
How to deal with a false doctrine in the church 

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So if you don't understand and or agree with a doctrine in the church:
Study the reasons
Pray for confirmation that it is true
If your mind can't make sense of it, and your heart and spirit can't make it feel right then just realize that God does not explain Himself. So just be loyal to the leaders and pray for them to change the doctrine.
Red Flags:
Limited Critical Thinking: The video seems to discourage independent critical thinking by promoting loyalty to leaders even when faced with doctrinal concerns.
Suppressing Dissent: Encouraging members to pray for changes in doctrine rather than fostering an environment where constructive dialogue and open discussion are welcomed can lead to the suppression of dissenting opinions.
Emphasis on Obedience: The emphasis on loyalty to leaders, even in the face of doctrinal confusion, might prioritize obedience over genuine understanding. This can create an environment where unquestioning obedience is valued over individual spiritual exploration.
Potential for Manipulation: Encouraging members to be loyal and pray for leaders to change doctrine may create a power dynamic where leaders have significant influence over the beliefs and actions of the followers. This can potentially be exploited and lead to manipulative practices.



15 окт 2024




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@jt4jt4 9 месяцев назад
I took the bait and clicked on this because I thought it was going to deal with rank-and-file members promoting false notions, rather than how to deal with a policy that we had always been told would change at some point. I'm pretty sure that Elder Oaks would also take exception to this clip being promoted in this fashion.
@bbbarham6264 8 месяцев назад
The notion that it was originally taught that the Priesthood Ban would eventually be lifted in this life is is untrue. Brigham Young taught that the priesthood ban could not be ended until the millennium. He said: “the Lord told Cain that he should not receive the blessings of the Priesthood, nor his seed, until the last of the posterity of Abel had received the Priesthood, until the redemption of the earth.”(The Teachings of President Brigham Young Vol. 3 1852-1854, p. 41) Pres. McConkie acknowledged this when the ban was lifted. He said: “There are statements in our literature by the early Brethren which we have interpreted to mean that the Negroes would not receive the priesthood in mortality. I have said the same things, and people write me letters and say, “You said such and such, and how is it now that we do such and such?” And all I can say to that is that it is time disbelieving people repented and got in line and believed in a living, modern prophet. Forget everything that I have said, or what President Brigham Young or President George Q. Cannon or whomsoever has said in days past that is contrary to the present revelation. We spoke with a limited understanding and without the light and knowledge that now has come into the world.” (Bruce R. McConkie, CES Religious Educators Symposium: All Are Alike Unto God, 1978 August 18)
@Henry-Brock 2 месяца назад
You are tired of click-bait too, huh?
@jeffwilson4693 8 месяцев назад
I joined the Church at Easter of 1978. I didn't join for the doctrines. I joined because Gods spirit showed me in spirit and vision that he lives and that the Missionaries and Church were his. I remember learning after joining, that blacks were banned form the priesthood, and praying to God for it to be restored or for their exclusion to be lifted. It never entered my mind that the ban was wrong or the Church untrue. I knew the Church was true. I just supposed the ban was a necessity to be addressed in Gods time. Nevertheless I also supposed that maybe my prayer might find appeal with God and lift the ban. As it happened, President Kimball lifted the ban shorty after my joining. What also occurs to me is that up to my conversion, I had spent the first twenty six years of my life without any knowledge of or access to God, his Church, the priesthood, doctrines or anything relative to salvation. But I don't feel cheated or offended by God or the Church. So I don't think blacks should feel cheated or offended either. Is one robbed to know that God lives, that he is more than all gold and wealth? If you fault the Church for the ban, then you don't know God, and your life is not in him.
@1god2674 6 месяцев назад
It's the human famley 🤗 💕🌱 We should be doing everything that makes life easy we make living fun!!!! If people could envision a world where everybody free everybody and we don't make each other pay for the gift of living so that we can find the kinds of work that we enjoy doing and make earth a heavenly place I don't understand your idea of waiting till you die to experience heaven why wouldn't you want to do it in the present 🎁 that would make it the gift 💝 of living instead of the cost of living Saying that religions and governments teach you that heavenley life = a deathly experience If you use that for an excuse that's sorry excuse & makes sure your children are born slaves!!! our human famley & heavenley earth 🌎 It would be bunches of work & it would be a bunches of fun!! 🤗 💕🌱 And there doesn't have to be a cost of love! Imagine going work and say we're making our erth heaven!!!! we 🤗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 live 💕 in heaven! instead of earning Instead of urn⚱️ing living love without a cost of living Like things on Earth are designed We're living on a heavenly Earth instead of living in a financial system we live with love Instead of living with debt Everybody free everybody Don't make each other pay for the gift of living don't make each force rules against others Everybody work together and make the most perfect heaven we can possibley envision!! 🤗 💕🌱
@ericreed4535 2 месяца назад
Wow, feelings and not facts. You should be ashamed for trying to tell the victims of prejudice and discrimination how they should feel. Embarrassed for you.
