
Influencers Are Warming up To Christianity BUT It's NOT What You Think! 

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A lot of influencers have been warming up to the idea of faith in the last few years. What is behind this trend? And, do I think it's a good thing? Let's talk about it!
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7 окт 2024




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@whaddoyoumeme Год назад
Have you noticed the change in how Influencers have been talking about Christianity? Let me know your thoughts below! 
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@seniorscientist590 Год назад
"For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many." Matthew 24:5 Not sure "I am the Christ" should be in quotes. Ive always read this as many will come saying Jesus is Christ yet will deceive many... If thats the way to read this are we not witnessing the beginning of this with these so-called influencers?
@MojoPin1983 Год назад
What are your thoughts on the petition to get William Lane Craig on Joe Rogan’s podcast?
@MaxStArlyn Год назад
6:46 Jesus died to concur death, by being resurrected on the third day. Jesus didn’t save us, by dying as a payment, to God, for our sins. Salvation didn’t occur on the cross, it occurred on the third day.
@Mrfox-YouTube Год назад
@@seniorscientist590 I kind of interpre that as Matthew saying many will claim to be christ and attempt to lead others away. Though I can be wrong on this you might need to read from the orignal language before being able to undserstand what is being said fully. Though that is hard because I dont even know what language that is. but yeah if somone that can read the orignal bible can translate and explain that I would love to know what the real meaning is here. I dont have the context surronding that verse so let me know!
@mrs.jaywojo5426 Год назад
Ecumenism.... last days deception!
@amieondrasik8443 Год назад
Amen!! I’m not a Christian because I want to be a ‘good citizen’ or have the benefits of ‘following rules’. I’m a Christian because I need a Savior!!
@amieondrasik8443 Год назад
@Jenny clark i realize this is not the best platform to have serious discussions. But yes - God exists, yes hell exists. It’s important to ask hard questions and search for the truth. I pray you find the answers you are looking for.
@amieondrasik8443 Год назад
@Jenny clark I just think things can be misconstrued online with conversations between strangers on deep subjects. I believe the Gospel message. I am deserving of hell because of God is just but I am saved because He redeemed me. what are you looking to discuss?
@marioncarbonell6047 Год назад
@jennyclark6183no, it’s because religious people refuse to leave their religion behind because they’re afraid of eternal oblivion after death and realizing their whole religions were based on mythology, Yahweh, Baal, Jehovah are no more different than Zeus, Thor, Neptune, and the fact that people still think they’re real in the 21st century is insane.
@lellysramos64 Год назад
​@@marioncarbonell6047 Actually, there are religious people who believe in God exactly because of what you just pointed out. But there are a lot more people who believe in God because He is very real and isn't even comparable to Thor, Zeus or other deities. But just as some say that religion is the shelter for people who are afraid of darkness; atheism is the shelter for people who are afraid of light. You either believe there is a God or you don't, and you can't judge someone for believing one thing or another. After death, it will be seen if God is real or if He's not.
@marioncarbonell6047 Год назад
@@lellysramos64 your brain is responsible for your memories, personality, consciousness, thinking, whenever people have traumatic brain injuries, strokes, tumors, their memories, personality, everything about them is manipulated and altered, the brain is what makes us “us” and without it we aren’t able to exist, we didn’t exist before birth and we won’t exist after we die, The God from the Bible isn’t any more different than All the Pagan deities, Yahweh, Baal, Jehovah, were all Pagan deities, The story of Jesus Christ’s miraculous birth and resurrection was borrowed from other religions around the Mediterranean at the time, The more archeologist, historians, and scientists keep finding about how the natural world operates, the more it ends up disproving religion, Especially Abrahamic ones. Every single story in the Bible is a myth and it’s time people stopped using it as a morality guide book because it is extremely fucked up, I know people like to mock atheists and agnostics but I think it’s ironic how people can believe so strongly in something they’re not even sure exist.
@officialthomasjames Год назад
I am not expecting all of these influencers to all suddenly be full-fledged Christians right away. I’m just happy they are opening themselves up to it, God will do the rest.
@jack-of-all-trades1234 Год назад
Rogan flip-flops on almost every issue over and over again depending on who he is talking to at the time. It has become an ongoing joke.
@littlenaro1700 Год назад
Your forgetting they are all become muslim. Christianity is too weak in its foundation and unity.
@lullaby218 Год назад
The Old testament is hot garbage tho. New testament got some nice moral lessons as a piece of literature.
@Setfree316 Год назад
That just shows that God's word is to be sought the light preach the gospel Minister pray fast and pray the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much what's happening is the result of diligent believers doing what God Said to do never give up always look up Hebrews 12:2 God will do what God said he will do. GOD'S WORD IS NOT COME BACK VOID PREACH THE WORD IN AND OUT OF SEASON. GODS WORD DOES NOT COME BACK VOID.. Go team Jesus go!
@chuckyz457 Год назад
@clotshot9459 You should re read it and realize how disrespecting they were to God. Making false idols, lying, cheating, stealing, when they were taken out of slavery. There were cults burning children alive and so on. You'll see how patient He was and how ridiculous we all are with our sin.
@beebarfthebard Год назад
Peterson made me look at Christianity with new eyes and then suddenly all I wanted to do was learn God's word....I'm now baptized and raising my children as Christian as well. It may not sit well with some, but Peterson was really important to so many of us coming to faith. How many of us took actual steps toward faith....I can only speak on my experience.
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid Год назад
Do tell us your path before and after.
@TerminalVelociRaptor Год назад
Dr. Peterson was also very influential to me as well. God can use anyone to reach His people---we just need to be willing to sort through which of Peterson's teachings are Biblical and which ones are ultimately damaging. I think he's a wonderful, compassionate man who is right about many things, but there are a few foundational scholarly points he's scared to let go of.
@jan_777 Год назад
Good example of keeping the good things and leaving the bad stuff when it comes to what churches, pastors, people do and say. Nobody [!] is perfect in his faith and everybody [!] has to be double checked with Scripture.
@alanamoogk348 Год назад
Steps to faith? Do tell. This is why we are warning against this. Salvation isn't steps to faith. Its hearing the gospel, and believing it. The gospel is 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 in a nutshell. People are not saved by their walk or their works, they're saved by the blood for remission of their sins, the ressurection and work of Christ for their justification. His righteousness is ours via imputation
@TerminalVelociRaptor Год назад
@@jan_777 Very true. This is a large part of the humility we're supposed to have as Christians. We don't get to decide what truth is---God does.
@rickyryanmusic Год назад
Amen. "Discernment is not only knowing the difference between right and wrong, but it's also knowing the difference between right and what's almost right."
@davidjones8043 Год назад
@@eme117 agree with you
@GarciaNetwork2576 Год назад
Very important
@Max0017 Год назад
Well said.
@nicolediebel2606 Год назад
My husband and I became Christians several years ago. We started out much like these influencers. At first, we saw ourselves as cultural Christians, believing in Christianity's broadest principles, but not yet on board with its spiritual tenets. We read the Bible and started going to a non-woke church (we came from Unitarian Universalism). I started watching apologists online, such as yourself. It wasn't long before we became real Christian believers. Anything that gets people curious about the Bible, God, and Jesus is probably a net good despite some of the concerns you raise. I admit that they're legitimate concerns, though.
