
Leaving the Homosexual Lifestyle w/ Kim Zember | The Lila Rose Podcast E38 

Lila Rose
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@LilaRosePodcast Год назад
What are your thoughts on Kim’s story? Any other question I should ask next time? We will use them for when we have Kim out in studio next time!
@amberjulia123 Год назад
I want to know what she would say to someone who struggles with same sex attraction like herself (has absolutely zero sexual attraction to the opposite sex and never has), but ALSO has this deep profound longing to be a parent. I think she’s quite lucky in the sense that she has never wanted to be a mother and create a family. Her grief in her same sex attraction struggle has only been to the extent that she wants to be in love and have someone by her side. Even then, it sounds difficult…but so I can’t even begin to imagine the pain of someone who shares all of those same struggles AND longs to be a parent. What are their options? What is God’s path and purpose for them?
@carlos.sierra Год назад
I listened to her full interview on Matt Fradd’s channel. I’m glad she’s found her way back to Christ, like we all need to do. However, I find her terms confusing at times. For example, the distinction she makes between “love” and “fix.” It’s not entirely clear what Kim meant by wanting to be “loved” and not “fixed.” Or to have someone “sit” with her in her struggles. What does this mean? Obviously, as she said, she didn’t mean to have her sin “celebrated.” But I ask because charity necessarily requires to will the good of the other. Conforming yourself to Christ requires to repent *and* stop sinning, to take action. At which point does someone receive the truth? It sounds paradoxical but being told you’re in danger of going to hell is, at times, one of the most loving things someone can tell you. I’ve painfully had to do this a number of times in the last few years to sow the seed and, thankfully, God gave the increase and is bringing some of my family back into the Church. My point is that, nowadays, the pendulum has swung too far the other way and we prioritize emotions too much. However, we need to remember that human nature is fallen and must appeal to the intellect and will *first*, not the passions! The sin of pride is a pandemic and we need not be discouraged if not all men receive the Gospel: the path is indeed narrow. Kim’s ministry is unique and is needed to battle on the frontlines. So, perhaps her own approach is fit. However, for the rest, the battle begins with ourselves, our families, and communities.
@aadamy Год назад
Emotions need to be named and validated before the intellect can really process them. To sit with someone is sometimes just to literally sit with them so that our friend can feel their emotions in a safe place.
@dansaber5853 Год назад
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨
@emmadeemmut1352 Год назад
I wish she would have talked more about how specifically the lesbian relationships couldn’t fulfill her, what were they missing? The fact that they couldn’t be corrected, what does it do to a romantic relationship? I saw a lot of homosexual relationships devolve into chaotic situations. Mostly it seems that the people who engage in them are very broken inside. I wish she would have explored that more.
@natemarx4999 Год назад
When you seek God, peace and stability will find you.
@matthewsocoollike Год назад
That’s not true. Christians undergo the same physical and mental issues that atheists do
@dylanvisitacion8618 Год назад
Amen, Brother 👍
@janoycresva276 9 месяцев назад
It’s sick it’s piss it’s revolting it’s insulting
@christophersecreto5686 Год назад
She mentioned she did your show on Matt Fradd. So I waited patiently with anticipation. This is going to be such an edifying podcast.
@emmadeemmut1352 Год назад
Hehe I paused that podcast to watch this instead. 😂
@MrWolfy08 Год назад
When you will invite destiny?
@amandadangerfieldpiano Месяц назад
RU-vid: she said that she did NOT go through conversion therapy.
@fideiwithanthonyfeola7582 Год назад
I’m both appreciative and challenged by the emphasis on prayer in this discussion. Excellent interview. Thank you!
@JossueND Год назад
Amazing what both did here, such a powerful message that the world needs to listen to. I can see how much Kim has grown in faith so far; she's a brave woman called to sainthood, as we all are. The bits I heard about her story reminded me of my depression; I thought I was born with it, but I was internalizing beliefs that would become attached deep in my mind; now I know which they are, and I'm working on them... I'm not saying it is the same, but there are similarities. The conversation also reminded me of this quote by St. Ignatius of Loyola "It is not hard to obey when we love the one whom we obey."
