
How Should We Respond to Christian Conspiracy Theories? 

Desiring God
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@eddiehill3466 3 года назад
Remember this, Jesus said, in the last days many “Christians” will be deceived. Matthew 7:21-23.
@gwendolynwehage6336 3 года назад
Those who gravitate to conspiracies engage in them because they love "drama." I believe this because they almost never show as much interest in the Bible as they do in the latest conspiracy. Sadly many Christians involved in these things are becoming angry, ruining their Christian witness. Pride for special knowledge, to seem all-knowing is almost like Eve being deceived because she was attracted to knowing all that God knew. The people I know involved in these theories speak far more of these theories than they do of God if they ever speak of the Bible. They are addicted and consumed with the theories.
@savedbychrist504 2 года назад
I respectfully disagree with your statements. I have turned to scripture more and with so much zeal over the past year and a half due to the ungodly actions of governments and institutions of mandating us and our children to cover our God-given faces, and impeded our natural form of breathing that God designed for us - fresh air in through our nose, and exhaling through our mouth without a cloth disrupting it. Did not God design and create us? Yet we are listening to the "wisdom of men" rather than the wisdom of God? I've gone to the wisdom of God in scripture, and it has led me to discern and question what is going on in the world, and there are SO MANY rotten fruits associated with what's going on....we are told to question everything, and expose evil. So please don't negatively label Christians who are going to scripture and questioning the "global narrative and solutions" given by man...we have every right to question the man-made mandates that don't line up with how God created us to be.
@gwendolynwehage6336 2 года назад
@@savedbychrist504 we are to expose false doctrine and anything that comes against the truth of God. Can you give any scripture that tells us to defy our government when it does not involve going against God? No one can stop the antichrist system that is in play and will increase, it is prophesied. We are also told to step up our efforts to bring the gospel to those who are perishing in these end times. Too much government involvement distracts us from that. It does no good for the unsaved to hear about the vaccine, they might comply to your thinking and still end up in hell. It is better to ignore the government mandates and even comply to be able to share the important matter, which is the gospel we were commanded to share.
@savedbychrist504 2 года назад
@@gwendolynwehage6336 well yes, sharing the gospel is the upmost most important thing for us to do. But I can share the gospel without covering my face and without defiling my blood (blood is life) and God-given DNA with the govt’s pharmekia. I totally agree with what you said, but I do feel scripture warns us not to follow the wide path the world is following, especially if we discern that the path is covered with a lot of rotten fruit. I’ve done a lot of research and to what is going on the world, and you are right - it is the beast system on a global level. And you are also right that we can’t do anything about it, because God is in absolute control. What we can do, like you said, is share the gospel, whilst remaining set apart from the things of this world that are not godly. I’m not breaking the law by refusing to defile my body with their concoction (research the ingredients and discern if this “wisdom” is godly.) Also research the people and organizations pushing the pharmakeia… are they godly? Who do they serve? From my ongoing research on this, I’m seeing more and more that these people do not serve our Father in heaven. Therefore, I choose to stay on my narrow path while spreading the gospel, and not participate in the “wisdom of the world’s” solutions which are quite ungodly when you take the time to research. I am not at all judging anyone who believes in the world’s solutions, but I choose to put my trust in our Father and Creator over man. I am not spending any of my time in politics or government solutions, by the way. Both sides are heads of the same beast. The HEGELIAN DIALECTIC is successfully at work in politics and mass media. No TV or political sides over here, just the Holy Bible, lots of prayer, Bible studies, helping others, fellowshipping and worshipping, and research when called to do. God bless.
@Ovinski 2 года назад
@@savedbychrist504 It's not your job to fight the government, it's your job to pray for your country and your leaders as commanded in the scriptures.
@Ovinski 2 года назад
@@gwendolynwehage6336 100% Agree with you.
@TheAj35brunson 3 года назад
Piper is right. I know people who are Christians and love the Lord who are all about conspiracies. It really does distract the Christian mind away from the things that really matter like fighting lust, loving your spouse well, trusting the Lord and just the fruits of the spirit in general. I was caught up in conspiracies years ago and didn't take my battle with lust seriously because I thought I was focused on the greater threat when all along it was my sin I needed to worry about and not the world's or conspiracies theories. I almost lost my marriage but God had grace. The secret things are the Lord's. We need to focus on what is plainly revealed to us: Loving the Lord with all our being, loving our neighbors as ourselves and spreading the Gospel. This is the best and only way to fight satan and his lies.
@kevinchang Год назад
This is powerful. Thank you for sharing.
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
It does seem people get easily distracted these days. We need to keep our eyes on Christ.
3 года назад
Amen to that.
@didisaythat777 3 года назад
The one's who say it's not the mark have not done any researching on CRISPR gene editing. CRISPR is in these new vaccines. It can edit any gene in your body and sounds similar to the 2005 Pentagon Funvax video of releasing a Flu virus and providing a vaccine to reduce the VMAT2 or God Gene for those who are "religious fundamentalist." That's why it was called "Funvax." If this was discussed in 2005, you realize 16 years later they would have perfected such a nanotechnology. Many earlier scientist spoke out against CRISPR because they saw it as a new form of Eugenics as it can target specific genome by race or the "undesirables" discussed in the Negro Project Abortion Eugenics program of Margaret Sanger. It fits into the depopulation agenda that many of the Elites push. David Rockefeller spoke on it. Bill Gates spoke on it. And this is the creepiest with Prince Phillip who said before his death he wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to solve 'overpopulation'." If this is not Satanic to you then you were never religious to begin with. Stop pretending and creating deception.
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
@@didisaythat777 you sound like you need to get to know Jesus. BTW the world population is still growing so that apparent "agenda" doesn't seem to be working. You're also misquoting Prince Philip. If you read what he actually wrote, and not the paraphrase you've quoted that's posted around the Internet, then you'll see what he was referring to and the difference.
@didisaythat777 3 года назад
@@HearGodsWord Sounds like you need to do more research. Did you not see in the trial phases of the Astrazeneca vaccine a bad reaction was "not feeling God." Did you not see the 2005 Pentagon video of "removing the God Gene" or VMAT2 gene. Why is it this the first time in history a vaccine is used with gene editing capabilities? Can you not see something is wrong?
