
How the 16 Personalities Find Comfort 

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@Mayakran 2 года назад
I’m not entirely sure I’m an INTJ, but I do know that over the years I’ve learned that when I’m overstimulated or am trying to recover from a particularly stressful day, re-centering by engaging in subjects that are very special to me, things that I strongly associate with “me” at my core, is the quickest way to ground myself.
@noamchemla 2 года назад
I don't know if you know what cognitive functions are, but they helped me realize I was INTJ when i thought maybe i was INTP. Basically, every type has intuition, sensing, thinking, and feeling, but they vary in presence based on the type, and can be both introverted or extroverted (I'm not the best explainer so make sure to do your resesrch). INTJ's cognitive functions are (This is in order of strength) NiTeFiSe (inroverted intuition, extroverted thinking, introverted feeling, extroverted sensing). Ni is a future focused data recognition software is how i see it. it's always on, taking in information from everything and connecting it to what's already known. Are you picking up a new hobby and a certain aspect is similar to something completely different but it makes sense to you? That's Ni. It causes INTJ's to have a very deep inner world, always connecting dots. Te is how you make decisions for the most part, it relies on outside data and it loves efficiency. It's both loving facts and good lines of reasoning for arguments, and also when you think about the order in which you're going to do tasks when you get home because it ends up being faster. Fi manifests as esoteric passions and deeply guarded emotions, it comes up as a strong sense of individualism (like your comment says, which I relate to). The seperation between Te and Fi is also why you have such an easy time putting emotions aside when making decisions. Fi is also why you can get a bit subborn regarding things that feel right, and it also is your strong subconciosus moral compass. Se tends to be weaker since it is your last function, it deals with things in the real world and helps ground you. It's also why you get overstimulated, lotsa sounds are a big nono, why you dont really understand the whole point of dancing and feel uncomfortable doing so, prefer the comfort of your own home, etc. If none of this sounds like you, youre probably not INTJ, but the way your comment is worded I do think you are. Have a blast figuring it out, understanding my type felt like finding a puzzle piece I had lost, glad I could help.
@Mayakran 2 года назад
@@noamchemla I actually am familiar with the cognitive functions, and I’ve always tested as having very strong Ni, but I was unsure about whether or not I had Fe or Te. I’m a fairly emotional and empathic person which led me to conclude that I’m an INFJ, but then reading about how the introverted functions “flavor” one another (and likewise with the extroverted) is what made the lightbulb go off. I try to be friendly and think of myself as a good conversationalist, but I do actually struggle with knowing how to affect others’ emotions and I’m just aware enough to be paranoid that I’m doing it wrong (I believe my so-called Fe activation is related to upbringing and other private reasons I won’t share here). I’ve always been more interested in designing things, creating storylines, and I’m good with intuiting how objects relate to one another, whereas relationships between people mystify and tend to bore me. I’m also more comfortable with planning and creating systems to help people I care about rather than dealing with their emotions directly, which I find exhausting. On the other hand, I could be entirely wrong about this and who knows, maybe I’m totally backward and am really an ESFP. I do have several people who thought I am an INTJ for years, even though I don’t feel like I fit the typical description. Still on my typing journey, and thanks for the advice!
@noamchemla 2 года назад
@@Mayakran I do think that the typical descriptions are not the most apt, I can also hold a great conversation and do other Fe things, but it comes down to preference overall and I'd rather just not do any of the formalities even though I can
@jahmd8377 2 года назад
Sounds like INFJ. I am an INTJ, but the way you describe yourself sounds like my wife, who is INFJ.
@Mayakran 2 года назад
@@jahmd8377 Another confusing factor is that I’m a woman and we’re socialized to value Fe (and bullied and ostracized if we don’t). In all my studies, it’s been Fe vs Te that have been the functions that I’ve become “stuck” on. Honestly I don’t know. I could be any type at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️. Just curious, what makes you say INFJ?
@crquetzals Год назад
As an INTP comfort is so important. When traveling internationally, when I get overwhelmed with adventures, language, and people I have what I call McDonald Days. Having something familiar and known in the form of a hamburger and fries I get reset and comfort for whatever may come next.
@xxlplldlq1307 2 года назад
0:46 estp & entp (Fe) 2:43 infj & isfj (Ti) 4:06 enfj & entj (Se) 4:58 esfj & estj (Ne) 6:20 intj & istj (Fi) 7:27 enfp & esfp (Te) 8:47 infp & intp (Si) 10:24 istp & isfp (Ni)
@isaymamamoo9469 2 года назад
@adavanja5682 2 года назад
Thanks, I was looking for this.