@safiyahchowdhury4843 Год назад
Wow there's just so much catholic teachings have in common with Muslims- sanctity of marriage, role of Satan's deception, idolatry, oneness of God, the return of Jesus ( upon him be peace), and the signs for the end of times. Thank you to Kim for sharing her experience. Very brave and kind soul benefiting people of all different backgrounds.
@williamg7267 Год назад
I’m a gay male and didn’t choose to be gay. I was born this way. Got my straight friends, did you choose to be straight?
@perserverance333 Год назад
No but I choose my behaviors.
@dynamicalbee Год назад
Born this or that way?.. Possibly, yet, never conceive that way. Homosexuality for the most part is lack of a masculine role model. Also, due to an abusive household. Homosexuality is a distortion from the subconscious. Moreover, the reason its wrong simply because it's sterile.
@spliced7383 Год назад
⁠and that’s the gag. Forfeit your humanity for an ethereal purpose or deal with that card and build something good with it. People say “Jesus was celibate” Jesus died in his 30s sooo… not the best example for a life of celibacy and solitude.
@netha1671 Год назад
Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” 3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” 4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ John 3 v 1 - 7 NLT No one is denying that you were "born this way". All those of us who are born in the flesh are born into sin. That is why Jesus had to emphasize the need for us to be 'born again' in the Spirit. It is the Spirit the helps us to repent. And we only recieve the Spirit when we recieve salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. God bless❤
@matthewclark1857 Год назад
​@@perserverance333Ok so if in theory things were flipped, God was telling us that man lying with woman is an abomination instead, gay people tended to be more prudish, straight people tended to be degenerates, and you were still straight. Would you be like "Well it's gross, but morally I need to suck this dick!"
@youtubeKathy Год назад
I think this is what catholics and Christinas need to hear, it's so easy to be too dogmatic in our response, and not cater to the person inside who really just needs love. I think many of us have homosexual friends and family and now trans people in our lives and want to minister to them without pushing them farther away and alienating them further. How to let them know we want the best for them, but what they are doing is sinful at the same time.
@rebeca1982 Год назад
Catholics are the Christians
@Zerradable Год назад
Stop believing in imaginary entities.
@youtubeKathy Год назад
@@Zerradable but do you ever stop to think how absurd it is that someone told you we were just banged into existence? I didn’t think there’s any existential story a human could come up with that explains away the absurdity of why were here and how we got here. An intelligent creator actually seems the least absurd.
@Zerradable Год назад
@@youtubeKathy fair point. I'm agnostic, actually. I should have stated better: stop believing in religious dogmas. At all. Still, there is no problem in believing in its intrinsic values.
@youtubeKathy Год назад
@@Zerradable I have weight all the possibilities, is it true, is it not, is it a fairy tail. And I believe in it more strongly with each passing day.
my mind exploded when she changed the direction of the sentence: "he who loves me will keep my commandments"
@karinagbarros6301 Год назад
I really hope to see more videos with Kim! Love her ! Love you both ! ❤
@katieb3929 Год назад
Wow what an amazing interview. So much wisdom
@chocolateblended Год назад
When I tell you that, I learned so much! ❤❤❤ suuper grateful! It's like a christian sisterhood that we can get candid about how to navigate current wordly issues in a way that is pleasing to God. God bless you both for doing this & thank God also for this channel.
@seeder1252 Год назад
I often hear people say that people are not their experiences, so we should stop saying that person IS gay. and instead we should say that person experiences SSA. This is hard for me to understand because it seems ok to say they are hungry or they are tired ,but yet it would sound awkward to say they are experiencing hunger or I experience tiredness. Does anyone know what I am trying to say or can articulate it better?
