
first ever ExJW video  

Just June
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28 ноя 2022




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@kimer8375 Год назад
Hello. I woke up 4 years ago in my late 40’s being born and raised a JW. The lack of love is what finally broke me. I hear your heart and your desire to move past pain. When I told family and friends I no longer will be a JW I was instantly shunned by all. I understood this will happen but I had to break free. I found the Lord Jesus and the real truth and I never look back. The present suffering is nothing compared to the glory ahead. It still hurts and I have bad days but I’m still free from this cult. I keep praying others will wake up.
@paulinerelph Год назад
So happy that you found our Lord Jesus Christ as well as freedom from false religion. I pray that all will do so. Getting to truly read God's word for oneself is a beautiful thing. 🙏
@isaiah30v8 Год назад
I was a Jehovah's Witness. . In the year 2005 I went through the narrow gate: . Matthew 7:13-14 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it. . What the Sovereign Lord Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end, is really happening! . Isaiah 66:5 HEAR THE WORD OF JEHOVAH, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME . Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses: . "He ** MUST ** also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"! . . An end time prophecy that has been in every Christians bible and always available for any Christian to find! . Few are the ones finding it! . What Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end, is really happening! . I will swear that Jehovah was right! . Jeremiah 4:2 And [if] you will certainly swear, ‘As Jehovah is alive in truth, in justice and in righteousness!’ then in him the nations will actually bless themselves, and in him they will boast about themselves.” . I will never again put my trust in men. . Who live in New York! . cramped the road leading off into life . I am taking the cramped road leading off into life in order to follow Jesus Christ and I am fully aware that they would separate me from my family for doing this, through their shunning policy: . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things EVERLASTING LIFE. . What Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening. . Jesus Christ is Awesome! . .
@antijw4121 Год назад
I too was raised a jehovah witness..! in the early years many things used to happen in school, out of school , you name it , that made me feel so different then the other kids my age..! I hated every minute of it , to the point where I did not want to get baptized when I got old enough, which eventually led me to leave my family altogether and branch out on my own..! watchtower killed my jw father at only 61 years of age because of their ‘no blood’ policy at that time , of since which they have rescinded on..! he thought if he could make it to 1975, the last date set by watchtower for armageddon , all his problems would be over …he missed things by one year and passed away in 1974 ..! his last words to me were ‘ Den, I wish I wouldn’t have done that ‘ , my thinking being that he did have ‘ doubts ‘ at that time..! have an older brother that died , alcoholism being a factor..! have a mother who is totally into the jw organization and doesn’t even know why , and was disfellowshipped once but went back for more punishment..! also have a younger brother who used to be an elder, and is on his third marriage , and was also disfellowshipped , twice if I recall , but always went back to the organization for more punishment, as well..! his last wife was the only smart one and did not join the ‘cult’ , to my knowledge anyway..! I guess what I am trying to say is that the jw organization , in my opinion , destroys more lives then their members are willing to admit, but because of Jehovah witnesses false biblical belief attraction , which caters to lonely , weak, insecure individuals is so great that there will never be a lack of those individuals out there , that are willing to ‘be had ‘ to gain a little comfort and security , in this crazy mixed up world that we happen to live in..!
@antijw4121 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune ..thanks for your first video , you did a really good job..! keep em coming ok , because watchtower has to be exposed for what it really is, that being POWER, MONEY, and CONTROL , as is same with all ‘CULTS’ / CONTROLLERS, USERS, LIARS, and TRAUMATIZERS…!!
@isaiah30v8 Год назад
@@antijw4121 -- I agree that the JW Organization is causing absolute carnage in people lives. . You could use some truly horrific metaphors to describe the end result of the lies and injustices they perpetrate in Jehovah's name: . Micah 3:1-4 And I proceeded to say: “Hear, please, YOU heads of Jacob and YOU commanders of the house of Israel. Is it not YOUR business to know justice? 2 YOU haters of what is good and lovers of badness, tearing off their skin from people and their organism from off their bones; 3 YOU the ones who have also eaten the organism of my people, and have stripped their very skin from off them, and smashed to pieces their very bones, and crushed [them] to pieces like what is in a widemouthed pot and like flesh in the midst of a cooking pot. 4 At that time they will call to Jehovah for aid, but he will not answer them. And he will conceal his face from them in that time, according as they committed badness in their dealings. . . Do those metaphors describe the lives they have destroyed? . I think so. . What the bible said would happen, is really happening! . .
@christinesotelo7655 Год назад
I love your Christmas tree. I got disfellowshipped for sneaking one into my home because my little kids were miserable without Gramma and Grampa and Xmas. My husband reported me immediately to the elders and was told he was not allowed to speak with me, sleep with me, eat with me, etc. I never realized they would truly shun me and break up the family. A tree. A TREE! I “did it” because my little son’s Kindergarten teacher called me to his class and said it was cruel to expect a child to go stand in the hallway because the xmas tree was being decorated by the students or because a Santa was giving candy canes or the cupcakes, as you said. He was reacting sadly. Badly. I said I’d had enough and I made Xmas normal again. I was punished very severely. Thank you so much for sharing! We lost everyone. You are wonderful! God bless you! You’ve helped me! And...I love your Christmas tree!
@grannymabel Год назад
Do not underestimate the trauma over Xmas in school when I was 5 I was given xmas decorations to take to school not understanding I'd not celebrate Xmas again until I married a non believer when I was 18 ..Good on you mum.