@tasiadupree 2 года назад
@Random59427 2 года назад
Doing the lord’s work
@hadescaffeineaddiction Год назад
thank you 🙏
@NoOne-wt6om 2 года назад
INxPs are much more organized than people think. We are actually judging dominant (Fi dom / Ti dom). And combination of Fi-Si and Ti-Si is very likely to be organized instead of impulsive like Pe dom ENxP.
@heritage.home.crochet 2 года назад
Thank you for speaking up for the INxP. I think any xxxP has their own brand of organization that would look very different to a J type. But you mentioned that the INxP are likely to be more organized than the ENxP who are more impulsive. In my case I have not found that to be true. I'm an ENFP and I practically attract INFPs and I have 1 INTP friend. My finding is that with INFP, they are not necessarily outwardly organized, but they aren't chaotic like my type can be. With having low Te, they have a desire for the calm and clarity that organization can bring, but they have a low execution function and will thus not go far to actually execute any plan to organize, especially if people always did it for them. ENFP on the other hand has Te a bit higher up and will know and understand that organizing at some point needs to happen, and the pressure will eat them alive until it happens. INFPs don't have that drive. And in general, they know where things should be, but there's not a system that keeps them in one place or the other. Also, impulsivity is not the opposite of organization. But I think gender and childhood has a big role to play in that too.
@Multitudes_ 2 года назад
As an INFP, I don't really agree, but to each their own. Fi-Si and Ti-Si are more about internal than external order. By nature, I am very much a mess on the outside, and getting that stuff in order has been a very slow and effortful process. The person above is right that, despite being more chaotic, ENFPs can in some ways be more organized and structured than INFPs due to higher Te. INTPs would also tend to have a somewhat easier time than INFPs here. My INTP younger brother is doing a lot better in this regard than I was at his age, though it's still not a particular strength or anything.
@cloud-su3lp 2 года назад
"Those who wander are not always lost" speaking more about the personal world of an infp. They have a sense of of calmness (although they seem chaotic on the outside) in situations where others might be panicking they're calm and can find a way to cope with it.
@Multitudes_ 2 года назад
@@cloud-su3lp Yeah that's true, because we usually manage our feelings before anything else. I've always been calm in a crisis.
@TheLadyOdin-GuidingWarriors 2 года назад
ENTP here ... wow! Yes, I am involved in community groups where I take leadership roles. I'm an initiator of local projects and events, but once I get the ball rolling, I like to hand it over to others so I can move on to the next project or event. And I love the networking and building connections so I can see the gaps and know someone who might help fill them. Bravo, Nathan!
@kigasan4395 2 года назад
Exactly, hit the nail on the head
@damlakacmaz8743 2 года назад
same for estp i love things working without me need to push it
@manicmala3617 2 года назад
Love how you get into the impact of the lower cognitive functions, not just the top two.
@Multitudes_ 2 года назад
Some of my INFP comfort stuff that I think aligns with what you're talking about: - Simple familiar pleasures - Reflecting and reminiscing and staying in touch with my past/journey - Revisiting/re-experiencing places/things from the past - Periodically recurring things, like the seasons of nature or television - Just enjoying the feeling of home, or returning home from somewhere - And yes, holding on to things, writing things down, and having records of my history
@kokucat 2 года назад
As an INTP, I get a ton of enjoyment from being at home.
@hshshs7893 2 года назад
As a infp This would bring me much nostalgia
@halberd7229 2 года назад
@@kokucat as an infp, I find much horror in solitude. but it is also one of the most comforting and beautiful things I've ever known
@mckamy4711 2 года назад
I do love a good strategy game, and enjoy learning random things about the world whether that is through doing crossword puzzles or watching video essays and documentaries - INFJ
@Gandellion 2 года назад
Intellectual variety but physical routine just blew my mind
@Gandellion 2 года назад
I love things I’m familiar with and get a lot of comfort from that, so like going to a cafe and ordering the same thing or going to places I visited often during my childhood. I get a little worried I should push myself to try new things and feel a bit trapped because I could order a different thing from my favourite cafe but then I will have missed out on that instance of having something I know I really like.