@spliced7383 Год назад
I think it’s more so because “Gay” alludes to more than a livid experience as it pertains to where we stand in culture. Hunger is actively feeling a need to to eat. That person is hungry. Gay is a person attracted to the same sex. Is that person experiencing attraction in that very moment? Is that person actively seeking out someone of the same sex at this very moment? Is that person open to sexual exploration with anyone who happens to be of the same sex? No. But people think of it that way. Because there are no standards pertaining to a homosexual it’s a dichotomy of you’re either celibate or an archetype pursuing a lifestyle of hedonism. I feel that’s why it’s difficult for people to actively not see the label despite the person not being an archetype. A soldier, based off of the behavior, is a murderer under the context of the opponent but we clearly don’t see it that way. That person isn’t THAT experience that person is a soldier. I don’t interpret religion in the same way I’m not a religious ideologue, but despite that Why can’t that same grace with the soldier be extended to the homosexual pursuing the same end game that you are as a member of whatever religion you fall under. The soldier provided a net positive for society/community which is why he’s not a murderer. He provided security, nationalism, defense. The opponent see’s it differently. Do you feel because homosexuals provide no net positive, at least as it pertains to religion and the journey to the ethereal prize that is heaven, you feel no incentive to extend grace to them??
@perserverance333 Год назад
People are their experiences! There is no gay gene.
@spliced7383 Год назад
@@perserverance333 It’s more of an instinctual anomaly vs. gene. Proof?
@perserverance333 Год назад
​@@spliced7383sexual orientation is a combination of wanted or unwanted experiences, a fear of death, need for acceptance, and many other factors.
@spliced7383 Год назад
@@perserverance333 Biologically speaking people are born wired to instinctively coexist with an ideal partner. Men, biologically speaking, react instinctively to younger fertile woman prompting a protective, more guardian like behavioral response based off of evolution. For woman, a masculine man, who viscerally looks formidable both physically and fiscally, prompts a more nurturing behavioral response. Two things can be true at once, and science has put aside the “molestation as a child turning you gay” argument because it’s true. In order to relive their trauma, people pursue whats familiar and reflects the experience they’ve had as children. Some people are like that, but not all. An instinctual anomaly is just that, behavioral responses prompted by a stimuli that is not meant for that person. Gay men and females have the same behavioral response to an ideal partner and it has been visibly observed through brain scans. most homosexuals, both men and woman without history of abuse, cite a cognitive awareness with respect to how they approached play as a child. Boys wanting to tuck in their action figures despite not seeing that done around them, girls wanting to protect other girls from boys for absolutely no reason etc etc. These are oftentimes instinctual predecessors to the finding out who your attracted to during puberty. And this is the shared living experience that brings the “born this way” people together. As for why people come out this way, it’s still up in the air. Personally, I think it’s a hormonal thing prompted by a lot of issues in the womb. At least for those who just come out that way. But obviously you can’t be religious to see it that way and study it further, most religious ideologues will interpret instinct as an inclination to sin.
@amberjulia123 Год назад
22:17 (Identity Labels) 🏷️ I disagree with a LOT that she says here in order to explain why she doesn’t say she’s “gay” or “a lesbian”. Seems like a lot of mental hoops to jump through - which is usually a signal that there is something the person still hasn’t fully dealt with. By her definition of labels and being so anti-label…she wouldn’t be okay with a priest saying he’s “a priest”, or a mother saying she’s “a mother”. You don’t need to explain away ALL labels just so you can say that *certain* labels or “identities” probably aren’t the best idea to cling to. We definitely shouldn’t obsess over labels or define ourself solely through the labels that apply to us….but some labels are important to specify! I don’t want to walk into a doctor’s office and have my doctor tell me their NOT a doctor but a son of God. Okay….but I need to see a DOCTOR. Lol.
@carlos.sierra Год назад
Yes, my biggest critique with ministries like these is all of the complex semantics. My intuition is that it is all done to 100% avoid any emotional hurt, which is unrealistic. People will always be 1) offended or 2) humble when confronted with their sin.
@perserverance333 Год назад
@123. She doesn't mean literally one cannot have a label, like doctor, or teacher. But those labels are not one's identity. Her point is that each person ultimately has one PRIMARY label or identity: son or daughter of God. That label comes first and actually is THE ONLY label that can/does define us, who we REALLY ARE. Saying I'm a doctor or a nurse or a teacher does not define who we REALLY are, it's just a temporary, earthly label which defines a role or a job or a sexual orientation. Son or daughter of GOD is much, much more than that; a covenant with God, a personal relationship with GOD.
