
Israel - Palestine, 60 years of conflicts 

Best Documentary
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In 1948 the creation of the State of Israel was proclaimed. Three years after Nazism, Jews can settle in the land of their ancestors. But for the Arab populations living there, it is a disaster.




19 фев 2024




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@user-nt4ut4uf2h 3 дня назад
The only way to live in peace is to educate their children to love peace and not hate. Way more complicated than these documentaries!!
@thunderstreet78 2 месяца назад
This documentary left out the Egypt border, saying Gazans were stuck due to Israel borders on all sides. Egypt has an equally solid border because despite being Muslim they don’t like Palestinians. They allowed them to live in Egypt for a time but the Palestinians decided to attempt to overthrow the Egyptian government. Not a smart move.
@peaked_aussie 2 месяца назад
You equate the Egyptian government with Egyptians. If you remember a few years back there was a revolt in Egypt by the population who also don't like their government.
@RuthAlvesReis 2 месяца назад
VERY TRUE 🇮🇱🙏🏽❤️💙
@morgannickels2019 Месяц назад
Everyone hates nazi Isreal
@liashufflepuffs3584 Месяц назад
You ( if you were an Israeli) stole thier homes and killed them then you blame Egypt for that? I'm not a big fan for Egypt government but how can you be that guilty and have the irony?
@hamzahaidarr6294 Месяц назад
I am a Palestinian and this person is lying to you. The Palestinians were not expelled from Egypt and the Egyptian people love us. This is a lying Israeli. He lies to you without shame.
@garyhill2740 Месяц назад
To both of these peoples, this is their home. How can either be expected so simply give it up? Even if there is no simple solution, one could hope there is a solution both could live with, that would put an end to their conflicts and misery.
@anastasiasurvivante6320 Месяц назад
Mais c'est inimaginable que soit passé sous silence le fait que c'est l'ONU, après vote de tous ses Etats membres, qui a partagé la Palestine entre les arabes et les Juifs le 29 novembre 1947, car la Palestine était devenue BRITANNIQUE depuis 1920 après la chute de l'empire ottoman au Moyen-Orient ! Ce ne sont pas deux peuples qui se battent pour un même territoire car les Alliés se sont battus contre la Turquie pendant la première guerre mondiale et ont conquis l'empire ottoman ! La Palestine n'appartenait plus aux musulmans, et encore moins aux arabes installés SANS DROIT NI TITRE sous l'empire ottoman puis britannique. C'étaient des descendants de tribus arabes NOMADES venues d'Irak, d'Arabie saoudite, du Yémen, de Syrie, du Liban, d'Egypte et de Jordanie et ils ont été déplacés par l'ONU dans la partie réservée aux arabes et grassement indemnisés ! C'est l'acharnement arabe qui a créé ce monstrueux conflit israélopalestinien.
@iowa4088 21 день назад
Nonsense, Jews do not come from the region, Jewish religion was normal in Europe until Hitler came. every 2nd was Jewish
@kaykay-du2hj 17 дней назад
Their are ways to try end this but seems nobody wants to anyway. I mean America was fought between red Indiand n whites but they embraced peace together, south Africa same thing they chose peace and to live together ❤ no matter how hard the situation was. But this 2 they can also choose 1 great state with equal rights or 2 states peaceful neighbours or even compensation on those who chooses to leave .
@anastasiasurvivante6320 17 дней назад
@@kaykay-du2hj Bon alors déjà, tu n'as pas l'air de savoir que les arabes déplacés de la partie de la Palestine réservée aux Juifs lors du partage par l'ONU ont obtenu le statut de réfugiés grâce auquel ils vivent de l'aide internationale depuis 75 ANS ! La France a versé 85 MILLIONS D'EUROS à la Palestine en 2022 et 100 MILLIONS en 2023... La solution à deux États a été proposée par l'ONU en 1947 mais les pays arabes l'ont refusée (il n'y avait pas d'interlocuteur "palestinien" sous l'empire ottoman puis sous l'empire britannique depuis 1922). Les arabes ont refusé encore 3 fois la création d'un Etat palestinien arabe à côté d'Israël car leur seul but était la disparition d'Israël. D'autre part, j'ai l'impression que tu ignores qu'en Afrique du Sud, des fermiers blancs ont été sauvagement massacrés par des meutes de noirs lorsque Mandela a été élu.
@anastasiasurvivante6320 17 дней назад
Le Monde avec AFP Publié le 13 octobre 2020 à 10h11 Des manifestants posent un genou à terre pour dénoncer les attaques et meurtres de fermiers blancs, à Pretoria, le 10 octobre 2020. PHILL MAGAKOE / AFP Le meurtre d’un fermier blanc, deux suspects noirs arrêtés, des manifestations virulentes… Le président sud-africain a appelé au calme, lundi 12 octobre, soulignant que les tensions raciales liées à ces incidents rappellent tristement que l’Afrique du Sud reste en convalescence de l’apartheid. Après une semaine de tensions croissantes, Cyril Ramaphosa a laissé passer le week-end pour s’exprimer, jurant qu’il ne laisserait personne rallumer « le brasier de la haine raciale ». Lire aussi Human Rights Watch dénonce la xénophobie chronique en Afrique du Sud Samedi, des centaines d’agriculteurs blancs avaient manifesté en famille devant le siège du gouvernement, à Pretoria. Brandissant un poing rageur ou posant un genou à terre en prière silencieuse, ils avaient conjuré l’Etat de condamner les meurtres de fermiers blancs, qui se multiplient, et de prendre des mesures pour les protéger. « Nous sommes là pour dire au monde entier qu’il y a un gros problème en Afrique du Sud. Quelque chose qui couve depuis vingt-cinq ans » (date correspondant à l’arrivée de Nelson Mandela au pouvoir). Cyril Ramaphosa a joué l’arbitre pour dépassionner un débat aussi récurrent que délétère. Et deux ministres (justice et sécurité) ont annoncé qu’ils se rendraient mardi au chevet de la famille du jeune homme dont on a retrouvé le corps accroché à un poteau, une corde autour du cou, la semaine dernière. « Il serait naïf de partir du principe que les relations raciales dans les zones rurales sont harmonieuses depuis l’avènement de la démocratie, écrit le chef de l’Etat dans un texte publié par la présidence. « Ce qui s’est passé à Senekal », ville du Free State (centre) à plus de 200 km au sud de Johannesburg, « montre à quel point le brasier de la haine raciale peut facilement être allumé » et que « nous ne sommes pas débarrassés des divisions et des méfiances du passé », poursuit-il : « Le meurtre brutal de ce jeune fermier blanc, par des hommes noirs vraisemblablement, suivi du spectacle de fermiers blancs qui prennent d’assaut un poste de police pour s’en prendre à un suspect noir, rouvre des plaies qui remontent à plusieurs générations. » Plus de 50 homicides par jour Le président a appelé à « résister à toute tentative » d’utilisation de ces crimes « pour mobiliser selon des lignes raciales », s’insurgeant contre les groupes de pression blancs qui évoquent un « nettoyage ethnique », voire un « génocide » des fermiers blancs. Selon les dernières statistiques policières, le pays comptabilise 58 homicides par jour. Les attaques contre des fermes blanches, moins nombreuses pendant le confinement, ont repris de plus belle depuis juin. Selon AfriForum, un groupe défendant les intérêts de la minorité blanche, 292 attaques de ce type ont été recensées cette année, dont 38 meurtres. La fédération agricole Agri SA a salué le discours conciliateur de M. Ramaphosa, estimant que le pays était « pris dans un cercle vicieux de criminalité ». Le Monde avec AFP
@MariaSolRecalde 14 дней назад
Comprender escuchar y mirar observar y aprender es el momento líderes de poner un alto a tanta agresividad y violencia
@elzamachado3155 2 дня назад
Impressionante! Só agora compreendi os fatos ! Só por Deus mesmo é que virá a paz!
@EliTecapture-ru3vw 2 месяца назад
Some things the documentary leaves out that is somewhat important. It was the Arabs that started the first war and asked the 700,000 Palestinians to leave their homes and return after "they kill all the jews". Another fact, all the neighboring Arab countries expelled all their Jews to Israel during the same period yet nobody ever talks about them. It's important to point out who started the war, it would dispel a lot of sentiment of entitlement towards Palestinians to the land lost.
@gcb4763 2 месяца назад
Your "facts"seem fictional and of no real revelance.
@caiolima5016 2 месяца назад
@caiolima5016 2 месяца назад
@alessandramaffilippi3080 2 месяца назад
I'm sorry, but it is now proven by myriads of documents that the Palestinians were forcibly forced by the Israelis to leave their homes, their land, to leave everything behind them. Also proven are the death marches in the desert, which some group of Palestinians were forced to cross without water, without food, under a 40 degree sun. History cannot be manipulated. There are mistakes and horrors on both sides. Everyone must take responsibility for their own.
@catherinejudd7993 2 месяца назад
Yes exactly true-since this documentary doesn’t mention the initial reason for 700,000 displaced than this documentary borders on disinformation.
@tamaramousley8597 2 месяца назад
This is not the “best” documentary because it leaves out important content historically and archalogically also.
@TiCO._.balon.-.24 6 дней назад
Si quieres ver la cara buena de los árabes no sucederá ya que sabemos sus malas intenciones
@Mmadingo 4 дня назад
Shut up! This whole israel story is a lie!