@emilyjh75 2 года назад
ISTP - accurate! I hate calendaring and making lists, but a few years ago, I decided I wanted to have more aim in life, so I started a meal calendar. Fast-forward 5 years, and I've been amazed and delighted at how such a little organization and direction has blossomed into developing a side of me I didn't know I had, and has some tangible benefits as well (saves money, shorter shopping trips).
@SqueakyIri 2 года назад
This is pretty spot-on. Tertiary Ti can get lost in learning a new skill, especially when it's paired with dominant Ni.
@saranonimus9211 2 года назад
INTP - it is so. When I'm feeling mentally stressed, the last thing I need is even more new information. I want to veg out in my tattered sweat pants and slippers, watch Monty Python sketches I know all the words to, then fall asleep to a playlist of my favorite mellow songs of the 70s.
@dazzlebreak4458 2 года назад
"The hammers" is the nickname of what English football team?
@saranonimus9211 2 года назад
@@dazzlebreak4458 It was a trick question...Coventry City have never won the FA Cup.
@louisejoel 2 года назад
nice, I am never shy of new info though
@miriambartley6622 2 года назад
My engineering intp husband needs Christmas comedy romances and westerns, or lord of the rings. Sometimes action movies.
@xKONEKOxNEKOx 2 года назад
This one is definitely true for me. I love “puzzles”. I love strategy games. I remember feeling so odd in school because despite being more into humanities, my best subject was math. People often say it comes in pairs with science which I sucked at. I think it’s because I saw it as a puzzle so I found it relaxing lol I guess I know why.
@eliseo5118 2 года назад
I'm an ENFP and my sister is an ESFP and I definitely found the Te comfort very accurate! We both love organizing and decluttering, especially my sister. And for me, whenever I feel lost, stressed or confused, it grounds me to make different spreadsheets and plans. It's not necessarily for the sake of following through, but it takes me back to basics, and gives me a sense of understanding - an overview of life. This background life structure actually allows me to live life more freely, because in the end, whatever I do, I know why I do what I do and where I'm heading.
@sanduniillanganthilake1053 2 года назад
Can agree 100% a fellow ENFP here!!
@DreAdedXiles 2 года назад
As an ENFJ I’d say this is correct
@CarolineErbArt 2 года назад
INFP was spot on - mental stimulation with physical routine and comforts (and lots of forgetting to eat 😬)
@hazelthomas1146 2 года назад
Another way to find comfort for me (an INTP), using both Si and Ti, is just to connect my situation to other similar situations I’ve observed and harvest not only comfort and reassurance, but maybe a solution to the thing I’m worried about as well.
@seufimeaqui9034 Год назад
Omg so truee i use them both together as well
@maryya6676 2 года назад
INFP: «Feeling like they’re capturing and not losing their ideas and insights is also quite comfortable for them» ❤ so true, so well-said!
@Miss_Missing Год назад
Yes! I'm infp, whenever I feel down, resurrounding myself with things I love that are part of my identity is very reassuring
@lexiferenczy9695 2 года назад
That's a great video, I've also observed very consistently that the third function appears in exact this comforting role. It's therefore also not that weak like many make it out to be. The third function can often times play even a greater role than the second in that you can see people lighten up when they use it, whereas the second function is "just" a natural, very normal part of the personality.
@olivia-performanceartist3693 2 года назад
Lately I've been finding a lot of comfort in indulging in a good book while on a long (quiet) train ride, it makes my brain active and happy when not ruminating on obsessive problem solving. I like the quiet rhythm of the train without people chattering or (God forbid!) playing music through their loud speaker.
@meachiamo 2 года назад
intp - i can relate. for me to feel rested, i need to not think about anything, just completely letting time pass by and doing activities i think of at the moment. activities like showering or eating at a random time of the day or watching movies i've already watched many times before.
@louisejoel 2 года назад
Despite not having addictive personalities it makes sense that we might want to dull our senses in order not to think. I don't even get to rest in sleep because of dreams and wake up exhausted.
@malindaeckert2300 2 года назад
you are such a phenomenal writer. (im assuming here that you're the sole writer here, but if anyone else is helping you, kudos go to them as well.) Unintentionally sycophantic, but you absolutely nail the types and the functions. 👌 Do you have any weak areas of types you feel you dont know that well, or that many of? I want to say you mentioned ENFJs?
