
EX Jehovahs Witness finds Jesus 

UK Partnerships For Christ
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EX JW Ray shares his story of he learned the truth concerning the Watchtower doctrine and how he came to freedom in Christ.



18 июн 2013




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@mintcoin4708 8 лет назад
If you go through the organization, you are not going through Jesus. Jesus is the only way!
@thegardenranger 7 месяцев назад
I am so happy to see how Jesus saves so many Jehovah's Witnesses into the real truth, making them Jesus' Witnesses.
@carolbell8008 3 года назад
Wow, that was a wonderful and powerful testimony! Did I understand that the JW requires thousand hours of knocking on doors? So glad he was set free! Praise God!!
@raquelperez603 10 лет назад
What a lovely testimony! Thank you JESUS love of my soul.
@shanebh007 9 лет назад
God bless you the truth I can hear In you God bless you brother beautiful testimony You have the truth :)
@tionbai6087 2 года назад
Praise Jesus
@paulinerelph 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for your courage in the face of such cruelty. The totally unscriptural baptismal oaths they make to an organisation rather than to Jesus Christ our Saviour, are chilling. Matthew 28 19-20.
@robertcastellanos98 3 года назад
This Testimony and Story really touched my heart! God bless you brother, HALLELUJAH! You are one of us now!!! The angels are rejoicing in the heavens right now! Feel the magic that comes from having God in your heart, and talking to Jesus in prayer!!! This is why I feel so passionate about telling the truth! I wish you the best in your new found faith, and close relationship with our beloved Father Jesus!!! ROMANS 10:9 "THIS IS WHAT SOME CULT RELIGIONS DON'T WANT YOU TO FIND IN A REAL BIBLE AND UNDERSTAND THE DIRECT, STRAIGHT AND UNMISTAKABLE MEANING" And not from a version of a bible that has been altered, modified, or some of the content deleted... ROMANS 10:9 New King James Version that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. ROMANOS 10: 9 "ESTO ES LO QUE ALGUNAS RELIGIONES QUE SON UN CULTO NO QUIEREN QUE ENCUENTRES EN UNA BIBLIA REAL Y ENTIENDAS EL SIGNIFICADO DIRECTO, CORECTO E INEQUÍVOCO" Y no de una versión de una Biblia que haya sido alterada, modificada o eliminado parte del contenido ... ROMANOS 10: 9 Nueva versión King James que si confiesas con tu boca que el Señor Jesús y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo resucitó de los muertos, serás salvo. ______________________________________ Isaiah 9:6 and similar prophecies make it clear that the one to be born (Jesus) would be not only the Son, but also the Father-and of course, God: Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. __________________________________ Isaías 9:6 y profecías similares dejan en claro que el que nacerá (Jesús) no solo será el Hijo, sino también el Padre y, por supuesto, Dios: Isaías 9:6 Porque para nosotros nace un niño, a nosotros se nos da un hijo, y el gobierno estará sobre sus hombros. Y será llamado Admirable Consejero, Dios Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz. _________________________________________ Can we pray to Jesus? Of course!!! 1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ--their Lord and ours: _____________________________________ ¿Podemos orar a Jesús? ¡¡¡Por supuesto!!! 1 Corintios 1: 2 A la iglesia de Dios en Corinto, a los santificados en Cristo Jesús y llamados a ser su pueblo santo, junto con todos los que en todas partes invocan el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Señor de ellos y nuestro: _______________________________________ Also in Acts 7:59 New King James Version And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Stephen"s Example In the book of Acts chapter 7, verse 59, we find the first prayer to Jesus Christ made by a Christian. In a unique scene we see Stephen, a Christian martyr, raising his most precious desires at the disposal of his Faithful Lord, and before the contempt and martyrdom suffered, we can contemplate his grandiose request: “And they stoned Stephen, while he invoked and said : Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. " Note that Stephen is not asking for something simple. When Jesus, in his human condition, died on the cross, he prayed to the Father saying: "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." (Lk 23:46). But these kinds of requests are not made to just anyone. If you do not have the clear conviction that the recipient of the prayer will be the one to execute the work, then it is not done, and Stephen did it directly to Jesus. _______________________________________________ Tambien en Hechos 7:59 Biblia Reina Valera Antigua 1602 (Biblia del Cántaro) Y apedrearon á Esteban, invocando él y diciendo: Señor Jesús, recibe mi espíritu. El Ejemplo de Esteban En el libro de los hechos capítulo 7, verso 59, hallamos la primera oración a Jesucristo hecha por un cristiano. En una escena única vemos a Esteban, mártir cristiano, elevando sus más preciados deseos a la disposición de su Fiel Cumplidor, y ante el desprecio y el martirio padecido, podemos contemplar su grandiosa petición: “Y apedreaban a Esteban, mientras él invocaba y decía: Señor Jesús, recibe mi espíritu.” Fíjese que Esteban no está pidiendo cualquier cosa. Cuando Jesús, en su condición humana, moría sobre la cruz, oró al Padre diciendo: “Padre, en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu.” (Lc 23:46). Pero este tipo de peticiones no se hacen a cualquiera. Si no se tiene la clara convicción de que el receptor de la oración será quien ejecute la obra, entonces no se hace, y Esteban la hizo directamente a Jesús. _____________________________________ Also about John 10:30 I and the Father are one. A trusted scholar wrote this: "Whether or no Unity of Essence is actually stated here, it is certainly implied, as the Jews see. They would stone Him for making Himself God, which they would not have done had He not asserted or implied that He and the Father were one in Substance, not merely in will. And Christ does not correct them"... También sobre Juan 10:30 Yo y el Padre somos uno. Un erudito de confianza escribió esto: "Ya sea que se declare o no la Unidad de Esencia aquí, ciertamente está implícito, como ven los judíos. Lo apedrearían a pedradas por hacerse Dios, lo que no habrían hecho si no hubiera afirmado o insinuado que Él y el Padre eran uno en sustancia, no meramente en voluntad. Y Cristo no los corrige "...
@OJubilee13 10 лет назад
Amen Ray, amen! I love how you said God gives us people to help, but don't put them in front of you. PUT CHRIST IN FRONT. People come alongside. Amen. Praise God for calling you out brother.
@davislinskajab8932 3 года назад
Yes God gives us people to help. But don't put them in front of you. Always put Christ first. In all things we do so we can happily live a successful life,
@davislinskajab8932 3 года назад
Hello Julie. How's your family doing hope they're all safe and fine?
@odilezhurje8445 5 лет назад
With Christ Jesus, we get answers to all our questions 😉😘🤔
@spanishgypsy1618 10 лет назад
Hi Ray. Watching this moved me to tears. I do understand what you have been through as I too have had a very similar & horrific journey with this org. Look forward now, try not to dwell on the past as these are mere shadows. You have taken the biggest leap already, which took huge strength............well done!! Kind regards to you, xx
@findingthetruth25 10 лет назад
I will let Ray know, he will love to hear that
@oprophetisfake9482 3 года назад
We need to demolish every theology that denies that Jesus is God, the eternal Word of the Father. God bless you and keep you.
@stacy2point0 9 лет назад
Excellent testimony Ray. May God continue to bless you with truth & discernment.
@melissasmith8592 4 года назад
I'm glad you found the truth
@haan3549 3 года назад
Beautiful!!! Thank you!!!
@dawn5227 4 месяца назад
He is 100% correct about just pray to Jesus with your heart and he will fill you with the holy spirit. I was never a believer I doubted Jesus and God very existence my entire life but just 1 day I asked Jesus directly if hes real show me, and I made my promise to him if he would show me I would never doubt him ever again. Well he answered me immediately and filled me with the holy spirit. It was the most intense feeling of love, goodness ive ever experienced in my life nothing compares. From that moment I knew he was real, and I trust in Jesus but I found I couldnt trust my own judgement anylonger, I had to double check myself. I read the bible for the first time. Want I found was confirmation in my belief in Jesus.