@kurtwinslow2670 Год назад
Now John answered and said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us.” But Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side.”
@adrianvarela8890 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your testimony. 2Tim.4.22
@OfftoShambala Год назад
I was a UU too. 😉
@refreshinspire Год назад
@NicoleDiebel Nicely stated; thank you! BLESS YOU!
@haniamritdas4725 Год назад
​@@kurtwinslow2670"Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters" (Matthew 12:30)
@yajeel Год назад
If Christ was not raised from the dead, then we are of all people most to be pitied. We are making truth claims here. God does not revolve around us. We’re made to revolve around Him.
@HasanUnknown Год назад
Islam is a religion who makes us to Believe in Jesus, We Muslims 100% Believes in Jesus, We Muslims Believes that Jesus is the Christ, We Muslims Believes that Jesus will Come Again to this World, Jesus did Miracles by the Permission of Allah, Jesus himself Never said “Im God” also Never he said anyone to “Worship Me” Jesus was Just a Prophet and Messenger Of Allah Only to Guide The People of Israel, ----------------------- *Jesus Denies Being God* | Read ⬇️ ----------------------- "My Father is greater than me." [John 14:28] “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to My God and your God.” [John 20:17] “Jesus said: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” [Mark 12:29] “Jesus, Fell with his face to the ground and Prayed.” [Matthew 26:39] “Jesus said, “My teaching is not my own, It comes from the one who has sent me.” [John 7:16] “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who has sent me." [John 5:30] “The crowd answered, This is Jesus, the Prophet.” [Matthew 21:10-11] --------------------- *The Coming Of Prophet Muhammad In Bible* --------------------- “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When he the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come, He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” [John 16:12-14] --------------------- *Allah Clears About Jesus* --------------------- [Quran:- 5:72]:- “Jesus has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." [Quran:- 19:30]:- “Jesus has said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.” [Quran:- 4:171]:- “Christ Jesus the son of Mary was no more than a messenger of Allah, So believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: ---------------------
@SkyClears Год назад
John 8:58. Jesus says, "……I Am." Which is how God refers to himself at times (Yahweh). Jesus is the son of man. King of kings. Lord of lords. God made flesh. He stepped out of eternity and into time to set us free, to make a way. Only God himself could save us from ourselves. Allah is not god. You’ve been deceived.
@mich1146 Год назад
​@@HasanUnknown He also call Himself " I AM" the title of God...the jews recognized this and almost stoned him for blasphemy....He also says everything of the Father has been given to Him....He also talks about coming back on His throne with the whole heavenly kingdom...which other throne in heaven apart from God's would you argue He is refering to...He is not the Father but hes is God as he is in the Father and the Fathet in Him
@wm1958 Год назад
@Hasan your religious beliefs claim that Jesus is just a prophet who was removed from the cross before death and a lookalike put in his place by allah which decived everyone who witnessed the crucifixion and decived billions of people all throughout history. Even worse took away your salvation and God's promise to beat death. The crazy thing that makes absolutely no sense is why didn't allah just take Jesus off the cross? Why put a lookalike at all? Why do Muslims blame Christians and the Apostle Paul for getting the message of the Gospel wrong when according to your own sources it was allah who was responsible?
@yeshuaislord6880 Год назад
@@el_killorcure But Jesus is God. The truth that is more than truth
@cuckertarlson3037 Год назад
I also used to be a staunch atheist. Never heard Tates argument before but thats basically what I experienced. I looked around at society, and how it was becoming worse and worse. Then compared what I saw to the morality of the Bible. After seeing this I started to get into the different evidence for Christianity and came to the conclusion that I had been wrong and the claims of the Bible were true.
@cuckertarlson3037 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 it's a lot of things honestly. To many to list or even remember right now but a few examples are. Biblical roles between men and women. Men are the leaders of the family... I feel that modern feminism has completely destroyed the traditional family unit and all metrics point to the fact that children who are not raised in two parent households fair much worse then those raised in single households. This isn't even debatable. Furthermore, boys that do not have masculine figures in their lives turn out more feminine, are more submissive, less successful, have more mental health problems, and less likely to be leaders. Sexual content ( pronography)...I've read many studies and pron has many negative side effects such as Erectile dysfunction in men, unrealistic expectations in relationships, less ambition. Less likely to socialize, increased aggression, can form violent and abusive tendencies, etc. It extremely addictive and destroys the mind. Biblical views on divorce... No one takes marriage seriously anymore. It's basically become a glorified government contract that allows them to referee your relationship. We are now on a society that glorifies divorce, and actually incentives it. This also goes back to my first point of destroying families which is bad for the children. Views on abortion. I was undecided on this before but after thought and research, I realized that life does start at conception. It's a growing and developing human being that is worthy of a chance at life. non living beings do not grow and develop. The atheist view is basically, it's ok. The life in the womb doesn't matter. This seems wrong to me. Biblical views on sex outside of wedlock. Leads to many problems such as STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc. Also the more partners you have. The less likely you are to be able to be content in long term relationships. The world government. This one is a little more contraversial but I do believe that the UN is striving for a authoritarian one world government. The Bible doesn't outright say this but alludes to it. Just waiting for the antichrist to appear. I feel that the pandemic was manufactured to set this in motion. The LGBT... I used to support them but after all that I've seen, I can't anymore. They are pushing for surgeries and hormone treatments for children, promoting openly sexual content in front of kids, and almost making a new religion out of gender theory. It's just evil imo. They just wanted equal rights. Now it has become them pushing their lifestyles onto everyone else and your a phobe if you disagree... Alot of other observations I made but can't think of them right now lol...
@cuckertarlson3037 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 as for actual evidence that's outside of my own biases. To begin with, we have discovered over 260,000 Hebrew manuscripts, of which 10,000 are biblical manuscripts. Then, there are more than 200 biblical manuscripts among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and all of which were written before the year 70 AD, so altogether, there are well over 5,600 ancient biblical manuscripts from the Old Testament, including works from several different authors. The typical number of manuscripts for any other figures like cesar, Plato, Aristotle, etc is anywhere from 1 to 20 compared to thousands and thousands of biblical manuscripts. Most of these authors had never met, or even heard of eachother, yet their recordings are the same as with the other authors, and they’re consistent with the other Old Testament and New Testament authors, so these manuscripts are amazingly accurate. All of these are in agreement with each other, with only about .01% difference, these differences are extremely minor and usually just vowel differences. this puts any other evidence for ancient claims and manuscripts to shame. None even comes close. It's extremely unlikely that so many different authors from different languages, cultures, areas etc, would have the same story in a time when these people didn't cooperate or talk with eachother. Next, Different discoveries have confirmed Jesus existence and scholars typically agree he is a real historical figure. we have many secular ( non Christian) accounts from historical figures who talked about Jesus such as Tacitus, emperor Nero, Pliny the younger, Josephus ( a Jewish historian ) and others. Furthermore we have stronger evidence for Jesus then we do for many other ancient historical figures that no one seems to question such as sun tzu and king Arthur ( both of whom nobody seems to question) the earliest evidence we had for either of these two examples wasn't until hundreds of years after their deaths. In comparison, the earliest writings of Jesus we're anywhere from 30 to 80 years after his death. Which is amazing as far as ancient historical figures go as most things were passed down through word of mouth and oral tradition back then. So if I refuse to believe Jesus existed, then I can't accept any ancient historical figures by default. You also have fulfilled prophesies such as the destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah's 70 year prophesy which is about the 70 years the Jews were taken captive by Babylon ( which is historically accurate) the death of Christ in Psalm 22 ( written 1000 years before hand and predicted many of the things that happened when Christ died, among many others Then you have different archeological discoveries that authenticate what's written in the Bible like an Assyrian obelisk that was discovered in what is today northern Iraq. It referred to Jehu, a Hebrew king from the Bible. In 1993, a stele mentioning the "House of David" was discovered. they also have archeological evidence for the destruction of Sodom which had a lengthy, peer-reviewed paper in Nature Scientific Reports. Just last year they discovered the Tomb of Salome who was the midwife who delivers Jesus. There is also comprehensive examinations of Roman crucifixion and Jewish burial practices by specialist scholars that show us that the gospel account of Jesus’ burial in a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea is historically accurate ( the Bible got this correct as well ) And this is just a tiny fraction of many of the evidence that I have come across to confirm what I was starting to feel was true.
