
I Found These Atheist Memes Online. Here’s What’s Wrong with Them. 

Mike Winger
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0:00 - Intro
Meme 1: 0:43
Meme 2: 4:51
Meme 3: 11:28
Meme 4: 21:39
Meme 5: 31:37
Meme 6: 35:57
Meme 7: 39:49
I hope that this video doesn't just trigger people (though I'm sure that's unavoidable) but that it stirs serious thought and consideration.



12 июл 2024




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@sarahfaith316 Год назад
Timestamps! 0:00 - Intro Meme 1: 0:43 Meme 2: 4:51 Meme 3: 11:28 Meme 4: 21:39 Meme 5: 31:37 Meme 6: 35:57 Meme 7: 39:49
@ContemporaryCompendium Год назад
Thank you 😊
Is there an email we can message Mike? We have a concern we would like to bring to his attention. We tried going through the website but the character limit prevented us from being able to. Thank you for your help regarding this matter.
@sarahfaith316 Год назад
@@kristindanielcarrington3318 Hi there, I apologize that he's generally not able to correspond via email due to the amount of messages we receive, but if you submit your concern through our contact form, it will reach me (his assistant) and I will be happy to help in any way that I can. I apologize that the character maximum is limiting, but if you do your best to summarize your concern I will be happy to assist. God bless.
@seanphillips7923 Год назад
The first meme really does seem to suggest extortion toe. Problem is, so does the way a lot of Christians evangelize I am a Christian now, and have been for more than a few years now. But I still tend to have problems with this. Back when I first started college and first started hearing people evangelize, it made God seem like a mob boss. Because he's saving to from his own punishment. It might hit the mark a bit more if it had said: "from what my father is going To do to you." But the message is the same. The meme may not explain the reason, namely god's wrath about sin. But the message remains the same. Evangelists use fear of hell to get people to accept Christ.I don't think that:s misconstruing anything to say that. Just listen to Ray Comfort. He even says he wants people to be afraid.he compares Jesus to a parachute.
@lizicadumitru9683 Год назад
@@seanphillips7923 May I ask what you think God's wrath is?
@5BBassist4Christ Год назад
Meme #3: Never having sex in heaven claim -This is actually something that compels me to the truth of Christianity. When people make stuff up, they try to sell it in a way that is appealing to people's natural desires, and often times, carnal sexual desires. Islam teaches that a man may have up to four wives, may divorce one at any time, and can have prostitutes and sex slaves. Then when they get to heaven, they get 72 virgins. Mormanism teaches polygamy, and that when a man gets to heaven, any of his wives he choses he still wants he can still have to populate his own world. Progressive Christianity teaches that all sexual activity is okay, even polygamy, -no wait, sorry, poagamy (marriage orgies). I was talking to a Hebrew Israelite recently, and he claimed that Christians will get 8 wives in heaven. Even Judaism teaches marriage in the afterlife, and only began to support monogamy centuries after Christianity already taught it. As far as I know, Christianity is the only religion in the world to have taught monogamy from the beginning. And unlike many of the other religions which say homosexuality is okay (Progressive), sex slavery is okay (Islam), sex with a girl under 3 years old does not take her virginity away (Judaism), pedophilia is okay (Mormanism), Christianity commands not just monogamy, but patience until marriage too. And, unlike all of these other religions which permit sex in the afterlife, Christianity, -after giving far less license to sex than any other religion in this world, says that this world is all we've got for sex. For a man like myself, who wants nothing more than to get married, and is wrestling with the thought that I will never have it, I don't even have this hope in heaven. I've got now to get married, or else it's too late and I will never get my most craved experience. If people like me can still believe in Christianity under those conditions, it's not because of carnal desires. If somebody believes in Islam, it may be for the sex. If somebody believes in Mormonism, it may be for the sex. If somebody believes in Progressive Christianity, it may be for the sex. But for those who believe in traditional Christianity, -you know their belief is genuine.
@nancynurse1989 Год назад
Wow ! So very well articulated! I agree 10000%. I respect you to the highest. It's so refreshing to hear a young? Man speak with clarity, thoughtfulness, integrity and determination. Stay the course, who knows what the Lord has in store for you . If you continue to delight yourself in him, he will give you the desires of your heart! God bless you!
@workinabroad Год назад
This is golden.
@StevenGregoryJayy Год назад
Man you must post this on IG or something for the world to see lol this is good!
@DaveBaldwin1 Год назад
Well said brother!!
@guineapigsith699 Год назад
poagamy - ew
@moomin8251 Год назад
Soon after I became a Christian 40 years ago someone asked me if I believed the Bible. I said "yes absolutely, every word", he wanted to know why and all I could say was "I dunno, I just do". He wasn't impressed and I realised it wasn't a good enough answer and set about finding out why I believed it. Doing so gave me love and appreciation for the Word that's just got stronger over the years. "Always be ready to give a defense..."
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
That's funny. You missed all the inconsistencies and contradictions that are obvious to the skeptics.
@markmclain126 Год назад
Yeesssss! Let’s go! You must always be prepared to defend your faith. The evidence is there. Just search for it.
@IronFreee Год назад
So, what's your answer now?
@Victor-nl1bm Год назад
@@markmclain126 I wish the best luck
@markmclain126 Год назад
@@Victor-nl1bm thank you. All I need is Jesus.
@aysajaysa133 Год назад
Our small church used to have an old man start coming every Sunday, trying to give money for every possible reason. Our Pastor had a talk with him and discovered he was trying to give all the money he had left before he died because he didn't think there was any other way for God forgive him. Suffice it to say, none of us were concerned about his money, but every single one of us was concerned about his proper understanding of the Gospel.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
Glad I'm an outsider who knows that God does not need this poor guy or his money.
@robynmarler3839 Год назад
There's not much love in the original comment.
@Window4503 Год назад
@@robynmarler3839 What do you mean? They cared more about his soul than his money. Bad theology hurts people. It was hurting him, so they tried to help him. That’s love in action.
@Imjustsayin99 Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley Explain how you know that God does not need this poor guy or his money. Who told you this or where did you read it to come to this conclusion?
@smokyquartz5817 Год назад
So you let him believe he was going to Hell...
In my experience, many people don’t consider these “silly memes” but distillations of legitimate arguments against Christianity. This is very much worth your time!
@frumpusnumpus Год назад
Exactly! And they use these memes in arguments against Christians too.
@googIesux Год назад
Friend who walked away from the faith (doesn't know jack about what the bible teaches though, so maybe never had it) spouts these and he's serious.. and he's def not an intellectual or deep thinker, but most people aren't (and God made them, and we're all different so I mean no disrespect.) This is indeed worth the time and trouble. Also you are a beautiful and unique freckle
@erikkire42 Год назад
They are silly because they are dishonest. Like someone who gets excited because they read a few contextless passages from Leviticus and claim they have unraveled Christianity because we eat shellfish or wear cotton poly blends. So you try to explain the difference between moral law and ceremonial law and where and how it’s applied and they start accusing you of being overly complicated. They think they have a gotcha question but don’t care to read that these questions have been answered hundreds and hundreds of years ago. They ask without the slightest desire for an answer. The question asked under false pretenses doesn’t deserve an answer
@infamouscrusader2183 Год назад
@@googIesux Sadly, I agree. Just goes to show you how most people spout and day things just to fir their views. Glad I found Mike's videos that explains things in a different way.
@infamouscrusader2183 Год назад
@@erikkire42 True. When unbelievers say that stuff it just reveals their ignorance, not ours if we have read and studied the scriptures.