@esitoris 8 лет назад
Thank you Ray! Thanks!
@muzikjedi 5 лет назад
Beautiful! 😭
@rebeccakrupp1804 5 лет назад
@BornAgainExJw 3 года назад
I know this is an older video, but I would love to do an interview with this gentleman for my channel do you know how I can get in touch?
@robertcastellanos98 3 года назад
I approve this message!!!!!!!!!
@iloveu2273 3 года назад
That don’t talk to a person who leave the organization.
@robertcastellanos98 3 года назад
Luke 17:20,21 In the NIV version, the verse reads: “Once having been asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied,’ The kingdom of God does not come from your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is’ or “There it is’ because the Kingdom of God is within you.” NOTE: For anybody or some cult religión or cult organization who think that there should be a divided between man kind, I have news for them... Jesus Christ preached the love for all human beings without discarding any of them or despise them because they are not of our own exact beliefs, or they don't belong to a certain "organization" or "cult religion"... Luke 7:21 The kingdom of God does not come from your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is’ or “There it is’ because the Kingdom of God is within you.” "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU" ____________________________ My Lord Jesus, my beloved Father, it is the greatest Honor to be your son and serve you!!! Robert Castellanos cstellano@gmail.com ________________________ Lucas 17: 20,21 En la versión NVI, el versículo dice: “Una vez que los fariseos le preguntaron cuándo vendría el Reino de Dios, Jesús respondió: 'El reino de Dios no proviene de su observación cuidadosa, ni la gente dirá:' Aquí está 'o' Ahí está 'porque el Reino de Dios está dentro de ti ". NOTA: Para cualquier persona o alguna religión de culto o una organización de culto que piensan que debe haber divisiones entre los seres humanos, les tengo noticias para ellos ... Jesucristo predicó el amor por todos los seres humanos sin descartar a ninguno de ellos ni despreciarlos porque no son de nuestras creencias exactas, o no pertenecen a una determinada "organización" o "religión de culto" ... Lucas 7:21 El reino de Dios no proviene de su observación cuidadosa, ni la gente dirá, 'Aquí está' o 'Allí está' porque el Reino de Dios está dentro de ti". "EL REINO DE DIOS ESTÁ DENTRO DE TI" ____________________________ Mi Señor Jesús, mi amado Padre, es el mayor honor ser tu hijo y servirte !!! Roberto Castellanos cstellano@gmail.com
@Lovealwayswins1 3 года назад
Thank God save us from these men who say they love and know God but their fruits prove otherwise may we all kneel before Christ and obey him not men who crave power money control and worship not brotherly love. They are Pharisees who would never feed pray for or bless their enemies. May God open their eyes like Paul had to learn until the membership of JWs plummets and they are humbled by their hypocrisy. Maybe it’s the only way they will learn they are not showing Christlike love....they clash cymbals and glorify themselves. Give God the glory for saving us on the cross...stake whatever....let’s wash each other’s feet and stop letting Satan separate men....let Jesus unite us as a brotherhood until there’s no more fighting and peace between true Christians. Feed the crippled poor and lame....let’s just look in the mirror and do what the sermon on the mount said at Matthew 5 and Luke 6.
@tyflyer007 5 лет назад
How does having a belief that is in agreement with the bible make it true?