@cuckertarlson3037 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 I wasn't to worried about you but have a good day lol. Look forward to chatting
@yeshuaislord6880 Год назад
Yes but with a lot of them (with the exception of Peterson) they see problems with-out but not within. I.e. their own sins. It's great when people know something is wrong with society but it doesn't mean much until you accept Jesus as your God
@Kitiwake Год назад
It's the morality of the church. Everyone on line interprets the bible. The church came before the bible and created it, wrote the new testament in entirety and edited, compiled, preserved and published it. Therefore only the church has the authority to interpret it correctly.
@danieljessen8009 Год назад
It’s exactly what I think. A bunch of smart well known people cozying up to the gospel but who suffer from severe intellectualism so debilitating that they can’t see the simplicity of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus. Way too smart…
@potapotapotapotapotapota Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 That's what Daniel is trying to say. When you require "evidence" you lose sight of how easy it is to be a Christian. These people want to earn their way into Heaven because of their own self righteousness. They don't want to humble themselves and admit their own stupidity and failure to live up to the standards they themselves hold others to, let alone God's standards. Salvation is by the grace and love of God and it is given to us by mere faith, like the trust a child has towards their parents - not understanding how everything works but trusting that God has it all in control. If God is real then we have a relationship with Him. We can't treat Him like a genie that we can take advantage of - He is our friend. When God gives us rules He doesn't do so as a means to prove ourselves worthy of glory and honour, He does it to keep us safe. He loves us and wants our lives to go well for us. It's this kind of intimacy that these intellectuals are devoid of.
@danieljessen8009 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 there is replete historical and archeological evidence. We may not be able to test it in a sterilized lab, but that's how history works. The witness testimonies are reliable, the historical accuracy is iron clad, and the prophecies spoken of in ancient days have come to pass. The ones that have not yet are yet to be. Better yet, it knows me and you and that's all the evidence I need.
@MSHOOD123 Год назад
​@@horridhenry9920 read case for Christ
@harrygarris6921 Год назад
Personally I see the acceptance of Christian morals and ethics to be a step closer towards faith. Maybe I'm wrong but I still see this as a positive movement that has potential for even greater outcomes.
@Quincy_Morris Год назад
It can be positive. But it can also be a false inoculation. As they thing accepting good morals is “enough” and thus stop seeking God.
@erikblomqvist8325 Год назад
​@@Quincy_Morris The thing is, a lot of atheist already think they have good morals. They think the word of God is rubbish and by Peterson showing them the incredible wisdom that lies within, they open up to reading it. That's how you start building your relationship with God. JP points atheist and agnostics towards the Bible and the Bible points them to God. A lot of these people would never listen to a preacher, so what JP has accomplished is nothing short of amazing. To be honest, I think the biggest risk is that they end up in bad churches that don't actually believe in the Bible. The availability of good churches with good teaching is my main concern.
@MadolcheGabbana Год назад
Be smart. Be aware. Wolves in sheep's clothing. The Occultists are gonna get clever and use Christianity to hide their influential agendas
@greghannibal Год назад
@@Quincy_Morris Yeah, that's kind of the whole humanist worldview. "We've evolved to the point where we don't need a moral foundation because we're good enough on our own," which may indeed be their worldview, but God can change hearts.
@off6848 Год назад
@@erikblomqvist8325 I agree. If anything the biggest stumbling stone are the terrible churches full of false doctrines. The ones that turned people away in the first place.
I was nearly an atheist (grew up eastern orthodox and fell prey to corn which corroded my soul ever since i was 7) but then i found jordan peterson back in 21, he encouraged me to clean my room and sort my life out in general but most importantly he made me *crave* God's word. Now i pray every night and got my family to join me❤ amen🙏.
@nightprowler6336 Год назад
I'm orthodox christian too
@benyameenyitzhak1036 Год назад
You back to the mother church?
@lindaashbrook6789 Год назад
Every step brings you closer, but hopefully, you're recommitting your life to Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him. People can go to church and pray, but it means nothing without a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
@athenarockabilly6245 Год назад
Welcome home to the true church Eastern Orthodox
@notimportant3686 Год назад
what does that mean?... what's "nearly an atheist"... you either believe in gods or don't... are you saying that you believed that god existed the entire time?
@mininowa Год назад
I fully agree. Realizing that maybe there are some valuable teachings in the Bible (and therefore just stop being so cynical about it : lies, made to oppress and give power, etc.) is very different than believing Jesus is alive and wants us to build a relationship with him.
@Steve_P_B Год назад
However, it's a step in the right direction. Each of these people are on their own personal journey and it's not our position to judge them. They may or may not be there yet, but that's kinda irrelevant. What is important is where their journey takes them.
@mininowa Год назад
@@Steve_P_B Well, I get your point, but I'm not sure I agree. It's the right direction, as you say, but there are many opportunities to get lost along the way. As a Christian, I believe that the important part is realising that Jesus is the way and taking seriously his words. We see too many spiritual pespectives that include Jesus in a pantheon, like he's a wise man or something. He's not that. The journey is important, and it's probably what God designed for us, but it's not enough.
