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Homemade Pan Mee 家庭式板面 

Kathrine Kwa
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Просмотров 440 тыс.
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► Facebook Page: KathrineKwaB...
► Blog: kathrinekwa.blogspot.com/
► Support my recipe book :kathrinekwa.com/
Pan Mee (板面):
1kg plain flour (普通面粉)
50g tapioca flour (木薯粉)
1 tsp salt (盐)
530-560ml water (水)
1-2 tbsp shallots oil (葱油)
80g mushrooms, soaked cut into sliced (浸软香菇,切片)
400g meat, cut into sliced (猪肉,切片)
1 tbsp light soy sauce (生抽)
1/2 tsp pepper (胡椒粉)
2 tbsp tapioca flour (木薯粉)
Seasoning (调味料):
1 tsp salt (盐)
1/2 tsp pepper (胡椒粉)
1 tsp sugar (糖)
400ml water (水)
Stock (汤料):
200g anchovies, cleaned(江鱼仔,冼净)
5 litres water (水)
1 tbsp peppercorns (胡椒粒)
20g rock sugar (冰糖)
Salt to taste (适量盐)
200g fried anchovies (炸香江鱼仔)
50g shallots (葱头仔)
300g Daun pucuk manis (树仔菜)



9 авг 2019




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@ashwong6769 Год назад
Am i the only malay guy who loves ban mian so much? This is one of my comfort foods. I made it by myself by watching utube. I'm impressed with myself lol
@Jengkrengkong Год назад
Sorry dude, u are not alone. Hahaha consider we both love pan mee. Make it 2 for us
@rebeklimlim7364 5 лет назад
Thank you Sister Katherine for posting. My version I do not add tapioca flour. Will add tapioca flour the next time to taste the different. I had learned how to make this Ban Mien from my cousin who lives in KL sone 40years ago Ever since than I have been cooking this for my lunch oe dinner. My method was shown on your last bit of video. Just hand stretch n pull super tasty. 👍👏😋
@theresachong89 5 лет назад
今天的晚餐就是它了… 谢谢您的详细食谱😊
@jannietan3678 3 года назад
Thank you for the recipe. I tried it out last weekend and because it’s sooo good, I made it again this week. The pan mee has the right texture. The family loves it!
@roselim1870 4 года назад
Hi Katherine Kwa. Thank you for sharing your pan mian recipe. I like to eat pan mian. One of my favorites.
@joycediep8153 5 лет назад
@drnorzainiroseradiology5284 4 года назад
Will try to make this. I love Pan Mee !
@rsskurniawan7212 4 года назад
I love all your recipes! Thanks for shring. Please do more of Nyonya kuih or nyonya recipes!
@ngleeching5475 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for the recipe , will try soon ❤
@dawnang8822 4 года назад
I just tried this recipe the other day and it turned out so good!! Absolutely delicious. My family loved it. I have tried some of your cake recipes too and your recipes have never failed me. Please do show more cooking recipes for meals thank you!
@tailslapexplore6887 4 года назад
Hi kath, Thank you so much for all those recipe you shown us they're awesome and I hope during this covid-19 hard time you and family are save :) btw do you have the vid for pan mee sambal ? cheers and stay save.
