people x
@HShango Год назад
Love Carol.
@Wisephoton Год назад
I love this country and this planet. What we do impacts the beyond our shores. We need to reform the system and remove the ability of greedy people taking advantage of the system and cream off the top. We also need tomake sure politicians cannot have a second job and their income can only match the average of a teacher, social worker and nurse's salary. As these representative occupations are considered hard working if not more compared to a politician. No politician is allowed to have bank accounts outside their country of residence. We should have an anti corruption department monitoring politicians managed by civil servants.
@janpowell7536 Год назад
Totally agree 100%
@265petsar Год назад
Well said, Carol, this Conservative government has to go, but I'm terrified of a Labour government who will also bring our country to its knees. Something has to change.
@sleepwalkingcapsules Год назад
Great speech.
@kruger-3522 Год назад
I love Carol !! Thankyou for speaking out Carol. X
@Tiggs84 Год назад
What a wonderful person she is
@SilverHunterN Год назад
Yeah, I remember seeing her on countdown & how 2, back in the 90s. Amazing lady.
@Davebod Год назад
First past the post is archaic.
@alextrotman2743 Год назад
Thank you carol ! I needed a little ray of light
@MrPaulcoster94 Год назад
I’m so guilty of misjudging Carole 😢glad I listened to her big fan now
@blue_tree_meadow Год назад
And there you have it, strength, intelligence, integrity and principles. I need say no more other than, well said Carol, it's time we had someone with all of those qualities speaking out. The people need a voice in the mainstream because so much of what matters to us is lost in the ether of political bias. Thank you.
@I_am_Spartacus Год назад
It makes such a refreshing change to have an intelligent woman talking about the things that matter to us, and not some wet lettuce like Truss or the Maybot. The questions she should also ask in her interviews is why aren't the Police or the NCA doing more to investigate and arrest MPs with the PPE scandals... this is fraud on a level even the Mafia would be proud of....
@andrewhoult4630 Год назад
❤ well said carol vorderman ❤👏👏
@EddieChristie-rz9oz Год назад
You are a credit to non sociopaths.
@KingKong187911 Год назад
Intelligent and Beautiful woman, even more so at 62 🙌🏽
@Andrew-ri5qo Год назад
It's called plastic surgery. Her surgeon is better than most.
@phlegmony Год назад
so u want labour who will just crash the economy and give more money to benefit scroungers?
@Andrew-ri5qo Год назад
@Phlegmony Sofââ lol the tories have already crashed the economy and gave money to illegal immigrants 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@Andrew-ri5qo Год назад
@@phlegmony imagine believing in politicians of any colour 😭😭😭😭
@jeffturner2102 8 месяцев назад
I would love carol to start/make a new polictal party, I'd definitely vote for her! 👍🐥
@fuzzstar7878 8 месяцев назад
Carol Vorderman is a ray of light, Love her!
@jimmcfarlane5611 Год назад
If Labour could introduce PR it would keep the Tories out for good Hopefully
@jopo8281 Год назад
This lady is a national treasure.
@Zappa943 Год назад
Luv ya Carol, you've got big numbers too. 😉
@Scitzowicz Год назад
I just like Carol Vorderman
@purple-porker Год назад
GO CAROL!!!! We need more famous people to bang the drum.
@phlegmony Год назад
so u want labour who will just crash the economy and give more money to benefit scroungers?
@aceace5457 Год назад
go for it carol u should become the next pm 😄
@harrypalmer3481 Год назад
Carol gets my vote.
@monkeyboy8424 Год назад
Such a refreshing and realistic alternative to thel Tories National Conservatism claptrap.
@subliminalart.1637 Год назад
You just can't help loving this lady. We need a new party for the people, get rid of the trash we have at the moment. By the way myself and Carol something in common, I was a youth worker at the same school in Rhyl.❤❤❤🇬🇧🙏
@chrishewitt4220 Год назад
+As an ex-Pat, now living in Australia for 25 years, and a new citizen here... compulsory voting is the way to go!
@user-lm2vs1sl3v Год назад
The corruption must be stopped
@Badger-w8u Год назад
Carol , I hope your right . I hope we can STOP the TORIES .
@davidbaxter4910 12 дней назад
@Lester-hi4ez Год назад
You can stop me anytime baby 😂
@MercuryCircuit Год назад
Bless you for telling the truth and trying to show eveyone what is really happening. Keep going Carol.
@mikeyoung7660 Год назад
Great video Carol thank you youre a saint ❤
@niceuneasy Год назад
Bless her ❤
@harpalbhardwaj120 Год назад
I respect Carol she is very Frank and honest person . She is doing great service for the community as she exposed tory corrupt politicians who stole public money and given to rich people. Keep up the good work. We all love you Carol. I admire you immensely. God bless you.
@DrunknMonkee Год назад
Carol for PM!
@grumblewoof4721 Год назад
I think Carol Vorderman can stop a freight train.
@Wink_Dinkerson Год назад
What a brilliant woman....
@fionamclean5706 Год назад
Well done carol👏
@paulbayliss6776 Год назад
President Vorderman
@JJ-zg1hh Год назад
Well done Carol. Keep going!
@patriciagallagher8198 Год назад
Well done 👏 she is 💯💯💯💯💯
@steveamis4177 Год назад
Go for it Carol.
@paul8161 Год назад
Great speech Carol. Very intrested to hear your plans in your group and you hit the nail on the head with alot of your views you shared about how people feel so cut ✂️ off from politicians in general and how there there to serve themselves not us.
@damiansweeney7766 Год назад
They are both the same controlled by others and so things are not likely to change as there are no real choices in the current political system
@jimweights8908 8 месяцев назад
I love voorders. Smart and sensible - and a voice for the rest of us
@jackiehenderson9781 Год назад
Well done Carol I'm with u x😮
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