
Does Standing Against Trans-Rights Make You a Bully? 

Cross Examined
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If you speak out against "trans rights," are you guilty of being a bully? Proponents of trans-ideology often throw this accusation at naysayers, but by what standard? Frank unpacks this popular argument's underlying double standard in this video.
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Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism 2023 Edition by Dr. Frank Turek Book👉📱bit.ly/3qws2ZL
Blog: 'Who are the Real Gay Bigots and Bullies?' by Frank Turek 👉📱 crossexamined.org/who-are-the...
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#TransRights #Pride #LGBTQ



23 июн 2024




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@CrossExamined 9 дней назад
FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱cutt.ly/cInI1eo
@TomMichael5678 12 дней назад
Ask the females in womens sports who have to compete against males who the bullies are!
@gi169 12 дней назад
Amen brother. God bless you Tom.
@TomMichael5678 12 дней назад
​@@gi169 And the Lord bless you, brother 🙏
@jeffphelps1355 12 дней назад
Absolutely... The feminist who preach about women's rights are silent on this
@festushaggen2563 12 дней назад
The ones with severe physical injuries know it best.
@dr00g28 12 дней назад
Great point!! Blessings
@gi169 12 дней назад
Thanks CrossExamined 👍
@dansaber5853 12 дней назад
Who's delusional? Should people treat you as your authentic self or as your Born Again Emperor's New Clothes identity? People can see the real you. One day a child will point that out.
@gi169 11 дней назад
​@@dansaber5853 You demons are so weird.
@mattslater2603 10 дней назад
​@@gi169"demons" Lol!
@dansaber5853 10 дней назад
@@gi169 have you been to Salem Massachusetts?
@dansaber5853 10 дней назад
@@gi169 if you believe in such things you could move there and help with the overall ambiance
@ericdaily8835 11 дней назад
Sometimes the most intolerant people are the ones who preach tolerance.
@itsJPhere 11 дней назад
A tolerant society must not tolerate intolerance by definition.
@mamusipipalisajelo5419 11 дней назад
@@itsJPhere Karl Popper moment-
@Eddieshred 4 дня назад
@@itsJPhere Still better than living in an intolerant society though.
@JiraiyaSama86 12 дней назад
This reminded me of how JBP explained something that everyone should be aware of. There was a clip where the interviewer accused him of being a provocateur, and he explained that he didn't try to provoke. However, when he expresses some of his thoughts, some people feel provoked. It's similar here, although we need to be careful of the two extremes. Yes, we may not intend to bully, and the other person may feel bullied. That's possible. The extreme on this end is that someone just doesn't compromise ever on their very blunt approach and insists that they're right. Think of the person who's obsessed with strength and intends to push people to become as hard and tough as him. That's the extreme on this end. On the other end is the person who constantly plays the victim. It can be a master manipulator who takes advantage of a person's compassion and empathy. They take full advantage of the person's kindness and generosity. Look out for this one. There's also the one who never takes responsibility for what they did wrong. The one who melts at a paper cut. They're not that different from the manipulator in the sense that they've become so dependent on others that as an autonmous individual, they're crippled. Beware of these two ends.
@InHocSignoVinces40 12 дней назад
Dear Trans Community: Don’t tell me I have to accept you for who you are when you couldn’t even accept yourself for who you were.
@AgileLily 12 дней назад
Wow this is mind blowing. Amazing response. God bless 🙏🏼✝️
@dr00g28 12 дней назад
Well said! 👏👏👏
@atheistskeptic8748 12 дней назад
This is something I see quite often as an argument, I guess. It’s a bit of a weird statement though. It seems like we all at one time had things we didn’t like about ourselves and we changed or are learning things about ourselves and trying and working on change. Personally speaking, I couldn’t accept many things of who I was so I changed them in hopes that I’m a better person now for those changes and I would hope I could be better accepted for those changes. You’re saying no, don’t accept those because you just need to happy where you are at and exactly as you are because if you aren’t happy with who you are now then you’re unworthy of acceptance if you change. That’s a weird concept to have.
@InHocSignoVinces40 12 дней назад
@@atheistskeptic8748 If I identify as a billionaire, should the bank adjust my account?