@amberjulia123 Год назад
@@perserverance333 yeah except she literally said that when people have said “You’re a missionary in Ethiopia, right?” or “You’re an author now right?” - she will literally “correct” them and get into a weird circular and confusing argument about how she is NOT those things….even though, in context to their conversation…YES she is. I can’t imagine how annoying that would be as the person just trying to have a relaxed conversation with her. She even gave an example of back when she had a girlfriend and was out on a date or double date with her and their friend mentioned that she was gay (bc for all intents and purposes…she WAS lol) and she denied it - with her girlfriend sitting right next to her. 🙄 Like…c’mon…someone who does crap like that must just like hearing the sound of their own voice or dealing with a lot of hidden shame or something. None of these people were trying to create an identity for her around these labels…all her examples just sounded like normal mundane conversation.
@amberjulia123 Год назад
@@carlos.sierra yes…it seems like she wants people to distance themselves from the label/identity of being “gay” (which I understand) but she thinks the only way to successfully do that is to dismantle and do away with ALL labels - to the extent that she’s creating unnecessary arguments with acquaintances during casual conversation when they are asking about her job or her work. It just makes the whole thing seem really petty.
@perserverance333 Год назад
​​​​​@@amberjulia123 Sexual orientation is not an identity, it's just an orientation. Everyone nowadays thinks they get an identity based on preference, it's a joke. You can have all the labels you want, but they have nothing to do with true identity, son or daughter of God. We all have ONE identity, not many, and that's her point. She didn't deny her sexual preference, she refused to make that her identity and she is correct.
@emmafarrell700 Год назад
22:22-27:00 mark is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Wow.
@EllenJohn4 Месяц назад
Thanks for getting these stories out. Truth that God can heal our deep wounds and set us free to do His will which is beautiful.
@DeadmanDave Год назад
I've never been gay, but for a lot of years, I used to think there was nothing wrong with it. But now I know that God really does frown on same-sex relationships. About time, right?
@thenetnet5556 8 месяцев назад
Love the message on identity... a beloved daughter of God.
@sunniharrison9639 Год назад
So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
@jonathanlall Год назад
Lila Rose, your content is incredible. Thank you for the incredible work! God bless you
@Martin-qm2lg Год назад
Thank you for sharing this great discussion that is a radical alternative to anything out there, God’s love!
@thesaltypepper.7748 Год назад
This was awesome sounds a lot like the thoughts of Mrs. Butterfield. This convo was great!
@demarcoogletree Год назад
I appreciate her realness and humility !!! I just wish more people just understand 🏳️‍🌈 more ! Someone who is same sex attraction , I never felt a belonging in that community or straight never felt content or felt at ease! That longing that I needed was satisfied with Jesus . Everyday is always great … But getting to know God more through his Son ( Jesus ) helps me to love God the more . We all are broken people and need of a savior. God so loved the world ….that He gave his only beloved son. It was love to save us it will be love to sustain us, love to forgive us , love to set us free and love to bring us home in glory . Jesus give us a heart after you
@jamesg3808 Месяц назад
Do you plan on marrying a woman someday? (assuming you aren't already)
@risanaomi4958 8 месяцев назад
13:00 this is important. I’ve seen many same sex cases that arise from various forms of disconnection of aspects of the psyche. The libido often is projected onto that which we are trying to integrate. Sex dreams often point to things the psyche is trying to integrate and merge with. The speakers point about mother abandonment is absolutely connected to the core of the attempt of the libido to merge with an aspect of the feminine.
@tofujelly Год назад
Society has eroticized everything.
@JaiMaaAnandamayee Год назад
Kim is amazing!!!❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨
@Amelia-mw5iw Год назад
I met Kim on a retreat she was a wonderful kind inspiring person. She also beat me at volley ball amazing seeing her here ❤😊
@amandadangerfieldpiano Месяц назад
5:58 exactly!
@teejay9395 Год назад
Oh my. I’m only ten minutes in and this woman is 90% my story. I’ve never heard it verbalized before 🥲
@buffalobrad4964 Год назад
This guest is great.
@erikt1713 Месяц назад
I'm trying to get the Wikipedia article about Lila Rose to acknowledge all of her 3 children rather than currently only her first child. "The encyclopedia anyone can edit" is making this strangely difficult. If anyone has an external reference which officially confirms the 3 children I would be grateful. (Note this cannot be her own Twitter or RU-vid video as this got refused already as lacking independence). There is of course one more child "in heaven", but let's not make it too difficult for Wikipedia.
