
El Pianista, the path after the Mirador - Part 4 

Romain C
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Video locations: caltopo.com/m/...



26 сен 2024




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@InspektoraDeFrutas. 2 года назад
Extremely boring trails. Not to mention the mud and the flies. Annoying!! I would never in a million years do this, unless somebody paid me a lot of money to do it! These trails are making me claustrophobic and extremely uncomfortable too… What a hassle! Definitely not worth climbing, let alone dying for. 😰🥺
@semyarudenko Год назад
Просмотрев все 4 части я уже устала туда взбератся )я бы точно там заблудилась .Там реально джунгли .
@TheStakk 2 года назад
Есть логические цепочки. Первая-от Мирадора до первой переправы реки недалеко. Самое главное- переправа поперёк реки,а не вдоль её как они поднимались, то есть уже сразу они поняли бы, что они пошли нет в ту сторону. Я бы повернул обратно!!! Дальше путь снова преграждает поперёк река...это уже дико идти дальше. Путь до мирадора и от него отличаются, только дурак не поймёт что пошёл по другой тропе!!! Здесь ясно, что девушки дошли до Мирадора, потом два варианта, они спустились обратно и встретили неизвестных людей, и второй они пошли в другую сторону с уже неизвестными людьми. Ибо отвечу как следователь, третьи люди были, и нести убитых девушек по тропе дело не из лёгких. Потому тут есть дальнейшие варианты событий...
@Сергей-л3ю9ц Год назад
По одной инфе, девушки вернулись с Пианиста, ждали такси его не было. Их встретил сын филисиано, генри с ребятами, что на фото у водопадов. Они согласились на его предложение поехать искупаться. Девки доверились ему т. к. Знакомы были с его отцом гидом. На водопадах они сначала тусили, а после того как ген. и ко полезли до девчат, те дали отпор и пошло полное г... о. Мне кажется девушки до первого ручья после миродора всё таки дошли и повернули обратно. Вот почему Лисанн то на ярком небе фоталась, то на облачном. Спецом подставили так фотки, чтоб запутать.
@607i Год назад
@@Сергей-л3ю9ц в горах обычная картина, когда с одной стороны подступают облака
@Сергей-л3ю9ц Год назад
@@607i если совместить фотки с облачностью и без, то видно что дело пахнет киросином
@607i Год назад
@@Сергей-л3ю9ц дело пахнет только тотальным невезением и множеством совершённых ошибок девушками: от незначительных до роковых
@Ravenarh 6 месяцев назад
Да скорее всего они дальше реки и не ходили, по таким окопам шарахаться, да еще и по камням в перемешку с глиной можно только в одном случае - если есть цель дойти из точки А в точку Б. Туристки же просто из любопытства пошли дальше Мирадора и точки Б у них явно не было в планах.
@maritzaramos7926 Год назад
Se ve que es muy agotador ese recorrido. Gracias por su duro trabajo. Dios los cuide por ese camino.
@Елена-ъ4з 5 месяцев назад
Ваш путь - это настоящий подвиг! Вы герой! Спасибо за видео! Очень хочется увидеть, что там дальше по этой тропе.
@nickg2431 2 месяца назад
After seeing these excellent videos it is very hard to imagine that 2 inexperienced, ill dressed girls with minimal food etc would continue this far ,even if it was dry....
@soniaari5338 2 года назад
Es imposible y hasta tonto pensar que las chicas llegaron hasta este punto del bosque, a horas de caminata desde el final del sendero el pianista, o que se perdieron en un sendero tan marcado como este. Buscando qué se internarian en un bosque así? Porque no le tomaron fotos a la pequeña cascada de los vídeos anteriores? 🤔 Muy extraño, a mi parecer ellas se encontraron con alguien y esas personas las secuestraron y les hicieron daño, recordemos que un turista escuchó gritos femeninos 5 días después y vio hombres ocultos en el monte, después le dijo al guía, pero desgraciadamente nunca le tomaron importancia a eso 😞 Además viendo estos vídeos estoy casi segura que ellas jamás pudieron llegar por si mismas hasta el puente de monos y menos aún si una de ellas estaba lesionada, así que esas fotos nocturnas no creo que las hayan tomado las chicas, posiblemente fue una tercer persona y la que les hizo daño.
@reborn3530 Год назад
No has dado ni una. Tremendo.
@clarasanchezgancedo4017 Год назад
@@steve-ww6ut esta vacilando !!
@wassupMannn Год назад
Why in the hell would he leave that camera there then? Makes absolutely no sense at all.
@soniaari5338 Год назад
@@reborn3530 Y a mi vale 3 hectáreas de vrga lo que pensas 😎 tremendo
@reborn3530 Год назад
@@soniaari5338 Debería de importarte, porque no sabes pensar. Tienes más fantasía que Snoopy y eso no es buena señal. 😁
Я из России...смотрю ваши ролики,спасибо огромное!
@clarasanchezgancedo4017 Год назад
ese camino te absorbe de pies a cabeza !!
@08tini 11 дней назад
Hello from Finland. I have been hiking here all my life and I think before I saw this, that it was heavy sometimes. Now I know what is heavy. Thank you very much for these trail videos!
@mr.b.3633 2 года назад
Hard to imagine that the girls had even made it until there...
@renegadeace1735 6 месяцев назад
This trail doesn't look like very much fun. Kinda curious why the hell they decided to go down it.
@Black.white852 Год назад
Innanzitutto grazie Romain per il tuo lavoro e per averlo condiviso con noi. Onestamente sono sentieri che, per chi non ha una buona conoscenza in campo di tracking, possono risultare difficili. Almeno così sarebbe per me, ad esempio. Li percorrerei solo in compagnia di un esperto. Dare valore a ciò che è o non è complicato da affrontare spesso è una cosa soggettiva. In alcuni dei video si vedono varie biforcazioni e io mi sarei persa già prima di arrivare a El Mirador. Se poi una volta giunte lì, non sono tornate indietro, ma hanno proseguito e battuto altri sentieri, allora il gioco è fatto. Probabilmente o costrette o nel tentativo di fuggire, la sera avanzava e poi chissà cosa è successo di notte e nei giorni a seguire.
