
How Old Could Civilizations Really Be? 

Fran Blanche
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24 сен 2024




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@SueBobChicVid 2 года назад
I like that you re-edit the streams into these bite-sized versions. I don't always have the time for the original but I still enjoy the conversation.
@redhammer9910 2 года назад
Same here I rarely have time. Most of the good podcasters break segments up with a heading.
@goodun2974 2 года назад
@@redhammer9910 , yup, I like this as well.
@johnclawed 2 года назад
Remember the monoliths in 2001 had dimensions 1x4x9, the squares of the first 3 integers, but the humans were so naive to assume that it stopped there in only 3 dimensions!
@gregreynolds5686 2 года назад
Totally agree with you Fran - the possibilities are most likely beyond our comprehension as we don't have the language to describe it yet.
@juliedunken1150 2 года назад
And you would know? Lets start with that, you don’t know.
@EEVblog 2 года назад
So you're saying the component shortages will end eventually?
@Thrakus 2 года назад
You should check in a private window, RU-vid put your comment 3rd to last moving down with new comments. I think it is based on plugins as when I removed my chrome plugins I could comment normally again and then back to the bottom with me you and drosszephyr comment.
@fellenXD 2 года назад
Man, this really is my kind of transhumanism. Not putting lasers in your forehead or uploading your mind to the cloud, but ditching your old crappy 3D body and become fourth dimensional, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the world and the universe. That's really cool!
@ifrit05 2 года назад
I feel like me and Fran can just sit and talk for hours about this.
@Verschlungen Год назад
8:23 "It just sounds like crazy talk." Yes, from someone else it probably would, but hearing YOU extemporize on this subject is sheer delight.
@jackphillips3512 2 года назад
I enjoy the bite sized live stream segments. I also appreciate your philosophical commentary like this. Probably, for me, more enjoyable than most of your builds.
@terryolsson4145 Год назад
I love listening to your theories. They make so much sense because they are derived from how much you understand the stuff of things and reality and apply it logically to the possibilities. I trust and respect what you say because of your honesty. Thank you Fran.
@markhodge7 2 года назад
You may, by that postulate, explain the Fermi paradox. We don't see them because they left this dimension before spreading far enough for us to detect them as beings similar to ourselves. Maybe many have passed through the filters that may destroy them and simply moved on.
@Dullahan00 2 года назад
An interesting side tangent to the talk of progress 1000+ years ahead of our own is technological stagnation once you reach a certain point of development. Either there's some unforeseen hard limit that can't be broken or is self imposed.
@RiccardoMacri 2 года назад
I've thought we could explain modern technology to someone from the early 1900s in terms of impossibly tiny vacuum tubes and relays. Its still electrons and radio. But go back to the steam age, now there's no basis. Looking forward comes down to trying to imagine the next breakthrough in controlling and channeling energy. Humanity's had lightning as the teaser for the electron. Are we missing noticing the next big thing, or does nature obscure it.
@cseeley 2 года назад
We don't even know what we don't know, and don't even have a clue what questions to ask. We will get there though, for better or worse, I am confident of that. Love what you do, Fran. Thanks for all of your hard work :)
@alanmacification 2 года назад
The are lots of things we didn't know and lots of questions we didn't know how to ask. But, with the scientific method, eventually those questions were asked and that knowledge was obtained.
@fixitalex 2 года назад
Maybe in such long-living civilization they got radically different society... Maybe even their thinking and being are completely different so it's even impossible to understand for us.
@rickkearn7100 2 года назад
Love the theremin! Cool YT channel. Cheers.
@stavinaircaeruleum2275 2 года назад
If we are the only life in the known cosmos it is our responsibility to seed planets with the necessary elements.
@Furball2k 2 года назад
7:47 Did you just theoretically explain the scientific possibility of an afterlife... haha what a fun thought experiment before my morning coffee. Always through provoking videos, thanks Fran!
@TBSxDRUMS 2 года назад
The way you try to describe futuristic “tech” as incomprehensible to us reminds me of the eldritch horror concept.
@redhammer9910 2 года назад
One more bit, imagine taking in to account as a recent prepeer review paper suggests that the universe is not just infinite but infinitely filled. The mind boggles. Put planet Earth on scale to the universe would be to pick one grain of sand off an infinite number of beeches. That thought has done nothing for my ego !