@engthyekam4342 3 года назад
Thank you very much for sharing your recipe. May I know more about function of the tapioca flour in the recipe ? Thanks
@liekiokling3552 4 года назад
想吃。。谢谢分享 喜欢
@chocothee7214 4 года назад
@SaraSara-yx9tv 4 года назад
今天尝试了你的食谱,面分超Q,有咬jin ,好吃!谢谢你的分享
@9007dodo 3 года назад
天國近了,我們應當悔改,信耶穌。時候將到,死人將要在審判日時,爲自己在地上所作的一切行爲,在神的面前受審判。那時,就再也沒有人有機會悔改了。所以我們應當趁著審判官還沒定我們的罪之前,趕緊和祂和好,悔改我們的不義行爲,祈求祂赦免我們的罪,免得祂定我們的罪,我們就落在刑罰之中。主耶穌基督就是那位審判官,天國和地獄的鑰匙在主耶穌的手中。 欺騙,貪心,口吐惡言,荒宴,偷竊,殺人,犯奸淫,淫亂,好色,不尊重父母,詭詐,狂傲,拜偶像,交鬼,占卜,觀兆,法術,邪術,嫉妒,惱怒,紛爭,結黨,詭詐 ,醉酒,怨恨,毀謗,惡念,同性戀,亂稱神的名,自稱是神,稱人或動物或金銀木石土等物質為神,褻瀆神,違背神,罵神,不肯悔改信耶穌,等等這些在神的面前都是罪,只要我們犯了其中一個罪,就足夠稱我們為罪人了。如果我們現在不悔改這些罪惡行爲,仍然繼續犯下去,那麽以後審判日的時候要怎麽和神交代呢?喜歡犯罪作惡的人,神將來是要報應他的。但神愛世人,不願世人因自己的罪惡而滅亡,所以仍然給我們機會去悔改,而悔改的方法衹有一個,那就是信靠耶穌。像一個從前敗家的孩子回到父親的身邊,向父親認罪悔改,祈求赦免,并且聽從父親的教導,從此成爲一個乖孩子。所以我們也要藉著主耶穌回到父神的面前,向父神認罪悔改,祈求赦免,并聽從主耶穌的教導,重新做人,改過自新,不再犯罪。主耶穌可以赦免我們一切的罪。主耶穌可以幫助我們重新做人。 耶穌基督降世爲人,因爲愛我們,不願我們因自己的罪惡滅亡,所以要教導我們脫離罪惡的行爲,糾正我們的生活,要救我們脫離將來的審判,甚至願意在過程中受苦,被人逼迫,辱駡,鞭打,吐唾沫,爲你我而流淚流血,被釘在十字架上而死。 但主耶穌死後第三日復活,后升到天上去,以後還要回來拯救屬於祂的人。 信耶穌聽從祂話的人死後復活得永生,進天國,不被定罪。 我們要接受主耶穌爲我們生命中獨一的救主,生命中獨一的真神。你們若有憂愁,就來尋找主耶穌,主耶穌就安慰你們。若有困難的,就來尋找主耶穌,主耶穌就賜給你們力量。若有傷痕累累的,就來尋找主耶穌,主耶穌就醫治你們。若有勞苦重擔的,就來尋找主耶穌,主耶穌就使你們得安息。主耶穌可以赦免你們一切的罪,主耶穌可以賜給你們真平安和喜樂,主耶穌可以賜給你們死後復活得永生。主耶穌連使死人復活都可以,在人是不能,在神凡事都能。 除了耶穌的名,世上沒有別的名可以使人得救。獨一的真神衹用一個名字來代表自己,那就是【耶穌】。 主耶穌教導,“不要犯罪欺騙說謊”,惡人卻說,“不,我選擇犯罪欺騙說謊”。這樣他就是在定自己的罪,以後定他的罪的證據就是在此。 主耶穌說: 你們不要論斷人,就不被論斷。因爲你們怎樣論斷人,就必怎樣被論斷。你們用什麽量器量給人,就必用什麽量器量給你們。你們不要定人的罪,就不被定罪。你們要饒恕人,就必蒙饒恕。 你們可以在網上搜尋【聖經】來讀,建議從“約翰福音”讀起。 無論你生活中有什麽困難,煩惱,壓力,你就向主耶穌禱告祈求,祂一定會聽你的禱告。在人是不能,在神凡事都能。 【神原是我們的父親,是祂創造了我們,我們要回頭承認祂,借著信從主耶穌基督承認祂。世人啊,該醒過來了。】
@Down-South 3 года назад
@Lotusflower888 2 года назад
@@Down-South 6 to 7
@michellehing4279 10 дней назад
@supernatureza 5 лет назад
Gratitude . . .... ....... . ..🙏
@zhiqing6850 4 года назад
突然很想吃面粉糕啊! 😍
@succubee83 4 года назад
omgg...how i miss Pan mee aloootttt...I love singaporean food😘😘😘😘😘
@tiffanyyoong7122 4 года назад
Thank you for your yummy pan mee. Your recipe is similar as my mom and aunt, that i had during my childhood time. Now everyone at home and friends said i cooked the best pan mee in KK. After eating your recipe pan mee, some friends commented they don’t want to eat outside pan mee. I shared your RU-vid with them. =)
@sltok7833 4 года назад
@ryvius5769 4 года назад
已经2个月没回去吃板面了, 好想家 。。。。
@songjingngsongjing7437 4 года назад
@limchinhsuan9982 4 года назад
@cynthialai1270 4 года назад
That was the one I ate.