@jamysunshine9203 4 месяца назад
Erstmals Danke für die tollen Videos. Ich befasse mich noch nicht lange mit dem Fall der beiden Mädchen aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass sie es überhaupt bis zu diesem Abschnitt des Trails geschafft haben. Der Videoersteller scheint ein erfahrener Wanderer zu sein und man sieht, wie selbst er schwer atmet, immer langsamer vorankommt, vor Erschöpfung schwankt und stolpert und hinfällt. Wie soll das bitteschön bei den beiden Frauen ausgesehen haben, die unerfahren, schlecht ausgestattet und bekleidet waren? Die Beiden machten viele Fotos auf ihren Weg zum Mirador und kamen auch schnell voran, sodass sie noch genug Zeit hatten etwas weiter zu gehen, was sie ja auch nachweislich getan haben. Das letzte Foto am Fluss ist für mich das Entscheidende. Bis dahin ging es ihnen gut, zeitlich passte noch alles in den Rahmen. Also wenn sie dort nicht etwas der Wasserstraße aufwärts oder abwärts gefolgt sind, um noch paar coole Fotos schießen zu können und dabei sehr zeitnah verunglückt sind, was ich nicht glaube, da man sie dann dort gefunden, bzw. Spuren gesichtet hätte, machte es am meisten Sinn für sie wieder umzukehren und deshalb würde es auch keine weiteren Fotos mehr geben, da sie ja schon die schönen Plätze abfotografiert haben. Da sie den Rückweg aber kannten und die meisten Leute sagen, dass man sich dort nicht verirren kann, kann ja nur eine 3. Partei dafür verantwortlich gewesen sein, dass sie nie mehr lebend Heim kamen. Wären sie unvernünftigerweise doch weiter den Trail gefolgt, gäbe es auch wieder neue Fotomotive, die sie sich nicht entgehen lassen hätten. Gab es aber nicht. Der erste Fluss oder zumindest noch in der Nähe zum Fluss hinterm Mirador ist die Stelle, wo etwas passiert sein muss. Entweder fand dort schon ein Übergriff statt oder sie trafen auf jemanden/mehrere Menschen, die sie abseits des Pfades führten ind denen die beiden Mädchen vertrauten. Im Nachhinein wurden so viele Fehler in den Ermittlungen begangen, dass man kaum noch an Zufälle glauben kann und von diesen seltsamen Zufällen gab es einige. So wurde nur als ein Beispiel der Rucksack einen Tag vor einer geplanten groß angelegten Razzia und Hausdurchsuchungen gefunden, die aber nach dem Fund des Rucksacks sofort abgesagt worden sind. Passend, nicht wahr? Ungereimtheiten von Vorne bis hinten ließen mich von meiner zunächst angenommenen Unfallthese wegkommen und nun bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass hier Dritte involviert sein müssen. Ich hoffe irgendjemand packt nochmal mit der Wahrheit aus.
@muriel_v34 2 года назад
Bonjour, je viens de lire un article sur une mère et ses trois enfants qui ont survécu 34 jours dans la forêt en Amazonie et retrouvé à 180 km de leur point de départ. C'est intéressant .
@eoc3784 2 года назад
Thanks again Romain! May everyone study these images well and realise that Kris and Lisanne DID NOT walk that trail "for there own pleasure" or because they thought they were heading back to Boquete! Shame on all who have told so many lies. Shame on the Panamanian and DUTCH authorities.
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
I totally agree. And shame on those who think Kris and Lisanne were two brainless bimbos who didn't have a clue what they were doing or where they were going.
@hhf39p 5 дней назад
I read elsewhere that the trail was dry when they went. Had it been wet, they probably could not have hiked it all as they did not have boots on. It is very hard to slog through mud, it would be a different hike dry. Of course I do not know what happened, but given the trail was wet in this video, it does seem that it proves much. What I was hoping it would how is how hard it would be to get turned around and go the wrong way. I was also hoping it would show the climb down from the monkey bridge to get water. Had they gone that way, they surely would have been searching for water by then.
@GreK_GreK 2 года назад
Grand Merci !!!
@powerpixie2965 2 года назад
Hi Romain, thanks for uploading this next installment of the hike. Watching you from the last video where you left River 3, then ascended past the gates and then to the fenced area and now in this video you seem to be ascending again, doesn't convince me at all that Kris and Lisanne confused the direction of Boquete. So they were aware of the trail direction towards Boquete. They also had their phones (I have the exact model phones they had) which I know when you lose connection and reconnect as they did on the Mirador, that they sync up the time and date. So by 2pm they would be fully aware that they have been hiking for 3 hours. To go further to River 3 (from Victor Hugo's comments to me) it took less than 10 minutes. So even if they explored River 3, I cannot imagine they were not aware of the time and direction to Boquete. They had other commitments and also needed to be back home to eat, speak with their parents via Skype/WhatsApp as it would be the time for them to communicate considering the time in Netherlands, as well as having to spend time waiting for a taxi or shuttle bus that stopped at the Il Pianista restaurant area. The fact that this part of the trail is wet and the mud is thicker would have deterred them from going further even to just explore since some claim they had time. I'm very curious if you checked your cell connection in all these areas and further in the next part of your video and what you learned. Cheers!
@Romain_C 2 года назад
I agree, I strongly disagree with the idea they could have though they were heading back to Boquete. Even if they did, they should have been fine. At some point, for some unknown reasons, they must have decided to leave the main trail. I checked to cell phone connection in different area, such as along the way back to the Mirador, the 1rst and 2nd MB, and in different places very deep in the paddocks. I will talk about it in a video (and blog article). I know that must be frustrating to take that long, but the team have been busy in our daily lives and 2 months ago we were still working on a big project. I can't make announcement and say when we will publish because I don't know, but I'm hoping to publish the main stuff this summer to move onto another project.
