
Grieving Without Believing 

Belief It Or Not
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If you lose someone after you lose your faith it can be tough to navigate.
Hosted by Trevor Poelman
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@Wanjiro81 3 года назад
Thank you for this. I’m just coming to terms with my agnosticism, and I lost several family members over the past year. My sister was murdered last summer, and the preacher at her funeral preached a eulogy about how it was “all good” and quoted the scripture that says “all things work together for good to them that love God…” Meanwhile, she had been shot by her boyfriend in front of her son with two other children in the other room. How TF is any of that “good?” Then, her killer went on the run for 7 months. When he was caught, all people could say was “God is Good!” “God’s timing is perfect!” Well, actually, his timing would have been perfect if he stopped the fucking bullet from entering my sister’s body. Yet, if we openly question these claims and statements, we’re the assholes.
@katherinedelacruz9876 3 года назад
I’m so sorry for what happened to your sister :(
@HappyExtheist 2 года назад
So sorry for what happened to your sister and the pain and anger you are going through. Sending love
@SuperBookdragon 2 года назад
Sending love, so sorry you lost your sister in such a horrific way.
@olivia8243 2 года назад
I'm very sorry for your loss. I recently lost a loved one, and at her funeral, the pastor went on and one about how god has a plan for all of us, and how her death was for the sake of the greater good. I found it in extremely poor taste. I kept thinking "I don't want her loss to make me stronger. I want her not to be dead"
@jaredgreenhouse6603 2 года назад
It's been a while since your comment, but I hope you're hanging in there. I can't even imagine what you or your nephew have been going through. There's a bulwark that theists hide behind about God's infinite wisdom, which allows them to justify anything, regardless of how random or unfair it seems. This works relatively well with single instances of one human killing another human. The whole "our perspective is only a pixel of the larger image" argument. But my mind goes to the Indonesian tsunami that simultaneously wiped away over 200-thousand people. The assertion theists would have to use is that there was somehow a great wisdom behind each and every person's death in that large and diverse group. And diverse is an understatement. Yet the theistic assertion still stands, despite it seeming more likely that we live in a world that simply doesn't discriminate.
@ThePsychoRenegade 3 года назад
Why should I worship a God for solving a problem he created and who then threatens me with eternal damnation?
@gbbpainting243 3 года назад
Logic i guess. Jk
@tetsujin_144 3 года назад
Why? Because he'll sentence you to eternal damnation if you don't! (If he were real, I mean.)
@gbbpainting243 3 года назад
@@tetsujin_144 idk
@FrensKafka 3 года назад
@@tetsujin_144 nah. All my friends will be there, and hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer won't be
@ThePsychoRenegade 3 года назад
@@FrensKafka Hitler could definitely be there. Not sure about Dahmer.
@Ilyas-wk7dr 3 года назад
I just realized something. The story where Adam was kicked out it's because Adam was simply foolish. He wasn't evil or cruel he just didn't follow orders. It's like heaven is a place where only those who subjugate themselves fully to god can be there. Not by the fact if they're kind or compassionate.
@grahvis 3 года назад
Adam was kicked out because that is what God planned would happen, original sin had to be created otherwise anyone could be good and therefore not need forgiveness. Because the whole story is obviously contrived, any belief I might have had when young, vanished when I recognised the contrivance.
@harrisonpeterson3733 3 года назад
Heaven is no different than a cult of personality.
@wiseowl3 3 года назад
I think in heaven you'll have free will just like on earth but there is no sin in heaven so you won't have a desire to do bad stuff because it doesn't exist. But then again that is a bold statement. Edit: Never mind, I now fully embraced my atheism.
@sassylittleprophet 3 года назад
Someone once said to me that the reason Adam ate the fruit was because while still in his "perfect nature," he realised he loved Eve and didn't want to live without her and/or decided it would be better if she wasn't the only one in trouble. The reason he later threw her under the bus is because, well, sin nature. Because this made sense to me, I believed (for years as a Christian teen) that Adam's main motivation for falling was his love to protect Eve and, in a way, to sacrifice himself. I also believed that God, who was omnipotent and omniscient, obviously would've known why Adam would've eaten the fruit (his love for Eve), and, instead of trying to redeem the situation, cursed and banished them.
@akaikeshi1906 3 года назад
I never understood the story. How can they be punished for doing a "bad" thing when they didn't know the difference between good and evil before eating the fruit
@ominous-omnipresent-they 3 года назад
_"God doesn't force anyone to love him."_ Yet willingly subjects them to eternal torture and unimaginable suffering for simply not doing so. Do you not see the problem here?
@idaniluz652 3 года назад
BuT yOu ChOoSe To Go To HeLl, GaWd JuSt ReSpEcTs YoUr WiLl
@Katie-The-Bug 3 года назад
Yeah he doesn't really offer you a choice.
@Katie-The-Bug 3 года назад
@Lauren Luecke Exactly!
@horsepowerenthusiast6933 3 года назад
I HATE that cop out Evangelists use. If some deity wanted me to believe and nothing else, then that deity better have some convincing stuff than a gobbledygook book of fables written by people who don't know how the world operates.
@silent-hills 3 года назад
Yeah, it’s like holding a gun to someone’s head and saying “if you don’t do as I say, I will shoot you! Oh, but you certainly have the “choice” to not do so.” Really? As if they had a choice to begin with.
@didjargo 3 года назад
The irony is that the ideal of Heaven is made to appeal to people's greed and selfishness. They want everything they could ever desire instantly handed to them, and they expect that to be their reward after they die just because they believe in it hard enough. They don't care that everyone they have ever known that existed outside the control of their religion will be tortured forever, so long as they get their personal mansion in paradise, they're happy.
@kingoftropes922 3 года назад
Christianity has a very unnerving "fuck you, I got mine" mentality which seems to work against the ideal of being a caring, considerate person. It comes off less like you genuinely love god and have that love reciprocated and more like you're playing a role to appease a raging egomaniac long enough to avoid the worst case scenario. Once again, Christianity seems like a poorly disguised allegory for an abusive relationship.
@didjargo 3 года назад
@@kingoftropes922 exactly, I've heard many Christians explain that all people justly deserve to burn forever in Hell just because we are flawed human beings full of sin. But by simply being a Christian, God will forgive all of your sins and reward you in Heaven. So A- it is all about escaping justice for their "crimes", and B- it does not matter if you are a good or bad person, only that you are part of the Christian club. So someone could be a serial killer and it wouldn't matter because all of their crimes are forgiven upon death so long as they are friends of the judge's son.
@shostakovichcat1144 3 года назад
Hi, I’m raised atheist so I don’t have much knowledge over these matters…is there a specific verse or part of the Bible that states followers of other religions will go to hell? I keep seeing this argument but I don’t know if it’s true. Thank you so much! >
@kingoftropes922 3 года назад
@@shostakovichcat1144 Well there's a lot of talk of 'Not worshiping false idols' or anyone besides god really, so the assumption that those other gods are 'false idols' and thus disrespectful to worship, though the actual punishment was never being sent to hell. It's worth noting there is no actual hell in the Old Testament or even in the understanding of ancient Christianity, that's a more "modern" creation so to speak, as is our understanding of heaven. There's Sheol, which is sometimes translated to hell, but its not at all related to what you would consider hell. Really the idea of punishment and reward after death comes from later Judaism and Christianity. Its actually really interesting to learn about how the thought surrounding this stuff developed over time.
@thebelen2359 3 года назад
@@shostakovichcat1144 John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Doesn't explicitly say those who don't believe will "perish" but does imply it since it says those who do won't.
@99NON 3 года назад
Why do I feel like when they're explaining what heaven will be like, that they're selling something? It's like car shopping
@idaniluz652 3 года назад
basically, it's a paradise, but you can't check it before you die and you just have to take the owner's word that it's perfect. if heaven was a car, the deal would be too good to be true.
@n0etic_f0x 3 года назад
Beacuse it is. Frankly, it is a rather ugly car. The light bight cheery heaven aesthetic is honestly ugly if you ask me.
@formerfatboy90 3 года назад
“Oh, sky cake. Why are you so delicious?” - Patton Oswalt
@FaiaHalo 3 года назад
I was thinking the same thing!!