@33Jenesis 2 года назад
Intp - I do love to travel, let new plans and new places stimulate my mind. However, nothing beats coming back home to my own bed, toilet, food to relax and comfort……
@crystalemullen 2 года назад
I so resonate with the ENFPs use of Te. I honestly love chaos because of the things you find in it and the humor that's in it and the novelty that's in it. However, I do reach a point where it gets to be a bit much. Right now it's about my weight. I've gotten an organized plan going to manage my eating habits and to ensure again in at least 30 minutes of exercise A-day. That's worth being a little more regimented. Also trying to work on sleep as part of my health. Now when it comes to order in my home, as much as I like messy living, I've decided I really do need someone to come in once a month or so to pick up after me. Because at the same time, at the end of the day, I do feel better in an orderly home. I just don't care to organize it.
@miriambartley6622 2 года назад
My sister is enfp. This so her.
@NA-oo4ls Год назад
As an ISTP with an ENFJ partner, those entries are incredibly spot on.
@neko982 2 года назад
I really wish that Nathan would convert to or start a podcast about all this or blogs
@Diury 2 года назад
“They gain enjoyment from the sense that they’re on a path, that their actions have coordination, cohesion, direction, and purpose. It gives them comfort because they can now focus on the moment, knowing that they are building towards something, something fulfilling and satisfying.” This is VERY spot on for ISTP!
@katzenjammer3538 2 года назад
That was spot on for me as well! - an ISFP
@littlewillowlinda 2 года назад
Your analysis is always spot on. I'm an infj and watch deep dives on RU-vid day and night 😅 my mom is a isfj and is obsessed with puzzles and word games. To the point that she's finished 100 levels of one of em lol. I do also love puzzles but am trying my best to give my brain a break. My dad is an intj and has the usual intj traits of rational decision making for the family but on his off time he LOVES music -- playing the keyboard for hours or listening to some random ppl on RU-vid playing something haha. He's always said he's worked hard so he can do what he wants in retirement lol
@LittleMew133 2 года назад
INFJ: games, books, nature, solutitude
@Kul_Games 2 года назад
It all sounds lovely 🌹
@secretspywoman26 2 года назад
My husband is an ENFJ and I am an ISFP. I understood what you meant for ENFJ/ENTJ at 4:24 when you said ‘getting sensory/sensual psychological comfort from uhhm other activities' 😂
@allweneedislove965 2 года назад
It makes sense that INFP viewed as slow thinker or very fussy because they often get anxious to make mistake or not been organized. So they tend to repeat things over and over again. So it takes time to get to the conclusion.
@allweneedislove965 2 года назад
In other word perfectionist
@lancelot771 2 года назад
love is all you need
@allweneedislove965 2 года назад
@@lancelot771 yeah true❤️
@williamsalazar244 Год назад
My bro is an infp.
@PENGUINGIRL1210 Год назад
INFJ comfort and self-care is reading/researching for hours about some random philosophical or psychological subject and then spending the next few hours mulling it over in my own terms
@cocog5788 6 месяцев назад
@angryindividual1812 2 года назад
as a isfp this was rly accurate
@MsJaymeC 2 года назад
The Te function of the ENFP was bang on. It always throws people for a loop when I get to the point where I NEED to organize my life. I'm known for being chaotic. (although to me, it all makes sense) And yes, a good spreadsheet can be extremely satisfying at times.
@nerysghemor5781 2 года назад
I love how you point out the effect of third-slot Ne on ESTJs! People really don’t realize that they CAN actually be adaptable and try new things. They just don’t like to be pushed, is all.
@joshuavanderrheede4469 2 года назад
ENTJ here. Se child is awesome. Definitely a relief function for me.
@neural_machine8174 2 года назад
As an intj, i can totally understand what u'r saying. When i get drained out, i like listing out my favourite things, choosing my favourite color, eating a specific icecream.
@valeri91xx 2 года назад
Me, INFJ, studying vocab for my 8th language -- just for fun 🤣
@HeliNoir 2 года назад
Okay now things make more sense. When I was a kid, I remember being ecstatic over a little puzzle my mom randomly got me from the market. Dolls and plushies provided no entertainment and comfort for me but when my mom gave me that first puzzle, it was as if there was a switch in my brain that turned on. From then on, the things I played with always involved riddles, puzzles, word games, sudoku… fast forward to now. I rarely play games on my phone but the games I have right now are RoomEscape, Left vs Right, and Royal Match, and IQ Test (not sure if the last one is considered a game?) - INFJ
@tamianguyen29 2 года назад
yo! im an esfp and this totally hits! i literallyyy had the desire to declutter my entire room & my esfj father was very shocked. he had to stop by my door & watch me clean😂
@remembervendicator111 2 года назад
Haven't seen anyone else that can explain the habits and mindset of an intp as well as you do, right on the mark as usual. I'm glad you point out things that many of us don't even realize until we take a step back and look at ourselves. Side note I've shown some of my friends and my partner your videos, and they all get a lil tripped out when a RU-vidr happens to read right into their brain, lmao.