@UKPartnership4Christ 11 лет назад
That's for your response, if you would like to talk about what the answer please contact me my Skype is findingthetruth25. I look forward to your call. If you are just wanting to make a silly comment with no substance or weight in the argument then I will just delete after a few days if you don't contact me. Jason
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 Год назад
The Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other denominations have a different Jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit 2 Corinthians 11:4 The muslims have Muhammed as their savior and hero and an extra book and Jesus is a mere prophet, The Mormons have Joseph Smith and extra book and Jesus is a half brother of Satan , Jehovah’s Witnesses have their own bible and Jesus is Michael the archangel, And Roman Catholic have Jesus right but have the Blessed Virgin Mary as a co- Redeemer But Christians believe that Jesus is God manifest in the flesh Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will be forgiven and have eternal life with Jesus forevermore
@vusimngomezulu2500 3 года назад
Left Jehovah God and find his son Jesus christ John 17:21?
@robertcastellanos98 3 года назад
This two verses of the Bible prove that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is God. This two texts were taken from a real Bible "The New King James Version". NOTE: The people who use the New world Bible, that is a fake bible that has been altered, changed and some content deleted or removed. And this is why their bible does not appear in the Bible hub website, because they don't consider their bible a a real Bible! In Acts 7:60, they replaced the word LORD with another word, because that wouldn't fit with their doctrine, how satanic is that! Acts 7:59 New King James Version And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Acts 7:60 New King James Version Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. _______________________________ Estos dos versículos de la Biblia prueban que nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo es Dios. Estos dos textos fueron tomados de una biblia real "The New King James Version". NOTA: Las personas que usan la Biblia del Nuevo Mundo, es una Biblia falsa que ha sido alterada, cambiada y le han borrado o eliminado algunos de sus contenidos. En Hechos 7:60, reemplazaron la palabra SEÑOR con otra palabra, porque eso no encajaría con su doctrina, ¡qué satánico es eso! Hechos 7:59 Nueva versión King James Y apedrearon a Esteban mientras él invocaba a Dios y decía: "Señor Jesús, recibe mi espíritu". Hechos 7:60 Versión Reina Valera 1909 Y puesto de rodillas, clamó á gran voz: Señor, no les imputes este pecado. Y habiendo dicho esto, durmió.
@vusimngomezulu2500 3 года назад
Jehovah's witnesses are most loving people like Jehovah God and Jesus christ.
@robertcastellanos98 3 года назад
This Testimony and Story really touched my heart! God bless you brother, HALLELUJAH! You are one of us now!!! The angels are rejoicing in the heavens right now! Feel the magic that comes from having God in your heart, and talking to Jesus in prayer!!! This is why I feel so passionate about telling the truth! I wish you the best in your new found faith, and close relationship with our beloved Father Jesus!!! ROMANS 10:9 "THIS IS WHAT SOME CULT RELIGIONS DON'T WANT YOU TO FIND IN A REAL BIBLE AND UNDERSTAND THE DIRECT, STRAIGHT AND UNMISTAKABLE MEANING" And not from a version of a bible that has been altered, modified, or some of the content deleted... ROMANS 10:9 New King James Version that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. ROMANOS 10: 9 "ESTO ES LO QUE ALGUNAS RELIGIONES QUE SON UN CULTO NO QUIEREN QUE ENCUENTRES EN UNA BIBLIA REAL Y ENTIENDAS EL SIGNIFICADO DIRECTO, CORECTO E INEQUÍVOCO" Y no de una versión de una Biblia que haya sido alterada, modificada o eliminado parte del contenido ... ROMANOS 10: 9 Nueva versión King James que si confiesas con tu boca que el Señor Jesús y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo resucitó de los muertos, serás salvo. ______________________________________ Isaiah 9:6 and similar prophecies make it clear that the one to be born (Jesus) would be not only the Son, but also the Father-and of course, God: Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. __________________________________ Isaías 9:6 y profecías similares dejan en claro que el que nacerá (Jesús) no solo será el Hijo, sino también el Padre y, por supuesto, Dios: Isaías 9:6 Porque para nosotros nace un niño, a nosotros se nos da un hijo, y el gobierno estará sobre sus hombros. Y será llamado Admirable Consejero, Dios Fuerte, Padre Eterno, Príncipe de Paz. _________________________________________ Can we pray to Jesus? Of course!!! 