@sarahvilardi3071 3 года назад
God shopping They're used God salesmen Church is just a God dealership
@wendymccoy1093 3 года назад
Last year I had a friend take his own life. He also happened to be gay. His family abused him his whole life. When he passed they hired a pastor for his funeral who didn't talk about him but made it a point to preach the whole time and said something about "redemption" and "accepting God". At an athiest, gay mans funeral. I literally just laid my head back and zoned out for the whole thing. We still talk about messed up it was.
@neptune2266 3 года назад
reading this genuinely made me cry. i resonate a lot being a closet gay atheist myself. whether the afterlife is real or not, i truly hope your friend is resting in eternal peace. he deserves it 🤍
@wendymccoy1093 3 года назад
@@neptune2266 He had so much suffering in his life but was a wonderful person. I like to think he's at peace now.
@rachelk4805 3 года назад
This is why it is so important to have official documents that outline who the executor of your will is. Make copies. Leave them where they can be easily found. Be explicit about the service, who has control of your body, etc... Otherwise they will give it to your legal next of kin, whether you have a relationship with those people or not.
@wendymccoy1093 3 года назад
@@rachelk4805 Agreed!
@cliftongaither4613 2 года назад
i had a friend pass by suicide as well. they had a big catholic funeral and yes, the clergy man only preached about hell and redemption and hope god excepts him because of his suicide.
@Irisembermay 3 года назад
Not believing in an afterlife is the most freeing thing for me- it allows me to value those I love every moment I get to be with them
@occamsaturn 3 года назад
not to mention you know you're not about to come face-to-face with some all-powerful narcissist or burn in hell for eternity ... or at least you're pretty sure lol
@JollyWailmer 3 года назад
For me it’s the scariest thing there is
@commissarchad 3 года назад
@annaairahala9462 3 года назад
Same. When I finally admitted I wasn't a christian I noticed a ton of relief One such cause of relief was that I didn't have to worry about other's afterlife. As a kid I was constantly scared that me doing or not doing something could cause someone to go to hell instead of heaven, those feelings went with me to adulthood and overwhelmed me as I felt we were tasked with an impossible task of spreading the word by God. I didn't realize just how much this one thing burdened me until I let it go. A lot of christians say your burdens are lifted when you become a christian, frankly I only gained more in the end
@GenerationX1984 3 года назад
I neither believe nor disbelieve in an afterlife. I'm on the fence. If there is a soul and it goes to another dimension after death, how would you prove it? It's not like you can actually go to that other dimension. Let a theoretical physicist who believes in multiverse theory figure that one out. It's too hard for my average brain.
@doctorlit 3 года назад
"This life is not our home, this world not our home, it's only temporary." This shows what a self-focused ideology religions with an afterlife can become. People who follow these beliefs become so obsessed with earning a good afterlife for themselves that they neglect the world. Millions of human lives will follow ours, and we have a duty to continue to take care of the planet, and fight for just and equitable societies, for their sakes. Earth won't stop mattering when I die, just because I won't be around to experience it any more. It isn't all about me.
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
even if it was all about you, good people care about other people, those in the present and those in the future. good people will make the world a better place out of selfish lust for happiness.
@MrYondaime1995 3 года назад
I've had a colleague tell me that he had "given up on this life" and that he is like a "christian kamikaze". He told me that he doesn't care about anything on earth and that he bet all he has in heaven. I'm pretty sure that if church didn't condemn suicide, this dude would be dead already.
@jellyfish1126 3 года назад
My parents are obsessed with the idea of "This life is not our home". To me, they seem like they've lost their moral and also brain-dead.
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
@@MrYondaime1995 why do you think the church condemns suicide?
@notthis9586 3 года назад
@@vinx.9099 Because Christianity is one of the pillars of capitalism and it stops being an effective tool to keep the masses in line and productive if they're conviced they can get to a better life just by offing themselves... Or like becuase even the religious are uncomfortable with self termination at a base level, hard to know for sure. I think the question was rhetorical, I just like thinking about this stuff XD
@mrpixiledd2489 3 года назад
Lmao, i will always have the reply of "we're already in hell. The only heaven we can attain is the world we make for those who come after us" But I'm not religious in the slightest
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
I don't blame you, Christianity is all over the place, I swear, when I became an atheist alot of truth filled my mind about Christianity, and it really cleared my head from worries of a eternal pit of fire that is actually fiction
@silent-hills 3 года назад
@@AngryBilleh Yeah, same here. Honestly, Christianity (even when I was Christian) has brought much more trouble and pain than it brought good.
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
@@silent-hills it's really true when people say the truth sets you free
@Socasmx 3 года назад
Buddhist don't believe in hell. In fact, they belief this is hell that you create with your choices. That was eye opening to learn. Edit: to clarify, though I'm rusty, if you get so emotionally invested in something temporary like a car that could crash any time, you create your own suffering that you carry with you. Do something cruel and carry that knowledge with you.
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
@@Socasmx I can respect that
@TheBANKO1 3 года назад
What i always found funny is this idea that "believing in god makes you a good person". In my experience it tends to be the opposite at least for the vocal ones.
@FrensKafka 3 года назад
It gives an excuse for horrible people to be horrible
@user-dd5ou5um6l 3 года назад
If you need external reasons like a god to be moral, then you, yourself, are not what is moral. You are simply holding yourself back from doing bad things for the sake of being rewarded by god. And if god will forgive you for your wrongs anyways, what’s even the point of doing good?
@pank3245 3 года назад
There is a Polish proverb that says "She prays to the statue with the devil under her skin."
@childofgod2471 3 года назад
I grew up in a Christian home, so I knew a lot “great Christian men of faith”. It’s crazy how many of them ended up being sexual predators.
@FrensKafka 3 года назад
@@childofgod2471 All of my favorite "christian men of faith" have since deconstructed and we got on just great
@punished4890 3 года назад
Sorry for the spam, but as Nietzsche said in Ecce Homo : "Christianity devalues the human possibilities, the human world".
@strawberryfields9762 3 года назад
@zapermunz 2 года назад
At it's essense it is a religion AGAINST humanity. It's practically a doomsday cult, they relish the chance that we'll all die in some cataclyism.
@WalldoTheWInner 3 года назад
When I became a non believer a lot of my anxiety about death left me because I no longer had to think about my grandpa and other unsaved relatives roasting for all eternity.
@strangerose2749 3 года назад
My grandpa died a day ago, and I just went through a deconstruction of my faith a year ago so it is a very strange and confusing experience. Honestly I’m not sure how to take it because I went from christian to agnostic, and I definitely didn’t have a good experience with religion. It’s weird though because despite the fact that I don’t believe there is really an afterlife, it doesn’t make me feel worse than I thought it would. As a Christian I had a lot of anxiety of people I loved going to hell, and now despite the pain, it is a bit of freeing comfort.
@simona_sigmund1001 3 года назад
@UCBEnCC-31UldVhikuCm9COA I feel like we're on the same boat. My little brother died a week ago. His death has been devastating and I miss him so much. But I've spent the last year deconstructing and I'm sorta 50/50 about whether theres something or nothing after death. But I 100% do NOT believe in Hell anymore. Despite the grief, I've been surprised too at the peace I've experienced when I don't really believe in anything right now. Knowing that the question of "Did he believe in Jesus?" Isn't my focus anymore means that I can mourn and process this healthier. I might see him again, I might not. But I'm not gonna fixate on the afterlife and forget that I still have another living brother for me to be there for in this very real life. Oh also that pastor at the start who said Christian's love more therefore grieve more can go f*** himself cause the pain of losing someone as an agnostic hurts like hell (pun intended)
@stalebread9050 3 года назад
Same I lost both of my grandpas in a span of 1.5 years. Last year one of my grandpas passed and before as a preteen who was still deep in the “being an obligatory Christian because you grew up in it” I would have moments of absolute fear and sometimes cried myself to sleep because I would imagine him going to hell (that side of my family are from a country that is majority atheist) but in recent years I kinda didn’t want to be a part of this whole Christian thing anymore because of the anxiety and fear it gave me, and I just didn’t want to be a hateful person. After he passed of course I was sad and heart broken, but I mainly felt relief that he wouldn’t be in pain anymore.
@aetherialbeing4223 3 года назад
I like to believe in stuff, I lost my gran who I never got to make peace with and want the chance to do so and believing I can one day makes me feel confident about the future. I wish everyone here the best going forward and I hope you all feel better soon. Follow what makes you happy and keep being strong for those you love as wether there’s an afterlife or not, they’ll always be in your heart.