@miriambartley6622 2 года назад
My husband and son are intp. Both are engineers. You nailed it.
@tonyharrison1726 2 года назад
Very accurately done. I think the child function is very neglected when you are young. The Hero is zooming around sometimes without the child teaming, because we choose our reckless demon to contend with in a very immature way. Then life slides you by, and your parent function very much takes on the responsibilities of life when you in turn create one or two + babies. The child function takes a very long side seat until the day we allow to actually put ourself first again. Lets face it, a child is selfish, until they have been neutered into the emotional values in life. That is why I personally believe that you develop your child function above all others as you age. It has ben grossly neglected throughout the hustle of life.
@giovanap.6708 2 года назад
Me (enfp) trying to convince my friends that I know what I'm doing: "It's semi-controlled chaos... more or less..."
@crystalemullen 2 года назад
When I'm at that point and I'm trying to convince my friends that I know what I'm doing, I tend to stop talking to them about and just do it. They'll figure it out later.
@shaneaverystarr 2 года назад
Wonderful video. One of my favorites. Thank you!
@suki5048 2 года назад
As an infj and a 5w6/4 (not sure yet of which wing is more stronger) this really rings true!
@benjaminharmon6541 2 года назад
Fantastic analysis. The tertiary function is so often overlooked, but it explains so much about how people operate day to day, and the ways that people in close quarters can frustrate each other. As an ISTP, I think I appear from the outside to have zero order or direction to my life, as though I have little in terms of values or routines. In truth, I do have a direction, it's just that I only feel safe when I feel free to update it as often as necessary, and I simply prefer to "manually" decide what to do each day rather than fall back on a routine. If it's worth doing daily, like eating or brushing my teeth, I will do it because of its inherent worth. I don't need a routine to tell me that. Routines are disrupted and broken, and it's a lot of stress to get back into the swing of things. Habits are good, but routines are brittle. My brain is on overdrive all the time anyway, I might as well use some bandwidth to decide my actions, if only to stave off boredom. I've lived with an INFP on vacation before, and good lord the total avoidance of decision making and challenge was uniquely frustrating. If I lie down in bed all day staring at my phone, I will feel like I'm dying.
@sabalsneh9315 2 года назад
INxP gets comfort from comfort. They be themselves , by being themselves. They procastinate, by procastinating. And so on..... I think the reason for this, is the reason why language appeals so much to both these types.
@gravyz2cute4u 2 года назад
"They procastinate, by procastinating." I am supposed to by working on my assignment but instead I am procrastinating. Instead of playing video games because that will "take too long", I watch videos for hours "because they are shorter" and "I can stop whenever I want" I'm procrastinating from procrastinating by procrastinating >_
@kymelatejasi 2 года назад
INFJ and I definitely love puzzles and strategy games. My favourite videogame is still Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds and the game I have the most hours poured into.
@thunderbirdice 2 года назад
Same and I’m ISFJ.
@mlandry491 2 года назад
sooo true for infp... i am so afraid of having a good idea and forgetting it or writing it on a random napkin and misplacing it etc that i now have notebooks or " journals" for everything! from dreams to philosophy to fiction... science, design, prayers, etc. its bats the notebooks i have! not to mention just daily thoughts/ diary shite... must record all things. well, my take on all things. because, well, infp ; )
@gravyz2cute4u 2 года назад
Omg I do this too! (although I don't really have the fear of losing it aspect). I always have a notepad or sticky note to write random things on, or maybe draw on haha. I have a book just for ideas, thoughts and quotes that I like. I also write down interesting dreams I can remember. Always feel the need to write these things down, even at work :p
@craftimeart6651 2 года назад
The ENTP was perfect! Absolutely stunning.
@caroguerra44 2 года назад
Read to filth-i love things like puzzles, murder mysteries and the like because I like things that make me think and challenge my brain. -infj
@00Klingon Год назад
So does 8:47 get the most replayed timestamp because there's more INFP/INTP viewers or because Se trickster has to re-watch over and over again because they got distracted?
