Romain C
Romain C
Romain C
Rio Culebra, Changuinola, 2014
3 года назад
@pauloleonnardsen5997 День назад
Vindo aqui por causa do Modus Operandi... que medo
@StickmanTheDumb 2 дня назад
To think the rest of their remains could still be there
@MrsLizziDarcy 2 дня назад
Mas por que alguém iria passear num lugar desses?!? Sequer é bonito para fazer valer o esforço! Pelo menos a trilha leva para algum lugar paradisíaco, alguma praia belíssima ou algo assim??
@ojodeaguila13 10 дней назад
If you have an accident and broke your leg and you are by yourself in that creepy place... forget it, you are dead.
@ojodeaguila13 10 дней назад
Yo ahí me pierdo con todo y caminos. La madre naturaleza es hermosa pero los seres humanos son un peligro como para andar uno por ahí. Y menos solo! Horror!
@ojodeaguila13 10 дней назад
Did you walked alone that path after happened to that girls? Are you crazy?
@blub_655 11 дней назад
I noticed when he takes photos, its in the places the girls couldve gone off path or where the girls couldve fallen, that in mind there is a lot. I can see how either K or L got their first injury not long after photo 508
@augustvong7057 3 дня назад
Agree. She might have slipped when putting back the camera. Otherwise there would have been some photos after the crossing. Doesn't K look a bit worried or concerned at the photo? But why didn't they turn back, or at least stayed on the trail? It's a mystery. Like if they short after 508 went right into full panic or survival mode.
@JM-lu8nn 15 дней назад
. Il y clairement des endroits sur ce sentier où il y a des pentes assez importantes au bord et desquelles on peut chuter. . On voit bien aussi à quel point il suffit de rentrer dans la forêt de quelques mètres pour ne ne rien reconnaitre quand on se retourne. Pour moi c'est flagrant , on peut vraiment être désorienté très facilement si on fait l'erreur de s'éloigner du sentier et de rentrer dans la forêt. . A partir de 24:00, on est sur le lieu de la dernière photo du 1 er Avril, la photo 508. C'est émouvant. Et ça doit faire quelquechose de se trouver exactement à l'endroit d'où Lisanne à pris cette photo de Kriss. . Après cette photo, rien ne prouve que les filles ont continué sur le sentier. Elles ont pu décider de suivre la rivière rio mamei, dont je remarque qu'elle coule vers l'Ouest et qu'elle rejoint des kilomètres plus loin le Rio culebra. Donc, à la saison des pluies, quand la rivière se gonfle, elle peut charrier pas mal de chose qui finiraient pas aboutir dans le Rio Culebra. . Autre question : ou se trouve la cascade cachée par rapport à cet endroit ? . Si elles ont repéré cette histoire de cascade cachée en préparant très vite leur journée, alors elles ont pu penser que elle devait se trouver sur ce cours d'eau (Rio mamei) , d'autant que je crois me souvenir que c'était censé être pas trop loin du mirador. Moi j'ai le sentiment qu'elles ont voulu y aller. Je ne crois pas qu'elles aient voulu aller au pont de singe même si c'est attirant car je pense qu'elles avaient vu les distances et le temps nécessaire pour y aller donc pour en revenir. Je pense qu'elle voulait aller à la cascade cachée , puis revenir sur Bokete. Donc si je suis mon idée, logiquement, elles auraient du aller vers l'Est, c'est à dire remonter la rivière en supposant qu'à un moment, elle tomberait sur une cascade. . Ça explique aussi qu'elles ont cessé de faire des photos puisque l'eau et l'électronique ne font pas bon ménage. Et par ailleurs, on est plus sur un sentier mais on marche dans ou au bord de la rivière. Donc on est en permanence en déséquilibre ce qui ne laisse pas vraiment le temps de faire des photos.
@JM-lu8nn 15 дней назад
Il faut quand même rappeler que lorsque Kriss et Lisane ont fait ce chemin, il faisait encore sec.
@ericcuthbert5974 16 дней назад
God love them - they were foolish to keep walking deeper into that jungle - they should have turned back a long time ago. RIP to both of them - they were lovely young ladies.