@didisaythat777 3 года назад
@@HearGodsWord I don't care how you interpret Prince Phillip's quote but this is from his own mouth: ""In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
@dannymorales1494 3 года назад
Heavenly Father, Thank You for making it possible for me to live for righteousness through the blood of Jesus. Lord I praise You that through my faith in You, I am cleansed of my sin and am freed from the law of sin and death. Thank You that I’m free now to live for You by the Holy Spirit. I desire to take this stand for You today. Please strengthen me to honor this stand and not falter. I thank You for the blessings that will come to me as a result of my faithfulness. I praise You and worship You now and forever, Amen
@Spartan3D213 3 года назад
Pray to God for discernment, and hope.
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
Pray for discernment, yes, but above all we must lean on The Lord and His given word to make a decision. The following verses and information may be helpful, please take the time to read... "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies" Psalm 103. "And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign" 2 Chronicles 16:12-13. "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee" Psalm 91. "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright" Psalm 20:7-8. "And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse" Mark 5:25-26. "...your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God" 1 Corinthians 2:5. "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness" 1 Corinthians 3:19. "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him" James 5:14-15. And there are many more verses along these lines which demonstrate that we ought to trust in The Lord and not in the wisdom of men. Consider also that the god of this world, the ruler of this world who was able to offer all the kingdoms to Jesus Christ, is Satan. He is working in the elite of this world to set up that end times kingdom (the beast), just as Revelation said he would: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty" Revelation 16:13-14. Also consider that we are warned how in the last days the whole world would be deceived by sorceries: "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived" Revelation 18:23. Now this word used for sorceries is pharmakeia in the Greek, and the Strong's concordance meaning is as follows: "the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry...". www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G5331&t=KJV So in the time of the end, the whole world will be deceived by the administering of drugs. Ever wonder why the universal symbol for medicine is a serpent coiled around a staff? Ever look into the dark history of medicine? The lies and murder of the pharmaceutical companies producing these injections? How about the governments and media pushing them on us? You can trust in them if you like but I certainly do not. All Christians ought to know that life, death and everything in between is in The Lord's hands. Men like to play God but there is only One. May He bless and guide us all in doing what is right by Him, whatever the cost may be. Amen Lord Jesus.
@wendym31463 3 года назад
@@NickolasNothing thank you for this information, I pray that people pray to God for discernment. What you’ve written is spot on! God bless you.
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
@@wendym31463 All glory to God and Amen to your prayer. Grace and peace to you my friend, in Jesus Christ our Lord.
@nathane2243 3 года назад
keep your fingers crossed
@Disciple_777 2 года назад
"Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD"
@mizzle3043 3 года назад
"Watch out that no man deceives you..." Jesus Christ
@mr.c2485 3 года назад
Too late for that. You’re probably deceived and simply don’t know it.
@mizzle3043 3 года назад
@@mr.c2485 Why do you say that?
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
@@mizzle3043 because he's a troll
@mr.c2485 3 года назад
@@mizzle3043 The question is.....Are you willing to believe what is written in a book based on heresay and third hand testimony? That’s unacceptable even in a human court of law. You are aware that only one person claims to have seen the risen Jesus first hand....and even that claim was made years after the fact.
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
@@mr.c2485 its incorrect to say only one person saw him. 1 Corinthians lists that he appeared to: Cephas The 12 More than 500 brothers and sisters at one time James All the disciples Lastly to Paul. Guess you might want to fact check next time.
@ead630 3 года назад
I totally see what Pastor John is saying here. That distracted mindset feels almost like the fans of fantasy or sci-fi series who are always obsessing over theories and predictions but never really internalize the heart or theme of the story.
@ljp9402 3 года назад
no one is obsessing over anything. but if you have any free time whatsoever and you read the bible, you can easily see that what is written in the bible is happening right before your eyes.
@didisaythat777 3 года назад
The one's who say it's not the mark have not done any researching on CRISPR gene editing. CRISPR is in these new vaccines. It can edit any gene in your body and sounds similar to the 2005 Pentagon Funvax video of releasing a Flu virus and providing a vaccine to reduce the VMAT2 or God Gene for those who are "religious fundamentalist." That's why it was called "Funvax." If this was discussed in 2005, you realize 16 years later they would have perfected such a nanotechnology. Many earlier scientist spoke out against CRISPR because they saw it as a new form of Eugenics as it can target specific genome by race or the "undesirables" discussed in the Negro Project Abortion Eugenics program of Margaret Sanger. It fits into the depopulation agenda that many of the Elites push. David Rockefeller spoke on it. Bill Gates spoke on it. And this is the creepiest with Prince Phillip who said before his death he wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to solve 'overpopulation'." If this is not Satanic to you then you were never religious to begin with. Stop pretending and creating deception.
@jonathanmorrison2225 3 года назад
@Dzhay Dzhee how so?
@jonathanmorrison2225 3 года назад
@Dzhay Dzhee I wouldn't agree with that. Thats a pretty broad statement. I have met numerous protestants who know what they are talking about. I have met some who don't. I think its more of an individual person thing. Some folks walk around saying foolish things all day.
@jonathanmorrison2225 3 года назад
@Dzhay Dzhee not sure what your dislike of protestant people are, but yes some very intelligent people.
@GODislove99999 3 года назад
The problem is people go based on their own knowledge and twist scriptures for their own beliefs and theories we are not to go based on our own beliefs but we are to follow scripture ask GOD to give you a clear understanding with a humble heart
@sdb6757 3 года назад
After decades of reading Scripture, it seems clear to me that the “mark of the beast “ is the opposite of the “mark of the Lamb “. The “mark of the Lamb “ is faith and trust in Jesus Christ. The “mark of the beast” is unbelief and rejecting Jesus Christ.