@anonymousl591 Год назад
O my God noooo ,how can people be so mean that is not of god
@antijw4121 Год назад
Christine Sotelo..with a husband like you have, or had maybe I should say, you should be proud despite your marriage and get on with a ‘normal’ life , away from all the ‘cultish’ bs that your husband seams to be a part of..! life is meant to be ‘happy’ , and with our lifespan being short enough as it is, we do not have the luxury of waisting any more time bowing down to all of the ‘cult-like ‘ practices that are a big part of the jehovah witness organization..! CHRISTmas is a wonderful time of the year, and I believe that ‘nobody’ should have the right to try and take that away from you..! I have a mother and brother who are still ‘trapped’ within the jw organization , so Xmas’s and things like that are not foreign to me..! like , who would want to live in an atmosphere as is in the “140 things that jehovah witnesses cannot do” list..!! right..?
@gmansard641 Год назад
That was a very brave teacher to tell you that.
@annafarago6527 Год назад
I hope and pray you will find newfound friends. It is so sad your husband is so unloving and cruel. Your children are so lucky they have you as their loving mother.
@joartym6649 Год назад
Well my Mother pushed and pushed to get me in. However, my 'childlike mind' at approximately 6years of age, could not work out their outrages philosophy, and I kept asking "Why ?" and "How come?", as I saw such beauty in the world, I loved nature, and individuals good characters. Fast forward I fled at 15 years, had a job, and supported myself without any guilt. Today at 61years of age, I look into this "Man made controlled corporation" and do feel for those so entrenched into following the ongoing changing RULES, (with no scripture backing), imposed by 8 men...IMPERFECT men. Oh, and I know, back then, they DID predict the 1975 end of the world. How can they establish this as the God of the universe ONLY knows when this will come. Again their propaganda to control their masses and sadly their bank accounts.
@joartym6649 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune you're most welcome 🌹
@laymanphil8513 Год назад
Thank you very much for this video. Gone are the days of us EXJWs keeping silent in our isolation. Today let us be proud to have excluded this society from our lives. Let's stand up and speak, testify, with a loud voice. Thank you for your activism, one more subscriber.
@angelslayer169 Год назад
I'm not even jw and never affiliated with the church but documentaries on Scientology bought me to JW and now look at this cult in a whole new light I never knew about
@nicosyiallouris1103 Год назад
Thank you so much for this video i just subscribed!
@symone3113 Год назад
Welcome to the real life. Glad you’re away from that Enemy of fun cult…😍
@robertgrey6101 Год назад
@Layman Phil Social media channels have given all EX J. Ws. an avenue to tell the world their own personal experience with this organisation of CONTROLL freaks.
@Jeron_Benton Год назад
I can relate 100% with what you’re saying, being raised a JW definitely wasn’t easy and it scar’s you for life. I’m in my mid 30’s figuring who I am but I’ll tell you what I’ll never be ever again lol…you can always make new friends, meet people that will love you unconditionally and find real happiness, you’ve taken the first step by leaving that unloving cult. Keep up the good work
@Jeron_Benton Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune your welcome! I’m also in the same predicament as you are and also finding my way outside the organization, I’m also looking for more friends as well and would love to keep in touch! Do you have an email or even FB where I can contact you personally?
@Jeron_Benton Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune ok sounds good 😊 look forward to hearing from you !
@Jeron_Benton Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune it’s ok, I just emailed you !
@lonster3000 Год назад
I realized a long time ago that my parents who were not raised as JW, had no real idea of what it’s like being a JW kid.
@MuscleMaxZ1 Год назад
Congrats on your first video of this type. The world needs more voices just like yours. You might not have that many friends at this point, but after this I'm sure you will have many more, at least in the cyber realm. As an outsider never having been in, it's always nice to know that folks are continuing to wake up. AWAKE! in a different sort of way! Any org. that has the temerity to produce a video showing a little kid having a nervous breakdown just for having been tempted to taste a birthday cupcake, is worthy of nothing less that complete condemnation. Good for you and best wishes to you! Enjoy your holiday!
@jessieberle3384 Год назад
Nice to meet you June. I look forward to hearing more. Myself, my husband and our adult children left in 2018. Now I am nearing 60. I was raised a Witness and I’m still working through the many ways it damaged me. My mother is still alive, a hard core Witness. So I haven’t had the courage to openly celebrate Christmas lest she begin to shun us. She lives nearby. I admire your courage June. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
@nicc3971 Год назад
Hi June, thank you for adding your voice. That was a great intro. Much love to you from the 🇬🇧 UK. I looking forward to your next post.
@NotoriousPND429 Год назад
Hey girl! 👋 So glad to see this video and so proud of you!
@macrepair2389 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your story. It is important for new PIMO's and POMO's to hear stories like this. Best regards from the Netherlands!
@chroniclesoflucifer Год назад
Such a beautiful video! Thank you for finally coming online to share your story. I was born in, 3rd generation on both sides. When my children were in jr High and they had lots of questions about everything I could not bring myself to force them to accept the JW version of life. So it has been a tough and lonely journey. After being away from the JWs for nearly 3 decades the grief of losing my birth family still hurts. I have watched other exjws from my teen age years who have either unalived themselves or are completely unable to care for themselves. I previously thought that my parents religion was the "best" religion out there...but my opinions have changed in the last 3 years. I totally support your method of presenting this healing process. Watching your video has inspired me to think about making my own...;-)
@elliesambrook5929 Год назад
Hi June. Im from the UK. It gets easier every year you see the flip flopping og the new light and the lies youv been told are truths become so easy to stay away from. Xx. Thank you for your truth.
@lh1673 Год назад
Hi, just found your video. Nice to hear stories from many exjw. I am pimo for 3 years, since my husband is still indoctrinated. Thank you for your voice and such a beautiful tree and decorations behind. I also first time in my life this year sent a nice birthday card to my non jw father. He is in his 80s and at last I can celebrate his birthday🎉But strange huh, I had to buy, prepare and send the card in secret. Such a insane religion it really is😅
@lh1673 Год назад
Thank you too for reply, your sense of decoration is perfect, it’s really beautiful, oh I wish someday can do the same thing in the home with family. Best wishes.
