
Hayley Westenra - 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart) 

Leslie Lin
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Hayley Westenra sings a famous Chinese love song on the opening ceremony of the World Game in Taiwan on July 16, 2009. 海莉於高雄世運和信合唱鄧麗君名曲「月亮代表我的心」。



4 окт 2024




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@cocopuppy73 13 лет назад
I'm so impressed by the way that she managed to pronounce the Chinese almost perfectly. I remember hearing this song from my childhood...it brings back such nostalgic memories, and hayley westenra manage to make it better.
@GokazespiritSCL 15 лет назад
This song has been around over 10 years. My father sang it in my childhood very often.
@takeiteg 15 лет назад
So beautiful, My favorite NZ Female singer and my fav Taiwanese singer. Be Strong Taiwan, be strong. Never ever lose hope for a beautiful united Taiwan..
@ashiao123 15 лет назад
The World Game in Taiwan successfully delivered the goodness of mankind. The multicultural Taiwan did a good job. To people who do not completely understand the Game and Show but still enjoy the amazing parts you know, you are beautiful. You are beautiful!
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Wish I had known Hayley earlier or I won't lost the chance to join her concert. I just went to record store to buy her 6 albums. I love her beautiful voice so pure and angelic. All her songs are great, but what impressive me most is this song. Her Mandarin pronunciation are so accurate, and I love her sweet smile and sincere that you might not find it on other super stars! I'd love to tell you more but I hate my poor English.
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Hayley 的美聲加持, 勝過曾經唱過的全體華人歌手, 至少我覺得啦! 何況她的發音也很標準, 目前的台灣歌壇應該沒她這般清澈高昂的女子美聲
@girl7th 15 лет назад
昨天我到唱片行, 櫃檯不停喊 " 海莉, 海莉 " 當然他們並沒有一位叫海莉的女店員. 因為每賣出一片, 他們要提醒店員補貨上架. 目前最賣的專輯肯定就是海莉的了. 櫻花戀曲兩輯都超讚, 純淨美聲配經典曲, 餘音繞樑. 不得不懷疑唱片公司過去有用力幫她宣傳促銷嗎? 好歌被埋沒到如此久. 即使相知恨晚, 還是很慶幸能夠聽見, 不枉此生.
@girl7th 15 лет назад
因為她唱了這首中文歌, 感覺好親切, 才真正認識她與喜歡她. 上網查找才知演唱會訊息. 怎知隔日就已經搶票一空, 徒留愁悵與遺憾. 中秋節那天, 她當然會為台灣歌迷再度獻唱月亮代表我的心
@LuckyJohnbr 15 лет назад
Hayley has a very beautiful voice! She has scheduled a singing show with Taipei Symphony Orchestra on October 3, 2009 in Taipei, but all the tickets have been sold out.
@sthong99 15 лет назад
Bravo! It's really impressive to see Hayley's great & so devoted performance on this beautiful song. Obviously she'll soon win hundred millions of hearts from Chinese all over the world.
@qwingod 15 лет назад
@supadocnz 15 лет назад
beautiful... brings tears to my eyes
@Surper911 15 лет назад
We Hope so ! Someday ~ 相信 海莉如果發了 "Hayley Sings Taiwanese Songs" 那可能會創造臺灣唱片界許多紀錄~ 之前找國外歌星唱中文歌時,有聽過希臘國寶級歌后"Nana" 唱過同一首歌! 但演唱方式跟歌聲 咬字還是 海莉唱的最令人感到 有療癒及撫慰心靈的感動與震撼!
@girl7th 15 лет назад
@girl7th 15 лет назад
無知的我, 直到這天 716 才知道她, 雖然大多數人也是吧? 已經無緣於她的演唱會. 買了台灣代理她六張專輯, 每片都是天籟, 最近的銷量都很暴衝喔! 假如以後再有演唱會訊息, 又要煩惱怎樣搶票, 要開多少場才能滿足全部海莉迷呀?
@ChienyangLiu 15 лет назад
i can not beleive it that all happen in Kaohsiung , a wonderful stedium and opening ceremony . a great city is born .
@wahrheit44 15 лет назад
海莉身上的那件衣服配色,會讓我聯想到高捷美麗島站的『光之穹頂』--真的是太配了!! 我沒住高雄,可是那身衣服配色,讓我不得不想起高雄。 再加上她已經夠標準的中文發音,真的是親切感十足,窩心程度簡直破表啊!
@liaoarch 15 лет назад
@TruckerOma 14 лет назад
sehr schön,wunderbar
@Elsaglory 15 лет назад
@jsmeihui 14 лет назад
@u902124 14 лет назад
@hakuryumoochi 15 лет назад
Perfect Mandarin Pronunciation!!! She is so amazing!! I love Hayley! I wish she have concerts in either Hong Kong or Los Angeles! I would most definitely go and grab good seats too
@psurenee 15 лет назад
awesome! They are really good!