@jamysunshine9203 17 дней назад
Erstmals Danke für die tollen Videos. Ich befasse mich noch nicht lange mit dem Fall der beiden Mädchen aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass sie es überhaupt bis zu diesem Abschnitt des Trails geschafft haben. Der Videoersteller scheint ein erfahrener Wanderer zu sein und man sieht, wie selbst er schwer atmet, immer langsamer vorankommt, vor Erschöpfung schwankt und stolpert und hinfällt. Wie soll das bitteschön bei den beiden Frauen ausgesehen haben, die unerfahren, schlecht ausgestattet und bekleidet waren? Die Beiden machten viele Fotos auf ihren Weg zum Mirador und kamen auch schnell voran, sodass sie noch genug Zeit hatten etwas weiter zu gehen, was sie ja auch nachweislich getan haben. Das letzte Foto am Fluss ist für mich das Entscheidende. Bis dahin ging es ihnen gut, zeitlich passte noch alles in den Rahmen. Also wenn sie dort nicht etwas der Wasserstraße aufwärts oder abwärts gefolgt sind, um noch paar coole Fotos schießen zu können und dabei sehr zeitnah verunglückt sind, was ich nicht glaube, da man sie dann dort gefunden, bzw. Spuren gesichtet hätte, machte es am meisten Sinn für sie wieder umzukehren und deshalb würde es auch keine weiteren Fotos mehr geben, da sie ja schon die schönen Plätze abfotografiert haben. Da sie den Rückweg aber kannten und die meisten Leute sagen, dass man sich dort nicht verirren kann, kann ja nur eine 3. Partei dafür verantwortlich gewesen sein, dass sie nie mehr lebend Heim kamen. Wären sie unvernünftigerweise doch weiter den Trail gefolgt, gäbe es auch wieder neue Fotomotive, die sie sich nicht entgehen lassen hätten. Gab es aber nicht. Der erste Fluss oder zumindest noch in der Nähe zum Fluss hinterm Mirador ist die Stelle, wo etwas passiert sein muss. Entweder fand dort schon ein Übergriff statt oder sie trafen auf jemanden/mehrere Menschen, die sie abseits des Pfades führten ind denen die beiden Mädchen vertrauten. Im Nachhinein wurden so viele Fehler in den Ermittlungen begangen, dass man kaum noch an Zufälle glauben kann und von diesen seltsamen Zufällen gab es einige. So wurde nur als ein Beispiel der Rucksack einen Tag vor einer geplanten groß angelegten Razzia und Hausdurchsuchungen gefunden, die aber nach dem Fund des Rucksacks sofort abgesagt worden sind. Passend, nicht wahr? Ungereimtheiten von Vorne bis hinten ließen mich von meiner zunächst angenommenen Unfallthese wegkommen und nun bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, dass hier Dritte involviert sein müssen. Ich hoffe irgendjemand packt nochmal mit der Wahrheit aus.
@anamariaquintanilla7400 18 дней назад
Este video reciente, se ve más despejado, el del 2014, era mas tenebroso el lugar, a las chicas las atacaron, malvados. Justicia Divina.
@FarFromZero 21 день назад
@Romain C, in your experience, is it possible to hike down the river (for whatever reason) and get stuck in a ravine or behind a waterfall with no way to return to the starting point? Thank you for the video and hopefully for your answer in advance.
@FredHerrman 22 дня назад
I keep thinking to myself that the girls may have left Boquete at around 12:00-1:00pm. To hike up to El Mirador, then to hike two or three hours down into this other side was like inviting disaster. There is just no way that they would have gone so far and expected to get back before night arrived. It is chilling to see how long and topographically challenging this jungle trail is in reality.
@JoJo-vz5uy 27 дней назад
Great job and thank you! Would’ve been nice to have a map with all the of hidden trails that lead to areas of interest. Eveything looks similar - the rivers, the trees …nothing special to distinguish where the trail is even. A lot of paddocks.. doesn’t make sense they would not stay in the open. Unless they couldn’t move or were far from the paddocks.
@lissovskaya1246 Месяц назад
До мирадора заблудиться уже можно. Лабиринт какой то. Девушки благополучно преодолели путь к мирадору и к 1 реке по карибскому спуску.
@TheClaire0304 Месяц назад
Merci pour vos vidéos
@susannak1755 Месяц назад
That cute baby cow is 💯💛
@lissovskaya1246 Месяц назад
21:50 - v-образное дерево справа
@notifysend1015 Месяц назад
Imagine two pretty young woman get lost into a high crime rate rural county. Then 1% of their dismembered bones get found bleached and seperated from their underwear and without their pants on. And the first thing these clowns think is an innocent accident? Better hope you never get into a situation like that and are written off as simply lost.
