
"I watch your videos but nothing changes" 

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@BrendonInfante 10 месяцев назад
I’m a 34 year old dude, and this channel has been a great help for slowly changing my mental and my life. I made a rule for myself on social media to not engage with what I call “relatable mental health content” I feel like those are echo chambers to get stuck in. I see people sharing it all the time and 9/10 times it’s about making demands of others, and it forms a stronger identity of self with a mental diagnosis, which leaves one feeling more and more powerless and stuck. May be a big assumption on my part, but that’s what it seems like.
@value_functions 10 месяцев назад
I can relate to that. There is a strong appeal to finding the right "labels" for what might be wrong with you. I got this strange sensation of relief when my therapist said I might be affected by ADHD and might be on the spectrum. At first this might sound odd, I mean, what the hell, someone tells you that you might be suffereing from an illness/disorder, how can that be a good thing? But I think it makes sense, because if you struggle a lot in your life you start feeling like a failure. But if there is an excuse why you "had" to behave in a certain way and you actually had no choice to act otherwise, it takes a lot of pressure from your shoulders. Because it is oh so sweet to be told that you are not responsible and it's actually someone or something else's fault that you are in a certain bad situation.The problem is that this might be partially true and partially false in many cases. There's a lot of uncertainty and a lot of oscillation between self-hate ("All is my fault, I'm a failure and that's why I ended up in this situation") and self-pity ("It's not my fault, I had so much bad luck to end up in this situation").
@revmachine2662 7 месяцев назад
This is absolutely true! A few years ago I used to LOVE seeing mental health content. But now I just hate it. Its as if like a constant reminder that I am my diagnosis and that I'll always be my diagnosis my whole life because I put in a lot of effort but get negligible results. Sucks. Taking time off social media and thats definitely making a difference to me!
@aahanau3986 10 месяцев назад
Social anxiety has made me lose a lot of opportunities and ruined my mental health for over 9 years now. I've delayed getting help or even talking to people about it for so long thinking that my problems are not bad enough to be voiced. Even making an anonymous post or comment about it on the internet feels scary. This video gave made me realize that ultimately, our life is our responsibility, and it's going to change only if you work for it. I'm trying to make some progress by taking this opportunity and commenting under this video. And remember guys, even if it's small, it's still progress :)
@Elijah42069 10 месяцев назад
Good job, I really mean it
@TjallieBrrr 10 месяцев назад
Seems like youre on the right path! I wish you all the luck but i doubt you'll need it.💪
@Monkewarrior6868 10 месяцев назад
I'm really glad you decided to comment here. I hope that your mental health can improve at its due time!
@eadren5960 10 месяцев назад
Clapping to the you who started typing this, you've got the right intention, keep fostering it!
@toniu5417 10 месяцев назад
Good job! 😁😊 also lovw your icon it's so cute
@gllmusic 10 месяцев назад
I took Dr. K's advice about doing emotional awareness meditation. The thought that kept coming up was "I am Sad. I am garbage. Nobody wants me." This was a few days ago, still recovering from severe post-COVID depression. I took D. K's advice and started going for walks everyday to get exercise and clear my head, and stopped using technology for the first hour of waking up. I'm still struggling with feeling lousy but noticing small improvements like being able to appreciate beauty. I'm also noticing my creativity coming back. This morning I woke up to negative thoughts and started writing down everything. Wisdom has just been pouring out. I still feel overwhelming hopelessness, but I also feel like my life hasn't been a complete waste and I might be able to actually do something with it. Thank you Dr. K. p.s. I've found that what sets Dr. K. apart from other mental health content is that he applies wisdom and makes the information relatable. I don't need to hear another unrelatable philosophy from a book written 100 years ago or academic study that's irrelevant and hard to sift through.
@oz_jones 5 месяцев назад
Small steps ❤
@Fluff-gl6yr 10 месяцев назад
I think one of the most useful, but simultaneously overlooked bits of advice Dr K gives is that we need to figure out how we work. It allowed me to have some pretty significant realisations about myself, the most important of which was probably the realisation that, despite the fact that I hate doing things that I don’t want to do or things that make me uncomfortable, I have this pathological drive to put myself in unpleasant situations all the time. It allowed me to develop a new respect for the part of me that was unwilling to get out of bed in the morning, or unwilling to leave the house, because I was mistreating myself all the time, so obviously I’d be rebelling against myself. It was weird, but as I started to do things I actually wanted to do, and allowed myself to engage in all my degenerate behaviours, it got to a point where my mind was like “ok I got what I needed from all that degeneracy, I feel like waking up early, doing some maths, and cooking something healthy now”. My solution ended up not being to force myself to do unpleasant things that are good for you, but instead to just wait until I wanted to do them. It developed a kind of radical self-trust that I was lacking. Of course, not everyone is the same, so some people might really benefit from forcing themselves out of bed even when they don’t want to get up every day for 6 months, but this is why a one-size-fits-all treatment is never going to work. Dr K does actually seem to understand this, which I think is a big part of his effectiveness.
@KayKayBayForever 10 месяцев назад
Yessss, this was very similar to me. Not making myself do things until I “wanted” to, in a sense, was a big part of what helped me actually form healthy habits and routines. Still working on it, but I’ve made huge strides.
@papihuey 9 месяцев назад
Dude!! I’m in the same situation where I have been trying to put myself in uncomfortable positions or do things I don’t really want to do just bc I think it would be helpful for me. Can you tell me more about the method you did? How do I know if doing things that I enjoy would be better and will turn out the way you describe?
@KayKayBayForever 9 месяцев назад
@@papihuey I’d like to try writing a longer comment with my thoughts, because this is an area I’m really interested in. But the short answer for now is experiment with yourself. I tried one way lots of times and it didn’t work, before trying something different and having it work much better.