@@Steve_P_B, they need someone to teach them the gospel though, because trying to change yourself to be better through your own human efforts, and God changing you through the power of the Holy Spirit and being born again, those are 2 entirely different things. The first one is going to lead to a road of frustration and eternal damnation, and only the second is going to lead to a transformed life, a personal relationship with Christ, and eternal Iife. I know. I was raised in church, from the time I was little. In all those years, I never had anyone sit down and explain the gospel to me. I wasn’t born again until I had hit a place of complete despair, and the Holy Spirit intervened, and He taught me the scriptures by giving me the understanding of exactly what Jesus Christ did for me, and how no human effort on my part could ever produce the change in my mind and heart that comes from being born again. I finally truly accepted Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior, and I was baptized for the first time, and my life has been drastically changed by God’s power, and not by my own willpower, over the past 20+ years. There’s people who have called themselves Christians all their life, and they still deny Jesus Christ is God incarnate, and they still think it’s all about them changing themselves, and many of them are some of the biggest hypocrites you’ll ever meet, just like the Pharisees, who also believed that their saIvation rested on what they did, rested in their own good works that they believed made them righteous in God’s eyes, and not what Jesus Christ has done for us. The fact is, that Jesus says nobody is going to inherit God’s kingdom unless they are born again of the Holy Spirit, and nobody can be born again unless they have put their faith in what Jesus did for their redemption, which is why understanding the gospel is essential to true saIvation. If anyone denies who Jesus Christ is, that He is YHVH in the flesh, they are not born again, because Jesus says they will d!e in their s!ns in John 8. Jesus says He is YHVH every time He refers to Himself as the Son of Man, because He is referring to the visible YHVH in Daniel 7, the Son of Man. Jesus says He is the I AM in John 8, and the First and the Last in Rev. 1, which are titles of YHVH from Exodus 3 and lsaiah 44. We call Jesus the King of kings and LORD of lords, which is a title of YHVH. Do you know 70% of professing evangelicals deny Jesus Christ is God? That shows you just how many people claim to know Christ when they don’t know Him at all, because they are not born again, and Romans 8 says anyone who is not born again is NONE OF CHRISTS. That’s why this is so important, and people need to understand the gospel of Christ.
@eschaton8758 Год назад
Jesus is the worst teacher ever anyway. can you imagine trying to actually practice what he taught? you will be demoralized at how impossible it is. Jesus can be a teacher but mainly something else
@mininowa Год назад
@@eschaton8758 You seem confused. I'm not trying to provoke here. The worst teacher ever? Talk about being cynical. But when you say he's mainly something else, I absolutely agree, but I suppose we have a different appreciation of that "something else". Other than that, why does the difficulty of his teaching would suggest he's legit or not? Life is hard enough, impossibly hard. As someone else said, might as well follow the guy who came back from death.
@jesuschristforever4600 Год назад
God bless your ministry!
@chryssesandchaos Год назад
It's okay, Christians or even non-Christians, really only need to spread the seed, it's up to God if those seeds will grow and flourish, Jesus knows his sheep and his sheep know him. Jesus will not let one lost sheep, be lost forever.
@Icemario87 Год назад
@HT-rq6om Год назад
@johnbutler4631 Год назад
This reminds me of this quote from Screwtape Letters: "Men or nations who think they can revive the faith in order to make a good society might just as well think they can use the stairs of heaven as a short cut to the nearest chemist’s shop."
@TinyGoHomes Год назад
Being a full on believer doesn’t work like a light switch, takes time. I can feel the power moving in the right direction brother. I’m trying to remove myself from the satanic matrix I’m trapped in first. I wish it was easy, it’s been the most difficult thing I’ve done in my life. I’m hoping to be unplugged this year after three years of hard work, sacrifices, blood, sweat and tears. The positives of just being a believer really help and go a long way. They help solidify my decision and keep me focused and on task.
@normmaclean375 5 месяцев назад
Salvation came when I received Jesus as my Savior- believing He paid for my sin on the cross and that He rose from the dead. The GROWTH started to explode when I plugged in to a solid Bible-teaching church and was baptized.
@milesB4Isleep Год назад
We live in a time when it's important to make subtle distinctions. And I believe the distinction you made in the latter half of this video is critical.
@strangetheology Год назад
Agreed, we cannot turn to the Gospel for utilitarian reasons. We must understand our need for the person of Jesus, without Him there is not hope for humanity.
@jimsh8189 Год назад
I’ve been calling this out because a lot of Christians are influenced by them. My fellow brothers in Christ look at me funny. These influencers are pushing other spirituality mixed in with Christ. They not pushing Christ above all. Christians love to follow these influencers because they speak about freedom and rights. Christians will sell out for freedom, I really don’t think they ready or strong enough for persecution.
@garrett5908 Год назад
Jordan Peterson's biblical series led me from an atheist to agnostic. The Word of God, prayer, and ultimately the Holy Spirit led me to belief in Christ. So, I feel these "teachers" have a place for atheists but would agree they are not for Christians to follow. I do pay attention to what Peterson is up to and pray for his salvation regularly. The poor man cannot see through his intellect to see the full truth. Please pray for all these men to embrace Christ as Lord.
@WardofSquid Год назад
@@garrett5908 This is well-put. God can use anyone, and without a doubt He has used Peterson to open people’s hearts to Him. HOWEVER, true salvation comes from one’s heart RECIPROCATING and personally opening up to the Whole Truth.
@golfer435 Год назад
Peterson is easily the most trustworthy of these influencers. I don't like Tate, I don't trust him and I don't agree with him on basically anything. The importance here is that the door is being opened, we now need to pray that those who step through the door of investigating Christianity do so whole-heartedly and find the resources that will help them to grow in their burgeoning faith.
@radmcbad1576 Год назад
@@garrett5908 Yeah, this is the point why I like DR Peterson. Its not so much that he had perfect Christian tenets but the fact that he had challenged atheist minds to actually see the depth of the lord and the words of the bible and reconsider their beliefs. When I would speak with atheists on youtube, a good portion of the time, they were filled with rage and hate. They would consistently commit, straw man, bulveristic, ad hominem, equivocation, argument from ignorance and false dichotomy fallacies. I would consistently Steelman their arguments, to their agreement and they would strawman me. This might sound odd but gentle arguments or statements are things that induced radical rage from these guys. Very intelligent seeming people would break at the mere mention of me disagreeing or saying that I believe in god. It started to seem plausible that they were being controlled by something else because the level of anger was waaaay over the top and out of hand. I also noticed how vehemently people argued against tenants of the bible, on what should be acceptable in modern day society.. like they have a reason but once they get beyond reason, with enough questioning, they have another reason that they don't know they have. This is what it felt like, speaking with them about god. When questioned, they would eventually run out of words but not even consider anything that was said. At some point it seemed like they were fighting for the devil or being controlled by demons. I would ask them all kinds of things like about divorce for instance. Its like what is the reason, you are extremely pro divorce like its something that we are supposed to do.?? They would be beyond reason on why they are so angry that I say, if someone is not happy in a marriage, they should work on their marriage. Things like this would upset them with a rage that is beyond command. Modern language might say narccisistic personality disorder but the bible describes this same thing as demons Does any of this make sense to you? Its like these specific people need our lord and savoir the most. They especially need jesus. When I was an atheist, I especially needed Christ as well
@jimsh8189 Год назад
@@garrett5908 Amen 🙏, glad to hear about your salvation. Peterson, I like Peterson, and glad to hear Hod used him. But Joe Rogan is the number 1 influencer in g to he world right now, and he pushing other spiritually at the same time bashing on Christianity, I really do think us believers should stay away from him. If we going to stay away from Jay Z and Beyoncé for their anti christ agenda then we need to keep that same energy with Joe Rogan because he pushing that anti Christ agenda too. but Christian will still be deceived by Joe Rogan because he speaks about our freedom and he somewhat anti woke. Don’t get me wrong, Christian listen to Jay z and Beyoncé too.
@kbhil8502 Год назад
Ive actually been concerned about this very thing for a long time. Many people are attracted to the benefits of Christianity versus Christ himself. In addition, there are those who place their faith in the arguments versus the one who the arguments are about. Eventually that misplaced faith could cause them to abandon a pursuit of Christ for another great argument
@navytanutrof1823 Год назад
Does it matter how someone gets there?