@itsJPhere 12 дней назад
When your God wouldn't accept you for who you were and demanded you to change, would you like to hear that, after all the struggles you've been through, he still doesn't accept you because you weren't born perfect?
@j7odnorof777 12 дней назад
By saying disagreement is bullying, they either don't want to hear the truth or they're honestly ignorant about what bullying means.
@sterlingfallsproductions3930 12 дней назад
It's not disagreeing. It's changing rights that gove trans people the same as everyone else
@BoomBustProfits 12 дней назад
Leftists are the Biggest Bullies & Hypocrites out there - using Government to force your horrible ideas on others is the worst kind of bullying! Using Govt to force women to compete against bullies (men pretending to be women)? How do you stop this when Judges, Prosecutors, Cops, etc are ALL employed by Government? There is NO objective 3rd party to go to for help when Government has a problem with you & decides to destroy your life! "Americans have forgotten that Government is BY DEFINITION an inherently coercive, wasteful, & inefficient territorial monopolist of ultimate decisionmaking & violence."
@Trustybob110 12 дней назад
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930​​⁠Did you listen to the last part of this video? Being able to enter a bathroom of the opposite gender or playing sports and winning as a man against girls, that sure is bullying. Stripping the rights of these poor girls just so you can feel good about yourself
@sterlingfallsproductions3930 12 дней назад
@@Trustybob110 Trans people aren't going into women's restrooms to peep on women. And sports is such a entitled position a bunch of people don't care that people in sports are literally suffering from brain damage every time they tale a hit. But I digress. You guys just use these specific points to push a bigger agenda. Blocking trans people from adopting children. From being welcomed in society. A tale as old as time.
@user-ud9og6qm9h 12 дней назад
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930 Trans dont want equal rights…..they want total compliance and to destroy the rights of those who disagree with them.
@keshaking7849 12 дней назад
It’s absolutely not bullying. The world would like us to conform to there upside down delusions. I’m not going to conform I’m standing for the word of God!!!!
@gi169 12 дней назад
@preciadocr1ss 12 дней назад
We need the truth, truth is important it ground us, straight us up, keeps us from falsehood!
@sterlingfallsproductions3930 12 дней назад
That's def still bullying. 2015 gay people could finally legally get married. Just because your god delusion shouldn't mean people don't get the same rights as u
@albaraka7519 12 дней назад
You believe in a god you haven't shown to be real yet someone else has upside down delusions?
@preciadocr1ss 12 дней назад
@@albaraka7519 God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
@puddintayne9254 12 дней назад
Thank you for the truth.
@meanman6992 12 дней назад
Is a person being a bully to point out a person is about to make a mistake that will harm them? (That’s my answer)
@sterlingfallsproductions3930 12 дней назад
So you don't believe a single trans person that says it's the best decision they ever made? That's still bullying to to think you know better than them and therefore would take that right from them
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930good point
@CornerstoneMinistry316 12 дней назад
No, giving them the loving truth is never bullying. Sometimes, people need to hear what they don't want to hear. Transition is NEVER the answer
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
@markshaneh 12 дней назад
@@sterlingfallsproductions3930 Your incredibly arrogant, “ disagreement “ is not bullying we all disagree on many matters and survive. Forcing and threatening people to agree with your position is bullying Grow up .
@HanasDad 12 дней назад
This channel is very helpful for me.Thank you.
@lorettarobards2657 12 дней назад
The truth never lies!
@Ehtizan-Editor3 11 дней назад
Hey Cross Examined, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made. I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and repurpose your long videos into highly engaging shorts? I can also make high CTR thumbnails for your channel
@bryanlentz7160 11 дней назад
It’s not a matter of rights, what they want is preferential treatment accorded them by law!
@pun15h3r. 12 дней назад
excactly. good video!
@dansaber5853 12 дней назад
Who's delusional? Should people treat you as your authentic self or as your Born Again Emperor's New Clothes identity? People can see the real you. One day a child will point that out.
@cutiepyne 11 дней назад
...Truth is hard to swallow. Disagreement is disagreement...