@Fluff-gl6yr 9 месяцев назад
@@papihuey For me, a lot of it was kind of about allowing myself to find out who I actually was and what I actually wanted, eventually I ended up realising that I: .wanted to study palaeontology at uni .was probably trans .was afraid of socialising because I was afraid of being myself amongst other things. The way I figured this out was essentially by allowing myself to do whatever my brain decided, but whenever I started to feel really depressed or miserable or like I was wasting my life or whatever, I would stop, and just ask myself things like “what should I do instead”, and “why is it that I hate things XYZ about myself.” It wasn’t about doing anything for me, it was about doing less, don’t double down and game for 6 hours if you start to feel horrible by hour 3, just do 3 hours and ask yourself if there’s anything you could do to make things better. You might be surprised by some of the things that might come out of you. I remember the moment when I realised that the reason I couldn’t relate to anyone was because I never actually went into social situations as ‘myself’, it was liberating. (For some actionable advice, whenever you indulge in a habit or whatever, the moment it stops feeling good, go make some tea and take some deep breaths or something. It basically amounts to engaging in self care in a way that doesn’t feel like a chore)
@SehnsuchtYT 10 месяцев назад
When someone reads a self-help book, wait a month and ask them what they remember of it. Most of the time they will have forgotten it, perhaps excepting a few maxims. That's why I agree being a community is good. Having this stuff continually reinforced like dripping water is far more effective than a one-off splash of water to the face.
@dasshrs 10 месяцев назад
Previously I was writing in my diary everyday. It helped me to memorize a bit more consumed content and make use of it
@zacharoooooo 10 месяцев назад
I actually agree with this. I've read many self-help books in the past expecting to change after reading it, but it's never worked. That's why I've changed it to just reading one chapter and giving it as much time as it needs so I can internalize it and apply it in my life. It could take weeks and months to do, and sometimes I revisit the chapter to refresh and get new insights, and so far I think it's working. Cheers!
@markydoe3719 10 месяцев назад
​@@zacharoooooothinking of applying this thanks. Which self help book are you reading though?
@zacharoooooo 10 месяцев назад
@@markydoe3719 ego is the enemy
@macreff 10 месяцев назад
​​@@zacharoooooo Thank you for the insight. I think I should try it your way, I always forget everything I read. And which book do you consider the most helpful so far?
@TaintedStaff 10 месяцев назад
That is the problem with the current society, you can give them all the information in the world. But you can't make a horse drink even when you have lead them to water.
@moistmellow1198 10 месяцев назад
Has nothing to do with the common phrase you used of the horse. It has to do with this current age of over-stimulation and an over-abundance of information that our brains aren’t made to absorb. The benefits of technology are that we have access to all the information of the world. The negatives of technology are that we have access to all the information of the world.
@madcat6299 10 месяцев назад
Knowledge is not a substitute for experience. Knowing something is good but it needs to be practiced constantly to understand it fully.
@marekhlavackovi3677 10 месяцев назад
A lot of the time, it’s not laziness or procrastination, that stops you from doing something, it’s internal fear, but to break it you need to do to think you’re afraid of, and that’s difficult.
@the_expidition427 10 месяцев назад
It is nit a matter of knowing it is a matter of doing applied knowledge
@Sommyie 10 месяцев назад
So true.
@lilijagaming 9 месяцев назад
The way I see it, is that not everyone is ready for every concept at all times. It's like when you were a kid and parents told you do stuff and you resisted and later in life you realized they were right (on the concept itself). For me watching youtube on mental health is simply inspiration. I have hard time implementing any idea on face value. I need to sit on it enough to properly incorporate it into my minds's structure. So I consume a lot of content, even bindge... and then at the right moment things just click. For example I don't react as usual to some situation. Or just become aware of certain reaction. Thinking about stuff I watch about mental health comes to me naturally. I constatly analyse how it might apply to me or someone I know.
@ElHipokondriako 10 месяцев назад
5:45 I actually found Dr K on the alexithymia video, and I cried, and decided to change my life. After the initial binge, I tried to watch only one or two videos a day, tops (enough for today). In about a month I have become more emotionally aware of myself and others, and I have coped with a couple of emotional crisis - a very sick grandpa, and some conflict at work - in a much more healthy manner. I have been meditating twice a day for 10 days, and I feel more in touch with my 2yo, I don't binge youtube, and I am off the games for days in a row. Granted, my problems are relatively mild compare to some of the cases you can read on the subreddit, but I think Dr K is making such a great service, for free, for people who really need a hand. PS: The gifted kids video hit REALLY hard. I had a second meltdown.
@titusjames4912 10 месяцев назад
"We've surrendered our capacity for critical thinking" Dr K, This is a beautiful way of saying this. You made me do a double take. I was not expecting that much truth this morning.
@Wathon1884 10 месяцев назад
But the question is why? I feel like in such a complicated world that we live in we want to find someone we think knows how things work so that we can follow them, because it takes a lot of effort to try understand the things ourselves. Critical thinking should be encouraged far more especially now when there's SO much information available.
@Firepantz333 10 месяцев назад
I've been stuck in the same situation since coming home from the military, for whatever reason it took me until finding your channel to finally recognize the issue and start to understand that it's on me to decide and internalize I can change, improve and just wanting to and hoping for the best wasn't actually getting me anywhere. Ya can't fully depend on an outside force to heal an internal wound, its your choice and dedication too. Thank you Dr. K for what you put out in the world, even just listening and understanding can work wonders if applied and practiced.
@melloroom7510 10 месяцев назад
NOT SO 🎉 your videos on releasing control and surprisingly journaling got me out of a very toxic place/situationship! after under a month of writing my feelings and being brutally honest i remembered how to come back to myself and leave someone in a calm way. Thank you dr. K 😊 Extra: I also have insight on why people may consume this content but not be able to use it. Trauma gave me heaps and heaps of memory problems. Heaps. I also lack insight to apply problems to situations in a way that feels equal and true to my character, because people get pigeonholed into “roles” in relationships thats makes feeling like applying good new info into areas that starkly contrast with how id been (in the past) feel fake even if they were healthy. Feeling fake can feel so much more shameful than the joy of changing to be healthier! So i could watch information, understand it, and know it would work for someone but that someone wasn’t me. Ive beem where ive been for so long - i cant be inorganic even though it sucks. Journaling helped that. Journaling showed me that even if my actions didnt change, the way I WANTED to apply new actions did - it grew. And after a month i could make that change I knew i could stand up for it. And if people asked where it was coming from or said “this isn’t you,” id show them my journal: “i can prove this IS me. I HAVE been changing. its all here, you just didn’t notice.”