@GregorPQ 2 года назад
If it is based on physics, it should be describable.
@joeteejoetee 2 года назад
It's more likely that every advanced technology that we ever encounter would be millennia ahead of us.
@goodun2974 2 года назад
A sufficiently-advanced alien society would be well advised to stay light years ahead of, and *away* from us 🤔🤣😖. Our lack of social advancement as a species should constitute major cause for concern among other more civilized societies, should they exist.
@zupnikal 2 года назад
This topic reminds me of "Clarke's three laws".
@davidpeaker 2 года назад
Yes - Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
@govcorpwatch 2 года назад
1:30 Stable sun? Have you seen those videos of the sun (recently) flashing?
@peterlaycock917 2 года назад
Thanks all the best from Scotland
@FranLab 2 года назад
££££ Thanks a bunch Peter! We'll keep the Nixie tube spinning some more with that! ££££
@Perenbarn 2 года назад
It's true. Tech at some point becomes a meaningless descriptor. At some level all organisms are technology. So we will approach just a state of complete limitless control about every parameter of the universe. A completely different experience of being as well. We are just monkeys who can not even scratch the surface of what that means.
@andrewakrause 2 года назад
It's not polite to ask Civilization about it's age. It's just going to lie to you anyway.
@itsthatguy478 2 года назад
Hi Fran, greetings from Arizona USA. I would like to hear your opinion on Space Junk orbiting our planet. How much is up there? How dangerous is it to future missions ? Is all this Space Junk being tracked by anyone ? And lastly, Is it possible that Space Junk could break up an astroid like a orbital shield? I love your channel and hope you answer my question. Best wishes and positive vibes to you.
@dubsar 2 года назад
You are a fascinating personality. Please keep in mind how influential you are, Fran.
@daylechipps7124 2 года назад
@AndrewJohnClive 2 года назад
I'm no rocket scientist, lets get that straight - and I love your channel Fran. I agree as one thing we as a aspecies are grosslyoverlooking is that we measure an astral body's ability to produce life based on our own circumstance/benchmarks. And that it could quite possibly exist in countless other forms that we cannot comprehend. It's like people debating whether other animals are sentient, or whether insects, or plants - or any other vehicles of medium - feel pain. THese notions are always relative to our holistic and scientific understanding of the world around us. I get that. But to take the animals and insects as an obvious example, we defaulted to the position that they are not sentient and/or don't experinece what we do. That's the part I don't get. We should approach all unknowns/unknowables like mushrooms!❤🙏
@tinblue 2 года назад
Maybe we are living in that dimension you speak of.
@iBaudan 2 года назад
We always think of life as we know it, can we not think that out there can be any other life forms that need other physics or elements than here on earth???
@mrsjohnson1743 2 года назад
Fran, you have such a look of mischief when you play the theremin, especially when you play it by accident. You go off on a tangent if you want girl! Your tangents are interesting.
@lohphat 2 года назад
The question is is there enough heavier elements required to not only allow live to evolve into intelligence, but have the heavier elements to develop electronics and advanced power systems? Gold, platinum, uranium, et al had to be synthesized by super novas AND neutron star collisions to then seed the galaxy with the byproducts only synthesized by those events.
@Grunttamer 2 года назад
Technology of other civilizations will not need to look like our technology.
@tconiam 2 года назад
All elements have been found in the solar wind and coronal discharges. So super nova are not required. That's obsolete thinking.
@LanceHall 2 года назад
The extra dimension stuff sounds super-natural.
@robertjonasar2053 2 года назад
@FranLab 2 года назад
££££ WOW! Thanks for the massive support Robert! ££££
@vladimirrodionov5391 Год назад
A microprocessor is actually one of the easiest thing to explain to an engineer. It's trivially elementary. Just logic and combining logic formulas.
@markedis5902 2 года назад
What about the Silurian hypothesis
@nbhenry1647 2 года назад
You're my kind of people. You start a very deep philosophical discussion with a fake fart. Beautiful.
@Thrakus 2 года назад
What do people think of that lost city which is 2.5 million years old? The rocks are all cut perfectly with stairs, Some say it is real others say it did from that way on its own and it only looks like that via a trick photo from the right side.