@themangoman9315 2 года назад
Yeah at first none existence sounds scary but the more I think about the more comforting it sounds
@icemarle 3 года назад
RE: houses in heaven "And the best thing of all, it's tax free!" Yeah, sounds like something these guys will love.
@crybabybabybean 3 года назад
For me, it kinda sounds like a selling point of a political party or something
@copper5346 3 года назад
Libertarians in heaven 😎
@icemarle 3 года назад
@@crybabybabybean Guess they should all be scrambling to go to heaven! Oh, wait...
@friedegg3732 3 года назад
so they're already in heaven?
@JimJamTheAdmin 3 года назад
@@crybabybabybean that is what it is. A manipulation playing on his flock's natural greed and hate for others.
@KayossSZ 3 года назад
My mom passed away a few months ago. It was tough and I still miss her greatly, but I heard something far more comforting than any christian dogma could be that helped greatly. See, we're all born from star stuff. Every btu of energy that she put out in her life still resonates in the universe. And not a bit of my mom is gone, her matter is just less orderly. It's weird but I think that is a comforting thought. In the end we are all one with the universe.
@YDAh88 3 года назад
That's a beautiful way to look at it, I hope you're doing well 😁❤️
@commissarchad 3 года назад
'From star stuff' is way better than 'from dust'.
@elisabethscott20 3 года назад
I'm still terrified to die but this does help.
@copper5346 3 года назад
Wishing you all the best
@alexgaggio2957 2 года назад
"You do not come into this world, you come out of it, like leaves on a tree"
@nataschavisser573 3 года назад
The pastor at my father's funeral preached about the evils of evolution and also went on a tangent on how tsunamis and other natural disasters proves that God's love is real.
@copper5346 3 года назад
Oh no..
@gorbsupreme7555 3 года назад
He seems like a sound person
@DaPradaGap 3 года назад
Sorry to hear that
@obiomajronyekwere4469 3 года назад
Wait why are horrible things like natural disasters be gods love? That makes no sense even to like Christians
@pandagamer-hg5be 3 года назад
Yeah, natural disasters that kill millions are proof that god "loves" us
@bradypustridactylus488 3 года назад
They hijacked my sister's funeral. It was out away from Utah where Mormons are regarded as freaks. None of her family lived in town. The bishop took over and made her funeral into a lesson from the visitor's center at the temple. They even told the Joseph Smith Story and the Plan of Salvation. My father and all my brothers and sisters had traveled long distances to the place and we had to grieve together, but apart from the church members . We remembered her life and her kindness, and tried to cope with the hole she left in us when she died and the guilt of how many years it had been since we had last seen her, but the church was no help at all.
@catherinehoover3937 3 года назад
I'm sorry that happened to you. That sucks.
@goatdeer8403 3 года назад
I absolutely DESPISE when that happens. At my abuelito's funeral some guy tried to tearfully beg us to turn to god and I. Was. Fuming. My mom (Catholic) was pissed too that he had tried to make it about god. The only person who did something similar was this lady who pretended that she was friends with him and made it about herself. It's disgusting to take advantage of grief to proselytize and if I see anyone else do that I'm out of that funeral until that person leaves.
@bradypustridactylus488 3 года назад
@@goatdeer8403 Imagine going to a funeral service where the funeral director invites the mourners to inspect the craftsmanship of the coffin and to admire the artistry of the cosmetician, "Today and today only, if you buy our prepaid funeral plan, we will include the plot free. The choicest locations are going fast. So act now!" I really see no difference with this and the crass and callous way in which the sales pitch for religion is used in too many funerals.
@dragowolfraven3806 3 года назад
I have been to a lot of funerals and I can honestly say I despise the way such a solemn event is used to pitch the genocidal monster of their bronze age fantasy book😕 I thought we were here to talk about how the person who is no longer here impacted the lives of the people around him or her😓😁
@friedegg3732 3 года назад
@@bradypustridactylus488 at least the coffin is real
@KodyackCasual 3 года назад
"Everyone is going to die, some day it'll be your turn... That's not really a choice." I take that as a challenge.
@theoneonyoutube4925 3 года назад
Wait, are you suicidal? Please, don’t hurt yourself! 😨
@sunphoenix1231 3 года назад
I'd probably assume this is more about the notion of where technology rivals that of life and we create an imperceptible way to become functionally immortal. Either through bionics or through brain mapping technology.
@KodyackCasual 3 года назад
@@theoneonyoutube4925 no, no, I'm alright random internet person! it was a joke, of course! but the implication was I was going to make the choice to never die. Which I still plan to, of course. Far as I know I'm immortal after all, haven't died yet!
@malum9478 3 года назад
@@KodyackCasual that's the spirit. i keep telling older people "have you tried being young again? it's worked out for me. tbh i don't even know why ya'll decided to get old smh".
@theoneonyoutube4925 3 года назад
@@KodyackCasual That’s a relief. 😞
@monkeytime3169 3 года назад
One of my least favorite things religion taught was that people who died of suicide would go to hell because it's murder. I really don't understand that. If you actually did love someone and you found out that they were hurting themself then wouldn't you want that person to have help and therapy? What rational being would throw that person into prison? How can anyone say that that monster is a loving god? Wouldn't an all powerful and loving creator set aside a special place for that soul to heal mentally and emotionally? What are Christians supposed to say at a funeral where one of their people dies this way? I'm so glad I don't believe in that fairy tale anymore.
@annaairahala9462 3 года назад
I had many steps in my deconstruction, but the thing that ensured my lack of belief (specifically in regards to monotheistic religions like christianity and islam) was that the God those religions define is not someone I should want to worship. Now I would be willing to go a step further and say that an all-knowing or all-powerful God cannot be good. People bring up free will, but then claim we'll still have free will in heaven. Plus, if God is all-knowing past and present, then he pre-destined things right from the beginning, don't you think he should know a better way to create a world? It's honestly frustrating that people use the Bible/Tanakh/Quran as "moral books" when the morality they describe is so far from what people consider moral in today's age.
@cyxe6976 3 года назад
tw: sui(ide/ when i almost committed my parents were more mad at me for ruining their christian image then me being in pain. This is when i realized it was bogus.
@monkeytime3169 3 года назад
@@cyxe6976 I'm so sorry... I hope you're doing better now or at least getting the help you need
@grahvis 3 года назад
@@annaairahala9462 . Your thinking was the same as mine, I lost any belief when I realised how Christianity was carefully constructed.
@Mr.PeabodyTheSkeptic 2 года назад
Jesus committed suicide. Think about it.
@littlekishmish 3 года назад
my uncle died just last week. he impacted me and my childhood so much, letting me listen to his old records and letting me watch him paint. his funeral was spiritual bypassing at its best. i had no chance to grieve, because the message of “he is in a better place now and we’ll see him soon anyway” was shoved down our throats with every other sentence. i still don’t know how to grieve if all i’ve ever been told is that death is neither sad nor an end.
@copper5346 3 года назад
Wishing you the best. If you know other non-believers that have gone through this then it will probably be good to vent those frustrations to them if you trust them. You can feel the sorrow if you feel the need to. Maybe look up some videos about grief on RU-vid, like from Dr.K. There is secular material out there that can help
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
i don't think anyone can tell you how to grief. i think grief is very personal. i personally had to think about it, talk about it to myself, but even then it doesn't pass, it just became... normal.
@rachelk4805 3 года назад
As an atheist, I take comfort in the fact that I don't stop existing when I die. I don't just mean that time is a dimension and that in this time I exist and that doesn't change just because I no longer exist in a future time. I mean that my body feeds the earth, just as all the particles came together, they scatter. I am not nowhere, I am everywhere. So right now, my loved ones are everywhere, I can feel close to them when I am warming up in the sun or walking through the grass. They will always be there, but they no longer have any ego or form, they have become part of the greater whole again.
@Craxin01 3 года назад
We don't even sentence rapists, child molesters, or murderers to an infinite punishment. Awful and horrific as these crimes are, they are still finite. Even when the punishment is death, it's only one death. And, hell, we offer them last rights so they can go to heaven in the end. Infinite punishment for a finite crime is evil.
@an8strengthkobold360 3 года назад
Yeah, I'd argue punishment isn't helpful anyway. If there was a after life for bad people I'd want it to be about rehabilitation and atonement not burning people.
@starofjustice1 3 года назад
@@an8strengthkobold360 Sounds like a scare tactic to keep people in line in *this* life, doesn't it?