@lfleia 6 месяцев назад
The videos supplement my therapy really well, and I'd made some strides, but I was continuously ignoring my and my husband's slipping health, that is, until we both got super ill simultaneously and it scared the crap out of us. My next session with my therapist was talking about how I didn't want to go to therapy because I needed to talk about this, but didn't want to - didn't want to acknowledge the reality of how I needed to change on some fundamental coping mechanisms that were maladaptive. I was/am in that state of staying in the middle of the pool - not fully staying in the shallow end or shore with my head in the sand, still doing mental work and recovering from trauma, but also not pushing myself to make the changes that I have clearly identified as contributing the most to keeping me from my goals. Brains are dicks in the way they keep convincing you that you really don't have to deviate from the baseline you've established.
@RazerBoyV1 10 месяцев назад
This video hits the nail on the head. If you get what you're doing in life, the videos are THE ONLY THING YOU NEED, because you KNOW that you just need to apply the learned material. But if you have no clue what you're doing in life then you just watch the videos, you misinterpret half the data/info you get and then you either don't apply it at all or you apply it in a wrong way due to you misinterpreting the data itself... I can tell you from personal experience that just watching your content AND APPLYING your solutions will and does help. And I can also say that I'm now able to help others easily with their mental health problems because I'm literally watching the videos from newest to oldest, while making notes in a Sublime, while applying them to myself, while helping others and telling them what to apply to their lives. It has shaped me enormously as a person and I've started helping out other people who have emotional issues just as a side hustle. Since I get that practicing it on other people further improves my own understanding of psychology and how it works. I can help myself better if I can help others with their issues, since it's easier to help myself, because I am myself. It's harder with others, because you need to convince them of the fact that you can help, while I don't need to convince myself. Life really started making sense because of information you provide in the videos. I now know exactly why people do stuff they do and react how they react. I'm even able to easily listen to someone talk shit about me, be mean to me, be abusive towards me and the only thing I give back to them is my pure love, because I get that it's all an emotional response. Thank you dr. K, the videos do help, but you just need to have the RIGHT APPROACH to them. Most people just haven't been taught the RIGHT APPROACH, if they did, then no one would even need a therapist :P. We just need to teach people the right approach to life and it'll all be good for everyone.
@maddies757 Месяц назад
The best way to get the most out of Dr. K (for me) is to take notes as I'm watching so I can reference back to them at a later date instead of rewatching long videos. There's been a lot of times I went back to my notes and was like "oh yeah I forgot about that tip" but I'm sure I wouldn't remember anything at all if I didn't write it down. I do this with multiple self help RU-vidrs so it's all in one place. Also the more you watch the videos, even the ones that aren't relevant to you, you start to see similar advice popping up again and again which reinforces what you need to do. But you also gotta actually do those things, especially the meditations which I thought were dumb at first but they really help. Seriously. Thanks Dr K ❤
@krime3360 10 месяцев назад
I had to fight for a lot of years against something i did not knew that it exist because i never red about it, but after a lot of struggle i looked up my problems and found that mental illness is a serious problem and started to looking for help. I would say my depression is gone by now after like a year and the actually only reason why i watch your content is to keep it that way and i have to say it works really really good for me so far and with your content i could even help some of my friends because i just could understand things a bit better and for that i m grateful.
@--...--...--... 10 месяцев назад
"Take that info and see how it *could* be right." The foundation of my thoughts as someone with high "trait empathy" and off the charts "openess to experience" It has served me well lol
@dejanmarkovic3040 Месяц назад
I used to watch Huberman videos all the time and came to the same realization. Then I started rewatching the episodes with a word document titled as the title of the episode. I would take notes and them quiz myself a week later. If I knew less than 50%, or I realized that I hadn't applied any of it, I would either rewatch the episode, or at least re-read the notes. It's been a few years and I'm really happy to say that I've been able to retain and apply some of that information. I'm also a linguist, so that helped me remember the jomenclature and in medicine, most of the terms are self-explanatory, so if he uses the term limbic-friction or anticipatory proliferation of neurons, you don't have to read the definition...it's right there. You just need to practise resisting stuff, or remember to sometimes walk faster...and then that triggers a memory of the episode about spinal nerves and you remember that if you walk faster, there's less pressure on your spine and more pressure on your legs...so you're exercising AND fixing your back...then you remember the research on tje benefits of walking. There is such a thing as an upward spiral and it's as unavoidable as the downward one. No mattwr how fked up and miserable you feel and unablw to fathom being better, just remember that you don't have to have all the areas of your life fixed tomorrow...do what you can. In the meantime, see your fked up situation as part of the process. Don't pressure yourself into getting better. We all know how attached we can be to our depressed identity...fkn negotiate with that proclivity...our dumb depressed brain won't even notice it's getting better until it's too late....and tjen you'll just...be a little better. I'm speaking from experience. And as for the effort part...you just gotta do it. You gotta walk, you gotta wash the dishes, you gotta maintain hygiene. Not every day, but almsot every day. If you haven't showered today, please, go have a shower and then go back to your hunched position, chainsmoke, hate tje whole world, go back tk whatever it is you were dojng before the shower. But now you smell better. I bet my life that will make you at least think of a time you had a reason to smell good, or at least clean. Maybe it's the same shower gell you used to use regularly with your ex, who knows....doesn't matter. Do something. You don't have to feel better whole doing it or afterwards, jist do a little something. Anything. Cut your nails. Throw out the trash. Doesn't matter.
@heavylog1c 10 месяцев назад
When Dr. K gives me some insight, I take notes. Then I revisit my notes, I reflect and analyze myself for day or two. And then I post my final thoughts in my public. Cuz I have this thing - I always try harder for other people, than for myself. It automatically makes me give more effort and dig deeper when I try to come up with a post that makes perfect sense. So while I write a post, sometimes I come up with conclusions that I wasn't even thinking before. If you only watch Dr. K's content, I don't see how it can be helpful. It's like watching videos about programming without taking notes and practicing.