@eddiehill3466 3 года назад
Yeah, but you can still by and sell with those beliefs. You can’t in revelation 13:16-18
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
Ehh me thinks it's the third eye eido=to see translation count six hundred and sixty six, with greek letter a= hades= hell
@nathane2243 3 года назад
nah, the mark of the beast is all the diabetes, cancer and heart disease you eat and drink everyday
@cherylwan6775 3 года назад
I also am thinking the same thing. The more I read the Word, the more I think it’s a spiritual mark rather than a physical mark. It has to do with the heart of a person
@cherylwan6775 3 года назад
I say this because faith is what saves and from the heart leads to outward things. So what matters is our faith in God. :)
@AndreaVirago 2 года назад
I say it here, it is already written what will happen. God has given us a revelation NOT IN OUR MIND but in the BIBLE. This revelation is solid and already explaind everything we need to know. These conspiracy theories infuel your body with fear and fear is not from God. Nor is it writen in scripture that we should be fearful of these times, in fact we should rejoice. So many get so carried away by their thoughts and feelings instead of the truth that is clearly written in the Holy word. So many get so resentful in these days and so closed minded instead of relying on scripture and i am so tired of it. I am already tired and sick of it that it invaded the world but i am more sick and tired and frustrated that it invaded our Christian community and it has driven people literally nuts.
@Ovinski 2 года назад
So true!
@allie9015 2 года назад
Wow. So many pastors that I’ve respected over the years are falling away and buying into the narrative.
@Disciple_777 2 года назад
"Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD"
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 2 года назад
Amen. Many lack knowledge. This is Satans world man. The elites are satanists. Theyre not theories.
@ed0078 3 года назад
Jesus through his providence moved me away, though slowly, from Dispensational thinking years ago. I thank him years later.
@matt25675 3 года назад
What is it exactly that makes you think you’re so sure that dispensationalism is wrong?
@ahd9456 3 года назад
Lol. Jesus wants to save your soul, not against small time human events that change every decade
@randomango2789 3 года назад
What’s your position on eschatology now?
@Disciple_777 2 года назад
Jesus is the way the truth and the life
@donalddodson7365 3 года назад
Good teaching, Pastor. Keeping our minds and emotions clearly centered on Christ, our Incarnational Savior and Lord. Thank you.
@exmarine268 3 года назад
Baloney. There’s nothing wrong with being suspicious of evil men! Conspiracies are real. History proves it. I think for myself. Read Psalms 2.
@nathane2243 3 года назад
fake news
@alivewithchrist777 2 года назад
I think some of us are wearing the belt of truth & you Christians who cannot see through the lies and deceptions have no idea how even you are falling for some of these traps & lies. The truth some of these “conspiracies “ are true and some have strengthened my faith and trust in God more then and sermon I ever heard.
@TheBubbaclark 3 года назад
I’m a medical profession. I don’t have a medical problem with this V. However I think that any God centered Christian who has read scripture has reason to pause. Keep in mind Edward Snowden said that many mainstream accepted ideas started out as a conspiracy theory. We need to pray and ask for the Lord’s discernment. Right now I do not feel free to get this V (even though I have all my others). I do not think this is the Mark. I think it is the start of the framework of the Mark. I think it is clear this V is about more than just our health. I think and Michael Yeaton (VP at Pfzer) has said that this V is about an ID system for every person in the world. That ID system that can later be used for whatever they want. John Piper himself here in this video says the mark will: give privileges and avoid persecution. However what other V: Are we taking about travel passports Did Israel say you could not buy or sell with out it Have people been fired for refusing Has our government been pushing despite that it’s experimental, causing blot clots, etc. Do I have to be careful how I talk about it for fear of being censored. That’s ^^^^ privileges and persecution. It’s going to get worse in the next coming months. We need to talk about this bc the more people that get the V against their better judgment, I believe the faster they can put in phase 2 of whatever plan we’re on. I think it has to do with the great reset. That’s not a conspiracy theory, you can look up their actual advertisements on RU-vid. They are meeting again in May. P. Biden used their slogan for his campaign. I normally love John Piper but here he suggested that you can’t be God centered and concerned about this V. That’s false. Most of the truly God centered Christians in my life are the same ones concerned about where this is going. I pray God wakes people up.
@TheBubbaclark 3 года назад
Also prepare for the masses to announce that the V is fine. The last stimulus bill included millions to sway the 60% of us who are rightfully hesitant. They will try every tactic. First from our famous pastors or celebrities. Then with offers of money, scapegoating saying we are causing different strains (even though V people are still getting sick), more lock downs that are blamed on us, private businesses saying we can’t shop there with out our vaccine card. When you decline it’s more than just your personal choice. We effectively send the message to Costco (Southwest, Target, Kroger, etc) that they can’t afford our boycott. We are in this together. Finally take your vitamin D! All around the world doctors have been talking about this except in the US. I have had multiple elderly and weak family members got sick. Everyone on Vit D was fine. The one against vitamins has had long term problems.
@christrescuedme2182 3 года назад
So true. I'm very disappointed in John Piper, but not surprised at this point. So sad that so many have been blinded by a strong delusion and cannot see that all the components necessary for the mark are already in place.
@BloodCovenant 2 года назад
No matter what, I don't want to ever ask "why?" again, but rather Yes Lord...
@Disciple_777 2 года назад
"Don't take the vaccine trust in the LORD"
@CozyToni 3 года назад
Focus on God! 🥰 Amen!
@JM24180 Год назад
Many people through these things reveal the true hate in their hearts for others
@sanzmoses9757 2 года назад
wow! thank you for this, I needed this
@AbeVsTheWorld 2 года назад
I used to be a conspiracy theorist. But then I realized that community was just gossiping and mocking those who disagree with them. There was one who called this youtuber a satanist just because he was wearing a tie with a pattern. This other one was saying the drums is a satanic thing because of something that has to do with the brain. Point being, I left because they keep misjudging others and calling them illuminati or something like that. Is there something wrong going on with the government? I'm agnostic about it. But that is no longer focus.
@Hez0 3 года назад
This was a very sound, considered and respectful response, and it made me aware that there are people who lose focus on what's important. I personally am very aware about how much time I spend looking at the world and I try to limit it. I've tried in the past to just ignore the world completely, but the world always ends up finding a way to come to you. Something that I'd say to a Christian who is dismissive, and doesn't have the tact and love shown here, is to read the second Psalm. Are heathens still taking counsel together? Is there such thing as a neutral action in life and politics? Is Jesus Christ Truth and does his Lordship extend to all aspects of life and thought? God bless you all.
@dchaunpalu1008 3 года назад
Thank you for this!!!