@an8strengthkobold360 3 года назад
@@starofjustice1 obviously
@AshAshBaby 3 года назад
I distinctly remember asking my fifth grade catholic school teacher what happens if we get to heaven and find out some of our friends or family went to hell. she told me that god would make you forget them so you don't have to feel the pain of knowing they're suffering. I don't know where she got that from, but it was the most unsatisfactory answer I'd ever heard.
@echolalia307 3 года назад
When I was a Christian I felt like there was something wrong with me because I didn’t... look forward to dying. Like I feared death even though everyone was always raving about heaven. I didn’t want to not experience things on Earth like going to college and getting married, but because everyone was always telling me that heaven was so much better, it made me feel like I wasn’t a good enough Christian because I feared death and the rapture. I also wasn’t really excited about heaven because like, gold streets and mansions, sure, but are there good books? Will I be able to play other songs I like besides those praising God? Nobody close to me had died so there wasn’t that to look forward to, so overall heaven felt kinda bland. And because I felt that way I would question wether or not I was a “true Christian” which in turn would make me fear than I would go to hell when I died and would have to live out the tribulation if Jesus came back. Now that I’m an atheist I feel no guilt cherishing this life because it’s all I get, and when I die there’s no fear of hell because there’s no evidence of it. It’s a lot better than what Christianity teaches in my opinion.
@theoneonyoutube4925 3 года назад
You sound a lot like how I was. Keep enjoying your life, and take care of yourself.
@julianwallace8650 3 года назад
I was the same way as a Christian, I always thought that if I could I'd want to just cease to exist. I also thought heaven sounded bland, cause I was never big on christian entertainment, and I was like almost every piece of art I love, will most likely be absent from heaven, so many things I love doing, will be absent from heaven, so what's the point? And I always heard the "our desires will be changed" line, but again if I won't even be myself in heaven, what's the point?
@neptune2266 3 года назад
i felt this lmao. one of my favourite things in the world is music and when i was a kid i was afraid i’d have to give up listening to “worldly” music in place of worship music, which seemed like an awfully boring thing to do for all of eternity.
@Roastpeef 3 года назад
My mum is Christian. She fears death too. A lot. I also would not want to lose her tho
@steveweight1317 2 года назад
Born into fundamentalist evangelical family, I felt the same way. Especially about the rapture. It had me terrified. My third grade Sunday school teacher did not help by telling us if we did not make the rapture, in order to go too Heaven, we would have to get our heads cut off and die a martyr. I am so happy now to not having that crap hanging over my head, anymore. No pun intended.
@WilliamHasMelted 3 года назад
Off topic, but the Family Guy heaven chair shortage bit always kills me
@kingoftropes922 3 года назад
It's such an innocuous detail that just raises so many questions why that specifically is an issue.
@BakingAndGhibli 3 года назад
“Before you go- what’s heaven like??” “Oh- it’s fine… …there’s a shortage of chairs.” “Oh.” “Yeah.”
@tiffanyliu4016 3 года назад
This conceptualization of heaven sounds like a scam MMO's promises on Kickstarter lol
@mrmolo70 3 года назад
Was gonna say, sounds like Todd Howard selling the newest Elder Scrolls to me.
@silent-hills 3 года назад
That’s pretty much what it is, if you really think about it LOL
@grahamsmith2121 3 года назад
Don’t be calling out Star Citizen now…. lol
@Ugly_German_Truths 3 года назад
Postmortal Timeshares, only costs your peace of mind and potentially 70 years of slaving in the church plus paying a tithe...
@WolfgangDoW 3 года назад
@vivthevov 3 года назад
Honestly if there is an afterlife I hope it's just being a ghost. Yknow? Like I like it here.
@BrandonHirsch 3 года назад
That would be dope! :)
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
i'd be so crowded though
@SoicAngellis 3 года назад
@@vinx.9099 Theoretically you could visit space if ghosts can just free float
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
I'd be cool with that, I mean, atleast hell is made up, you can thank Augustine for that forgery
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
@@vinx.9099 not really, the universe is endless
@lazyperfectionist3978 3 года назад
I've always found that argument of "I'm gonna burn in hell if I don't repent and become a Christian" to be incredibly repugnant, like you're not selling me anything worth my time if the sole reason I should follow someone is to avoid a negative. I've had episodes of suicidal ideation, the concept of an afterlife and having to continue my existence even if it's not the same as our current one is horrific enough and always comes off as a fate worse than death if you're the kind of person to advertise the whole "god is good and you will burn for eternity for not worshipping", all you're doing is giving me further reasons to face god while walking backwards into hell
@occamsaturn 3 года назад
yeah I'd way rather hang with satan than the guy who made him lol
@Crailtep 3 года назад
It’s always been hilarious to me as well because according to the Catholics I’m already going to burn in hell since I’m left handed
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
one of if not the primary reason that if i was a believer i'd be a misotheist.
@idaniluz652 3 года назад
@@Crailtep you are going to burn due to a part of yourself that cannot be changed. sounds familiar.
@karlazeen 3 года назад
Good twist but still how about no one suffering?
@JollyWailmer 3 года назад
My grandma died recently and it’s been very hard for me. This video helped a little bit thanks for that.
@copper5346 3 года назад
Wishing you healing
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
my condolences, i hope you're doing ok.
@JollyWailmer 3 года назад
Thank you both
@ArnisKaye 3 года назад
My grandmother died in May. It's the first death I've experienced since my deconstruction. I'm not certain of what to think or feel.
@JollyWailmer 3 года назад
@@ArnisKaye my grandmother passed away on the 10th of May at 4:21 pm. I was with her every day for her 5 days of hospice I feel your pain. Although I was never religious it was the first major death in my life. I hope you find peace comfort and happiness. And most of all healing.
@rachel_sj 3 года назад
When I was a kid, I asked my dad what Heaven was like. He said that we’d spend eternity praising God. Now that I’ve grown up, my idea of Hell would be the constant, eternal existence of having to stroke his fragile ego lest he cast all the free-thinkers into Hell for not conforming. I’d rather be in Hell having a good time with people who think for themselves than having to spend eternity with the likes of people such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
@RydarkVoyager 3 года назад
"Hell: where all the fun people are" was a saying my partner of 22 years would say. I know I won't go to heaven, but I sometimes hope the alternative is a going concern (and still accepting applications).
@camelopardalis84 3 года назад
Pat Robertson isn't dead. Don't tease people.
@rachelk4805 3 года назад
100%. I wish I believed in Hell, it sounds like a party.
@Grimace_Iscariot 3 года назад
I just found out about 15 minutes ago that my Grandmother died. This video really helped me. I'm not religious at all, but I hope she's in a better place.
@possibleworlds5654 3 года назад
Hope you’re doing ok
@andreaw2053 3 года назад
My deconversion started because the love of my life is an athiest. I couldn't fathom heaven existing without him...
@victorlannister5606 3 года назад
My pastor made it clear that because I had feelings for the someone who was the same sex that my grandfather, the man who raised me ,wouldn’t have excepted me in my bisexuality. And that when I’ll die I’ll have to watch my family be in heaven while I burn in hell. Then this guy tried to get me to turn my life around and all that crap! I went to him with in trust and that honestly started my hatred for going to church. I’ve recognized that he was the bad guy not all church.
@copper5346 3 года назад
That was probably what he genuinely believed. He may or may not have been a dick, but he said this because he believed it to be important and to be ultimately good for you. In my personal experience I have met amazing people in church who I still like as a non-believer. But there are shitty ones as well of course. I think you are valid
@TheNotoriousBTG 3 года назад
I'm sorry for your loss, Mr Poelman.
@laatmaasquanariin3945 2 года назад
When my friend committed suicide, there was everyone at his church there. I was so completely pissed at how everyone, including his parents, talked about how he was burning on hell.
@gothboschincarnate3931 2 года назад
that's not a very nice way to honor the dead.....
@gordon3186 2 года назад
*"Knock knock."* *"Who's there?"* *"It's me, Jesus... Let me in."* *"Let you in why?"* *"So I can save you."* *"Save me from what?"* *"From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in."*
@disappointedidealist1989 3 года назад
"There are just some kind of men who-who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results." - one of my fave literary quotes from To Kill a Mockingbird.