@Wathon1884 10 месяцев назад
Fantastic video! One thing I'd like add is learning how to clear your mind. Electronic devices like phones and computers stimulate our brains constantly with different content, which makes it harder for us to enter this meditative state, in which we are aware of ourselves. The only way to connect with yourself is to be with yourself. The most common way to clear one's mind is focusing on breathing slowly. What's interesting is that once you've reached this "clarity", you'll notice that there are several inner monologues playing in your head, which might say very different things to you. The key thing is to notice these and understand that they don't control you, if you don't let them. These monologues can be negative, positive and even neutral things your mind simply brings up from your subconsciousness. Anything from "I suck at life" to "I wonder what I should eat". Some come and go, but some might repeat themselves many times. The goal is to process and stay above them. If you jump on to the negative monologue train, it's hard to get off when you let the emotion take the wheels.
@thatgamingauthor 10 месяцев назад
I am glad to say that these videos have helped me change my life for the better over the course of the past couple of years. They're a great source of information and inspiration when I find it difficult to get moving towards mental progress, or I find my mind too clouded to figure out a good starting place before navigating to the right answer myself. They always remind me to take pause and really let the information sink in so I can properly apply it. It's not perfect all the time, of course; that's just human nature, but it helps a ton, and I am incredibly appreciative of that.
@llpolluxll 7 месяцев назад
I forget which video it was but the one where Dr. K was talking about how change can be done without external effort was literally one that changed my life. It didn't happen immediately but once I understood that the core of improving my life was taking a step back and examining my internal processes, something clicked. I stopped binge watching youtube videos and listening to audiobooks at 2x speed and started slowing down my thought processes to better absorb what I was learning. That video single-handedly gave me the ability to actually apply the self-help content I had been learning.
@marie-clairelafleche4448 10 месяцев назад
Watching videos is like doing groceries. It gives you the "ingredients" to improve. But if you just do that, the food rots in the fridge and you're still hungry. You NEED the ingredients/information but you also NEED the recipes AND to actually do it. Without follow through, you're still starving yourself. Knowing better, isn't doing better. It's sucks and it's hard and that's all true. For real. It's easier to keep watching (replace the rotten food) then it is to do the recipe. Especially when it's the first time and you're hungry. Thank you for all your content. It's been helping me "cook" much better.
@twistedelegance_ 4 месяца назад
I'm a boomer, and been through psychotherapy and all that, so a lot of what you've said about trauma for example was already something I knew and had been told by my therapist at the time. I have all this knowledge but at the time I was not able to process the feelings and do the work in order to get better. I could spend 4 days a week speaking and getting advice but nothing registered on emotional level. Autopilot. I was in a relationship with a narcissist who at first I praised to my shrink but slowly she started pointing out, you know, your spouse does not seem to be all that awesome as you first told me and the more you tell me about the real life daily situations, it seems he is not only controlling but heavily abusing you. (I do this eith everyone, I alwyas want to give the best impression of my spouse even tho the truth is something else). Anyway, the reason I am watching your content now is to get a quick reminder of what was discussed in real life with a therapist years back and then take action also in real life once I am back on the loop so to speak. Yes, I still try to use logic my way with emotions but at least I am gonna give therapy another chance.
@zaidaliahmed7869 10 месяцев назад
I can't say that this content has changed my life at least not yet, but the entertainment, the counter intuitive solutions, the information that's articulated in a simple yet detailed manner is invaluable, not to mention, very accurate. I find myself agreeing with some of the stuff Dr.k says if not instantly then after a period of time, when i've had the time to put more thought into it. I'm one of the people who tries to make the effort, but has a hard time being consistent, however I have seen improvements with meditation alone, i feel better, and my overall mood is simply better, it's difficult to be consistent with it, but when I am it's certainly a step closer to changing my life for the better. About not changing your life through content, i feel like that's a given, you're not gonna change your life without being accountable and putting in the effort, I don't think any self-help consumable can be held responsible for it.
@AlisonThedis 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video, for it was really what I needed to hear today. Having the illusion of doing the work to get better (even in good faith) just increases anxiety for me. And I didn't understand why. Actually DOING the work to get better, as uncomfortable it may be, is really what's going to help to heal.
@tylerglenn7811 10 месяцев назад
As a behavioral coach for K-12 students I consider myself a salesman for healthy thoughts and actions. I am happy to have words for what I am doing when I congratulate kids for disagreeing with me sometimes. I ultimately just want to talk about self-awareness and let them make it personal to themselves.
@c_rem6101 10 месяцев назад
The thing about self improvement in an area is that it doesn't take that long to actually learn the things that will improve your life The hardest part is to be consistent and commit to the changes
@lemason5981 10 месяцев назад
ever since I found dr K I've made radical changes to my life. Just a few years ago I was shy, awkward, depressed, and unsure of myself. Now I have finally found who I aspire to be and am making incredible progress. I'm remarkably fit, smart, and social. I know it sounds a little like bragging here but I honestly don't think I could've turned my life around to be this content with being average, yet still able to improve, without the help of your videos. Thank you very much
@talesofacrookedmouth 10 месяцев назад
Dw you're not bragging, humility, although useful, has been blindfolding individualism with our society's will to make us fear to stand out from the shape it needs us to be... Embrace your progress my guy!
@bananaspilt1988 10 месяцев назад
What did you start to do to be more social? I'm curious because that's what I'm trying to be
@markydoe3719 10 месяцев назад
Can you let me know which videos helped you the most? As I am watching Dr K for a year now but I think that's not much progress. Its just becoming brainfog after consuming so much videos. So, if you can help in pointing out the exact one's so I can give them a fresh start and also what actions did you take to improve yourself and made it a routine because I can't make myself do something unless its literal death situation if you know what I mean😅
@emperorceegle 5 месяцев назад
When I first got recommended a Dr K video I never really watched any self help youtubers or any of that crap because what do they really know? What made me watch that very first video and stick around was that amazing youtube feature underneath the video that said, this youtuber is a legit doctor/therapist whatever it says. To me this knowledge is professional help it is coming from a professional thats why I stuck around. I unknowingly found myself doing what you said in this video before i even watched it. When i first discovered the channel I did "bingewatch" a good bit of it but throughout each video i would pause at certain moments and reflect upon the information being given to me, and after that first discovery I took a break and fron time to time ill watch a video, and I would deff say my life hasnt completely changed, but there deff has been small improvements in my mental health overtime. You truly are a true human being and you're doing the world a great favor. Continue to watch, reflect, challenge, apply and take a break watching this mans stuff it does really help and do wonders
@sebastiandk9575 10 месяцев назад
I personally cannot attest to this more. Whatever youre watching, action is so so key to making significant changes. I went through a big phase with self development books and finally stepped off the hamster wheel when I realised I was just using it to feel good and I wasn't making any changes or applying my 'learnings' to any effect. It's been a long time but I finally found content in Dr Ks channel that I not only enjoy watching but actually find applicable, so I'm really grateful for that. I also appreciate that just consuming content at least orientation part of your mind in the right direction, even if it's a glorified excuse to not have to change or some kind of self soothing mechanism. At some point, like me, you may realise its time to stop consuming and self soothing and start the much trickier and often difficult road to real change.