@thatguyinelnorte 3 года назад
That. Was. Awesome. Clear, concise, and absolutely on target.
@Midnight_Lantern 3 года назад
Uh, no. You might want to adjust your lens there a bit.
@lostinvictory8526 3 года назад
Mark 13:37 "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." Matt 24:33 "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." Luke 21: 28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." 2 Chapters in Matthew, 2 in Luke and 1 in Mark (around 7% of the gospels) is given to signs of the end, as well as the whole book of Revelation, parts of Paul's epistles, much of the prophets and some of the psalms, all given to signs of the end.
@AvantiDesign 3 года назад
Never in my walk with God has Jesus sacrifice on Calvary been so alive in me, my longing and desire for His will to be done, for souls to be saved is driving me to , longingly, my knees in prayer. I’m so thankful that He bought me and cleansed me with His blood! I see no contradiction between this passion for Him and the awareness of what time we are living in and the great deception that is in the world: satan is a liar and he is working against God’s plans all the way to keep the truth hidden. This has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories “ - its marely been awake and not been deceived as God tells us to. Antichrist is preparing his final setting as described in the Bible. To NOT recognize this is a disservice to yourself I believe. Love God, rejoice in His word and in His presence also in prayer - the truth will automatically reveal the lie! Cause that’s what His word does : it divides also! Thank you for the word. In Him, Victoria
@AvantiDesign 3 года назад
@Tyler Wilhelm I’m saying that you can love God, live in the Word and in prayer and still be concerned by what is going on in the world. There need not be an opposite. If you love the truth, you will hate the lie, and also rebuke it. As Jesus did. Not defending my way of thinking and I don’t need you to agree. I do however think it is dangerous to label any thought that’s not politically correct as “conspiracy theories “ and therefore having put the people who express these point of view in a category of kind of a border of mental sanity. And with this said I rest my case. I was not looking for and see no point in arguments perse. Thanks for reading.
@gregoryturner1505 3 года назад
Amen, focus on Christ. We live in the world but we have no part of it.
@mrneveradullmoment 3 года назад
But we do everything the world says, so, we're part of it.
@gregoryturner1505 3 года назад
@@mrneveradullmoment To be "not of the world" requires us to be free of worldly influence. This does not mean that we do not participate in government or typical social processes. It means that we do not act as the unsaved world does.
@peal333 2 года назад
Thank you.
@jeremiahduran7238 3 года назад
Literally just tell them the truth about the prophecy is the easiest way... the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy.
@charlotteanneaton1143 3 года назад
"if you don't believe in the propaganda of worldly powers, you must not grasp the truth of the gospel!".... K, dude. 🙄
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
He said that in this video or someone else, not willing to watch again.
@amosioanchiriac7513 3 года назад
Brilliant. Needed this message, in a time like this, when everyone is telling me that the vaccine is the mark..
@drgoodusername 3 года назад
They are doing you a favor but you refuse their help. You'll take the mark... and then you'll weep and gnash your teeth when all is revealed to you.
@gman411111111 3 года назад
Here's whats not conspiracy its an experemental mRNA that has ability to change DNA tested and developed from cell lines of murdered innocent children.
@didisaythat777 3 года назад
The one's who say it's not the mark have not done any researching on CRISPR gene editing. CRISPR is in these new vaccines. It can edit any gene in your body and sounds similar to the 2005 Pentagon Funvax video of releasing a Flu virus and providing a vaccine to reduce the VMAT2 or God Gene for those who are "religious fundamentalist." That's why it was called "Funvax." If this was discussed in 2005, you realize 16 years later they would have perfected such a nanotechnology. Many earlier scientist spoke out against CRISPR because they saw it as a new form of Eugenics as it can target specific genome by race or the "undesirables" discussed in the Negro Project Abortion Eugenics program of Margaret Sanger. It fits into the depopulation agenda that many of the Elites push. David Rockefeller spoke on it. Bill Gates spoke on it. And this is the creepiest with Prince Phillip who said before his death he wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to solve 'overpopulation'." If this is not Satanic to you then you were never religious to begin with. Stop pretending and creating deception.
@johnnyceagles 3 года назад
@@drgoodusername you are very silly. This is not close to "the mark" and you condemning people that dont agree with your insane theory is disgusting
@drgoodusername 3 года назад
@@johnnyceagles Go whine to someone else John. You are the one who is insane. You are utterly insane. Aren't you late for your vaccination?
@htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад
Jesus Himself, told us to be watchful...looking for His coming IS keeping your eyes on Him.
@christrescuedme2182 3 года назад
How can Piper, in good conscience, derogatorily describe God's people, who are discerning enough to question the blatantly dishonest mainstream narrative, as having a "spiritual disease"?? This is an outright attack on godly discernment!!! And worse yet, it dampens Christians joy and hope in seeing all the signs of Jesus' soon return.
@htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад
@@christrescuedme2182 If it wasn't already obvious( with Pipers teachings of Calvinism) he is indeed a false teacher and should be avoided.
@christrescuedme2182 3 года назад
@@htebazileeilsel2293 What better way for the Jesuits to infiltrate and corrupt the protestant reformation than to plant false Calvinists who actually preach a form of Arminianism, while Calvinism gets blamed for it. That was the plan.
@htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад
@@christrescuedme2182 Calvinism is unbiblical...dont follow any man made doctrine, take the full council of Gods Word. IMO the reformation brought a number of heresies into the church, they fled from one error into another.
@christrescuedme2182 3 года назад
@@htebazileeilsel2293 One might find it helpful to prayerfully study (from more reliable sources) the Socians, Anabaptists, Remonstrants, Arminians and Papists (and what they all have in common) very thoroughly before coming to a conclusion against what has been historically nicknamed Calvinism, because it is still the only biblical stance against all of those man-made, soul-destroying heresies to this very day.
@92Raider-art 3 года назад
I belive it's important to treat these christian conspiracy belivers with respect, and if they seem to have a open mind, then we need to try to explain through the bible that there is no foundtion for these conspiracys in the bible. That's what I think at least
@michaelwarner7311 2 года назад
How is there no foundation in the Bible haven't you read revelation? Not trying to be disrespectful but I don't see how you could say there is no foundation
@92Raider-art 2 года назад
@@michaelwarner7311 I have read all of the bible even Revelation. Alright let me ask you then where in the bible do you find a foundation for these claims?