@opalbeauty1578 10 дней назад
The Miss Maryland competition was just won by a man. And women CLAPPED. So angry and disheartening. I feel betrayed by my own gender. :(
@Gek1177 9 дней назад
Maybe you should just feel happy for a stranger because that event literally has nothing to do with you and you should stop hiding behind the Bible, which says nothing about trans people, to justify your spite.
@opalbeauty1578 9 дней назад
@@Gek1177 You have no idea what you are talking about. Secular people come onto a Christian platform and pass judgement to us. Secular people don't have the Way, the Truth and the Life in them. Furthermore this is a competition for WOMEN. Not a man wanting to be a woman.
@opalbeauty1578 9 дней назад
People thinking it's ok that men aren't staying in men's competitions and women staying in women's is not ok. It's just not. As a woman it's not ok for a man, however he thinks and has changed his body, to enter into a competition for WOMEN. Take Riley Gaines. Her competition was a huge man taller than her, with a bigger heart, stronger stamina and longer limbs. She rightfully got her medals back. I have a right to be upset. People thinking I'm in the wrong see the world through the eyes of satan. I'm glad to hide in the Word of God. It's my protection from an ever increasing demonic world.
@Gek1177 9 дней назад
@@opalbeauty1578 pretty sure you're the one seeing the world through the eyes of Satan. Aak yourself, are you being prejudice? Does the Bible say anything about Trans people?
@mandys6525 11 дней назад
I am a retired teacher and what is one of the first thing a bully calls those he's been bullying? He/she says that person is bullying them.
@jpjp9111 12 дней назад
I will never play along with a crazy playing dress up.
@TitoProphetOfSloths 12 дней назад
Just like some will never play along to a crazy that hears voices. Don't be so judgemental. Christianity taught you better, didn't it?
@wm1958 11 дней назад
@TitoProphetOfSloths you hear voices in your head telling you to put on a dress and cut off healthy body parts?
@TitoProphetOfSloths 11 дней назад
@@wm1958 I was referring to those who claim to hear the voice of their god, about the irony of op's statement I usually don't hear other voices if not mines~
@wm1958 11 дней назад
@TitoProphetOfSloths so you are hearing your own voices in your head telling you to do those things? Wouldn't that also be crazy?
@TitoProphetOfSloths 11 дней назад
@@wm1958 it was a joke, I meant my thoughts~ I don't hear voices
@Psalm1188 12 дней назад
Hypocrites don’t believe they’re hypocrites because they’re always right.
@TitoProphetOfSloths 12 дней назад
@Yodakaycool 12 дней назад
well said
@larzman651 12 дней назад
No special set of rights for anyone. We all have the same set under a moral standard. The right to freedom and pursuit of happiness , which we all have. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
@jasonnoble7302 11 дней назад
Yep You have the right to believe God is morally good when he watches a C h i l d Being abused and doesn’t do anything to stop it right now Every min that goes by a child is a b u s e d and your all loving good God could stop every one of them right now but chooses not to What a great worldview you have 🤷‍♂️🥲✝️
@larzman651 11 дней назад
@@jasonnoble7302 did you do anything to stop it? Why ? That sounds like subjective morality
@wm1958 11 дней назад
@jasonnoble7302 yet when God does you strange little militant athiest cry about how horrible God is for actually getting involved. Maybe God is saying fix it yourself. I sure would. Boohoo! God who I don't even believe in isn't doing anything to stop this evil that I can't even say is absolutely wrong. You could do something yourself about helping the abused but instead you spend all your time on social media crying about the sky daddy you say does not even exist. Absolutely pathetic
@jackalsgate1146 11 дней назад
​@@larzman651 Define: objective truth, cause I guarantee, you don't have the slightest clue, apart from your twisted delusions, as to what you're talking about.
@larzman651 11 дней назад
@@jackalsgate1146 a claim that can be shown to be true , whether or not someone doesn't want it to be
@TruthGrace-oo1tr 10 дней назад
We are answerable to God. No one else. If that is labelled as "bullying," then so be it.
@kinggenius930 10 дней назад
You understand how that is not really a justification though, right?
@Mavors1099 10 дней назад
Thats why religious fanatism is so damgerous. People who believe that abusive behaviour is ok because they believe is santioned by their god.
@Gek1177 9 дней назад
This is exactly the problem, that you think your beliefs are justified by God and are willing to cause other people harm because of that belief.