@jeffwilson4693 2 месяца назад
@@ericreed4535 Your so called "victims" can speak for themselves. You are not their advocate.
@ericreed4535 2 месяца назад
@@jeffwilson4693 Many have and many more will. You were wrong to say what you said. Your organization has a horrific and fraudulent past. Speaking of victims, let's mention the young kids abused, many too young to understand and speak for themselves. I'm happy to speak on their behalf, deal with it.
@jeffwilson4693 2 месяца назад
@@ericreed4535 You represent contention, strife and division where there is no sin but the appearance of sin. You are not about justice. In ancient Israel, only men from the tribe if Levi could hold the Aaronic Priesthood. Did God sin in this? Judaism was for Jews and no other as they are the chosen people. Did God sin in this? The gospel of Jesus Christ was to Jews until God gave Peter a revelation to extend it to gentiles. Was it sin aforehand and covered up by a sinful God in extending the blessing to include gentiles? You do not advocate for justice or victims. You advocate for the devil.
@bbbarham6264 8 месяцев назад
False doctrine can and is taught in the church. Pres. McConkie acknowledged this directly about some of the things Brigham taught. He said: “Prophets are men and they make mistakes. Sometimes they err in doctrine… This puts me in mind of Paul’s statement: “There must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.” (1 Cor. 11:19.) I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality. We will be judged by what we believe among other things. If we believe false doctrine, we will be condemned.” (Bruce R. McConkie, Letter to Eugene England regarding Brigham Young, February 19, 1981, p. 6-7)
@3blenders 8 месяцев назад
i hate loathe that word “sifting”. can’t explain really. to me it prescribes to am arrogance something i have a hard time with when used by humans or anyone but god himself. when used by a human i wonder what gives them the right to put themselves over me? No one is over me. I am a free and sovereign agent in charge of my own sifting relationship with God himself only.
@TheMormonSorceress 8 месяцев назад
One of my sister in laws left the church due to her abusive grandfather who had every family member under his thumb and taught things that were not in the Book of Mormon. If only she'd seen his false teachings she and her husband would still be in the church.
@churtle1143 8 месяцев назад
If the leaders of the church can profess false doctrines from the pulpit, how are the members supposed to trust any words they say as doctrine? Good feelings? Sounds to me like the philosophies of men mingled with scripture. I was always taught that these men spoke face to face with god "as a man speaketh with his friend." You'd think that an almighty god would be able to prevent false doctrines from being taught.
@bbbarham6264 8 месяцев назад
@@churtle1143 The notion that the Brethren have seen God and receive verbal instruction from Him is an unfortunate misconception in the church. I have personally heard Elder Bednar say in talks that how he receives revelation did not change after becoming an apostle. I found a quote from Pres. Lee saying that he nor any of the apostles had seen Christ gave to face. The brethren receive revelation and are just as prone to error as we are.
@GldnClaw 3 месяца назад
The worst thing about scandalous comments is that the truth is always more logical (and boring) than the scandalizer sets it up to be.
@Flipflopskipskop 9 месяцев назад
While I'd appreciate the entirety of his talk, this will do. Sometimes we don't have answers and all we can do is have faith. Satan is really really good at taking our approach to "just have faith" and turning it into a list of red flags. People will fight Jesus Christ all they want, but in the end he'll win and to be honest it's really sad. Why would some one try to, let alone want to, fight Jesus, he's Jesus. That's like fighting Winnie the Pooh yall.
@alananat6628 8 месяцев назад
"We don't have the answers" = false doctrine.