@mamusipipalisajelo5419 Год назад
As an atheistic agnostic myself, I apologise for those out there who misrepresent you and other Christians. It's really a thing that hurts any discussion, and it's horrible that it happens. I may not speak for everyone, but maybe it means something
@lizicadumitru9683 Год назад
Awesome 😎
@thatoneguy1299 Год назад
The internet is a wild place no one can truly represent anyone anymore. Dw about it we are glad you are here
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
As an atheist, whilst I understand your sentiments, memes are meant to be funny and irreverent, with a grain of truth. They are not meant to be totally factual. In any event “Christians” are not a homogeneous group. There are 30-40,000 Christian denominations and sects who cannot get on and misrepresent each other and do more damage than any atheist.
@ryanmoon3736 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 mao. Stalin. Pol pot. Institutionalized atheism doesn't have the best track record either looks like
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
@@ryanmoon3736 Why do you say that Mao , Stalin and Pol Pot we’re atheist? There is no such thing as “Institutionalised atheism”. Atheism is not a world view. It has no doctrine, scripture , regulations, institutions and makes no claims. It has no political agenda, no ideals, no plans or ambitions. All atheism is is the lack of beliefs in gods primarily for lack of sufficient evidence that warrants that belief. Christianities “track record “ is obscenely bad.
@lucynewlin807 Год назад
11:28 - LOL! - When I was in high school, our church youth group had a ski trip during Spring Break. At the hotel, our participants were all loaded on the bus to the ski area for the day. Other hotel guests were on that bus, and when he found out we were a church group, he said, "Man, Christians never do anything fun." One of our girls blurted out, "YEAH, THAT'S WHY WE'RE ON A SKI TRIP!" 😆😆😆
@thecloudtherapist Год назад
It almost seems like a waste of Mike's time to respond to and correct these memes but if it changes the heart and mind of even one person, then it's worth it. God bless you, Mike.
@csmoviles Год назад
@smokyquartz5817 Год назад
Correct. You're hilarious.
@freshcarrot2253 Год назад
How is this a waste of his time? The only good use of his time is glorifying God which this is helping do
@YeshuaIsTheTruth 8 месяцев назад
It also teaches Christians to think critically about faulty arguments that nonbelievers use
@ickyvicky216 8 месяцев назад
@@YeshuaIsTheTruth I agree with your post. This definitely helps me learn how to discuss the gospel to people who hold these views
@Cbawls Год назад
Mike I know you might feel jokey about reviewing memes, and it is funny! But I cannot stress enough how important this is in thinkinv biblically. Because there is so much stuff, content and memes online prevelent to everyone that is grouped up under a bigger christian principle. That is good, but sometimes you need to go into the nitty gritty even of such “lighthearted” thingsb
@JamilaS84 Год назад
Preach! 🤌
@sashaalpatru8100 Год назад
Nitty gritty... Remind me of Pastor J. Vernon McGee. 😁
@ianjones2731 Год назад
?? 'Nitty gritty' is Mike's middle name.
@StevenGregoryJayy Год назад
@@ianjones2731 yeah forreal. My man’s don’t play!
@rf7477 Год назад
What? "Thinking biblically" sounds like an oxymoron. "christian principle" is just plain confusing.
@faireplaymedia7622 Год назад
We all know that Jesus doesn’t literally mean hate your father and mother or hate your own life… He’s illustrating that you have to love discipleship with him more.
@michaelcarper2185 Год назад
Read Kierkegaard on this. Fear and Trembling.
@ayybeealternative1999 Год назад
Screw my kids. I love discipleship more.
@peters6345 Год назад
@@ayybeealternative1999 It simply means if your family is against your faith, you shouldn't agree with them because you love Jesus more. Consider the historic background here, Christians where hated by Jews, it would've been pretty common to face backlash from your own family.. And no, you don't "screw your kids" you love your neighbour as yourself
@ayybeealternative1999 Год назад
@@peters6345 Does the verse explain that? I'm an agnostic atheist so Idk
@lkae4 Год назад
@@ayybeealternative1999 How did you combine agonistic with atheist?
@scottyfleming2203 Год назад
Modern Christianity to most people are the crazy false teachers on tv.. then they disagree with that stuff and pretend every Christian believes in it.. we’re fighting the same fight.. the problem is how modern Christianity has been twisted so badly that we have more in common with atheists when they speak about those teachers. My heart hurts that most people don’t even understand what following Christ mean . These videos are a great way for short christian views that are rightly explained.. once again great stuff Mike
@FactStorm Год назад
No, all of Christianity from its very foundation is crazy. It doesn't take modern day, branched-off whackos in order to make it seem like its insane.
@ellabulldog 3 месяца назад
True, if Christians were more like Jimmy Carter they would be respected more. It's nothing new though. Ghandi said the same. Columbus didn't exactly show the peaceful natives the best side of Christians either. The Catholic Church and later the Protestants were not exactly anything to emulate. History isn't kind to either group. Like many things there are good Christians and bad. There are good atheists and bad. Same with Islam or any other belief system. Today Christianity is being used by a narcissistic sociopath to undermine the US government. It is a very worrying time for those that study politics and understand what is going on and what is at stake. So while not all Christians support him it is a significant number and a significant number of Christian leaders that are complicit. As the Orthodox Church is also complicit in Putin's war that is killing many in Ukraine and killing any willing to stand up to him at home. All are hurting Christianity. It certainly makes me more vocal against it. I'm concerned with how others manipulate the human herd to do bad things and how they get good humans to not take a stand against others doing bad things. Tribalism is a big part. As is propaganda. As is authoritarianism. It's much more complicated than can be addressed in a comment that is already too long for most. We see Israel and Hamas/Palestinians in a war. Hamas was wrong. Israel has gone too far with its response. Most Palestinians are peaceful and most Israelis are peaceful. It only takes a few bad leaders with a small following to ruin the lives of so many. It's not about religion to most of them. They just want want most humans want. Food, water, a home and safety. Others want more power, more land, and they ruin humanity for so many others.
@GranMaese Год назад
People that say "I used to be a Christian" [like the one from the 3rd meme] are like a guy failing all tests of a science class and yet daring to say "I used to be a scientist" when forced to switch to arts.
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
Really! I use to be a “Christian “. Is this the “No true Christian” fallacy?
@lauraandrews1676 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 Well, what's your definition of Christian?
@jayvansickle7607 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 The problem with this line of conversation, is that there are two different definitions/understandings/beliefs about something, trying to come to a conclusion. (which is why I just use apostate, to side step this). 1. As a believer... I believed that I had been regenerated by the Holy Spirit by faith. And, that was unshakeable. I also believed that anyone who had truly been regenerated could never lose their salvation. If they did walk away, they were never "one of us" to begin with. 2. As an atheist... I would say that I was truly a christian, because I believed that just as much as any else does...so, I was in that "group"... and a "Christian". However, I can also say that I was never a christian... because, I don't believe those things were actually true...and that no one is actually a Christian, by definition.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
I used to believe things that read about in books.
@jayvansickle7607 Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley not really a helpful comment. I’m sure you believe some things you read in books. One of the Christian arguments is, that we in fact do believe some things that probably have less attestation than the Bible. Which is largely true when it comes to some historical figures. Like if a book says that Plato said something…I don’t mind taking it at face value. It’s just when that book says that Plato had wings and could time travel, that my skepticism would come to play allot more.
@49pickles Год назад
Love it. We can’t allow ourselves to be offended by mean memes. Better is to have a reasonable answer that makes the meme look as silly as it is.
@StarjuuM Год назад
Or just don't try to read to much into humour? Sometimes memes are just for fun.
@blanktrigger8863 Год назад
@@StarjuuM If you've seen enough atheists you should know these aren't just for fun. They represent what folks believe to be legit logical arguments against Christianity.
@atheist_joseph_vina Год назад
Good luck with that since Christian memes are even sillier.
