
Matt Walsh shouldn't talk about anime (or gaming) 

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24 июл 2024




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@animeproblem1070 4 месяца назад
This is why i repsect C. S. Lewis so much because of his famous quote "When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." C. S. Lewis was a very dedicated Christian whose greatest joy in life was childrens fairy tales and this was a man who fought in WW1.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
Also worth stressing that anyone thinking 1 Corinthians 13:11 contradicts Lewis, needs to actually read the entire chapter.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much! And yes, was discussing the Corinthians verse v the CS Lewis quote on X yesterday, funnily enough.
@animeproblem1070 4 месяца назад
@@NatalieXHunter C. S. Lewis is very much the opposite of the Matt Walsh's of the world he held no derision for the things that brought joy to children and loved to partake and share them as an adult he laughed directly in the face of the people who mocked him for enjoying the whimsy of children's stories.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
@@NatalieXHunter I feel like I should give a little more context then. C.S. Lewis and Tolkein were friends, and Tolkein effectively convinced Lewis to shift from an Atheist to Christian perspective based on the works of GK Chesterton. While Lewis is known for his Narnia-related literature, his Theological literature alongside GK Chesterton's is very highly respected. Examples of that are things like The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and Mere Christianity. Alongside that it's perhaps worth stressing that one of the big points in the Gospels is that Jesus did not go to the Pharisees and the Rabbis, venerate them, and proverbially lord it over the unwashed masses. And I suppose I should leave it at that for now.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
@@NatalieXHunter If you're curious... Razorfist [channel name: The Rageaholic] has dropped his video on the topic, which speaks more to what I understand as the US Ideological Right's perspective on the situation, and their dis-satisfaction with the NeoCon faction that Matt Walsh represents. It's worth highlighting that Razorfist was active when the original went down.
@albertko1 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh has a right to talk about anything he wants... but we shouldn't need to listen. You don't need to listen to idiots.
@aw2031zap 4 месяца назад
he doesn't have a right to have a megaphone on twitter, it's ridiculous twitter has just become a reactionary megaphone since elon bought it
@neutronshiva2498 4 месяца назад
@@aw2031zap Was it better as magaphone for far-left lunatics?
@slushisimcambi2521 4 месяца назад
Idk why Matt Walsh has anime in his sights. It’s a popular form of media that is almost completely devoid of “woke ideology”, many anime have downright traditional quasi-conservative values. You’d think he would be chill about anime.
@snintendog 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh is well known to be a leftist in disguise he praises all of their talking points with one or two conservative points given to make him look "moderate" took a week after "What is a woman?" came out for 99% of the people drawn to it to notice his grift.
@aw2031zap 4 месяца назад
Anime is plenty "woke", it has girls kissing and boys flirting all the time; it is incredibly "woke". You just don't understand that modern Trump conservatives are like your 95 yo grandma at this point who are terrified of anything that isn't 1000% "het" and are devoted to anything a ditz at Fox News yells enough into their television
@no-cq7xd 4 месяца назад
matt walsh would watch one piece and side with the marines
@ciontachthecthonicchampion3576 4 месяца назад
Not the first time these conservatives have gone after video games and anime. Trump did too. The conservatives are the original moral busybodies never forget.
@thant0s 4 месяца назад
(EDIT: Just wanted to clarify I don't have beef with religious types of any kind, just the exceptions that make complete jerks of themselves; that's entirely separate from faith, though faith can be a convenient excuse for it for some jerks.) Very old school conservatism, very easily seen with some older Baptist Christians for us Americans, express a LOT of xenophobia, of aggressive defense against "the outside", "the other". Conveniently this all encompassing "other" produces useful effigies to burn to prove a particular point or hammer home a proverb (even if often it's not accurate). JP culture and sensibilities and by extension anime are sufficiently "other" to already be valid targets for fundamentalists, but then you throw in the wild card of "anime" being tarred with the hentai and ecchi brush across the board simply because it's in the same visual style. All it takes is for someone like Walsh or an (understandably) uninformed elderly person to be shown a supercut of hyper-ecchi / borderline hentai content to immediately swear off anime as a whole and berate their family for tolerating it at all.
@sangheiliwarrior86 4 месяца назад
At least Matt Walsh has literally no power when it comes to changing the culture around anime and vidyaa games.
@aw2031zap 4 месяца назад
For someone that has "no power" he sure has caused several deaths of people through stochastic terrorism and helped spread an antivaxx ideology that has hurt countless people. Don't underestimate the effect Elon has by giving people like Matt a huge audience "for free" Because of Walsh, there are numerous people happily spouting racist backward garbage.
@kylewilson9260 4 месяца назад
Oh god... he's younger than me, too... Well, that's enough life for one day, I think. Gonna have myself an existential crisis in the corner and think about all my regrets.