@Bambi448 День назад
Me gustaría me compartieras lo que tienes...
@AliSanogo-xz6cs 6 часов назад
Je suis d'accord avec vous. C'est plutôt un documentaire de soutien à Israël. C'est du n'importe quoi.
@Kwame-yw9kz 25 дней назад
"Your oppressor's victory is not your defeat; your defeat is your submission to oppression." Ghassan Kanafani
@atatterson6992 23 дня назад
Does that mean that after you start wars, lose and suffer the consequences... just keep doing terroristic attacks amd it will make you feel better? Seems to be the muslim mindset...
@eilamharnish7205 3 дня назад
Kwame-yw9kz@ "Your oppressor's victory is not your defeat; your defeat is your submission to oppression." Ghassan Kanafani As I recall HIS RESISTANCE TO OPPRESSION DID NOT HELP HIM TO END UP VICTORIOUS HE END UP DEAD BY MOSSAD BOMB.
@kellyoubrejr.5108 Месяц назад
Too many blood is wasted in this no ending war between this two War torn country. Only time would tell when this war stops! God bless Israel/Palestine, a brothers/sisters of the same blood.. From Philippines 🇵🇭 💖
@veronicatelch2399 10 дней назад
Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate the Jews
@albinarodrigues5938 9 дней назад
É impressionante como vcs gostam de direcionar a culpa sobre Israel. Israel está em busca de seus filhos, so isto.
@TiCO._.balon.-.24 6 дней назад
Todo empieza de lado árabe al creer que tienen que eliminar al cristianismo
@tubasi01 5 дней назад
​@@veronicatelch2399I am a Palestinian. I was born in Jordan. I want to make something clear. We Arabs or Palestinians do not hate Jews or the Jewish religion. We are against Zionism and against the occupation. I do not know if you know that a Muslim is not a Muslim unless he believes in the Jewish and Christian religion.
@melissawydola7614 2 месяца назад
This documentary leaves out the Balfour declaration and the Haavara agreement.
@jehdmahdi5959 2 месяца назад
And the Goldstein's massacre in Hebron
@want2learn296 2 месяца назад
Well yeah because the documentary says 60 yrs of conflict. 1948 was after the declaration
@prophet1782 2 месяца назад
Doc calls them Palestinian Nothing such ss Palestinian race.They are Arabs.Palestine was a Fake name planted on zjews land Judea..​@@jehdmahdi5959
@arnfridureinarsdottir4022 2 месяца назад
And so much møre.
@aubraehersel7720 2 месяца назад
All I needed to know to skip watching this. They didn't include the entire foundation of the colonial project
@yehudabendavid1 11 дней назад
The presentation leaves out the explanation of many events.
@oregonpatriot1570 14 дней назад
I like the way the Philistinisn's say they were there first, when they showed up hundreds of years *_AFTER_* 'King Solomon' and his son 'King David' were there.
@atariteki 3 дня назад
even philistines where from greek :)
@lifeandbeyond7279 2 месяца назад
Lots of new things I had never known on the conflict…great documentary, thanks you!
@user-bq6yw1hw8u Месяц назад
@user-zy6cg1cx1s 22 дня назад
تحيا الحقيقه تحيا العداله يا رب سلام العالم❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@csillakali2255 21 день назад
Lots of lies
@WeTheBelievers1776 17 дней назад
Yeah look up the Balfour declaration
@ChristyWitham 9 дней назад
Sorry to tell you but this documentary left out important facts and put a better light on the Arabs than it really was
@michaelyudovin3887 2 месяца назад
If peace had been embraced in 1948, Palestinians would have achieved a state, peace, and cooperation. Instead, they chose otherwise, and 75 years later we continue with war and destruction. Salam and Shalom.
@RuthAlvesReis 2 месяца назад
SALAM & SHALOM Thank you, peace be upon you 🙏
@frostyjim2633 12 дней назад
I see you've been drinking your own kool-aide
@Biekoe 7 дней назад
Blame israel for stealing their land. Why would palestinians be oke with being displaced out of ur own land
@baikorg 6 дней назад
U r wrong U think zionist would allow a palestinian state When they has been discussing of expulsion and ethnic cleansing in their conferences decades before 1948??? 1. Zio nist has been planning for ethnic cleansing of palestinian years before 1948. Even before israel was created and the land known as palestine. Whether palestinian agreed or not with 2 state solution. They were gonna being ethnic cleansed anyway. I paste to you summary of that ethnic cleansing plan below: In the summer of 1937, according to the official history of the Haganah, the commander of their forces in the Tel Aviv area, Elimelech Slikowitz ("Avnir") received an order from Ben-Gurion. Ben-Gurion, anticipating an eventual British withdrawal from the country after the Peel Report, asked Slikowitz to prepare a plan for the military conquest of the whole of Palestine. According to the historians Walid Khalidi and Ahmad H. Sa'di, it was this Avnir Plan which provided a blueprint for future plans. The blueprint was refined in subsequent adjustments (A, B, C) before emerging in its final form over a decade later as Plan Dalet.[11][12] From 1945 onward, the Haganah designed four general military plans, the implementation of the final version of which eventually led to the creation of Israel and the dispossession of the Palestinians: Plan Aleph (Plan A), drawn up in February 1945 to complement the political aim of a unilateral declaration of independence. It was designed to suppress Palestinian Arab resistance to the Zio nist take-over of parts of Palestine.[14] Plan Bet (Plan B), produced in September 1945,[15] emerged in May 1947 and was designed to replace Plan Aleph in the context of new developments such as Britain's submission of the problem of Palestine to the United Nations and growing opposition from surrounding Arab states to the Zionist partition plan.[citation needed] Plan Gimel (Plan C), also known as "May Plan", produced in May 1946,[16] emerged in November/December 1947, in the wake of the UN Partition Plan. It was designed to enhance Zio nist military and police mobilisation and enable action as needed.[dubious - discuss][17][18][19] Plan Dalet (Plan D), of March 1948, is the most noteworthy. Guided by a series of specific operational plans, the broad outlines of which were considered as early as 1944, Plan Dalet was drawn up to expand Jewish-held areas beyond those allocated to the proposed Jewish State in the UN Partition Plan. Its overall objective was to seize as much territory as possible[dubious - discuss] in advance of the termination of the British Mandate-when the Zio nist leaders planned to declare their state.[18][19] 2. Israel never accept the border of UN resolution for creation of israel. It only accept the creation of it. Zio nist never agreed on 2 state solution. Netanyahu said it clearly. They never want two state solution, netanyahu only repeating the mantra tt has been loudly said by all zio nist leaders since ben gurion. 3. Palestinian dont start the war.. but genocide and massacres inflicted on them months before the creation of israel such as massacres of qisarya and many more massacres that started the war after the neighbours intervened. The massacres of tantura, jaffa, haifa which located on the seaside got nothing to do with frontline of the war. The massacres of qisarya, lifta, lubya, haifa tantura, der yassein and many more were only a result of planned ethnic cleansing.. it got nothing to do with frontline of the war. 4. An article published by national geographic 2020 about a study on dna of ancient cananites tombs show that the ancient dna still alive in modern day palestinian. So the contemporary zionist slogan tt was used to justify the killing and dehumanized palestinian as savage arabian from arab peninsula were just an evil liar concocted by zionist.. as what other lies they made. The study titled “ The Genomic History of the Bronze Age Southern Levant” by Cell. The study excluded Askenazi and Ethiopian jewish from a control group because of more than 40% ancient european dna in Askenazi while more than 80% west african dna in Ethiopian. No research even by zionist could ever manipulated of fact tt dna of askenazi show of ancient european origin. 5. Palestinian were the descendant of the ancient hebrew. Not jewish settler from ukraine or poland. Not the recent convert of subbotnik from russia. The thousand years of jewish hebrew history on the land got nothing to do with settlers from europe. What are the evidences of settler from europes are the descendant of israelite? Artefacts? Historical facts? Dna? We dont have any historical fact of arrival of israelite in ukraine.. none By the way.. the cananites has been living on the land thousands years before emergence of a tribe called israelite. 6. A study on geographical dna of askenazi jews by Eran Elhaik 2017 show that the askenazi were the people of from slav, turkic, irano. Not palestine. The study using the Geographical Population Structure (GPS), which localizes genomes to where they experienced the last major admixture event. Nothing semitic about askenazi. They were just impostor 7. Mass arrival of juice settler also consist of russian recent convert of sobutnik. The sobutnik tt settled around galillee become the staunch supporter of zionist and the main force of ethnic cleansing machine 8. European jews speak yiddish. While russsian speak russian. They dont speak hebrew. Yiddish originated from area of ancient trade route of irano-turkic-slav. There were no evidence to show tt Ithe askenazi were expelled by roman move from italy all the way crossing the alps into germany, poland , and ukraine. Their language surely influenced by italian. The truth was that they were the people that originated along iran, turk, and slav route. 9. Based on all those points above. I could conclude tt israel zionist were just bunch evil impostor. Their country were created based on lies , created based on on genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation and oppression on palestinian for more than 75 years
@doral8162 4 дня назад
No es solo Palestinos , son todos los involucrados.todos desean lo mismo , un territorio no compartido .y eso no se puede a menos que extermines a los demás .
@tuyyo1946 21 день назад
Those two sons of Abraham, half brothers, have caused so much problems to the whole world since centuries ago. One gets fed up with their problems.