@michaelwarner7311 2 года назад
@@92Raider-art well by these claims if you just mean conspiracy claims I would point to the scripture that talks about the beast and how there will be kings who have been given authority by Satan and if corse with the rise of the beast their will be a false world peace I mean is this not scripture speaking about a world that has embraced Satan
@qwertyqaz2227 3 года назад
So because Jesus hasn't returned yet means those who think there are indications of His imminent return are "conspiracy theorists?" A huge amount of the New Testament is about that prophesy... For a reason.
@canadiankewldude 3 года назад
Seriously, what does this have to do with Bible study. Since you brought it up, wouldn't Martin Luther be considered a conspiracy theorist. Then again, he actually found a conspiracy didn't he.
@justincameron9661 3 года назад
Very informative
@samdung5630 Год назад
I bet there is trauma at the root if that fixation. It's sad, but I struggle with what he's describing. I've never thought of it as related to conspiracy theories, but I think it's probably something psychology calls "hypervigilance". The trauma probably needs to be healed before the person will be able to let the wrong focus go. It comes from being in what was experienced as a extremely dangerous situation the person never processed.
@dinabernadetteyoung 3 года назад
Very politician-like to avoid the question. 😔
@christrescuedme2182 3 года назад
He not only avoided it, he initiated an outright attack on godly discernment!!! Worse yet, he attempted to dampen Christians joy and amazement in seeing all the signs of Jesus' soon return.
@dinabernadetteyoung 3 года назад
@@christrescuedme2182 great point, it's very disappointing. (praise God, Christ rescued me too; I love your name)
@mattsawatzky5165 3 года назад
Amen some real thinkers here
@mrneveradullmoment 3 года назад
Agreed. I was waiting for an answer as John is someone whose opinion I greatly respect. Disappointing.
@Ovinski 2 года назад
You are all disappointed because you all believe a bunch of conspiracy theories and you are heart broken that Piper didn't jump into your boat. Filter out the useless "research" and keep your faith simple and clear. Declutter your thinking and be less judgmental.
@chassidyclark2023 3 года назад
U should respond by searching the information out- do not dismiss people.
@Paige-Turnner 3 года назад
Yes, I understand and get why he wanted to drive home the Gospel and to not get carried away by end times studies, but at the same time, I think it's just as important to study the end times so that we are ready. Let's take an honest look at what Christians find so troublesome about the vaccine and vaccine passports in order to put it to rest. We can talk about both the saving grace of the Gospel and the current happenings at the same time.
@The-t3z 3 года назад
@@Paige-Turnner I think a lot of Christian people miss the point of it all. While we trust in the lord and believe the gospel, we should also be aware of what’s happening in the world. Just dismissing the theories saying that they are unbelievable does not disprove them. Christians are for the truth. People want the truth.
@Paige-Turnner 3 года назад
@@The-t3z I agree.
@cra256 3 года назад
@@The-t3z exactly it’s causes ppl to be completely oblivious!
@markthomas36 3 года назад
Great analogy using the planetary orbits Pastor John. A brilliantly simple explanation of the conspiratorial mindset. Thank you 🙏
@shadiaesen9218 3 года назад
And now day's we have prophetes and prophets who say GOD told them every time there's any nature disaster or political drama and it's just sad that most of there ministry on RU-vid is built on that and ofcourse a bit of bible verses here and there to support what they saw in there dreams or visions, it's just confusing but sadly many Christians get caught up in that.
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
Yup, if they read and follow the Bible they won't be deceived
@lostinvictory8526 3 года назад
You only mention people who are overly concerned with these things. Most, yes most, are just as interested in the "main truths" of Christianity as they are with keeping awake and watching for the the return of their Saviour. Nine minutes of this video were just ranting against Christians who are doing as they are told. The answer to the question is simple and comes at 8:30. 2 Chapters in Matthew, 2 in Luke and 1 in Mark (around 7% of the gospels) is given to signs of the end, as well as the whole book of Revelation, parts of Paul's epistles, much of the prophets and some of the psalms, all given to signs of the end. Furthermore Jesus said: Matt 24:33 "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." Luke 21: 28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." Mark 13:37 "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." Watch for what Pastor John? Are you watching? By not keeping watch you end up like the SDA church, which has an eschatology so obviously outdated that though they spend time and effort talking about it, it will do them no good.
@gallerygabrielptdedi5788 3 года назад
So true! Amen. Powerful
@charleschilders6388 3 года назад
Might we draw reference to Isa. 8:12. Conspiracies theorist build on others' fears and their own need for recognition. God is sovereign and providentially rules. Neither the devil nor man can devise a plan that is providential.
@robynahgreen1283 2 года назад
Pst John, please revisit these addresses in Scripture. The Sun Moves: stood still once in recorded history. Went back once also... ¹³ And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day Joshua 10 ⁷ And this shall be a sign unto thee from the LORD, that the LORD will do this thing that he hath spoken; ⁸ Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down Isaiah 38
@jeremiahduran7238 3 года назад
The ones who don’t get the mark of the beast are The saints are those who have the faith and keep the commandments...start keeping all of Jesus commandments including the 4th commandment.
@eddiehill3466 3 года назад
We rest in Jesus. You can’t keep the correct sabbath. “Saturday” is not the sabbath, the seventh day of the original calendar was. That’s gone.
@jeremiahduran7238 3 года назад
@@eddiehill3466 The original sabbath was based on a weekly calendar that was instituted by God. Even the secular French government tried to replace it with a 10 day week calendar. The weekly cycle has stood the test of time because it is based on our literally creation. So yes Saturday is the sabbath. Jesus died on Friday and ressurected on Sunday in the middle of that was a high sabbath, a regular sabbath and a feast day sabbath fell on the same day. So this proves that Saturday is the 7th day sabbath, unless you want to tell me the weekly cycle has changed since then.
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
@@eddiehill3466 yeah it's Friday night to Saturday night to be exact
@rocketmanshawn 2 года назад
Salvation comes by grace through faith not by keeping commands. But the person who has redeeming faith certainly will keep Christ's commands even if inadvertently, sanctification is a wonderful thing. But definitely do not confuse it for justification or you risk believing in works based Salvation.