@Ana46565 Месяц назад
Que cidade pitoresca! Toda a paisagem é belíssima, me encanta a amplitude da natureza e a sua diversidade. Fico me perguntando o motivo das garotas holandesas terem ido tão longe no trajeto. 10 anos em memória. Saudações desde Brasil. Felicitações pelo video!
@zulaybecerra2339 Месяц назад
Da miedo ir ahy Muchos Caníbales humanos y salvajes Animales Carnívoros esas muchachas que Dios las tenga en la gloria y el descanso Solo Dios sabe que les pasó que dios las lleve descansar las albertencias son importantes más cuando no conoces lugares peligrosos le faltó más orientación pero Nadien está por. NADIEN solo las maldades el peligro 🇻🇪
@LewisSmith-vd7ni Месяц назад
I was convinced they'd been murdered. But after seeing a live tour of the area, it's easy to see how a person could get lost or stranded here.
@abdullahal-azmi2680 Месяц назад
Plz try investigating for they girls
@awayfrom90 Месяц назад
Did Kramers and Froon enter this area?
@Romain_C Месяц назад
@Esma_3547 Месяц назад
Lisanne fron ve kris kremers 😢😢😢😢🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
@delsileneoliveira1005 Месяц назад
Sempre vejo qualquer video ou documentario referente a este caso intrigante, fico pensando no que pode ter acontecido, queria muito fazer essa trilha, claro que acompanhada de varias pessoas e de um guia
@rubensaleks Месяц назад
Мужики,вы живы после такого кошмара?
@rubensaleks Месяц назад
Я совсем по - другому представляла эту тропу. С двух сторон грязные возвыщенности, внутри грязь,неудобно, дорога узкая. Что они там забыли!?!??????
@rx326d Месяц назад
24:25, this is photo 508 correct?
@UncorkedMysteries-yb5df 2 месяца назад
Hi @Romain C been looking for a email address to contact you but couldn’t find any. May I use a couple of screen shots in a YT video? I will give you credit. 🥰 thanks so much!
@Romain_C Месяц назад
Hi ! Yes of course ;) Where do you plan to publish it ?
@UncorkedMysteries-yb5df Месяц назад
@@Romain_C it will be on this new channel. I am working on it and thank you so much! :)
@UncorkedMysteries-yb5df Месяц назад
@@Romain_C you did an amazing job with the drones and showing people how it looks. Did you see any steep cliffs along the trail you can slip and fall down into the river, maybe hit a rock that can cause severe injuries like a broken foot or pelvis?
@69429boss 2 месяца назад
Here's what Occam's razor tells us. The girls got lost and they slipped and fell and suffered critical injuries. The dog walked home alone because it couldn't get down to them. The girls were stuck in the same spot the entire time with critical injuries. They tried to conserve battery by switching their phones off. They realised the emergency calls were futile given the lack of service in that one spot. The girls sheltered against the cliff and spread their rubbish to signal to anyone looking over the cliff or from the sky. One photo shows the white papers forming an SOS. The red plastic bags (proven to be from the village) were also a signal/marker while they sheltered closer to the cliff to stay out of the elements. They tried to take a photo of Kris' head injury. Kris eventually dies. Lisanne either doesn't know or forgot Kris' pincode after her own phone battery died. The reason they went silent for a week is because they knew it was futile. They decided to conserve battery and wait for help. The night photos were taken because Lisanne could hear either helicopters that day/night or the audio signals the search and rescue were using. She was using the camera flash to try and signal them but slowly loses hope which is why the photos begin to slow down and get further apart. This may have also been Lisannes last efforts to signal for help before succumbing to her injuries/dehydration/starvation. If you want to find the site where they died it is somewhere upstream from the evidence found, bones, backpack, shorts etc. The river Changuinolla starts not far from El Mirador. The location they died will be on the western side of the river on a steep section with a large rock and open canopy somewhere between the location of the shorts and El Mirador. If you can find this location there will be some remnants of the rubbish they left. It will also be where the animals pulled apart their bodies so perhaps there would even be some bones. The missing photo was either a glitch in the camera software or the Panamanian police deleted it, that is the ONLY conspiracy theory worth investigating. There was no foul play, no murder, no gangs, no cartel, no Photoshop (absolute nonsense). Just two girls that slipped and fell and suffered unimaginable pain and fear for a week in the Panamanian jungle. Someone please find this location so the girls May finally rest in peace.