@Durruty-rx9tu 15 дней назад
Eso solo es cierto según las supersticiones judías. Nunca existió el tal Abraham ni nada parecido, no hay evidencia histórica de nada de lo que hay escrito en la novela llamada biblia, talmud o torá. La única verdad es que los nazijudíos fueron insertados en Palestina y desde entonces invaden y asesinan a la población civil palestina.
@celiagomes7469 14 дней назад
Concordo que é uma briga de irmãos, mas não se pode viver no passado, seguimos em frente assim é a vida. Enquanto o irmão Esmael não deixar o ódio, nunca vai prosperar. 🇧🇷🇮🇱
@alessianatale7937 14 дней назад
@@celiagomes7469 andiamo avanti sulla pelle degli innocenti? andiamo avanti con due stati solo cosi, quella terra non appartiene solo ad israele e' chiaro o no
@Stolas1777 13 дней назад
Islam has no connection to Abraham other than their imagination. It is unthinkable and archaeologically dubious to suggest the Mesopotamian Abraham that traveled into Canaan decided to walk down through complete desert to the south of the peninsula and built the Kaaba. Mecca did not exist then, Mecca didn’t exist a thousand years later. People have been making detailed maps for a long time and Mecca is not on any of them up until islam comes on the scene.
@celiagomes7469 13 дней назад
​@@Stolas1777estude mais um pouco, quem sabe você encontre a verdadeira história
@ejosegutierrez4691 12 дней назад
Patrick Argüello, no era sudamericano, era nicaragüense. Cuanta más información errónea tiene este documental???
@CALL_LID 8 дней назад
LOL WTF Nicaragua IS in South America dumy😂 I STAND CORRECTED AND LOOK DUM
@timoteodalton4602 7 дней назад
@@CALL_LID nop, Nicaragua is central america
@Majoce79Za-tc2dz 7 дней назад
@eribertocalderon5108 7 дней назад
@TiCO._.balon.-.24 6 дней назад
Qué vergüenza para el pueblo de Nicaragua
@user-uk9ih1kc6y 2 месяца назад
@JacintaPalerm Месяц назад
Many Jews do not agree with the Israel state.
@prettybwillowbee7584 12 дней назад
I can't wait until the truth comes out about you liars... Claiming to be a true HEBREW
@elenorriley4324 2 месяца назад
I had my eyes and mind opened more watching this documentary Thank you
@user-bq6yw1hw8u Месяц назад
@csillakali2255 21 день назад
Itse not true
@MariaSolRecalde 14 дней назад
Es tan importante escuchar y analizar como y porque se dió un conflicto por historia no por afinidades ni por adhesión política no es cuestión de culpar ni arrimar el hombro por conveniencia es muy importante comprender que existieron acuerdos en años anteriores donde no se han querido entrar y se hizo caso omiso a todo límite y extremo
@elsaangeles6941 День назад
Que tristeza…cuanto sufrimiento.60 años a los que debemos agregar 16 años más…(filmado el 2008).
@flyingcoathang86 2 месяца назад
Oh and great documentary. More and more I cherish balanced reporting looking to provide information only for the people.
@lion0yury 2 месяца назад
Narrow view to this problem. Not mentioned about all the Jewish refugees from Muslim countries who fled pogroms in the same time. Thousands
@user-nm8my2et7c 23 дня назад
Utter rubbish. If you are kicked out of countries over 1000 times it defies credibility that you are an innocent party, or 'victim', which is the narrative the Jewish Zionists prefer.
@gonzalesfrederic6213 20 дней назад
Notice that the Muslims (l do not like them much, but let us be honest) only hurt the Jews in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Marocco, etc after Jews (meaning not all, only the Sionists) hurt Muslims. Before lsrael the Jews and the Muslims lived rather in harmony.
@pavilionman64 18 дней назад
pogromos of jews in Muslim Land where really rare and isolated. But after Israel all muslim lands dislike hugely israeli jews but we can call it anti-semite. Whats important is that muslim dont have in they beliefs or policy to hatred or extermination to jews, but Europa had it. Reaching extreme cases in Germany and Russia. Unfortunately jews had to cope with the very first reaction of the extreamly retarded racist old Europa to immigration. And today we see the light version of the same in Europe called Xenophobia. And the extreme version of the same in Israel and Natzi Germany.
@marialuciadeoliveiraabreu4189 18 дней назад
Quem fez esse documentário precisa urgentemente de aulas de história de quem realmente conhece e sabe do que está falando. O prof. e arqueólogo Rodrigo Silva, dá um banho de conhecimento, fica a dica 😉
@watchandenjoy9916 18 дней назад
I am from Iraq, and what you say is very true. We have entire neighborhoods in Baghdad (the capital) that were full of Jews, and many of them were merchants. ​@@gonzalesfrederic6213
@SpaceSpiffin43 10 часов назад
I want more documentaries of Israel and Palestine but from the Palestinians point of view. Damn near everything on RU-vid. Is the narration of the Jewish people view points. Not the whole story. So thank you for posting this video has a little bit of both perspectives
@patriciovip5834 18 дней назад
Israel Jamais será destruído porém irá sofrer até o fim até que reconheçam que JESUS Cristo é o Senhor. 🔥🔥🔥
@julienleternele8183 16 дней назад
و رب العزة ستدمر و عما قريب جدا كما أنبأ ربنا في القران في سورة إسرائيل و لا رجوع للرب أبداً بل رجوع للمسيح عيسى عليه السلام ليفهم العالم ان الإسلام كان دينه و الدين الذي جاء به لكن زور و بدل بعد ثلاث مئة من وفاته و رفعه بيننا الزمن و سيعلم الذين كفروا أي منقلب ينقلبون
@patriciovip5834 12 дней назад
@@julienleternele8183 😉
@ProtoJuarez 12 дней назад
​@@julienleternele8183y la l lol
@corazones-qn9mo 12 дней назад
Tú fanatismo te ciega Tanto tú como los musulmanes creen en lo mismo y esperan la destrucción de israel Ustedes quieren que se cumpla sus profecías de sus libros distorsionados que incluyen el sufrimiento y destrucción de israel Pero habrá justicia! Una justicia que no es ni fue del cristianismo o el islam.
@SMac6568 21 день назад
This is not a war between Israel and Palestine. It’s a war between Islamic and Jewish beliefs and religion. Please remember that. 🙏✌️
@ashleymeggan 15 дней назад
It isn’t though.
@helennuttle1680 2 месяца назад
Great documentary,thank you for sharing it with us ❤…
@a1j886 2 месяца назад
As an American I now see this conflict clearly. What would we do if it wasn’t for RU-vid? Real history lessons. Thanks!!
@jenniferh8148 Месяц назад
Can you really base your entire understanding of a multi decade conflict on an 80 minute RU-vid video? There's tons missing.
@ullahinayat-og6hr Месяц назад
Nothing is missing its clear now for smart people ​@@jenniferh8148
@paulamarsh1 Месяц назад
Please educate yourself more - this video is biased and leaves out the other side.
@a1j886 Месяц назад
lol I’ve watched hundred of videos from each side of this history. I’m thanking RU-vid based off of it helping me see both sides clearly!
@Hezekiah1 Месяц назад
@@paulamarsh1other side? This wasn’t about sides, it is explaining what happened.
@user-hu1dm6ph6t 14 дней назад
Sou brasileira e meu país é tão grande que nem o conheço todo.Fui a Israel uma vez e fiquei espantada como é muito pequeno, difícil imaginar DUAS nações viverem em tão pouco espaço!
@paulanelson1629 9 дней назад
Palistine does not exist.
@BlomdyFernandez-ud5ws 3 дня назад
@elaineblair 2 дня назад
Documentário completamente PARCIAL. Deixou de fora vários aspectos a serem analisados, induzindo-nos ao erro de culpar um lado apenas por essa guerra sem fim.
@valkry007 2 месяца назад
although this is an old documentary (2008) it does a good job at trying to be impartial and balanced, unlike anything made now, which is either pro this side or pro that side.
@amaroszapatacolina5226 2 месяца назад
Me gustaría mirar el documental detenidamente.
@BOZ_11 2 месяца назад
and even absent any bias it's clear who the invaders are
@HistoricalAnalysis12 2 месяца назад
thanks you so much !
@user-ce1zb9vb9b 2 месяца назад
if your not pro of a side your not honest
@sanitene6039 2 месяца назад
A smart man said . Uncertainty is an un comfortable situation to be in , Certainty is a ridiculous situation to be in , Now tell me again you personally know the jews today are not the jews of 2000 years ago ?!? Brilliant!!
@sirevanskoech5540 2 месяца назад
The problem is an innocent generation born into conflict and bitterness you belong to a party you don't choose at birth
@ChristyWitham 9 дней назад
Maybe once The Terror group is gone and they are not taught to hate, see themselves as victims and trying to eliminate Israel they can work, educate themselves, get along with other people and live happy where thy are
@nancyperezfonseca2371 21 день назад
Excelente documental, muy bien logrado, comprendí mejor la compleja historia de esta región y sus habitantes. Deseo encuentren por fin La Paz..
@cordes6900 27 дней назад
? Why only 60 years, what about the about 120 years before that?
@Singapura.i 5 дней назад
The region is not yet part of the Palestinian state. Aka still territory of Jordan
@TheAteerink День назад
@@Singapura.i You mean the Ottoman Empire? Or do you mean only the West Bank?