@jeremiahduran7238 2 года назад
@@rocketmanshawn Your saves and able to keep the commandments through grace. You do have the choice to be rebellious towards God throughout your life. If you choose that then your basically rejecting salvation. He doesn’t force it on us but gives us a choice.
@Funkadellik805 3 года назад
So I don’t have to worry about these RU-vid and tik tok videos of people saying the lord told them something big is coming like bombs over America, ufos and the Coming of Christ because I been seeing a lot of them and it has me so freaked out like I don’t even wanna step out the house any more it’s real depressing.
@davidransom643 2 года назад
I think I good rule of thumb is that if you watch a video of someone talking about anything that makes you feel further from Jesus, frightened or discouraged then you can probably take it with a huge pinch of salt
@tanyacat5089 3 года назад
Brilliant answer!
@savedbychrist504 3 года назад
Wow, I’m very disappointed in Piper’s opinion- many faithful Christians have very important and authentic questions about the current happenings (ie masking our God-given faces & not breathing the way that God created us to despite conflicting reports on the necessity of masks, and shots that contain very questionable and new ingredients that artificially create proteins in our bodies, which have caused adverse reactions and deaths to healthy people already). When we can’t shop in stores without the mask, and with talks of government mandated shots, shouldn’t we be looking to scripture to discern these ungodly actions? My love of God and our Savior Jesus Christ has led me to read more scripture than ever, and the more I read and pray, the more I am staying away from the mass media narratives that propagate and instill fear, another one of the rotten fruits. We are to be set apart from the world, not on the wide path that the whole world is on for a reason; which means we should test all things we are being told to blindly accept... we will know them by their fruits. There’s so many rotten fruits with the current happenings, and every faithful Christian should read scripture, and Revelation, themselves to pray and discern, rather than listen to the “wisdom of men” who don’t want you questioning the “worldly wisdom”. My faith is in God, not man. Jesus Christ is my savior, not a mask or a shot filled with unnatural and abominable ingredients that mess with my God-given DNA. Are these the “mark”, or precursors to the mark as the masses are slowly indoctrinated to bow to science? Only God knows. But as a Christian, I will fill my head with scripture as much as I can (not the TV, and not others’ opinions) and I have faith that God will keep my paths straight. I would hope most Christians will not dismiss others’ questions about masks and shots, painting the questioner as if they have spiritual problems, like it seems Mr. Piper did. His response seemed more like damage control for the big industries, in my humble opinion. Very disappointing.
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 2 года назад
@AP-Design 3 года назад
The solar system analogy is dead-on.
@shekina9473 2 года назад
they are the 144,000 witnesses of revelation! awaen from thy slumber church
@DrinkmoWater. 3 года назад
Love it
@Richie016 3 года назад
Adherence to God's word, prayer for progress, and reading the Gospel builds in faith.
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
Amen, adherence to God's word and trusting in His word rather than in the world, which lies under the sway of the wicked one. The following verses and information may be helpful, please take the time to read... "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies" Psalm 103. "And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign" 2 Chronicles 16:12-13. "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee" Psalm 91. "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright" Psalm 20:7-8. "And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse" Mark 5:25-26. "...your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God" 1 Corinthians 2:5. "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness" 1 Corinthians 3:19. "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him" James 5:14-15. And there are many more verses along these lines which demonstrate that we ought to trust in The Lord and not in the wisdom of men. Consider also that the god of this world, the ruler of this world who was able to offer all the kingdoms to Jesus Christ, is Satan. He is working in the elite of this world to set up that end times kingdom (the beast), just as Revelation said he would: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty" Revelation 16:13-14. Also consider that we are warned how in the last days the whole world would be deceived by sorceries: "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived" Revelation 18:23. Now this word used for sorceries is pharmakeia in the Greek, and the Strong's concordance meaning is as follows: "the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry...". www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G5331&t=KJV So in the time of the end, the whole world will be deceived by the administering of drugs. Ever wonder why the universal symbol for medicine is a serpent coiled around a staff? Ever look into the dark history of medicine? The lies and murder of the pharmaceutical companies producing these injections? How about the governments and media pushing them on us? You can trust in them if you like but I certainly do not. All Christians ought to know that life, death and everything in between is in The Lord's hands. Men like to play God but there is only One. May He bless and guide us all in doing what is right by Him, whatever the cost may be. Amen Lord Jesus.
@Richie016 3 года назад
@@NickolasNothing God Bless😇
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
@@Richie016 May God bless you too Richie, thank you.
@Mimu1983 3 года назад
I am just relieved to hear such an insightful view from Pastor Piper. I was so sick of hearing so much nonsense from the 'Christian' people. Being a Christian does not give anyone, of any excuses to be an idiot.
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
There's nothing idiotic about being true to God's word rather than to the world. We must always lean on The Lord to make a decision. The following verses and information may be helpful, please take the time to read... "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies" Psalm 103. "And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign" 2 Chronicles 16:12-13. "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee" Psalm 91. "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright" Psalm 20:7-8. "And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse" Mark 5:25-26. "...your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God" 1 Corinthians 2:5. "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness" 1 Corinthians 3:19. "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him" James 5:14-15. And there are many more verses along these lines which demonstrate that we ought to trust in The Lord and not in the wisdom of men. Consider also that the god of this world, the ruler of this world who was able to offer all the kingdoms to Jesus Christ, is Satan. He is working in the elite of this world to set up that end times kingdom (the beast), just as Revelation said he would: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty" Revelation 16:13-14. Also consider that we are warned how in the last days the whole world would be deceived by sorceries: "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived" Revelation 18:23. Now this word used for sorceries is pharmakeia in the Greek, and the Strong's concordance meaning is as follows: "the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry...". www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G5331&t=KJV So in the time of the end, the whole world will be deceived by the administering of drugs. Ever wonder why the universal symbol for medicine is a serpent coiled around a staff? Ever look into the dark history of medicine? The lies and murder of the pharmaceutical companies producing these injections? How about the governments and media pushing them on us? You can trust in them if you like but I certainly do not. All Christians ought to know that life, death and everything in between is in The Lord's hands. Men like to play God but there is only One. May He bless and guide us all in doing what is right by Him, whatever the cost may be. Amen Lord Jesus.