@Chingaez 4 месяца назад
Really, if anything, folks like Walsh should REALLY need to control the one thing called, oh I dunno, _ego_ ?
@VulpisLarvalis 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh shouldn't talk about anything period.
@chack321 4 месяца назад
I'm just waiting for Matt Walsh to explain to me, with examples, the "satanic" aspects of K-On.
@NakanoMiku-chan-z2m 4 месяца назад
well you see Lucifer was the angel of music & since they do not sing gospel that is bad or something something
@Ryuseishun 4 месяца назад
I dislike people like Matt Walsh because they always try to act like intellectual professionals especially when they spout baseless nonsense like that.
@captainexe74857 4 месяца назад
It's great to have you back making videos again, Natalie X Hunter.
@astreakaito5625 4 месяца назад
Typical case of "ok boomer" but a lot of people basically hold his opinion.
@MrLurch133 4 месяца назад
"The horror when I found out he is younger than me" I laughed at the self own
@senatorarmstrong4662 4 месяца назад
Funny cause the stuff he says about anime and video games is the same thing my dad used to hear from his parents when they saw him and my grandpa playing in arcades on weekends back in the '90s.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
The Tipper Gore [D] position of the early 90s was so unpopular by the 00s when Jack Thompson [I] tried to court Senator Hillary Clinton [D] for what amounted to a reaffirmation of Tipper Gore's agenda against just videogames, Senator Clinton paused and thought better of it. Mind in turn that Tipper Gore's window of relevance was enabled by the Crime Wave of the 1980s that is commonly attributed to a shifting in the patterns of how Gangs operated due to the introduction of Crack, with said Crime Wave ending for various reasons by the mid-1990s. Although the Gang issues continue to be the major source of criminal violence in the US. The "Otakus are Gross" position is semi-common. Messing around with people's Entertainment, not so much.
@animan-ti7qt 3 месяца назад
They honestly should. We're not talking about health effects on healthy individuals but the huge majority of below average individuals who are young and susceptible undeniably to the negative side of anime
@pizzapicante27 4 месяца назад
It feels like Im back in the 90s here in Mexico with concerned catholic mothers telling children that DBZ is demonic and that Pokemon causes children to have demonic visions.
@ausername8699 4 месяца назад
Same here with evangelical protestants here in the U.S.
@lordilluminati5836 4 месяца назад
My mom banned anime in my house over it
@BenjiPOTF 3 месяца назад
Don't forget rock music is satanic, that's the junk my parents used to tell me In the 80s.
@thant0s 4 месяца назад
I have a great deal of admiration and appreciation for genuine men that step up to their obligations, knuckle down and get real work done, build themselves and their families and uncompromisingly put their foot down with respect to genuine evil. What I don't appreciate is unearned arrogance and pride preventing someone from ceding when a difference of opinion, lifestyle, hobby, what have you, at its core of what it provides, is NOT intrinsically harmful, much less evil, anymore than one's own are, provided both parties are capable of exercising control and restraint, for themselves and for whatever children may be in their family that they are responsible for who engage in those hobbies. It isn't the industry, nor the community at large, that is in any way responsible for your individual usage, MUCH LESS what usage you permit your own children to partake in, and I've been beyond sick and tired of hovering surrogate parental figures taking it upon themselves to be the world's nanny. Every bloody decade has had needling dirtbags like this who believe they know best how other people should handle themselves and their families while two-facedly behaving like utter children towards those who have a difference of opinion.
@carlix0757 4 месяца назад
Holy man, beautiful comment
@AtelierGod 4 месяца назад
One could easily make the argument that sports is far more demonic than any game as it’s essentially simulated battle and injury is very easy to come across especially when a 100kg wall of muscles slams into you.
@KrissKingdom 4 месяца назад
Love these edited vids of stream Nat Keep them coming, hope youre doing well and sorry to hear about your Grandad!
@AtelierGod 4 месяца назад
The only demonic thing here is the mentality to think fiction is demonic.
@dannysmi7162 4 месяца назад
That’s true. I love video games and anime.
@thevillainousqueenofhearts4976 4 месяца назад
Nice Tifa cosplay
@frjoethesecond 4 месяца назад
I wasn't around in the 50s either, but one thing that stands out about it was that there was a sense that things were getting better. No matter how bad things were, you got the feeling that there was a brighter future around the corner. Technological progress felt like we were working towards utopia. Now it feels like the opposite in many cases. People didn't typically go around saying that they didn't want to have children because they feared for the future, for example.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
Mr. Popo is a Djinn which is an Arabic Mythological Creature that in simple terms is a Fire Spirit and are often depicted as Black associated with Fires producing Black Smoke. If it needs to be said the Arabs weren't looking at Sub-Saharan Africans and thinking they were Supernatural Fire Spirits. Hence Mr. Popo's Arabic style garb and pointy ears. To be fair Disney and the heavily localized Saban version of Dragonball both opted to make Djinn Blue, out of apparent concern over these kinds of antics...