@stevejaubert2892 2 месяца назад
Go home tonight and tell yourself you're lucky you don't have to worry about random rockets raining down.
@KajunSpice902 2 месяца назад
If they simply go home they won’t have to worry about rockets. 😉
@krayxeez 2 месяца назад
Who? Where? @@KajunSpice902
@vickythefist7062 2 месяца назад
@TheHedgehogsDelimma 2 месяца назад
Home is where the heart is? To claim the land belongs to you and was divinely mandated by God so you have the right to take it by force and subjugate the native peoples is one of the most oppressively psychopathic ideologies the world has known. It is in fact an abomination and a complete inversion of anything Godly and good. How many millions have died for this country to exist since it's inception in 1948? So don't talk about rockets raining down you hypocrite. This geographical location is quite relevant in the biblical sense however, if you believe in the new testament and you haven't been spoon feed distortions of mistruths over the years about key text and meanings, that being, as the location where the false christ is to set up his throne of rule and deceive a large majority of the world. Given recent events and the attitude towards indiscriminately killing Palestinians, the manifestation of this evil working through this county seems likely and more compelling to be true.
@boazbell38 2 месяца назад
@@KajunSpice902 how's that working out for you? it's simple... sooner or later they will piss off Israel enough to make them all go to "allah".. sooner than later...
@taisirghazi2963 2 месяца назад
Please educate yourselves on "THE BELFOUR PROMISE"
@user-jt4kk7cn1i Месяц назад
Yes you're right
@chantalameslon517 29 дней назад
Oui tout à fait . Mais paraît-il que cet accord était de 100 ans .
@cal4207 23 дня назад
The Balfour Declaration not a promise
@atatterson6992 22 дня назад
@WeTheBelievers1776 17 дней назад
You mean the Balfour declaration
@Jardielin День назад
Hoy, 2024,16 años después ¿Cuántos protagonistas de este documental viven? ¿Qué dirían de esta nueva guerra que sigue manchando de sangre esta milenaria tierra?
@anthonybernstein9698 Месяц назад
Who incited the war in Hebron in 1929? Who started the war in 1948, and which countries were involved? What part did The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheik ali Hussani play in the arabs leaving their homes? In 1967 Israel did not attack first. The very first aggressive move was the blockade of Eilat, the Egyptian navy moved in Israeli territorial waters and this is considered a declaration of war, according to the United Nations. Why was Hurwitz labelled a Zionist, he was a Russian Jew fleeing persecution and death from the Russians? The biggest questions are: What did the killing achieve? Did the result of so many dead justify the killing? Are the arabs any better off today than they were in 1948? Can the murderers sleep peacefully, knowing that thousands died because of their actions of choosing death before life? Are the arabs any nearer to achieving their goal of destroying Israel? After every war people move on, when will the arabs learn to move on, start a new way of living, not the old way of dying? They were not conquering new territories, the IDF were chasing an invading army that came to conquer. This is normal combat practice when a country is invaded. The constant use of the word "invade" is very misleading. Jordan attacked Israel on the encouragement of Egypt. The IDF fought a defensive war chasing the Jordanian out of Israel, and moving into land thar Jordan illegally occupied in 1948. If Israel had lost the war in 1967 how many POWs would not have been killed, and how many civilians would have been killed? It is doubtful if any soldier or civilian would have lived after an arab victory. Why did the arabs need to fight after 1967, in every country after a war the defeated country accepts defeat and start a new life, a new beginning, we have seen this throughout the worlds wars. The ideology, radicalization and brainwashing will never succeed in giving the arabs what they want. Generations of kids growing up with the hatred, burning desire to kill. They are fed a history of lies, the arabs will never conquer Israel, its a dream, something that has been instilled into them from birth. Even successful arabs living in many countries across the world talk about home in Israel. They lead good lives in western countries, only speak about returning, but never do. How did an Egyptian named Yasser Arafat become the leader of the arabs? How many offers of statehood did the arabs reject? Why did the arabs reject all offers of statehood? Why were the arabs thrown out of all the countries where they were living, the last country was Egypt? Why did the United Nations in 1948 form a separate organisation called UNRWA to care for 700,000 refugees and another organisation to care for 114 million refugees world wide? As long as arabs are fed a diet of lies that give them hope, an impossible dream to kill every Jew they will never be more than self inflicted "refugees" for many more generations. If the arabs give up the desire to kill and be martyred they have a future. They must choose life over death, love over hate. How can an arab mother say she is happy her son is dead, and she has more sons that will make her happier when they get killed fighting Jews. This is unheard of in the civilised world, our children are our lives, our future, they will give joy to us when we get old. We will dance at our grandchildrens weddings, hold their babies in our arms. The arab mothers don't want their children to marry and bring joy and happiness into their homes, they want photographs of dead sons above the bed which is a shrine. The narrative was "With each attack, Israel was responding with violence". It should read. It shoud be "With each violent attack Israel responded in a similar way". Today is 23rd March 2024, the war started on 7th October 2023. Hamas is losing the war and is hoping the world will force a ceasefire. There are only 4 battalions remaining in Rafah, 4,000 hamas terrorists hiding in tunels waiting for the IDF. If hamas can just hang on long enough Israel accepting a ceasefire give hamas the victory of the war. Hamas will declare victory, because Israel lost. Only one winner in war. Many more people will die before the war ends. Hamas will not surrender, it cannot accept defeat, they have survived every war they started because of world pressure on Israel. No arab country in the world wants the palastinians, why dont arab countries want them. Israel is no different. Where are they to go.
@djzeederbyshire2932 Месяц назад
Very well said. 100%
@bobbymckail2874 29 дней назад
This absolute propaganda from an Israeli Zionist Genocide apologist.
@nenitaespinosa1808 28 дней назад
The strongest emotion that can end war is love for peace. Love for the future of family, quest for survival of the family amidst pangs of hunger and fear . It is miserable to note that hunger for domination and power are overpowering this thing we call. May God in his Mercy open the hearts and minds of people.
@user-ve6wu7gp6c 28 дней назад
I give you a very short answer: Because the Jews captured the land, the Palestinians had to fight back.
@sekenzyslayer3096 26 дней назад
@alessandramaffilippi3080 2 месяца назад
A precious documentary that helps us understand, even if difficult to accept, how we arrived at the horror and atrocities of these last months. An impartial look, as history reports should always be. Thanks for sharing and reposting it. Dated yet always contemporary.
@ChristyWitham 9 дней назад
Honey, There was NOTHING impartial about this. So many things left out and twisted around
@incikjaykee1569 2 месяца назад
Bravo all of you make this documentary! Brilliant!
@adrianacr927 6 часов назад
Eu gostei muito desse documentário porque nos passa uma imagem geral e clara de que não dá para apoiarmos ou condermos ambos os lados. Ambos tem gente fanática e inflexível.Torço para que um dia Israel e Palestina consigam finalmente conviver em paz. 🕊🤍
@PrinceOfMixes Месяц назад
And so the circle goes round and round. I wonder when humanity is ready to break these cycles.
@kellyherrin 11 дней назад
Maybe when all religion is in our past with the rest of primitive mankind's mythologies.
@martinwagner7361 4 дня назад
One has to be aware about the mechanics of reincarnation/Evolution of Consciousness to understand that the enormous difference in character are NOT occurring by RANDOM..... There's a reason why ALL the world's major religions have a way more sophisticated mystical/spiritual branch that acknowledges the spiritual Evolution of Consciousness over many physical lifetimes, including the Jewish, Christian and Islam Religion.... Unfortunately only a minority of people are truly conscious of that, especially in the overly materially obsessed West, as Science has just recently BEGUN in the past few years to seriously study Consciousness.... Human Life is not just a series of accidental events and the CHANCE of Evolution always includes the real risk of Devolution as certain crucial lessons are often met with bitter resistance and many painful choices are unfortunately repeated over and over again until they finally - and usually with a hell of suffering, conflict, struggle and resistance - are learnt and overcome.... Without that awareness one is simply lost in a SEEMINGLY non-sensical accidental world without any real accountability and responsibility.... Most people prefer to play the game of victimhood to hold on to an alibi for a lack of responsibility trying to escape the lessons....
@krayxeez 2 месяца назад
I think it's safe to say this is the most complex conflict there exists. It's not black and white like many people try to portrait. We cannot say that there is a clear "good" and "bad" side in this conflict. May there be peace one day, although I think we won't see that in our lifetime.
@TheHedgehogsDelimma 2 месяца назад
While I try not to view most things in absolutes, or black and white, after reading and listening to this topic's subject matter from many different angles and perspectives for the better part of the last 25 years or so, I have to say I've reached no other conclusion then it being completely one-sided and fundamentally the fault falls to one group almost exclusively. To claim the land belongs to you and was divinely mandated by God so you have the right to take it by force and subjugate the native peoples is one of the most oppressively psychopathic ideologies in modern times. Frankly it shouldn't exist the way it does, but I think theology and supposed prophecy's play a part.
