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Do Reproductive Technologies Oppose God’s Design? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1165
Transcript: www.desiringgo...



5 сен 2024




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@TaraMaliaTV 2 года назад
This is so encouraging. Praying comfort for all who have experienced immense sadness over these identity issues. As a woman over 40 and not having a husband or child(ren) yet. I have been praying on whether or not to freeze my eggs, and continue to do the Lord's will. And I have yet to receive a clear answer from the Lord regarding this. But, I do believe I received it from Him through this podcast. Thank you.
@lquinn410 Год назад
God does speak to us through His people. Praying you are overcome by the peace and love of Christ in this.
@elgabenedicta 6 лет назад
Beautiful explanation and encouragement Pastor John! I too have the same struggle about myself and my son. I feel so encouraged and deeply grateful for our amazing God and His love and mercy upon me/us all. Thank you. I really need to hear this.
@pietro4772 2 года назад
As a born again Christian, my earthly family is my Christian brothers and sisters. Amen? *AMEN*
@ramiroofaragon9323 3 года назад
One of Pastor Piper's finest moments all for God's glory. Amen.
@jennifermallard465 6 лет назад
Also some people don't need children and yet are fertile and I wonder why they have children only to hurt their child in the end I'm in this situation right now I only have one parent my other parent was a married man who's long deceased today I had to remind her that I didn't go with him she did she called me Rosemary's baby she even insulted herself with this one she really didn't like my dad and I hear about what a horrible person he was to often and have suffered because of what she considered her mistake I look at myself and know God loves me despite who my dad was to him I'm his child and I'm happy to have God in my life who loves unconditional human love can often times be conditional and selfish
@AWalkingHat 4 года назад
I am baffled that Christians don't turn to adoption instead of IVF in a case like this.
@Sinekyre14 4 года назад
Because adoption is horrible, unnatural, creates tons of trauma and distance between the child and "parents", while IVF has created 8 million beautiful, happy, successful children with loving and resourceful parents.
@sillyrabbit7253 4 года назад
@@Sinekyre14 "...adoption is horrible..." What an absurd statement. When there are 18,000,000 children in orphanages worldwide that need families, would you rather see them stay there and not have a family at all? Or worse yet, would you rather they were aborted? I have no issue with IVF personally, but to talk down adoption is reflective of a hardened heart. You are all over this comment section justifying your decision to do IVF - it seems you are not very confident with your choice. Please check yourself, Christian, and read James 1:27 before running off at the mouth.
@2ndPigeon 4 года назад
@@Sinekyre14 What causes more trauma. A kid that gets adopted and have parents or a kid that stays and orphan forever? What made you say that? Besides, it's not unnatural. We see adoption happen in other species as wel, mostly birds.
@Sinekyre14 4 года назад
​@@2ndPigeon Birds. Great comparison. Go ahead and adopt some african kid and have a pavlovian response to what I just said while you're at it. Do it quick before you google "average IQ in africa" and maybe realize that you're living in a silly delusion. There are tons of books written by parents who adopted and regretted it. It's super common, but suppressed because of the shame involved. I remember reading a woman's horror as she walked in on her adopted daughter naked in the bathroom. She was terrified and felt like she had violated a stranger. "Fathers" who adopt go through the same horrible feelings, but it's all suppressed because it'd be insulting to the child to talk about it. Thus the illusion of happy adoptions goes on, and brainwashed idiots can convince themselves that IVF is what's evil.
@2ndPigeon 4 года назад
@@Sinekyre14 So long story short: Screw Africans and screw orphans. You seems like a top notch human being.
@tskjesusfreak 6 лет назад
The problem with this whole idea of donating sperm/eggs is really dangerous. Why one can accidentally marry their half brother or sister. There are a few cases where a brother or sister were separated at birth then they married and had kids together then they figure out that they were brother and sister.
@crowsandravens8998 Год назад
@tarrynthedoula 7 месяцев назад
There is absolutely NOT ONE scripture saying some married couples are to barren. Infertility exists because we live in a fallen world but take heart because Christ has overcome the world! As believers, we are to bring on earth what is in heaven. His word tells us what His will is: that none will miscarry or be barren (exodus 23:26, Deuteronomy 7:14). We are also promised that a benefit of God is to be healed from ALL of our diseases and by His stripes, we are healed of EVERY infirmity - that includes Infertility. They should be teaching couples to accept their healing in Christ Jesus but instead they tell couples to just bear with it. That is NOT the will of God and scripture proves that. Jesus is our healer!