@ironman2326 11 дней назад
@flashthompson7 12 дней назад
Blessed Love is righteous ❤️‍🔥
@TheoSkeptomai 12 дней назад
Damn. I actually wholeheartedly agree with Turek this time.
@TheGuy.. 11 дней назад
Haha. Perhaps you are starting to find yourself on the right road for a change :)
@TheGuy.. 11 дней назад
Also, I wonder why other unbelievers don't challenge you on your claim.
@TheoSkeptomai 11 дней назад
@TheGuy.. Oh, they DO. I have committed the great sin among unbelievers of being an atheist who is conservative, pro-life, who believes in a strict Constitutional adherence, supportive of our men and women in both green and blue, knows there are but two sexes, wants a secure border, hates the radical left, supports the right of Israel to defend itself, and understands the unfathomable sacrifice men and women far braver than I have sacrificed so that I can freely express this opinion. Trust me, I get fire from all sides.
@TheGuy.. 11 дней назад
@@TheoSkeptomai Haha, I have new respect for you. Take care.
@gordo191 12 дней назад
My family went to war one lost a leg one lost his mind so I can have the right to have a different opinion to anyone else
@JadDragon 12 дней назад
They're the biggest bullies out there, and everyone knows it. Always projection from unbelievers. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@gi169 12 дней назад
Amen brother, but as you would point out; we have Jesus in our life and they don't. That is their choice, but that choice makes them the bitter people they are. As always God richly bless you JD.
@JadDragon 12 дней назад
@@gi169 when we give up worship of God, worship of the self follows. God bless you brother. Numbers 6:24-26 LSB‬ [24] Yahweh bless you, and keep you; [25] Yahweh make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; [26] Yahweh lift up His face on you, And give you peace.’
@JiraiyaSama86 12 дней назад
Their hearts, from what I can tell, are ruled by vengeance, for which they conflate with justice. This is a pattern that I tend to see. It's no wonder our Lord teaches us to forgive.
@gi169 12 дней назад
@@JadDragon A most beautiful portion of the Bible brother, thank you. Have you heard the son The Bleasing from Cody Carnes and Karo Kobe of Elevation worship... So beautiful... Take care brother.
@JadDragon 12 дней назад
@@JiraiyaSama86 they need to forgive themselves perhaps
@darkeyez1630 7 дней назад
Disagreement is not bullying. Forcing, or attempting to force your beliefs onto others is. Wait a sec, ain’t that what some Christians are trying attempting with the Christian nationalist movement.
@kymmoore853 12 дней назад
I’d rather stand with God and be perceived wrong before man than stand with man and be perceived wrong by God.
@paulrussell6495 12 дней назад
Makes u a sane person
@MAC...007 12 дней назад
Totally agree, Frank.
@flimflammer2395 12 дней назад
Honestly for a guy, what honor is there in defeating a smaller weaker opponent? I wish I could witness to my lgbt friends, especially the Christians. But is my motivation out of love or is it control or something? Idk
@gi169 12 дней назад
There are no Christians that align themselves with something in the world. A Christians identity is in Jesus that is what your friends who claim they are Christian need to know. God bless.
@rickintexas1584 11 дней назад
Sadly, too many people want to be victims. There is currency in victim hood. Frank’s comments are 100% on target, therefore he will be labeled a hateful bully.
@mamusipipalisajelo5419 11 дней назад
so true, we really live in a twisted culture. Frank is the true victim
@mattslater2603 10 дней назад
...so you're the victims then? Got it.
@disgaealikerasapOG 12 дней назад
@Kimberly-Kay 12 дней назад
They're delusional!
@dansaber5853 12 дней назад
Who's delusional? Should people treat you as your authentic self or as your Born Again Emperor's New Clothes identity? People can see the real you. One day a child will point that out.
@jackalsgate1146 11 дней назад
If they're delusional then you Chrstns should feel right at home with them. Talk about calling the kettle black.
@godmakesnew 12 дней назад
From my perspective they are the bullys
@mattr.1887 12 дней назад
Don't bully kids. Let them figure stuff out on their own.
@gi169 12 дней назад
Amen anti-theist. Stop hurting kids with chemical castration drugs...