@fireyros3349 5 месяцев назад
I think with the ending analogy it’s like watching the videos is diet and that help and is half the battle but you still have to do the other half to really get over that hurdle I.e working out and actually doing an action
@heterotardigrada 7 месяцев назад
Personal Summary (mostly for me to look back on): - our minds make progress difficult by relying on false markers of progress/shortcuts (“virtue-signalling” equivalents for mental health progress: just watching dr K videos without taking any action or doing any of the things recommended in each video). - Passively watching Dr K doesnt replace actual action and isnt the same as putting in effort to improve. - reconsider your intentions when starting a Dr K video (“why am I watching this video? am I going to actually do anything after I watch this video?”) - try to apply the information/practices in the video (e.g. do the meditations) - “manipulate the information” and play around with the ideas posed in the video, and don’t merely consume to consume/self-soothe (e.g. evaluate and consider the content by challenging the arguments/recommendations, or try to think of ways information you disagree with can become correct and change your perspective, etc.) - engage with the information (e.g. post on youtube or the subreddit) or just think about the information. - change isnt immediate. [Side-note: I love the phrase “we have surrendered our capacity for critical thinking”. The reminder that we are **actively participating** in our own brain rotting and giving up our own autonomic ability to think for ourselves is haunting; I forget sometimes that I can control my own media consumption and have some control over the algorithms in media]
@allanemmanuel11 10 месяцев назад
I started watching your videos... I stopped with pornography, social media in general and I don't even touch my cellphone anymore... And I also got a girlfriend. And all of that literally happened in the last month. Thank you!
@AutisMinasClearingClutter 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this. I totally agree, but I've never heard someone voice it this way before (or at least if I did then it didn't stick with me) and it's refreshing. I started my channel partly as therapy for myself, but in some way actually because of what you're saying in this video. Every video I share what is working for me, but I also emphasize how things just don't work for everyone - and with it how we can't just watch a video with tips on how to do something 'which will fix our problem'. I've never really known to phrase it this way, but I now realize what I always mean is to indeed 'manipulate the information'. Partly different from what you're intending to say I think, but I feel it's the same subject? Like don't just agree or disagree, don't expect said tips to be super awesome or downright terrible. I always tell people to 'find what works for YOU' as opposed to just taking everything literally from YT videos or books or whatever (and either think it'll change your life or like you said think it's crap and maybe even bash someone about it). We are all just such different people and what works for one person doesn't for another. And yes, it takes (hard) work. And it may be extremely difficult. But I think it's so worth it! I don't think one piece of advice is necessarily either awesome or awful (okay there are exceptions...). Rather I try to think about it from their perspective and try to see what (version of it) would work for me and my life. And I think that is something that could be helpful to everyone. That extra step of 'okay but how could I make this work for me'. Okay I'm about to sound like a commercial now and I'm not even sure why I'm commenting this anymore, haha. I guess it's just that you said some things that really hit home I suppose and then my mind goes into all of the reasons why. Not sure if you'll even be reading this, but if so: thank you so much for highlighting this 'part of the coin' of watching self help / mental health videos. Oh and as an answer to your question on why I'm watching this: because my friend told me to ^^. Thanks, Noon:)
@noonunoon 10 месяцев назад
You're welcome ! Loll
@SkymaDawn-mg3vy 2 месяца назад
Personnal note: 7:30 In order to understand my behavior. I am having hard time to applying in real life about the knowledge that I learn.Hard to he consistent and to follow my pre-plan sketshuld. 8:04 How to manipulate information: Challenge the information, questions your own opinion and to try to understand other perspective Engage informations. 12:34 bombarded information = surrender to critical thinking. * Have your own judgements and opinion Passive learning ≠ to improuvement Binge watching ≠ to improuvement * make a recall about the information that you learn and let it sink in the mind. *Give it a shot
@BeidlPracker-vb8en 10 месяцев назад
I write this here because in my opinion there is no other place where I could write this. So, in one video he was mentioning "Care giver Burnout" and since then I’ve been looking into burnout itself and I have come to the conclusion that this applies to me, but I have a partner with depression and cleaning behind them is a pain in the ass. Every damn time I try to talk about doing the whole household, cooking, cleaning, clothes washing, bringing the trash outside, even caring for the animals that I didn’t want to in the first place (I love them now). I just can’t take it anymore. I want to start to get a finances degree in 2 years but as it is now, I have a merely 4 hours of free-time a week where I’m not too tired to do anything. We both work 40 hours a week, I work during the week and my partner has Sunday and 2 other days of the week off. They don’t do shit on those days either. Like when I work from home and see them do absolutely nothing while the cats do their "please clean the litterboxes“ meows.
@Mr.MetalMan 10 месяцев назад
I really appreciated this video. 1st thing I really appreciated was that it reinforced how I use Dr K's videos to practice how I temper my mental skills to have healthier mindsets. Examples being practicing the topics I find exciting, targeting my state, etc and saving those videos for reference when the details become hazy or by challenging how I thought things were working and found this new info was better than my old info. The 2nd is the realization that no matter how much better we get at impacting our growing selves, there is always more to develop and the 3rd thing, I appreciate, is the constant reminder that our minds can be real pitfalls without discipline. It may not be intended in the videos but it is really helpful to me to be reminded, almost with every video, to discipline further in every facet of life that is important
@smjbr79 10 месяцев назад
good points. Just my experience...the long game has always produced results for me. when i rush things they usually fall apart.