@FactStorm Год назад
You should be offended by the hate, superstitious, pseudoscience, sectarianism, sexism, homophobia, genocide, and child & cattle murder in the bible. Talk about priorities..
@saiguun Год назад
The thing about getting accused for having no evidence reminds me of this passage from Chesterton: 'The question of whether miracles ever occur is a question of common sense and of ordinary historical imagination: not of any final physical experiment. One may here surely dismiss that quite brainless piece of pedantry which talks about the need for "scientific conditions" in connection with alleged spiritual phenomena. If we are asking whether a dead soul can communicate with a living it is ludicrous to insist that it shall be under conditions in which no two living souls in their senses would seriously communicate with each other. The fact that ghosts prefer darkness no more disproves the existence of ghosts than the fact that lovers prefer darkness disproves the existence of love. If you choose to say, "I will believe that Miss Brown called her fiance a periwinkle or, any other endearing term, if she will repeat the word before seventeen psychologists," then I shall reply, "Very well, if those are your conditions, you will never get the truth, for she certainly will not say it." It is just as unscientific as it is unphilosophical to be surprised that in an unsympathetic atmosphere certain extraordinary sympathies do not arise. It is as if I said that I could not tell if there was a fog because the air was not clear enough; or as if I insisted on perfect sunlight in order to see a solar eclipse.' I find this line of thinking extremely common when arguing with non-believers. If the fundamental characteristic of Logos is that it occurs above material phenomena, then logically it won't be found under a microscope-and yet, that's ultimately the only source of knowledge they will admit. In other words, they wouldn't know what the evidence they're asking for would even look like if it was in front of their noses. If we are talking about proving the supernatural, the most disingenuous thing you can do is obstinately demand that people point at it in the realm of the natural. It's completely circular reasoning.
@ladybug6525 Год назад
I know it doesn't seem important compared to other topics and maybe it isn't, but I think this is important in its own way. Memes like this encourage ignorance and flippancy, which can draw believers and unbelievers away from God. I believe addressing these memes properly and logically is important for clear thinking about stuff like this and understanding how it can slyly twist things to misrepresent the Truth. On a different note, thank you so much for your ministry, it has helped me more than you probably know in my walk with Christ ❤️
@csmoviles Год назад
@TheDojason Год назад
I want to thank you Mike for the chat on my drive home from work. And thank you mom for sharing this vid with me. And thank you Lord for not giving up on me.
@hotcheetosgirl08 Год назад
Amen brother
@markmclain126 Год назад
He never leaves you. You are His most prized possession. Focus on Him and you you’ll never be alone. Stay vigilant and willing to learn. I love you
@thomasecker9405 Год назад
To be honest, these weren't entertaining for me...
@supplantermusic9413 Год назад
@@thomasecker9405 For those with a heart to please Christ, this is a pretty satisfying video. The hungry Christians here are being equipped with the wisdom and love needed to fish for these souls. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of the nations, and this video helps us do that better. What could be more satisfying than pleasing the God Who made you?
@thomasecker9405 Год назад
@@supplantermusic9413 I was talking about the memes, not Pastor Mike's correction of them. His breakdown and correction of them was satisfying, of that I do not dispute. As someone who gets into debates and sees these sorts of arguments regularly on RU-vid, it's the arguments made in the memes that aren't entertaining...
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
Okay, so how many times has this been posted so far: "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." And these meme's are examples of them demonstrating that very thing. Oh snap!
@bbjornr Год назад
i'd argue winger is professing to be wise over the meme makers. so, he has become the fool?
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
@@bbjornr For sure. Addressing the meme's doesn't make one a fool. Winger is just pointing out the errors and absurdity of those who do profess to be wise. Basically using the "answer, don't answer" strategy. (Proverbs 26:4-5)
@csmoviles Год назад
Jesse Bryant, Amen 💖🙏💖🙏
@andrewwashburn6080 Год назад
​@@jessebryant9233 um that scripture isnt saying everyone who professes to be wise becomes a fool its talking about specific people that doesnt apply to winger
@jessebryant9233 Год назад
@@andrewwashburn6080 Uhm, who said it is saying that? And NOBODY has said it applies to Winger... What are you talking about?
@ponzism Год назад
Mike, You had me rolling with your impersonation of the meme #3 youth pastor. LOL!!!
@CatholicForever83 Год назад
The 1st meme is from Rev. 3 when Jesus says “behold I stand at the door and knock” he’s actually addressing the church of Laodicean. His own followers, not unbelievers.
@Toadzx Год назад
The Zeus one also misrepresents Zeus and Greek mythology, Zeus never claims to be “the one true god”.
@theoskeptomai2535 Год назад
So because the writers of Bible claim that their god is the one true god, it renders the claim _necessarily_ true. Am I to understand you correctly?
@Toadzx Год назад
@@theoskeptomai2535 Never said anything of the sort.
@FactStorm Год назад
Its just a meme..that's what all of you dont seem to get. They make generalized points without having to be taken literally
@Toadzx Год назад
@@FactStorm Although I don’t remember the meme in question I’m confident you are wrong. The point of the meme relies on a false premise, it’s not about whether it’s generalized or not.
@FactStorm Год назад
@@Toadzx I don't care, I never saw the meme. The point is you point fingers at the individual who made the meme..period. That's it, that's all there is to it.
@sarahpfeuffer1396 Год назад
Thank you for tackling these memes pastor Mike! I would love to see another video like this one.
@HagerVids Год назад
Mike you are an amazing teacher. thank you!
@pianogal853 8 месяцев назад
29:56 I love that you discussed this understanding of faith. My non-believing family members and friends will make comments about how I 'have faith', but I usually correct them and point out that I believe what Jesus says because I have evidence. Very rarely will they ask about that evidence, yet I continually work to be equipped with short and long scientific data from biology, physics, math, and geology.
@thegiantbeagle Месяц назад
God bless you Jesus loves you! Have any of your family members turned to God yet or asked any questions?
@brianbauer3148 Год назад
The Temptation in the wilderness was the first thing that popped into my head about Jesus being alone. But you made a great point Mike. It's not like when Jesus was with the deciples they sat around and watched TV or played on their phones. He was guiding and teaching them the entire time. We only have a sliver recorded.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
Jesus and Satan both knew that Jesus was God and that no temptation was possible. This was just one of the many illogical stories inconsistent with Dogma that were added to the New Testament to pull in doubters.
@brianbauer3148 Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley Temptation is not sin. He was God in flesh, so he felt the things humans feel. Hebrews 4:15.
@thomasecker9405 Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley Illogical in what way? You do remember that Jesus was fully God and fully man, right? The temptation was clearly directed at Christ's humanity, not His divinity. In every example, Satan used a way that most normal people would have followed along with to abuse their power if they were in Christ's position, such as turning stones into bread, testing God, and desiring political power by governing kingdoms.
@cthulhupoe Год назад
Well said
@user-cs7fg5eq9r Год назад
@@cthulhupoe That's an interesting name
@davidgriffitt5810 Год назад
Thanks for all the work you do, Brother Mike.
@jazzman1626 Год назад
Mike, thank you so very much for these videos. God bless you and yours.
@jaymic1 Год назад
I love your content and your style, Mike. Thank you.
@etang5 Год назад
I love how the internet cuts in and out when he's talking about why people should be supporting ministries :P
@BennyParcher Год назад
Man your videos really help me more than you know
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
All those doubts about the Resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ can be hard on a thinking person.
@merveilification Месяц назад
Me too man me too
@Renny2077 Год назад
Mike's answer to each of the memes are so good and deep. I wish I could think and answer like that.
@patrickfranz4656 Год назад
I saw a couple of these memes. This video sums up what I can't explain about it. Excellent!