@rrickarr 11 месяцев назад
I was really hoping to have a CLEAR and unambiguous answer. I am really unclear as to whether John Piper condones this or says it is wrong. The Catholic Church is very good about being stunningly clear on their dogma. I understand what John Piper is saying to the child that has been conceived in this manner but what is he saying to the couple who consider this course and alarmingly: I see a lot of single women in their 40´s who are getting artificial insemination!!!!!!
@rachelravindran Год назад
Wow i am crying listening to this. Thank you for your great wisdom
@jamesdean1989 3 года назад
I don't understand why she doesn't focus on the love and desire that her adoptive parents have for her???
@pietro4772 2 года назад
@James Smith Amen. Matthew 22:36-40 (KJV) Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
@lquinn410 Год назад
She's not adopted. Her mother used a sperm donor to get pregnant and led her to believe she had been conceived naturally by her parents.
@rrickarr 11 месяцев назад
A lot of adoptive parents show very little love!!!!!! Obviously, you have not been adopted.
@worldview730 Год назад
This was my situation but I chose to sponsor some children through a Christian charity. This was not & is never an easy choice & it's repercussions follows us to the grave
@noreenwawuda8973 6 лет назад
IVF can wreak havoc on a woman’s body and reproductive organs. The body was not made to endure hyper ovulation, multiple pregnancies at the same time, and hormonal drugs. In the case of twins or higher-order multiple pregnancies. The mother will more likely develop high blood pressure or anemia, as well as having a higher risk for miscarriage. Induced high blood pressure. Preeclampsia (protein in the uterus), or gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Women carrying multiple fetuses are also more likely to have hemorrhaging, anemia, or die in childbirth compared with women who are only pregnant with one child at a time. The Bible tells us that our “bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit”, and although in this specific context Paul addresses sexual union with someone outside of your spouse. This could be relevant to IVF, espe­cially in the case of gamete donors. Even without donors, the Bible gives precedence for treating the body as a place worthy of God. In the end, couples must come to a unified decision for each other, themselves, and their potential children. Both spouses need to determine if IVF and the results of the process are glorifying to God. And consider if the physical risks of IVF, for the wife and the potential children, seem appropriate and wise. Like the decision I made in Bio tex.
@Sinekyre14 4 года назад
My wife just went through her 4th IVF, creating more beautiful and happy children, and she's healthier than 99% of women out there. 8 million children have been born through IVF, and all studies prove that they're just as successful and healthy as other children, and the mothers are unharmed by the process. Why not focus on the drug epidemic rather than successful women having children through IVF?
@betterleftunsed 4 года назад
@@Sinekyre14 No. They are finding that IVF children have more health problems as they get older. Remember that IVF babies have not aged yet, and as they do we are seeing more and more problems. And this is controlling for parental conditions. I have no problem with you being pro-IVF as long as you are also heartily pro-choice. But the truth is that IVF is the selfish choice. I know you've convinced yourself horrible things about adoption, very clearly to rationalize the selfish desire to have biological children. It's a desire hard wired in most of us so why you felt such deep shame that you needed to manufacture and adopt this horrible belief system about adoption is beyond me. The vast majority of us want biological children. it's natural and it's unnecessary to feel such self-hatred about it. you've gone through 4 IVF rounds- so you're clearly fine with the numerous embryos that you've killed in the process- so i just sincerely hope that you're pro-choice. i choose not to believe that that kind of raging hypocrisy could exist in a human being. i also hope that your children remain healthy as they age despite emerging statistics that paint a scary picture.
@Sinekyre14 4 года назад
​@@betterleftunsed A complete lie, which is what I expect from someone who claims that Josef Fritzl raping his daughter in a dungeon to create a child with her, is a gift and God's will, while putting sperm around an egg then placing it in a woman's womb is evil. Your morality is so skewed and objectively wrong that no sane person would give you the light of day, or listen to a word you have to say. All research on the tens of thousands of people born from IVF shows that they have zero adverse health risks. In fact, they have on-average higher IQ. The study you refer to cites multiple embryos and increased age to be the factors for slightly higher blood pressure (0.2% average), which is negated if you use single embryos, *which is the new standard with IVF.* All IVF is, is taking the egg and bathing it in sperm cells, just as would happen in a woman's body, but giving it a better environment, then placing it back in. You have to be a complete fucking moron to think this is somehow a sin and evil, while children born to irresponsible people and rapists are a "gift". Get your head out of your dumb ass.