@Pyroverbs205 Год назад
Where's this there? To Christ Himself or not?
@EternallyRavenous Год назад
If they are latching on to the religion for pure religion' sake, or to save the 'civilization' of their society, that's idolatry. God knows the heart and will sort them out, or fix them up or both..depending on their heart.
@AJ-ff2os Год назад
2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV - This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 *Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof* : from such turn away.
@rrook9465 Год назад
Playing into christianity helps them gain a much wider audience. it's about selling their books and getting speaking engagements which are very lucrative for this influencers
@TinyShaman Год назад
Agreed. Especially considering that they are mostly pro-conservative speakers.
@SeniorAdrian Год назад
@kryptonera719 Год назад
It’s step by step dear brothers and sisters. Let’s keep on praying for them, celebrate and give God the glory for this major step so far 🙏❤️
@charlesnunno8377 Год назад
You are an under-appreciated and under-understood Sincere Protestant Christian in all this....I appreciate your videos. You deserve more attention than folks like Jordan Peterson.
@lionoffireministries Год назад
Christians have got too “smitten” over Jordan Peterson. He does speak a lot of sense, but he is no Christian!
@gaildrake5940 Год назад
No one says he is
@GeneralProfessor Год назад
Sometimes a non-Christian can be a bigger Christian than a supposed Christian. Everyone should always be aware of the danger of becoming pharisees.
@CLDJ227 Год назад
Brotha Matt, good to see you here 😎.
@landsknecht8654 Год назад
I mean I haven't followed Jordan Peterson all that much... What makes him non-Christian? Because he was Roman Catholic? If that's an argument that's retarded as heck because all of Protestant Christianity has its roots and information from the Roman Catholic Church and the Byzantine Orthodox Church.
@CLDJ227 Год назад
​@@gaildrake5940 I think he knows that, but was just reminding people 🤔.
@wizkid2001 Год назад
Before watching this video, I just want to say that we are not of this world, we as Christians should never look to anyone other than God for the support and faith we have in Him. It's amazing if people come along who have worldly influence and become Christian, because that's all the better for the gospel to be preached to more people, but we also should be getting our main source of content from the word of God and not the world of influencers.
@Guy_gemini Год назад
Well said.
@qwnpngwn672 Год назад
Spot on analysis :) I was an atheist and that very series by Jordan Peterson (psychological significance of the biblical stories) completely stopped me dead in tracks. It took a bit after that to become a born again Christian, but it certainly changed my mind completely about my atheism
@AncientApparatus Год назад
I think what many fail to recognize, even some Christians, is that not about us, it has never been about us rather it's about GOD, His Glory & praising Him for being GOD.
@Kingfishertim24 Год назад
Since you brought it up, Niall Ferguson claims to like the culture of Christianity but lacks the faith. I’m concerned that they are brokering a new movement to be faithless culture-Christians.
@suzanneyorkville Год назад
I agree with you last sentence.
@lex61519 Год назад
I love JP and I'll continue listening to him because his lectures opened me up to reconcile with Christ. God can use anyone he wants.
@James_follows_Christ Год назад
Yea for sure GOD can anyone but we still gotta be very very careful though. If a person ain’t receive the gift of Salvation by and through Jesus Christ alone they still have the Antichrist spirit,so we still gotta be wise and ask GOD for the wisdom and guidance
@lex61519 Год назад
@@James_follows_Christ I get what you're saying but I don't believe that just because someone isn't saved that they're coming from an ANTI Christ spirit. And also, JP hasn't made it known exactly where he stands when it comes to his belief in God. And I don't think he owes anyone an explanation. But it's clear that both his wife and daughter claim to be Christians.
@jesussaves4623 Год назад
@@lex61519 two points you made, hold the answer. “He hasn’t made it clear” about his belief. And “he doesn’t owe an explanation”. God commands us to spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations.
@lex61519 Год назад
@@jesussaves4623 If he's struggling with it and working through it, he doesn't have to make it known yet. He also gave a lengthy answer in one lecture about what he thinks it means to say you believe in God. You should check it out if you haven't.
@jesussaves4623 Год назад
@@lex61519 sure but to be a Christian you must REPENT of your sin, ask forgiveness be born again of the Holy Spirit and be baptized. You should see fruit in your life a change. The Bible says, when ye are in Christ you become a new creature, the old things pass away behold all things become new.
@terryhollifield9343 Год назад
Another W take, Jon. It seems that these people are missing the fact that YHWH is the only *objective* standard for good and evil, and Jesus is the only one that can ultimately fix the human heart. Further, the broken evil human heart isn't just "out there", it's "in here." We all are the broken ones, society is us. And only Jesus can save us from ourselves.
@quantumfrost9467 Год назад
​@horridhenry9920 no, like all of what you said you cannot prove
@wesleyjakesta4095 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 he truly is though
@macmac1022 Год назад
I have some simple moral questions that atheist and agnostics have no problems answering and christians are less then 25% and going down and muslims are 3 for 30. Lets see of you cant answer them. #1 You see a child drowning in a shallow pool and notice a person just watching that is able to save the child with no risk to themselves but is not, is that person moral? #2 If you go to save the child, the man tells you to stop as he was told it was for the greater good, but he does not know what that is, do you continue to save the child or stop? #3 Is it just to punish innocent people for the crimes of others? #4 If you were able to stop it and knew a person was about to grape a child would you stop it? #5 Would you consider someone who laid a minefield knowing people were going to stop on the mines and how much damage would be done and who would die, and then forced their children to go an play in it a good parent? Ig you cant and they can, you might want to start asking yourself why.
@podawe8051 Год назад
Beautifully said brother
@wesleyjakesta4095 Год назад
@@macmac1022 these aren’t reasonable questions in any sense. Being Christian is about doing the right actions but it depends on the context.
@MrTV-cs3mu Год назад
This has been something I’ve been thinking a lot lately that they been using the message for it’s benefit not for it’s TRUTH.
@knmonlinemedia Год назад
I think most of these "influencers " aren't genuine. They're just using religion to gain views
@theomaimba9245 Год назад
Amazing take. You've provided so much-needed context on this issue. Thank you, Jon! Love from Kenya.
@power-of-possibility Год назад
If evil in society is pushing them towards God then eventually they will understand the gospel as a tranformative tool. Maybe they only want a stable society but good things can come from this
@Chomper750 Год назад
​@@horridhenry9920So, strip away free will?
@wolffromrome9284 Год назад
@@Chomper750 yes might strip away to have a "good" good God.
@easybeliever7 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 Do you think that you have ever committed any evil in your life? What if God didn’t allow you to do that? If your standard is “If God is good, He should not allow any evil”, then no human being would exist, because we have all done evil at some point in our lives.
@Chomper750 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 Where were Satan and the angels that followed him at? Heaven. There is a reason why the Bible speaks of a new creation, a new heaven and earth.