@ExtremePacifist Год назад
Christians should research and read these two Christian counselors who are getting banned on all media outlets. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Jr. is the founder of the Reintegrative Therapy Association. Andrew Rodriguez is a licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania. He's the director of Integrity Christian Counseling and the creator of the RU-vid channel PsychoBible, in which he discusses psychology, theology, and sexuality. He's a certified Reintegrative Therapist.
@LilaRosePodcast Год назад
Thank you! I’ve been reading Dr. Nicolosi - very compelling work!
@ExtremePacifist Год назад
@@LilaRosePodcast I encourage you to stay strong in the faith and remember the enemy has a target in you because of your large exposure to reach many people, so pray before you engage with those people, like destiny, who is a professional debater and very skilled at disabling any opponent, and uses every tactic to throw you off the point and issue. Stay focused on the issues of Jesus , especially pro life and sexual identity and behaviors that go against Jesus and His commands and teachings. Stay strong in the Faith and stay blessed, in the mighty and wonderful name of Christ Jesus we pray; Amen, Hallelujah, Peace, and Maranatha.
@golgibella Год назад
I repent. For me, my husband, my city, my state, my nation, my continent: St Raphael the archangel please bind the demon asmodeus and demons who attack healthy and holy relationships, send them to Jesus for immediate sentencing for the glory of God. AMEN❤
@krisyallowega5487 Год назад
As a Christian I cannot hate nor affirm anyone in the LGBTQ+ "community." The Bible tells us so. Nor can we change the meanings of Scripture to accommodate those that need or want the Holy Spirit. I think of 1 John 2:15-17, "Do not love the World or the things in the World. For those that love the world, the love of the Father is not in them. 16 For all that is in the world, the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes and the pride of life is not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world is passing away with it's desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
@missiontripHEART Год назад
Thank you🙏💞🕊
@CarolineOwens-s1h Месяц назад
The woman at the well wasn’t met in her sin she was met with a drink of water . Something so human. Because things where Christ meets us before he brings us out of our sin.
@dylanvisitacion8618 Год назад
Thank you, Neighbor 👍
@perserverance333 Год назад
We don't actually need to be loved by others. Ultimately we will discover in the illumination of conscience that we need to acquire a holy hatred of self, and love creatures because God requires it, not because creatures are loveable or worthy of love, for only God is worthy of love because He IS love and the creator of all that is good. God doesn't need us, or our love, however, we need him in order to exist. Therefore he loves us out of charity, because we could never do anything to deserve His love, wretched as we are. We love him out of necessity in order to gain life everlasting, and we should only love creatures in as much as God requires it for their salvation as he commanded. Read The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena.
@matthewashman1406 6 месяцев назад
Soo as a parent you don't owe love to a child? The scripture say " owe no man anything except the debt of love'. I think your take on it is very idealistic.
@rpstevo8965 9 месяцев назад
Something’s off. You’re claiming deliverance but your look and mannerisms are as a lesbian. At the end of the day one should strive to be made whole. Kim’s testimony “could”be uplifting however dangerous. Paul infers that the lifestyle of a single person is NOT for most. If one has an unnatural desire for the opposite sex YOU NEED TO BE DELIVERED. Unless you have the gift of self control. Paul did not say “unless you have God’s love” or spirit or anything else.Sexual desires and fulfillment is sanctioned only within the confines of marriage. Any other fulfillment methods puts you in the wrong and your testimony false. My advice, find a husband IF you know you don’t have the Gift of Self-Control. 1 Corinthians 7-9. Firstly because you need a covering and secondly to avoid rebellion.
@matthewashman1406 6 месяцев назад
@golgibella Год назад
For me, my family, and the whole world: most precious blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world.❤ Amen.
@karinagbarros6301 Год назад
This is amazing !
@anabsanchez14 Год назад
i wish i could like this video x1000 times!!!!!!