@Catspiracy931 Год назад
AhahaHAA. You’ve nailed the hidden ENFP again! Those spreadsheets, planners, tabs, fridge calendars, menus, goals, and to-do lists ARE a tremendous comfort against the chaotic backdrop of our lives. And I won’t even get into how much clutter has been donated or chucked bc…. 🤣
@shiregirl2001 2 года назад
ENFP here. I love organizing! I love lists. Once I make them, I rarely use them for long, haha, but making them is very satisfying! I do tend to actually use helpful spreadsheets, too! Also, decluttering is life.
@lovewho 2 года назад
It's really cool to hear that these things apply to you. I'm always curious about the extent to which the theory matches up with the real life experiences of the types! ~ Nathan
@Graywyck 2 года назад
This is very relatable. I am very individualistic and care a lot for my personal preferences and ideals (Fi) but those preferences and ideals are not opposed to objectively rational actions/ actions that have functional value, instead my Fi and Te work in tandem with one another
@alexmcmahon2810 2 года назад
I found myself very stressed the other day and I decided to read....a paper on the molecular properties of metals for use in solar thermal storage devices that employ molten salts. (INFJ here). I had never considered this as a way to vent my stress but it explains my seemingly arbitrary desire to dive deep into things like biology or neuroscience for literally no gain or reason. I almost fight it because I can't see the value in it as a long-term activity but it makes so much sense in this context.
@LucyGem98 2 года назад
ISFP here, every single thing is spot on.
@Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes 2 года назад
Thank for theses amazing video, they are always perfect ! You do a great and efficient job for the world ! 💙 Ideas, knowledge, informations, insights, discoveries are made to be share. INTJ and my Fi comfort is watching MBTI video, it also nourish my Ni.
@Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes 2 года назад
​@@Daniooo We are very similar. It's very cool to see some ISTJ interested by it. It seems : INTJ _ interested to understand the mind _ mental health _ Ni ISTJ _ interested to understand the body _ physical health _ Si But because body S and mind N are 2 parts of the same thing, can't exist and can't function without each other, we can be interested by both. Collecting information in the domain of our main function, make us happy and energize us. Seems both Ni & Si dom are more interested by health than others types. I knew an ISTJ at a job, she told me she studied Psychological types of Carl Jung. I found it very cool she know it.
@ninin11 2 года назад
as an entp, spot on.
@Monoxify 5 месяцев назад
"uh, other activities." ~ Nathan
@louisejoel 2 года назад
Too true, have forgotten to eat lately but needed to go on a diet so win win
@dizzy388 2 года назад
I (ENFP) DO love making a good spreadsheet/list! It's exactly like you said - I accumulate all this chaos and then, about once a month or so, I wake up feeling like i want to spend the whole day just organising everything - and the weirdest part? I actually enjoy myself. It's like i wake up with this electric buzz of 'I must make everything in my life efficient right now' and will happily spend 8+ hours just making lists and deleting/throwing away redundant clutter. It's super helpful, though I wish it would come around a a bit more often
@barbelarmbroster6524 2 года назад
Hell yeah! ENFP here. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, my Te kicks in, and I instantly get the desire AND energy to clean and organize my environment. Following this spontaneous attack is absolutely efficient and satisfying! And while I'm cleaning and organizing my environment, I'm cleaning and organizing my brain as well. It's marvelous! When I try to do this without the Te-attack, it takes days...to start...and more days to finnish...and it's so boaring and exhausting!
@imwastingmytimeonthis677 2 года назад
dude I totally get you I’m a INFP and I get that sometimes it just happens when I’m bored and feel guilty for not being more organized/effective in my life 😰
@heritage.home.crochet 2 года назад
Exactly! I like checklists and decluttering on those days. It's like I avoid any deep cleaning and decluttering until "the day of reckoning" and when it's time, nothing can stop me! I love this day because I feel insecure for like 2 weeks until I manage my affairs.