@farsalami8605 2 месяца назад
@@TheHedgehogsDelimma your research... is not research my friend. If you wanna go into religious stuff... quran says this land is for the jews. if someone calls themselves muslim, then this case should be closed. I copy paste some comment i left for someone else, maybe it is of some benefit to you.: questions to ask yourself. **6- what early incidents can you name,, of violent incidents between jewish settlers and the people already living there? what was the background of these conflicts ? who killed whom 1- where did the jews settle, who lived there? 2- new " palestinians" ( jews from mostly eu/usa. what were they doing there/? who did they see as their enemies? who did they fight with at the beginning? 3- what was the initial response of the arabic speaking population of the region? Who were the " arab zionists" ? what did they think about a jewish state? 4- who en when did people start calling themselves palestinians? what did this word mean? when did it become common to use this name? who used it and when? How did the people of palestine identify themselves? south-syrian-egyptian-jordanian-arab-muslim/christian/jew- etc. when why what did it mean? 5 what does palestinian identity encompass? Which distinctive features does it have? language-cuisine-historical figures- founding fathers-epic stories etc etc. It isn't too much i hope, if you want to have an opinion you at least need to know the basics... not just a few video's. A timeline with superficial knowledge of the what happened is the least you need . right?
@MSW613 2 месяца назад
​@@TheHedgehogsDelimmaThe aggressors were clearly arabs/Palestinians
@krayxeez 2 месяца назад
@@TheHedgehogsDelimma Still I don’t think it’s that onesided. Why do Muslims have so many countries and Jews have (had) none? Doesn’t really seem fair to me.
@olafclausing7843 2 месяца назад
@@TheHedgehogsDelimma You seem to have not learned much in 25 years..
@Tracertme 2 месяца назад
A great video which shows there never really was a Palestine nation more a Nomadic group of people without any government that even the Arab nations ignored and didn’t recognise. Unfortunately with the Hamas influence now there clearly is only one option left and that is to remove Hamas from Palestine as they are war mongering and not Palestinian.
@user-db3td8xv3m 2 месяца назад
Это вы исчезнете💯Фалестина будет свабодная☝🏻🇵🇸ваши тупые фильмы никто не верит!
@user-db3td8xv3m 2 месяца назад
Хамас лучшие воины и сопротивление против лжеизраильских терористов☝🏻🇵🇸
@user-db3td8xv3m 2 месяца назад
ООН конечно провозгласил терористической лжеизраиль, потому что ООН тоже терористы!
@user-yv2ml4hy7p 20 дней назад
Meu Deus porque as pessoas não vivem em paz a terra Deus dei pra todos os humanos 😢
@user-hu1dm6ph6t 14 дней назад
Não dá para entender,pois quando em Roma antiga, já havia Jerusalém,pois Jesus nasceu na Galiléia, então o imperador Tito decretou que se espalhassem... Foi esse o início do problema?
@shalomex-muslims2991 2 месяца назад
A Very good well-made documentary. Thank you for sharing.
@ChristyWitham 9 дней назад
Do you take what a documentary says for gospel ? You need to go learn the REAL history so not to be brainwashed like ALL the generations of Arabs living in Gaza have.
@renubhagat8396 2 месяца назад
I was not aware of the history of Palestine but since Oct 7 watching as many documentaries to know about it.This is one of them👍👍
@suzimonkey345 2 месяца назад
I’ve been trying to inform myself to. It’s the most difficult subject I’ve ever researched! The 2 sides contradict each other on EVERYTHING…it’s as if there are no facts. It’s important not to judge history by today’s principles. At the end of the 2nd World War, one side won & one side lost, empires crumbled etc. It was a time of great change. Countless millions were displaced. The Palestinians were a tiny number of people when compared to many other peoples. ONLY the Palestinians are still considered refugees generations later. It’s tragic! The poor people have been used as political pawns & kept being fed, “the right of return” so the Arab world could reject the existence of Israel. It’s heartbreaking! Anyway, I think that it’s important to go back before the technical “creation of Israel” to when the conflicts really started over 100 years ago. The British mandate was in response to all the violence & terrorism, NOT the cause of it! It’s fascinating that Jewish people were responsible for terrorism against the British! It’s a huge tragic mess & I’ve got carried away typing a huge, messy comment! 😊
@chantalameslon517 29 дней назад
Autrefois je regardais de émissions sur radio Iran qui a été censurée ce que vous entendez n’ est rien à côté de ce que les juifs disaient sur les crimes commis par Israël . Un exemple : ils vidaient le corps des organes et les redonnait aux familles palestiniennes avec des pierres dedans . Ce que je vous dis là n’ est rien .
3 дня назад
Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it. Yet those who do study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it. History is busy repeating itself. Leaders don't learn from the past, they want to relive it.
@MarcosMartinezRomero 4 дня назад
Excelente documental sobre Israel y los palestinos, Israel es el pueblo de la promesa que Dios le hizo a Abraham por eso nadie podrá destruir al pueblo bendito de Dios
@Spiritofaconure 2 месяца назад
42:38 wow, I could never see something like that happening again, and this was the first time I heard Sadats voice for the first time, golda Meir said you always call me an old lady 😂 and him laughing like that 😂
@TiCO._.balon.-.24 6 дней назад
El egipcio sadat iba a cambiar grandemente y va a ser un progreso para las tierras árabes lamentablemente el islamismo extremo solo quiere pobreza y miseria hasta el final de los tiempos para su gente
@mordehai2736 2 месяца назад
few remarks: 1)"War started" - means 7 arab armies attacked newborn State of Israel, enemies from inside also started a revolt, that caused an exile 2)"Others call it Palestine" - Romans called it Palestine when destroyed a Judea kingdom, Palestinians can not pronounce 'p' so they call it Falestin 3) 700,000 exiled Palestinians - Arabs in Palestine did not recognize themself as Palestinians back in 1948, they became a nation much later in exile.
@gaugengotm2307 2 месяца назад
@user-cc6gi4zy1z Месяц назад
Check your research
@Anas_Sherif Месяц назад
1) Interesting how you called it the "newborn state of Israel" 2) The word came from the 12 century BC, and it was "Philistines", it originally was pronounced like an "F" not a "P" 3) As if you existed before 1948? If you lived here since the Israelites Palestinians lived there since the Canaanites.
@PanzerKampfWagun 28 дней назад
@@Anas_Sherif Philistines were a Greek group that invaded Israel around Ashqelon and Gaza, they are the historical enemies of Israel and the name was a act of humiliation. Calling Palestinians Canaanites is so stupid, that is purely ancestry, from this me as a Greek is also a Mycaenean. Mizrahi Jews also hold a lot of Canaanite ancestry because they lived there and spoke the same language and followed the same religion as 2,000 years ago (your "palestinians" did not). Does that mean Palestinians are mizrahi or Mizrahi are Palestinians? No
@Anas_Sherif 28 дней назад
@@PanzerKampfWagun Hmmmm humiliation hmmmm... the only thing missing is the moustache... Saying the Palestinians are the Canaanites is stupid, and that's the point, those European and African and Arab and Latin Jews share nothing with the Israelites in common except for the religion, and just a little amount of them are semite, not mentioning the Ethiopian Jews who faced gen. .ocide by Israel so Israel doesn't have that much black people... And finally, if you even had the historical rights to the land, still doesn't justify t. .error. .ism and r. .ap. .ing children...
@dawayeaung2694 2 дня назад
so sad. only leaders with genuine love for peace could settle the issue..Fightong is no way to peace.Negotiation will pave the way. I really pray for peace for all Istaelos and. Palestinians..Be generous and fair. a land for each people to call their own.
@HVS-gk7oo Месяц назад
Not even fellow arabs and muslims of Jordan or Lebanon wanted the Palestinans? Or Egypt? Good work.
@Biekoe 7 дней назад
Wdym wanted? Why should palestinians leave their land? And why didnt any of the european countries want jews before the n*zi holocaust. Jews have been kicked out of evety country they have ever lived in
@Biekoe 7 дней назад
Not even european countries wanted jews before the second world war. Jews have been kicked out of every country they ever lived in
@BeaconOfHope1948 2 месяца назад
Am Israel Chai!
@Mavetlemehablim 2 месяца назад
it is important to note that Palestine is the name of a geographical region, and not the name of a nation or people, the real name of this land is the land of Hnaan, on this land in ancient times there were two Jewish kingdoms, Israel and Judea, there was no Palestine when the Romans conquered this land, in order to punish the Jews, they called this land Palestine. so everyone who lives on this land, including Jews, can call themselves Palestinians, because this is not a nation, these are the names of the land, but those who call themselves Palestinians by nationality are in fact Arabs who migrated to this land from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan , all this has been proven historically, and not only, in all the holy books, the Torah, the Koran, the Bible, it is written that the land of Khnaan belongs to the Jews by God’s call, there is not even a mention of the great Palestinians.
@arndtlange9573 2 месяца назад
Beautiful myth… 😂😂😂
@Mavetlemehablim 2 месяца назад
@@arndtlange9573 This is a great myth, the state of Palestine, and the people of Palestine. There is no source in the world and no history about the people of Palestine from before 1956, there is nothing ancient that can testify about the people of Palestine on the land of Canaan. They are Arabs who immigrated from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. It's very simple, if you find something about the term Palestinian people from before 1956, write to me about it, it's very interesting to see. 😂😂😂
@clayton4552022 Месяц назад
And again the 2000 years old story blah blah blah 🤣🤣🤣
@butterflyeffect4568 Месяц назад
Okay then by your logic nowadays Jews who came in 1948 arent really Jews. Because they also emmigrated before 1948 in Europe mixing with local people. So Palestinians arent native people nor are the nowaday Israelis post 1948. There I solved it for you boo. So you shouldnt be upset because neither of you is native to land. Real Jews from Israel at that time are either in (Tunisa,Algeria, Morocco,Yemen etc.)or countries you named above. And they are still there and they were black or mixed with black. I dont think pale skin can survive in such conditions. Speaking as pale person myself.