@user-wp5bf6tx1q 2 месяца назад
Автор,почему вы в кроссовках? Я думала по таким местам надо ходить в резиновых сапогах...🙄
@user-wp5bf6tx1q 2 месяца назад
Офигеть. Даже за деньги туда не пошла бы. В голове сразу всплывают две девушки,которые пропали в этих местах. Вечная памать😪
@delsileneoliveira1005 2 месяца назад
Assisto tudo que esta relacionad a este caso! Muito sinistro
@SimpleLifeAlways81 2 месяца назад
Her photos were all photoshopped ... look up Juan Perea and you'd be shocked
@BoboBish 2 месяца назад
Who taught you how to hold a camera, holy fuck
@user-fr6kb8yc9q 2 месяца назад
May they rest in peace ✝️
@user-xc9cy6di5m 2 месяца назад
Ваш путь - это настоящий подвиг! Вы герой! Спасибо за видео! Очень хочется увидеть, что там дальше по этой тропе.
@Misterablenow 2 месяца назад
What a dirt hole - and that‘s the path. Imagine the rest of it and being lost there. No foul play needed, hot pants (stance) is just enough to get you killed in that environment.
@MiguelAngel-ev4cl 2 месяца назад
Sin duda, al video le fue quitado el audio, o no se grabo. Por lo que escuchamos como canto de pájaros, es una grabación, superpuesta. Nose porque le borro el sonido original. ¿sería porque no hablaba? o porque hablaba boludeces. Que hacia una casa en medio de la jungla. De igual modo, no creo que las chicas hubieran caminado por ahí.
@AhmedAhmed-mn5ez 2 месяца назад
As one of this world, I crossed more than 13 countries on my feet and slept in the forest for many days without even a tent I and a group of people. The forests were more difficult than this forest, especially at night. We cannot move, but it did not disappear. My friend got lost when he was with us at night. He collapsed on the tree and came back crying, but we were not harmed. Only in the forests of Greece were there gangs called the Army of Shadows. These gangs were killing genies or those passing through the war Now back to the case of the two little girls How do they go out alone in the forest in a strange area without a map or known path A bit strange And the woman who found the bag .It is key . She says, “I go to this place many times. Surely you know who lives or resides in the forest The analysis that says two young girls are lost in the forest is wrong. There is a crime and there are those who know what happened and are silent
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 2 месяца назад
Acho que as duas se perderam nas margens daquele córrego das fotos 507 e 508.Elas desceram por ali e perderam a trilha.
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 2 месяца назад
Romain C vc foi até o ponto da ultima foto de Kris as fotos 507 e 508.A trilha é fácil?Existe a possibilidade de se perder na trilha,ela tem muitas bifurcações?
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 2 месяца назад
As tecnologias de drone não estavam tão acessiveis em 2014(época do desaparecimento)como estão agora.Se estivesse com certeza teriam sido achadas com vida.Mesmo se estivessem perdidas e seguindo uma trilha acho muito dificil não encontrarem ninguém no caminho.
@renegadeace1735 2 месяца назад
This trail doesn't look like very much fun. Kinda curious why the hell they decided to go down it.
@renegadeace1735 2 месяца назад
Some people say they went on this trail looking for a waterfall. At 24:00 he reaches a creek. I wonder if they decided to hike along the creek and got lost there.
@foysalalsultan3336 3 месяца назад
For me, the most suspicious thing is why the girls decided to move further. After the mirador, it doesn't make any sense to go further as there is no sign of anything special to explore as a conventional tourist. I think 90% of people like me will decide to back unless there is enough time, preparation, properly equipped with hiking experience.
@ojodeaguila13 10 дней назад
Because the sign at the end of the path is not legible. That was said in Spanish: "Do not still walking to the other path without guide if you do it is under your own risk" something like that but like a told you: sign isn't legible and Spanish.
@user-dg2xn5ib5w 3 месяца назад
Se vc não sair da trilha não tem como se perder.A meu ver elas voltaram e sáiram do pianista.E foram raptadas.
@Frank_lopes 3 месяца назад
Amigo, em algum momento nesta trilha você teve uma sensação ruim, medo ou coisa parecida?