@traebadmon 2 года назад
Haha so weird man, I look for these comments cause it’s such a “DUDE ME TOO” vibe and that’s my favorite
@jairmayoral4847 2 года назад
Amen (ENFP)
@Rashida. 2 года назад
(Entp) i never want to be leader … yet I always end up as leader 😅 I
@thanhheu4129 2 года назад
Great video Nathan, as always. Tertiary function is running under surface, doing ‘behind-the-scene’ work, when mostly the world interact with or just see a person through their top two functions. ☺️👌
@elishawomack 2 года назад
I get the Fi and the Ni one's a lot because having direction or knowing who I am is so comforting in a world full of unknown and ever changing variables
@FreGee1 Год назад
As an ENFP I can quite agree with that one. My favorite subject at school has always been statistics and I've always thought it was weird for an ENFP to like something so Si-Te or something but nope it was just an ENFP being an ENFP lol.
@lovewho Год назад
We talk about it that much in the typology community but types often like to embrace and indulge in their lower functions! ~ Nathan
@josiesmith1295 Год назад
As an ENTP I really struggle with the ENTP one. I don't like connecting with others or fostering relationships at all. I put a great deal of effort into not being part of anyone's life. Do I like to observe them and ask them questions to beef up my knowledge bank and figure them out? Absolutely. I don't have any desire to get close to them or be any part of their lives though. I also stay far away from their relationships. The only relationship I may get some comfort from fostering is a business relationship if it directly benefits me. It seems to me that ENTPs fall firmly into two camps. The warm,approachable extroverted type or the starkly contrasting cold,introspective introverted type. We both live off of NE and TI,but that's where the similarity stops dead in it's tracks.
@sallydoo 2 года назад
Your videos are always spot-on when it comes to ESFPs! I have always found comfort in spurts of organizing and discarding, as well as bouts of rearranging. As a child, I used to get in trouble for moving all the furniture in my room at night while my parents slept 😅
@erinwhitefields3320 2 года назад
I'm an intp, that segment made me feel so called out staph 😭🤚
@bluebellbell3725 2 года назад
Me infj: watching British criminal storys Mum isfj: sittning with wordpuzzle and sudoku
@dante7817 2 года назад
Me INFJ, but watching an in depth psychological analysis of scenes in the film, *The Silence of the Lambs* Would love to know what goes through your mind when you're watching those criminal shows, but completely understand if you choose not to reply. :)
@nihiladmirari6065 Год назад
Istp the same as infj lol
@HaHaHaLMFAOtv 2 года назад
Very interesting points. To me, ENFJ, I've been living in a same stagnation mode for the past 2-3 years after the burnout and since I couldn't move to another country for known reasons. And it's killing me. I really need some change in my life but I'm planning it for the next fall (need to collect more money). But I do wish that life happened to me more often in an interesting and happy kinda way. Because it does feel like I have to do with such a great force to make something happen.
@jazminesmith6979 2 года назад
Something that's been on my mind, which personality type is the most mature, Like where is the end? I was talking to an ENFJ and it seems to me like she very childlike. And I was wondering if you had any insight - Drunk INTJ.
@christineherrmann205 2 года назад
Absolutely re:ENFJ. Though I also can get a bit of stress from lack of control, so I'm gonna listen to INFJ too. 🤣 EDIT: ahhh. So, KenKen and Sudoku. Yeeaahhh.
@solarisan_ 2 года назад
I had to think about this one for a while. I can't speak in general, but from my experience (both my own and seeing my brother), I can say that our reactions and interests (at least during childhood) were not alike. There are some similarities, yet their direction and reasoning differs. My brothers has always loved games. But the types of games he likes are more like online ones (Minecraft, for example). The type of games I like have always enjoyed include puzzles, while my brother hasn't really shown particular interest in them (not yet, that is). So, I think that the difference is this: if something goes from complexity to simplicity, or simplicity to complexity, it is not rooted in a decision making function. Those need a certain "straight" line. However, there is not one cognitive function that works alone. So, depending of how developed the extraverted ones are (in case of an introvert), one may get to see a spectrum of reactions, and variations in terms of interests. My mom had a very strongly developed Ne (and Te) despite being an introvert. That allowed her to think of many things in a short span of time. My brother's extraverted part is still being developed. But he is a minor, so over time it will look different. As a kid, I have particularly loved fables. So, a game with such building will be appealing to me more than the sort of games that my brother usually plays (some include getting rid of an enemy).
@creamperson9135 2 года назад
It's crazy how true the Intp (Si) bit is for me.
@marx3379 Год назад
that feeling when ur personality type is the most replayed section
@Elias-qp7cz 2 года назад
Do you have any advice for how an ENFJ can be a better friend for a INTJ?