@kamenomagic 3 года назад
"Admitting that I won't see her again isn't the same thing as choosing not to see her again"
@annaairahala9462 3 года назад
tbh, I think the reason why many religions teach suicide to be a sin is because if people follow their teachings suicide would be idealized and that's not profitable for a religion I've had severe depression for quite some time and I still remember when I was a young teen I really wanted to kill myself, thinking the afterlife would fix all my problems. Thankfully I did not because I've had this strong compassion for those in need and drive to help others that wasn't connected to my religion. The only thing about "why should you not suicide" that I was told from a christian perspective is because Paul doesn't commit suicide. In Philippians 1:19-26 Paul talks about how suicide would be much better, but he doesn't because he has use for helping others in their religious path. So what happens when a depressed individual doesn't have that outlook that they're able to lead people to christ? What happens if that child is overwhelmed with the notion of others going to hell? Ironically it got to the point where my anxiety on the matter prevented me from trying to convert anyone, which looking back it feels like that was the real blessing in disguise You could probably do a whole video or podcast on how the church treats suicide. It's honestly abhorrent.
@treehugers1000 3 года назад
Don’t give up because it could rob others who maybe you haven’t met yet of the chance to love you. You sound like a really good person and there are certainly plenty of people who could use your friendship. I deal with depression and severe anxiety too and it isn’t easy but that desire to help others is what makes people like you matter. Not in some grand religious way but in an intimate and personal way to people like me. I don’t know you but I’ve known people like you and they’re some of the most important people in my life who have saved me more times than I can count.
@workingproleinc.676 3 года назад
I never did grive in religious sense when my family members did die. Not in religious sense,i just accepted is as fact,that people die accident,natural dead,crime,and so on.
@elizabethwalker4836 3 года назад
I love how you ended with that doctor who quote "We're all stories in the end, just make it a good one." I'm struggling on how to deal with my religious parents, we aren't on the best of terms, I never call cause they never call, and when I do talk to them they never have nice things to say. But recently my dad discovered he has cancer. He didn't tell me, instead my mom just texted me asking why I never call and did I know my dad has cancer..... which I didn't, it was the first I heard of it. So, this made me come to the realization that this would be the first time someone close to me might die and I'm not religious anymore (Agnostic), but hey don't know that. I'm kinda at a lost on how to handle them but this episode was insightful and helpful, thanks for that :)
@Samtastic79 3 года назад
I'm sorry about your dad.
@robertmoore2049 3 года назад
I hate when people tell someone when they lose someone they love - especially a child - that God needed them in heaven and made him or her an angel. Wrong! The parents needed their child here on earth! They say they will see him or her once again and forever in heaven, but the parents want their child to be with them now, not some time way off in the future in a place that may not even exist.
@mike140298 3 года назад
Yeah, my little brother hanged himself when he was 15, don't come at me with shit like that. What could an all powerful god need him more for than we do here? And why act in such a way that his life was so shit he eventually killed himself? If he really needed my brother for whatever bullshit, just give him a good life and then a heart attack in his sleep or something. Don't have him get abused by our biological father for years to the point that he ends up in a mental institution.
@someindividual8872 3 года назад
@@mike140298 my condolences for your brother dude I hope you eventually feel better and yeah I completely agree with your statement
@b.h.4249 3 года назад
@@mike140298 I'm so sorry that your brother had to go through so many horrible things, it is absolutely horrifying having to watch your sibling suffer like that. How are you doing?
@Junosensei 3 года назад
I remember my mother, a christian, coming home from my uncle's mother's funeral and crying because the pastor went around to every person and asked if they and their kids believed and were saved. She thought I was closeted and gay (I was actually trans and technically now I am gay), so she told him about me and he told her there was no hope for me and I would go to hell if I died tomorrow. My mother never went to church after that (even though she's still a believer). She believes God doesn't care about sexuality or gender identity, but I probably will never told her I have never believed in God since I was in elementary school and no one could answer my questions about him consistently. Not knowing what to believe, I sought my own answers and never found any.
@kathleenwoods8416 3 года назад
your moms a nice lady.
@quicksilvertaint 2 года назад
I've been an atheist most of my life. I haven't lost a parent (yet) but I lost my sister several years ago alongside some other very devastating losses, and there have absolutely been times I sure hope I'm wrong and there is a heaven where I might see them again, or they're at least happy wherever they are and free of suffering. But at the end of the day, I can't believe that we experience anything other than what we experienced before we were born - nothingness. As a social species, humans have been experiencing grief and loss since before we were human. It's nothing short of insulting that some christians believe non-christians suffer any less in our grief, and hearing "I'm praying for you" or even worse "it was in gods plan" is an aggressive slap in the face. Where is the love and compassion for those grieving? I'm also still salty the pastor got my name completely wrong when I gave my sister's eulogy. What a douche. I'm her goddamn sister.
@TrekkieBrie 3 года назад
Unfortunately telling people that there's something better after this life is not always the positive spin religious people think. My father didn't believe in a god his entire life, but in his last year or so he "found" god. Unfortunately this is only because of the rhetoric christians spouted at him claiming that after he died his life would be so much better....he'd be happy. He took his life shortly after and in his note made sure to state the fact that his life after death would be happier. That he'd be in a better place....I think secular people need to understand how dangerous that rhetoric can be when speaking to people already on a precipice.
@sleepyhead8681 3 года назад
I'm so sorry. I had A guy who gave my dad and myself A ride when my dad lost his car keys on A camping trip and tried to indoctrinate us. I was 7 and he focused on me and it turned me off to Christianity strongly.
@otrachicadeyoutube6853 2 года назад
I'm really sorry, and I hope you can find peace. It's not much, but this stranger sends you her best wishes and an imaginary hug whenever you need it.
@gothboschincarnate3931 2 года назад
@@otrachicadeyoutube6853 Imaginary hug? speak for yourself young lady.
@otrachicadeyoutube6853 2 года назад
@@gothboschincarnate3931 I am speaking for myself. I mean I'm sending an internet hug. I don't understand your point.
@gothboschincarnate3931 2 года назад
@@otrachicadeyoutube6853 energetic hugs are not imaginary. "sending an internet hug". well computer monitors are portals in a way. But you may need to try a lot harder. Its all done thru portals. And it requires healing energy. Some are better then others.
@alexjohnson2527 3 года назад
I was forced to come out as an atheist when I was 14. I remember in one of the many 'debates' my parents forced me to have with them after the fact, I brought up that one of the things that made me question and eventually loose the christian faith they brought me up in was how a 'loving god' would create a system where, for the times in history where christianity has spread the most, 2/3rds or more of the population would be sentenced to eternal torment solely for not believing. My parents at the time did a lot of victim blaming, and changed the subject. When I came out to them as a trans man at 26 after my time in the marines, they used religion as their starting point for why it was wrong. I brought up the same argument. This time, my dad just said that 'hell is a separation from god'. He now thinks that the separation is the only form of 'torment' for most people. That hell is a good place with no torture unless you were awful in life. Because there still needs to be punishment for awful people, but that was the new conclusion he came to after his beliefs were threatened by arguments that I guess he internalized a lot more than I thought. He still has a lot of awful beliefs, but he's also in his 50s. Most of those awful beliefs come from decades of believing them, and are slower to change (not an excuse, but maybe an explanation for why someone indoctrinated for decades might be slower to change). The fact that some of what I said at 14 made him change even some of his beliefs...helps a lot. Change may come slow, it may not come at all, but I hope knowing that it is possible helps some of you out there with parents you think might never accept that you are an atheist, or LGBTQ+, or want to date someone of another race, or want to move to another country, or anything else that you are/what you want to do with your life that they may not accept right now. Obviously, don't come out/tell them your plans if you think they won't accept them until you are financially stable and honestly prepared to loose those relationships...but there is a possibility they might surprise you. Either right after you come out, or a few months/years down the road. Not entirely related to the video, but bringing up hell made me think of it, and I thought I would share in case anyone needed to hear it.
@CrimesTimeLive 3 года назад
"No matter where you stand, North will always be up." Man if I heard this in church even at my most believery I would have stopped and gone "wtf are you talking about that's not how directions work."
@commissarchad 3 года назад
Wow. I went to a little Anglican church in a small country growing up. It was nice enough, even though I grew out of it soon enough. Maybe it's an Australian Anglican thing, but they never focussed on the specifics of heaven, just that it would be pretty good. All this shit about home design and working conditions in heaven is fucking incredible! These folks are different kinds of geniuses.