@Mimu1983 3 года назад
@@NickolasNothing I wonder when you would realize that you got this in the wrong way. Being true to God's Word is one thing, and not following common sense and logic is another. You will injure yourself or die if you just jump off a cliff simply because you expect you will not get hurt since God works supernaturally. The best way of not dying from playing the Russian Roulette is, NOT playing it - and yet I have seen so many people saying "IF I DIE, THEN IT IS GOD'S DECISION!" and then pulled the trigger. Such stupidities should not be, or cannot be justified because you are a Christian.
@adiblatif 3 года назад
@@NickolasNothing you are absolutely right and you did your part! Shake the dust out of your feet because it is on them.
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
@@adiblatif Thank you brother, God bless you.
@NickolasNothing 3 года назад
@@Mimu1983 I won't get into a long debate with you, it's fruitless. But I will say this- I backed up my position with plenty of scripture and can provide many more relevant verses that support my perspective. You however have equated common sense and logic with receiving an untested cocktail of chemicals as a questionable preventative measure against a virus that has a median fatality rate of around 0.2% (if you use the grossly inflated government numbers), which is being relentlessly promoted by godless organisations and individuals. A Christian follows Christ according to His word and knows this world to be under the sway of the wicked one. A Christian does not rely on "common sense" but on God's word and discernment, since modern common sense/ logic includes denying Christ altogether. Are you following the word or the world? Please search the scriptures, pray and even fast over this matter. May God bless you in doing so.
@chassidyclark2023 3 года назад
Do you trust God?
@dannymorales1494 3 года назад
@lostinvictory8526 3 года назад
Mark 13:37 "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." Matt 24:33 "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." Luke 21: 28 "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." 2 Chapters in Matthew, 2 in Luke and 1 in Mark (around 7% of the gospels) is given to signs of the end, as well as the whole book of Revelation, parts of Paul's epistles, much of the prophets and some of the psalms, all given to signs of the end.
3 года назад
@nathane2243 3 года назад
he doesn't exist
@nathane2243 3 года назад
@@lostinvictory8526 all bullshit
@lindaburgess8669 3 года назад
I love listening to you Pastor John. Thank you
@AndrewJohnson-oy8oj 11 месяцев назад
Are you surprised that people who believe that there is an invisible sky-wizard who made and runs the universe, but takes care of them personally would believe in conspiracy theories? You trained them from birth to believe that they have special knowledge and to view the world through magical thinking.
@wendym31463 3 года назад
Heavenly Father, I praise Your name for the grace that has come to me through the Lord Jesus Christ. I rejoice in the victory which You have provided for me to live above sin and failure. I come before You in confession and to plead Your mercy over my own sins, the sins of other believers, and the sins of our nation. Our nation stands before You deserving Your wrath and judgment. I confess the sins of lukewarmness, apathy, and worldliness on the part of believers. I acknowledge before You the wickedness of our society and its deserving of judgment. I stand in to confess the awful affront to You which is represented in the drug epidemic, the drunkenness, the moral rottenness in the entertainment field, the crime increases of our land, and the lack of moral character in national leader ship. I ask for forgiveness and mercy for the religious sins of liberalism and the too-often harsh, bitter criticism and contentious spirit of fundamentalism. I agree with You over the awful rise of interest in the occult in the open worship of Satan by wicked, deceive people. May You judge not this nation with wrath and fury as upon Sodom, but judge it with a mighty outpouring of conviction of sin. May sinners groan under the burden of their guilt until the people cry out as did those of Pentecost, “What shall we do?” I praise Your holy name that there is sufficient measure of grace through the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ to answer this cry. I plead the blood of the cross and the power of the resurrection against the wretched sins and rebellion of the hearts of men against God. I wait for the Holy Spirit to lead and prepare and bring us all to revival. I recognize that Satan and the kingdom of darkness over which he rules have plotted and strategized against revival with relentless effort. Satan has built carefully his kingdom to oppose all that is holy and good. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I smash and pull down all of the strong holds that Satan has erected to hinder revival. I pray the focus of the mighty victory of the cross and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ directly against Satan‘s plans to hinder revival. I pull down his strongholds of religious loyalties that blind and bind so many. I pull down his strongholds of prayerlessness and carelessness with the Word of God. I claim back for the Lord Jesus Christ the ground Satan is claiming as a means of hindering revival, and I affirm that Satan’s plans are fully defeated through the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I pull down all of Satan’s plans to divert revival when it comes. I call for the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom and discernment to the leaders of revival chosen by You to lead. May this revival for which I pray be greater than any that has ever come before. May it serve to purify the church and prepare it for the coming of our Lord. May it bring multitudes into the fold all over the world. Loving Lord Jesus Christ, You invited us to come and buy of You that which we need for revival. Give us the gold tried in the fires of testing brought by Your purity as You live Your life in us. Grant us the eyesalve of the Holy Spirit’s anointing to see spiritual truth, to retain it, and to apply it in practice. I open the door to Your Lordship, dear Savior. I invite You to come into me personally and into Your Church with a fresh visit and to be the sovereign Lord You are, that we all might fellowship with you in the deepness of Your love. I ask this all and bring it before You with praise in the merit and worthiness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Are you praying warfare prayers of this type for revival? May God move upon all of our hearts to do so.
@brooked2046 3 года назад
Are these people truly Christians? Could one be a Christian and be so focused on other things even if they believe these things are related to their Christianity? I have mixed feelings and would like others thoughts.
@mrneveradullmoment 3 года назад
The Bible says to watch for signs. How do you interpret that?
@jasonscroger5065 3 года назад
Makes you wonder if those people feel like they are more "saved" than others.
@ronfowlermusic 3 года назад
They do
@Ovinski 2 года назад
You have no Idea. I've met people who "got saved" through the Flat Earth theory. I wonder what would happen to their faith when they find out that the Earth is not flat. A faith built upon a lie instead of Jesus Christ is a new way for Satan to send people to hell.