@Flipflopskipskop 8 месяцев назад
@@alananat6628 maybe 🤷
@davidfrey5654 10 месяцев назад
Yes, God's kingdom doesn't work like man's kingdom. You want to see the gospel through the lens of the world while asks us to see the world through the lens of the gospel. DC 1:14 "And the arm of the Lord shall be revealed; and the day cometh that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of his servants, neither give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people;" You either believe that verse or you don't. If you don't, you can shake your fist at church leaders all day long, but they don't answer to you or the members of the church. They answer to God and his son Jesus Christ. This is nothing new. People have rejected the prophets since the dawn of time. The prophet Moses had not only been rejected by the Egyptians, but he had also been rejected by his own people. The Lord told Moses that if the people rejected him, they would be rejecting God Himself. Nothing has changed.
@MegaJohn144 10 месяцев назад
The true prophets and apostles, or those who illegitimately claim to be apostles and prophets? The church falsely claims that Joseph Smith passed the keys down to the twelve (Whom the Lord never called "apostles". He called them "disciples".) Oliver Cowdery taught the twelve that their ordination was not complete until Christ, Himself, laid His hands on their heads and ordained them. This never happened, and Joseph Smith never passed any keys. He can't. Ordination to the Apostleship is only done by direct ordination of Jesus Christ. And, the Melchizedek Priesthood is given by the voice of God speaking out of the heavens. Gen. 14, JST. Speaking of Moses, he tried to lead his people directly into the Presence of God, but they rejected the invitation, preferring instead for Moses to act as a go-between. (D&C 84, Genesis 14) This is NOT the optimal. Don't puff yourself up because you think some guy who calls himself a prophet is doing all the heavy lifting, as you suppose. You and I and every member of the church should have direct communion with the Lord, and every man able to speak in the name of the Lord. While you are quoting D&C 1, quote this: D&C 1:20 But that every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world; Num 11:29 And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD'S people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them!
@IN_GODS_iTRUST 9 месяцев назад
@@MegaJohn144if It wasnt for Joseph Smith the true Gospel wont be Restored
@DougVandegrift 8 месяцев назад
these lds church leaders got you hook, line, and sinker. I used to believe in this until I realized zero of Joseph Smith's Prophecies ever came true. Not a single one.
@Ilbahn 5 месяцев назад
Amen brother, amen. God has always had imperfect men to be His prophets and the world has always hated them for not being perfect, but who they really hate is God for not appealing to their idea of what a prophet should be.
@ikerd9661 10 месяцев назад
A great message. As a younger fella, it really makes me appreciate the difficult questions previous generations had to wrestle with.
@williamhaddock1838 9 месяцев назад
You clearly dont know what lies ahead or are living in a bubble
@Henry-Brock 8 месяцев назад
Ignore the other comment. You have chosen the path of faith. Hold to the Rod.
@williamhaddock1838 8 месяцев назад
Did you not read this post, the whole point of it is to point out the LACK of critical thinking, so you are encouraging people not to think for themselves, the 'Brethren' will do the thinking for you! Yea, good advice, and you don't think there are even more difficult decisions ahead? Wasn't it Lucifer who was going to do your thinking for you and Christ had something to say about that.
@Cocoon68 8 месяцев назад
Did any of you actually click on the more? 😂 he explains this and it isn’t what you think!
@jasontaylor7931 9 месяцев назад
Blacks not being able to hold the priesthood was not a false doctrinal teaching. It was the Church’s policy at the time. The title to this video is misleading. But I loved President Oak’s comments regardless.
@tsmithson1 9 месяцев назад
It was absolutely "doctrine", do the research. This has become the Church's way to sidestep the issue of having to own our overtly racist past. OWN it, say we were wrong, stop making excuses.
@BibleSamurai 3 месяца назад
doctrine drives policy and read mormon history. Thats foundational. Curse of Ham. false doctrine, church, and all. repent
@hollayevladimiroff131 6 месяцев назад
To me, a false doctrine is one that is not of the bible, one that thinks Jesus is created. A true biblical doctrine is one that believes Jesus is the High Priest and all His people are a holy Priesthood, this is recorded in 1 Peter 2:5. A religion that believes in what Jesus says in the bible, that who believe in Him has the temple with in them and not a temple made with hands. 2 Cor 6:16 Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
@jwinfrey6298 Месяц назад
If you follow a false christ warned about in matthew 24 by Jesus ,or Paul's warning in galations 1 following an angel and a false gospel you are condemned
@MegaJohn144 5 месяцев назад
President Oaks says that the Lord never gives explanations for His commandments. This has not been my experience. I have followed the directions given by Nephi in 2 Nephi 31,32. I am receiving revelations and commandments from the Lord and feasting upon them. I have never offered a prayer or asked a question of the Lord that He hasn't answered -- sometimes immediately, sometimes in the following couple of days as He prepares me to receive an answer. The Lord doesn't play games or manipulate people. If you seek, ask, and knock with humility and real intent, having faith that you will receive, the Lord will answer you in plainness using actual words, ideas, visions, and revelations, not with warm fuzzy feelings.