@b.h.4249 3 года назад
Same here. From the funerals that I attended in Germany, I've experienced that it's mostly about talking about the person, saying goodbye and finding solace in them now being in a place without suffering. It's overall very solemn and compassionate but also hopeful in a sense that you will maybe get to see them again one day. I don't really believe in it myself but it still gave me comfort and I treasured it nonetheless. This is how Christian funerals should be.
@shoesncheese 3 года назад
When I was a Christian, it was a good thing suicide was a sin or I would have killed myself a dozen times over. U hated this life. I wanted to go home. I wanted no sadness and no regret. I laid on the floor crying, begging god to kill me because I was so miserable being alive. Thankfully, I got out of that mindset, got (non-christian) therapy, and medication so now I can live. I'm not even a nihilist but I don't believe in the Abrahamic God. I think, there could be a Creator, but it is so far removed from us, and we are so small and insignificant, that it doesn't care about us, or even know we exist. Do we care about motes of dust?
@wickedarctiinae4132 3 года назад
I relate to the "suicide as a sin" dilemma.
@generatoralignmentdevalue 3 года назад
I relate to this a lot, too. I ended up feeling like God was this bully that just wanted me to have a miserable life with no way out (since if an omnipotent being wanted my life to be better then it would be), and if I tried to escape, he'd make me suffer more and forever.
@crybabybabybean 3 года назад
My grandpa died a week ago (my first encounter with death when it comes to someone close) I needed this video
@copper5346 3 года назад
Wishing you the best. You are not alone in this, there are others who you can share the pain with
@crybabybabybean 3 года назад
@@copper5346 My family is religious It sucks, but it feels like they're happy that I'm sad, because I might return to believing But I did find some people I can share it with, fortunately And of course, thank you
@copper5346 3 года назад
@@crybabybabybean that sadly makes sense from their perspective. It is twisted, but one can see that as them caring about you. I am glad you have friends with whom you can share your sadness. You are very welcome :)
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
my condolences, i hope you're doing ok.
@jazzpear8877 3 года назад
I grew up a non-believer, and funerals were always especially miserable for me, I always felt so out-of-place. Like I wasn't supposed to be there, and like everyone else was getting something out of it that I was just missing.
@dragowolfraven3806 3 года назад
I feel the same way. I always think "If you truly believe this stuff why are you crying?"
@emmaly8993 3 года назад
when i was younger i liked the thought of heaven, not because of eternal life, but because i could eat all the choclate i want without getting fat lol
@karlazeen 3 года назад
Or dying of diabetes
@FrensKafka 3 года назад
I think you couldn't? Because "gluttony" is a sin in the bible. Would you physically not be able to eat more cake than a specified amount? Weird thing to think about
@goatdeer8403 3 года назад
that's a plot point from panty and stocking
@simona_sigmund1001 2 года назад
@@FrensKafka Well heaven is full of palaces, gold and jewels so that's technically allowing a different type of greed. So my guess is eating as much chocolate as you want would be ok too XD
@themangoman9315 2 года назад
@icemarle 3 года назад
Your thoughts in this essay really echo mine when I was questioning my faith. I found it hard to swallow how genuinely good people could be damned to hell because they were in a circumstance where they couldn't learn the "truth". It was when I thought how ridiculous god is for allowing such things to happen.
@herefortheshrimp1469 3 года назад
I was never able to reconcile that AT ALL when I still was a Christian. How could some of the kindest, most charitable, loving, and arguably Christ-like ppl that exist all over the world be the ones to go to hell over all of these greedy white televangelists? It made no sense then or now
@parkermccalip8386 3 года назад
To be honest is going to heaven means having all of the aspects of myself that god doesn’t like forcefully scrubbed away, hell sounds like it’s a far more fun place.
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
As an atheist, it's entertaining to watch these christians talking about how heaven is gonna be like when they go when there is literally no evidence proving that heaven is going to be a white man's dream
@themangoman9315 2 года назад
It would be funny If heaven is the exact opposite
@AngryBilleh 2 года назад
@@themangoman9315 I always learn to keep low expectations that way you're not disappointed
@themangoman9315 2 года назад
@@AngryBilleh true even if there isn't an afterlife you will be dead anyway so how can you be disappointed lol
@AngryBilleh 2 года назад
@@themangoman9315 lol exactly
@jasoncox7244 3 года назад
The "build your own house" thing is like... one of the things from my childhood that I just can't wrap my brain around. It's almost like you can build your own house here too, except it requires some Capital capability that is unequally distributed and /intentionally/ made more difficult for some people than others.
@roeliethegoat 3 года назад
When my aunt died my uncle actually said that people that don't know Jesus don't know how deep love actually is. I was sad for his loss, of course, but I couldn't help but bite my tongue during service.
@starofjustice1 3 года назад
What sickening humblebragging. I'm sorry to hear that.
@coralinethegunslinger1138 3 года назад
"we'll have our own house and the best part!?! It's tax free!!"..... What's wrong with people, how is THAT the best part to you?
@vivthevov 3 года назад
Because Taxes fucking suck man...
@coralinethegunslinger1138 3 года назад
@@vivthevov but THAT is the best part of your PERFECT house?? Not like... A water slide? Or a really cool walk-in closet? Or the perfect tree house in the back yard??? No... It's because you don't have to pay taxes when your dead.... Fucking. Sad.
@WalkingChampion 3 года назад
I thought the whole point of heaven was you leave your earthly needs and wants behind- so this whole "you get a mansion" thing seems wrong- like your supposed to have ascended beyond the need for material stuff
@vivthevov 3 года назад
@@WalkingChampion exactly like, why leave Earth for another slightly pretty, far more boring one. Nothing happens in Heaven other than worshipping five times a day.
@Graknorke 3 года назад
It's such a weird thing to say because... why would you expect taxes to begin with? It's meant to be an immaterial world where you need nothing and exist purely to worship, who's going to be taxing you and in what currency?
@THATGuy5654 3 года назад
I love how multiple people in your clips were countering the idea that a loving God "wouldn't punish." Punishment? Sure. Is eternal punishment? That's what people have in issue with. Infinite punishment for finite sins. That's gotta be Christianity's biggest bug- bear.
@lucennastryker9093 3 года назад
"A void is only left when they filled a big space in your life." That's... actually really comforting.
@KenzoElysium 3 года назад
I think one of the most disollusioning things to me was my grandma telling me that when she goes to heaven, God is going to erase her memory of me so she's isn't upset that I'm not there. She said this with a totally straight face. Why would you even want to believe in a God that not only condemns your own family to eternal death, but also causes you to forget the precious memories you've had of your own grandson? Absolutely reprehensible.
@devinfaux6987 3 года назад
I *hope* there's some existence beyond death, because it would make all the pain and suffering and senseless torment we suffer in life not quite as bad if there's something peaceful and painless in the beyond. But I'm not going to count on it; I'm not going to act as though it's a fact until and unless it's confirmed by science.
@copper5346 3 года назад
There is probably not. But I like the idea of reincarnation. And Buddhists believe that the best thing is to stop existing. That is peaceful I would say
@JohanKylander 3 года назад
@@copper5346 That's an interesting inversion of the Abrahamic religion's value of eternal existence.
@copper5346 3 года назад
@@JohanKylander That's interesting. Could you elaborate what you think that Abrahamic religion's value of eternal existence is?
@whysocurious7366 3 года назад
@@copper5346 I think it (the belief that an eternal life in pure bliss would be good) stems directly from the hedonistic value of maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain.
@JohanKylander 3 года назад
@@whysocurious7366 It's a Utilitarian utopia.