@CaveyMoth 2 года назад
I'm an INTP. And when I get stressed out at work, I organize EVERYTHING. It's Si on steroids. I like how predictable it is, making sure that everything is organized and functional. Meanwhile, whenever I'm around my ENTP brother, he always tries to get me outside, just to have things happen. And it's so annoying because I'm an INTP. But at the same time, I'm thankful for the chance to go outside once in a while.
@louisejoel 2 года назад
This is what I do when under stress, it makes me feel in control of an environment that I have no control over in reality
@mojyoqueen350 2 года назад
As someone who is a friend of an ENTP for 16 years now I must say that no one pushed me out of my comfort zone more than my ENTP friend. Also he used to own few discord servers, so I must say your description is correct in his case.
@bodine219 2 года назад
Lol yep. Me and my INFP self always having the exact same cup of toasty tea at night.
@hijacktaffairs 2 года назад
love this! if third function means how they seek comfort, What does second dominant function represent?
@nerysghemor5781 2 года назад
Also, the effect of third-slot Si on INFPs…you’re so right! I love to read new books, try new methods at work including when it’s driving my higher-Si colleagues crazy…but HOLY SHIT when my cube got taken away at the office and all my little creature comforts that I had there…THAT is when the shit hit the fan. Not upending our business processes…taking away my spot in the office. THAT was freaking work Armageddon and I’m still annoyed.
@ferona.mumaloo Год назад
When the grocery store stopped supplying my favourite chicken nuggets I intermittently moaned about it to people for months… All the supply chain issues from the past couple of years have created some comfort crises LOL.
@angelagoodwin5758 Год назад
I hear you, fellow INFP!👍
@nathanjoiner2391 2 года назад
Entp being,(possibly above all else) dealmakers is quite profound and overlooked. Mostly imo because we don't deal in money, cash, etc(except to get by financially) we are looking for far higher win-win sutuation than cash can provide.
@dyohnee 2 года назад
I do love a good self-care routine. Mine consists of journaling, candles, connecting with water (bath, beach, lake,) music, movies, my fav snacks etc. -INTP
@ChantelStays 2 года назад
Beautifully done as always...
@silvercassidy8508 2 года назад
what better way to listen to this than sitting in my pyjamas and drinking tea
@YouilAushana 2 года назад
As an INFJ I was actually just flowing in study. But I still feel INFJ is the chameleon because I fit them all
@nickskywalker2568 2 года назад
I'm INFP and samn you're spot on
@blessyie643 2 года назад
Sup to everyone finding pieces of themselves in this channel🌷
@SuperMissRain 2 года назад
Is there a way to know how MBTI was created? How did they proceed to define each type?
@mattmatthewmatchuu 2 года назад
Entp, guilty
@julieenzo6557 2 года назад
Hahahha "in the wild"
@SuperSilverSaint Год назад
ISFJ here, and this is accurate, i love the feeling of relief after understanding something and/or solving puzzles. (But idk why I tend to avoid these activities). But the comfort is real when I finally understand the logic behind it all.
@robbyravenwoodcabaretmusic517 2 года назад
EXFP you nailed it for me -
@jilliansawers108 2 года назад
In the Ennegram Model I am 7 wing 6. Which is a ENFP basically. In the Enneagram Model under stress the 7, turns into a number 1. Number 1 is ISTJ/perfectionist type. They do this to get control of their chaos. Hence the planners. This is absolutely my pattern. I thought you were going to say we find comfort in indulging in everything, but well observed, what gives us comfort is taking control, or at least planning to take control.
@MlebKdrz 2 года назад
Great video as usual, ❤️ this channel!
@user-ez5vq9fd2t 2 года назад
I'm an INFJ who has enjoyed playing Magic the Gathering when I was a kid. Now, I'm an escape room and board game enthusiast... I like solving puzzles, even though I admit I am not the smartest at doing them like my ENTP gf.
@solarisan_ 2 года назад
What does it mean to be smart? Is that associated with Ti bc Ti = thinking? Does that make one smart? If so, in what way? 🤔
@spectenix Год назад
Relatable. I'm an ENFP and a few days ago I was organizing the resources for a video in folders
@Chigger 2 года назад
I'm pretty sure the owner of my workplace is an ESFJ. No wonder he seems to find me, an ENFP, to have fun ideas.
@swiftmk5480 2 года назад
INTJ here; at first I was really relating to the description of Ti, but once Fi was explained for me, I resonated with it so much. I felt a "personal connection" to the description of Fi comfort.
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