@Sinekyre14 4 года назад
@@betterleftunsed www.fertilityiq.com/topics/ivf/when-ivf-babies-grow-up-are-they-healthy IVF children are *just as healthy* and perform better than others on cognitive tests. IVF selects better sperm cells and so created better offspring, they have higher IQ on average, and these clinical tests prove it.
@glee4694 Год назад
You obviously are not an obstetrician. Why would you give false information about a subject of which you have no professional knowledge?
@jennifermallard465 6 лет назад
I use to think about doing this but im single I really want a child but I know it's not a good idea for me being single and all it would be different if I were married
@glendike5843 4 года назад
why should you ever think of having a child without being married.people have no respect for God and his word anymore,ending up living dirty lives.they cause pain to their children asking for their father and why me.all because of greed and selfishness.your life is short.can God not sustain you.are you so selfish to have a baby without a father.how can you even think like that.are you living in fornication right now,you better repent.stay single and serve your God or go get married. nothing is a must in this life,many are gone who never had children or the opportunity of experiencing what it is to be a parent.we are no different,we are no more special as to have it all.Only God Jesus Christ can give you a baby.but do it the right way with your husband.
@meeeeeeee82 11 месяцев назад
@@glendike5843why are you talking to someone else like this?
@glendike5843 11 месяцев назад
why I talk like that is because God is no respecter of persons. Let me even go further by telling you that abortion is wrong too. yes, there can be complications, where the life of a mother is in danger. now listen very well, do you know that if people would stop fornicating which is an abomination to God, there would be less unmarried pregnancies, out of wedlock and therefore less abortions????? do you know that more than 60 million abortions alone in America have been committed???? was sex intended outside of marriage??? so if we do things right according to God's design, don't you think there will be far less deaths? what a shame and disgrace to humanity. no one is interested to know what God thinks, we turn our eyes away, pretend we don't know and continue to commit atrocities. every weekend there is a one nightstand, behind walls terrible things are going on, girls, without using their brain for a second, acting recklessly, women telling you, I have right to my body. Why did Jesus say to the Father, not my will but yours, when He went to the cross/WHY WAS ABRAHAM READY TO SACRIFIES HIS SON, WHY MUST YOU OWN YOUR BODY INSTEAD OF Jesus OWNING IT? WHAT DOES IT PROFIT, YOU GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD AND LOOSE YOUR SOUL. PEOPLE NEVER STOP AT WHAT IS EASILY AVAILABLE AND ACCESSABLE TO THEM. when it is not accessible, that is when they learn to adjust by force. It sadly always requires pressure, discipline and scolding to get people to do what God wants, a word is enough for the wise!
@Mrten-jg4qj 2 года назад
Who told you God had mercy and Love for you.
@SJ-vd1jh Год назад
I haven’t listened to the video but for any couple struggling with infertility look into naprotechnology.
@meeeeeeee82 11 месяцев назад
did he answer the question?
@codyclaypool1257 Год назад
No but hormonal disruptors do aka medications aka pharmakiea
@bailujen8052 4 года назад
What about an jncubator so the biological parents can produce their baby without pregnancy
@smartbiney801 3 года назад
You'll still not be the original parent and the baby would grow looking for his or her original parents... the hurt and pain is not worth it
@leonscott543 3 года назад
I think it's sort of selfesh to do sperm donation route. Having a child isn't simply a gift for yourself. It's supposed to be a gift for the child to experience life and in turn a gift for you and the father of the child.... So adoption makes much more sense in this context because there are existing children without that luxary of experience fulfilling life. I do support however using alternative ways to conceive or carry your baby that you and your husband produced..... I think it should only be done when the woman is incapable of safely having a child or just cannot do it at all....
@joshuaokoro-sokoh2993 3 года назад
What are your stances on Birth Control? That is the first question I would ask. Because if your stance is anything like Lori Alexander, then your argument flounders because you cannot tell us that God favors childlessness while under the same breath tell us birth control is a sin. Because that's hypocritical telling us that "God favors childlessness" unless it's consensual.
@joshuaokoro-sokoh2993 3 года назад
@James Smith But it works far better than withdrawal and really no ones trying abstinence.