@davidmullen6011 2 года назад
@@Romain_C "At some point, for some unknown reasons, they must have decided to leave the main trail." I agree with you, but watching you struggle in the video above one thing that is very clear is that even by this stage of the trail it is still easy enough to follow and there seem to be no natural ways off the trail - even by the end of this video above you see the trail is still well defined and fencing up on the embankments still directs traffic one way and prevents any possible getting off the trail. So as far as I can see the only ways to get off are either a possible fall down the sides of the path, as seen in the early parts of the video above, or an escape down one of the two rivers early on after the Mirador.... The mystery of what happened that afternoon on April 1st only gets deeper thanks to these video tours from yourself and Victor Hugo. Because the astonishing reality seen here is that this trail is all one direction, and you cannot get off it. Of course though the other interesting reality is that if you are being followed, or you run into someone with bad intentions, you are caught in a rat-trap. You are either at their mercy. or you run... and it is all one direction only.
@powerpixie2965 2 года назад
@@Romain_C That would be great to learn about the cell phone connections at various intervals and also to get to see if you were able to establish where you (or Kris and Lisanne) would have been by 4pm or so. Granted you have foreknowledge and experience, and so you are well equipped with hiking gear, food and water. Considering there are segments edited out of all your videos of this trail, how long did it take you to arrive to this section of the trail from the Mirador? Where in relation to the Kremers' hiking video is this section of the trail that you have reached? I agree with Dave Mullen that the trail is one way and prevents anyone from getting off unless forced off it or allowed to pass in some areas. If Kris and Lisanne proceeded this far as exploring tourists, then this would have been a little boring, and not to mention by the way you are struggling and drinking water, that for inexperienced tourists who have walked now for over 3 hours, would be fatigued and would have run out of drinking water from their water bottles.There are also insects, flies that would not make for nice casual hike for sightseeing. And of course there is the time that they would have checked on their phones. It would be something like 3.5 hours by now and another 3.5 to 4 hours back if it started to get darker in areas where it is covered by trees and in dips in elevation. Your video and Victor's as well have provided so much detail and understanding of the actual trail, and the reality of it is we are giving Kris and Lisanne too much credit to be casually hiking past River 3. To "vanish" without a trace, I think they would have to be led by someone who knew/met them as they would put their trust in a familiar face. If they were chased by someone with ill intentions then there would be some clues left behind especially if they ran through bushes. Then again without a machete how far can one fatigued young woman, let alone two women get with the type of hiking shoes and clothes they had on? I look forward to seeing more videos from you and the team. Thanks for all your hard work Romain. Cheers!
@Romain_C 2 года назад
@David Mullen I agree, but it's difficult to be confident to say that's what happened. I was surprised to see comments (on other platforms) saying it make sense to get disoriented and get lost here because as you said there is only one clear path. For the possibility of a fall, that's something I think happened but not directly from the path. Maybe the video make it look like this, but along the trail I didn't see any dangerous places to fall (the kind to bring you very far).
@Romain_C 2 года назад
@@powerpixie2965 Thank you Pixie ! "Considering there are segments edited out of all your videos of this trail, how long did it take you to arrive to this section of the trail from the Mirador? Where in relation to the Kremers' hiking video is this section of the trail that you have reached?" So for part 1 and 2, you could do it in 30-40 minutes. In part 3, there is just a 2 minutes break. In part 4, there is no break. "If they were chased by someone with ill intentions then there would be some clues left behind especially if they ran through bushes. Then again without a machete how far can one fatigued young woman, let alone two women get with the type of hiking shoes and clothes they had on?" The thing would be to find the night picture location. It would then narrow a lot the places to look for hints.
@TheMaribash Год назад
Thank you for your videos. It seems hard to get lost
@evaklaassen4907 Год назад
Please upload the next part! Greetings from germany
@OlgaAleksentzeva Месяц назад
Не верю я что они туда шли ..такая тяжелая дорога😮 до Мирадора они дошли. А там Фелисиано споджидал. Сто пудов спасибо за ролики Роман
@MarioRuscovici 2 года назад
Dear Romain: I believe you discovered the place of the "photo sabroson". What are the GPS coordinates? Thank you!
@raquelvalladares8943 2 года назад
I certainly dont believe the girls walked this trail...unless they were forced to. No evidence of daytime photos of this area. I dont support the idea that K&L took the night time photos.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Год назад
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
In a nutshell. I totally agree ✌️
@abdarsmk6r Год назад
I also think they never walked here. And if they walked here they would take pics of the area!!
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
@@abdarsmk6r Yes they would have taken pics........ unless they were chased or followed.
@abdarsmk6r Год назад
@@lyndoncmp5751 yup in the beginning they where taking pics. But after a while there a no pics anymore...? And if they have walked further. They would taking pics of the landscape. But they didnt why? And why should they go off trial? Why risk their lifes? But at the end of the day we will never know what happened.. maybe they really get lost? Disoriented maybe?
@videosdeecologia7468 Год назад
01:52 even the filmaker stopped to take pictures L o L .... 12:41 looks like there are various paths in this area.... Contrary to people think I disagree that this trail is difficult to get lost. Its very easy indeed.... Of the 4 or 5 parts of this video sequence this one is that have the most similar vegetation and ravines that appears in the night photos... I based this conclusion on my 30 years of knowledge of tropical vegetation. As you can see on my channel I have a PhD in plant biology and a lot of experience in hikking. 22:30 I don't think the girls ever walked in this part of the trail. It's too mudy...
@eoc3784 Год назад
It's only easy to get lost after you reach way beyond the Paddock. But one must reach that point first in order to get lost. Perhaps you can explain us: - what motivated the girls to walk that far, with unprotected legs / wearing shorts? - what motivated them to defy the steep climb beyond River 3 in the hot sun of April 1st? - what motivated them not to make any photos after River 1?
@videosdeecologia7468 Год назад
@@eoc3784 Maybe someone walking lurking behind them? It's possible... At the point the girls reached river 3 maybe the sun was almost setting because the mountains block sunlight in this region... Interesting to see that Romain also stopped to take pictures at some point after river 2. Maybe he was tired. What is remarkable to me is the similarity of the trail up to Mirador and this part after the Mirador... It kinds of mirroring trail and geographic features.
@minvelseskanal876 Год назад
Thank`s for making the video btw, great work :) Viewer from Norway 👋
@beehappy3209 2 года назад
That's some trek... I wonder at this point did the Girls think they would bump into locals with a farm or little village. Hoping for a ride back on a farm animal..I'm sat here thinking they've gone along way. With alot of trees etc they probably didnt see the night fall coming in on them. Prayers to both 🙏
@clarasanchezgancedo4017 Год назад
es tremendamente claustrofovico ...