@Frogman1943 4 месяца назад
the real intent in addition to obeying commandments is the hard part. i think a lot of people just want answers and continue to not follow the commandments.
@mckayandersen5858 8 месяцев назад
This issue seems to fall easily within the bounds of God’s historical commands/actions- From “Thou shalt not kill,” to “[S]lay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.” Or from “[H]e denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female...” to “[H]e caused a cursing, yea, even a sore cursing… the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.” Exodus 20:13, 1 Samuel 15:3 2 Nephi 26:33, 2 Nephi 5:21
@Henry-Brock 2 месяца назад
Pray for confirmation of the truth only works for someone who is keeping all the commandments and striving to have faith in the Prophets. I'm afraid that too many pray and get their answers from the wrong source.
@Andy-wo9bm 2 месяца назад
I think you mean to say Faith in Christ, be careful.
@hankbrock8609 2 месяца назад
​@@Andy-wo9bm No. I meant to say exactly what I said, which was exactly my point that you are missing. See D&C 1:14, 38-39. Too many people think they have faith in Jesus Christ but disavow His words, His mouthpieces on earth, and listen to the voice of their master because that is the only voice they can hear because they are servants of sin themselves. Their "faith in Jesus Christ" is a folly because they do not know His voice, which they cannot know because they are not obedient. They may think they know Him, because "with their mouths they do honor me, but their hearts are far from me" (Isaiah 29), living according to their own thoughts and reasoning.
@Andy-wo9bm Месяц назад
@@hankbrock8609 Never says “faith in prophets..” Faith is centered in and solely in Christ and Him alone. In saying the language of “Faith in prophets” is very borderline at best and only adds to the confusion when people look at the LDS culture. Just as the scripture states faith in “servants” is not a stand alone statement, it is dangerous and not a tenant of our faith.
@SueDeNym08 10 месяцев назад
Does "all" include women? Not LDS, just curious.
@TheRastacabbage 10 месяцев назад
@TheRastacabbage 10 месяцев назад
Not in the same fashion as men
@archangel_one 9 месяцев назад
Perhaps, but it does NOT include Christians.
@FromAgonyToLight 9 месяцев назад
Yes, it does.
@TheRastacabbage 9 месяцев назад
What is a Christian?
@Jjj53214 4 месяца назад
The Lord rarely gives reasons for his commandments? What? That is a recipe for being misled. The words of Christ will tell you all things that you shall do. Do not judge the fruit by the tree. By the fruit you will know the tree. A prophet is a prophet only when he acts as such (and teaches the words of Christ).
@matthayes533 10 месяцев назад
Man I was hoping for something better than "Be patient and wait for God's Prophetic leadership to figure out it's false" Shouldn't God's chosen leadership be able to distinguish truth from falsehood? Discrimination of this kind was never right, never good, never holy, and never supported in scripture. How could anyone in leadership hate their brother so much?
@blizzard2oo 10 месяцев назад
Sure, look through mortal eyes then criticize the church leaders. You are totally wrong to accuse church leaders of hatred. If you have no testimony then say so!
@matthayes533 10 месяцев назад
​@@blizzard2oo My testimony is that I place my complete trust in Jesus who lives and loves me, whom God raised from the dead. And that love is available to everyone by grace through faith - not by works and not after all we can do, lest any one should boast. There is no Jew nor gentile, no slave nor free but Christ is all in all - its just too bad the LDS church took nearly 150 years to figure this out. Hopefully someday soon the Leadership will figure out that salvation is by Grace alone through faith alone, and not "after all you can do". I just hope it doesnt take another 150 years.