@railspony 2 года назад
There isn't a lost city that is 2.5m years old. Rocks fracture into rectangular blocks under a wide variety of circumstances. The images that they show in the woo-woo shows of that rock formation are showing tiny little areas from carefully selected angles, in a whole area that is very rectangular. Only by carefully cherry-picking what they show you does it appear there is anything odd there.
@popsfereal Год назад
Pour a bowl of salt, Put one grain on your tongue, this is all we know. Look at the bowl of salt, this is knowledge.
@MatthewSuffidy 2 года назад
It's a lot of unknowns about what the Universe is and how long it has been and will be around. And also if someone is around from the last time the universe ended.
@redhammer9910 2 года назад
No you weren't off topic Fran. Evolution in essence cannot stop itself. There are no rules, no values, no morality in this space and we have no say. That's what made the mandates so scary, but there is a lot more to come. Your interesting you give soul to this field of science, that's quite rare these days. Lot's of presenters are very good narrators but it won't be the narrators who see the problems nor have the solutions. Stick with it Fran, we all need to be concerned but the problem is growing so fast people have no answers not least keep pace with the problem itself. You hear others raise red flags so none of us are alone, it's just that there are not many of us.
@ericfielding2540 2 года назад
Interesting explanations! Thanks for editing these shorter pieces out of the long live streams.
@MrKillswitch88 2 года назад
Without saying too much that it is very likely however most wouldn't have survived long enough to have advanced beyond Kardashev type 1 for example while at best those that have survived to current day to either find us or be discovered later would more than likely be type 3. As for ours we are currently .7 to .73 though not doing so well as of the past couple of years.
@dubsar 2 года назад
Metalicity. That's what we have to look for on a star if we want to find life like us. I would also look for ozone in the atmospheres of exoplanets.
@alanmacification 2 года назад
10,000 years, give or take. The first farming communities appear around then.
@danmyers7827 2 года назад
Please feel free to go off on any tangent you like! It's great and natural for us to ponder the question of life elsewhere and the necessary conditions for it. We need to remember, though, that our frame of reference is currently quite limited. We only know (officially) about life on Earth and we have only recently begun to explore the closest corner of our 'galactic backyard'. We can make some reasonable statements about the existence of beings who are biologically similar to us. Future technology may indeed have less 'fabricatedness' to it. We are already expressing this concept, in our virtual gathering places, games and online apps. How about functioning technology as pure ideas, given agency by our individual and collective consciousness? How about creating conscious machines with which we can communicate via our minds? AI, anyone?
@nilo70 2 года назад
Clarke said any advanced civilization ‘s. Technology would seem like magic
@pulsarecho1952 2 года назад
Really interesting video. Hope we get to learn much more about our universe in our lifetime.
@camarocarl7130 2 года назад
Love your videos, where can I get a T shirt?
@winterwatson6811 2 года назад
i think she may sell them in drops-i remember seeing a listing last year. you might have success checking on her patreon
@che4568 2 года назад
Can you explain the "London Hammer" Fran?
@danialphaomega 2 года назад
@ 5:38 Fran you describing nanotechnology! Robots the size of bacteria or virus. @ 7:29 Sounds familiar to what's flying around that the u.s military has admitted to 🛸
@rickharold7884 2 года назад
@laurisafine7932 2 года назад
Something as small as... idk, a living sperm, carrying all the info necessary to build another body - outside and apart from itself - and replicate into a sapient living system capable of studying itself and the universe?
@enigma_7 2 года назад
Awesome video. I'm new to your channel. I've seen over 10,000 RU-vid videos mostly about science and technology. I've seen a couple of yours so far and I'd recommend your channel. I've pondered such things for decades. You mention things I haven't thought of before. Like extra dimensional technology/beings. I haven't thought about that much. If true they would be like gods to us. I've had the thought that an advanced civilization would seek wisdom. Depending on that and their technology level they would seed planets like farmers and police their territory bc they know what technology can do in the wrong hands. Idk just a thought. Since the pentagon announced UFOs are real we must consider strange things about our reality and reality.