@DY2784 Год назад
👋 My Mother, Brother and Husband are hook-line-and-sinker JWs, and I love them all dearly. Solution? Difficult, but decided to live as a PIMO since 1995 when they started to implement the "Overlapping Generation" craziness. It's been so long that now I get away with doing the minimum and still keep friends and family. I can honestly say that there are many PIMOs inside the WTBTS... This Org has lost its power over many... Thanks WWW!!!
@lh1673 Год назад
@@DY2784 Hi, wow pimo since 95. We’re you attending meetings and field service? I was able to stay home by zoom cuz I woke up late 2019 when Covid started. My husband wants me to go back KH but I told him I can’t, I at least told him about CSA problems. But he tells me to wait on Jah. Sometimes I think I should just go back for my husband but it’s not that easy, the emotions knowing this org is a fraud stops me. If you did and do still go, how did you cope with it?
@DY2784 Год назад
@@lh1673 In 1995, when they began peddling the "Overlapping Generation" silliness, I investigated and bumped into information of all the times the end was predicted/expected by the JWs and never materialized. Since then, I started doing less and less. Right now, I do Zoom during the week and attend in person a couple of Sundays, preaching time is the bear minimum, 1 Saturday each month. Labeled "Spiritually Weak" for so long that it no longer matters, and the attitudes no longer affect me... As long as I keep my Family and friends, the small sacrifice is worth it. My Hubby, Mom, siblings and in-laws are hard core JWs, but we still hang out much because family is very important to us all. As long as I don't get disfellowshipped or publicly reproved, we're pretty cool... How we all decide to deal with the JW problem varies from person to person, so do what you can easily cope with. Best wishes to you and yours. 👍❤
@lh1673 Год назад
@@DY2784 Thank you for the reply. And I agree it will be so hard to explain anything wrong about this org to a hard core jw believers. You have made a good decision, and nice to know you are fine with it. I think I’ll also go with that just spiritually weak and not to think so bad how others would think. Thanks again and Best Wishes.
@EL-IZ-At-BETH-sarim Год назад
Hello from the Netherlands! This is is growing into a great international family! I already found video's from Korea, Mexico, Haiti, Poland, Spain, Rumania... Welcome!
@isaiah30v8 Год назад
It is a large family! . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a ** A HUNDREDFOLD NOW ** in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things EVERLASTING LIFE. . What Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening.
@Aylysh Год назад
I wasn't raised in but studied in 1975, baptised in 1977 in my mid 20s. I woke up in 2012. Got out in 2013. My 3 children were raised "in the truth" and I feel the same as you about that. Only one has stayed indoctrinated and she is a die hard. Hasn't spoken to me since 2013. It's very difficult but I found myself when I stopped going. My life is so different now but I am happy being me and the freedom is exhilarating. I no longer drink alcohol like most witnesses do to cope. Dont smoke, do drugs, party... nothing. I'm calm, balanced and free of the stifling mind control. Love your beautiful tree. Mine is 24" tall but lovely. 🎄 Thanks for sharing your story.
@Aylysh Год назад
I agree. And thank you for your kind thoughts. i do still hold out hope. My oldest son told me that he and his sister had a long talk recently. He seemed somewhat positive. I'm hoping that all of the recent nonsense that's going on and so many leaving will wake her up. Both our biological clocks are ticking. My oldest son just turned 50. It's difficult to be patient. But I try.
@jimmyb3158 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your story. Interesting how we each have a different "waking up" story yet they are all the same. I woke up about 10 years ago and remained secretly PIMO for 7 years. I could no longer stomach the idea of teaching my only child things I knew were not true. This led to me going full POMO in 2020 and havent looked back. Its not easy having a wife that is PIMI and most of my family is totally in including 3 of them being elders. Its difficult not feeling like the outcast at family gatherings when they talk about JW stuff. I have to remind myself that they are stuck in a cult and for a moment that makes me feel better. Looking forward to more videos. Thanks again.
@user-jo6fm3vn4e Год назад
Yes tell those stories! Not be allowed to socilize with high school kids, not being able to go to prom or dating normal!
@susyq9350 Год назад
Great video! I agree, very frustrating. Me too, born in, left as soon as I could stop going to meetings at 18. I hate that it's my base, no matter how many pieces of birthday cake I eat. I'm the one that grew up without it, part of my thoughts everyday, even though I'm almost 47. I love being "out", but I have felt like a square peg in a round world. Your kids are lucky, as are mine, that you've opened up the world to them, gave them the key to living a full and beautiful life. ❤️
@danettelewis8002 Год назад
You were awesome and fearless to tell your story. I took raised my six children as jws. However I had been molested by my uncle (an elder) and since I was so young, 8 years old, I was unable to live the life I could have. So no wonder I have a drinking problem. I've never seen my grandchildren which truly ripped my heart out. I'm seeing a therapist and am on meds. It doesn't mend my heart though. Regardless of their "loving" doctrine of shunning I would rather live as I am than return to a male dominated cult.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
I have never been a JW (I am an ex-JW ally) but I certainly have experience of many years of early childhood sexual abuse by a male relative, and years of therapy. It is important to safely express the resentment, rage and grief for the loss of childhood and life we could have had. Then the healing can begin. It takes time, but ultimately we can fill the open wounds in our own hearts. You may not be aware of the progress you are already making. We can't change what has happened, but we, as adults, have the power to find our own identity, values and passions. They didn't rob of us everything. Keep at it and your quality of life will improve. Years of foundational damage takes time to work through. Being patient with yourself and the therapy process will help. Here's a purple heart as a token to acknowledge your extraordinary resilience and courage. 💜
@nicosyiallouris1103 Год назад
Thank you so much for your honesty!! Looking forward to your next video thank you again!!