1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ--their Lord and ours: _____________________________________ ¿Podemos orar a Jesús? ¡¡¡Por supuesto!!! 1 Corintios 1: 2 A la iglesia de Dios en Corinto, a los santificados en Cristo Jesús y llamados a ser su pueblo santo, junto con todos los que en todas partes invocan el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Señor de ellos y nuestro: _______________________________________ Also in Acts 7:59 New King James Version And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Stephen"s Example In the book of Acts chapter 7, verse 59, we find the first prayer to Jesus Christ made by a Christian. In a unique scene we see Stephen, a Christian martyr, raising his most precious desires at the disposal of his Faithful Lord, and before the contempt and martyrdom suffered, we can contemplate his grandiose request: “And they stoned Stephen, while he invoked and said : Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. " Note that Stephen is not asking for something simple. When Jesus, in his human condition, died on the cross, he prayed to the Father saying: "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." (Lk 23:46). But these kinds of requests are not made to just anyone. If you do not have the clear conviction that the recipient of the prayer will be the one to execute the work, then it is not done, and Stephen did it directly to Jesus. _______________________________________________ Tambien en Hechos 7:59 Biblia Reina Valera Antigua 1602 (Biblia del Cántaro) Y apedrearon á Esteban, invocando él y diciendo: Señor Jesús, recibe mi espíritu. El Ejemplo de Esteban En el libro de los hechos capítulo 7, verso 59, hallamos la primera oración a Jesucristo hecha por un cristiano. En una escena única vemos a Esteban, mártir cristiano, elevando sus más preciados deseos a la disposición de su Fiel Cumplidor, y ante el desprecio y el martirio padecido, podemos contemplar su grandiosa petición: “Y apedreaban a Esteban, mientras él invocaba y decía: Señor Jesús, recibe mi espíritu.” Fíjese que Esteban no está pidiendo cualquier cosa. Cuando Jesús, en su condición humana, moría sobre la cruz, oró al Padre diciendo: “Padre, en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu.” (Lc 23:46). Pero este tipo de peticiones no se hacen a cualquiera. Si no se tiene la clara convicción de que el receptor de la oración será quien ejecute la obra, entonces no se hace, y Esteban la hizo directamente a Jesús. _____________________________________ Also about John 10:30 I and the Father are one. A trusted scholar wrote this: "Whether or no Unity of Essence is actually stated here, it is certainly implied, as the Jews see. They would stone Him for making Himself God, which they would not have done had He not asserted or implied that He and the Father were one in Substance, not merely in will. And Christ does not correct them"... También sobre Juan 10:30 Yo y el Padre somos uno. Un erudito de confianza escribió esto: "Ya sea que se declare o no la Unidad de Esencia aquí, ciertamente está implícito, como ven los judíos. Lo apedrearían a pedradas por hacerse Dios, lo que no habrían hecho si no hubiera afirmado o insinuado que Él y el Padre eran uno en sustancia, no meramente en voluntad. Y Cristo no los corrige "...
@bilcollins9652 6 лет назад
HOW many of you do research? I know not many at all because they never look up the letter J and when it came into existence because it is so IMPORTANT. The letter J was NEVER do you hear me NEVER in the Hebrew or Greek alphabet and today is still not and NOT in the Latin/English alphabet until the year 1630 ad that makes the letter J less than 400 years in existence. The name Jesus is NOT his name it is a blaspheme name that the Romans gave him and if you look up the LATIN meaning of the name Jesus don't be afraid to look it up because it means EARTH PIG. The true name of the Messiah and may be a shock to you because he was Hebrew and spoke Hebrew and had a Hebrew name that is YAHusha. The name Jehovah is not the Creators name it was a made up name by Raymundus Martini and if you have the Blue book ( Aid to Bible Understanding ) look up page 884 the last few paragraphs to page 885 it will show you that I know what I am talking about. The name of the Creator is YAHuah please DO YOUR RESEARCH. If you would like more proof let me know.