@JoseVelazquez-mi3pg Год назад
Not human opinions god hates homosexuality and is very clear about it Levitical 18:22, 20:13 , Romans 1 26 27 , 1 Corinthians 6
@mr.centrist5789 Год назад
Why would you use Leviticus when that also has commandments that Christians do not follow. How Hypocritical!!
@mason4966 3 месяца назад
Bible was written by man. Not God.
@cargopilotguy305 Год назад
This lady seems to have been monstrously cruel. It’s really unbelievable Damn I feel so sorry for her ex husband. To be cheated on and then to be faced with the reality that your wife, who you love and desire, has never loved you the way a wife loves a husband, never desired you. God bless him. That’s a nightmare
@Zerradable Год назад
@cargopilotguy305 Год назад
@@Zerradable this lady is evil
@stjoelawyer Год назад
@@cargopilotguy305 No she is an imperfect child of GOD seeking his love and living a Catholic life despite SSA
@cargopilotguy305 Год назад
@@stjoelawyer her actions are objectively evil and she glosses over that fact in such a way that betrays her lack of contrition
@CarolineOwens-s1h Месяц назад
@@cargopilotguy305I’m glad you know her heart. I pray no one looks at your sins like you do hers, which have been forgiven by God and He doesn’t remember them.
@gaia-papaya8772 Год назад
Wasn’t this the woman that was rooting hard for Trump?
@milanka882 8 месяцев назад
So what if she was? I don't care much for Trump myself, but just because somebody is rooting for a political figure that you may not necessarily like or agree with it doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. Likewise, just because somebody may be rooting for a politician that you like or agree with doesn't necessarily make them a good person either.
@Maksie0 4 месяца назад
@@milanka882 How doesn't it? Isn't endorsing a politician an expression of someone's beliefs, and can't those beliefs make someone a bad person?
@danhaycraft9321 Год назад
Wow, this was a very interesting interview, very comprehensive. Helps that Lila is beyond gorgeous too hahaha
@lizr6313 Год назад
Lila pls stop making sounds into the mike while the other person's speaking. Its distracting!
@clammyjones 7 месяцев назад
This is absolutely disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself, Lila. Kim, I am really sad for you.
@jonboatwright7777 Год назад
❤ Kim!
@BuzzFriendly Год назад
One wrong RU-vid click and I end up in this alternative reality hell. Exiting post-haste!!!!!
@wudly9195 Год назад
God still loves you
@JohnSmith-fu2df Год назад
@@wudly9195 God loves truly good people that accept EVERYONE and let people make their own choices including abortion. God does not love lila rose and kristen stewart.
@RomanDiaries Год назад
@@JohnSmith-fu2df Which God are you talking about here?
@inmyhead6206 Год назад
@Maksie0 4 месяца назад
I feel sorry for self-loathing gay people. But when they actively try to spread that loathing to others, well, let's just say my opinion becomes less empathetic.
@imeprezime1285 Год назад
I think you look great in a bathing suit
@doku0074 6 месяцев назад
This was going good in till you got on the anti marriage part not biblical at all. I say this as a Christian for 3 decades for women the easiest way to heaven is marriage but , when you look into the Hebrew word for virgin it means young women so if not young that not even option.The only other way is to be part of a ministry like a nun or volunteer.
@michellemailloux2483 Год назад
Lila - sin is not sin when speaking about sex outside of marriage. Acting out sodomitically, as the Catholic Church teaches, "Cries out to Heaven for Vengeance". There are 4 sins that cry out to Heaven for Vengeance and the behaviour of sodomoy is one of them. Great interview otherwise!
@youtubeKathy Год назад
what does this mean? are there biblical references?
@gerardoramirez115 Год назад
I'm sorry, but are you saying that premarital and extramarital sex is not a sin?
@michellemailloux2483 Год назад
@@gerardoramirez115 No.
@gerardoramirez115 Год назад
@@michellemailloux2483 no what? No it's not a sin or no that's not what you're saying?
Freedom After a Homosexual Lifestyle w/ Kim Zember
How to Love LGBTQ Kids: A Discussion with Jim Domen
Same-Sex Attraction & Finding God w/ Kim Zember
Leaving an LGBTQ Identity for Christ | Kim Zember
Lauren Southern: The Internet Breeds Dangerous Ideologies