@eclipsesonic Год назад
Great video, Mike. I completely agree with your responses here and I think you did a great job debunking them. Atheists will often misrepresent or straw-man Christian claims to make their case seem solid and irrefutable. We need to be wise to these things and respond to these people with grace and love, but also with the truth and you did all those things. God bless, Mike! Keep the up the good work. 🙏👍
@pamelabyers5947 Год назад
Judgement is our LORDs !! Who reads the heart. Knows His timing for each person. Religion is not Faith. Self Righteousness is not FAITH. What is not of Faith is sin. If you say have no sin He is Faithful to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Hateful, judgemental "Christians" will be judged as they have judged. SEARCH THE WORD Thoroughly WITH HIS SPIRIT ... Where is Forgiveness here? PATIENCE? FORGIVE AS YOU HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
As an atheist my only “case” is the non-acceptance of all theistic claims. As a theist do you accept all theistic claims or just your own?
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
It's easy to misrepresent Christian claims when they disagree on so many points of faith.
@pamelabyers5947 Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley It's RELIGION that is contrary. Religion is not Faith. One is man made for love of $$$... Stark & obvious difference. What is not of Faith is Sin. Love of $$$ = root of ALL Evil.
@pamelabyers5947 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 Best friends are atheist & agnostic .. No problem. We respect all LIFE
@thebarefoothipster8718 Год назад
Please do more of these. This was awesome.
@missloretta Год назад
I always learn so much from you. Thank you.
@jaziybabe Год назад
It’s really interesting you said that about golden hour. I had that exact experience a handful of years ago. I was really struggling with desiring heaven and had been praying for God to give me a longing for it. Then I was on a walk at a local park I go to all the time and it just happened to be that time of day. I looked up and saw the light shining through the trees and heard a whisper in my heart saying, this is the beauty of heaven. Nature is such a powerful witness to what awaits us in heaven!!
@rf7477 Год назад
Could you please be more precise. Do you think you will see trees in heaven? Will you have eyes in heaven? What will you eat in heaven? Who will suckle the babies in heaven? Will there be dogs in heaven? I'm told jesus rides a white horse. I have never heard from a "christian" who can give a clear or honest account of heaven.
@pacificrailproductions5281 Год назад
Great video!! It is very good to address these even if they are just memes; because their power is the simplicity and misrepresentation and destruction they create by the power of humor and mockery.
@ChristcentredNaturalgee Год назад
love your videos, thanks for making them.
@alinnetapia9634 Год назад
Love this! And you shared the gospel clearly throughout ❤️
@a-a-ron3426 Год назад
Thanks for all you do. 👍
@JennieRose8 Год назад
All these memes just show how little atheists understand about the Bible and Christianity. Great responses, Mike!
@emmanuelluis2214 Год назад
No sister remember these atheist have read the bible cover to cover so they are scholars.
Emmanuel, A Very Small percentage are Learned.
@hotcheetosgirl08 Год назад
Unfortunately, many people who claim to follow God also have little understanding of the Bible and Christianity.
@IZZY404_ Год назад
@@hotcheetosgirl08 This is the biggest problem indeed. Most of these atheists just say stuff they got from other Christians.
@Sistergirl787 Год назад
The fact that so many professing Christians become angry sheds light to the fact that they too know little or not enough of what the Bible teaches. This is also why so many fall away so quickly. I appreciate how Mike makes it clear that much of these memes are based on error and false claims.
@thewarlockbride2205 Год назад
i loved this, i'd love to see more meme reviews! Maybe even christian ones? keen to see more anyway, thank you Mike.
@49pickles Год назад
I appreciate you doing this. Many times I know what I want to say but can’t quite get the words right. This helps a lot.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
Mike is a word master. He knows how to choose words that create images that seem to fit reality.
@csmoviles Год назад
@madcinder257 Год назад
The Bill Burr one is a line from one of his bits, but the scenario is he's playing ball with his kid on Sunday and he's asked why they aren't going to church. He then taps his heart and says "God's in here."
@Designsy-wl9nr Год назад
Thanks for the context! It seems like the memer got it wrong on that segment too.
@artpoet9915 Год назад
Sounds like a Quaker response to me. Be prepared for the protestants to not like such a response due to their idolatry of Christ.
@madcinder257 Год назад
@@artpoet9915 'Quaker response'? 'Idolatry of Christ'?
@artpoet9915 Год назад
@@madcinder257 If you believe God to be inside your heart then you are a Quaker. Protestants pray to Christ, who is not God, thus engaging in idolatry.
@madcinder257 Год назад
@@artpoet9915 Okay, I understand what you're saying. You're neither a Christian, nor have you read the bible ever. Understood. Have a nice day. Also, Quakers are good folks, so I'll accept being called one.
@junederksen9205 Год назад
I love this!!! It helps all of us learn
@tammy21inaz Год назад
Pastor Mike Thank you for doing this message. 💜
@shellyscholz1256 Год назад
I have faith that Pastor Mike can tackle these memes and we also have evidence that he’s doing it in this video.
@Derek_Baumgartner Год назад
Thank you for these!
@onehorseopensleigh Год назад
32:00 Considering how short the recorded prayer is, and knowing Jesus prayed for a while, and knowing the disciples fell asleep and therefore didn’t hear His entire prayer anyway-the prayer is even more accurate! 🤣
@Ironica82 Год назад
I was thinking that as well. Also, that's probably why we dont know what Jesus' prayed the third time as they fell right back to sleep.
One-horse, the 'recorded prayer' and the 'fallen asleep' are 2 very Different Events - read the Bible and you'll know such things
@chriper77 Год назад
@@BIBLE-UNBUTCHERED You call yourself Bible Unbutchered but then you're rude and condescending toward a brother. If you know the Bible, you certainly don't apply it in your life
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
This was the time when Jesus prayed to himself and decided to be crucified. I would have used my magic powers to continue my mission in Egypt.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
@@Ironica82 The time when Jesus decided to arrange his arrest, trial, torture and death and let his followers blame it on the Jews.
@potapotapotapotapotapota Год назад
This is one of the best videos you've done in a while. Really helps remove doubt in my mind.
@theoskeptomai2535 Год назад
What doubt were you battling?
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
The doubt was your thinking brain.
@potapotapotapotapotapota Год назад
@@theoskeptomai2535 just the general doubt that comes from people attacking the Bible and me wondering how exactly to defend it
@theoskeptomai2535 Год назад
@@potapotapotapotapotapota Is there a _possibility_ that this god of your devotion is _not_ a reality?
@potapotapotapotapotapota Год назад
@@theoskeptomai2535 Look there are many things I don't know but what I do know I have no doubt about and it would be stupid to argue with me about it. In John 5 there was a man that was paralyzed all of his life, but Jesus healed him and he could walk again. When the religious leaders interrogated the man he didn't even know the name of the one who healed him, all he knew was that he was healed. In the same way I don't exactly feel like God is there but I know I was healed because of what I've read in the Bible. I am not the same person I was before. That doesn't mean I don't struggle with doubt and fear and suffering, but I have trust in the God who gave me life and loved me even to the point of death.
@ih82r8 Год назад
I was cracking up laughing at all these. Thank you for at least choosing the entertaining memes for us...
@natabulous6429 Год назад
Great video! Thanks for all your work!!!
@claudiapoe8439 Год назад
Mike, Prayer is Important. I especially like it when you end these videos with prayer. That prayer gets repeated every time someone watches your video. I join you in that prayer. Please consider doing it more often.
@leahlittrell3307 Год назад
I had to stop watching once the last meme started and now I’m bummed I missed it! Loved seeing Mike on the phone with Sarah. Made me laugh. Great content, Mike! I always look forward to hearing your perspective. Your ministry has been a huge blessing on my life, and I am constantly asking myself what the Bible says and studying the Scriptures within context. Huge blessing!