@rockyjmoon3 4 месяца назад
Yeah. I was like “Of all the people talking about the situation, why the anime hating bigot of all people?”
@flavorgod 4 месяца назад
He has bad takes but he's not a bigot
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
Acknowledging I was born in the 80s as well. My understanding is the stereotypical Boys Game from the 50s to 60s time period was "Cowboys and Indians" where they would act out shooting each other and occasionally get into actual fights. So not really _that_ much different from the proverbial Quake Deathmatch beyond the computer is playing referee, and there's no opportunity for people to engage in actual violence if you're not even in the same room with them. If you've ever had a kitten, think about how they behave. Play fighting is very much normal mammal behavior.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
Ironically my understanding is that the antics embodied by Helen Lovejoy came about in the 80s associated with the Crime Wave(s) of that era. With the Creck epidemic being a standout. That and Reagan rolling back regulations on Entertainment as he saw it as falling under 1st Amendment Protections, led to the rise of Tipper Gore's Crusade against all forms of Entertainment, For the Children... The Crime side of things began to subside due to other factors in the mid to late 90s, and the MidTerm results following the AWB of 1994 in addition to other factors put the DNC in a position where they weren't exactly given carte blanche.
@carlix0757 4 месяца назад
Sorry for your loss ❤ I will be waiting for the next upload!
@Joe-it2dh 4 месяца назад
"Not that im super cheeful now. Ha, ha..." That laugh sounded so painful it even made me recoil. A couple things: Its okay to not be okay, and lifes a roller coaster sometimes all you can do is put your hands in the air and enjoy the ride the best you can.
@marchmelloow 4 месяца назад
RomanianTVee said it pretty clearly: Matt Walsh is the type of person to think that everything he doesn't do must be evil.
@aquapendulum 4 месяца назад
44:51 I mean, there is a passionate highscore-chasing community for many games. They are like the sister community of the speedrunning community. It remains true that people want the bragging rights of being the best in specific competitive categories, and for many games like Vampire Survivors, 20 Minutes Till Dawn or shoot 'em up genre in general where the length of a game session is basically a constant, the way you compete to be the best is not by the speed at which you reach the end credits, but by a scoring system. For some categories like COD Zombie survival, people compete for the opposite goal of speedrunning. They compete to make their game session as long as possible, that too is a form of highscore.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I know what you mean, but niche gaming communities built around very hard challenges are kinda their own thing, I was just meaning that the point of most games people are into these days (especially those that people like Sweet Baby Inc would be involved with, which by definition are story heavy games), isn't that, and to assume it was as the woman I was talking about did is pretty out of touch. People who get into stuff like speedrunning are doing it to push the game to its limits, and engage in challenges and competition - just like people who play sports. It's pretty cool as a thing to take on, that wasn't my point.
@paincult7121 4 месяца назад
I rather enjoy hearing your takes, you're very easy to listen to and tend to be quite reasonable and eloquent, so it's a pleasure!
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
On the Christian textual front related to 1 Corinthians 13:11.... Take a few moments to read 1 Corinthians 13 &14 in their entirety. 1 Corinthians 13/14 are focused around the importance of and nature of Charity in how one handles other People similar to Pascal's work on the Spirit of Finesse v Geometry. The part of the text 13:11 is part of represents a battery of analogies associated with the issue outline in Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, aka you can't know what you don't know, and you don't know everything because you're not the Godhead. Given we can reasonably understand the writer was referencing a pre-pubescent child, with "child" referencing the way a child talks, understands, and thinks versus and adult is actually rather apt. See Piaget's research speaking to Abstract Thinking and proper awareness of other people as people doesn't really start till right around when puberty starts. Not in turn the next sentence uses the analogy of seeing through a glass darkly as contrasted with face to face as part of trying to explain the same thought. So not only is the text not giving an edict about how adults need to abandon "childish" things, someone doing so is kind of missing the entire point of the passage.
@davidward9550 4 месяца назад
Nice video so far, sorry to hear you're in a dark place right now😪 depression is normal just make sure you handle it in a healthy way
@whocares0503 4 месяца назад
Just subscribed to you on twitch too, didn't know you one. Feel free to talk about what you want, all good by me. I like variety in my life. Everyone has an opinion and you know what means. We all have a choice, to listen and to not listen. I don't try to get in people's heads. At times Matt Walsh does say intelligent things, this time he's off the wall IMHO. I listen to you for a total picture, you're some of all your parts. As always, I wish you well!