@JiraiyaSama86 12 дней назад
I agree with not bullying. Though we do not agree on the subject of God, can we agree that there's some stuff that's related to this that they need guidance from mature adults who understand this?
@Quint-ib4nf 12 дней назад
@@JiraiyaSama86 Bullying kids for God is OK then?
@JiraiyaSama86 12 дней назад
@@Quint-ib4nf That is incoherent. You'd have to divorce several attributes of God in order to make the case that He's bullying them.
@TomMichael5678 12 дней назад
What a ridiculous statement, Matt! Then keep those ideologies out of school and away from kids. STOP the grooming...
@savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394 12 дней назад
All glory and love be to GOD THE FATHER THE SON THE HOLY SPIRIT THE HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen 💖✝✝✝
@gi169 12 дней назад
@mlauntube 12 дней назад
Where is Phinehas when you need him most?
@philis8054 12 дней назад
Lgbtq leaves out H for heterosexual
@gi169 12 дней назад
Irrelevant, identity in your sexual proclivity is narcissistic.
@festushaggen2563 12 дней назад
I'm actually grateful for that. There's normal and there's all the rest that fill the ever expanding acronym with accompanying flag.
@falloutthewindowcrazy7608 12 дней назад
@gi169 12 дней назад
@@falloutthewindowcrazy7608 Really, explain? Ok I guess. Sex is a thing of worship, but the true identity of a person is in what that person gives of themselves. To give in to sexual proclivity is to be controlled by carnal desires. This is a religion of sex and the individual. If your identity is in the self that is narcissism.
@TitoProphetOfSloths 12 дней назад
Oh you know, heterosexual people usually haven't been and aren't harassed, beaten, arrested and k*lled for just being heterosexual.
@Psalm1101 12 дней назад
Frank they can do whatever they want just leave me and my family alone. That's free will like Joshua said before he died you can worship all the gods but my family will worship the LORD.
@patrickmcmahon818 4 дня назад
Unfortunately acceptance and tolerance today is only a one way street and if you are Christian, then you are evil. As a Christian we know God gave us free will and has allowed people to choose their own path. Many, including Christians, wander off that path and some never find their way back. But I believe we are to love our neighbors as we would want them to love us and show them the path to Jesus. I think if Jesus was here today he too would be sitting amongst the LGBTQ community preaching love but quoting scripture and trying to guide who was willing to a path of salvation. I believe it’s in the Bible that says it’s better to preach to 100 sinners to save 1 than 100 believers who are already saved? We shouldn’t force Christianity on anyone who doesn’t want it nor should we condemn them for their lifestyle. It’s their free will to choose their life. Just don’t force your lifestyle on me, just live together and be kind to each other. ❤
@mamusipipalisajelo5419 11 дней назад
very true! relatedly, I was telling my family just the other day how the culture has really changed nowadays. Like I can't even talk about how woman should be barred from the workplace and not allowed to vote without people calling me names! I can understand that people might like being inclusive, but that's just a personal opinion. My personal opinion is that woman should be oppressed. Why is that so bad? We can agree to disagree without calling me a bully, smh. something my sister will never understand ig
@realityisbest8963 9 дней назад
I think you're a troll seeking attention, but let's assume you're not. Why do you think that women should be oppressed?
@Terabapu3156 12 дней назад
Yes i am against lqbtq2gs73bs😅
@kinggenius930 10 дней назад
What is that?
@silent1967 11 дней назад
Wait till Jesus shows them the hard way.
@jasonnoble7302 11 дней назад
@TomMichael5678 11 дней назад
Now that's a deep well thought out philosophical response if I've ever seen one. Is that all big bad Jay Jay the destroyer has to say! For some reason, I don't think so. Spill it, bad boy, what else ya got!
@jasonnoble7302 11 дней назад
@@TomMichael5678 It’s self explanatory 🤣🥲✝️
@mattslater2603 10 дней назад
​@@TomMichael5678 Goofball got triggered here...
@TomMichael5678 10 дней назад
​@@mattslater2603 😂😂😂 Waaah 😭 waaaah 😭 waaaaah 😭 Here, 1/4 pint of drivel, 🍼 run along and play 😂....