@hansieslim9318 6 лет назад
one word for this,DECIEVER.
@hansieslim9318 6 лет назад
refered to Bil Collins btw
@bilcollins9652 6 лет назад
Hansie you have NOTHING and I give you things to look up so don't be afraid to look it up you will find I am telling you the truth and you just give me your opinion that means NOTHING at all.
@hansieslim9318 6 лет назад
I have Jesus,im rich coz i have Jesus.i have the Truth.i have that relationship with Him.so why should i look it up if i already have Him and know Hes love for me and know Who He is.i dont need to look it up coz im not going to listen to Satan telling me He doesnt exist or His name is not in the bible or whatsoever.infact Hes name is all over the bible.how would people know of Him if it wasnt.people live in denial and His name God,Jesus scares them.but the truth is Hes not scary at all,If people could just have one taste,one encounter with Him and his love they would be talking another language.its sad that so many dont know what they are missing out on.i gave my life to Jesus 6th april 2010,that was my spiritual birthday if you will.thats when i was Borna again and ill never regret it,amazing knowing Jesus,just a absoulte pleasure and joy.Hope you have a wonderful day and may God open your eyes and touch your heart.Hes name is Jesus,God is not a liar.
@bilcollins9652 6 лет назад
They took the true name of the Messiah and replaced it with the name Jesus and that is NOT his name. LOOK up the LATIN meaning of the name it means EARTH PIG and that is NOT his name. The books of the Scriptures that put his true name back in it called the ( Cepher ) has his true name in it and that is YAHusha. The Romans made that blaspheme name Jesus from the Greeks when they took his true name out of Scriptures and put in Iesous and if you look this up it means Hail Zeus the Greeks Idol of wood and stone that they worshiped and when the letter J came into existence less than 400 years ago they took Iesous and put the letter J in place of the letter I and took out the letter O and made the Blaspheme name Jesus DO YOUR RESEARCH.
@tobytaggert3962 8 лет назад
CONGRATULATIONS it appears from this video that MAYBE 50 people showed up at ur INTERNATIONAL YEARLY assembly ! so let me get this straight. i should just go right out and join ur GIANT fellowship of 50 people and abandon by worldwide 8 MILLION jw dear brothers and sisters !
@paulmccauley8995 7 лет назад
TobyTaggert I don't think the attendance at that gathering is every single Christian in the whole world.
@hansieslim9318 6 лет назад
The reply to this Toby is easy.Matthew 7:13 13“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14“For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.those 8 million are the ones that is going to destruction atm unless they are Born Again,and the 50 is the ones who serve the true God,Jesus,that is saved that will enter the kingdom of God
@lpatterson5005 Год назад
You shouldn't be on these sites your going against your religion sir?
@paulinerelph 10 месяцев назад
​@@lpatterson5005 Believers are important, but you get saved as an individual not as a member of a religious organisation. That's why the gate is narrow, you come through Jesus alone.
@leejohnson6328 3 года назад
Jesus told all that he was created and that he was not killed on a cross
@therakatoli6720 Год назад
But he didn't...The reference Watchtower uses is cut off regarding the origin of the word "stauros". There is actual historical information and proof of the Romans using the same term but adapting it with a cross board, and it was the Roman Empire who carried out the execution. They did not use upright stakes. Jesus never said he was created. Show the scripture. I believe I know what you will reference but I will give you the platform.
@leejohnson6328 Год назад
@@therakatoli6720 Jesus showed it was a pole
@therakatoli6720 Год назад
@@leejohnson6328Since you won't cite your source....Paul specifically mentioned "cross" in reference to Jesus in his letters. If you want to believe the manipulated Greek use of the word, prove it.
@leejohnson6328 Год назад
@@therakatoli6720 Was the Master Jesus killed on a Cross? (59seconds) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-83QQ9OUg9NU.html
@joanjones6882 11 лет назад
So you "found Jesus" in Satan's house?
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