@deadtube3184 4 месяца назад
I know things aren't exactly on the up But we are happy to see you in decent health Thank you for your preservation and dedication to share with your daily life We your fans hope things are getting better Please don't ever develop a fear speaking your opinion and ideas I know I'm not alone in enjoying hearing your viewpoint and stance 🎉
@dirk646 4 месяца назад
Sad to hear about your troubles recently, hope things improve for you. Been a weird few weeks news wise, just glad to know that it dosen't matter where in the world you are from, everyone appreciates Goku
@sethimothy 4 месяца назад
Mr. Walsh needs to be in a video where someone shouts "World Star" repeatedly. If you know, you know.
@OneManCast 4 месяца назад
I agree with you, Natalie Lockhart! Jk jk. In all seriousness, absolutely agreed. Matt Walsh is a fucking culture vulture. Oh and for those who are in the Tales fandom, I have some bad news. The Tales artist passed. I find Walsh woefully disingenuous at its most charitable of interpretations.
@aquapendulum 4 месяца назад
The day will eventually come, but Mama Inomata is still gone too soon. RIP.
@tommyfishhouse8050 4 месяца назад
As someone who considers himself right of center. I do not claim Matt Walsh. He and people like him are living proof of horseshoe theory.
@thevillainousqueenofhearts4976 4 месяца назад
Weird, I haven't been getting notifications on your uploads...
@kibarax2056 4 месяца назад
Left and a right need to leave the weebs and gamers alone we don't care about politics
@lehyplay6961 4 месяца назад
While I agree with the sentiment, I think that it's impossible because anime and video games are a form of art, and art is inherently tied with politics.
@snintendog 4 месяца назад
Make NO mistake Walsh is a confirmed Leftist despite what he says his action and where he puts his money confirmed his grift.
@DemiCape 4 месяца назад
@@lehyplay6961It doesn’t always have to be about politics though, sometimes it is just a fun story.
@lehyplay6961 4 месяца назад
@DemiCape But there is always a message and values taught by it. It could even be not intended by the author, but it's always like that. An anime or a game always carries a message from the creator, whether it's the main purpose or not is another thing.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
I don't hold with the position that all stories have a message. I've written stories that have no message at all and are just, stuff I thought was cool or interesting happening. Sure, you can get down to a crazy level in terms of what counts as a message, and say, yeah, the message of every Agatha Christie novel is murder is bad, but a lot of the time, no, it's just a fun story. And if it's unintentional from the author that someone takes a message away, I don't put any value in that, I'm not a fan of Death of the Author. However, yeah, there are lots of anime that do have something political to them, it's just normally in an allegorical way if it's fantasy or sci-fi rather than in a 'let's shoehorn in stuff from the current year' like we're seeing more and more in Western games and film media.
@ConnorAvocado0313 4 месяца назад
the whole of the daily wire is out of touch even with other members of the right
@TomHardy-kl4ze 4 месяца назад
Welcome back, Natalie. It's always good to hear from you. I don't know if I'm in the minority, but I love your opinion videos on 'off-topic' subjects. It's actually through your response to another RU-vidr bad-mouthing anime that I found your channel. I am, ironically enough, playing video games right now, while listening to this. Matt should be relieved to hear that I am playing Batman, so I'm not killing any fictional people. I'm just brutally rendering them unconscious. As to the Toriyama issue, this happens far too often these days when someone famous dies. There are always a ton of despicable individuals who jump at the opportunity to vilify the dead. I saw this happen when Betty White passed, when Sean Connery passed, on the anniversary of John Wayne's death. I think that it's not only a bit of virtue signalling, but an attempt to tear down what others love, what came before, which seems to be the thrust of a lot of modern culture.
@joecrazy9896 4 месяца назад
Matt is definitely someone who was meant to be born decades earlier. I've agreed with some points of his in the past, but yeah guy can get bent with this. At least he doesn't pretend to like this stuff and try to change it from within like his opposites on the political spectrum try to do. We know where he stands, lets call him a stupid wannabe boomer, and move on.
@bastionsea2829 4 месяца назад
A Vtuber I know has a fondness for cosplaying, creating her costumes
@Adze 4 месяца назад
I would ABSOLUTELY watch a shonen battle series with Jesus as the villain. That sounds like so much fun.
@troydickens5919 2 месяца назад
That doesn't sound fun that sounds awful
@Joe-it2dh 4 месяца назад
When it comes to mean or insulting comments my philosophy is always if they cant articulate their actual problem with what I said then its not an insult its actually praise, they just aren't the type to easily express that. Basically anyone that calls you a grifter without being able to state HOW exactly, think of them like a tsundere.
@MrBuns-yi2hk 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh is a pseudo-intellectual. He clearly is talking from a position of ignorance on the topics of anime and video games. It's ironic how he doesn't realize that he is making the same regressive arguments that people were making about music and television. What bothers me the most is he adresses these issues with no compassion for others, and without any room.to change his mind.