@Sunbeachpalmtrees1 3 года назад
I beg to differ.....we as Christians are not just "buying into" the next new theory thats spread as you said.....we're just watching....and praying...keeping our eyes open...like Jesus said to do....Pastor please stop misleading His Sheep
@bonivermectin4087 3 года назад
Right. I can't help but notice that most of the ingredients are in the bowl, so to speak, to fulfil Revelation. We have the tech, we have the social political climate, etc etc etc. If not now, I can't imagine when
@mattsawatzky5165 3 года назад
@dianaAJC 3 года назад
Pastor John always with wisdom and a lot of explanations for everything that explains the Bible. Snd I’ve learning so much! And that’s so true and the most important here is to focus in JESUS CHRIST. That’s the primordial here. And yes, to live focusing in every “conspiracy theory” here is certainly not wise and shouldn’t be the focus. However, it is normal, specially on these days, when GOD put such technology here, and HE has purpose for everything, that way we all can see all the events that are happening all around the world and the ones that will still take place in the very time appointed by HIM. That way, we are able to also recognize the events that HE had described 2000 years ago about the end of times. Which, without this technology we have now, it would be very difficult for the world to see it so much, with such power as what we have now, and possibly even more later. As that been said, our focus as True Christians is and should always be The things of GOD Almighty and JESUS CHRIST... Obeying and growing in relationship in the Three in One. However, we also should be watchful to the times we are in. Because, indeed maybe, if we are not in such times JESUS has described in the Bible, regarding the end of times, once no one knows the day or the hour, BUT we also can be on that time. And if so, yes, JESUS also said that we need to be watchful... the ones who has ears hear, HE also said that HE has told us these things in advance for us to watch and not be deceived by many who will come in HIS Name. So being attentive to HIS words in these times we are living IS IMPORTANT also. Let’s continue watching the Fig tree’s aspects, and yes, let’s continuing being careful with many lawlessness and governments are trying wrongly to enforce or force us to do as Christian society, let’s continuing praying and resisting evil, praying the Gospel of The Kingdom and living our lives as examples of obedience and. Love for Our LORD JESUS CHRIST and for our brothers and sisters. And let’s not forget and yes, let’s pay attention to these things that are happening right now in the geo-political platform...rumors of wars. Earthquakes, lawlessness, the wrong becoming right and vice-versa, Israel’s scenario, love of many growing cold, pestilences, so many of those question unanswered about this fast developed vaccines, etc and etc... the list can goes on here pretty long extensive. Is all that sound theory of conspiracy for you??? All happening at once??? If does, ok. Listen to JESUS saying that HE said all in advance.
@dianaAJC 3 года назад
Surely, we shouldn’t be spending our hearts and minds on the things of this world and surely the things of GOD! But being attentive to the times is also part of JESUS Advice for us. We shouldn’t be attentive to the times not in a fearful, neither focused way, but a secure and peaceful in CHRIST attentive and watchful way, always.
@deloresherman9279 3 года назад
You just bable on about nothing, I still didn't get my answer, thanks for nothing
@corrinnereynolds4091 3 года назад
How could there be a Christian Conspiracy?
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
The old testament actually talk about conspiracies
@MichielDeSnuyter 3 года назад
@@loveworksnoevil It does, read Deuteronomy 18.
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
@@MichielDeSnuyter What verse pertaining to what? I was saying there is conspiracies, the Bible says so though I didn't see anything about that in that chapter. Just no theories
@AndrewKendall71 3 года назад
When it comes to that sign of rejecting the Lordship of Jesus (whether it's a name or number or device or document or any other thing), is it possible to prefer "serving" an antichrist way without believing it's a *worshipful* choice? In other words, is it possible with this mark - like so many worldly churchgoers do - to choose to reject Christ while believing one is following Christ?
@STAR-RADIANCE 3 года назад
Actually, this is very good! Amen
@gman411111111 3 года назад
Here's whats not conspiracy its an experemental mRNA that has ability to change DNA tested and developed from cell lines of murdered innocent children.
@marcelniles342 3 года назад
@biblepreacher6791 2 года назад
I understand his point in a certain way but the example of the "solar system" is simply ridiculous. Earth is flat with a dome above. Even a child knows this. Research biblical cosmology.
@colmwhateveryoulike3240 3 года назад
Excellent response, thank you.
@naveednasiri7124 3 года назад
i have a random question. will we meet our ancetsors in heaven, and will they recognice us?
@ronfowlermusic 3 года назад
I hope so
@thesuperioraffection4502 3 года назад
Yes and yes.
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
That's a good one, I'm not sure but I would think so, still the same soul
@taralothoni2693 3 года назад
@@thesuperioraffection4502 providing they have accepted Jesus Christ is Lord and repented of their sins…..yes
@thefamily2707 2 года назад
If you can look behind the veil you would see that most if not all “conspiracy theories” are true and actually far more profound then what we could possibly understand.
@paisley12345 3 года назад
You should hear anthony patch on this "pastor" what a judas this pastor is and not anthony patch
@christrescuedme2182 3 года назад
Yes, much truth mixed with such lies! How dare this so-called spiritual leader derogatorily describe people, who are discerning enough to question the blatantly dishonest mainstream narrative, as having a "spiritual disease." Such willfully ignorant arrogance is beyond description.
@christiankimmel1705 3 года назад
Yeah I don't think it is the mark but I'm defiantly not getting it
@MichielDeSnuyter 3 года назад
"defiantly" I see what you did there ;) I'm not getting it either.
@reeceallawatt1551 3 года назад
@amyfojc3389 3 года назад
You are correct about that! I can't stand listening to his hissing voice. Such deception. What he is saying about conspiracy theorists he should be saying about himself.
@loveworksnoevil 3 года назад
I thinks it's the turd eye
@mattsawatzky5165 3 года назад
@Simply717 3 года назад
The conspiracy theory that desiringgod is still a faithful ministry? I guess I'll stay by unfollowing the youtube channel, lol.
@alongcamejones309 3 года назад
See on U tube DR Ken Gentry " The Beast of Revelation IDENTIFIED "
@TonySantuccistudios Год назад
Satan is not real
@exmarine268 3 года назад
@HearGodsWord 3 года назад
Bye then 👋
@jojoRizzle 3 года назад
Thank you for this.
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