@Miriamt0789 25 дней назад
I lived in Israel (student visa) 07-08 as an American Jewish teen and let me tell you, those walls were NECESSARY. There were so many stabbings, it was incredible to see how little Palestinians valued even their own lives. Every one of these people celebrated 9/11, I was already disturbed by these hateful people. My sympathy is only for the children who are being brainwashed to hate since the day they’re born. Sorry Pals, FAFO 🇮🇱
@isabelnavarroturizo4630 16 дней назад
Que es peras si te estan robando tu tierra
@mariavicentabeltranalmazan6134 16 дней назад
Pobres criaturas que ya nacen en guerra. Unos con piedras y otros con armas.. Que harías tú de ser palestino?. Soy atea, por ahí no.
@aribahsaeed 16 дней назад
They don't want your pity save it for your people that love to cry crocodile tears
@MC-uj4gd 15 дней назад
🐊 tears!😭
@celiagomes7469 14 дней назад
​@@aribahsaeedverdade eles só querem guerra, e depois ficam chorando pedindo ajuda, seus líderes fazem deles povos miseráveis e eles gostam. Por isso não apoio os palestinos, são fracos, chorão e revoltados.
@matildepestana6821 20 дней назад
Não compreendo porque não podem viver dois povos juntos
@randaben3176 12 дней назад
Tout simplement car il s'agit d'une occupation comment un violé peut vivre avec son violeur ??!
@zoladkingamoraoprosimo7511 12 дней назад
​@@randaben3176cette terre ne pas de palestiniens
@jhamerdiaz 12 дней назад
Imposible cuando uno de ellos solo piensa y sueña en matar al otro (incluyendo suicidarse) y el otro esta no dispuesto a dejarse matar
@dilfuzaazimova2685 11 дней назад
Израиль хотель только оккупировать и убить палестинцев!
@beatrizmontepeque3421 11 дней назад
@paulmugi3431 2 месяца назад
Absolutely brilliant work.
@prophet1782 2 месяца назад
Laila Khaled cant be 64. How old was she in 1970 ? 12 yrs ?
@daveprask1323 2 месяца назад
This documentary is from 2008 she’s 79 now
@paulamarsh1 Месяц назад
It's incredible, after all these years, to see the eternal hatred in her face... she has not changed, not one bit, and epitomises the Arab Palestinian at their worst : pure and simple Jew hatred. No wonder they are a lost cause! Look at their track record in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Kuwait. Ask yourself why none of the Arab countries want anything to do with them. Surely after all these years, some Palestinian would actually begin to self reflect ?@@daveprask1323
@Eitner100 27 дней назад
Excellent documentary! Especially for those who do not know the history.
@ONIS-RD 17 дней назад
Excelente material para poder entender que este problema no es de haora es antiguo.
@krshhbadi9877 2 месяца назад
درود ممنون از توجه شما و اضافه کردن زبان فارسی در قسمت ترجمه خودکار .
@jamesb.9155 2 месяца назад
No 'Persian' Farsi, found?
@LionRex9250 2 месяца назад
He said thank you for providing Farsi/Persian as one of the languages. ​@@jamesb.9155
@kellyherrin 11 дней назад
Persian is such an interesting style of writing. I'm glad we are able to see both the original and translation. Thank goodness for the internet enabling us all to communicate so easily. 💕
@meshackkirui4951 2 месяца назад
I pray for peace in both Palestine and Israel. This is possibility Unfortunately both countries have decided to perish together as fools instead of living together peacefully
@aliciabustamantenavarro6924 2 дня назад
Excelente reportaje Se agradece !!
@iowa4088 21 день назад
I grew up with people from Palestine, I have dealt with this topic a lot. The people who saw it as the land of the Jews have no idea. Look at the Bible from the 1800s.
@SlavaSG84 2 месяца назад
Народы всех стран-участниц конфликта заинтересованы в скорейшем его разрешении. Именно народы, а не правители. Потому что война - это всегда голод, разруха, разрушения, слёзы и боль для всех участников конфликта. И всё, что нужно для разрешения этого конфликта на долгие века - это собрание всех религиозных и политических лидеров всех стран, включая авторитетных представителей арабов и Израиля, а также крупных государств Земли, которые будут посредниками. На этом собрании будет решён вопрос не о земле, которая уже является израильской, а о тех людях, которые подвешены в воздухе. Их не принимает ни Израиль, ни аравийские страны, они уже многие поколения находятся в правовом вакууме. Эта ситуация сложилась из-за не дальновидного решения всех участников этого конфликта, проведённого ранее. Сейчас справедливое решение способно обеспечить решение этого конфликта. А справедливым может быть только распределение этих жителей по всем странам, но на это должна быть готовность правительства Израиля, правительств аравийских стран, других помощников, кто готов помочь, предоставить им какую-либо территорию бесплатно. Ведь у них нет денег, они беженцы, и не могут ничего купить. Просто помочь за свой счёт, естественно не за счёт людей, которые живут уже на этой территории, а за государственный. Первая цель - разрешение конфликта, а вторая цель - создание образа справедливого религиозного благочестивого государства, где ценится каждая Душа. Нужно просто собрать, посчитать тех людей, которые остались на территории Израиля, но вне правового поля, и просто распределить их не только в Израиле, конечно же, обязательно учитывая и их желания. Всё это должно быть гармонично, в этом должны участвовать все стороны, и предложить свою помощь. Только тогда постепенно снизится взаимное озлобление людей друг на друга, потому что взаимная агрессия первоначально произошла из-за вопроса о территориях, только потом уже возник вопрос разных религий. Вначале нужно решить именно территориальный вопрос и помочь тем людям и их детям обрести своё жилье, возможность работать, обеспечивать себя, предоставить медицинскую помощь и так далее.
@jamesb.9155 2 месяца назад
Well, look up Isl_am and the doctrine clearly states no tolerance for the Jews because of an ancient hatred by the doctrine against the jews . . . Shalom Aleichem.
@levteplitsky1385 2 месяца назад
Ваш план решения проблемы идеален, но неосуществим, к сожалению, т.к. человек -существо иррациональное, движимое собственными фантазиями, которые для него важнее реальности. Только фантазируя человечество достигло многого, ну а недостатки-это продолжение наших достоинств. Наивная мечта о еврейском государстве осуществилась благодаря энергичности мечтателей и стечению обстоятельств в их пользу. У палестинцев этого не получилось, т.к. это было и остаётся население, скорее племя а не народ, и этим племенем легко манипулировать, создав из идеи своей земли своего рода религию и фанатиков--самоубийц, жертвующих собой ради иллюзии. И никакими обещаниями хорошей жизни где либо их не сооблазнить, они борются за своё место в Истории. Даже эмигрировав в нормальные страны они не становятся на сторону народов, давших им приют, а продолжают "борьбу за освобождение Палестины". От евреев, естественно. Для них это справедливо и остановить их можно только железной рукой. Только беспощадной силой. Другие варианты, как показала история, пока не работают. Но у Бога дней много, в конце концов гимн Государства Израиль называется "Надежда".
@SlavaSG84 2 месяца назад
@@levteplitsky1385 физическое устранение, не сделает народ счастливым. Жизнь времена, дух вечен.
@levteplitsky1385 2 месяца назад
@@SlavaSG84 Тут разговор не о счастье, тем более что это точно и , в особенности что можно считать счастьем народа вопрос сложный и споры идут о нём неутихая. Речь идёт о выживании еврейского народа в кольце врагов.Подчёркиваю: врагов а не противников, с противниками можно договариваться. А на врагов то прекрасно действует физическое устранение, опыт Второй Мировой прекрасно это продемонстрировал. Люди только внешне одинаковы, внутри же могут чудовищами, тут всё сильно зависит от среды и воспитания. Атака 7--го октября это ещё раз показала. Люди навязавшие войну Израилю и всему цивилизованному миру, ведут её не по дуэльному кодексу и не по рыцарским правилам, а по принципу --в любви и на войне все приёмы хороши, так что и "ответка" им должна быть симметричная. Хочу быть правильно понятым--меня лично эта ситуация не радует, но другого решения тут быть не может. А вот когда пушки замолчат, тогда и о духе можно будет порассуждать без лишних эмоций.
@SlavaSG84 2 месяца назад
@@levteplitsky1385 пушки замолчат, когда начнут думать о духе. Для кого то счастье заключается в возможности не умереть сегодня.
@SNPower7 2 месяца назад
لا أستطيع أن أصدق أن التحول من لاجئ إلى مستعمر أمر غريب إلى هذا الحد
@HistoricalAnalysis12 2 месяца назад
You are talking about Palestinians?
@jeannedarc7533 2 месяца назад
​@@HistoricalAnalysis12 No, he is talking about Israelis.