@goldenpersonwhoexists8834 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 tl;dr: God gives us the ability do evil, but that doesn't mean he wants us to. He doesn't stop it because he gave us free will in the first place, instead warning us of what is to come if we continue to do bad things while knowing tha he knows. ----------- There was sin/evil in heaven at one point. Lucifer was already committing sins in his heart before he was cast out. You can have free will without evil through faith in Jesus and through following the bible, but evil is an inherent possibility because free will is literally free will. It's like if you're given a math exam. You are given a calculator as your only aid. Now, purely physically speaking, you _could_ decide to go on your phone and cheat, or maybe try to look at another person's exam for answers, but if you do, you will be punished if found out. Yes, the examiner isn't making you put a folder wall to hide your papers, but that doesn't mean they want you to cheat. In the same vein, God gives us the ability to do anything we please under the laws of the universe, but that doesn't mean he wants us to do bad things. The reason God doesn't stop us from "cheating" in this case is simple. In the math exam example, the examiner can tell us not to cheat, or even catch us in the act, but he cannot physically gouge our eyes out such that we cannot see another tester's papers. Depending on the situation, he could take the papers of anyone caught cheating, but that leaves a blind spot for another to cheat unnoticed. Christians believe God could stop all of us from "cheating" if he so pleased, all at once, but to respect the free-will he gave us, he lets us do it while telling us he sees us. So, if we continue to cheat right in front of his eyes, knowing there will be punishment, we only have ourselves to blame when time is up. That;s why the world sucks right now, I guess. Sorry for the long rant.
@Mid01 Год назад
It’s been one of those things that I have been cautioning myself and telling others who ask, that they’re in the ball park but not quite there. It’s like watching someone get so close to the target, you’re anticipating the hit but they keep missing, and you keep hoping. As one preacher reacted to Jordan Peterson, “much like the scribe that talked to Christ after answering his question, ‘you are not far from the Kingdom’”. I chalk it up to the common grace of God they’re able to at least recognize the stark difference between a completely secular world versus one guided by the teachings of Christ. However, Like you said, the end analysis always stops at pragmatism. It doesn’t help that he’s with other talking heads that pretty much pump the brakes at pragmatism as well. And that’s been my worry since day one. As well why I do keep praying for Dr. Peterson, JP, and those on similar paths. What I hope that a strong in the word brother or sister will be guided to them and show them the way (by the Holy Spirit’s guidance of course).
@becklyn3 Год назад
This is exactly what I was thinking. They see the benefits of common grace and want that but their eyes have not been opened yet to the grace that comes though faith in Jesus Christ. Still praying for them, hoping that as they begin this journey of investigating Christianity that God will open their eyes so they can accept the Gospel and believe. It reminds me of the story of the rich young ruler, so close but there is some obstacle in their lives that they probably don't want to give up if they fully submit to Christ.
@Jesusadvocate11013 Год назад
Very solid points. This is a huge heads up to be praying consistently for these influencers that they would believe in Christ rightly, love Him passionately, and that they would teach about Him 100% correctly with boldness.
@glaciatedluxray2849 Год назад
Very great video. I’ll admit, I’m a Christian who wants to spread the Gospel. But something I struggle with is spreading it based on how it can make the current world better, rather than spreading it based on loving God and getting eternal life after death. Don’t get me wrong, having God in one’s life can improve their life, but that shouldn’t be our main method of evangelizing. As you said, that’s viewing God as a pragmatic tool in our life. So thank you for this video, I really needed it
@emielio1917 Год назад
I was struggling with my faith yesterday because I was tricked by this idea. Whenever I try to prove God's existence to myself, I can do it rationally, but it hurts me spiritually. Getting this video recommended really helped me, God bless.
@terrygodgirl4430 Год назад
Ex Doubter here. I kept making a choice to believe God was real even when it was contrary to my feeling or thoughts. Eventually, God began to gift me with more faith (faith is a gift from God). Life’s challenges and experiences and seeing how God moved in those experiences solidified my faith.
@matthewtanous7905 Год назад
I think that anyone who encourages people to read the Scriptures is being used by God, even if they themselves insist that they don’t believe. I can only pray that these “pragmatic” users of the Christian values also find their way to Christ, the source of that river of truth.
@KRashad Год назад
There’s a big difference between being used by God and God accomplishing His despite you.
@angelahansen9269 Год назад
He does such a good job of breaking this down. Definitely bring more clarity.
@MsStonecool Год назад
💯 But the message of Christianity is seemingly simple, but ultimately, profound, and complex and layered. This is why we must continue to study as Christian believers. I started off as a atheist/agnostic studying Christians and their ideology (what did they actually believe & why?) and in the process became a hard-core Christian disciple. 😂 That’s how God brought me to Him. 😆😀🙌 And thank you for your role in teaching by addressing our culture’s understanding/misunderstanding of God. 🥰🙌
@phineas8532 Год назад
How does one be saved?
@crusaderforchrist 5 месяцев назад
​@@phineas8532 Believe and accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice for your sins on the cross
@suzanneyorkville Год назад
Excellent insight. They are leading people into a Christless Christianity. We can only hope that these conversations open the door to the true gospel. I so appreciate that you always highlight the gospel in your videos.
@paradoxelle481 Год назад
Yes but they may be more open than atheists or irreligious people to the Gospel
@Irunwithscissors63 Год назад
Oh please. Most churches today preach a Christless Christianity. Most churches would kick Jesus out of the pulpit today.
@Sarahmarknz01 Год назад
I agree!. We cannot follow these influencers as they do not have the Holy Spirit in them. We can agree with them but we only follow Christ and unite with each other as the Church. I have stopped following Jordan Peterson etc because I know it's pride that is getting in the way of Peterson giving his life to Christ (as with us all before we believed). Truth without Spirit is hollow. Christ is the only way - the truth and the life. You cannot have the morals of Christianity without receiving the person of Christ. Focus on Jesus people:)
@paradisecityX0 Год назад
Jordan Peterson does
@mer8795 Год назад
Still not sure if JP does believe. It does seem he is afraid to embrace it, as he doesn't understand the forgiveness, or possibly can not come to terms with giving up his own Will.
@seanpittaway5341 Год назад
I don't need a fictional book to know right from wrong thankyou very much 👍 the fact you do is just pathetic
@pjoshboyd Год назад
Good stuff, bro! I totally agree. Let's pray and believe that these guys continue to change some minds and the Holy Spirit will change some hearts. In the meantime, those of us who have put our faith and trust in Jesus Christi as our Lord & Savior need to take advantage of this new broken up ground and do some gardening... planting, watering, weeding, etc.!
@johnnygogo7773 Год назад
As always, you make great videos that make me think about the subject at hand from a different perspective. I had previously noticed this but hadn't understood the situation as well as I do now. I appreciate how you not only explain your opinion of these influencers but show us clips of why you concluded to that so we can form our own opinion. Thanks for another great vid.
@mkaylani Год назад
Thank you for making this video. Christians need to be aware of the possible manipulation or desire to be influential within Christianity by those who are outside the church. Many of those outside the faith pick and choose what they want to appreciate.
@alexwarren1637 Год назад
I needed this one. as a Christian who listens a lot to these cultural figures you mentioned it’s easy to drift into a lesser Christianity (seeing God as merely a pragmatic reality rather than an all sufficient and personal savior who actually lives today and walks with me)
@anthonyatsaves4619 Год назад
Very good commentary, and right on the button. Before you got to your analysis, I picked up on the same common thread from the influencers. That being that the Christian faith is one that has practical value. Like you pointed out, as true as that is, the greater value is that Christ alone saves us from eternal judgement. This can not be glossed over or missed.