@JIUYONTUBE 14 лет назад
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Yeah, that's what I think. And I love to hear her interpretation of " 你看你看月亮的臉 ", one of my personal favorite. And " Olive Tree ", " Dream Fields " etc.
@elberta 15 лет назад
I think they both did a good job!! Hayley is amazing, her voice is beautifully soft. Hsin as a famous rocker singer in Taiwan, he gave this old classic song a new life, in his own style. Like this special match, well done!!
@girl7th 15 лет назад
我也感覺這身衣服是為場合量身訂做的 海莉之前到日本, 除了翻唱日曲, 也不乏有幾首歌全唱日文的, 也能說幾句問候語, 都很入境隨俗, 令任何地方的歌迷都感覺很親切窩心.
@et252784 15 лет назад
@calvinsunshineboy 15 лет назад
great song
@nepttako 15 лет назад
@cherrywong106 14 лет назад
Love her Angellic voice... shin is cool too~
@jungyew 14 лет назад
Wow, her rendition was so powerful that it gave me goose bumps.
@ndaruinact7916 9 лет назад
Beautifull Voice and Song... I like it
@silverwolfx1010 15 лет назад
@humbertsin1994 13 лет назад
quite good!!
@Aeschylus100 14 лет назад
how i wish she visits philippines!
@la6307la6307 15 лет назад
awesome TW !!
@rahxephon52 13 лет назад
wowowoowowowowow MY MIND's BLOWN!
@ancient-rhinowang6641 7 лет назад
Confirmed: Wayley is the one and only Goddess of Singing.
@itsasecret1423 13 лет назад
I'm learning this song in mandarin class and I'm in the 7th grade but other then that it's a great song
@wahrheit44 15 лет назад
這個演唱版本實在是太棒了!!我不得不佩服這位編曲的『櫻井弘二』,對這首歌做了新的詮釋。 我想這版本很快就會成為星光或是超偶的『合唱』曲目。 在1分54秒那裏,海莉的的那段獨吟,聽了真的是會讓我飽受震撼,全身起雞皮疙瘩。
@azwanie4552 10 лет назад
this song is very special for someone :')
@Aeschylus100 14 лет назад
how i wish she visits philippines
@davidluk8 15 лет назад
This song was at least 30 years old.
@wahrheit44 15 лет назад
@girl7th 15 лет назад
你們一定要去看 hayley westenra summer rain , 這首歌她有份作曲, 超動聽的啦! 她很明白自己聲音特質, 飆高音, 多層次的和音營造空間感, 可惜沒拍 mv, 是日本人配的風景片.
@summypeng 15 лет назад
I LOVE TW!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ChienyangLiu 15 лет назад
@kill106 15 лет назад
@MaxtheWise 15 лет назад
Hayley Westenra 是本人所知世界跟她差不多年紀被發掘的女歌手中的女歌手中,天資最好的一個。不過沒錯,過去在台灣實在是沒什麼名氣,不過在世界嘿嘿......也跟她表演的方向Classical為主非pop有關,說實話台灣人對一些經典的音樂,有深度的樂理或聲樂了解是很少的。
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Hayley may reach high note easily, I'd love to see her duet with Vitas, they'll be great duo has no doubt. And they looks like beautiful couple too. Since Hayley has recorded albums which introduce Japanese ballad to all of her worldwide fans, and it turn out to be great, Wish she may give the same treatment to Chinese songs someday. Dear lesliecat, surely you can read my Chinese, But I'd love to express my thoughts for her to most of her fans.
@rustydevilll 13 лет назад
WOOOOOO hayley comes from my country and my city :D that guy should have sung louder.
@wenjengshih1 10 лет назад
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Quite an ordinary tune but Hayley makes it extraordinary even offbeat. She's a fairy who cast a spell over some plain music. lesliecat, 請你到一些 Hayley 高點閱率的歌曲, 告知老外有這首歌, 他們可能沒注意到呢! 因為我的英文就這麼差, 有心無力呀! 她有兩百多萬點閱率的歌, 這裡可以再衝人氣.
@girl7th 15 лет назад
To be selfish I'd love to hear Hayley sing " LOOK! THE FACE OF THE MOON. " ( 你看你看月亮的臉 ), then of course this one is much more easily in lyrics, short and repetitive, easy to understand for a foreigner. Otherwise, this song might be more representative than 你看你看月亮的臉. But she may sing an English version and have it on her next album
@girl7th 15 лет назад
If there'll be an " Hayley sings Japanese songs 3 " album, I'd wish she may sing a new version of Angel Queen, check this " 1000年女王 星空のエンジェル・クィーン Full ver ". What a soothing, hauntingly beautiful and romantic melody, It feels like just wrote for her, an angelic voice.
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Hayley 個人的音樂固然優美動聽, 多少有些隔閡. 總不及一首相對平凡的中文歌來得.......收買人心, " 月亮代表我的心 ", 全場最掌聲雷動的時候.