@extrememinimalism 8 месяцев назад
Do the hard thing you need to do most and dont look back. Sometimes you literally got to say one word, take one step, spend one minute towards something to make progress.
@anarcho-communist11 10 месяцев назад
I'm a woman in my late 30s but your videos have helped me a lot. I really love what you're doing, speaking to young men and giving them support they need 😄
@poggybitz513 10 месяцев назад
I love your username. And yes it is, a lot less people would have been depressed and suffering I feel like if it was the system of the world. I feel like we're living the crack medicine and witch doctor era like in the middle ages for the political science and its going to take a long long time for us to realize it. Hell it took over 2000 year for just one person to realize and analyze the capitalist means of production and how our society develops over time \
@AspieMemoires 10 месяцев назад
“You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink” comes to mind. Can give people all the info in the world, if they do not use it correctly or actually apply it that’s on them.
@smirbelbirbel 10 месяцев назад
Eh. Yes sure. But there are better and worse ways to get the horse to take a sip.
@AspieMemoires 10 месяцев назад
@@smirbelbirbel You really don’t get the metaphor then. 🤷‍♂️
@evelinepieternella8088 10 месяцев назад
There's another video on this channel about how to grow without doing anything, which perfectly illustrates how to use these video's to grow, especially if you are in those beginning stages where it's hard to actively practice the advice. I really recommend it! The tl;dr of the vid is basically: 1. Watch one video at a time 2. Spend some time actively thinking about it (through journaling or walking for example) 3. Give yourself time to let it sink in. I really found that after that video, I started to grow far more from each subsequent dr K video I watched!
@zaqueenateatro 10 месяцев назад
My life is completely different since starting the videos and I come back to a few of the greatest hits pretty frequently. What a tremendous resource.
@timtarbet4594 10 месяцев назад
I've been feeling like this for a while. I listen to content so I can self sooth whenever I'm feeling stressed, but then I feel like I have to be paying attention to the content instead of working. One of my many problems is that I feel so scatterbrained all the time, and I've reinforced the habit of listening to content so much that I start to feel anxious if I'm not listening to content. It's gotten to the point where I even listen to podcasts and things when I'm gaming, and I will specifically chose games that are less entertaining, but will allow me to listen to content/podcasts/etc. I've gotten marginally better over the past couple of weeks (out of the 3-5 years that I've known it was a problem) but I still feel like I've dug myself into a pit I can't get out of.
@rexrip1080 10 месяцев назад
I basically got the totally opposite experience from this person. I watched your video on anhedonia and it cleared up a few things... I am an analytical kind of person so once a bunch of symptoms seamed to fit, I decided to try out the method you suggested... I also had a problem with weed, actually, you mentioned in one of your videos a guy that uses it to get rid of the social pressures and that is how it works on me as well (also I get a huge improvement in concentration, something I used to struggle a long time with and still do, just to a way lesser degree). To keep it short, I quit weed some 3 weeks ago and stopped doing a bunch of things that distract me, it is hard but I am starting to feel things again... Once I am done with the process I will have to check that switching between addictions video, I can recognize that I do this with a couple of things (mostly with weed, coffee and energy drinks and it is really hard to break the cycle)... Anyways, thanks for talking about a bunch of stuff that people go through, I feel as it has helped me to understand that most of the things happening to me are not only happening to me and it helps me relate to others (since I am a bit anti- social as well and generally do not like to be around people and groups for a longer periods of time).
@midwinter78 10 месяцев назад
I have a saying re mental health: "If something's strong enough to have beneficial effects, it's strong enough to have side effects". It seems that this applies even to Dr K vids.
@MatthewCobalt 10 месяцев назад
I’m self aware enough that the reason nothing changes in my life is because I did not have the motivation to change in the first place. But I guarantee that when something you care about comes your way, anything you choose to change will change. Be it love, respect, or even just utter ego. Change can be made as long as the person is willing stick with it until it’s second nature.
@JamesMcGill-hl5lw 8 месяцев назад
The video title pretty much sums up my whole situation for years and yet I still think that this won't really change the dynamic, thanks anyway mister HealthyGamer.
@funky6399 10 месяцев назад
Your, Gifted Child Episode gave me an aha moment and now can lead me in taking the positive direction moving forward. But, I generally try to limit your videos to 1-2 per week as it this shouldn't be entertainment but education.
@sorubro2193 10 месяцев назад
as someone that was helped by your content, is not what I did, is what i stopped doing
@Lorddominion 10 месяцев назад
I often ask myself why I feel or think the way I do or try to understand people how other people think the way they do or feel. Specially when there beliefs or how the think goes against what I believe. I always try to understand rather than to go against them and start attacking them or going into defensive mode. Think it comes from the fact that from a very young age I was always interested in the history of different cultures and also still am interested in different cultures and find it fascinating how different people's cultures, manners, ethics, etc can be just from living in a different part of the world with different climates, nature etc.
@davon3384 10 месяцев назад
I personally think mental health advocates are just not specifying the information needed. We go through many tools and factors that are minor so they dont help in the marco scale. In all of my learning about mental health I've come to the conclusion that we need to be approaching the highest axioms. These axioms are addiction, meditation, emotions, and logic. If youd like to know more i can tell you why, but these topics are the axioms for every single thing you could possibly want to learn about mental health.
@mctwistx1248 2 месяца назад
we like when the other say to us what to do but dont when we say to ourselves what to do
@budus2 10 месяцев назад
Your videos changed my life. Only thanks to them I diagnosed myself with ADHD, which was later confirmed by a doctor. I'm learning to live at 33 now.
@dragoneatingpixels2750 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for making this and convincing me to at least try again. I can't even count how many times I've tried therapy/medication but well being off one of them isn't helping much so you convinced me to at least find a provider online and book an appointment with them. I wish you guys accepted my insurance haha but well sitting on my butt being lazy on RU-vid isnt going to change anything for me and it took until watching this to really realize that
@TheBigLou13 10 месяцев назад
Its like watching cooking shows while being hungry: You can learn a recipe from the video and try it out - but solely watching it won't bring the food to the table.