@kch4580 Год назад
I find this excellent and I hope you do this more in spaces where you would Like more time to flesh out a series
@NYCWendy1 Год назад
2nd time watching your show. This is a great episode. Learning soooo much from your channel. I need to learn to share the gospel in a gentle way.
@mangaranwow2543 Год назад
Thanks for this video, great content once again.
@markmclain126 Год назад
Spot on as usual! I literally teared up on the last one where you described God’s wrath and mercy. Also thank you for addressing faith being without evidence, I can’t stand that. There’s more evidence for Christianity than gravity in my opinion. You just have to look for it and eventually desire it. Former atheist
@ubertechie7374 Год назад
There's more evidence for Christianity than gravity? What an idiotic statement
@markmclain126 Год назад
@@ubertechie7374 feel free to explain. I can list the evidence for gravity in one sentence. The evidence for God can’t even be contained to 66 books. The knowledge we have now keeps proving Him scientifically over and over again.
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
“More evidence for Christianity than gravity “, it very much depends on your standard of evidence. Gravity can be described and repeatably tested, measured, and quantified. Gravity can be falsified. You don’t have to look for it or desire it. Whether you like it of not if you stepped off a cliff you will fall and accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 until you reach terminal velocity or hit the ground. Former theist.
@markmclain126 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 fair enough. I do use the standard that if the Bible is proven true then by default God as well. Like it or not it is and when you die you will be judged by a righteous and just creator. Maybe gravity wasn’t the best example but it’s the first thing that came to my head also has very little to do with the point I was making.
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
@@markmclain126 The only thing I am sure will happen when I die is that my life will end, and body will decompose and atoms will be used by other organisms to sustain their bodies. I have no evidence that when I die I will be judged.
@madtoxic598 Год назад
First off, great video. I always like when people engage with what is probably the most important question asked ever in a respectful manor. As an atheist myself I had a couple of thoughts regarding some of the memes presented. I guess you could call it a defense. Memes by design leave little room for nuance and simplify things for the sake of comedy but I think a lot of these have foundations which are genuine concerns for atheists. Meme 1: If looked at face value I would agree this meme is not the best representation of Christian belief. The question underlying this meme is how some people find it strange the means god would go to forgive us. The picture uses Jesus but I believe the question is more directed at god, that question is: why would he make us predisposed to sin and then ask us to refrain knowing well that we can’t. It would seem to an atheist that god is forgiving us for making us in the way he did. Why not just make us better? Could he not make us better? Meme 2: The argument in this meme is not a very good one. I think you showed that perfectly well with your response. However I will add I don’t think it’s a dishonest one. From the atheist POV there is as much evidence for Zeus as there is for Christianity but I will get into that later. Meme 3: I can’t really defend this meme. There seems to be just blatantly wrong presumptions. I do think heaven as an idea has lot of problems, frankly way too many to get into in a youtube comment unless someone wanted me too. I do think it a fascinating topic. Meme 4: This is actually the part of the video that made me want to post a comment because I think the meme is just right. Evidence, regarding this topic, to me would be something that could only be explained through the existence of god. There is no such thing. Cosmological argument, fine tuning, the redirection of Jesus, none of these are proof. This does not mean that they are not sound arguments. As an atheist I have to deal with these arguments because is some iterations that can be quite compelling. The fine tuning argument to me is the single best case for god but it is not concrete. 99 percent of water on earth is not drinkable, most of the solar system is uninhabitable, Species have traits that have outlived their usefulness and many more examples that might show the opposite of fine tuning. Every argument I have come across from Christianity has a better explanation under naturalism. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The people in the Bible that you pointed to had that extraordinary proof, they saw Jesus perform miracles in front of them yet none of us in the modern world get that luxury. You say that faith is not blind but even in the stories you pointed too there were people who believed before Jesus did anything to prove otherwise. The fact that there is no evidence does not mean that you cannot justify a belief in god. Like said previously there are many lines of thought that might suggest god, unfortunately none that prove it. If I’m wrong about his I would be glad to be corrected. I genuinely would like to believe. Conclusión: I don’t usually comment on anything and this topic is so rich that it’s impossible for me to address all the ways you can engage with these ideas. If anyone had a question for me I am happy to answer. I am an atheist but I am also open minded. I did not choose to be atheist I am simply not convinced of the opposite. I would be willing to discuss any of these bits a greater length if anyone wants.
@amh89wordup Год назад
I appreciate your willingness to pose thoughtful questions in a clear and respectful manner. You clearly took the time to watch the whole video, consider Mike's points, and respond with your own. It's such a rare thing to find on the internet these days - people who can disagree with civility. I am a believer, but I like your comment here. I may take some time in crafting a response to some of your questions, if someone else who's better at that kind of thing doesn't beat me to it. I'm not pastor, or professor, or anything like that. But like I said, I am a believer and I have reasons for what I believe. I would not say I have a "blind faith", rather I find the evidence for Jesus too compelling to ignore or believe otherwise. Anyway - not to get too deep into a response right now. Mainly I wanted to thank you for your questions, and I hope you are treated with respect by anyone else who chooses to reply!
@foggylog19 Год назад
I also wonder if you have applied these questions to your lack of faith, is there evidence of no God? I only recently have come to believe, and a large part is due to the personal experience you can't really explain to others, I still question some stuff and while if Jesus is real the bible now must be, I do wonder how well humans have interpreted the meaning and what is said in there, especially because much of it is not literal translation but figures of speech(parables) etc . And context which is not current needs to be included with n interpreting meaning. But I can not deny my personal experience and have spent the last 7-8months looking into it, not to the extent of some, but enough that I have more belief or faith, not completely blind though. Although when I didn't really believe I didn't really look for evidence against God either, I just was like bad stuff happens so probably no God. Good luck on your faith journey, it is quite difficult especially when part of you believes but the other part of you keeps trying to talking you out if it, and difficult to change your long held views
@off6848 Год назад
For meme 1 it’s because of freewill and justice. Making us “better” would require people to be automatons that can’t do anything bad allowing people to be bad or horrible requires justice The wages of sin is death But there’s a way out by following a sinless man
@andrewdavis8076 Год назад
@Madtoxic I have just a few questions for you, where does our moral standard come from? Do we all deal with sin? And, what is sin? I look forward to having an open dialog and conversation with you 😁
@davidjewell9796 Год назад
Such a terrific response illustrating some really hard points to wrestle with for us who carry faith. I'd love to talk with you over the course of time, while discussing these and more aspects to, as you said, 'the most important question of our existance.' There has to be a better place to do this though, other than a you tube comments section. Just would be hard to keep track. If you want, we can find another avenue or platform where it would be easier to have a back and forth. I'd really like that, if you have the time and desire.
Loved the effort you put in this one.
@svengelska793 Год назад
Love your work, keep it up!
@ericm1839 Год назад
Number 5 is hillarious to me. The memester thinks the guy walking around the ancient world being called "teacher" by everyone following him and most of the people he met never told his followers a thing about what happened to him while he was in the wilderness for 40 days and nights. Its almost like they fundamentally missed the point
@Mark-cd2wf Год назад
I agree with William Lane Craig: “It’s sad to see people reject the Lord for such flimsy reasons.” Like what you see in these memes.
@theoskeptomai2535 Год назад
Is it also sad to see those such as I to suspend any acknowledgement as to the existence of a god until sufficient credible evidence is introduced?
@amac9044 Год назад
Isn't it better than accepting him for flimsy reasons?
@einehrenmann6156 Год назад
Flimsy Reasons > unfounded Belief
@FactStorm Год назад
We reject your Middle Eastern lord because of lack of evidence, not flimsy reasons. Flimsy reasons are noah's ark, resurrection narratives, messiahs, prophecies, miracles, talking serpents. The irony is astounding..and religious folk continue to prove how inept and indoctrinated they are. Pitiful..