@girl7th 15 лет назад
I just bid for the only one ticket of her concert but failed, how unfortunately. What if there's another concert to add in the future, you won't find it easy to " close to her ". For example, a stadium so huge like this one in Kaohsiung.
@yuehchopin 15 лет назад
@HUANGCASPER 15 лет назад
海莉的天賴當然不容懷疑 但是用國語唱歌更是讓人訝異阿!!! 這段演唱真是棒!! 跨國交流的意義不就是如此嗎??
@matthewkim979 10 лет назад
I liked this Chinese song too and I also really hope that 헤일리`s korean song
@Elsaglory 15 лет назад
我覺得信唱的很好. 他們領域不同( Hayley 是古典跨界歌手 信是流行歌手) 所以詮釋當然也不同 但以這首歌來說 這種衝突感是很成功的
@girl7th 15 лет назад
Can anybody please tell me, Did she ever visit Taiwan to promote her album? Or is this the first time she came here? The more I hear it the more I feel, though it's a Chinese love ballad, Hayley even sing it better than ourselves.
@Aishen 9 лет назад
Hayley does a really good job pronouncing moon (yue)! The 'yu' sound can be challenging for Westerners. Bravo!
@ChienyangLiu 15 лет назад
為什麼其他版本 , 起頭都被切掉了 ? 如此好比穿鞋搔癢 , 不過癮 .
@thechinadesk 13 лет назад
@CAinslieI That's actually a good question. It's sort of like the article "the" in that respect. Sometimes in a song or even a sentence it's more appropriate to say "thee" rather than "thuh." Same thing for "dee" and "duh."
@thechinadesk 14 лет назад
Dear @strawb355y Right on. How ironic that Westenra, a non-Chinese had a better understanding of the tender character of the song than him. She did it justice. He used a meat axe on it. Maybe it's a "gal thing?"
@gctlcda 13 лет назад
@CAinslieI: lesliecat is right. In the definitive recording by Teresa Teng, she pronouces it as "dee 地"; the guy sang it as "de 的" (it's short, not long like "duh" :-)), which sounds wooden. Btw, nobody sings this song anywhere as well as Teresa!!
@Aquarede 15 лет назад
@xyth4857 15 лет назад
the world game in taiwan Kaohsiung City
@kh3230 12 лет назад
男歌手也是實力唱將,擅長的是搖滾曲風 不認識他的,可以找「死了都要愛」或「離歌」聽聽 好音樂好歌手不應被埋沒 =]
@kerfluffle 12 лет назад
You just can't not love Hayley - that's the power of her voice. She can sound superb no matter what language she's singing in. The fact that she made the effort to pronounce the Chinese lyrics accurately really touches me (: She's a whole lot more better than pop singers!! Pity the guy sang so horribly x_x Come to Singapore one day, Hayley ;D 太感人了。。。海莉的歌声真美妙!只可惜那男歌手,阿信,配不上她。。。阿信唱得好难听哦!!! x_x
@ga1ax 15 лет назад
muy chistoso tu comentario
@swamp4us 12 лет назад
@ss2001929 12 лет назад
@chinoninja1 12 лет назад
@swamp4us 您可能對中華民國的國情不太了解...如果這是1999年的話, 這幾位可能都是很好的選擇...可能他們現在才紅到貴寶地吧...或是其中有些可能只有在貴寶地才會有人花大錢去捧摟....
@lynnlnn 14 лет назад
@girl7th 15 лет назад
唉! 可恨我的爛英文辭不達意, 而且只能上網咖沒幾分鐘多想了. Hayley 就是有辦法將原本平凡的歌唱成天籟, 而且現在是各國爭邀的大忙人吧! 如果想她出一整張華語歌曲翻唱太貪心, 非要選唯一經典, 那就 " 夢田 " 吧! 真是既特別又合襯. 希望台灣的代理公司有人能促成合作!
@OAOA-7092 15 лет назад
@cfau1974 15 лет назад
靠夭台灣是沒人了,讓阿信這樣的人出來跟海莉對唱 -.- 這種需要美聲詮釋的歌,好歹叫個費玉清出來也比較搭一點。叫個偶像派的出來搞笑啊。
@jingyao9621 11 лет назад
@Wendyclio 15 лет назад
Xin's voice is pretty bad.......God...... Hayley must have been practicing on her Chinese pronunciation. Almost all good except the character "去" . I am touched.
@trent8002003 15 лет назад
Ah Xin's singing is flat and uninspired. He's just not cut out for ballads. Hayley does a much better job. Her singing is not too different from Teresa Tang's.
@girldairy 15 лет назад
@kopk888 13 лет назад
@masmanwbma 15 лет назад
@lonelytortoise 15 лет назад
Hayley is perfect .I can't believe hayley sings in chinese.She's better than me(I mean her PTH).
@jingyao9621 11 лет назад
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