@vladimirioffe4237 2 месяца назад
@@jeannedarc7533No, he is just talking…
@hhhaa111 2 месяца назад
@hhhaa111 2 месяца назад
مع الأسف جاءوا من أوربا واحتلوا فلسطين
@amirhidic165 26 дней назад
Why didn't you start from 1947 how did Palestine given by UK and America
@bernard33 13 дней назад
There was no Palestine even from the beginning. The Jews came back to reclaim the land of their ancestors
@phoenixrising8062 13 дней назад
Actually it was the League of Nations (Precursor to UN) who gave Britain the Palestine Mandate to administer the region after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It was then agreed under the Belfour Declaration that the Jews be given back their original home land after their forced exodus by the Roman Empire through to the Islamic Conquests. No matter how much Palestinians and Muslim Arabs try to hide it. Roman history proves the region had three Jewish Kingdoms under the Herodian tetrarchy; Idumaea, Judea and Samaria. After the Jewish revolts around 10 BCE. Rome punished the Jews by renaming the region Syria Palestinae to eradicate the recognition of Judea which translates to 'Land of the Jews' effectively taking away the existence of the Jewish homeland. Arabs only entered and dominated the region during the the Islamic Conquest from 622 CE+. It was agreed after the holocaust and the fall of the Ottoman Empire that the land be given back to it's historical indigenous people, the Jews, so they can reform their original state, this is known as Zionism. They were given a small portion of Palestine region, but the Palestinian Arabs and neighbouring Arab countries have consistently attempted to destroy and genocide the Jews. What many Muslims can't accept is that Israel fought back and crushed the Arab aggressors every time. They Israeli's captured more land and kept it. If the Arabs didn't pull that shit Israel would not have the land they have now and would be a small state. The Arabs reaped what they had sown.
@user-ov3uc1fw4c 12 дней назад
​@@bernard33Falso!!! Palestina era todo ese territorio con pocos judios. Como eran rechazados en otros lugares el Reino Unido decidio' que llegaran a tomar terrenos y expulsar a sus antiguos dueños los palestinos.Los sacaron de sus casas de la noche a la mañana, si no los matarian y ellos huyeron...A Chile llegaron miles de palestinos.Mi abuelo materno trabajo' con una familia palestina comerciante y conozco su historia ...Los judios sionistas existen en esa zona , porque USA los mantiene econo'micamente.Son un enclave para el control del medio oriente que tiene petro'leo .. .
@amirhidic165 12 дней назад
@bernard33 Palestine was always there but Israel didn't exist on the map until 1947 when the west gave ot ti the jews and by the way can the Indian natives come claim America ?
@phoenixrising8062 12 дней назад
@@amirhidic165 Palestine as a collective region has existed from the administrative name Syria Palestinae when it was named by Rome after the conquest of the Herod Tetrarchy made up of three Jewish Kingdoms. 600 years before the Islamic conquest.s It's never existed as country or state until 1974. After the formation of the state of Israel in 1948...nice try. Both states came into existence after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the League of Nations gave the administration of the region to Britain. With the endorsement of the League of Nations under the Balfour Declaration the region was to be divided up between the Jews and Arabs who helped the Allies with the collapse of the Ottomans. Stop lying.
@marialuciadeoliveiraabreu4189 18 дней назад
Quem fez esse documentário, precisa urgentemente de aulas de história de quem realmente conhece e sabe do que está falando!! O prof. Rodrigo Silva dá um banho de conhecimento. Fica a dica 😉
@jaquelinesantos1157 17 дней назад
Rodrigo Silva além de ser sionista é maçom
@freluquetkick 2 месяца назад
The Palestinians never wanted to share this territory. 2000 years of wandering for the Jews who finally found a place to live. If the Palestinians had been less selfish, we would not be here today. Les palestiniens n'ont jamais voulu partager ce territoire. 2000 ans d'érance pour les juifs qui retrouvent enfin un endroit pour vivre. Si les palestiniens avaient été moins égoiste, on n'en serait pas là aujourd'hui.
@tonysnow759 2 месяца назад
This is one of the best documentaries I’ve seen on Palestine/Zionist conflict
@familiaemquestao3663 19 дней назад
@thoughtpolice9847 20 дней назад
Is there a version of this for adults that doesn't have things blurred out?
@jamesalexander3530 20 дней назад
Crazy isn't it? Hell, they even blur kids faces in some videos. Way too much censorship if you think about it
@thoughtpolice9847 20 дней назад
@@jamesalexander3530 yea it's nuts.. recently I watched a WW2 doc where they were talking about Nazis and what they did with "low IQ"/mentally ill people.. they blurred out those people.. and it wasn't in a situation where anything bad was happening to them .. they were in an asylum or whatever.. So they literally invalidated their existence like Hitler would have by blurring them out. Like.. really think about that. Yikes.
@thoughtpolice9847 14 дней назад
@@jamesalexander3530 wow I came back to look and sure enough they censored my reply.. I'll see if I can sneak it thru better.. I watched a ww2 doc that was talking about how a certain German leader put mental patients into other facilities.. They blurred out those people. Basically invalidating the people in a way that the certain German leader would. Really think about that... and good grief this is getting really bad. Yikes.
@thoughtpolice9847 14 дней назад
@@jamesalexander3530 they are blocking me from replying to you
@szimultan00 22 дня назад
It have to discuss on religion level too. Ecumenical conference required to talk about the understanding and forgiveness. Christian,muslim, jewish participants with. They can also be Buddhist, Taoist, and Shinto observers.
@letstalk458 2 месяца назад
The narrator said Jews finally got thier country in their ancestor's land. But what how can you validate the claim of ancestry? Jews call it their ancestor's land acording to their religious books right? So if someone can claim a big piece of land becoz their religious books say it belongs to them then there are so many religions around the world and everybody will start to claim lands here and there acording to their religious books.
@incikjaykee1569 2 месяца назад
@Funkywallot 2 месяца назад
Its a problem when Islam (invented 1500 years AFTER) Judaism claims Jerusalem as the third most holy place for Islam. Now, how did that come about ? Of course they made some adjustments in the war instruction manual : The holy Q´ran. Do you follow ?
@jeannedarc7533 2 месяца назад
​@@Funkywallot And it's a problem when modern-day Palestinians share a strong genetic link with the ancient Canaanites who were there before the Jews.
@Funkywallot 2 месяца назад
@@jeannedarc7533 ??? Caanans are from the same semitic famlily as jews and arabs. How does that change anything ? The so called "palestinians" are not linked to only to the caanans, that would be balony. Of course they would have been mixed with dozens of different empire rulers societys throughout a 4000 year old history. So, Its not a problem. Its a problem to those who thinks that Palestinians are pure blood tribes . Echoing H...itler
@drugoviic 2 месяца назад
read history, jews are natively from the land of israel
@henrysantos7160 2 месяца назад
Amazing documentary very well done.
@lun71x 7 дней назад
The better our technology becomes, the easier it is to fool ourselves as a species. I can at least appreciate that you guys are putting a lot more effort into these things than in previous months. What most people seem to forget is, that before 2024 there was the 2000s, and the 90s and the 80s and the 70s and 60s. And in those times there were a few things that you people don’t seem to be aware of, such as books, news papers, and more importantly people. People that actually lived through those times you guys are showing in this footage whilst narrating your own spin on things. It’s very simple to change an entire story by leaving out small crucial bits of information like who really started the war, or the Balfour agreement, or where the term “Palestine” comes from and when it actually originated. Anyway. Great footage. However you could put this entire narration over a cartoon like 101 Dalmatians and get the same result! Good job guys! Stay dumb!
@queliazevedo4549 14 дней назад
Os judeus sempre perseguidos, assassinados e feridos são vítimas e não vilões. Esse povo tem sorte pela ética de Israel e pelo nosso Deus ser tão misericordioso. Que Deus faça a justiça merecida
@CrunchyDark 2 месяца назад
Free humanity, from religions!
@zjeee 2 месяца назад
Or we could allow people to choose freely what they want to believe. Just a thought.
@MichaelSharpBLACKDRUMMIKE 2 месяца назад
Religion is ignorant.
@jamesb.9155 2 месяца назад
Ok but what about Israel and the people there who seek to live their life according to their religious principles and practices. Do they get a nod or need to get your permission or something? Shalom Aleichem.
@glane3962 2 месяца назад
@@MichaelSharpBLACKDRUMMIKEYou should Arheism. Phew 😮‍💨😅
@SupriYati-tn5hc 2 месяца назад
Israel palestinian conflic its not about religion bro. Wake up
@renubhagat8396 2 месяца назад
The kids as army, power in wrong hands is dangerous
@a.brucemcdonald9038 17 дней назад
Is this made by AI? What’s up with sone of the wording and pronunciation?
@sonylixcanales1247 9 дней назад
Me gustó mucho este documental, ya que ciertos casos, que salen y se hablan, yo no las conocía, para mi es muy importante, estar al tanto de lo que sucede en Israel y con los palestinos, pues, aunque halla estado en varias ocaciones, en Israel y Palestina, no comprendía ciertos enfrentamientos, aunque me hubiera gustado que se hablara, de asi como vivieron en Jordania, pero luego los sacaron a todos, también en Egypt y los sacaron, en Libano y paso lo mismo, porqué Arabia o katar que tanto los ayuda, les da unas tierras ya que tienen tantos desiertos, ya que en Israel es tan pequeño, gracias por toda la información.
@danyrios7408 25 дней назад
Que el DIOS de Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David y Moisés PROTEJA, GUARDE Y CUIDE POR SIEMPRE A ISRAEL, RELOJ DE DIOS 🇮🇱🙏🙌🙇🇮🇱
@BasilioAlbertoPatricio 20 дней назад
@isabelnavarroturizo4630 16 дней назад
Y que piensas del robo de tierras, la masacre de niños
@crissilveira6771 15 дней назад
Deus enviou seu filho Jesus Cristo para transformar a Lei.