@tiptapkey 10 месяцев назад
"We have surrendered our capacity for critical thinking" -- YUP
@RainSunder 10 месяцев назад
I've had a hospital capacity evaluation recently, was told I'm being held for the night, tried to leave anyway, got restrained, while wearing shorts, knees got cut up good, didn't have a good time, would not recommend resisting :)
@user-yw1vo9tk7v 26 дней назад
1. Challenge and prove it 2. Understand the speakers perspective 3. Just do it . 4. Change doesn’t happen overnight. Beware that doing is not substituted to watching
@EnriqueB.23 10 месяцев назад
I'll give it a chance. Right now I should be doing my finals works for my last semester of university. It has been difficult to focus, but I'll keep moving.
@GerhardTreibheit 10 месяцев назад
This video has transformed my life, thank you so much Dr K :3
@VerryLongName 10 месяцев назад
I don't watch your videos anymore because there's too many for too many problems. I already have a rough idea of what I need to do, but I'm too busy working on stuff outside. You could consider it an excuse to not act, but I would feel bad letting it go unfinished. Tools still need to be cleaned. I've had to pull poison ivy all around my property after an immune handyman got rid of the majority of the groundcover, tree vines, and the surrounding weeds to make the property look nicer. Any depression on my end wasn't why I let it overgrow; you can't mow or weed whack that stuff if you and your family aren't immune to the oil because you'd spread it around the yard. I felt okay starting to pull it with forearm length gloves in mid Fall when the PI usually starts to die and doesn't come back until spring. When my brothers at my mom's house ask me if I have a job or am going to grad school when my brother and dad go to visit almost every 2 weeks (each of them ask only one of those), I tell them I am taking care of yardwork outside. My answer ends up being somewhat cryptic to keep the PI stuff to only my parents because they don't gaslight me about it. Not telling them also keeps it out of my head.
@belial4327 10 месяцев назад
wow this video transformed my life! thank you healthy gamer GG for making such great content. Your video's make me think that i just have to believe in myself and just have fun doing the things i want to do.
@SIC647 10 месяцев назад
I bought the guide a few months ago. But it has taken me until yesterday to start using it. Because I wasn't ready to DO the thing. But I finally started.
@songvevo123 10 месяцев назад
I'll leave this comment in an attempt to manipulate the info. I don't know if I want to change right now. I'd like the benefits of walking up early (more time to do my own things, self satisfaction of being "one of those morning people") without the work of going to sleep early and then getting out of my bed earlier, so maybe that's my current problem. One thing that holds me back is that I can think of previous examples when I did wake up early but just fell right back to not walking up early, which is a different problem (that of how to continue a good habit rather than that of starting one). I wonder how can someone balance the acknowledgement of previous failures, the one-step-ahead thinking of "will I forever be stuck in this loop of trying and not succeeding", and actually taking action to succeed. 😅
@Chizuru94 10 месяцев назад
One word before watching this video: ADHD. At least in my case. And till I got help and am medicated, nothing will change just like in the other 3 decades of my life. I hope others are aware of that possibility as well :/
@Orphan-Source 10 месяцев назад
as someone new to serious anxiety it scares me to read people say they've had their whole life. I cannot even imagine.
@mbfun9298 9 месяцев назад
For me it is like finishing, most of the content is okish but not something that is actionable for me ( and this is ok), then a few come and they hit good and increase my understanding of things as they either force me to reconsider my stance on this or connect with something I've been thinking about. I always like to listen to the content of this type while playing something repetitive but fun ( Dead cells ^_^) and if what is being said is clear and resonates I will actually stop playing the game and re-listen the video in order to extract actionable items or write an entry that exaplains to me some of the observations. I kind of like doing this IRL I call it "podcasting mode" where sometimes when I'm drained of "social energy" I'll become passive and just listen to my friends talk only activating once I'm recovered or something really clicks.
@dh5450 10 месяцев назад
Awesome! Please keep doing what you do! It’s very very very helpful
@dasshrs 10 месяцев назад
I personally went through changing my life radically for the past 5 years. I still have a habit of watching videos even if I don't really have the problem that stated in the video. But I may had it in the past, so it helps me to understand myself better. But it does not change my life, there is no such goal now
@PinkyBar374 10 месяцев назад
Thank your for doing what you’re doing, providing what you provide, one suggestion I may add is your have a global audience, some of which can not afford any extra content over and above what it costs to subscribe too RU-vid. So perhaps how do we address what content do we subscribe further, and further and further. Baring in mind exchange rates etc. this may be a blind spot , I’ve not watched enough, however, truly appreciate what you’re doing here.
@ditystanut 9 месяцев назад
Actually, when i went to a psychologist because i didn't feel ANYTHING, she just asked me "what do I feel?" And then whwn i understood what I feel, I also knew what I want to feel and what i don't want to feel. And then, you help me a lot with my fear of rejection and my fear of failure. And my life started getting better. Slowly, but it started.
@pavelperina7629 10 месяцев назад
Good. RU-vid can be source of addiction. Worst part is that watching one video can give you some information. Watching another 10 videos may add something new, but very little, if the first video was good enough. Then, on the other hand, finally twelfth video can have completely different perspective and be a gold mine despite having 1500 views and being from youtuber who made 3 videos in total, got 400 subscribers and gave up making more of them. Best to deal with this addiction is to admit it, admit that people need to waste some time and relax doing nothing productive, it's about the same as watching twitch, tv, playing one computer game for 10 years. Problem is to have urge to do something productive all the time and blame yourself for failing to do so. Well, another problem is that there are people who are productive six to tens hours a day and they feel it's not good enough. Then there are people who seem to have this time limited to almost the zero without objective reason and have barely enough motivation to do stuff necessary to survive.
@BillyMaurice 10 месяцев назад
Dr K., just fyi. I discovered your content because I used to do behavioral therapy out of college but recently joined a mental health company as a training and development specialist and wanted to re-educate myself on mental health and clinical psych stuff. Not sure if I'm the only one but there may be other professionals who find your content useful in a CEU type of way.
@andydragtstra4707 10 месяцев назад
I think you video's are great and am often intrigued by your point of view. Some people don't understand that you are not here to treat any specific mental disorder, but to educate on mental health in general. Some people might not need you guidance, but besides that you inspire many, in fields ranging from psychology to neuroscience.