@carlosmanuelbritosanchez3260 7 месяцев назад
Esa mujeres tenian cojones entrar para ese sitio tan peligroso
Спасибо за ответственность перед читателями и подписчиками....какая сложная тропа...
@Azzsayswhat Год назад
Wow. It’s true what they say, one foot off the path and it’s a 40 foot drop.
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
Difficult to even get off the path, and the dense vegetation will stop you falling far, and away, from sight and earshot of locals and rescuers coming along the trail.
@prozacx Год назад
This area is can be close where they lost trail, cos who knows how it was looks like 10 year's ago, im still saw a few moments where maybe was a much bigger grass and for me personally some parts of way looks a very easy to lost for me
@luisvelazquez942 Год назад
Many people walk around there and nobody saw them , I don’t think so , 😢
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
The people who abducted and murdered them saw them. The locals know it was foul play.
@minvelseskanal876 Год назад
with these conditions shown in the video I find it hard to belive that the girls continued past the mirador, especially since they were not dressed nor fully equipped for it. It might be true though, but really?
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
They did the Mirador in good time and probably felt fit and fresh enough to push on a bit further. I don't believe they willingly ventured further than the stream in picture 508 however. No evidence they even willingly crossed to the other side. Lisanne didn't cross it in the pictures, nor take any pictures from the other side. They may have decided to rest, cool their feet at that spot and head back. Then a third party came along.
@hhf39p 5 дней назад
I read that the tail was dry when they went. They wore tennis shoes.
@minvelseskanal876 5 дней назад
@@lyndoncmp5751 yeah, that might be.
@НаталияЖукова-т6г 6 месяцев назад
Мне кажется здесь все ноги можно переломать😮
@rubensaleks 5 месяцев назад
Мужики,вы живы после такого кошмара?
@davidmullen6011 Год назад
I've been rewatching these fine video's again, the last saw us at the second stream and ended reaching the first meadow, this one opens up at that meadow and shows us that up to this point at least the Pianista is actually a trench, you are walking through a trench carved into the earth, and as such it is impossible to deviate or get yourself off-route. So as we reach the 6.00 minute mark in this video we leave the meadow and are entering a more forested and flat area, heavily overgorn this might be a section offering some possibility for becoming nervous, confused? But then again dressed as they were I don't see Lisanne and Kris being able to take risks with pushing through an area with thick overgrowth and bushes, so all things considered the terrain and the time of day would surely mean that this would be the very last possibility for them to have reached today? Just looking at it as a walk though it looks like a pleasant one so far, you don't have the mental distraction of route-finding as the trail is set in stone and impossible to get off. So by the time you reached the meadow and had superb views as with the Mirador, and when reaching the other side of the meadow get this overgrown and forested section, it really is time to call it a fine day and turn around....
@JumpStartBass Год назад
it was 10 years ago, it is not clear what happened to the road then sry 4 my google translate engl
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
No pictures after the stream in picture 508 and no pictures of the meadow. If they were ever at the meadow it wasn't by choice. They were either taken there or chased there.
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
JumpStartBass The parents of Kris filmed the journey to the meadow soon after Kris and Lisanne disappeared. They said the same thing. Not a trail you can easily get lost on.
@unknownartist52476 2 месяца назад
43:25 que lugar é esse ?
@kevin.afton_ 2 года назад
No monkey bridge?
@beehappy3209 2 года назад
When will the rest of the part of of video be released 👍🙏
@Romain_C 2 года назад
For the next part, this month I think.
@beehappy3209 2 года назад
@@Romain_C 👍
@evaklaassen4907 4 месяца назад
​@@Romain_Cplease release the next part! 😊😊😊
@Charlie-h4r7ir 5 месяцев назад
Lisanne fron ve kris kremers 😢😢😢😢🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
@VictorHugo-id9il 2 года назад
En esta parte del sendero la ruta se ve más despejada; sin embargo, tuve la sensación de desorientación dos veces.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
¿Qué quieres decir con tener la sensación de desorientación?
@VictorHugo-id9il 2 года назад
@@Romain_C Hola, quiero decir que yo no reconocería el camino tan fácilmente.
@powerpixie2965 2 года назад
@@VictorHugo-id9il Hola Víctor, ¿tienes pensado ir de nuevo al sendero e intentar ir al primer puente de los monos? También dijiste que te sentías desorientado. ¿Te sentiste así cuando recorriste el sendero el año pasado?
@VictorHugo-id9il 2 года назад
@@powerpixie2965 Hola. Tengo en planes ir a principios del otro año (en época seca) pero hacer algo similar como ellas: estar en los lugares que visitaron en Bocas del Toro y de ahí viajar a Boquete. La vez pasada mis planes eran llegar hasta el "paddock" pero las condiciones climáticas me obligaron a regresar, llegué hasta el tercer arroyo y viendo los excelentes videos de Romain, me doy cuenta que me faltaron como 25 min para llegar ahí. Me gustaría llegar hasta el puente de monos pero con un guía local. No me sentí desorientado cuando visité el sendero el año pasado, esa parte es muy clara de seguir; sin embargo, en este video de Romain se me hizo complicado reconocer el camino para el regreso, no sé si será por la perspectiva de la cámara.
@carmenantonia7554 Год назад
Porque caminas y no llegas a la entrada de ese camin0
@eliaslima5506 2 года назад
Everyone wants to know the details of this case, but without a doubt the main thing is to find out the exact place of the night photos!!! This is the only way to get local authorities to reopen this case. I looked at the night photos and I clearly observed that that modified photo where the branches with the red bags, the cables and a triangular tip stone at the end of the cables appear, almost everyone believes that that triangular tip stone is a stone located on the opposite bank of some river in the region, but a comparison between photo 599 and photo 550, contradicts this understanding. In the comparison we see that the triangular tip stone in photo 599 can also be seen in the modified photo 550, which indicates that these cables in photo 550 are not directed to the other bank of a river, these cables are directed to the bottom of a crater ! This place in the night photos is a hole or crater approximately 30 or 40 meters deep. From what I saw in the night photos, the "mouth" of this crater must have a maximum of 12 meters in diameter. The place for the night photos is a funnel-shaped crater with a stone landing at the midpoint of this hole (where the photographer walked and took most of the night photos).