@TomMichael5678 10 дней назад
​@@mattslater2603 If you need a burping, peewee, just fall backwards on your back a couple of times. You might wanna try and cushion the fall a bit with that pumpkin, we wouldn't want you gettin the wind knocked out of you, would we! Good grief, I couldn't imagine the crying we'd have to endure then 🤦‍♂️.
@lorraineperron4840 12 дней назад
What rights, same rights as all of us, nothing more.
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
The bullying comes from people like street preachers who scream at people telling them there is something wrong with them, that they are wicked, going to hell…screwed up.
@speedstackingmaniac 12 дней назад
Technically, it's true. But we need to speak that truth humbly, politely and gently.
@larzman651 12 дней назад
I have seen the reverse in most videos it's the tra people yelling , screaming and destroying property. It's definitely not a one sided issue.
@gi169 12 дней назад
The preacher is not bullying. People need to know that they are bound for Hell without the blood of Jesus. The street preacher is there for the one who has ears to hear. Sometimes a sensitive type is offended, but there might be one person who hears and the Holy Spirit can work on.
@festushaggen2563 12 дней назад
There's something wrong with everyone. Sin.
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
@@festushaggen2563so you say
@andrewlevick1015 12 дней назад
But it's not just about disagreements, it's also about actions. A person said to a church pastor that he is gay, the person is then stripped of his membership and told he can't partake in communion until he "repents". This is bullying, and this sort of thing happens a lot in fundamentalist churches, unfortunately.
@harryfaber 12 дней назад
How is teaching truth 'bullying'? If a person is in mortal sin, he may not receive the Eucharist until repentance. I suspect but do not know, since you did not tell us, that he said more than 'I am gay', maybe he said that he had performed homosexual acts and was going to carry on doing so. If a man says 'I had sex with my neighbour's wife yesterday and I am going to again tomorrow' he cannot receive communion. This is all pretty simple stuff. Not bullying. If a man joins a golf club and plays football on the tee, he will be asked to leave.
@andrewlevick1015 11 дней назад
@@harryfaber But that's what *you* think is the truth. The Catholic Catechism is the opinions of men. Religion continues to use dogma (from catechisms or the Bible) to bully minorities. Yes, it is bullying. To shun someone because of activities that do no harm to others (and in privacy) is bullying. And the Catholic Church is no arbitor of morality given its recent history.
@TheGuy.. 11 дней назад
@@andrewlevick1015 How is shunning someone doing harm?...bullying? If they are shunned, then they aren't around to be bullied or harmed.
@andrewlevick1015 11 дней назад
@@TheGuy.. Shunning for having different beliefs or a different sexual orientation is emotional abuse. The Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, have a notorious reputation for shunning, and it causes untold misery. If a person is violent or vandalises property, then there is a case for shunning but not just for differing views or beliefs. It's 101 common sense.
@itsJPhere 11 дней назад
@@harryfaber Why would Christianity be teaching truth when it comes to homosexuality? It clearly doesn't teach that homosexuality should be celebrated as a legitimate part of human diversity. Excluding homosexual individuals from society is harming those individuals. Shutting someone out just because of who they are attracted to can be excruciatingly painful for them, since they cannot change who they are attracted to.
@panaderiatecnica5922 12 дней назад
we dont call afro mexican !!! we call mexican!!! black , white, asian!! we all are just mexican!! we are all brothers
@jackalsgate1146 11 дней назад
This video reminds me of the same attitude Chrstns had during the gay "coming out" era of the late seventies and early eighties (Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve). In my state there were two murders by people of a hateful ideology like Frank's. • One was taken out and drug behind a truck. • One was beaten and left in a field. Most people go to work, come home, spend the rest of their time with their family. Frank is interested in stirring the pot and creating a problem where there is none. A lot of people are better than you Frank.
@DM-dk7js 11 дней назад
Yes. And a bigot.
@Gek1177 11 дней назад
Not necessarily a bully certainly a bad person.
@johnharrison6745 12 дней назад
1. No; standing against trans "rights" doesn't make you a bully. 2. Even if it did make you a bully, it WOULDN'T MATTER; as standing against trans "rights" is RIGHT. Thanks. 😏
@kinggenius930 12 дней назад
" it WOULDN'T MATTER; as standing against trans "rights" is RIGHT." How so?