@prophetcentral 9 месяцев назад
@@matthayes533 Notice that DHO was about 45 years old when the ban was lifted. He had been praying for close to 20 years possibly for this to be changed? Also, he was serving as President of BYU at the time the ban was lifted. He was being loyal to the church as he sought to climb the ladder. He somehow jumped from a Justice to an Apostle! You would never see that today as the ladder has clearly been defined as going through the 70. I wonder why this has changed in recent years. I think the wolves in sheep's clothing have taken full control of the organization again. By "again" I mean since the days of Brigham Young. I believe Wilford Woodruff was in the right to dispose of Polygamy and eventually those polygamist wolves all died out. We were warned that they would come back in though, and we are seeing it full-fledged today penetrating the highest ranks of the church. Something to think about the phrase "all we can do" is I think you misunderstand it. Consider this, Nephi in stating, "for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do" was not saying that religious works were required to the greatest extent possible, and then grace would kick in. He was saying that even though you perform all of the works you think are salvific, they are dead works and only grace can save EVEN AFTER you have done everything we think we can do. Could it be possible that Nephi is saying that no matter how much we do, only the grace of Christ will save us? "Wherefore we speak concerning the law that our children may know the deadness of the law; and they, by knowing the deadness of the law, may look forward unto that life which is in Christ, and know for what end the law was given. And after the law is fulfilled in Christ that they need not harden their hearts against him when the law ought to be done away." The early saints were given a neo-law-of-moses in order to trip them up. They know not of the deadness of their law, and if they did they wouldn't harden the hearts against the few who are beginning to speak up and expose it for its deadness expounding upon ancient prophecy as evidence of our waywardness.
@brucehubbard159 9 месяцев назад
I find it interesting that when you make a statement that would seem obvious, you are attacked as not having a testimony. Your testimony should be based on your belief in Christ. After that foundation is established, your testimony could also confirm whether a doctrine revealed by a man who professes to be a Prophet is true or false. When the Church continually teaches the false doctrine that their Prophet cannot lead you astray , they open themselves up to scrutiny of everything. The old statement that something that will not hold up to scrutiny needs to be scrutinized CAN lead a person to truth. It can also lead you into more deception. That is why most members are too fearful to question anything from a leader. The journey for truth takes constant effort and was intended to be a personal journey for each of us.
@JohnLowman-co1lq 9 месяцев назад
Ha! The distribution of the Gospel has always had restrictions on it. The old testament is full of peoples not taught the Gospel. When Christ sent the disciples out to preach the Gospel to "all the world" it was not to the Gentiles. That didn't come until Cornelius. God captains the ship. Man your post and do your duty.
@president234 8 месяцев назад
In other words... just believe it
@Drummerjl1 9 месяцев назад
"Be loyal to our prophetic leaders..." the best solution/decision.
@tsmithson1 9 месяцев назад
Loyal even when they are clearly doing the wrong thing?
@cjwrites 8 месяцев назад
This video has nothing to do with false doctrine...
@3blenders 8 месяцев назад
close companionship with the Holy Ghost… wanting to understand is a good thing but not always needed or given. follow the Holy Ghost.
@keleniengaluafe2600 10 месяцев назад
@prophetcentral 9 месяцев назад
What an example...pointing to an institution rather than a heavenly kingdom. He gives the appearance of righteousness, yet inwardly he is a ravening wolf. There is nothing we can do to change the false doctrines of the church, so the only way to repent of them is to become disloyal to the leaders and the institution. I can tell you with all of my heart that your Savior would rather you put yourself into the furnace of affliction setting your face against the church and its leaders than continue in willing disobedience to God's will if he has revealed it to you. Obedience to man is not greater than obedience to God even if you continue praying that one day those men may be changed. Follow the example of Christ and cast out wickedness from among you as it exists in the house built unto his name no matter the consequence including death, "for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." (Matt 5:12)
@andrewdurfee3896 9 месяцев назад
So your trying to receive Christ without receiving his servants? don't you know that those who rejects God's servants reject Him? I don't know if you believe the Book of Mormon or that Joseph Smith is a prophet, but one of the great warnings in the Book of Mormon and Bible is people rejecting God's prophets and fighting against them thinking they do God service.
@prophetcentral 9 месяцев назад
@@andrewdurfee3896 but there are many warnings of impostors servants who testify of Christ but don't know him in truth. They are hypocrites who say one thing and do another. They are liars and have not given their heart to God even though outwardly they appear righteous and good, but they have not been born of the spirit and made into new creatures and children of Christ. We need to wrestle with God to know which servants are his true servants and which ones are false. Lehi rejected the false ones and his sons claimed he was rejecting God's servants. Was he really though? Was Hannaniah and others really true servants preaching a pretended peace and safety, or was Jeremiah the true servant? What if you found yourself at temple square and the true servants were saying to repent, turn from idolatrous temple worship and flee for safety before the temple is destroyed and billions of dollars wasted? On the other hand servants tell you to trust that God will provide you peace and safety in the temple? Which servants are bearing the true message? Which message is delivered by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost? It is a difficult discernment, but scriptures helps us see with the correct eyes, and understand with the correct mindset. Those prefessing to be God's servants reject God's people thinking they are doing God and his church a service, but God flips the situation on its head. Isaiah 66:5 "Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed."