@kattyabezulkbmc5500 4 года назад
@jounwijn 5 лет назад
Wat voor vlees?Samcan?
@RachaelTiow 3 года назад
Katherine, why do you add tapioca flour? Does it help the chewy-ness of the noodles? :D
@cattelyatay3498 4 года назад
can do the noodle in advance and store? Need to fridge?
@nonieisham8158 4 года назад
Yummy.reminds me of ah cheng laksa's pan mee
@9007dodo 3 года назад
The kingdom of GOD is near, we need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ, so that our sins can be forgiven, and we can have eternal life. If we don't believe in Jesus, we will die in our own sins. Lying, Stealing, murders, evil heart, revellings, hatred, emulations, arrogant, strife, Envyings, commit adultery, seditions, bad words, porn, didn't honour father and mother, worship idol, homosexual, fortune teller, black magic, blasphemed GOD, claiming self to be GOD, calling a man as GOD, worship things made of gold, silver, wood, stone or other materials, worship animal as GOD, against GOD, did not want to repent and believe in JESUS, take the name of GOD/JESUS in vain and other evils things, these all are sins. If we did 1 of these things before, it makes us sinner. If we continue to do these things or sinning, we will die in our own sins.We need to repent through Jesus, to make our relationship with GOD good again, because There will be a judgement day 1 day,The people who believe in Jesus Christ and follow his commands will enter the kingdom of GOD, but the people who don't believe in Jesus and done evil/bad things/sinners will enter Hell. Only Jesus can give you joy, real peace, only Jesus can forgive your sins, only Jesus can lead you to be a righteous man. No other name except JESUS can save your soul and lead you to heaven. This is about our eternal life and eternal death, so believe in Jesus and repent(Confess to GOD that we're sinner, stop sinning and follow Jesus teaching), to save our own soul and life. Repent, and be baptized every one of us in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and we shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.The Holy Spirit/Ghost will guide us on how to become a righteous man, live and work according to GOD's will. Lord Jesus said: luke6: 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: You can read BIBLE online by searching it on google, you can start read from the book of JOHN. You can learn Jesus teaching from there. If you have any stress, problem in your life, you can pray to Jesus and ask for his help, Jesus will listen to your prayer. GOD is our Father, He is the ONE who made us and everything in this world. It's time for us to return to Him and acknowledge Him as our Father through Jesus Christ. Wake up people, return to your only ONE Almighty GOD and Father.
@nonieisham8158 3 года назад
@@9007dodo lol.im w my Allah.sory 🤭
@nonieisham8158 3 года назад
@@9007dodo 😑😑😑😑😑
@tengleiyee7251 4 года назад
@glaciery4214 2 года назад
請問江魚仔可以用其他魚仔代替嗎? 綠色的是什麼葉呢?
@sistemglobal1613 3 года назад
@nataliekhong8843 4 года назад
@yewginleow9516 3 года назад
@sawchunkeat5789 Год назад
@marielim1519 4 года назад
If i cook i will stir fry wt garlic wt pork meat n mushrooms..anything with pork has to hv garlic..
@user-ti4wr2uv8o 3 года назад
@MrNeon88 Год назад
@johnnyong2341 3 года назад
Good 😊👍 more videos
@evgirl0606 2 года назад
@ktan6738 4 года назад
Can skipped the mushroom. Just add the meat into soup. To make the soup tastier, u can add ham to cooked the soup or meat bones for deeper n collegan rich taste
@stephaniejungkim2351 2 года назад
how many bowls of pan mee can make with this noodles recipe?