@johnharrison6745 12 дней назад
@@kinggenius930 "Trans" is wrong/evil; "trans rights" is baloney/evil; standing against them is right. 😏
@kinggenius930 12 дней назад
@@johnharrison6745 How is it wrong/evil?
@TitoProphetOfSloths 12 дней назад
Standing against someone's rights when these do not harm others is quite bad, in my opinion.
@pun15h3r. 12 дней назад
@@TitoProphetOfSloths But why do trans people then don't respect our right to believe in god and not in their woke bs opinion? Why is it that they project THEIR believes on US and can NOT repect that we don't are the same opinion? So yes, they harm others. Cause they don't let us believe what we want. Why are WE then the bad people? How crazy is this world nowadays?
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
When a religion tells you to go out and take who you are and tell everyone else how wrong they are for being who they are it’s a problem
@gi169 12 дней назад
Such an awesome topic you needed a second comment Barbi?
@TomMichael5678 12 дней назад
You gay, Eason?
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
@@gi169always girl
@festushaggen2563 12 дней назад
Uh, you're here telling people they're wrong. But of course it's OK when you do it. 😉👉🏻
@lawrenceeason8007 12 дней назад
@@TomMichael5678no are you?
@anguschiggins2161 11 дней назад
Is there anything more asanine than when Frank acts like he is the victim!
@T0Mmichael1234 11 дней назад
I know, can you imagine those women who are forced to compete against males, complete with junk still intact. That's not asinine at all, is it, Angus? And then imagine this, they're forced to change with this 🤡, NOTHING asinine about that, is there, Angus?
@essonyoutube 10 дней назад
@@T0Mmichael1234the thing is that they are not, in fact, “forced” to do that. and also that trans women dont usually win these things (but there are enough competitions everywhere in the world that a trans woman has def won something somewhere recently) and ALSO that most adult trans women get bottom and top surgery and ALSO the fact that you people dont ever talk about trans men
@T0Mmichael1234 10 дней назад
​@@essonyoutube When you visit earth, you'll get a better understanding of what's going on here.
@essonyoutube 9 дней назад
@@T0Mmichael1234 When you grow up, you'll get a better understanding of humanity ( I hope)
@albaraka7519 12 дней назад
Does standing against Trans rights make you a bully? Well, does standing against Christian rights make someone a bully? .... Ya.
@kinggenius930 12 дней назад
What are "Christian rights"?
@cisuminocisumino3250 12 дней назад
You mean the right to religious freedom? There are no Christian, Hindu or Islamic rights. You have the right to be a Christian or a Hindu, but you have no right to impose those religions on others. Same thing with the so called "trans rights," you can identify as whatever you want, but the moment you start FORCING people into your ideology and infringing on other people's rights, thats a no go.
@cisuminocisumino3250 12 дней назад
You mean the right to religious freedom? There are no Christian, Hindu or Islamic rights. You have the right to choose any religion of your choice but you have no right to force it onto others. The same applies to the so called "trans rights." You can identify as whatever you want, but the moment you start *forcing* it on others and infringing on other people's rights, that's a no go.
@TomMichael5678 12 дней назад
@mamusipipalisajelo5419 11 дней назад
@@kinggenius930 How about the right to deny services to gay people, or bar women from leadership jobs? (not specifically just Christians here, but religious rights in general)
@housewreath8480 11 дней назад
The problem is you are a bully. Bullies have a place in society, sometimes bullying helps
@Fredthefed1163 12 дней назад
I've been considered a bully my entire life and I will live in Christ until last breath on this earth. Otherwise I don't care one ioda what you think of me. Next....
@kinggenius930 12 дней назад
Why have you been considered a bully your entire life?
@RichardsGaySon 11 дней назад
If you’ve been considered a bully your entire life maybe the common denominator is YOU And I’m not even a christian but it doesn’t seem very “christ like” to be a bully. But you do you I guess.
@Fredthefed1163 11 дней назад
@@RichardsGaySon oh i can see your not a Christian and missed the entire point of the conversation. But you keep being you, your so lost its pathetic......
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