@eliaslima5506 2 года назад
@@steve-ww6ut How do you know the location of the night photos is very deep in the forest? There is indeed a modified image of photo 550, where it is possible to see the scenery that was hidden in the darkness of the original photo.
@eliaslima5506 2 года назад
@@steve-ww6ut First of all I never said that my point of view is right and Romain's point of view is wrong. I just offered another possibility based on what I saw in some photos, in fact, both Scarlet and Juan Perea (two people who have the most complete information on the K&L case), consider it very relevant to find the exact location of the night photos. I even read on Scarlet's blog that an investigator from the girls' own family came to the conclusion that the place of the night photos was a deep hole. If someone found the place of the night photos and found new evidence, remains, etc., how to say that wouldn't be relevant? I disagree with your opinion! The location of the night photos is extremely relevant!!! It is very important that it is found.👍😉
@Romain_C 2 года назад
I agree, the night picture location is the most important thing to look for because : 1. We could find new clues around it. 2. It would considerably narrow the area of search. 3. We can start to retrace the steps to get there and potentially find other clues along the way. However, I don't think the night pictures show a pit. I would rather say it's a 5-10 meters waterfall. After visiting the area (and especially covering the area with a drone), I've never seen such pit. There are areas with landslides, but I don't recall seing any rock structures. However, there are a lot of waterfalls sharing similarities with the night pictures.
@AmazingVideos-qf5ed 2 года назад
Maybe bring a team together, gofund me etc
@Amelie8H 2 года назад
@@Romain_C Did you make it to the monkey Bridge? Also , where is the Caluebra River actually, or have you been there but haven't upluaded a Video so far? Maybe I misunderstood the whole Thing and you are already walking along the River😳 Sorry, I know questions , , questions, but its hard to tell how far away you are from the summit, the Last Photo or the monkey Bridge , bc all we see is the path and I don't know how far/long you hiked...
@JackDiamond21 Год назад
I walked this trail as well, and I got lost.. during the day, now imagine you are scared, confused, hungry, and cold.. not to mention you aren't dressed properly, now factor in the darkness of the jungle. I said "oh hell no" when I attempted to go for a night walk. The only thing I can say is that, the jungle came alive and took them. I'm a big supporter of the lost and fallen theory, after having have visited the area and seen it both day and night. Even purposely going off the trail in places to see if I can see where I came from. And if I didn't use a string tied to a tree I'd have gotten lost. I thought my experience in a forest would prepare me for that, and no it didn't.. like I previously mentioned, the jungle came alive and took them, that's all I can say. There are several types of monkey and cat species. Yes monkeys will eat human flesh, and you will never ever find the bones. You will only find what's left, and the search parties involved didn't even go to the same areas. And in my travels I did not see one local at all, just a guide and I, yes I almost got lost with a guide. Again, a jungle is so much different than a forest. In a forest I'd never get lost, in a jungle it's a totally different world.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Год назад
Imagine men like F and the boys were hollering after you while you run?
@catherinebrau3523 Год назад
oh dear, monkey eating human flesh...
@wassupMannn Год назад
​@@catherinebrau3523 They do.
@videosdeecologia7468 Год назад
They went on a long trail that they didn't know, without a guide or GPS... Getting lost is easy under these conditions... I've already gotten lost because of double paths that you only see that exist when returning. On the way there you can't see it... It could be paths made by cattle... The change of sunlight and fog inside the forest can make someone get lost too... And in Panama the fog comes suddenly, out of nowhere.. Add to the effects of altitude, heat and lack of food.
@gladyswehr7929 Месяц назад
Not only monkeys eat people but also panthers, tigers, and mountain lions. They may have been bitten by a poisonous snake, which are plenty there. There are also deadly spiders in that jungle. You have to be completely out of your mind to walk that trail. And for what, there aren't any nice views, but this nightmarish horror, very narrow passage. Sad story
@el676 2 года назад
Is the monkey bridge a place where if you get swept down river it would lead you off the trail. If so, the most likely scenario is they’re trying to find their way off the trail to safety after one gets injured and call 211. We know Injury happens somewhere within 3 hours after 508 last photo. They figure turning around would probably not be smart. It’s uphill, they know they’ve come a while so they take their chances that further ahead they will come to more houses or the trail ends. They reach the monkey bridge at dark and try to cross, one or both falls in river and they are swept down stream. The days that follow are a fight for survival. They’re lost and or unable to move very far because of injury, hungry, hazy, etc. eventually they end up in that ditch that someone pieced together from their nighttime photos. One or both are already dead. They flash photos to the night sky as an SOS barely alive until eventually they’re dead and bones scavenged by animals.
@gfexc Год назад
😂 Obviously, you haven't been there at night. There are no animals in your little story, as determined by the lab exam of the remains. So now you have to come up with a mechanism that magically places jeans in one place and a torn leg a kilometer away and half a pelvis another kilometer down the road. Minus 2 full skeletons...without having any real inference to say that they were actually there.
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
The water at the time wasn't deep or powerful enough to have swept them away.
@MsMAT14 2 года назад
Hi Romain. First of all, congrats on the great work, your effort to show us what really happened there in that day is praiseworthy. About the rivers: I remember that I read at the expedition's article on IP that you guys plan to hike down some of the rivers, as well as trying to find the location of the night photos (even tho I personally think it's tremendously difficult to find it in such a heavy and dense forest). Do you pretend to record the rivers same way you did with the path on the trail? Cheers from Brazil.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Thank you very much ! In the future, it might be a possibility if I go back there. However I did record a 1 hour walkthrough in river 3. Not sure to publish but if I do, I need to publish some other video first. Nonetheless, I also have plenty of drone footage (most of the rivers actually, but very variable quality depending the area -> I actually had to record some rivers with my spare drone, which have a lower quality, because I dropped my main drone in a river).
@tomszabo7350 2 года назад
Given the rivers didn't have much water right before the wet season at beginning of April, it's possible the girls tried to walk along the river for a "little adventure", to see something more interesting (waterfall, etc.) given the path beyond Mirador was boring and monotonous. Then a slip off a boulder, broken leg, no way to climb back up along the river. So maybe they stayed put awaiting rescue (thinking they were close enough to the trail) or they tried going the only way they could given the injury (down river).