@Aderon 3 года назад
Memorial services are always tough for me. The first one I attended when I was either eight or nine, it was my great grandmother. It was a very surreal experience for me, as it took place in a Lutheran church, which was where she went to church back when she was able to. It was weird for me, because I had only ever known the building in the framework of how it was used as the building for our secular homeschool group. It was surreal, sitting in the room where I had previously watched several hours of Tom and Jerry, only to later realize that was the room for receptions. My parents both came from religious backgrounds, and both of them had taken opposite, but compatible stances regarding spirituality. My father came to the conclusion that there was no real form of afterlife, and that there was no possible religion that could claim to have one; whereas my mother came to an understanding that everything was sacred and spiritual in its own way. As a result of their beliefs, I can't say that I was raised with any particular belief in anything, though my grandparents did try to 'correct' that for a long time. I can't ever help but feel awkward, and sometimes even insulted, each time I attended a memorial service on my mother's side. We were supposed to be celebrating my grandfather, when the speaker gets up and starts talking about how each of us needs to find god, and if we do, then we can be happy forever. Like really? There's a room chock full of retired former airforce, many pensioners who all cared for my grandfather dearly, and all he had to say was that we should find god? Of course everyone else lapped it up, they are all devout churchgoers, and they saw no greater joy than to get an affirmation that one day they will get to see their old friend again, but me? I just felt insulted. You speak on behalf of someone who you claim to have known for a long time, and instead of telling stories about your times together, you give a speech about converting so that I might sell my 'soul' to an entity who refuses to confirm their own existence? There's a time and a place for proselytizing, but the middle of a large gathering of mourning people felt completely inappropriate to me.
@olehart5850 3 года назад
It will never not be surprising to me that there are sane adults who are seriously 100% certain that their weird pseudoscience beliefs (heaven/hell, creationism, etc...) are true.
@occamsaturn 3 года назад
it's possible as we grow as a society we'll have different ideas of sanity lol
@eden9021 2 года назад
The whole part about asking if a person was saved or not when they had died reminded me of what my grandma told me about my great-gradma who had lost her newborn. The paster came over and told her that it was a shame they weren't able to baptize the baby because now it wasn't going to Heaven. Can you imagine grieving over the loss of your newborn baby and being told that they were going to be tortured in Hell for all eternity because you didn't sprinkle a little water in them? Fucking ridiculous!
@midwesterner15 3 года назад
Abraham Piper, John Piper’s son, is amazing. I followed him on TikTok. Complete opposite of his father.
@qwertydog9795 2 года назад
gotta look him up but I'm dead at the fact that he named his son Abraham 😂
@randomstranger623 2 года назад
For real? Love that stranger. As much as someone can love someone who doesn't know who they love.
@officaldaelight 3 года назад
yeah, kept wondering if there really is an all-loving god who truly loved everyone, would he even allow bigots, homophobes, racists to heaven? 'cause like... that's not a very loving thing to do... also made me bitter about my pastor because when another pastor we knew killed himself, all he did was be angry, say that he was going to hell, that he was doing it for attention and because my pastor wouldn't give him what he wanted (i can't remember what it was but i think he wanted to step down to a smaller church so he doesn't have much to manage or he wanted to rest), and that god didn't love what he did. it was horrible and it was the first time i felt total hate and anger towards this person who is supposed to spread love. it's horrible. i hope that pastor got peace somehow even if there's no afterlife.
@jaash7981 3 года назад
Edit: I have realised their is an entire other point to this that makes this effed up God knows who I am and what I’ll do before the universe is born >> God creates heaven, our universe, and hell >> God also creates the criteria for who goes to heaven and hell, which includes sending atheists to hell >> he, being the omniscient creator, nows I’ll end up an atheist >> God creates me anyways >> I end up becoming an atheist >> god sends me to hell >> tells me it’s my fault Sounds legit
@cyxe6976 3 года назад
If their is a God, i always tell myself that God made me to laugh at me.
@joshb6132 3 года назад
24:12 Thank you so much for bringing this point up. A few years ago, my great-grandfather died, and my grandfather asked me to be a pallbearer for the funeral. I was genuinely honored that he asked me, and I felt so much love amongst my family that day. However, my sister and I bring up all the time how mad we were that the pastor took time away from remembering our great-grandfather, a longtime church member and figure of the community, to talk about how important it was to be a Christian and go to church. It was infuriating, especially because he didn't seem to care at all about how our family was grieving.
@SydBodeker Год назад
Going through this right now. My moms passed away recently and it's so irky to me when people talk about how she's with Jesus now and she's walking on streets of gold and then of course they proceed to tell me to make sure I don't give up my walk with God so I can see her again. I still haven't came outta my spiritual closet yet so all these people have no idea that ive already deconstructed and I've already accepted that I'll never see her again.
@thedevilgoose2482 3 года назад
Personally I just feel like “I don’t care how great life is in Heaven, the stuff we have down here is really cool and I don’t want to leave it behind. Like, music probably sucks up there. It’s just harps and trumpets, isn’t it?”
@officaldaelight 3 года назад
ikr? no jazz? no hip hop? no video game soundtracks? the fuck kinda pish posh is that? 😂
@darrenm.7980 3 года назад
No rock music because apparently it's Satanic, except Christian rock, but listening to that for all eternity sounds like hell
@ratbones620 3 года назад
Imagine all that plays in heaven is Christian Rock music. If that was the case than I would just go to hell.
@kylekennedy420 3 года назад
Right, the best things we have here are things heaven won’t permit 😂
@qwertydog9795 2 года назад
I wouldn't mind the trumpets tho there better be ska bands up in heaven or I'ma fuck some people up 😂
@brit6979 3 года назад
I found your channel in the midst of my deconstruction and I just want to say how incredibly glad I am that I did. I’m still working my way through the podcast but all of your other videos have helped immensely with fear. From the rapture to this, everything has included what I needed to hear. So thank you so much
@naomi0connor 3 года назад
i’m so sorry for your loss. i needed this today…
@t.angorine 2 года назад
15:07.. weird because i was told, by my christian brother who works for the church that even if you do al the bad stuff hes listing, as long as you believe in God you'll go to heaven. before i left the church for good, i remember thinking "why would i go to heaven for eternal peace if the people that hurt me are there just because they believe, even though they ruined my life?" and thats what broke me. not the shit the church put me through, but because at the end of it all, the peace they offered would never be peace if the people that harmed me were there enjoying it with me
@starmime89 3 года назад
Honestly fangirling w/ every video. You guys have no idea how monumental the videos have played in, me, beginning to question and think critically about my faith. Big ups from New Zealand!
@cassieoz1702 3 года назад
On my last day, I will be able to say 'I have loved and been loved by, wonderful people'. Nothing else matters. I continue to live a while in their memories but, truly, my life is to live and love, and leave room for those who come after me.
@FormThisWay 3 года назад
The focus on the life beyond the life we have can render so many Christians incapable of enjoying the little life we really have, and if they die slowly enough that they have the time to reflect on their life and question their faith, they can start to think and question why so much time was wasted at church when it could've been with people they loved
@LDProductionsClass 3 года назад
That bit about the fruit really spoke to me I think. 12 varieties of fruit would have seemed incredible to someone living at the turn of the millennium. Even under Roman rule, getting together 12 different varieties in one place - shipping them in from different climates, quickly enough that they don't spoil, without modern preservatives or transportation, would have seemed absolutely incredible. Practically infinite. Nowadays, it seems like a half-stocked grocery aisle. I guess the ancients just lacked imagination, like a SciFi writer lamenting Earth's environment collapsing under the crushing weight of 4 billion people or an AT&T commercial maker selling us the future where we could video chat from a phone booth or send faxes from the beach.
@thebelen2359 3 года назад
When someone asks me if I believe an afterlife exists I just say; "Maybe, maybe not. The only thing I know is that *this* life exists. I don't know about heaven and hell, I just know about this world. Therefore, that's what I live for."
@KodiaxeMusic 3 года назад
Personally I believe what we live in now is the afterlife. We come into another life after we die with no memory of who we were before. Never knowing what happens after we die is the price we pay for it. Even if its hopeful thinking and truly nothing awaits us, i still believe we only truly die when we are forgotten. Be the person you want to be remembered as.
@chemtrooper 3 года назад
Death as oblivion, like it was before I was born. Will be heaven enough for me.
@captjames19 Год назад
This just reminds me that religion is a renter’s mentality and everyone else are home owners who are invested in the here and now, invested in cultivating relationships, of sustainability, of valuing all life, of appreciating the temporary nature of our existence. And so we love all the deeper for it ♥️
@anonymousmouse4124 Год назад
This is a great analogy!
@lulubeukes2296 3 года назад
People being excited to live forever allways freaked me out. Worshipping a being for eternity sounds like a nightmare.
@mjrtaurus2714 Год назад
I lost my mother in September of last year. She spent the majority of her life sicker than any living creature deserved to be. When she passed, I was already free of my former faith. I didn't believe in a heaven or a hell and I still don't. She didn't go to heaven or hell. She went somewhere where she no longer had to live in misery or wear a smile to mask it. I took more comfort and closure in that than I ever could with what the faith could give.