@klyec7565 4 года назад
@chaingin91 4 года назад
My comfort food :)
@mablewong3991 3 года назад
@davidmok108 3 года назад
Hi there! How long is the time needed to soak the mushrooms?
@glaciery4214 2 года назад
We usually soak it in cold water overnight.
@user-mo6cy1ui1b 3 года назад
@bubblesasmr9168 2 года назад
What is the name ofthat green leaves????
@veenaang5929 4 года назад
Hi there, can I check how many servings does this specific soup measurements serve?
@Down-South 3 года назад
she said for 6 to 7 people
@YYinthetown9999 4 года назад
@onghelan1470 4 года назад
煮出来之后会有一层滑滑的东西 有一种很嫩的口感
@asdeyu89 4 года назад
@hojune3850 4 года назад
@mengchookoay6772 4 года назад
@minkitlee3725 2 года назад
@Lotusflower888 2 года назад
6 to7
@jimmylpk 3 года назад
Looks delicious. May i know the portion stated is for how many servings?
@Lotusflower888 2 года назад
she said 6 to 7
@margeretchee4136 3 года назад
@KathrineKwa 3 года назад
Kitchen Aid
@user-wv7im8nv1p 5 лет назад
Kathrine Kwa老师,请问您洒在面团上的是木薯粉还是面粉呢?
@KathrineKwa 5 лет назад
一个人Orange , 是木薯粉
@user-wv7im8nv1p 5 лет назад
Kathrine Kwa 老师,好的,谢谢您的回复😋😋👍👍👏👏💕💕
@ktan6738 4 года назад
Also add one unbeaten eggs towards the last 10-15 seconds of cooking
@TomandBennewsforNZ01 4 года назад
@elsielee5924 4 года назад
老师请问那个面条就这样直接下锅和汤一起煮是吗? 不需要再另外用热开水烫面?我怕自己漏了 因为我没做过,谢谢老师
@KathrineKwa 4 года назад
@syingboey7933 4 года назад
@KathrineKwa 4 года назад
@Down-South 3 года назад
@@KathrineKwa 请问面粉是几人份的? 我想今天试煮。面粉加蛋会影响韧性吗? 撒粉是指面粉吗?
@KathrineKwa 3 года назад
@@Down-South 大概是6、7人份量,加蛋面条口感不一样了,用木薯粉撒才不会沾
@Down-South 3 года назад
@@KathrineKwa 谢谢妳。我这一两天会试试。份量要减半。面粉先敢好再撒木薯粉后才放冰箱吗?
@munloongcheong4873 4 года назад
@user-xs4tb9xk1k 3 года назад
加牛油鸡蛋我一点都不觉得好吃,你以为做蛋糕 ?
@user-wn4xb6pu6v 2 года назад
@BB-vv7ty 4 года назад
@chicolatima8636 4 года назад
Beebee lau ... I know , Sam here ??????? Never seen it before !!!! First time .
@ylmusic5434 4 года назад
食谱写错 英文是pepper 华语是盐
@queenniegan9144 4 года назад
@KathrineKwa 4 года назад
@skytalent 3 года назад
@itsjoannalau 4 года назад
This recipe is enough to feed how many pax?
@Starrynightstella 4 года назад
Approximately 10 pax
@oikhwanleong6548 4 года назад
@jiasinlow4965 4 года назад
如果做4人份 面粉什么比例啊?
@lizziejang8281 4 года назад
@darrenkoh7046 4 года назад
@jennytravelmovie9682 5 лет назад
@sandylee2979 3 года назад
Ooo, 明白。
@thomasw247 4 года назад
@fjg1474 4 года назад
Thomas Wong 鸡蛋
@laisowfong 4 года назад
@yifan6244 Год назад
江鱼仔?粤语。 正规中文:海蜒(hai3yan2)。
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Maybe i need to add instructions @popflexactive
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