@jensdesigns8908 Год назад
Glad you are speaking out. I wasted over 20 years of my life in this religion. I'm so disgusted by it. Maybe one day I'll make a video of my story.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
What a courageous and beautiful person you are, June! Thanks for sharing your story and personality with us. The more who speak out about the JW cult, the better. The focus on childhood experiences in the JW Organization needs more exposure in social media, and no doubt you will validate so many other's experiences. I think you might just build up a mutually supportive community here. Congratulations for all the extraordinary work you have done to set yourself free! From an exJW ally (never JW) from another part of the world.
@briang8125 Год назад
i remember when i was 14 and that doubt started forming, by the time i was 16 i realized how messed many teachings and how backwards and hypocritical many teaching are. Now as an 18 year old i been going back and forth with my mom for 4 months as she tries to force me to go but no screw that, its a cult and i remember times where i would feel silly at school not being able to participate and not even fully understanding y.
@marfta7414 Год назад
So nice to hear your story, Thank you! I love joining RU-vidrs that take a walk while they are recording.
@tghartman321 Год назад
From one "Apostate" to another; I hope you and your family have the merriest of Merry Christmases!
@K-Fred Год назад
Hello June...It was nice hearing your story, thanks for sharing.
@keithblanchard6163 Год назад
I truly understand everything you said, my father tried to raise me and my sister when were young and we that did not believe in in and still don't now, my father loved them kooks and nuts more than he me and my sister.. them people always try to other "worldly " people like they are better, but they lie also, they nothing but some fakes and phones.. with not a clue on reality
@keithblanchard6163 Год назад
Yeah them JW kooks, they know what realty is but they want to accept the reality of their world 🌎 and not everyday life in common... and when my father passed away my stepmother had the video zoom funeral and all them kooks kept talking about we will see him in the new system like they part of the Jim Jones cult🧐. And when sister said ask me was I going to zoom the funeral, and I was like if is part of the anointed, why he probably sitting next to me, then I was like isn't that what yall kooks believe and she got mad, that they faith not mine I was going by what they say..
@charmainemarino4151 Год назад
Hello! I woke up 2015. Thanks for sharing your story.
@totallyawakeexjw Год назад
Great video! ❤️ thank you for sharing your story! The Christmas tree and stockings are so cute! I hope you had a great Christmas 🎄
@Ray_oFlight_2014 Год назад
Hi from Sydney, Australia. Subscribed. June, I love how real and quietly spoken you are; it gives me a sense you are passionate about the subject but you're not about to yell your truth or bombard us with sensationalism and hyperbole. Thank you for making this video on your channel, it resonates with me so well, being born-in.... although my circumstance are slightly different from yours, and I'm a 51 year old male. Look forward to hearing/watching more of your content. Feel free to connect with me on Exjw Reddit if you want to/ are comfortable doing so. All the best to you.
@angelajohnson3281 Год назад
I can relate and at 41 I put up my first Xmas tree 🌲 I have soooo many stories
@Delilahv17 Год назад
I was born in as a JW in 1960. I think I was Pimo for yrs. Our childhoods were ruined as JW’s. So much judgement, busy bodies, hypocrisy, not true friendships . I was six when my grandmother told me my neighbor friend would die at Armageddon. One brother stood at the service table and gathered all the real young ones around and held up his service record and said this is the most important thing in your life. So many things to say. Crowning blow was the attitude of the JW’s after my mother was found dead. Another story in its self. Thanks for sharing your story.
@bradybunch92 Год назад
I just found your channel. I am not an ex JW. My best friend growing up and her family entered the cult. Luckily they did not turn me away and I was still able to be part of their family but I saw a lot of sad things. I follow these channels to learn from other ex JWs to try to understand her. She got out after 35 years but not without scars. She married at 18 (not willingly). Her husband was a nice man, but he came with the scars himself. He had been sexually abused by an elder and when he told his father, they brushed it under the rug. After having three great kids, they ultimately divorced, but luckily remain friends. She was in and out of rehab for years and then ended up marrying a man from Egypt she met online which you can imagine. ended in disaster. She has since cut everyone off so I have not heard from her in several years. That breaks my heart. I love listening to other peoples stories. So much is the same that she went through. You have such a gentle voice. I could listen to you all day!
@jaredpetersmith914 Год назад
Freedom at last!!
@barrymorrison8013 Год назад
Congrats on video number one. Look forward to many more. Good luck on your journey, it will get easier. You will make new, real true friends, with no conditions attached. Hang in there kiddo, and love the tree. Be well.
@NitaM1272 Год назад
The only positive thing my son learned was being a great speaker getting great jobs and being humble at times, I regret several things I wouldn’t let him do, I woke up two years ago like you I just faded because of some close relationships I still have briefly I suffer from depression and was tired of working the job of being a witness , I had just turned 50 when I left some of my closet friends still sneak and talk w me, I always let my son do more than other parents would but sad part we had to keep a secret from friends then I come to realize I was more worried about elders and other Jw than God because I told some my conscious was light.
@marytaylor3986 Год назад
I was a witness for 15 years...I seriously think I never missed a meeting or assembly....had axnewborn and a 3 year old and drove thru a blizzard to not miss an assembly...I was disfellowshiped after my husband of 22 years ( who was not a witness)..divorced me for another woman...I was basically in shock and met another man (not a witness)...I ended up marrying him...thats why I was disfellowshiped..I was with him for 3 years...he was a scammer...after that I was on my own...not 1 visit from an elder in 15 years...but they are so loving...finally 1 came to my home which didn't impress me...they weren't very friendly and haven't had one since...