@hywelmurray Год назад
Yes I like your theory. I do feel at least one of the girls was feeling adventurous and probably went looking for a hidden waterfall or something that would make an impressive backdrop to pose for a Facebook picture.
@videosdeecologia7468 Год назад
In my opinion the last remains of the bodies of the girls are still close to the river Culebra in some kind of small cave etc
@roybm3124 2 года назад
Is this trail always that wet? Can’t imagine Kris and Lisanne would walk this trail in this condition.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
That part, yes. In the dry it can be less muddy but it's still muddy.
@biancatimm-tanzer1712 2 года назад
I thought exact the same. Impossible in my imagination that Kris an Lisanne took this trail. I would see them trying, being nausy what the trail be passing the mirador, but then having this dense jungle, alll these mud….i can‘t think of them heading on and on and on…..
@Sean-0017 2 года назад
Can't imagine them even tryin the monkey bridge...u see lost in the wild. .talked to lady who found backpack and the guy who worked on the bones and said there no way the river and rocks did that...he said he believes they were drained of their blood and organs and then discarded
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Год назад
She was abducted … blood on the pillow and tour guide cleans up for 30 minutes even tho he said he never met the girls?
@roybm3124 Год назад
@@SimpleLifeAlways81 I share your thoughts. Highly suspicious hé also found some of the remains. One big cover up project.
@nataliapena2395 Год назад
Que escucho exactamente el turista frances? Alguien sabe?
@adrianorobertomuniz4649 5 месяцев назад
Ela disse que ouviu gritos de duas mulheres pedindo por socorro e que dois homens estariam escondidos na mata
@gfexc Год назад
Les toma a hombres grandes con todo el equipo, comida y ganas, bastante trabajo subir hasta ese pedazo. Incluyendo al reportero de Telemetro que llegó con calambres al sendero Culebra. Pero las chicas fueron hasta el mismo sendero en shorts, sin comer y sin saber para donde iban en tiempo record, parando a tomar fotos. Y por supuesto, sus cuerpos se desintegran por ahogarse en un río. Esa es la primera vez en el planeta que eso pasa.
@samismsm3759 Год назад
الفتيات اختطفن اغتصبن قتلن ثم تجارة أعضاء
@carlosbrizuela6521 Год назад
Y sumale que el hecho sucedio en temporada seca (días después llegarian las lluvias) donde las quebradas y rios de esta zona generalmente no te llegan más alla de los tobillos y la distancia aproximada entre las ultima fotos y el 1er puente de cable seria no menos a 3 horas. Pero según algunos ellas se perdieron siguiendo al parecer una sola dirección y no pudieron volver sobre sus pasos. Esa distribución como quedaron los restos óseos, mochila y short a lo largo de km en el rio culebra es bastante "particular".
Какой сложный путь...не думаю,чтобы девочки здесь ходили...
@Xenom1994 2 года назад
Нормальный путь. Ничего сверхсложного нет. Почаще из дома надо просто выходить
@Оразном-б8н 2 года назад
Я тоже сомневаюсь в их добровольном передвижении .
@danahouri3330 Год назад
A oni znaly shto ranno temnejet a nochu eto ubijstvo
@Ravenarh 6 месяцев назад
@@Xenom1994 Ну да, в шортиках и ботиночках по окопам шарахаться с камнями в перемешку с глиной и грязюкой.
@eoc3784 2 года назад
Bon jour again Romain, what a effort you have made hiking this trail! Very admirable. Do you know the name of that spot where you have ended in Part 4 and where you guys stop for a break? Do you know whether this is the spot that locals call "El Parque"? And do I see a cabin behind some trees in that spot (on the left upper corner of the screen)? Regarding a previous question of mine about the cabin (8.85272, -82.41736) East from the Paddock, [edited / correction] could it be inhabited?
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Thanks ! I don't know if they gave a name to the place. No, there is no cabin at that spot ;) For the cabin to the east, you have one destroyed and one standing. This one, yes it's inhabited but not all weeks.
@thibautg78 26 дней назад
Je pense que ces filles se sont perdues, comme c est souvent le cas dans les accidents de randonnée, et sont mortes de froid et déshydratation. Il est très simple de perdre son chemin dans la jungle. Une fois perdu, c est terminé: on rentre dans de la survie. Vu les photos, ces deux filles n etaient pas du tout equipées: en short, pas de casquettes, un seul sac à dos. Je doute fortement qu elles avaient pris plusieurs bouteilles d eau et des pulls avec elles. Par contre, lunettes de soleil et appareil photo étaient là... Bref, c est du suicide de partir aussi loin dans la jungle dans ces conditions. Elles ont du souffrir atrocement les pauvres.
@hhf39p 5 дней назад
It was a "few hour" hike on a nice trail. Seems they got turned around went the wrong way. Perhaps descended the cliffs by the river and fell. Two months later the rainy season came and washed them down stream where some items were found. However, there is a second theory that they did go back, met some locals, took a taxi and went swimming with them. It is very suspicious as the tax driver, the young locals, and an associate of theirs all died not long after. A picture on the associates camera appears to show them swimming with the girls. No one tells us what the meta data says. Also one of the locals posted on social media mocking the girls with a picture, apparently photoshopped, if of him having sex with her. It remains a mystery.
@hywelmurray 2 года назад
Hello Romain, you have walked it all. What do you think happened
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Hi ! I wouldn't give conclusions right now because the night picture location is still unknown and I think a very important key to understand. However, I would say that : if the start of the disappearance remains unknown, they went out the trail for some reasons and ended up having an accident. A fall, in or near a river, leaving them stuck in a river.
@hywelmurray 2 года назад
I wonder have you viewed the video by Frederick Pirez which appears to match up one of the night photos very closely with an aspect from beside the monkey bridge. It indicates to me that the girls made it to the river and were waiting there to be rescued.