@alexanderv7702 9 месяцев назад
Jehovah of the Old Testament is NOT Jesus of the New Testament. I challenge anyone to explain how the Church teaches it is!
@TheCakeEmpireYT 9 месяцев назад
"For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith." - 2 Nephi:23
@MegaJohn144 10 месяцев назад
The church does not teach the Doctrine of Christ as given in the Book of Mormon. Instead, it has instituted the so-call "covenant path", which actually denies the work of Christ and our need for Him. The church violates or ignores every single section in the D&C in one or more points. This covers a lot of teachings and principles. The only revelation which is encouraged in the church is the personal revelation that the church is true and the leaders are inspired. Any other revelation is strongly discouraged. The church conflates confirmation in the church with the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, thus giving members the false impression that they actually have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, when actually they only have a warm fuzzy emotional feeling. Joseph Smith said that the gift of the Holy Ghost is what distinguishes the church from all other sects or denominations. Having done this, Mormonism has degenerated into just another "faith" The church has changed the temple ordinances without revelation. Joseph Smith taught that the ordinances are only to be changed by revelation under Adam's authority. The church teaches and enforces a false misunderstanding of the Law of Tithing. It teaches that Malachi is condemning ordinary members for not paying their tithing, but if you read the entire Book of Malachi, he is chewing out the priests for their misappropriate of the tithing funds that they receive. This is enough for now.
@matthewborgholthaus7952 9 месяцев назад
For one of the things you have mentioned having his Spirit to be with us, please look more into the sacramental prayers (they are some of the most important in my opinion) the promise Jesus made with us is that we will have his spirit to be with us as long as we remember him, in my life the more I have had Heavenly father and Jesus Christ on my mind the more I have seen miracles and the things God does for us. The goal is to become more like Christ, we may have questions in life but we have the ability to study and pray to our heavenly father, and through the power of the holy ghost we can recieve truths by reading the scriptures, sometimes people get that wrong, but we can pray to ask Heavenly Father and recieve our own answers to questions we may have, sometimes those answers may take years to find but I believe we will eventually understand just as Heavenly Father does; humble and meek like unto a child. Our knowledge is very little compared to Heavenly Father's infinite knowledge.
@williamhaddock1838 9 месяцев назад
for too long I went along, I was never happy with the Church as an institution. Simply following the brethren means we do nothing, we are not tested we simply follow them which goes against everything the Lord teaches us, yes they teach about personal revelation unless it conflicts with the brethren and then you are wrong, can people not see how dangerous that is, just look at our own history. So well said. I am converted to Christ and the Gospel, I don’t believe Joseph Smith would recognise the church now.
@andrewdurfee3896 9 месяцев назад
@@williamhaddock1838 sorry, but the teachings of the Prophets of the church stand against you. Brigham Young was concerned that the saints would rely to heavily on the prophet and not get there own revelation that the things he said to see if they were true.
@andrewdurfee3896 9 месяцев назад
Joseph Smith himself told Brigham Young, that the endowment he gave him, the twelve, etc. needed to be improved upon and systematized. Revelation was indeed given and the endowment has been improved upon. Nope I'm going to keep paying my tithing and not be burned at his coming.
@williamhaddock1838 9 месяцев назад
@@andrewdurfee3896 and how much tithing will you pay? In D7C 119 the revelation states that tithing should be paid on interest, if you believe the revelation to be from God he states, which will be a standing law forever, but the Church changed that as well. As soon as Joseph was killed Brigham stated that he (they) would start a revision of Church history, why ?Why does history need to be changed or revised, unless it doesn’t fit your narrative, and with the greatest of respect to you Andrew, if the reason you are paying your tithing is so not to be burnt, would suggest you have a flawed understanding of tithing and its purpose. Remember that according to the BoM that faith is only faith if it is in Truth.
@wadeleroysmith6529 9 месяцев назад
Your church is a false doctrine.
@tdw1826 8 месяцев назад
Hard to deal with false doctrine when they sell false doctrine in desert book as well
Facts that the Book of Mormon is True
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