@MaverickhunterXZero 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh would snubbed his nose at gaming until it was a popular topic, and his solution is "stop playing video games" and let them take over. He looks like he would be on the side of the consultants and journalists.
@travismartens1637 4 месяца назад
Please leave a link to your 2nd channel please
@williamjanak2013 4 месяца назад
I think the longest I have played a game is tge 4X game Stellarus at 500ish hours. And counting when I have time. Always a good time listening to your videos.
@sketchystruggles5361 4 месяца назад
You almost look like captain rose from the healing squad. What do you think of “the wrong way to use healing magic”?
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
I haven't seen it but I look like lots of anime characters, unfortunately one of them is Myne from Shield Hero... That was just a coincidence!
@sketchystruggles5361 4 месяца назад
@@NatalieXHunter I didn’t notice until I read your comment and now I can’t stop noticing…
@SergioLeonardoCornejo 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh is a reminder that we need to gatekeep our hobbies from any and all political busybodies.
@PeruvianPotato 4 месяца назад
If that's the case then damn you've failed considering that there's a sizable amount of anime RU-vidrs that have liberally expressed their political beliefs.
@SergioLeonardoCornejo 4 месяца назад
@@PeruvianPotato what is that supposed to mean? People like Mother's Basement? Because I actually think people like him should be gatekept too.
@PeruvianPotato 4 месяца назад
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo Literally almost EVERY anime channel I've seen expressed their political beliefs or made a video because of a political motivation. You might as well be gatekeeping everyone but yourself like a crazy
@SergioLeonardoCornejo 4 месяца назад
@@PeruvianPotato did you ever wonder why people who actually watch anime don't like anitubers? Cease your pointless bad faith arguments.
@PeruvianPotato 4 месяца назад
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo If nobody liked them, they wouldn't have nearly the amount of views, subscribers or influence they have right now. You can disagree with them all you want but many will agree with my general takeaway.
@PatrickMcgeeHD 4 месяца назад
Thanks mama Natalie
@nightlydata2181 4 месяца назад
I'm a huge Tori fan & when I heard the news I shut myself off from everythin & genuinely didn't eat or sleep for I believe 2-3 days. I was jus in my room watchin vids I saved before hopin It was me dreamin. It still doesn't nor do I feel it'll ever "real". I even cried quietly for a few short mins which I haven't done for anythin in yrs. That prob sounds insane but that's how my entire life has been affected by him whether it be his direct work or stuff that affected by it as well & even jus gettin me into a point where I'd find things that'd affect me further. In some ways I may not be here at all. I won't go into more on that but hearin bout that tweet & it was from 1 of those same ppl the gamin community has basically been at war wit for weeks now, It's not as though it pissed me off readin it (ppl have said more retarded stuff on Toris' work) but if I heard that come from someone out loud after all this, I would've socked them jus once. As for Matt I honestly couldn't tell u if the anime thing was a "joke" but even if it was it doesn't help in the way he handled that & for games, well I guess he doesn't mind all of us bein labelled as possible terrorists that need to be put on some watchlist wit cameras in our gamin stuff moniterin our every move.
@bennyandthejets9247 4 месяца назад
You mentioned software engineering briefly. Are you still involved or did you move on from software? Sounded like your experience with it went pretty well wondered if you grew tired of it or perhaps something else? Hope mushoku helps turn things around for you!
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
I left the industry during the recession, when I was about 27 (so after 10 years). It was very stressful at that time, in terms of having to find new contracts all the time because your clients were all going broke, and it was stressful work to begin with with a lot of travel and long hours. Now I've been out of it for too long to get back in, but the principles in terms of the management side of things haven't really changed (I still have a lot of friends in the industry so I still kinda get the culture).
@senatorarmstrong4662 4 месяца назад
My Dad grew up playing video games and it was him and my grandpa that got me. Walsh reminds me of some stories my dad and grandpa would tell me about how they had to deal with very religious family members calling their hobbies demonic and a waste of time. Heck, he even had family members say video games are brainwashing kids away from god.
@biogundam6541 4 месяца назад
in my experience. (which is anecdotal so take it with a pinch of salt.) when it comes to most of these bad takes on anime and etc, most of it comes from ether lack of Experience with the medium, or they come at it with a Western values mindset, and refuse to understand or even acknowledge that maybe the Japanese have a different culture, value's or view certain topics in a different way.
@josephmcneil7427 3 месяца назад
Dude is younger than I am… 😣 could have swore that Walsh was older than me…
@NatalieXHunter 3 месяца назад
Yeah I had the same feeling when I found out he was younger than me.