@allanfulton7569 2 года назад
I think civilization has been around for 100k years for us humans
@EricMcKearney 2 года назад
Check out the Caeliar from Star Trek (books series) they are a species of highly advanced / evolved "catomic" beings that construct all of themselves and their habitats in alternate dimensional pockets... doesn't sound crazy at all Fran
@MathieuAlepin 2 года назад
Interested, Fran. And what if we started off as a previous civilization’s radio era technology that has evolved to this point so far?
@alanmacification 2 года назад
@MathieuAlepin 2 года назад
@@alanmacification Prove there is no evidence.
@nilo70 2 года назад
Early stars are”James Dean” stars. Amazing , and dead.
@gooshidildos2635 2 года назад
Terence mckenna would like to have a word. Reality is probably so strange that it's gonna be hard to accept it as a person, and even harder to study in a lab. Where does all the light and heat go if they are light speed objects that are affected by relativity? They're timeless objects. Is penrose right about light and heat being a physical object at the end of time?
@weaton25 2 года назад
The real question is what is the point in anything is there even a point or are we just a figment of somethings over active imagination.
@daveolson840 2 года назад
Can technology advice infinitely? We don't know.
@paulkocyla1343 2 года назад
There will still remain some constants for longer time periods. Let´s take fire for example. And IF the aliens should have managed to control time, other dimensions and whatever, they will probably be able to morse us some message.
@oJasper1984 2 года назад
We make electronics using photography! 📸 (kindah, sortah, maybe) Molecular nanotechnology we can actually imagine. And that's what it might just be. Also shouldn't forget that the scale of infrastructure of just one solar system is also pretty huge. That said, ⚠ risk of woo is high ⚠ (i wouldn't watch youtube channels that constantly talk about such subjects..) Whereas other dimensions, outside our universe, and that stuff is downright impossible for our theory of physics. If such exist hinges on strange physics being hidden from us somehow..
@mattmccaughen8082 2 года назад
Needed at least what 2-3 generations of stars to get the heavy metals so I'm guessing life could have formed 2-3 billion years in
@AndrossUT 2 года назад
13,000 years, then the wheel resets
@tconiam 2 года назад
Yes, It's about that time again.
@Lovenpain 2 года назад
Maybe technology would involve into Magic. Lol
@luminousfractal420 2 года назад
Take it further Fran....if it keeps evolving what does it have to do..use all the matter and perfectly organize it into a grand scale functioning system...a universe. Spooky action. But yup do we have only 3 dimensions...does the quantum world apply it?
@mUbase 2 года назад
Good little talk ! (Meanwhile,here in old Blighty, women are celebrating being able to kick an animal skin ball around.)
@ipos1070 2 года назад
As above, as is it below.
@marcfruchtman9473 2 года назад
@jenu2959 2 года назад
she can build a antigravity device like UFOs in her lab
@abbush2921 2 года назад
Damn lizard men always causing problems !
@salm8990 2 года назад
Would you consider the human body to be one of those indescribable machines. Maybe what we think to be organisms. Are themselves are a type of machine that was designed by someone or some thing eons ago
@machintelligence 2 года назад
I think not. Evolution shows the pathway from simple elements to complex life. No designer needed. We might someday design a machine for interstellar travel that was intelligent since space is too harsh an environment for moist robots.
@toddboothbee1361 2 года назад
Hehe. I love this way of thinking. I only wish to hell I would live to see the god level future unfold, should it unfold. I find it difficult to reconcile myself to having to die.
@popsfereal Год назад
Fran goes deep! I love it.
@wuuubbits 2 года назад
Nothing is old in nowadays civilization
@eaglesfly5236 2 года назад
One term to describe a form of future creativity is Bio-Mechanical where items are grown or assembled at the nano level.
@kc0lif 2 года назад
@bretbell2418 7 месяцев назад
My favorite video. Magic!