@phillipparsons3283 Год назад
After seeing this it’s totally made me dodgers the jungle trail theory these girls were ever there The evidence was planted after Nobody even sniffer dogs Cld find them in up there somewhere 10weeks after is plenty of time too totally mess about with all the cameras and phones etc.. make it look then they were out on these jungle trails perhaps lost but keep an open mind here the case was concluded going off a 10 week old backpack showing up with their belongings then bones etc.. showing up etc.. and then going off a series off bulk shot photos etc.. then that when u look at them closely Cld possibly raise eyebrows of them being photo shopped etc. just cause the camera shows all these weird photos after that’s good enough for everybody too believe then they were always in the jungle Well after 10 days of constant searching it didn’t even throw up even one tiny bit of anything placing the girls ever out there at that time
@carmenantonia7554 Год назад
Y dónde están los otros dos que están contigo
@Sandraroyale58 Год назад
bonjour Romain une bonne fois pour toute selon toi elles ont pû se perdre ou pas merci et bravo
@luisvelazquez942 Год назад
I would like to know how far is from where they find the back pack , and then , I need to go there asap
@alexsac7840 Год назад
Я так понимаю девчонки были под наркотой иначе в здравом уме туда не пойдешь.. А с ними были как раз парни девки. И причём они свернули куда после мирадора, где на них напали туземцы
@renaminginprogress6903 Год назад
Thanks for doing this but next time lets spring for the 360 cam there's so many times I wanted to look around
@OlgaAleksentzeva Месяц назад
Ужасс дикий да не ходили они так далеко
@TheAserot 2 года назад
where is the monkey bridge?
@Romain_C 2 года назад
It will be in the last part. Part 7 I think.
@alexgarsvlalexgarsvl3154 Год назад
Ку да же ты так бежишь то?
@phillipparsons3283 Год назад
One thing too note is from the list in Panama podcast they said contstantly through making it around the town and jungle etc.. is it felt asif the whole time that nobody wanted them snooping around people asked not too be naked and have their voice dubbed in interviews why wld that bd etc.. but yet this bloke who’s filming all of these trails and places etc.. especially filming this place aswell Nobody seems to be bothered that this blokes filming etc.. he even using drones etc.. so you got two sides of the coin here apparently when the podcast was made etc.. nobody wanted them snooping around or even up in the jungle But this bloke look he dnt seem to care nobody’s confronting him only saying like so all of these theory’s and all of the evidence found after leaves just even more rabbit holes and questions and with the evidence found and remains found 10 weeks after just completely put an absolute spanner in the works every theory leaves u just scratching ur head with it
@eoc3784 2 года назад
Bon jour again Romain(!) What is the marked "unnamed object" in your Caltopo map at 8.85351, -82.41150? The red dot? Elevation about 4200 feet = 1280 metres. App. 500-600 metres East from the cabin that itself lies NE beyond the fence of the paddock.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Hi ! I forgot to remove it. It was the location of my camp this year. Btw I saw your mail, I'm sorry I havn't replied it yet.
@eoc3784 2 года назад
Have I posted something that I shouldnt have yesterday? It has been removed ... I recall having posted an image comparing this route and the routes described in the Dutch book about Kris and Lisanne's disappearance. Cheers
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Hi, sorry I saw it but did not respond it yet. I don't know but I guess RU-vid deleted it because of the link. Sometimes comments disappear and I don't know whether if it's youtube or the person commenting. So I will reply here in another comment.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
Reply to the comment : For the 2 routes proposed by the book (I would add 1 or 2 more actually in that area), I would say it's a possibility. The paddock have a gate you can open yourself by removing a barbed wire (back then might have been different : might have been left open, might have been easier to open, and a part of the fences might have been broken). Why take that route ? I don't have any idea because it doesn't really make sense to go that way. Nothing indicate a way back to Boquete excepted one route in some way. I will discuss it in a video.
@eoc3784 2 года назад
@@Romain_C Thank you so much Romain. I really don't see the girls deliberately and intentionally walking the trail beyond River2 or River 3 for their own pleasure. I also don't see them deliberately and intentionally exiting the main trail immediately after River 3 on their own and for their own pleasure. That side trail leading East takes to a cabin, if I'm not mistaken, it is an inhabited cabin(?)
@Romain_C 2 года назад
@@eoc3784 It's strange, I agree. "That side trail leading East takes to a cabin, if I'm not mistaken, it is an inhabited cabin(?)" You mean the paddock ? Actually it's occupied but not always.
@carmenantonia7554 Год назад
Que les pasó eso es pura selva y el terreno es pantanoso eso no es turismo no tenían un mapa del terreno pTa ir seguras a ese sitio
@philippeattackman763 2 года назад
Et l’oxygène en bouteille ??....ça serait pas du luxe, dans cette montée !!...jamais lysanne, asmathique, n’aurait pu supporter un tel calvaire.....elle n’a pas pu arriver jusque là....
Да,уж точно бы...долго не ходила.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
C'est pas si mal ;) Pour un peu de contexte, j'ai fait cette randonnée malade avec 2 heures de sommeil et 15kg sur le dos.
@agroutati4334 2 года назад
@@Romain_C bonjour savez vous si la fin du sentier rejoins quelque part ? En continuant après le mirador q, et merci pour la vidéo top !
@rosaarrastua5045 2 года назад
se ve distinto el sendero menos Barroso más soleado no parece el sendero que al comienzo era llanura
@Romain_C 2 года назад
@@agroutati4334 Le sentier se fini à Norteno qui se trouve à Chiriqui Grande (province de Bocas del Toro).
@phillipparsons3283 Год назад
This bloke FairPlay had some balls taking these trails etc .. especially filming them aswell I mean it’s lucky perhaps he didn’t disappear along here or in the town We know from the list inn Panama podcast that the town has a sense of not liking outsiders poking around with anything etc.. around this case so that says it all really
@VK-qe7if 2 года назад
This sad case gets more and more confusing the more I watch the videos. But in my heart I believe that Kris and Lisanne came back down from the trail, and that's when they were abducted. It has been proven that certain photos were photoshopped, so I don't believe they went further than the top of the Pianista trail.
@Xraycrayon 2 года назад
Where’s the Monkey bridge
@eoc3784 2 года назад
Probably in Part 5 (I guess it is at least 2,5km further up)
@Xraycrayon 2 года назад
@@eoc3784 there’s no way they walked that far for fun in my opinion someone must have chased them
@Xraycrayon 2 года назад
@@eoc3784 where is part 5 have you not made it yet?