@Kizarat 10 месяцев назад
I used to binge watch a lot of Dr. K but stopped doing that and now only watch one video from time to time when I feel like I can give it the most attention possible. But even with that, nothing has changed lol. So from now on I'll try to actually do what is being advised in a video and won't allow myself to watch another video until I do the thing.
@Imbedersup 10 месяцев назад
So isn't it basically about planting a seed, helping some kind of motivation grow as well as empowerment, in order to facilitate change?
@janlukegabriel 7 месяцев назад
I watch HG vids every time I exercise. Strengthening my arm and brain muscles
@MoistYoghurt 10 месяцев назад
Dr Ks video on stop telling people what you're doing has helped me so much I've stopped doing it and my enthusiasm has been pretty steady since I'm not telling anyone or anything
@endlessnameless7004 10 месяцев назад
I find your videos highly informative and valuable, especially your recent video about subvocalization. I take your content as supplemental to overall mental health, not as a panacea. I think that's the distinction that some are failing to perceive.
@mateofavela1998 10 месяцев назад
I think it would be helpful if you put your sources in the description, so that viewers can learn more about a topic than what is in the short video
@Kelanetty 8 месяцев назад
At the 6:12 I was like “Oh wait it’s me” And at the 6:15 I just like “hahah so it is’t me?” Dr K really got me in that moment, I really didn’t expect this so laughed hard
@liamconnelly3115 10 месяцев назад
The will to change is definetly there for most people i'd say who watch Dr K. But the real challenge is over coming the part of your brain that has normalized the place you're currently at. No matter how unhappy and miserable you are, I have noticed that my mind is always fighting itself. So I assume others must have this issue too. Dr K is a rad dude and I'm happy I stumbled upon this channel. But people need to be careful of parasocial relationships. This channel is not a good substitute for a proper therapist who you are paying to help you. And above all this content can be used in a way that like the posts ex used it. As an excuse, or just a part of their doom scrolling. My advice to people like myself dealing with these issues is to get off the internet and chase your goals and desires. Just do it, don't let your old self get in the way anymore.
@riccardolibe 7 месяцев назад
after I watch your videos, i feel ahead of 99% of people in terms of literally every aspect of my life
@pattiwassman8703 10 месяцев назад
When can watch video after video, the key factor is... Watching a video any video... Is not going to change anything... Until you can open up, realize, accept and apply what you learn... That's the work, that's where you get your ultimate reward
@Blackcrowcaw 10 месяцев назад
I’ve had several dr k videos change my life, but I also don’t binge them. I’ll watch one or maybe a couple that are on similar topics, and take some time to digest them
@seyproductions 10 месяцев назад
This is why I sometimes stop myself from watching more content, and only watch ONE video, and try to implement at least one lesson from it, before watching another video.
@resir9807 10 месяцев назад
I've watched nearly all Dr K videos and I've actually changed a lot, so couldn't be me
@stendaalcartography3436 10 месяцев назад
I know HGG have helped me because I don't feel the need to watch these videos anymore. It was really helpful to me at a time, and I've progressed enough to not need it. It's bittersweet because I do like Dr.K, but like anything else in life, it peaks then it's falls off.
@hada8544 10 месяцев назад
"challenge the information" and me: !!!!!! I'm not going to challenge that one 😂
@andreaperuzza408 10 месяцев назад
Hi Dr. K, it's me again. It would be amazing if you could take time out of your day to answer a very important question of mine. My best friend has a problem i would like her to solve but i have no idea how to help her because i don't have the knowledge to do so. Yesterday we were talking and she said that she feels kind of uncomfortable being too happy for too long because sadness, depression and suffering are all she has known for a long time. She feels comfortable being depressed and she is basically griefing herself when things are going "too well" and she feels like being depressed and going through a harsh period gives her an excuse to do what she wants, sometimes be an asshole and also to not do what she has to. She said she can't be happy for even a whole evening because when she realizes that things are going great and she's feeling good she basically has to get away and be alone for a while to get depressed again. It's hard to explain but i hope i managed to convey the main idea and i hope to just give her the knowledge and the support she needs to hopefully make a change for the better. I thank you in advance for the answer and for your patience :) I will write this under every video until i get a response, i hope i am not too annoying but I really need the answer.
@davidsereno935 10 месяцев назад
I watch/hear doctor k as cleaning fuel. I just made a habit to start a video and go on a cleaning rampage while the video is playing.
@DougyFreshGames 10 месяцев назад
Participate in your own rescue, nobody is coming to save you. Truth.
@Sommyie 10 месяцев назад
I binge watched in the beginning, but as life became more chaotic in my relationship, i slowed ot down and started being able to see the change in me.
@rizpect3121 10 месяцев назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 01:51 🚨 *Watching mental health content may give a false sense of well-being, leading to a lack of real progress if not applied.* 03:30 🔄 *Consumption of mental health content on the internet is on the rise, creating a potential issue of substituting content for actual progress.* 05:48 🧠 *Information alone doesn't guarantee behavioral change; applying principles to one's life is crucial.* 08:21 🔄 *Manipulating information is a powerful tool; challenge and question beliefs to understand different perspectives.* 12:42 💭 *Critical thinking is essential; engaging with information through conversation or internal reflection is key to personal growth.* 15:01 🚦 *Be cautious of using mental health content passively; actively applying suggested practices is crucial for genuine progress.* 16:39 🕰️ *Change in mental health often takes time; consistent exposure to content over months to years may lead to increased willingness to change.* Made with HARPA AI
@keldrogo175 10 месяцев назад
I'm using dr.K's content as a little push in my back towards a therapist. Takes some time for me to make the step, but the more videos i watch the more i know i'm not so far anymore.
@PK-se2jh 5 месяцев назад
thankyou very much sir
@Draemn 9 месяцев назад
Makes a video about slowing it down and not just passively binge consuming content... but the edits leave zero breathing room and don't require anyone to slow down and digest what they've heard.
@nixholxs 10 месяцев назад
Internalization. Intense visualization. Empathy.
@abstractionGod 10 месяцев назад
I watch your videos and things change over time incrementally as I self actualize
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