@philsurtees 2 года назад
There are some faulty assumptions here about technology and advancement. People like to look at the past, and the rapid progression of our technology and knowledge, and assume it will continue at the same pace, forever, but there is no basis for believing that. Quite the opposite in fact. Only a little more than a century ago, one of the most intelligent humans of all time finally came up with a working theory for gravity, and it remains our current theory - despite a lot of work trying to fix problems it has with other areas of physics - and there were many examples up until then of individuals making huge leaps forward in our understanding. Nowadays, however, to advance our knowledge of physics it takes years of work from teams of thousands, with machines that cost billions. The point being that there has to be a limit to our understanding, and we are coming up against it in the realm of physics - which is at the forefront of understanding - and there has to a limit to what technology can do too, but we don't know where the limits are. I'm not saying that there won't come a time where our understanding and technology are so advanced that we wouldn't be able to recognise them today, but I _am_ saying that it's possible we are closer to the limits than we think, because there are certain boundaries we simply won't be able to cross, and we don't know where those boundaries are. One of the things I find interesting is that it is always a bad thing, in our stories, when AI takes over. Why is that? We are, in fact, the first creatures on this planet who can take an active role in evolution. We are in the process of creating more advanced beings than ourselves, whether we like it or not. We are told that the first human to live to 150 has already been born, but how do we know that the human mind can survive that long without going insane? We don't, and there might be some limitation that we can't cross when it comes to longevity. The point being that building AI machines which can go on indefinitely - and could travel the stars, and populate other planets, because they could shut down during the voyage - is the future, and we know that it's true, deep down inside, and that's why our stories about advanced machines always have an us versus them aspect. The reality is that the future most likely will have knowledge and technology that we wouldn't recognise today, but won't include us.
@RiGz_Nz 2 года назад
much love from New Zealand.. :-)
@landspide 2 года назад
Life is billions of years old, we are likely the second complex round. Early life on earth like archaea was already way too complicated.
@PhoenixMoonbeam 2 года назад
I need whatever she's smoking, pronto. Because I totally agree :)
@Centar1964 2 года назад
It's all a simulation.... to which end we will do the same.
@CathyVerm 2 года назад
Consciousness. How, where, and when it presents. The material combination is irrelevant as long as there is consciousness. Today's yardstick is tomorrow's trash.
@davidfromamerica1871 2 года назад
Depends of Extinction Events. Here today, gone tomorrow. Just one big rock will do it. 😀 Your last words. INCOMING..!!
@GordonHudson 2 года назад
Writing is, at most, 10,000 years old. We only really have writing going back 6,000 years. The ability to pass information from generation to generation reliably requires writing. So civilisation is really only 6,000-10000 years old. And we will probably last another 10,000. Not long at all really, but we will have exhausted our natural resources by then.
@CARLiCON 2 года назад
2 words: antikythera mechanism
@retekessradio1714 2 года назад
Do you shoot portable CD and tape players? Simultaneous recording and multiple transcription functions, BBS function
@charlesvincent4127 2 года назад
I think people are arrogant we have basically a very minute amount of knowledge. If what the human race knows were represented by a grain of sand being the whole of human knowledge the amount we don't know would be represented by all the rest of the sand on earth. IMHO carbon based life is probably one of many different life forms. I think the word you are looking for is magic. If a modern human met say Neanderthal man and used a lighter to start s fire they would probably think it's magic. The same would apply to modern humans meeting some being from a class 5 civilization.
@foghornleghorn 2 года назад
I love you Fran thank you
@richard_d_bird 2 года назад
i wouldn't be surprise if it turned out that there never was a civilization, anywhere in the universe, that lasted more than a few thousand years, just as has been our experience on earth
@equigflightgaracia8240 2 года назад
Last night. I said. We are 13 billion years old. As you and I. Caught your Channel. Min. Ago after searching c 64 games list and emulator. Becouse we were c64 against Apple + . So. 2012. Min ago. Now here now. 5min late. But ahead of time. Are you married. If not. Would love to discuss a few things over. Coffee. Honade Pizza. Where have you been my whole life. Drummer Hirse trainer c64 buff. Seeks Guitar lessons. Or we could just jam. With the c64 synth. Suzuki sound Trac and Multi track recorder. That was a great machine back in the day.
@boriskaragiannis.7735 2 года назад
question for you...do you know who Halton Arp was (without googling it)...?
@takasmaka820 2 года назад
Kazahstan has superior potasium
@TheJdeft1 Год назад
Mind blown 🎇
@MrBrandonLindner 2 года назад
The concept of years and time are a invention of the human nature. Nothing is less important than time but also time is everything being at the right place at the wrong time makes a difference.
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