@tracykarol Год назад
Great info as usual. I wanted clarity about some of these scriptures.
@daniellinzel1994 Год назад
Thank you for clarifying the memes... and what was on your shirt, I thought it was some sort of cat 😂😂
@jumpingmoose5554 Год назад
Hi Mike, thank you for the video. As for your response to the meme about not having sex, or eating in heaven. I think another interpretation of the "I'd rather go to hell" mentality is the person saying that out of spite to God rather than them thinking that they can do those things in hell.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
I used to believe those stories before I woke up and began to compare them with the real world that surrounds me.
@user-oh5gz4ue6r Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley ok James, we get it, you're enlightened, unlike the other millions of atheists before you
@defu8592 Год назад
Like some have said, I highly agree that doing these more often is very important to helping people think biblically.!
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
I decided not to think biblically after realizing the Prophets were schizophrenics.
@frizzon7462 Год назад
You might as well mention the subject of tithing on that last meme. The analogy is great though, and you did clarify that the donations and stuff are for believers and whatnot. Great video! Thank you for this video. Learned some good apologetics and whatnot. Keep up the good work!
@matthewpriest5329 Год назад
In response to the reframing of the first one, it was still hilarious! It kind of reminded me of my father when I was trying to blockade myself inside my room to escape punishment for something I did. Very hilarious!
@godsgospelgirl Год назад
Mike, would you consider adapting some of your longer series into books (Women in Ministry and Homosexuality series especially)? Similar to C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity originally being a radio show, but then being adapted into a book.
@brendahuber9762 Год назад
Thanks Mike for going through these - Even though I am a Bible believing Christian, I am often stymied by these arguments in that I am not sure what to say -- I recognize that at the root of these "arguments" is unbelief and I simply allow their argument to stand. Thanks for giving me the tools to break down the argument and reframe : ) their point.
@FactStorm Год назад
1 Timothy 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence". 🤫
@-ChrisD Год назад
Fantastic! :) Thank you, Mike.
@TheBravedave87 Год назад
quality video + content despite internet issues. Ty :)
@amongthethorns8788 Год назад
Hehehe that first meme made me giggle quite a bit. I liked it for some reason, though of course it is theologically ridiculous :D
@jayvansickle7607 Год назад
How is it ridiculous? Out of curiosity?
@saintejeannedarc9460 Год назад
The picture that first meme uses is one of my favourite screen savers. It's a different version of the knock-knock joke. The punchline is: "It's Jesus, LOL". That cracked me up so many times after I saw it, that I had to keep it. Still gives me a smile. Anyhoo, you can probably still find the "LOL, Jesus" meme online if you really enjoy it. I see nothing irreverent about it. It's just so ironically ridiculous.
@FalconOfStorms Год назад
@@jayvansickle7607 for the reasons Mike explained in the video which hypothetically we all watched. It skips over 50 percent of the entire Gospel.
@jayvansickle7607 Год назад
@@FalconOfStorms Sure…it’s incomplete, but, true. I think the main point of the meme is that it’s all in God’s hands. On a deeper level…God Has all the cards, and made all the rules. The primary reason that anyone is punished, is because God wants to punish. Meaning that he knew everything that would happen, and could’ve done whatever he wanted from the start. And, decided the punishment for breaking his rules ( there’s no one over him to dictate law -- unlike our judicial system) He even…1. Put the one thing they weren’t supposed to do in the garden with them.. and 2. Allowed someone to tempt them. Unless someone is open theist, and believes that God set everything in motion, and is now just reacting. But then, I think there’s problems with that.
@amongthethorns8788 Год назад
@@jayvansickle7607 Well, this creates the idea that God could choose not to judge our sin if He so desired. As though sin itself was not a corruptive and destructive state. Sin and God do not mix to any degree, in His Holiness and Justice He cannot allow it. This also shows Jesus as being the Judge, whereas He offered Himself to the Father to save us. He in a sense stepped between the justice of God and us and took the full weight of our sin. I suppose it gets complex but those would be the two main points I think :)
@Gammagreen Год назад
First meme: it absolves people behind the door of responsibilities. All judgment is from God that is therefore God's fault for holding to the principles from which one is judged. You need a scene on the other side of the door where the person is holding a gasoline hose, spraying it around, and a cigarette in their mouth going to light it. The hose can be labeled sin and the cigarette self-righteousness.
@greywolf7577 Год назад
But there is literally nothing a person could do that would justify an eternity of suffering in Hell. It seems that that the Christian God is presented as a Fascist "Do anything wrong and I cause you to suffer for eternity. The only way out is to worship me."
@Gammagreen Год назад
@@greywolf7577 before I counter your statement let me ask you two questions. What do you think hell is and what do you think the Christian God requires for you to be saved from it?
@greywolf7577 Год назад
@@Gammagreen Christians will often describe Hell as a place where doomed souls go to be burned forever. Some believe you will be tortured by demons. Other Christians believe that Hell is just being separated from God after death. In any case, they believe that it will be incredibly painful, either physically or emotionally. Christians believe that you have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior to go to Heaven. Some non-Protestants believe that you have to do good or at least ask forgiveness for your sins. In all of those situations, Hell is presented as being horrible and that in order to avoid it you need to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior even if you've never seen Jesus or have any reason to believe he is God. That's the problem. Most people reasonably aren't going to believe in Jesus as God if they've never seen him in person.
@Gammagreen Год назад
@@greywolf7577 the hell I believe the Bible depicts is the one that is a separation from God and one receives punishment according to the works of their life. I know that there are plenty of Christians who would preach you need to avoid hell. However this is not a direction of an argument that I wish would be done. "Accept Jesus if you don't want to go to hell. " This statement although somewhat true misses the point almost entirely. This kind of statement will prompt a lot of people to act very good but on the inside be very rotten. Thus you have an enormous number of hypocritical Christians running around. This brings me an enormous amount of sadness. Instead, I think of the Gospel message as starting with the understanding that no one measures up. I deserve hell. God is good he is the epitome of all things good. Have you ever looked outside the door right after the snowfall before anyone else has gone outside (assuming you don't live in 20 ft snow.) I look out at that and I think about how perfect everything looks and I know that I have to go to work and I'm going to have to step in the snow and from that point on the snow will be marred. To me God gave me a soul that was perfect and then I went outside and peed in the snow. There is nothing I can do to purify my soul again. I know that heaven is a place for perfect souls and mine isn't one of them. This is not a matter of God being evil and not letting people in it's a matter of perfection and I don't measure up. That should have been the end of it, but instead God comes out of heaven and takes my dirty soul and offers me a piece of his perfect soul. The problem is that that dirty soul doesn't just disappear it had to be dealt with, with Justice. So Jesus had to die having the most perfect soul so that he could share it with us and that in that death can take our dirty souls with him. God being infinite was able to take the punishment and also rise again something that no one else could do. So yes, I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but not to avoid hell but in recognition of his gift to me and the pain I put him through on the cross.
@den8863 Год назад
The final reply to the first meme should read “From what you will do to yourself if you don’t let me in.”
@list1726 Год назад
Thanks for the video
@Foxygrandpa2131 Год назад
I'm proud of Mike for not recognizing Rick
@StageWatcher Год назад
But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” -1 Corinthians 2:9
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
I recognize Saint Paul who had a stroke and started a new religion based on his own visions.
@StageWatcher Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley And yet the other Apostles all agreed with him on doctrine, including Peter calling Paul's writings Scripture. Interesting if a stroke were to independently provide him with all the same teachings as the Twelve.