@undeade.t7044 4 месяца назад
This is kind of related to the topic but one Matt Walsh video that absolutely annoyed me because it came of as very hypocritical was this one video where he makes fun of Joe Rogan for crying at superhero movie calling him a child but if you look at the shelf in Matt's studio in that same video he as a bunch of toys on that back shelf
@thevillainousqueenofhearts4976 4 месяца назад
0:01 hey
@dannysmi7162 4 месяца назад
He’s an embarrassment to conservatives.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
To be more specific he's trying to effectively take Tipper Gore's infamous positions during the Clinton Admin in the 90s, where she campaigned against Music, Movies, TV, Videogames, etc. in the pursuit of repealing President Ronald Reagan's policies that treated them as strictly falling under the 1st Amendment. With Jack Thompson basically being a Lite version of trying to re-iterate Tipper Gores antics after Bush the younger came to power, which Senator Hillary Clinton humored for a hot minute.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
I'm presuming Google deleted your reply, although it hit my activity feed... Properly speaking the origin of the political philosophy you're referencing is Liberal Conservatism which is deeply rooted in the American Revolution, and historically needs to be contrasted against the French Enlightenment->Revolution Political Philosophy. L-C argues for the importance of Personal Liberty under a framework of Negative Rights and Rule of Law. In turn it practice arguably reflects GK Chesterton's point about not being quick to tear things down. In contrast the alternative simply rushed to create a new order under the basis that in so many words they "knew better." Leading to them unleashing Pandemonium, to very intentionally use the classic literature reference...
@MemeGene6969 4 месяца назад
he is mad his son beated him in mario kart.
@WandererEris 3 месяца назад
You say that you'd rather not divide your audience by streaming on both, but there are people like me that don't touch Twitch at all because it's an ugly looking website in general, and I've heard the team behind it is pretty bad, so you're definitely losing out on views by not streaming here. That said, what you said about swearing and such is definitely valid.
@Ronin11111111 4 месяца назад
That thumbnail is pretty great.
@ciontachthecthonicchampion3576 4 месяца назад
I despise it. But to each their own. Surprisingly, it isn’t made to make fun of him…he made it himself and it’s in his videos. Yes. Really.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
I just found it on Google images, tbh I just wanted a cartoonish picture of Matt because I'm an anime channel and I don't usually have real people in my thumbnails, and so it was more consistent to have a cartoon type image to represent him. This one came up and I thought it fit the topic because I was also talking about Sweet Baby Inc, so I used it. It wasn't supposed to be some major scathing thing about him, just something that suited the content and the aesthetic I generally have.
@FranciscoMinguez 4 месяца назад
Yay! Natalie’s back
@FranciscoMinguez 4 месяца назад
You should debate Matt Walsh…. or Pearl. I think that would draw a lot of traffic to you regardless of how it turns out
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
I'd love to debate Pearl lol. I had a phase of arguing with everything she said on X but she never replied to me lol. I'm just small fry, I can't even get an argument with Vaush!
@johnmartinez-valentin5427 4 месяца назад
I like your response when it comes to sweet baby Inc 👍
@spike3346 4 месяца назад
I like Bill Walsh. But watching anime and reading manga has helped me a lot. So, I respectfully disagree, Mr. Walsh.
@johnmartinez-valentin5427 4 месяца назад
I'll be honest my mom was the one that got me into gaming
@johnmartinez-valentin5427 4 месяца назад
I doubt he even has a clue about anime let alone gaming 😂
@Re-PhantomZero 4 месяца назад
You have a soothing voice.
@nlb137 4 месяца назад
In centuries past, people complained about other people spending too much time playing chess. This is not a joke. The "boomer" idea of '[whatever kids these days are doing] is bad' isn't new to boomers. And it's why people like Walsh can be labeled as boomers even when they aren't technically; because "boomer" has just morphed into modern slang for person who has 'kids these days' opinions. Also, you joke, but isn't the main bad guy in Drifters at minimum heavily implied to be Jesus?
@PeruvianPotato 4 месяца назад
Nah Boomer is a generational term any any "new slang" is pretty cringe. This is coming from a Gen Z by the way
@Firedrake-SP 4 месяца назад
I believe that Matt Walsh is a good man. But he should just ignore things that he doesn't like such as anime and video games. Not everyone is a fan of anime and video games.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I don't think he's a bad person with bad intentions (unlike people like Chris Kindred), he's just extremely out of touch on these matters and kind of making a fool of himself by weighing in on them.
@Cunningstunts23 4 месяца назад
Well said
@stanisawzokiewski3308 4 месяца назад
26:22 kids should be praying🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 praise God-sama. Satan-kun watches anime and thats why he got isekaied to hell-sekai. If you play games you will go to hell, and if you pray you will isekai to heaven's Eden collage, and meet angel-chan! -Mattu Walsh-kun
@dannysmi7162 4 месяца назад
I literally hate RU-vid. It censors like every comment I try to make, even if it’s the most mild thing.