@outspoken_Survivor Год назад
Hi June nice to virtualy meet you. My mum became a JW in the early 60's and I am the only born in out of my 2 older siblings am a survivor of CSA and participated in the ARC. I finally walked away 20 years ago and although I have given a couple of interviews to the media here in Australia, but still haven't put a video of my story on youtube. And my biggest reget was raising my sons as JW's but not for long thank goodness and refused my middle son when he wanted to be baptized at 14, he thanks me now lol.
@DY2784 Год назад
👋 I hear you... Welcome... Looking forward to future videos... Thanks for your experience. 👍
@pattynellis7347 Год назад
Beatings in the KH bathroom in the 70s no holidays never had a bday party or was allowed to go to one sitting out on all the fun things in school boring meetings rules nothing celebratory in my childhood ..my childhood was ruined...id feel so guilty if I put my kids through that thank God I never did I'm a own again Christian and it's so liberating
Hi Just June. Welcome to the community. I really enjoyed listening to your video. I'm also interested in this subject. I was born in to it like you. Left years ago now. Woke up 2001. Have a YT channel.. I also brought my kids up in it too but we're all out now. I'm from Australia. Happy to talk to you. 🦘🌏🐨😊
@alegris2309 Год назад
Hello, June, thanks for sharing your experiencies...I woke up recently, with all they terribles things the organization are doing thru the years...I'm very disappionted, but I'm trying to keep my faith up and strong. God bless You, greetings from Argentina
@justinporter458 Год назад
Hi sister, I'm Justin a Australian dissociated ex jw in 2018 aged 57 now a born again atheist. Nicole my beautiful pimi jw wife can't drive so I give her lifts to all the meetings and field service groups. Both Nicole and myself weren't born in, Watchtower hijacked Nicole's mind in 1992 aged 20 ,and hijacked my mind in 1988 aged 27. I would never have become a JW if my mother hadn't died in 1962 aged 30 when I was aged just 1. I was intoxicated by the thought of seeing my dead mother again , been just 3 years short of her death age .I feel so sorry for born in JWs you had no choice sister. Nicole turned 50 on 2 Nov 2022 she said if I buy her a present she'll throw it in the bin. We got married in 1998 and never had kids, if we did ,there,s a possibility that my kids would be shunning me. Unless we were blessed with Apos Ta Babes. I've had 2 different JWs commend me for driving Nicole to all the field service groups and meetings , when ever Nicole,s JW friends ask about me in morbid curiosity she can tell the single sisters find yourself a Apos Ta Babe they make the best husbands. Happy 50th Birthday sister, check out my you tube channel called Justin Porter ex jw ❤️
@FixingMyFaith Год назад
thanks for sharing. Very brave. I just opened my channel 6 months ago and started sharing and its made a big difference. there is a lot of good people online that understand.
@helenplanchak4691 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your heart. May your transparency and willingness to be vulnerable before anyone who watches be comforted and encouraged. It was gentle and personal and I pray healing for you and others who are in this same place.
@helenplanchak4691 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune You are loved!
@Riley-zt9ue Год назад
Good for you. Watchtower whistle blowers, are extremely brave.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune Speaking out when you are scared is the definition of being brave. 😊
@TheOKkittyfarm Год назад
So glad you made it out! Love and blessings to you!
@survivingparadisepodcast Год назад
Great to see you Just June and congrats on the video/channel!!
@theresamakespaper Год назад
I had my children outside of the cult but even then I was so programmed by it holidays were always a weird kind of sticking point for me. I half heartedly gave them sort of almost holidays but looking back on it it was admittedly weird considering I should have been over the limiting fear long ago. My children are all grown now and they are fairly balanced and know I love them, but looking back my parenting was severely impacted by the programming I received in the cult from birth until being DF’d in my early 20s, tossed out into the world totally unprepared, and you can imagine how that went. As tough as my life was from being shunned and all the mistakes I made trying to fit into normal life, it’s still vastly preferable to the misery I would have faced staying in so I’m very thankful to be out by any means necessary. I loved the advice you gave kids in one of your recent videos though, do what you gotta do to make sure you’re financially stable before ripping the bandage off and suddenly bailing out. It really is tough out there when you don’t have the skills and/or resources to make it in life once you instantly lose your entire family and all of your friends. The financial and psychological fallout from that can be immense. Best wishes to all making their exit. Namaste🙏🏾💜✨
@allandahma4825 Год назад
Hello fellow yinzer 😂 I’m from Pittsburgh too. I never belonged to the witnesses, but I have a lot of family unfortunately and they took my father from me a few years ago. Your so right I’ve done serious research and this organization is horrible and evil, and it’s sad what they are doing to so many wonderful people 💔
@Lolo-qw9vy Год назад
Thanks for you video and sharing. It's encouraging to hear your Sincerity and Heartfelt comments. My Parents were never JW'S but a school mate started studying with me at school at the age of 15 and referred me to continue with an Elder and his wife where I was brainwashed into getting baptized at 16. I was in for 10 years and faded out thankfully. I've always loved Christmas 🎄 and they took that away from me and all the joys of a normal life, so glad I'm out. You're to be commended for leaving the organization and living a happier life which you so deserve. Blessings sent your way. 🙏
@burntofferings1556 Год назад
Thank you for sharing. It takes alot of courage. I feel your pain. I woke up over ten years ago. Thankfully just in time not to raise my kids as a JW. The truth hurts. I just subscribed. I'm all in for your journey. Stay strong.