@greywolf7577 Год назад
Maybe God should show people what he has prepared for those who love him. If God hasn't shown it, then of course people aren't going to believe in it.
@StageWatcher Год назад
@@greywolf7577 We live in a universe so vast that we cannot see the end of it, populated by stars too numerous to count, each unique. On our one little world, we have soaring mountains that take our breath away, with snowy peaks painted in scarlet and purple when the sun hits the horizon. We have an ocean that stretches farther than the eye can see, teeming with creatures as diverse and fascinating as anything we can imagine. On land, we have majestic rivers and expansive forests. In the earth, we have countless clays, metals, minerals and gems, hiding away spectacular caverns. We appreciate these things with eyes that enjoy color, with noses that can revel in a fresh breeze or a roasting meal. We have tongues that can taste millions of delicious foods. We can feel the exhilaration of countless activities, can feel warmth and coolness, can appreciate the texture of good wood or the touch of one's spouse. We can hear symphonies and we can hear songs. We have been given these things, and we have been given the cognitive abilities to make use of them. We have language to craft stories and poems. We have hands to make paintings and to make machines to accomplish whatever we set ourselves to create. We have laws of nature to give us a foundation for our inventions. We have innumerable animals to tame, each and every one so complex that you can spend your entire life studying a single one and never run out of new discoveries. This is the context of the promise that the things God has prepared in the new world are beyond our ability to imagine. He has given us the sample and the reason to believe He can do far more.
@greywolf7577 Год назад
@@StageWatcher All very beautiful and wondrous things. But all things that obey natural physical laws. In order for God to show he exists, he needs to break the physical laws sometimes. He needs to have his face in the clouds, speaking down to us. Maybe having food pop into existence for a starving person. He needs to show that he has power beyond the physical laws. Otherwise why believe that there is anything more than just physical laws?
@g.h_-heart-_bunny Год назад
Overall wonderful video and great explanations ^•^ (of course I have tiny differences and more things I would have added).
@pamelaetheredge2394 Год назад
Great video!
@luigiididnothither8910 Год назад
With the first meme you were like: "oh yeah sure, Jesus made hell for you to burn in forever and ever, and if you don't let him in, he is going to do some horrendous stuff to you, and that is what he's trying to save you from, but this meme is just a COMPLETE distortion I mean utterly incorrect I mean I don't even believe in this! It's just a reframing of the actual gospel, which is just way better." How exactly does your idea of the gospel contradict the meme?
@Truthwar. Год назад
I really appreciate your ministry Mike, thank you. Was really looking forward to the 'Women in Ministry' continuation, will wait till next time bro. I have a question though, for your future Q & A's: Did you ever take a look into Myles Munroe's theology and teachings, I'd love to know your thoughts on that. Thank you.
@MikeWinger Год назад
Sorry to say I’m not familiar with him.
@Truthwar. Год назад
@@MikeWinger okay thank you
@joankosgei8814 Год назад
Please check, especially his kingdom theology. He has several books to his name
@Truthwar. Год назад
@@joankosgei8814 True, thank you. I have a few, I used to follow his teachings via RU-vid though he's gone. I'm still young, just needed help clarifying the correctness or falsehood of his teachings(theology in particular). Again, thank you.
@lindawarner7496 Год назад
Oh my!! I just love your description of being present in the glory of God for eternity
@Nikitaxo24 Год назад
Great video. It was a good laugh but informative bible study
@whitneyojukwu120 Год назад
Anyone that interprets “hate father and mother” as literally hating your parents has to be under five years old. My goodness 😂😅
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
King James Bible "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Since Jesus isn't around I guess you must love the image that you create inside your own head.
@amac9044 Год назад
Really? It seems well within god's nature to command someone to murder their own son as a sacrifice (Abraham and Isaac)...And you don't see it as a problem for people to be indoctrinated by and idolize this dogma to the point of putting it above of the well-being of their own family?
@Tony_Stank69 Год назад
I don't know, I mean many people literally believe in a young earth.
@timmyalley6621 Год назад
My favorite part is when they copy and paste the scripture like you don’t have the ability to look at it ourselves and then willfully misrepresent it.
@FactStorm Год назад
Yes yes..this is not literal..BUT a resurrection, miracles, prophecies, talking serpent, noah's ark are? You people are so delusional, its frightening.
@lazzy2012 Год назад
This is a great video series, because I know many unbelievers that say these sort of things.
@second_wolf316 Год назад
Mike when you said the line about accurate representation, not always the good side, but the accurate side it reminds me of my favorite saying “if you’re gonna talk sh*t about me, then make sure you use the facts!”
@JPvwvr6 Год назад
The greatest example of a story talking about relationships ,marriage/sex in heaven I’ve ever encountered is found in “The Great Divorce” by CS Lewis.
@Truthwar. Год назад
I think this is so important in our times today because this meme thing, fun as it is, is really subtly influential in people's perspective, especially naïve people who won't seek deeper understanding of the issues at hand. Well that one by 'deconstruction girl' is simply unthoughtful. Thank you Mike. Good job.
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
When I sought deeper understanding of the issues at hand I became an atheist.
@Truthwar. Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 Thanks for your response sir. Which particular issue were you seeking to understand, like what was the meme about?
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
@@Truthwar. l am not concerned about the memes. Memes are not to be taken seriously. I sought deeper understanding of the Bible. Who wrote it. Where did they get their information from. Why did the Jews not accept Jesus as the Messiah. Who witnessed the resurrection and ascension. Who wrote the Gospels , where did they get their information from. Etc, etc.
@Truthwar. Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 Ooh okay. Thank you. Its evidence for and reliability of the bible. The bible is reliable since its a collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses of the narrated events in the time of other eyewitnesses. The records can be tested & verified using investigation & historical tools as has been done in the book 'Cold Case Christianity' by Jim W. Wallace. Since its written over time, most predicted events take place exactly as predicted, ascertaining its inspiration & reliability. The bible has duo authorship, men wrote as they were inspired by God. Jews had a misunderstanding of the prophesied Messiah even though He himself told them that the scriptures spoke of him but they had missed it.
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
@@Truthwar. Your understanding of the bible does not concur with biblical scholars. The scriptures are not “historical documents “. The Pentateuch was not written by Moses and the New Testament was not written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. They are a collection of anonymous writings. They are not eye witness accounts. Mark the first Gospel, was written around 30 years after Jesus died. J. Warner-Wallace is not Biblical scholar or a historian. ‘Cold Case Christianity’ is not an academic piece of writing. So called predicted events are written after the fact. The Jews don’t think they have a misunderstanding of the prophesied Messiah. Indeed, they think gentiles don’t understand the Messiah prophecy.
@Timartyn Год назад
That... was really great. Our pastor sometimes talks about engaging with those who don't believe, asking them what they assume Christianity is like or who God is. "9 times out of 10, I can actually say about the god you don't believe in- I don't believe in him either."
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
Perhaps, but 30-40,000 Christian denominations don’t appear to believe in the same God either.
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
I have never seen a god but I made a made a demon appear by using my imagination. After that I stopped.
@Window4503 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 That would be yet another strawman. Disagreeing on certain points of doctrine is not the same as disagreeing on God’s identity. In fact, most conservative denominations would agree on God’s identity cross-denominationally more than they would agree with their progressive Christian counterparts. That why I can agree with certain Presbyterians, Baptists, and other denominations as a Lutheran. Our disagreement on baptism is not the equivalent of having different versions of God.
@horridhenry9920 Год назад
@@Window4503 Some Christians are Trinitarians, some are not. Jehovah’s witnesses and Mormons immediately come to mind.