@TempoLOOKING 4 месяца назад
Welcome to the club
@DiabloDBS 4 месяца назад
You mean "He’s an embarrassment to conservatives." ?
@dannysmi7162 4 месяца назад
@@DiabloDBS Yeah, but it worked now.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
Yeah, it does it automatically, I literally never delete comments myself unless they're spam. I do check the withheld comments occasionally and approve any that should have just gone through, but it's not something I remember to do every day.
@MRFESTA1991 Месяц назад
Drqgonball had some wild depictions of worldwide looks so it's goes beyond popo but it's bad taste ofcourse
@NakanoMiku-chan-z2m 4 месяца назад
You can be racist to white people. Everyone can be racist towards any race. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a hypocrite with massive double standards. Racism in the present against white people has nothing to do with stuff that happened in the past. Furthermore in America every single group was discriminated against at one point in the time. Both black people and native american tribes owned slaves. Various native tribes fought over land in the us. Various native tribes committed acts of cannibalism. The Irish and the chinese built the railroads. Businesses would not accept irish candidates when they applied for jobs. Jim Crow laws also affected poor white farmers and illiterates.
@ericbunker6242 3 месяца назад
And as time passed the US has steadily improved how all folks are treated. Steadily getting closer to the ideals expressed in our founding documents.
@dirk646 4 месяца назад
Damn Nat, english daughter of a sea captain who loves New Vegas? Try harder not to be a Romance option for a dating Sim....
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
I'm single, man, I'd welcome someone trying to max out my heart meter!
@dirk646 4 месяца назад
@@NatalieXHunter well chu chu and a hubba hubba to you
@callofseiiki 4 месяца назад
Sigh i wont go to on bec believe me i can go long on this but people like him always act smart and yet they use cheap attack this is why most people form wesrerm mainstream dont undersrand why anime success and only call it base level like how he said its demonic without checking often theu think they to good and smart to give it a honest review and check And they need to stop there high horse mentality that what put them in bad light Still thanks lovely video hope ya make more do ya best
@-Verycardhock 2 месяца назад
Lol no way he said that.
@AmirDarkOne 4 месяца назад
you can like/dislike any hobby and you don't have to justify it. just stop demanding other people to conform to your taste. he likes fishing, Good for him, i think fishing is the most boring activity in the world.
@charlie11ng42 4 месяца назад
Walsh was very clearly being sarcastic ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ybh_0beD2H4.html
@forgettenlord 4 месяца назад
sorry for your lost
@donney3389 4 месяца назад
I like your opinionated Videos and normal content.
@ciontachthecthonicchampion3576 4 месяца назад
Matt Walsh is decently funny and sometimes right about culture war stuff, about as right as any normal Person. But 90% of what he says is stupid. As you would expect. He IS decently funny tho. Give him that.
@Poliostasis 3 месяца назад
I don't really think the "mainstream" is particularly far left, I think the far right is much more prominent nowadays. I don't congratulate the daily wire for being what it is, there are other services out there of more conservative opinions, but the daily wire is pretty extreme and fosters a pretty toxic community.
@pieter913 4 месяца назад
With all respect to Matt Walsh, cuz I love how he speaks about things - Anime is just not something he should talk about :D (I love Matt Walsh)
@ShionfromYT 3 месяца назад
Why say "OK boomer" when the person wasn't born in the 40s aka baby boomer generation 🤔 It doesn't make sense~
@Rodoet001 2 месяца назад
Boomer as a concept and slang has sort of trancended it's generation and now tend to refer more to a type of mindset, the classic "back in my day" and "it's new/different and therefore bad" type of mentality in those who never bothered to engage with the topic of subject at hand and just hate it by default because it's from this nebulous "outside", it's difference often treated as a clash or even a threat to their values. "You're not living/believing/acting as I do, therefore you are bad/wrong/immoral." That is the mentality of a boomer.