@eoc3784 2 года назад
@@Xraycrayon It's the authorities that don't agree. I agree with what you say. Something or someone must have chased them away. Or: they did not reach that far at all..........and got stuck or perished very near by the Mirador. In which case they should have been found by somebody. There is a significant amount of human presence in that area.
@Romain_C 2 года назад
It will be in the last part. Part 7 I guess.
@phillipparsons3283 Год назад
It’s pritty obvious after all these years that as things come out about the whole case especially this well documented film of the trail This video clearly gives you the indication that it’s pritty hard too swerve off the trail here uno The girls never walked this trail it doesn’t add up Even if you say ok they did start this other trail and they did get lost or injured then U can clearly see on this trail they pass a local only one so far There saying the girls died roughly if they were out there after about 7 days the search run for 10 days yet nobody came across anything to indicate the girls had been there or were there Nobody seen them on the trail during the 10 days they searched So it’s clear too look at this whole jungle thing involving the girls was a made up story to cover what really happend
@ehLeanne311 Год назад
Dude put your drink bottle away
@eoc3784 Год назад
Bon jour Romain, have you also visited the two cabins 🛖🛖that are located nearby your camp of March/April this year? App. 500m East from your camp site. Here is a close-up of the two cabins 🛖🛖 (plus cattle 🐮): ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-gnfol1KfUPc.html
@Romain_C Год назад
Hi ! I saw them but I didn't go inside. Do you have a specific question ?
@eoc3784 Год назад
@@Romain_C Hi! Well, whether you have seen them from nearby and from ground level? And whether people live permanently in the cabins? Or just occasionally to tend the cattle? And whether the cabins are used by hikers/tourists/scientists to spend the night?
@Romain_C Год назад
Yes, I have seen them from the ground. They are not cabins where you live or visit, but only a place the farmers go to work from time to time.
@phillipparsons3283 Год назад
No way did the girls walk this trail unless forced the terrain is terrible and this is a grown man sounding out of breath doing it remember one of the girls had asthma u can here the bloke gasping for breath The mud sounds absolute like wet sticky mud pull ur legs down The girls didn’t walk this no way
@jtx5199 Год назад
Такая грязь, это прям болото!!! Еслиб девушки пробирались по этой болотине, то и ноги и тем более кроссовки у них были бы кусок грязи!!! А обувь то нашли чистенькую!!!!
@ОлегСемиошко 2 месяца назад
Обувь, как и все остальное, принесла река
@InspektoraDeFrutas. 2 года назад
I wonder why people are still trekking *without TREKKING POLES* in the 21st-century?! Even the locals are hiking with sticks, as far as I can see. Trekking poles make all the difference! *Much easier* and more enjoyable, and good for the entire body, every muscle. Why not buy them to make your life easier? You can even get them for $40 or $50, for crying out loud!! 🤔🧐😮😮
@alessandradlc2377 2 года назад
so what do you think could have happened at 2 girls?
@Romain_C 2 года назад
I wouldn't give conclusions right now since the night picture location is still unknown. I would say, if the start of the disappearance remains unknown, they went out the trail for some reasons and ended up having an accident. A fall, in or near a river, leaving them stuck in a river.
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
Romaine C, Then why didn't either of the two young women (both of whom were bright) think to use their bras to utilise and help to aid any injuries that one, the other, or both had suffered? Bras can be utilised as a bandage, strapping or padding or even to just wipe away blood. It's common sense to use something like that. Yet neither of the bras were used for any such thing. They remained packed away inside the backpack. I think the accident theory can be rejected just by that alone.
@xAstrologia 6 месяцев назад
⁠@@lyndoncmp5751shut up, you no brained imbecile. So because they didn’t use their bra to cover a possible wound means we know what did and didn’t happen? It’s not possible they simply didn’t do what you would do? You should contact the authorizes because you just cracked the case! Not an accident because bras weren’t used as bandages! Grow up. They got lost. No evidence to suggest foul play. Lay off the alcohol and internet or something.
@AndreyQuinoa 8 месяцев назад
This is a great video. I've looked through all the parts. It's hard to imagine what it was like for Lisanne to walk with her injuries. And she was walking shortly before her death, because the examination found lactic acid in her muscles. And her fracture has already begun to heal (for some reason, supporters of the abduction version neglect this information). I think she was a brave girl. God rest their souls. After the video, it's hard to imagine that she was walking along the trail - there are too many people. One of the likely scenarios is that they got lost. On April 5, something happens, after which Chris loses the ability to enter the PIN code (loses consciousness or dies). Lisanne stays with her at least until April 8 (this is proved by the night photos). The question is where? Why didn't the locals find them??? Lisanne obviously gets her leg injury together with Chris, that is, on April 5. At some point after April 8, Lisanne leaves the deceased Chris and goes. If the author of the video would share his versions, it would be great!
@todditoddi7072 3 месяца назад
I don't understand if to do night photo they have been able to put correct pin number or they could make photo without put pin number
@anniee9112 2 месяца назад
The night photos were taken with Lisanne's camera, not with the phones
@aimlesslyrunning5127 Год назад
I cannot imagine hiking this far in jean shorts, easy to get off trail and I haven't seen a blaze really. an inexperienced hiker could easily go off down a trail or fall.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Год назад
She was abducted
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
Not TWO of them.
@aimlesslyrunning5127 Год назад
@@lyndoncmp5751 I hike a lot and have been lost for a bit with four adults, I still think they were abducted however. Getting lost is one thing, staying lost and unfound is another.
@lyndoncmp5751 Год назад
@@aimlesslyrunning5127 I hike a lot too. For two adults to get lost on a simple trail and to stay lost despite lots of searching (and not many places where you can actually go) stretches credulity. I cannot see them willingly venturing off trail into the bush in what they were wearing.
@davidmullen6011 Год назад
I think I'm right in thinking this video is the area between the first and second meadows, the video ends with you entering onto the second Meadow...?
El Pianista, the path after the Mirador - Part 3
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El Pianista, the path after the Mirador - Part 1
El Pianista (Entrance - Mirador) Part 4/4
Просмотров 14 тыс.
El Pianista (Entrance - Mirador) Part 1/4
Просмотров 17 тыс.