@JamecBond Год назад
Jordan Peterson is practically the only reason I became a Christian again, lotta people don't recognize his efforts enough.
@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid Год назад
Help us understand clearly what that means.
@HealthySprouts Год назад
Good for you sir.
@azzag2414 Год назад
He was one of the final stepping stones for me but i ultimately believe Christ was behind it all. I think his intellectualising of it all holds him back from engaging spiritually
@KadenQuinnAgain Год назад
What I find incredibly interesting is that, before the political Culture War really began back in 2015/2016, RU-vid was well known for popular atheist channels (The Amazing Atheist, Steve Shives, Thunderf00t, Mr. Repzion, etc.) Much of the dialogue back in the early 2010s were these back and forth banters between believers and non-believers. Then the Culture War starts up, Peterson introduces himself, re-examines Christianity, and suddenly there is a flood of Christian content creators, subscribers, and commenters (Whatdoyoumeme, Ruslan, etc.) While I don’t think Peterson is some kind of savior for the faith, it’s worth pointing out that a lot of people tend to return to their faith as they get older. RU-vid Atheism had a pretty big hold back in the day and now, 13 years laters, it’s kind of fallen into the background. Mainly because now we’re mostly focused on political corruption, transgenderism, race relations and so on. We could also say that when the older atheists logged off the internet, younger Christians began to log on. So now there’s this new landscape for the faith. Some thing Peterson and individuals like him have also posited is that once a culture loses its faith it’s projects a lot of its would-be religious ferver on the state - the government or the nation becoming “God” in a sense - which breeds the creation of collective ideologies such as Nazism, communism, and the like.
@OfftoShambala Год назад
I’ve noticed the atheist influence seems to be falling away… frankly I think people know about the motb, we’ve always had prophecy…. one problem that bothers me about the atheist arguments, is that they diss Christianity and pick out verses to criticize, but they never bothered to understand what they’re talking about… they don’t know what the gospel is, the old t vs new t … then they accuse christians of ignoring evidence and believing in fairy tails… yet everything the MDs, hospitals, govt, news, cdc… put out is lie upon lie upon lie… and they have always used ‘science’ as some declaration of irrefutable truth and morality… all the Nazis were ‘scientists’ and look what they did… they literally lie to the ignorant masses about the scientific findings.
@Brometheus. Год назад
Great comment !
@notimportant3686 Год назад
no, man... it had nothing to do with peterson whatsoever, it was just saturation... the period ended, coincidence of timing... all those atheists still hold the same beliefs it's just that once everything got discussed and rediscussed there is nothing left to do but beat a dead horse... look for it to come back around in 20 years or so if religiosity is still polluting the world
@waderands8145 Год назад
I think it's important to point out this one thing that is overlooked by everyone, and that is that government has already taken over the position of 'God' when they turned the hierarchy on it's head by creating the term of person. See, people created the government, and the government created the person, and that's when people became persons, thus becoming slaves to the government. Therefore all of us must remove ourselves from this system of slavery in all aspects starting with giving back their birth certificates and drivers licence and everything that ties them to this created entity known as their person, and denounce the government in all it's forms, otherwise they are worshipping two gods and that won't fly with God, if he's real.
@NuffSaiddrumz Год назад
ITS great that they have opened the door. Its now up to us and Christian leadership welcome and teach the word. I watched Peterson go throuh his journey to God. I found myself cheering for and praying he would find the lord.
@Jesus2030King Год назад
I’m also a part of the trending shift. With the amount of evil that is now so blatant in our culture it forced me to question seriously the possibility of there being a God. As things continue to decay would be interesting to see how much this increases religiosity?
@evasccl7846 Год назад
I am glad this is brought up, because it seems to be laying the foundation to something we don't fully know or understand, but it is requiring of us to be more Christlike in every way and we cannot be that on our own strength!
@benjaminshaw9793 Год назад
Always a pleasure, thank you.
@robertdowns9534 Год назад
What a great take on all that is going on. What brought me closer to Jesus is hearing the Euphrates river drying up and the Third temple being built. With my roots as a christian when i was a child I knew then everything.
@robertdowns9534 Год назад
@@horridhenry9920 it is one in the same. John saw the end times, he witnessed it. He did not walk the world to truly know how it went but saw it from a distance. What he prophecied was what his mind could comprehend. Try going into the future and tell me what you see.
@Vezmus1337 Год назад
I haven't heard anything about a third temple being built. Could you give more information on that?
@robertdowns9534 Год назад
@@Vezmus1337 I just remember seeing it in videos but you know how that can go. I saw the Jews were raising a red calf for it so the only reason for that would be the temple being built. Google it, or even RU-vid it. You should be able to find it.
@childresssimmonsjr.6123 Год назад
I understand that the influencers have a platform to speak from their point of views. The evil actions that are happening in our nation & around the world are shaking many awake to the spirit realm. Thank God for your channel to dive deeper for the new believers to mature them in the faith. May God bless you in Jesus name.
@kentclark9616 Год назад
This was excellent. Well made and well done!
@KRashad Год назад
“God is a pragmatic tool used for the betterment of society”. 💯 🎯 🙌🏿 Thank you for distinguishing the truth and difference of gospel🙌🏿
@luciusgraham1646 Год назад
If people need faith "destigmatized" by social media influencers!? Then they are still lost!!!
@calebstroup6917 22 дня назад
I'm happy to see Jesus entering the public conversation, and I pray for all the men and women who God is speaking to. I don't think there have been a lot of them that have actually surrendered to the Lord, but it does appear they are becoming more open to it and that is wonderful
@kylerhamilton6676 Год назад
Absolutely bro! Thank you for the truth. Please keep going, we need more believers with strong faith and wise teaching like you. I love you brother GOD bless❤
@DelmarshaeWalker Год назад
To me it feel like people are talking more able the concept of God and not the full relationship with God, (dying to self, accepting Jesus as person Lord and saver, repenting and turning away from sin). One of the things I notice able social media everyone is standing on the side line waiting for the next big wave to come by so they can jump on. (I'm not feeing or seeing it on a spiritual level) Just my opinion
@guymcmullan9297 Год назад
The idea of surrender to Jesus Christ is a real challenge to people who don't need anything,,the sick, the orphan, the widow,the homeless, the prisoner, it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of the needle than it is for the rich man to enter kingdom of God,, pray that you are not deceived,🚬☠️⚔️🐓
@johnstie3331 Год назад
Yes Jon. The re-secularization and homogenizing of Christianity might be helpful to those who struggle with faith, belief, biblical teaching and practice, but, we must be very, very careful with "christianity lite"-"tastes great but less filling". We know that Jesus calls us to repent and turn from sin, believe in Him as Lord and Saviour, be transformed by the renewing of our minds (to have the mind of Christ) and to love God with all of us and our neighbor as ourselves. Bless you and your family brother!
@TheProductiveGeneralist 5 месяцев назад
Also, very nice smooth way of taking us to your other videos, appreciate and also great job!
@sweetnessqb1 Год назад
💯 correct. They are giving a watered-down gospel. Go biblical or don't go at all.
@GMNGChristian Год назад
To JP's credit, he's not parroting other people's arguments; he's actually thinking for himself.
@pedaldriven417 Год назад
John 14:6 ❤
@miltrol3d77 Год назад
I truly believe God had use Peterson mightily in our age of materialism. He doesn’t have to be Christian for God to use his follies and truths to his purpose.