@texasbaby40 Год назад
Ex JW here, too! I've been out since 2008 and have never looked back!! It gave me a thrill to see your vid come up on my recommended vids. Good luck with everything and Merry Christmas (I celebrate Yule, haha...gone back to my pagan roots). xx
@polish-american8107 Год назад
well done. freedom is priceless.
@SuzieQue42 Год назад
Let me just say you’re brave for coming on. And thank you for sharing your story!
Hello June...sending you love and big hugs...from me in 🇨🇦💗👍👋🏻...so know as to all your video is about...Thankyou...may your life get better as time goes on....❤
@@JustDeannaJune wow...you are right on the ball! 😀💗🇨🇦...I have been out for a few years...it is no easy task... the Jwt mind bending...is so hard to break...and as well... I lost all my Jwts friends and family...except for one sister who moved from Slovakia to Winnipeg 🇨🇦...she left as well.... My journey started with leaving my abusive Jwt husband...after 17 yrs, 3 mos, and 13 days... I tried to stay like the Elders said I had to...so as not to bring reproach on Jehovah...after continuously being abused in every way...I had to leave for sanity sake...as well as for my life...no fun for a gun to be held to ones head...and being told one is not worth the bullet... I knew God did not need a person to go through that...I went to..." the world" for help...A womens shelter...police...and courts...so the Dear Brothers hated me literally...and continue to do so to this day...it was difficult from the start...but all the worldly people were so helpful and kind...it made it so much easier...🤗
@Whatever_works Год назад
I’ve been out for several years.. 12+ everything you say is true and painful to hear because so many of us went through I’m lucky to have landed on both feet. But it’s hard to make friends. I hear you there. I’m glad to see and meet so many people who have left. ❤
@KGLOVE14 Год назад
@iday5838 Год назад
Great job on your first video! ☺️👍🏼💕👏👏👏
@menacingmistral1271 Год назад
I so appreciate this video. I wasn't raised in but I did raise my child in it, thankfully she never took to it, but it did real damage to her and to our relationship.
@menacingmistral1271 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune thank you, meanwhile I'm working to be better than I was as a jw.
@Mimiscellaneous Год назад
What made you wake up? I want to try to wake my parents.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
Acknowledging that is HUGE, and so important for your child to hear that. It is how the damage is dealt with that has even more impact than the damage itself. You sound like you have made all the foundational steps a parent can make for your child to make progress with her healing. You are aceing parenting right now! 🏆 What your daughter does with what you are offering is up to her. I hope she chooses to address her issues for her own sake, including to connect with you better.
@menacingmistral1271 Год назад
@@daniellamcgee4251thank you for the kind words, however, she's in an abusive marriage and she's in survival mode to keep the peace. Her husband is the one who is keeping us apart, I haven't even met 2 of my 4 grandchildren. Until he is out of the picture, which I don't see happening any time soon, it is going to stay this way.
@marshajanulis6092 Год назад
i left in June 2019...im now 70 and so grateful i woke up, i cant. change the past but how many years i have left im living them fear and guilt free and my son was never baptized and im extraordinarily glad for that i gave him the choice to choose bcuz i was never given that choice
@violetwaterford9381 Год назад
I was raised from birth as a JW. Mental illness is way beyond the average range as a population as a whole in the JW religion. Suicide rate is above average and all this is proven by professionals. The emotional and physical of abuse even sexual abuse is extreme in this cult. I truly believe the goal in the Watchtower is to break the spirit of children so they are psychological unable to remove themselves from the cult as adults. I'm 58 now and left in my mid 20s with 3 small children over finding out the JW edit their Bibles and my JW husband was very abusive and my mother 80 years old as well as my father both died shunning me their only living child. I never regret leaving and have made a wonderful life with chosen family. Merry Christmas, Welcome to healing.
@robertgrey6101 Год назад
@SJ Howerter When people, Jehovah's Witnesses in particular, SHUN you due to an EVIL dogma which contradicts biblical teaching of love. They brand themselves like beasts of burden are branded to show ownership (no doubt) by SATAN as incapable of having a family relationship.
@symone3113 Год назад
I love watching videos of people leaving that “enemy of fun” cult. Come to the real life where you make decisions for yourself and wake up every day and do what ever you want to do… no more waking up on Sat & Sunday and your day is already planned for you….. now you can think for yourself..❤❤
@eriqglyptis8816 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your story.
@tammyg8031 Год назад
So so glad that you made it out
@xtjgloriaestrada6053 Год назад
Hi beautiful lady, just to let you know that you’re NOT alone as you may Know, you ha a new friend here if you want to... blessings any have Holy days.. looki😮👀 forward to hear more from you.. greetings from Baja California Mexico 🇲🇽
@MrCocoriver Год назад
good video we all need to be set free from the prison of belief and the control of many religions.i hope you have faith in God and a merry christmas...free at last. my cousin is a jw and just got a mental discharge from work no surprise there right .whatch out armagettn is coming she told me.
@pilekuki9920 Год назад
The stupidest thing my mom said to me when I wanted to sleep in on the weekends instead of going to the meeting or field circus was:"You want to sleep in? You can soon sleep forever when you're killed at Armageddon"! Greetings from the Canary islands! 😘
@jezabellaroux3402 Год назад
Same. Grew up in a strict JW household (btw "household is a trigger word for me") I have LOTS of weird trigger words from that weird JW language. Even though they tried to force JW doctrine down my throat, I NEVER BELIEVED IT. Can you imagine growing up for 19 years being FORCED to literally go outside a LABOR for an Organization I knew was WRONG?! Excuse my language but it felt like I was spiritually raped. I will NEVER get those 19 years back and I'm PISSED! I am 41 now and I left by aloping my high school boyfriend my parents knew nothing about. It was devastating to them and for me bc I lived with them at the time. Even tho we are not married anymore, I will ALWAYS be grateful to him for helping me escape that weird ass cult! Thanks for your beautiful video and I hope to watch more soon.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
Your rage is 100 % justified! Being stuck in rage for years doesn't allow you to focus on reclaiming your life, though. You can"t change what happened, but you get to chose what you want to do with the rest of your life. ❤ It is up to us to make what we will of the cards we have been dealt. It's empowering!