@kumamarru5492 3 года назад
The bit about pastors hijacking funerals happened during my mom's funeral. I was so pissed. This was supposed to be a day about honoring my mom's memory, and instead he spent it preaching about God and Pascal's wager.
@idaniluz652 3 года назад
Pascal's wager? really? was he trying to add insult to injury?
@Ab-ju2rz 2 года назад
I audibly gasped when I heard Piper say “he deserves the wrath of god”. The blatant lack of empathy is astonishing.
@marie-andreec5164 3 года назад
Whenever a believing person asks me about finding purpose and meaning in a life where I believe that I will just die and stop existing one day, I tell them that the very fact that we all have a finite number of days to live, be it 10 or 10000, makes every one of those days special and makes you appreciate and not want to waste that day in hatred or petty resentments. If you're having a fantastic burger, you know you only have a certain number of bites you can savor before the burger is gone but the fact that the burger isn't infinite doesn't make the burger any less tasty.
@copper5346 3 года назад
I agree. And personally the most beautiful purpose is to make the world a better place and help people while you are alive
@relaxolotl_ltoloxaler 3 года назад
When my mom died it hit me really hard. My religious sister has hope and faith that she’ll see our mom again, but I don’t have that hope or faith. She told me that she feels so sad for me because I think I’ll never see our mom again, and I can understand why that would make her sad, it makes me sad too, but it’s reality.
@connorbullock1669 3 года назад
Accept that she’s gone. Appreciate the memories you had with her that way she’ll never really be dead. She’ll live on in the memories of you and your family.
@relaxolotl_ltoloxaler 3 года назад
@@connorbullock1669 Yeah. It’s been 6 and a half years now, and I still miss her everyday. I’ve mostly come through the grief, but it still hits hard sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could have that hope and faith that my sister has, but you can’t force yourself to believe in something that you don’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@mariannacross2538 3 года назад
losing my mind over the firebringer clip. also great video 10/10
@Lovablemc1 3 месяца назад
I just lost my husband recently and neither of us believed. I actually left the Mormon church that I was raised in. It was hard knowing that he was gone and I am so grateful to have put so much love and be with him on his last days. My family keeps saying they prayed and politely tells me he is in heaven now even though they know neither of us were religious in the slightest, but none of that brings me comfort. I know he lived his life to the fullest and I made a promise to him that I would be happy and do the same. I miss him terribly and wish he didn’t have to leave so early, but I’m okay knowing that he is done suffering from cancer and he is at rest from this life.
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
someone who believes in a just afterlife shouldn't be sad when someone dies. it should be a course of celebration. either someone is finally in eternal bliss, released from their mortal suffering, or a person who deserves eternal suffering is finally getting what they deserve. you could make the argument that a christian grieving is a sign that they don't fully believe it. i don't take it that far. there is still the selfish part of grief, of how you'll never see that person again (or i guess it'll take a while if you believe you'll share an afterlife), but there is definitely something odd about the grief experienced when you don't believe they stopped existing.
@annaairahala9462 3 года назад
Yeah, they justify grief because Jesus grieved for Lazarus
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
@@annaairahala9462 looks like another contradiction in the bible (:
@hakureikura9052 3 года назад
grieving makes no sense if you believe in the after life. grieving makes more sense if there is no after life. like... come on, if your friend dies and he goes to hell, and decades later you also die and meet in hell... what did you grieve for? meanwhile if after life doesn't exist, it makes sense to cry when someone dear to us passed away. because we know, we will never see them again.
@EroticInferno 3 года назад
The... the decades you spent apart? I cry when I know I’m going to spend a lot of time apart from someone because it’s sad I can’t/won’t see them for awhile. It still makes sense to grieve. There is no hell tho. The earth and this plane of existence is hell. Heaven is not having to reincarnate again. Hell is physical existence.
@pansepot1490 3 года назад
Cognitive dissonance. If people really did believe in the afterlife they wouldn’t be grieving. They certainly hope for the afterlife because they are taught to believe so but deep down they know that death is final. Same as they rely on god and prayers but go to doctors and hospitals.
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
@@EroticInferno are you so selfish you'll feel bad because you won't see someone for a while because they have the best thing possible happen to them and you'll see them in a bit? would like some citation that existence is hell and a heaven exists.
@stringtheories9820 3 года назад
My parents are believers (I’m not out yet) and they are all about being joyful when someone dies because they’re in heaven. To the point that mom scolds me for my grief. It’s horiffic
@vinx.9099 3 года назад
@@stringtheories9820 sorry to hear that. coming out to them can't be a fun prospect. (how fucked up is the world that you need to "come out" as someone who doesn't believe some silly stories?)
@ekulio 3 года назад
Your videos have been a great comfort to me. I just gave up trying to convince myself God was real a few months ago. Thank you so much for your work!
@BeachbumBrianCampbell 2 года назад
No matter what u believe about "after life", do well while alive. Embrace those you care about and if you think something should be said or done, do it today!
@supcal1998 3 года назад
I never comment on videos, but this hit so close to home for me. I left Christianity 3 years ago, but hid that from those around me until a year ago. Last year I lost my father and struggled immensely because I do not believe that there is an afterlife. I lost 5 family members priorly, when I was a Christian, and I filled my brain with the rhetoric that they are in a better place. Frankly, I was lying to myself the whole time because I could not fathom the existence of free-will in heaven if we are all meant to be in bliss for eternity. Subsequently, I could not believe in a heaven. Anyways, I am not too sure where I was going with this except to thank you for this video. It affirms so much of my thought processes through grieving. The rest of my family is still deeply devoted to Christianity, so going through this loss was quite isolating. This video is comforting to know people with similar experiences are out there. Thank you.
@barbspaulding3961 3 года назад
I was raised Seventh Day Adventist as was my sister. She is a missionary for the SDA church. I am a union Electrician, Inside wireman/wirewoman if you will, I love science. Even though i was fully indoctrinated, I became an atheist in my late 30's. I know what the SDA church preaches about atheism and what happens to people who don't believe. I found it interesting, my sister could not accept the thought that i was going to hell so she changed the church's teachings to, "if you believe nothing will happen, then nothing will happen." Instead of, "God's going to light your ass on fire." My husband and i would also laugh at funerals where the pastor who rarely knew the deceased would sound like a mob boss. "If you ever want to see your friend again, you'll follow jesus."
@MrPughg 3 года назад
Genie did turn Aladdin into a prince, it just took the whole movie.
@dingdongism 3 года назад
No, Aladdin became a prince because the sultan had a change of heart and allowed Aladdin to marry his daughter.
@Itsatragedeigh 2 года назад
I remember when my dad died, sitting in the hospital “grieving room,” after just hearing the news. My mom, understandably lost it and I instantly went into help mode. I wasnt a Christian at this point, at least not really, but I remember saying “its ok, its ok, Gods timing is perfect.” And this actually really helped her in the moment. It’s comforting thinking that his death wasnt a totally random thing but now that we’re both out of the faith, I wonder what I could have said that would have been equivalent - or if there is such a thing.
@mrmolo70 3 года назад
Heaven in concept is always so fluffy sounding, but still sounds sinister when read off to you. A perfect paradise with no war, sin, pain, etc, but you have to work, pray, and serve a bearded narcissist for all eternity with no end in sight. Talk about monotonous. At least good old regular death is final and in essence, eternal rest. All that other blissful, flowery crap without the immortal slave labor.
@countryrat6t6 3 года назад
I've always thought all the other descriptions of heaven never sounded that great. Then there's the fact that the same people will agree with you when you say that the lows/bad parts in life help us appreciate the highs/good parts more. Without the lows, the highs don't really feel like highs. Then they'll describe the afterlife as perpetual or eternal bliss... but like how? That seems like it would get insanely boring.
@philpaine3068 3 года назад
When I was a teenager, what turned me off Christianity was not descriptions of hell, but descriptions of heaven. They seemed not only childish and absurd, but downright terrifying. Those who sought it seemed to me to be thinking like heroin addicts. What they desired was not anything recognizable as life, but the mindless "bliss" of the drug addict. To worship some power for eternity could be nothing less than slavery.
@jaydabogert6932 3 года назад
For real that always scared me as a kid. That everyone I loved that wasn’t a Christian would go to hell and I couldn’t even feel bad about it because I’d be in “eternal bliss”. That freaked me out since it felt like I wouldn’t be me anymore.
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