@katagirl3000 Год назад
love your videos. You explain things so eloquently. I've noticed this shift myself. I see it as a way that people are trying to balance out the insanity of our current culture.
@michaelnash5124 Год назад
I was NEW AGE. Learning the Devil is real sent me right towards Christ. JP is definitely on his way, so I think it's great. Once you let Christ in, you continue to move towards Him.
@chrisforeman9949 Год назад
Conversion requires repentance.
@strangetheology Год назад
I also think this may be a bit of the rocks crying out. Unfortunately many christian’s don’t/can’t or fail to be effective in sharing the gospel. But God uses who He will to draw people to Himself.
@ICU2B4UDO Год назад
JP is NO Christian and therefore, NO help...
@power-of-possibility Год назад
Yet he gives more help to more people than 99% of Christians
@kazihiseguy-fernand4637 Год назад
Many comments like yours… are you a bot ?
@ICU2B4UDO Год назад
@@kazihiseguy-fernand4637 ...Are you a triggered ❄?
@isaacelijah6516 Год назад
God bless you brother 🙏. Much love från Sweden 🇸🇪 ✝️✝️✝️❤️🙏
@kathleenphillips6445 5 месяцев назад
So true! Admitting that a spiritual realm even exists is big leap for some in our age.
@landsknecht8654 Год назад
I mean this is true what you're saying at the end of the video at least. I don't think there's anything wrong with these influencers talking about God, Faith, Jesus Christ, and trying to spread that. The way I see it is they're getting the ball rolling in the right direction, in the best way to do it is what they're doing pointing out how Society is failing and our Empire collapsing. Because if you're just going to go around and bible-thumping people they're not going to listen to you, so what you going to have to do is take a different approach and then lead them to Christ and Christianity.
@deadboltzz5199 Год назад
Taking a "different approach" isn't biblical.
@landsknecht8654 Год назад
@DeadBoltZz actually it kind of is, Christians took different approach to convert people.
@Yipper64 Год назад
2:45 I'd say andrew tate himself is a degenerate so, this is an interesting clip for sure. 6:47 I mean that checks out, muslim faith does generally line up with his view of women.
@lionoffireministries Год назад
Ironic, hey?
@carolinaterri3569 Год назад
Didn't he say he became a Muslim because he determined that Christians were too weak? Kind of like when he said he used to be an atheist and thought those that had a faith were weak. Then he decided that he'd have a faith but Orthodox Christians were the least weak so he went with them. It seems to be about chasing his ego and outrunning his insecurities and not about being led by God, imo.
@aclark903 Год назад
@@carolinaterri3569 Orthodoxy is good, Islam not so much.
@carolinaterri3569 Год назад
@@aclark903 Yes, I agree.
@cabaascali9947 Год назад
​@carolinaterri3569 He said he became Muslim because Muslims defend their faith rather then allowing people to walk all over it "if you tolerate everything then you stand for nothing" -Andrew tate
@berean700 Год назад
We’ll done, Jon. Excellent analysis! This is also a concern of mine.
@mwil15 5 месяцев назад
This is an excellent video with excellent points. I could not agree more, but I have not found a way to articulate these points as well as you have here! Well done 10/10
@joshrichards9121 Год назад
The benefit I see with influencers talking about God and Christianity is that it has given Christians a foot in the door to talk about the Gospel with our stubborn atheist friends, family, coworkers, ect that didn’t have an interest before. Even if it’s a shallow interest, it’s a start.
@joeld8825 Год назад
​@@horridhenry9920Wrong. Many high profile atheists like Richard Dawkins and atheists in general would still refuse God even if there was irrefutable evidence. Why? Because they would rather not be held accountable by anyone for life choices. So even if their beliefs are evidently disproven they will still turn there backs on God because they would rather live in sin than be with God.
@squali1930 5 месяцев назад
I knew he was gonna gave an absolutely clear minded and solid take on this. Thanks again brother.
@johnfoster4244 Год назад
Right on, my friend. Thank you
@Bibleistheplan Год назад
Lets pray for them.
@kimberleighshah4317 Год назад
We all have to start somewhere and I find it encouraging to see this shift! 🙏🏼
@zenvultra Год назад
These social media influencers want Christianity without the lord Jesus Christ, and that’s not Christianity at all. Let’s be discerning in our prayers
@RetroAiUnleashed Год назад
Brilliant perspective 🙏🤔😏
@russellabbot820 5 месяцев назад
People are getting sick of Godless empty society and reaching out for Answers - let us be Love, be Real and be the Answer they need to see !
@joswinnoronha1739 7 месяцев назад
What a tremendous job did you do dear brother in Christ, figuring out all this about this drift that happened which is merely invisible for a naked eye
@darrenmiller6927 Год назад
Your unique voice is appreciated. You lead us to caution, dicernment and prayer. Megyn Kelly went back to the catholic church and platforms priests and christians and such. Ben shapiro is orthodox Jew but platforms Christians like Zuby and John McArthur. Zuby is another case all his own. I've also noticed changes in Candace Owens since she converted to catholocism. Hey we all gotta start somewhere and God is known to call people from diverse backgrounds and Colorful pasts. Its weird with influencers because we watch them grow and change in real time. I think we do need to be patient and remember this can be a messy process. Thank God for prayer. Much love.
@RC-qk7qw Год назад
A most excellent video, sir. It’s a start but their sentiment falls very short.
@Mikemcjr Год назад
Many ppl in the end times will never get it. All we can do as Christians is spread the word for those that are listening and help each other out as much as possible. (Also we’ve been going through the end times for 2023 years in my opinion. )
@pdxnikki1 Год назад
When the 1980's televangelist Jimmy Baker was asked by his pastor in prison; "When did you fall out of love with Jesus?", Baker said, "I never stopped loving Jesus. I just stopped fearing the Lord." In our seeker friendly, find-your-right-size Christianity, we put the emphasize on what God can do for us rather than what we must do for God to truly love Him. Without totally surrendering our lives to Him and then obeying Him, we hardly can allow His grace to transform us into who He has made each of us uniquely to be and to do the unique works He's prepared for each and every one of us to do. He cant transform is into His image just by belief alone, nor can He progress us towards holiness. Fear the Lord. C.S, Lewis used Aslan, the lion to demonstrate this point for us.
@EricRuskoski Год назад
Perfect Analysis! I was just thinking the same thing!
@laurayunque4296 Год назад
Thank you! Spot on.
@notionocean Год назад
Amen. Relationship, not self-help regime!
@steffanstevens2940 Год назад
...... One Truth! .... One Way! ....and the only way and truth, is through The Word that walked among us, proclaiming the Good News! .... He is the Light, the Truth and the Way.....
@SquadCast Год назад
There’s another half of the “heart of Christianity,” that I didn’t hear in your outline, that gave the gospel and epistle writers the boldness to preach the gospel knowing - ultimately that they would become Martyrs for it “but fear not death because Christ has conquered death by His Resurrection.” This my friend has profound implications.
@j0ealvarado Год назад
Such a great video!!
@joelmitchell7597 Год назад
'Demons believe in God, too' interesting point
@annoelzinga791 Год назад
I feel like your thoughts in the last part spot on. Beautiful ❤
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