@supplantermusic9413 Год назад
​@@horridhenry9920 peter denied Jesus three times, paul was a terrorist against Christ and His people, King David (proclaimed to be a "man after God's Own Heart" by God) stole his faithful soldier Uriah's wife, lied about it, and had him killed in battle. Look up the bad things Noah did, Samson, Judah, Abraham, etc. Ever since mankind fell, all history until today God has been using horribly broken people to accomplish His will. The ONLY perfect representation of God anyone is ever going to see, is Jesus. All of us will give an account for our actions to Him and we will recieve a reward based off of the decisions we've made in this life from Him, whether it's good or bad. People tragically misrepresent Christ all the time and this is something God has allowed so that we can put our hope in Jesus and Jesus Alone. John 3:16 if u believe in Christ He will grant everlasting life. John 3:18 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in The Name of God’s One and Only Son. Jesus said these things and He also claimed to be God and prophecied that He would be crucified and resurrected three days later. The evidence shows that His body was never found and that hundreds of eye witnesses of the resurrected Christ were convinced by Him to preach this good news that Jesus is alive to a world that was about to be turned upside down because of this news. Most of these witnesses died horrible deaths and endured excruciating torture for not denying Christ and yet still Christianty could not be stopped. These are just some of the objective historical accounts that i think about when im deciding what im going to believe in, which is crucial if you want to make wise decisions. On the other hand it may be more likely to you that some unintelligent, eternally existing, force or matter randomly exploded and unintelligently created all we see and don't see (probably why a lot of people like being atheist/agnostic because there's no moral accountability to God and our fellow man. If we are nothing more than meaningless valueless molecules that randomly came together for no reason, then why give to the poor? why restrain my sexuality in any way? Theres no right or wrong way to do it! ) anyway, i hope i didn't ramble too much and i hope this helped you friend. Thanks for reading. Lord Jesus would you open our hearts to You as soon as possible? We need Your help. Thank You for hearing us Lord, in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen. Thanks for praying along if you did, something so peaceful about knowing God hears you.
@csmoviles Год назад
This is extremely useful for us, who are not that eloquent, so as to share these types of video on social media for our atheist friends. May God open their spiritual eyes 🙏💖🙏💖🙏
@jonrendell Год назад
Superb memes, thanks.
@luap4981 Год назад
My foreman has the first one taped on the inside of his locker... It honestly bothered me because I knew it was a distorted perspective but it's done with elements of truth that makes it difficult to argue. Thank you as usual for explaining so well.
@Nemo12417 Год назад
The problem with your answer to Meme #1 is that in this case, the judge is also the guy who made the law, the party who was allegedly injured by the criminal, the horrific crime the criminal is to be slowly tortured for is failing to flatter the judge at all times and in the manner the judge wants to be flattered (you may take exception to my framing, but any definition of "sin" that is used by fundamentalists will inevitably have something equivalent with a more rose tinted framing), and the free gift of not being flayed and preserved in a state of agony comes with the cost of being required to flatter the judge for the remainder of your days. It's the parable of the hawk and the nightingale, but rather than lamenting the sad fate of the nightingale, it is extolling the awesome power of the hawk. Modern apologists like to portray Jesus as some random 3rd party who walks by and offers to save you from spontaneously being tortured by yourself, but the simple fact is you'd never regard the torturer with gushing reverence unless you'd been conditioned to. Regarding number 2, when people ask for evidence, they don't want centuries old accounts saying that a guy named Peter said he saw a guy rise from the dead, nor a guy named Paul saying that a few hundred nameless people saw the same. They're asking for demonstrations of the supernatural that can withstand any test of skepticism, which can be repeated, and which can be produced exclusively by believers in the correct theology. Think the kind of stuff that would have bankrupted the James Randi Foundation, back when they had their challenge. Now before you claim this would violate free will, which is a whole other discussion, the Bible itself claims people can believe based on blatant supernatural stuff happening in front of them. In the story of Thomas, even Jesus is forced to acknowledge that he believed because he had seen, though he wishes that weren't necessary. And according to the New Testament, Thomas had already had FAR more evidence that Jesus could cast Raise Dead on himself than anyone living today, skeptic or believer. In worlds where the supernatural is real and suffuses everything, skeptics don't tend to last very long.
@daonedaonly942 Год назад
@North Korea Is Best Korea ok North Korea is best Korea. I'm sure you have great rational points.
@jackiepowell7513 Год назад
I Don t care what they want to hear. Historosity archeology and Bible relevant. Not conforming to the kosmos.
@csmoviles Год назад
Jared Hite, God is just and so He will ask you to respond for your own deeds. He gave you consciousness, and the knowledge of right/wrong and good/evil. You've been suppressing that truth, by coming up with cope outs and excuses. But hey, if you've never done anything wrong ( gone against the commandments which are written in your heart) no worries, my friend! You will be saved! Although the Bible tells us that there is not a single one who has not sinned. But hey, you just might prove it wrong. So many self-righteous people have tried to make this world "better" without God's moral values. As a result, millions died and oppressed. Ironically, people want to believe in what they want to believe. And so today many russian people deem stalin to be a national hero , yearning for having someone in his place...
@danstewart3319 Год назад
This was great, Mike, and I didn't fall asleep bc it was shorter. Sorry, my atttention span is not what it used to be. :))
@sciencmath 3 месяца назад
Meme 4: If you're using Rick and Morty to make an intellectual point, your argument already fails lol
@basedghostcoasttocoast Год назад
Jesus told Peter he had little faith, when he started sinking into the water he was walking on, even though Peter had plenty of evidence of Jesus walking on the water right in front of him. 🤣 The definition of faith is "complete trust or confidence in someone or something"... Do these people have dictionaries? Also why are atheist memes so wordy? I'm not sure if these are supposed to be funny but they need to work on their delivery, just sayin'
@JamesRichardWiley Год назад
So if I don't believe in gravity and I do believe in Jesus, I won't fall? It's a story written by a member of the Jesus cult.
@supplantermusic9413 Год назад
@@JamesRichardWiley if you believe in Jesus He will forgive your offenses against Him and grant everlasting life to you. Or you can reject Him and He's given you that freedom too. If you need help believing in Him because of evidence or experience or whatnot, you should try asking Him to help you see Him if He's really there, and according to Matthew 7:7, ask and you will recieve. His grave is still empty, and thats really the sign He will end up pointing you to because Jesus also said a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and there will be no sign given except for the sign of jonah, Jesus was 3 days and nights in the earth and then He was ressurected. The world radically changed with this Christianity ever since He came to this earth 2000 something years ago. This world can be confusing, but if there's one human i trust more than any other human ever, it's Jesus. Hopefully this helps ya man, alot of people say stuff like you do just to troll, but hey, maybe you'll take your eternal soul's destiny serious for a moment. God bless u man and im praying for u!
@Tony_Stank69 Год назад
Peter Griffin for the popular show, Family Guy is in the Bible??? 😱
@greywolf7577 Год назад
I think the point is that people today don't have Jesus standing on water in front of them. So it is very understandable why they wouldn't believe in God. They don't see or hear him. Christians talk about feeling God in their hearts, but that can just be an emotional response to the teachings. To know God exists, you need to see him with your own eyes or hear him with your own ears. It can't just be an internal feeling.
@fairweathertraveler Год назад
In your commentary on Meme 4, I expected a reference to Hebrews 11:1. I assumed that "athiestrepublic" was basing their meme on "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." I agree with your analysis, but find this passage hard to explain to a nonbeliever.
@jellyfish0311 Год назад
Imagine things that are just out of reach. You could be living in a valley, but you can't see the whole valley when you're locked inside a room. You know there are landmasses on the other side of the ocean but you can't see them from the coast. You can trust in the existence of things that are outside your field of vision.
@ajboggie87 Год назад
Great video
@ayybeealternative1999 Год назад
Nice job on the video.
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