@danielsurvivor1372 4 месяца назад
Glad we all dunking on him like we did on woke people like Vowsh. That's what anime and video game communities have in common, almost all political camps try to regulate our hobbies 😢
@MajorSmurf 4 месяца назад
No form of fiction is demonic... can some of the stories in a certain medium present values I disagree with and will criticise? Absolutely. I don't hate video games because some of them are poorly constructed micro transaction filled garbage that also have poor story telling. I would argue that pretty much all anime is far more traditional in their story telling and in general are more conservative in value (Although Japan has not been afraid to be rather progressive, I mean they've been making Yuri and Yaoi for decades now). Anime has Shonen being almost entirely focused on the hero's journey. While Seinen is for the grown-ups telling darker tales of abuse, drugs and so on although I doubt Matt Walsh knows the proper terms. Also just because a form of fiction depicts children or teens doesn't make it evil either else well I think many amazing stories would fall into that category. Good bye Winnie the Pooh, sorry you depicted a minor. You're evil, now. Now yes, some anime do have some sexual themes which is also fine... I know people might want to forget their teen experiences but I doubt I'm lying when I say we were all mad horny and fiction is a great form to explore ourselves. I think we can agree we'd rather teens read a dirty book or watch an anime with some fanservice than end up having to explore what they're feeling in real life and do something they might regret or worse. Also before you say BUT THEY'RE UNDERAGE! and you're an adult. Yeah well so is Raven from teen titans and I see plenty of grown men and women on X reposting NSFW of her and no-one blinks at that. Age for fictional character is a worthless discussion as you can easily just alter the age of the character within your own head if its that much of a problem for you. They can be whatever age you want them to be as they're not real and they can not be abused as they do not exist. Unless you're going to argue that fictional characters have human rights? Are you? I hope not because that opens an entire can of worms.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
Apparently the relevant quote was: "I think it's all Satanic. I have no argument for it -- I have no argument for why it's Satanic, it just seems that way to me" circa October 2022. So he doesn't appear to have had any reasoning behind it.
@jebe4563 4 месяца назад
I otherwise would argue Japan is Japan, and it's shaped by a combination of its own history, culture, and politics. Neo-Confucianism is of course a major undercurrent, but the Bubble Economy is highly important to how the entertainment industry Anime Fans focus on developed. There isn't really an equivalent of the Cult of Woke or American Individualism the two major US factions currently idealize. Japan in turn isn't opposed to being judgy towards people over the material they consume, but... They've been good about holding the Ronald Reagan position on Entertainment, which in Reagan's case was that Entertainment falls under 1st Amendment protections. Or to put it another way they've avoided having their own version of Tipper Gore [D]. Women producing BL material isn't unique to Japan, but in Japan they were able to create a number of dedicated magazines and become commercially successful with it. People producing Yuri material isn't as large of a movement but isn't unique to Japan, and they also were able to create _a_ dedicated magazine that's started to move up towards regular monthly publishing in recent years and managed to bring a number of Late Night Anime to market in recent years. That said mind a lot of the antics on the US side aren't strictly speaking legislative in nature.
@PrometheanKitchen96 4 месяца назад
20:09 Oh, and when it comes to the racist thing we don't really call it that we call it anti-white. We don't really use the term racism to describe people who are racist to white people. We refer to them as anti-White
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
OK, but who's 'we'? Like, I'm not arguing, but being anti a race is to me, racist, regardless of what that race is, so that's why I would call someone vehemently anti-white a racist. Just as you can be sexist towards men. It might be more proper to use different terms (I assume you mean in the US), but I don't think it's necessarily wrong to say that intentionally excluding white people from something, or just outright talking about them as if they're all evil, is racist. Normalizing that kind of thing only makes divides worse. Essentially, you achieve equality by aiming for equality, not aiming to turn the tables on the people you perceived as discriminating against you or keeping you down in the past. When it becomes fine for people to bash white people, men, straight people etc, it just makes those people feel disenfranchised and angers them against the group that they originally never actually had any problem with. So, I think it's better to not use special terms for things that would be racist if against non-white people or sexist if against women, and just call out any kind of malevolence against people based on those kinds of basic traits as the same thing.
@lordilluminati5836 4 месяца назад
​@@NatalieXHunterI can only assume "we" means left-wingers because right-wingers always refer to anti-white stuff as racist. Only in critical race theory circles, where it is acceptable and desirable to take action against "priviledged groups" and "racism = power + prejudice" would it make sense to refer to racism and "anti-whiteness" as two separate things, because to them you cannot be racist against whites.
@aquapendulum 4 месяца назад
Oh yeah, these relics from the 80s still exist on the right wing. Everytime I thought they have been extinct, these tradcons crawl out of the woodwork again to remind us of a period of our culture history that nobody other than them wants to return to (trust me, you might think you do as a reaction against left-wing prudes, but you actually don't). No, tradcons. Not everything was great in your "good ol' days" either. Walsh is actually a Millennial btw, he is not even Gen X. Tradcons come in every generation.
@NatalieXHunter 4 месяца назад
Yeah, he's three years younger than me, and I'm a millennial...
@snintendog 4 месяца назад
Dude is a total RINO. He agrees with the leftists constantly he donates to leftist campaigns and he attacks conservatives.
@renotv3860 4 месяца назад
Broke: We need to return to the 1950s! Woke: The 1950s sucked! Bespoke: We need to return to the 1850s!
@corxiiifelinike2643 4 месяца назад
Conservative grifters, gross.
@HotJuicyMess 4 месяца назад
I enjoy Matt Walsh's commentary. Hes a comedian in desquise and he mostly plays up a persona. I understand the dislike for him, but I agree with him on alot of things.
Sweet Baby Inc is Wild.
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