@joskorogosic8188 2 месяца назад
@rshs5942 2 месяца назад
Actually not the Islam that hate Jews or Muslims do, but god showed in the Koran their features as they betrayed him many times and never obeied him or a Prophet.
@tommythecat4961 24 дня назад
Thankfully in the end they talked it out, and today Israel and Palestine live together side by side!
@user-qn8ob5xo1m 10 дней назад
@margaritavaliente7386 27 дней назад
Por suerte, mi país Paraguay, dió el voto !!!!!!!!Asi, hoy el gran país, Estado Soberano de Israel, da cátedra al mundo, cómo se lucha , en defensa de l país!!!! Cómo se prospera!!!!! Cómo se alaba a Dios!!!!! Cómo Dios protege a Su Puebo escogido!!!!!!!!!!!Viva Israel!!!!!!!.
@sheri-lz5jk 7 дней назад
@danyrios7408 26 дней назад
Desde la antigüedad, DIOS mismo le dió a ISRAEL TODO el territorio de CANAÁN. ¿¿Y QUIÉN PODRÁ CONTRA ÉL?? NADIE!! Y así mismo ningún imperio PREVALECIÓ, SÓLO su pueblo elegido: ISRAEL, RELOJ DE DIOS, para éstos últimos tiempos.
@MrMultiescriba 20 дней назад
Great French reporters. Thank you.
@raquelguerrero3494 9 дней назад
Muy buen documental, que refleja lo complejo del conflicto árabe Israelí.
@PrabatiSango143 2 месяца назад
Hii iam odisha kn kn kn odisha cement kora 0:10
@zuboy4272 2 месяца назад
not again
@schopan72 21 день назад
Apoyo a Israel y su anhelo de conformar una nación, en medio de tantas autocracias islamistas
@marigarciagarcia5305 9 дней назад
Una cosa es segura, mientras haya fanatismo, NUNCA llegará la paz en esos lugares 😢
@marcomendoza159 День назад
Espectacular DOCUMENTAL.
@michaelw2288 2 месяца назад
Why didnt Palestinians declare a State of Palestine in 1948 with Jerusalem as their capital city?. In their 1964 National Charter article 24 states: "This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area."
@GARINHAZOREA1 2 месяца назад
I am asking myself this as well lately. Why didnt they also declare a state... i think its because they were unorganized and not really a people. every arab here understood there was no ambition to be a state and it was obvious they would merge into the other arab territories after Israel was destroyed.
@drake3116 2 месяца назад
​@@GARINHAZOREA1nah. They didnt declare it, because they thought they'll win next war, get jews out, take israel and use its status just renaming it.
@bsahmed1 2 месяца назад
Thanks to social media and spread of information, with a couple of clicks and with courage and human decency, the truth shines for every seeker to recognize. Plan Dalet is a good way to start your search. It details the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages and towns from their inhabitants. Search Dier Yassin, Tantura, Ramla, Lidd or Lydda and hundreds of other massacres committed by Zionist Hagana, Irgun and Stern gangs in 1947-1948 under the eyes of the British authorities. Plan Dalet, the blueprint of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages and towns started in December 1947 and was FINALIZED by the High Command of the Zionist leadership on March 10, 1947. Not a SINGLE Arab army soldier had entered the Palestine/Israel before the Zionists declared the birth of their state on May 15, 1948. By then, more than 300000 defenseless civilians had already been massacred, expelled, raped, and mutilated and more than 300 villages and towns emptied, destroyed, torched, and imploded with dynamite under the watchful eyes of and with the support of the British soldiers and police, who left the country on the fateful day. The Zionists even ran out of dynamite because of the extent of their barbarity. By the end of that year, 20000 civilians had been butchered and 750000-900000 defenseless civilians, 85% of the population who had lived in the land that became Israel, had been rendered refugees. 530 villages were destroyed and sepopulated. Zionists criminals even murdered the Swedish diplomat Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN peace envoy in Sept 1948 because he was a witness to their crimes. He objected to the Zionist plan of ethnically cleansing Palestine of its native inhabitants. He, by the way, as the head of the Swedish Red Cross, had helped in the release of about 20000-30000 inmates from the Nazi concentration camps in Germany during WW2. Videos and resources you might find educational: Warning, they may be difficult to get because of censorship. Hundreds of books were written on the subject too. It is VERY easy to get informed. 1. 1948 Creation & Catastrophe (2017) 2. Gaza by Garry Keane & Andrew McConnell (2019) 3. Tantura (2022) 4. Gaza Fights for Freedom, a film by Abby Martin (2019) 5. The Iron Wall, a film by Mohammed Alatar (2006) 6. 5 Broken Cameras (2011) 7. Jenin Jenin (2002) 8. Born in Gaza (2014) 9. The Law in These Parts by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz & Liran Atzmor (2011) 10. Naila and the Uprising (2017) 11. To Shoot an Elephant by Alberto Arce and Mohammad Rujailahk (2009) 12. Mayor by David Osit (2022) 13. Slingshots Hip Hop (2008) 14. Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority (2006) 15. With God on Our Side (2010) 16. How the Palestinians Were Displaced in 1948 17.The Village Under the Forest (2013) 18. Roadmap to Apartheid (2012) 19. The sons of Eilaboun. 20. The massacre of Safsaf And how many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind Yes, and how many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? And how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind
@RuthAlvesReis 2 месяца назад
​@@GARINHAZOREA1 the so-called palestinians only have in mind the destruction of Jewish People as Iran, Lebanon, etc. They teach their children to HATE not to LOVE. There are good Arabs, for sure; but the majority of commun people don't have the intelligence nor the knowledge nir the discernment to fully know the Islamic mentality. They don't know what they are expressing, stupid and ignorant people. The evil 😈 minds and hearts of the Occidental countries are abnormal! And they call themselves educated and civilized! B.S. .. the UN incapable to pronounce HAMAS terrorists. When this abusers monsters terrorists start once again their attacks in the rest of the world, it will be too late. Those who are in favor of TERRORISTS would be the FIRST to experience the torture and abuses so they shut their mouth ONCE AND FOR ALL! GOD WILL HAVE NO MERCI ON THEM. THE WRATH IF THE ALMIGHTY SHALL BE UPON ALL NATIONS and those who speak UNTRUTHFULY. 🇮🇱🩵❤️🇦🇪
@Westgirl277 2 месяца назад
Same question
@richjacobs9736 2 месяца назад
Great video🎉 thanks
@annknapp1767 2 месяца назад
A jaundiced documentary, if ever there was one.
@Esthersolo256 Месяц назад
Une chose est sûre Même si Israël quittait le territoire et laissait les palestiniens seuls entre eux même sur le même territoire, ils vont se battre entre eux encore …
@marklumley619 2 месяца назад
When talking about the 1967 six day war, at 8:12 you said the Israelis attacked first. This is a blatant lie as it was the Egyptians who attacked first from the Sinai Peninsula. Already at this point I’m seeing a Palestinian bias as your map of Israel didn’t show the changes to territory. You showed the present map for 1948 rather than the true map of the time. Also you casually mentioned that the Jordanians had annexed the West Bank but didn’t really expound on that. It’s crazy how the Palestinians didn’t care when Jordan annexed so called Palestinian land but certainly upset when after a war Israel took land as a spoil of war.
@incikjaykee1569 2 месяца назад
Not one believe you anymore.. keep try
@user-wn6lj5re6o 2 месяца назад
You live in some kind of imaginary world. Egypt attacked???? Are you out of your mind? And what do you care about Jordan? How does this relate to the military occupation of the West Bank by Israel, an apartheid state?
@DAPS-bl7ez 2 месяца назад
Absolutely correct.
@DAPS-bl7ez 2 месяца назад
@@user-wn6lj5re6o No, it has never been an 'apartheid' state. Perhaps you should learn what the word means.
@jeannedarc7533 2 месяца назад
​@@DAPS-bl7ez Human rights organisations would like to disagree with you. And don't tell me Arabs had equal rights because I can make a similar argument for Nazi Germany. Stop relying on logical fallacies.
@olgabarquero143 16 дней назад
Exelente documental aclara lo que aqui muchos latinoamericanos no sabíamos por ejemplo yo ,ha de ser muy triste que te saquen dd tu tierra como les pasó a los palestinos pero si como dice la historia antes fué de los israelíes entonces es algo sin fin ambas naciones gritan a voces que es de ellas 😢😢
@dragonquest1991 28 дней назад
Documentaire expéditif. On ne sait pas comment les juifs ont obtenu Israel, en deux second ils se retrouve en pleine guerre avec des avions de chasse, des chars qui ont été créée comme par magie. bref pleins de zones d'ombre qui rendent le doc incompréhensible et ne permet pas de mieux comprendre le sujet.
@BJ-lg5jx 2 месяца назад
In Jordan Palestine caused troubled and driven out, in Lebanon Palestine also bring chaos to Lebanon economy and peace..
@manueljose5644 Месяц назад
You mean Israel caused ans causes trouble...
@justiceriser8970 Месяц назад
Yet before isarel return the Palestinians were kind and hospitality people they took them in when most arab countries didn't want
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