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
While writing all my comments, I continued playing your video repeatedly to pump up your views! 😄👍
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune I am glad you appreciated my input! My adrenalin took over a bit. As it does! 😊 My teenager's father has just died of Motor Neuron Disease/ A.L.S, so your reply has been the highlight of my day. Thank you. ❤
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune Thank you so much for your kind words, June! ❤ I am so sorry for your loss, too. My relationship to my ex-husband was very different to your relationship, and I am grieving for myself, but especially for my teenager, but the experience of grief and loss are definitely something we share. You and I have been through a whole heap, haven't we? I look forward to getting to know more about your life experiences. I value authenticity, and people being human. Thank you very much for your generous offer to email you. 😊 I just might take you up on it! If I don't it's nothing personal. I have chronic illnesses that have been disruptive to communication, and functional life in general. It has impacted on my friendships significantly, so I can relate to losing friends, although for very different reasons! I go a bit berserk with adrenalin, and then conk out and drop out of contact for a while. My adrenalin is running down now... But if I can email you, I will! Thanks again, June. ❤
@knowthyself8233 Год назад
@johnnycroat Год назад
I still remember in grade 2 someones birthday and i hid under an easel knowing the birthday was wrong. I remember a kid trying to slide a piece of birthday cake and i faithfully refused . Remaining loyal all the while having no JW friends growing up since there were none to have or simply never got together from the hall. Lots of pressure to be an illumanary in this bedarken world . What a mind job. I have no real joyful childhood memories since in consisited of meetings and service every sat morning will little to no recrecreation
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
My favourite childhood memories were of nature. The smell and feel of roses, the colour and crunch of autumn leaves, the magic mystery of rainbows, music, etc. I was never a JW but I had a very damaging childhood. I hope you can remember at least one thing, or experience you liked. A flavour, sight, sound, touch....something. Knowing what we valued and enjoyed as a kid helps us to find that enjoyment in adulthood. ✨️
@pattynellis7347 Год назад
Fear , anxiety , in my childhood and I'm 59 and still have PTSD fear of Armageddon my relatives and friends dying fear totally
@exjwukmusicalescape9241 Год назад
Definitely agree we all have a place in the vast apostate army
@Lovealwayswins1 Год назад
Thank you!!!
@Lovealwayswins1 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune God bless you!
@musikgalaxy7737 Год назад
Hello June, thanks for sharing your story. I wasn't raised as a jw, but was found as an adult. I'm sorry for your childhood and the childhood from your children. You have lost so much. That's an evil cult. I'm pimo now. Trying to built a new place around slowly and some time to leave the cult. Best wishes to you and your familiy. I subscribed and want to watch all your videos. Greetings from Germany, keep up the good work June
@coco-pouf Год назад
Excited to hear more from you June! I’m 30, estranged from family, former Evangelical cult member. Our churches are quite different but your words resonate, I share that sense of newness and uncertainty you were talking about. How do you find yourself when you’ve left behind the voices that have always told you who you’re supposed to be? Not an easy journey, but a privilege to share it with people who understand the hell of religious authoritarianism, and are committed to the work it takes to dismantle the lies. Thanks for being with us in this process.
@coco-pouf Год назад
PS I recommend looking into a gooseneck phone holder with a clip, In case you’re looking to rest your arm from phone holding duty. They’re flexible. Your background is lovely, love the tree and stockings!
@coco-pouf Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune would be very interested in that!
@scottgrey2877 Год назад
I agree Jesus is not God, but I do not agree with them on soul sleep
@susanhaney3437 Год назад
I admire you for being so honest about the mistakes that you made. Speaking as a non-JW, I hope you know that all parents make mistakes, so I hope you will be able forgive yourself and just keep trying your best. Thank you for sharing your story.
@barrycharles4640 Год назад
A brave lady! Thank you for your video. Well done and may I suggest that ypu find a very good Bible teaching church to attend. Good to see you celebrating the Lord's birth!
@simoneneveragain2939 Год назад
You are telling my story almost exactly. I’m from Pgh too and my family is still fairly prominent in the area congregations I would love to speak with you. I’m not not DF’d or DA’d but am shunned by virtually everyone I’ve ever known. It’s a tough situation. My kids reject all things JW. I also feel I’ve done serious damage to them spiritually and emotionally albeit I thought what I was doing was in all our best interest. I’m SimoneNeverAgain. Please contact if you’re able. Very best to you.
@simoneneveragain2939 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune Hi June! I’m so curious to make the obvious connections we may share. Pgh is a small town in the JW world. Please let me know if you’re open to person to person contact. Sending my best, Simone
@psrwhite Год назад
I just found your channel. I had some friends who were JW. I never understood their "religion" or why they would not celebrate birthdays or Christmas, or other types of celebrations, but I was afraid to ask. I saw a true story, medical documentary, where a woman needed a blood transfusion to stay alive. Her husband, a Jehovahs Witness, said "Jehovah forbids exchange of blood products so no I won't consent to her getting blood". Yes the woman died. I could not understand why any JW would deny any lifesaving measure for their loved one because it was against their religion, against "Jehovah". I hope you can tell me some of these reasons. Mostly I am very curious. I am a Christian. I listen to Joyce Meyer. She teaches what the Bible says about how to live your everyday life and follow Jesus and His teachings, and the Ten Commandments, not necessarily any specific organized religion. She says we need to show people love and kindness, like Jesus and God love us, not preach. Thank you for sharing your story.