@Patriotman54 4 года назад
@nl9490 3 года назад
Deuteronomy 29:29....God said...”Secret things belong to me. What is reveal teach to our generation”, etc....We must always trust God and if we can’t have a child when people are married...adopt a child instead of ivy, fertilization, etc... This is not God’s intention. Just like Abraham married to Sarah. Sarah couldn’t conceive. She mad a plan to use maid servant of their to conceive child through her. That wasn’t God’s plan. Later Sarah was conceived at old age....who was Isaac....whom God made a covenant with Isaac instead of Ismael. This tells me crystal clear marriage from first one is important cause God mention offspring from Maid servant will be a wild ones but God still blessed Ismael. Look at the Assyrians country,..it’s generation pass down...you should read the Genesis ...profoundly fulfilled....😳
@b.f.d.3239 4 года назад
wasn't Mary a surrogate?? well b/c of her surrogacy, we have Jesus and will live forever w him...I can c you're Calvinistic response now - oh well that's different....He is the son of God.. etc.. and you're analogy opposite adoption is awful
@2ndPigeon 4 года назад
Don't bring logic into this.
@GBannoura 4 года назад
You got it wrong. Mary was not a Surrogate. She was Jesus’ mother. Jesus was conceived miraculously. It is not about Calvinistic response. It is a fundamental doctrine that you need to make sure you understand it. Here is a good link: www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/born-virgin-mary/
@holyempressw8531 Год назад
​@@GBannoura Exactly
@staceyloulouse 3 года назад
So you don't think its possible to raise an IVF child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord so that they don't feel like a commodity? Surely there are individuals that have children and want more children should have that option. After all, God's word says that everyone should consider themselves to be fatherless, because God is the only Father of all time. I sympathize with the emailer, but there should be a responsibility laid on the parents to not hold that information, except before adolescence, and give that child the proper foundation of Christ and self-esteem. If orphans can be redeemed, surely IVF children are just as important to God.
@briellejacobs1045 3 года назад
Calvinists, they always contradict themselves. God tells us to be fruitful and multiply and yet people think that God makes people barren because it’s as well. That is not true. God still Hills today and he can heal Baron us. If you want to have a child and you’re unable there’s nothing wrong with having a sperm donor. If you teach your child about their worth and value, even if they came unconventionally, it doesn’t have to mess up their identity. This girl had problems because her parents never told her and that’s understandable. Always be open and honest with your children
@EphesianRose Год назад
First off, from a non-religious angle: it's really unprogressive and anti-feminist for women to feel pressured to have children or to internalize fertility as tied to our identity and worth! Secondly, from a Biblical angle: children are a GIFT from the Lord, not "rights" from the LORD. We are not "entitled" to children just by virtue of biology. And finally, regardless of what denomination one is, I've found Catholic Church's "theology of the body" about gender and sexuality to be beautiful and affirming especially for women at whatever life stage or marital status -- as well as the corresponding teachings about birth control and artificial reproduction to be extremely edifying in this chaotic culture that we're in. Am encouraged more Protestants are looking into that. God bless. :)
@holyempressw8531 Год назад
​@@EphesianRose Exactly. Not to mention Egg donation keeps the man genes going meanwhile the women genetic genes and bloodline comes to an end. This is patriarchy as they come. Ivf is promoting egg donation is patriarchy because the man genes will continue. This is sad .
@millintribe6997 5 лет назад
Does this IVF babies have souls because they were created by a doctor in a lab and not by God?
@Tact012 5 лет назад
No doctor can create a baby from scratch. They were simply God's design grown in ways that he didnt intend.
@Sinekyre14 4 года назад
Taking an egg and a sperm cell, who would otherwise be washed away by the body, merging them an immediately introducing them to a womb to grow naturally is not "created by a doctor". All they do is extract the egg and put sperm cells on it, they dont even inject the sperm cell into the egg, the sperm cell naturally penetrates the egg. Then the fertilized egg is put into a woman. This entire discussion is pointless if you don't understand what happens. God could easily prevent IVF from happening if it was his will. Stop this nonsense.
@hughmungus1562 3 года назад
They do not have souls they are abominations the Bible is clear one flesh anything else is satanic
@charm2232 3 года назад
@Hugh Mungus. I'm not sure if you're trolling but if you're not please explain your comment further.
@anitafoxworth6564 3 года назад
Being childless is hurtful, shameful, your lonely invisible to not only men but the world
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