@4flyguyeli Год назад
This describes witnesses perfectly… “People who believe false things can’t be around honest people. If you believe things that are false, you can’t have freethinking people who are skeptical and curious and who care about you enough to tell you the truth and free you from the foggy, narcissistic death grip of error and falsehood and delusion. Who is content to let you live in a delusion?? …..People who share those delusions and who don’t care about you. Delusion, fantasy, falsehoods and propaganda are solitary confinement. The reason propaganda is so dangerous is because it isolates people. And through isolation people go crazy. If you are isolated and you know it you experience a peculiar type of agony that will motivate you to do whatever it takes to get contact with people. If you are isolated and you don’t know it because you’re only surrounded by people who share your same delusions (cults) …..you are isolated because the only thing you have in common with the people around you is shared delusion. Collective madness is not emotional intimacy. The isolation that separates us from each other when we get wrapped in falsehoods is the worst thing of all because it is without obvious symptom…. Yes, you become unstable, defensive, inoculated against any truth teller and will attack anybody that tells the truth in your environment, but you can’t love, you can’t be loved, you can’t relax. You are always on guard for whatever might puncture your delusions which provokes rage which drives good people away and anybody might rescue you from delusion will be driven away and you are left alone in the foggy devil ribbed cage bosom of falsehood… That which is not real, that which is not true, that which is not proven, that which is the opposite of truth. You are full of peculiar hatreds, instability, vanity… because anybody who just repeats lies and only listens to lies is vain because they won’t submit themselves to reason and evidence. So, the vanity, the narcissism, the isolation the peculiar hatreds…. to be falling without even knowing that you’re falling, to be ill with no symptoms….. is the most dangerous thing of all. And to be lonely in a crowd of thousands of people cheering all the same falsehoods, to be certain, pompous, to be vain, to be full of rage at anybody who threatens these delusions…. to be told that the pursuit of truth is the acceptance of evil… to be isolated and thereby easily manipulated. People who pursue delusion and end up wrapped in delusion are saying… I can’t be loved, all I can do is pretend to merge. I can’t be loved for who I am so I will hide in a room full of photocopied people with photocopied opinions and pretend that I’m part of something. I will dissolve my individuality, I will shred and eviscerate any original thought I might possibly have, any curiosity, any skepticism I might possibly have so that I can dissolve into the nothing of the photocopies around me. I can’t have love, but I can self abase and self erase into proximity. I can nod, smile, agree, and praise who everyone praises and hate who everyone hates… I can be a shadow cast by the tombstone of my mind. I can’t exist, I can’t excite, I can’t be unique, but I can blend. I can submit I can conform and then I will have physical proximity combined with unbelievable isolation. I can’t approach the truth so I will just burrow into empty people. We can only ever meet in reality itself. We cannot meet in fantasy we cannot meet in lies we cannot meet in propaganda. We can only meet in the truth. When you are with the truth, you can do without people because you are with yourself and with the facts and reality. When you don’t have the truth you have a bottomless desperate need for people that you could never connect with. If all you have in common with others, with those around you is a mutual agreement to slash your mind into ribbons and accept whatever lies come rolling down the conveyor belt, you’re not with anyone, and you will never feel loved. The price of conformity is the absence of love. The price of conformity is terror of solitude. Truth tellers can handle the journey from the town of the dead to the outposts of the living and the thinking. It’s a long journey across that desert. The ghosts can’t make it. You can’t love a character in a video game because they are programmed. You can’t love people who don’t think for themselves because there is no one to love, thought is the only individuating characteristic that we have. The only thing that we have that is uniquely our own is our capacity to think for ourselves, and that is the only passageway through which the light of love can reach. They suffer in the worst possible way which is to not even know what they are missing… Avoid it if you can at all possible costs.”
@eyeswideopen8570 Год назад
Subscribed, enjoyed your video!
@b4ph0m3tdk9 Год назад
You successfully faded The Borg, good for you!
@WendiRenay Год назад
Congratulations on telling this story!! What this took for you ….! ❤
@mackiepimo-jwjones3019 Год назад
I never knew who I was. Only what the organization wanted me to be. Here I am now almost 39 trying to figure out who I am.
@annafarago6527 Год назад
I love your Christmas tree.
@adamjewell5197 Год назад
We all love you. Ex jw Adam Jewell
@Karenssa Год назад
@janeth2985 Год назад
I LOVE, desde España 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌☀️
@Lollipopdub1 Год назад
Proud of you X enjoy living and be happy
@carefulbodycare7053 Год назад
Congratulations on your first video. And welcome to your freedom.
@jensdesigns8908 Год назад
Love your tattoo btw 👊
@kipmic1 Год назад
Congratulations on waking up, but can we get your waking up video 😊
@tamarakonczal7975 Год назад
Hon, you do have friends....us. you will find other friends. This is a huge transition.
@bwatkinsgamble Год назад
Ridiculous is right! I know what you mean. Welcome Looking forward to your viewpoints and story.
@omni201 Год назад
I love your hair. FUCK WT
@exjwfromwyoming1275 Год назад
I was jw for 19 yrs disassociated in august of '19 both wife & children are born in, would love to know ur process (in detail) of waking up.
@tammyg8031 Год назад
Protest Protest Protest is the answer. October 31st 2023 in Washington DC at the white house...more details in a couple of months
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